*3Sr5 V " * tiVMfi.rrri Err juste FLOATS ii74^vafc! r .,.. ^ V-"*.-' > •• : I WTON ARMY t _ • '<.-: v*** -A, «$„ ^v2. >**; : Dr. Mitt'Stein «ay« Sdldier«lwould suffer ' y * : if supply wat'cut off hH- - , ** ;." <v* V;*; j y*"\* . -*v J- •• •<•, ^ « ->" f" ^L,' J \ t ' 1 Berlin, April SO, 1916--Ehr. Max Stein, director of the Association for the Distribution of Beer in Qermany, oopss with the task of supplying the entire German army with beer. Director Stein, who is a Swiss citizen, says: P l "Every day the association, of which I am the direct- , - or, sends 1,500,000 liters of beer to our soldiers at the : fr«>nt. - ,\ "Railroads, motor trucks, pack animals, steamships are carrying great shipments of beer to our soldiers in a, in Germany, and in the Balkans. ^ "The average American cannot understand why the German government spends Millions and uses valuable transportation in carrying what you consider a luxury. But this is just the point "We do not consider beer a lujrary-'-we consider it a necessity, and believe that the health of our troops would sniffer greatly if the beer supply were cut off. "To me it seems unbelievable that America should send an army into a waste country like Mexico and sub ject them to the dangers of poisoned water hol^ and ty- phoid when you might so easily transport beer.? „! v lr • .s£.* t «v- Shabbona Brew \> j* ."'•yw tf • ^ y*-v -r- '•if-Ki * i. i ~ -.1 V* .V is truly a temperance drink, containing as it does but a slight percentage of alcohol. t Dr. P. W. Pavy, Fellow of the Royal College of Phy- a i c i a n s , o f L o n d o n , E n g l a n d , s a y s : > • * . r "A light beer, well flavored with the hop, is calcu lated to promote digestion, and may be looked upon as constituting one of the most wholesome of the alcoholic class of beverages. It is refreshing, exhilarating and BBtrittTfc" ; m ' rv.« 1 • -m -CALL FOR 4 c OTTAWA BEER lib contains all . the; good .qualities mentioned by the above eminent authority.^ . ,p p .-•» . w v • •i m D. E. Payne, Agt. McHENRY, ILL. 'Phone, 16 ' ^ firing Your -to-Date WITH The Clamy BLACK TREADS with the oootrmatyWHlTB 8IDS WALLS give your, car an added touch of diitbctiao. - -- The Gristly "Hyper-Rubber" I harder to puncture, harder to cut They have a "give" to them that make* Ike tire cling to the road without grinding over, m your bare foot ciinga to the Boor. They give maximum traction and aaiety with wirrfiiinm friction. That*a ooc reaeoa why motorists all over the we getthig audi astonishing miieagr ft«u<hettew"Bare&Mt"Tke. Come in and let us brine your car up-to-date with Blade Safety Tread Tires at PAIR LISTED Prices. SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK J* • ^ Tire G^uge will be gives with each caah purchase of one or more 1fres . Geo. A. Stilling, McHenry Mffli tfi" iii11" i ttr •" it ii rtii' 1111' TT,T.T Liberal Priies Offered for Floats From Surrounding Beat Tlu^pa wUl ba a number floats entered by the several milk producers' locals in various parts of McHenry county in the patriotic Fourth of July parade at Woodstock. Reports are that Marengo, Hebron and Rlgnwood have their floats well under way, while Greenwood and various other towns are working on their plans. Woodstock will also en ter a fine float In order to increase interest on the part of the locals in all of the sur rounding towns, the Woodstock local has joined with the two Woodstock newspapers, Hie Sentinel and Repub lican, in offering three cash prizes, $15.00 for the first, $10.00 for the second and $5.00 for the third best float entered by any Milk Producers' local outside of Woodstock. There fere no strings to these prizes. The awards will be made by a committee of three to be named by Woodstock and the two newspapers who provide the purse. Altho the Woodstock local will have a float in the parade, it will act compete for the prizes. The McHenry County Soil Im provement association is preparing an appropriate float, while the Oliver Tpyewriter company, the Woodstock Typewriter company and a long list of business firms are expected to be represented by handsome floats. The Woodstock city council has of fered a *$40.0Q citizens' cup for the best float in the parade. The ^ward of this cup will be made by a com mittee consisting of Mayor C. J. Hendricks of Harvard, Mayor Frank C. Slavin of Hebron, Mayor D. G. Wells of McHenry, Mayor William Pinnow of Crystal Lalce and Mayor Higbee of Marengo. The same committee on awards will judge the callithumpsns, ,or fun producers, in the parade. Three prizes are offered in this depart ment--$15.00 for the first, $10.00 for the second and $5.00 for the third. It is said that a number of laughter producing stunts are already pre pared and others are in the making. v mm aBixsiattSs rap*'." One pound of our 30c Vintage Coffee will give more satisfaction than two pounds of any 25c Cof fee on the market. The next time you buy coffee don't forg#! to ask for Vintage. It has that • delicate taste which users of good coffee cannot help but appreciate •<®fr ' , ,.a. -THE 2 * <•£, v- - vy, •**•4 CFM; ADAM'S STORE Phone 625-W-t JOHNSBURG, ILL. July Fourth Races FAIR GROUNDS, WOODSTOCK K. OF C. ORGANIZE Will Place Fast Traveling < - Clab In Field Baseball Subscribe for thePlaindealer " and keep potted oa local happenings At a meeting of the local council, Knights of Columbus, held "It their hall here last Thursday evening, a baseball team was organized. Suits of gray with a dark stripe have already been ordered and it is hoped that they will arrive in time for the first regularly scheduled game witk the Harvard K. of C. team at Harvard next Sunday. There is some excellent baseball material to be found in the McHenry council and from the enthusiasm that is being shown by players as well as K. of C. fans the team is sure of success. The team, according to present plans, will play all of its games away from home. Ed. L. Hayes is the manager and we are told that he has already arranged games with several very strong teams, including the Lake Geneva, Wis., town team. The K. of C. team played a practice game out on the Irish prairie last Sunday afternoon, when they de feated a picked team from Crystal Lake 10 to 4. " We have been unable to learn the line-up of the team, but feel safe in stating that it is one that will give he best of the amateur teams in this locality a hard run for the money. * A Pleasant Surprise irery pelasant surprise took place ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund Sunday evening, Jlue 25, when a large company of relatives and friends gathered at their home to remind their daughter, Helena, that it was the anniversary of her eighteenth birthday. Altho totally unaware of what was about to hap pen, the victim soon overcame the shock that usually accompanies such events and before many minutes had passed everyone present was being entertained to their hearts' content. At an appropriate hour refreshments tfere served. Those present were: Messrs. Anthony, Joe and Mike Freund, Arthur Smith, John Freund* Ben Kennebeck, Peter Weingart, Herbert Simon and Nick Justen; Misses Theresa, Barbara, Mary, Julia and Helen Freund, Verona, Julia and Laura Jung, Christina May and Mrs. Nick "Justen. \ J. Mayors Are Honored < Mayor Wells has been peculiarly honored. He has been named as one of five mayors to judge the floats and callithumpians in the big patriotic parade on July Fourth at Woodstock. The entire committee consists of Mayor Hendricks of Harvard, Mayor Higbee of Marengo, Mayor Pinnow of Crystal Lake, Mayor Wells of Mc Henry and Mayor "Slavin of Hebron. The city council of Woodstock has offered a $40.00 citizens' cup for the best float in the parade. The Wood stock Sentinel and Woodstock Re publican will offer a purse of $80, di vided in three prizes, for the best float entered by a Milk Producers' local outside of Woodstock, while the managers of the celebration will pay iiberai prizes for the best caiiiihum- pians in the parade. The young ladies of the Just Us club will treat you just dandy at S toff si's hall next Saturday night, July 2. Be there. HARNESS RACES 1:15 Mixed (Pace or Trot) hirsel.... f .. 2:25 Pace, Elk's Purse^V. 2:30 Trot, Purse FORD RACE Ten Mile Ford Auto Race, Purse..$160.00 . $150.00 $150.00 -- $iw.o» i~; ' JLSa&fcv/i#' vCOME EARLY AND SEE THS Patriotic EVER SEEN IN McHENRY COUNTY GAME: HUNTLEY VS. WOODSTOCK ALL KINDS OF GAMES & SPORTS Admission, 25c the Person, Children under 12 years and Vehicles FREE P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COI1MISSION MERCHANT . - *--o <' >• - !;'|NdOUL ATTOVTIOlf GIVEN TO THS SAUt OT ' Stan i A ». WholMala Market. DruMd But, flatten. Hop, VmI, Poultry, HMn, Etc., Butter and Egft Tags and prioe lists furnished on QQLD STORAGE FREE ̂ CHlCAOOi ILLINOIS. This to fee oldest house oa the street application. ^Hl We have just stocked a full line of Golf Clubs, Balls, Etc. These goods will be sold at cost for the first two weeks, so come early to get in on the cheaper prices. West McHenry. DONAVIN & RENANSPERGER ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Come and a Wee* Go During , v ^ „ Flaindeakor ads hring Josephine Worts was an El gin visitor Monday. Miss Clara Schiessle passed Mon day in the metropolitan city. N. A. Huemann transacted busi ness in the windy city Wednesday. Miss E. Nits was among the Chi cago passengers last Saturday morn ing. * John R. Knox was a business vis itor in the metropolitan city Wed nesday. Mr. and Mil's. L. F. Newman were among the Chicago passengers Wed nesday mprning. Mrs. Anna Stadtfeld of Volo spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Peter Diedrieh. Mrs. Al. Guthrie and Sam Howard of Waukegan visited Mrs. Peter Diedrieh Sunday. Mrs. -E. W. Howe was in Chicago Wednesday, selecting new stock for her millinery store. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler passed the latter part of last week as the guests of relatives at Elgin. Dr. Fred Churchill and family of Oswego called at the home of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne one day last week. Miss Helen Freund spent last Wed nesday and Thursday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Nick jFusten, at Ring- wood. , Mfcs Gttfwriao Stand if«nt Fri- • ^;,v (? DURING JULY ONLY WE WILL Electric Washing' 1 Machines •^r and- ELECTRIC • •, i y < i UUM CLEANERS 19.75 and up _^^HT11LY FAYMENTS t TOWflT: l-12i 1-12 a month f< • payable with light bill bEMONSTRATIONS AT OUR ' DISPLAY ROOMS * ---.A- LAKE OF NORTHERN nXTNOIS You, who still bake own freadi in now be freed ftom this unneces- drudgery and expense. You'll admit home- baking IS an EX PENSE for certain- / ly you cannot bake as cheaply aa you can buy. And it ia drudgery. Besider it isn't practical̂ when you can buy good bread, a loaf at a time, always freah, al ways good to the last crumb. Try a loaf--the folks will call for morf, McHENRY " BAKERY A. LALLINGER, PROPRIETOR . 1 1 1 1 j | | • t day and Saturday in thje home of her sister, Mrs. Nick Jusjten, at Ring- wood. Miss Mae Kane of Elgin passed the week end as the guest of her mother, who resides northwest of town. Miss Christina Karls of Elgin spent the first of the week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughter, Mary, attended the Parker- Muldoon wedding at Whiting, Ind., on Saturday last, returning Monday. Rev. M. J. McEvoy was the offici ating clergyman at the marriage of Miss Wendella B. Schroeder and Dr. Guy C. Cordon at Richmond Wednes day. •MO Reward, S1W The reader® of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ail its ata*ea. and that i* catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sy?tem thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution ana assisting na ture in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much fa i th in the c u r a U v e ?towers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that hey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Bead tor Ust Of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY * CO., ToleSO. Ohio. So id t>r all DrugsUts, Tie. Walsh's popular orchestra of Chi cago will furnish the music at the Just Us club dance at S toff el's hall next Saturday night, July 2. Don't KOYAL FENCE A CONTINUOUS stay fence of A big wires woven together with the famous Royal loop.« Look foi bis sign in every roll. "Royal Fence, mads by. American Steel St Wire Company Pull weight. Full sus «| wire. Full length of rolls. THAT SIGN HAS TOODFORTHE WILBUR LUMBER C WEST McHFNRY. ILL. PHONES DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Offiet in telephone Exchange Bldg Cefiiuvliie McHenry, & Bilnoit Telephone No. W-W pi immir, AfajEAIOK - Experienced Workmen * DONAVIN * RSlHANSPElkCEi « , - I ' - fl: l; J*' - -J «mm-