s;' AXER. *•» , *> L f-- * " * " " " \« e Sunday St «• . . * • © -fcrtm' Mil sundries and mwcellaO- itPTiis t»f stock as carefully as we dru^s. We y«»t. the i ijfht <|uality and at, ihf i'i <rht price*}. . v , "T We ewtfya* splendid line <>f . Brushes, Soaps, Toilet Articles, ^^Perfumes and all other Drug Store Sundries We Want, yam- trade on these goods You \v OTappreciate the assortment, the quality, the |H*»ces and the excellenee of our service. ' -> At Your Service / - i f . , . ' , ^ , v Out* store has al way s.en joyed the con fidence of both physicians and the pnbJic. WK ARE PREPARED . founder , you superior service iu every depai*t.niehl of our business. -We maintain a regular Mail Order Department for the convenience of our rural customers B.JP. S* PAINT •inp; If H. PETCSCH, ;*; Dru^ist a* fo TURN YOUR WASTE LAND INTO PROFIT Willi laud coustatutly (tolint up in value there's no reason why every acre in l liis county. |x>ssililt-of utilization, should not he in use. We have in mind quite a few ^eres of cbolre soil where a little draining would put them in first-class condition for the raising of good crops and would also enhance their value should you want, to sell. We have la stock a good ... assortment of „i^_-OR'AIN TILE -- --- All are sound; uniformly burned, perfect ̂ in size un<TsJiajJ8. and lire the kInd that won't crumble. Wf Wive assorted sites for all requirements jind can till orders promptly. If you want the ln*st tile at reasonable prices, here's the place to>l»uy. Conic in today and look them over. WILBUR LUMBER CO. Me Styles We Have In Stock Also l full line of, , W. B. CORSETS $1.00, $1.50. $2.00, $3.00 aupL SMITH 'Phone 79-J BROS McHenry, 111. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABIE CORPS 4A JIM (lEMIM II. Is near at hand and every housewife will find that new things are needed to keep the home comfortable and cozy. Probably a rug or two has outlived its usefulness, linoleums have be come shabby and worn out, draperies neecl replacing, or a piece or two of furniture might add to the attractiveness and comfort of your home. Xhis will me^n a visit to the furniture store and we wish to say that we have stocked \ y up in a!l lines and extend to you an invitation to visit oqr place, look over our carefully se lected stock and talk shop with us. Our goods are displayed in a manner that makes selection 1 an easy task and our prices are in conformity with your pocket book. ...Jacob Justen ••ft RINGWOOD Floyd Howe of Ridgefield was call ing in town Monday. Frank Bell left for his hojme in Ong, Neb., last Saturday. A Mrs. Nettie Motley of Richmond spent Monday at Ed. Bell's. Mrs. Ellen Wilson was taken vary sick last Saturday evening. Charles Carr „and James Rainey and wives were* Sharon visitors Sun day. Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of St. Charles was the guest of her parents. Wed nesday. Mrs.Libbie Stephenson of Ridge- field is spending a few days at H. M Stephenson's. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Esh and little daughter of Spring , Grove spent Sun day at Ed. Bell's. Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow visited at Crystal Lake and Elgin last Thursday and Friday William Beck moved to Richmond last week and Amos Smith is now getting settled in the Beck house which recently purchased. Quite a number went to McHenry Monday evening for the Eastern Sta aieeting. Clayton Harrison and wife were the new members taken in, Mrs. Lillian Marvin of Elgin spent Saturday night and Sunday at W. E Bradley's and attended the party at Mr. Flanders'. L There will be no evening meeting next Sunday as there is to be a spe cial service in McHenry in the morn ing and all are invited to attend there. Luella Stephenson and sons,. Harry and Paul, Grace McCannon, Agnes Dodge, Callie Rainey, Mrs. Charles Carr arid Dorothy were all callers in Woodstock Saturday. About* twenty of their neighbors gathered at Mr. Flanders' last Satur day evening to help them celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniver sary. Mr. Flanders was attending school meeting and was not aware of the fact until his return home. After a sbcial evening ice cfieam and cake was served. All wished them many returns of the day. * By mistake we failed last week to speak of the pleasant party at Mrs. Martha Bradley's in hontir of her birthday. While she and one of the ladies were calling, the others were gathering at. her home to await her arrival, i All spent- a pleasant after noon with their fancy work, after which ice . cream and cake were served, and all departed for their homes Wishing -her: many returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen attended the funeral of Captain Charles Tryon at Woodstock last Saturday. He was one of the pioneers of McHenry coun ty, having come to Hebron township eighty years ago. For one year his mother was the only white woman in that township. After one. year, Mrs. Joseph Carr, who had come to Ringwood, heard of her and walked to Tryon's Grove to call on her, Mrs.* Tryon saw her coming and ran out to meet her, threw her arms around her and kissed her, so glad was she to see a white woman. She would gather all the young men, who settled on farms around her, to her home on Sunday for Sunday school and it is said named the village of Hebron. He came with his parents from Deer- field, Mass., when ten years of age. He had seen many changes in this county in his eighty years. He was county surveyor for five consecutive terms. of Ringwood were Sunday guests in the home of John P. Ltty. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of John H. Freund. A large number from here attend ed the mission at St Mary's church in McHenry Wednesday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund and chil dren of Spring Grove visited Monday evening in the home of Grandma Freund. » The school election held last Sat urday evening proved one of -the larg est ever. Jos. Freund was elected school director. Misses Katherine and Mayme Frett of Spring Grove were over Sunday guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frett. ridgefield" I A. G. Levey is a new "employe at the Oliver. J. Oak root was ft Woodstock pas senger Monday. -- ~ Miss Rosie Peterson spent Satur day at Woodstock., Miss Addie Day of Harvard visiting in the home of J. B. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. A. Martini were Chi cago passengers lastt Friday morn ing. .... Mrs. H. Nelson and daughter, Evelyn, were Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday. L. J. Gibson of Chicago visited over Sunday with his parents and sister here. Mrs. W. Reed and Miss Helen Carl son were Crystal Lake callers Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon at Father Wille's. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and sons visited Mrs. Skiftner'^ sister at Wauconda Sunday. M rs. J. W. MacGowan of .Janes- ville visited with friends from Thurs day until Monday. • Mrs. A. Anners and Mrs. L. Ben nett and son, James, were callers at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant and sons, Lester and Clifford, were Wood stock shoppers Saturday. Rev. Kilburne and A. J. Murphy of Woodstock were pleasant callers at the home of J. C. Button last Thurs day. A son eame to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson on Tuesday, April 11. A new son is al so making things interesting at the home of F. Anderson. Church Notes There was an attendance of sixty- four at church Sunday morning and fifty-one at Sunday school. The subject for C. E. Sunday even ing is "The Lessons of Our Immor tality." - Miss Pearl Reed, leader. Next Sunday morning Mr. Blay- ney's text will be "The Resurrection." Special Easter music is being pre pared. On Friday evening, April 28, the Ladies' Aid society will give an en tertainment in the lecture room of the church. Remember the date. JOHNSBURG Joe Nell is again at work at Mona- ville. Mrs. 'Steve May passed Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Henry Thelen was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. For your Easter bonnet or spring coat go to Adams'. Fred Schaefer returned Saturday evening from Chicago. t Miss Helen Adams was a business caller in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams were Spring Grove callers Monday. •-Misses" Barbara and Mayrne Smith were McHenry callers recently. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May spent Sun day with relatives in McHenry. Mat. N. Freund jls the owner of a new Ford car, purchased recently. Mrs. John Mertfes visited Tuesday with her daughter! Mrs. P. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs.«d. 0- Debrecht passed Monday evening and Tuesday in Chi cago. i Miss Theresa Schaefer of McHenry spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Mat B. Schaefer and daugh ter, Rena, were out of town visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Hay and daughters, Itose and Laura, of Spring1 drove were in Johnsburg Thursday. Nick Nett of Ringwood was an over Sunday guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Nett, here. Miss Katherine Althoff of Spring Grove spent Sunday with home folks, Wm. Althoff and family. r Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping and Miss Clara Traever of Spring Grove were Johnsburg visitors Tuesday. Miss Matilda F reund visited Satur day evening and Sunday among rel atives and friends in McHenry. Louis Adams of Ringwood spent the week end in the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Nick Freund and daughters, Mar- Dorothy, of Spring Grofe hngburg callers Monday, lid Mrs; Joe Miller and ehil- T^i I' IBiSii BANK OP RINGWOOD We aim to provide every reasonable accommodation that SAFE banking warrants. Open an account With us and pay all bills g by check, which provides a perfect receipt for puyments./ We will pay usual interest dn TIME DEPOSITS. The Hoy Banking Co. H. F. WHARTON, Cashier --THE-- BANK m MCHEI^RY EVERY PERSON needs strong banking connections. We think we Can offer you the BEST SERVICE for the reason that we have exceptionally strong Financial Connections and Affiliations enabling us to care for any character of your business in the most satisfactory manner. CLARENCE F. HOY, FRED J. MERSHON, Manager Cashier FREMONT HOY President ••'At • J : UK TERRA COTTA Anderson has purchased a Sat- Louis Ford roadster. Geo. P. Bay was the guest of Chi cago relatives Sunday., Miss Minnie Knaack boarded* the train herg Monday morning. •. David Powers of Holcombvitle was caller in this vicinity Monday. Earl McMillan of Crystal Lake was business caller here Monday. John Riley and family recently purchased an Overland touring car. Mrs. M. Knox spent Wednesday afternoon with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Royal Gracy was a business visitor at Crystal Lake Friday last. Little Catherine Martin, who was quite sick last week, is now better. Ray Brown of Woodstock was a business caller here one . day last week. Misses Frances Knox and Lillian Riley were Crystal Lake callers urday. j Mr. and Mrs, Franj O'Flsherty of Elgin spent ft recent Sunday at Geo. B. Frisby's, Miss Eleanor Phalin of Ridgefield spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. Harry Brantingham. of Chicago spent last Thursday evening with Geo. P. Bay. Mrs. J, M. Phalin spent one even ing last week with her mother, Mrs. Powers, at McHenry, Eugene Leisner of Chicago was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Leisner, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Frisby and daughter, Nancy, of Elgin were guests of relatives here ^recently. Miss Margaret Gracy returned home last week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall a.t Ham mond, Ind. Mrs. Alice Lounsbury and daush ter, Margaret, returned to Chicago last Monday after spending the win ter at the home of Geo. P. Bay. Mrs." 6. P. Bay of Chicago spent several days last week with her son, George, and other relatives here. Mrs. Bay recently returned from California, where she and her daugh ter, Mrs. vMice Blish, had been spend ing the winter. Dance at Johnsburg An Easter dance will take place at "Stubby's" hall, Johnsburg, on lion- day evening of next week, April 24. Oeffling's oacftestra will furnish the music and a fine time is in store for those who attend. Dance tickets, r.O cents. Everyone is cordially invited. I RELIANCE A 7-MwmI, Thin Modml Watch --and now Ingersoll is turning out a 7-jewel, very, very thin model watch for $3. We have them here for you to look at; and they're inter esting enough to look at, even if you haven't the least idea you need * y®® a watch. kThe price is J UST PRESS THE PEDAL and the motor does the rest. It eliminates all work from sewing. It does away with back aches and that draggy, tired feeling. It occupies only a small amount of space and is conveniently used on any table or standi When not in use it may be placed out of the way in an ad- f joining room or closet. Electricity applied to household duties and domestic science, lessens work and increases health &nd happiness. Manufactui#d by the National Sewing Machine Co. ^ Come in and see it N. A. HUEMANN West McHenry, Illinois $IQ6o Was there ever its EQUAL IN VALUE Tnv>r the man who wants\the dash and the cdnven- **• ienc of a snappy Roadstet there is only ONE choice in the market--this new Studebaker ROADSTER at $1060. You can pay a higher price for a 6-cylinder Road&er, but what more can you get? In this Studebaker SIX Road&er at $1060 you get FIF- TY Horse power--more than any other car at this price has. You get room for THREE passengers--plenty of it, too. You get riding comfort that few cars at any price can equal. You get CONVENIENCE that's unrivalled. Note the Studebaker arrangements olseats, for example--with the driver placed a little ahead where the passengers can't interfere with him. And you get all the certainty and the reliability and the increased QUALITY that has made the Studebaker touring ear the GREATEST value in the 6 cylinder field. And yet the price is only $1060. Dollar for dollar of the' price, this Studebaker Roadster gives more than any other Roadster on the market and we invite you to cou^e in and let us PROVE it. BLACK Safety Tread TIRES WILL BRINa YOUR CAR UP-TO-DATE T h e t o u g h black treads cling to slip pery streets j u s t l i k e a Lore foot. Come to Us fpr Goodrich Tires Inner Tubes, A c c e s s o r i e s and everything that's best for the Automo bile. Four-Cylinder Models Touring Car, 7-pass - • $ 875 Road&er, 3-passenger - S50 Landau-Roadster, 3-pass lift Six-Cylinder; Models _ Touring Car, 7-pass - - $1085 Roadster, 3-passenger 1040 Landau-Roadster, J-paaa , 1350 Coupe, 4-passengfef - - 1M0 Sedan -------- H75 Limousine, 7-passeng<w - 2M F. O. B. Detroit . v . Expert repairing and welding done by men who know bow and can do it quickly. :: George A. Stilling, L0CiL„E!!!^R!IB1DTttR •• saa&V . i, \ „