* ^ - -v . -•, .•.' c-' v...- •• . •*• ' • "• ' - - t *•*. ' the Mchenry euoiBBeflB, MoHen®y, iljv *s Jjj . A i. « HF! ••>.'" ;,' i, Sundry Stock "vT-r^-r We select-all sundrffc* sad miacellan- . eons items of stock as carefully as we do Vvf•»-• drugs: We."g.-1 the right quality %, ?* at the right prices. 1 . ; *">Tf ' ' We carry'a splendid line of, "fe shes, Soaps, Toilet Article*, Perfumes and ail other Drug £. "•'rs-. * s* ' • • Store Sundries * ' - >\~f* • « -<S' v* We want your trade on these You will appreciate the assortment, the quality, the prices sod the excellent of our service. ^ » - At Your Service Our store has always enjoyed theooi)- fidence of both physicians and the piiblie. WE ARE PREPARED to render you superior service in every department of our business. We maintain a regular Ms# Order Department for the convenience of our rural customers B. P. S. PAINT H. B. PfTEStH,:: hp SPORT SHIRTS YOU may not want to be called a sport, but you can wear a sport shirt just the same. We show plain blue, plain white, blue with white collar and white with narrow and wide stripes in different colors. PRICES, 50c and $1.0# * ' . ^ Some like to wear them every day, the low neck and short sleeves are just the thing for summer, work or -play. SMITH 'Phone 79-J BROS. McHenry, 111. Is near at hand and every housewife will find that new things are needed to keep the home comfortable and cozy. Probably a rug Or two has outlived its usefulness, linoleums have be come shabby and worn out, draperies need replacing, or a piece or two ol furniture might add to the attractiveness and comfort of your home. This will mean a Visit to the furniture store and we wish to say that we have stocked up in all lines and extend to you an invitation to visit our place, look over our carefully se lected stock and talk shop with us. Our goods are displayed in a manner that makes selection an easy task and our prices are in conformity with your pocket book. ...Jacob Justen... Reduce the Hot Water Cost Per Gallon « . By burning gas, the clean, cheap, convenient foal, in a water heater connected to your tank. In this way you can heat ten gallons of water for a cent and all cost stops the minute you shut off the gas. By this method you also have hot WfUer wherever you want it without carry iagit from room to room." Price of heater connected to your tank, $16.50. ^2\-WestepnUr)itedG as '^kaod Electric Compaq" ' ' D. IL WORKMAN* ab^v*,^ In* prtfv, scopes. NEIGHBORING NEWS'AS CHRGNHtLED BY OUR ABSE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS - JOHNSBURG John, Schumacher was a McHenry caller Saturday. • ^ , Quite a few from here attended the dance at Solon Friday evening:. Mr. and Mrs. Ja<*ob Steffes of Mc Henry called on relatives here Sun day. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping an<f chil dren were out of town visitors Sun day. . . . Joe Nell of Monaville, spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. Nell. ' Nick Nett of Ringwood spent Sun day in the home, of jtiis mother, Mrs. Nett. • Mrs. J. C; Debrecht and Miss Mayme Smith were McHenry callers Frida^. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan enter tained relatives from Chicago' the past week. Mrs. Mat. Jungeft. attended the fu neraiT of a relative in Chicago week Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Say and daughter, Laura, of Spring Grove were Johns- burg callers Monday. *' Misses Frances Freund and Ther esa Huemann were McHenry callers Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of Spring Grove visited Sunday with relatives in Johnsburg. Miss Emma Freund of McHenry passed Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freund.. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Smith and chil dren of Zenda, Wis., visited Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer and children were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Margaret Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and chil dren visited Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve May. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels and daughter, Frances, spent Friday evening in the home of Christ Blake. Miss Helen Adams and brother, Arthur, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams at Springf Grove Thursday. The farmers are keeping Mr. Oef- fling quite busy this spring. The lit tle "mill" is kept goinjf nearly every day. \ / Mr. and Mrs. Jos.0 Mirier and chil dren of Ringwood visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. v . Miss Katherine Althoff of Spring Grove passed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Al thoff. Miss Eva Huemann pf Chicago is spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Hue mann. Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt of McHen ry spent a recent day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams., A number of Chicagoans were out over Sunday, especially those having cottages along May avenue and at Pistakee Bay. John Schmitt, Al. Pepping, Dr. Atitaold Mueller, Henry Tonyan and Nick Schaefer have each recently pur chased an auto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund and daughter, Hilda, attended the K. of C. reception given at Knox's hall last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen aiid son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were enter tained last Sunday in the home of John H. Freund. Mrs. John E. Freund and daughter of McHenry spent Wednesday and Thursday in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. According to the Richmond paper Joe Miller of this place has been signed up to-pitch for that team this season. Joe's arm has been in bad shape for the past year or two, but evidently he is coming back. A number of baseball lovers of this place are pulling for Joe Michels to make the McHenry team. His friends here feel that he has the making of a good player and that with a little coaching and experience he will de velop into one of the fastest infielder? that ever wore a McHenry uniform. Dr. Arnold Mueller is now making his out-of-town calls In a new Ford roadster, purchased thru the John R> Knox agency at McHenry. The doc tor's business has grown to such pro portions that he has found it impos sible to cover the territory with a horse and buggy, thus his latest in vestment. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Schmitt en tertained a number of relatives and friends at their home north of town last Thursday evening, the occasion being Mr. Schmitt's birthday anniver sary. The evening was spent in playing cards and various games. Fine refreshments were served. An enjoyable time was had by all those present. The young ladiafX^.ft John's church of this place %illhold a com bination May party and hard time dance at parish hall here on "Wednes day evening of next week,, M^ay/24. Hard time costumes wil\ prevaif and those appearing in the hall wearing their Sunday best will be given a fine of 25 cents. a hearty invitation to both old and young and assure all who turn out an exceptionally good time. Oeffling's orchestra will furnish the music. Dance tickets, 25 cents. * . •William Metzger of Woodstock, who has furnished music at many of our dancing parties during the past sev eral years, was found dead in the • bathroom of his home last Sunday I morning, We. have not learned the TERRA COTTA Miss Clara Frisby spent Saturday last in Woodstock. ; • Robt. Anderson was a Crystal Lake caller one day last week. Miss Augusta Buchert spent last week at George Frisby's. Rev. E. J. McCormick was a caller in this vicinity last week. Geo. P. Bay was. a Crystal Lake caller one evening last week. Miss Elsie Marshall was a Crystal Lake caller Monday t.forning. Miss Frances Knox was an Algon quin caller Wednesday morning. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Mabel, were McHenry visitors last Tuesday. Miss Annie Buss of Woodstock was the guest of her parents here Sun- <fay. Miss Frances Knox attended the teachers' meeting at Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. Geo./Pi Bay was a business last visitor mChteago last Wednesday and Thursday. Dr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake was a professional caller here several days last week. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Ridgefield passed Saturday and Sunday at. her home here. Harry Brantingham of Chicago spent Thursday evening last with Geo. P. Bay. Miss Gertrude Klein was enter tained in the home of friends here Thursday evening. Mrs. Paul Foerester retfirped last Tuesday from a week's visit with her daughter at Dixon. Miss Mary Riley of Chicago is spending the week at tfttfhome of her brother, John Riley. Several from here attended the township exercises at the Prairie school last Thursday evening. 1 Wm. Conway, was called to Chicago Friday evening on account of the death of his brother, Thomas. A number of young folks from here attended the sport dance. Which was given in honor of the senior class at McHenry last Thursday evening. Mrs. Earl Wilcox and daughter, Eleanor, of Woodstock were called here Friday on account of the illness of Mrs. Wilcox's brother, Eddie. Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Lazier of Dixon announce the birth of a ?on. April 30. Mrs. Lazier was formerly Miss Freya Foerester of- this place. Eddie Riley Eddie Riley, eldest son of Mr. end Mrs. John Riley, died at his home here Monday morning. The de ceased had been an invalid his entire life, but not until last Thursday was his condition considered serious. Last Thursday morning he'suffered a para lytic stroke and he continued to grow worse, the end coming on the above mentioned morning. He was bom in Nunda township about thirty-five years ago. Altho unable to go about and mingle .with people, he made friends with those who came to his home. Besides his sorrowing par ents, he leaves to mourn his loss four sisters and one brother, namely, Mrs. Bernard J. Shine of Chicago, Mrs. E. Wilcox of Woodstock, Lillian, Alice and Raymond of this place, -besides mahy other relatives. The fuAeral was held from his late home here on Wednesday morning, to St. Thomas' church at Crystal Lake at 10 o'clock. Interment took place at Union ceme tery, Crystal Lake. oC bis dMth. RINGWOOD Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at H. W. Allen's. W. E. Smith has some of the lum ber on the ground for his house. - * The W. C. T. U. ^ will meet with Mrs. Julia Abbott Saturday of this week. The school exercises last Friday evening were good and well at tended. Mrs. Albert Gibbs of Richmond called on Mrs. Florence Bell Tuesday afternoon. Miss Agnes Dodge passed Sunday as the guest of Miss Lucile Byrd at McHenry. Mrs. James Rainey passed a day last week as the guest of her moth er in McHenry. , Quite a number of our people' at tended the Eastern Star meeting-at McHenry Monday evening. The W. C. T. U. Institute will be held in Harvard Wednesday, May 24* at the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn of Spring Grove has been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Stevens. The clean-up spirit struck some of the people last Monday and our little park is looking better. Let the good work go on. N. D. Stevens came very near be ing seriously injured last Friday, when Mat Young's-team, hitched to a drag, ran away with him. He was quite badly bruised. Frank Hitchens has moved his family into the Bell house and--Mrs Darrof has moved his family from Richmond into the Stephenson house, vacated by Mr. Freund. i^isov _ The Willing Workers will taeet The young ladies extend Tuesday afternoon of next week, May 23, with Mrs. Cora Flanders. Those who pledged their dollar will please bring it and tell how they earned it. Tea will be served. ;• 06TEND Grant'Randall and wife of Hebron autoed down 8unday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Draper, A much needed shower of rain fell Saturday last and another Sunday afternoon with a few hail stones mixed to. . SPRING • McHenry prospers most in tile summer season. Get ready--take courage--boo^t for prosperity. A deposit with this bank is an evidence of YOUR prosperity, as well as good judgment. Open a checking account and pay by check. THE--^ - Hoy Banking BANK OB McHENRY ff 4 ' • J :t -0 • CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J» MERSHON, Cashier FREMONT HOY President • f t "For Ringwood" c _ •' - The milk war is settled. All are happy oyer the better prices^ A11 conditions fa- orable for the best time in the history of Ringwood. The new bank building start* - ^ ed. The foundation, is completed--T^rra ^ Cotta ready, walls will be going up next : You can help "For Ringwood'9 by doing your bankipg "In Ringwood." \ H. F. WHARTON, Cashier Xi •vfm 1 SEE IT AT w Jewelry Store • *4 2-SPOOLT iSt ./43U-Vi .fi •-? j t i M :A team thait will answer when the din ner bell rings. This is better than some men do. F R. Eppel, wife and Httle son and Mrs. Brady were Ringwood vis itors Monday. Mr.^fcppel was look ing for seed com. A few ac^es of corn have been planted in this locality, but most pf the farmers 'are holding off for set tled and warmer weather. ° Julius Randall and wife of Rich mond were in attendance at Mrs. Draper's funeral Sunday. Mrs. Ran dall is a sister of Mrs. Draper. Mr. and Mrs. John Dwelly and î if daughter ami husband of Wood- A farmer in this neighborhood has stock were in attendance at Mrs. Draper's funeral Sunday. Mrs. Dwel ly is Mrs. Draper's youngest sister. "The little Kaiser children will have a long vacation, they having been out of school four weeks, helping on the farm and delivering the milk made on their farm. School will soon close until September. Lost, in the cemetery Sunday last, a" gold pin, shaped like a horseshoe, with white sets in. Anyone finding -same will cqnfer a favor on Mrs. Delia Hobart by leaving it at The Plaindealer office or with Mrs. T. J.x WaMk \ Jerseys at Auction - "Cedar Crest Farm." located oa the north shore of Fox lake, Lake ty, near Ingleside station, on the C. M. & St. P. Ry., and Lake Villa, on the Soo line, will sell at auction on June 3, commencing at 12:30 p. m., sixty-n^ne head of registered Jer seys, including sixty heifers and MM bulls, bred and raised on the farm. J. K. Dering, proprietor of "Cedar Crest Farm," has a herd of, 175 Jer seys, operates a large dairy and an average of eighty cows are milked daily. This will afford an exceptional opportunity to aecure some splendid . : ' " - , -vii . • S. . -v.