Vj£ j^c,'"r%f'%*'£% ? * ^y4*'^ • I: ivf^,~ *.V> ^ -?*; ' /- ' •*', * <* - •"£-* V-„ tfr* ~* t * „••-»••-'- -• • a4, v » u- «?• > - ' "•< . ; .••:r-.fi:T:<r If • IBUIII ll'ofril'WIIV lkv lTKIIOiTVII ' "Mr*WWW ITT •'% ' . • -' JtJDLMS ',~ JBKrJQJuiJR JEv JL £r JLknLAjRJL'JtMjfl^J^JBuEvf Jm6JuL4«JR JEvJL 9 • •<•#>[• ^ t ** m 1. - * 7 p-i ^ v • • ? ?S9te F? "fit' f»--8BE OUR STOCK 6# ^SgMB T the beginning: of a new school year are so many items needed that it is a!-1 most impossible for pupils to start in tlM* h^-~ fir£ day with a full equipment. We carry a '. very complete line of school supplies and shall ? beglad to supply your needs at all times. # PENCILS f^tS, PEN HOLDERS, ERASERS, lei ^ INKS, CRAYONS, WRITING PAPER, PASTE, MATERIALS, ETC. ifyis'- 'p® " ^ *!'XT,TABLETS, RULERS, WKJUCE, WtAWING . r'^\ »j, J * ;A':?v *•$% Achjld canbuya* oursioreatsafely^s the grown-ups S'-X-v •i1;, DRUGGIST McHENRY, ILL. GOOD COFFEE! Good coffee is what everyone wants with every meal these cool days. Are you getting good coffee? Get our 25 cent coffee and you will get the same good coffee always. Compare our prices on all groceries and we believe you will find it a saving to buy here. SMITH Phone 79-J BROS. McHenry, 111. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Enamel Ware _ When at Ripgwood stop in my" store and see what from 10c to 25c will buy in Ena mel Ware. I have just received a large « shipment of this Ware to be sold at remark ably low prices while it lasts. Come and save some money. JOS. J. MILLER RINGWOOD, ILL. K * "V h" : Svv: before the weather will be sych that you will again seek comforts in your home after enjoy ing one of the most pleasant summers in years. Better look around and see if there aren't a few things needed in the line of Furniture that will assist in making your home cheery. Now is the time to do this. Don't wait until the last moment. Go over your home carefully and jot dfcwn the items that you may need, come to our store and make a selection. Make your 8©' lections now and you are assured of delivery when the time arrives that you will need the new Furniture. Our lines of Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Linoleums, etc., are very complete and choosing from same is made easy by our elegant display. We bid you welcome. x Furniture and Undertaking -U;' McHenry, ••• Illinois yry r '"" - NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLEDJi V OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RIDGEFIELD W. §. Rushton spent Monday in Chicago. W. Cobb was a Chicago passenger Sunday morning. Miss Pearl Reed was' home from Kingston over Sunday. Miss Elsie Wille was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. Mrs. D. P. Bohl and sons visited over Sunday in Woodstock. Mrs. Bell spent several days re cently with relatives at Elgin. J. Stock was a business caller in Chicago the first of the week. Mrs. R. Grice was a Woodstock shopper - Thursday afternoon. Mrs. P. Scaro was a Crystal Lake caller Friday afternoon last, Mrs. Mackie of Chicago is the guest of 'her daughter, Mrs. G. C. Smith. Miss Sadie Wood of Crystal Lake was a caller here Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son of Woodstock were Sunday callers here. Miss Ella Mollohan spent Thursday evening last with friends at Mciien ry. , - > -r ' Rob*. Knilans attended the funeral of a cousin at Sharon, Wis., Wednes day. ; - Mrs. J. Oakroot and Mrs. A. Mar tini were Crystal Lake callers Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and -Mrs. Earl Colby spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. S. A. Merchant and sons were callers at Woodstock Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Port of Polo vis ited at the home of L. Beers last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ormsby of Crystal Lake visited at H. Ormsby's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Mason of Wood^ stock were calling on friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and chil dren of Seneca spent Sunday at Smith Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Grice and son are visiting Mrs. Grice's mother at Mil waukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Ormsby of St. Louis visited the former's parents over Sunday. Alvin Yanke of Watertown, Flor ida, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Geo. Wheeler and Miss Mayme Bar- den were Crystal Lake callers Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hartman spent Thursday last at the Walworth coun ty fair at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daugh ters of Woodstock spent Sunday with their parents here. Mrs. Anna Mollohan and daughter, Miss $lla, enjoyed an auto trip to Williams Bay Sunday, Miss Lura Davis and Miss Dor othea Castle'of Austin spent Sunday at Grandfather Button's. Mr, and Mrs. A. Skinner and Mrs. Leroy Skinner enjoyed the movies at Woodstock last Thursday evening. Mrs. Lola Bennett spent part of Friday and Saturday at Woodstock with her sister, Mrs. L. M. Goddard. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and grandson, Master James Bennett, spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Chemung. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Marengo have been spending the past week* with their daughter, Mrs. Fitzger ald. Church JSotet The Ladies' Aid society meats on Thursday, Oct. 12, at the home of Mrs, Smith Brown. The Ladies' Aid society kindly do nated $1Q to the senior choir to fin ish paying for their new chair. \Ve were pleased to see two of our former church members with us Sun day morning, Miss Lura Davis and Erie Ormsby of St. Louis. The Helpers netted $6.90 from their home bakery sale last Saturday. Watch the bulletin board for the date of the next sale in the near fu ture. j ' The topic for Y. P.. S. C. E. next Sunday evening is "The Consecration of School Life." Prov. 4:1-13. This consecration meeting. Harold Walkup, leader. Remember the lecture with star- eoptican views on South America given by Mr. Garvin this Friday even ing. The choirs will furnish special music. Admission, cents. JOHNSBURG Miss Isabel Tonyan spent Tuesday with Miss Marguerite Smith. S. H. Freund of McHenry was a caller in town last week Wednesday. Miss Mary Pitsen of Volo visited Tuesday with her sister, Mrs, Ben Schaefer. Mr, \ and Mrs- Steve May visited Sunday in the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. King. Mr. and Mfa. Joe Smith were Sun day visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hettermann. George Lay, Arthur Adams and Henry Nell were home from Wood stock Sunday. Misses Katherine King and Mar guerite Smith were McHenry visitors one day recently. Mrs. Wm. Britz and children of Spring Grove were Johnsburg callers one day last week. Misses Tina Tonyan and Barbara Smith were Woodstock visitors Tues day and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat B. Schaefer and children motored to Spring' Qrove last Sunday afternoon, _ Mike Freund of spring Grove vis ited in the home of his mother, Mrs. Susan Freund, Sunday. Mrs. Jos. H. Justen of McHenry visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraak Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen. Mtes Emma Freund of McHenry visited Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. Mrs. Mat Rauen of Spring Grove •visited Saturday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller and chil dren of Ringwood were Sunday vis itors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ]?. Lay. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wieland and Miss Irene Benzen of Spring Grove were callers in Johnsburg Tuesday evening.. Mrs. Jos. Hettermann said Mrs. John Smith and daughter, Eleanor, were Waukegan visitors last week Thursday. St Johannes Court, No. 96, C. 0. 1?., will hold installation of their new ly elected officers at their hall here on Saturday evening, Oct 14. Deputy chief ranger will be present to per form the work and all members are urgently requested to be present. The officers to be installed are as follows: Chief ranger, Jos. B. Hettermann; vice chief ranged, John M. Pitzen; re cording secretary, Peter Freund, Jr.; financial secretary, Wm. Althoff; spir itual advisor, Rev. yWm. Weber; sen tinels, John Smith and John Huff; marshals, Jos. J. Freund and Wm. Thiel; speaker, John A. Miller; trus tees, Peter Niesen, Math-, N. Freund and John Mertes. Until further no tice meetings of the court will take place on the first and second Satur days of each month. „ TERRA COTTA . Mrs. T. Bay and Mrs. S. B. Leisner were Crystal Lake -callers Tuesday evening, M. Knox and son, Harold, spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Clara Frisby of Wauconda visited at her home here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors in this vicinity. Fred Klein and son,' Arthur, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with rel atives here. Misses Florence, Frances and Ma bel Knox called on friends near Barre- ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and family were guests of relatives near Wood stock Sunday. Harry Brgstingham of Chicago spent the week end with his daugh ter, Georgia, here. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Miss Katie Frisby of Sioux Falls, S. D., spent a few days this week with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and daughter, Ruth, of Crystal . Lake called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Mrs. Dan Curley of Sioux Falls, S. D., was a guest in the homes ef Geo. B. Frisby and M. Knox a couple of days last week. Mrs. P. H. Conway, Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby and Mrs. M. Knox attended the Altar and Rosary society meeting in McHenry Tuesday afternoon. RINGWOOD W. E. Smith and wife attended the Elkhorn fair last Thursday. - Mrs. Mary Hodge left Friday for South Dakota to visit relatives. The W. C. T. U. will meet With Mrs. Alice Peet Friday afternoon of this week. Amos Smith, wife and daughter, Mary, returned last Thursday from their western trip. Henry Stephenson and William Mc- Cannon and wives drove to Fort At kinson, Wis., Sunday. Remember the W. C. T. U. county convention at McHenry Friday even ing, Sept 29 and Saturday, the 30th. Miss Lucy Hall of Chicago has been visiting her brother, Clark, and fam ily and other relatives the past week. The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. Grace McCannon Thursday of next week. There will be comforts to tie. All invited. Mrs. Mary Southwick of Williams Bay, Wis., visited at J. C. Ladd's and W. E. Smith's last. Thursday evening and Friday. Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Flanders enter tained friends from bhicago Sunday. In the evening they went with them to the city for a week's visit Our evening service commenced last Sunday evening at Ole Wolkos'. Next Sunday evening it will be held at the home of William McCannon. All in vited. Surprisera Are Defeated Last Friday was the twenty-second anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth's marriage and the even ing card club, of which they are mem bers, called at their home in the even ing expecting to give them a pleasant surprise, but instead the happy couple had been given a hint of their plans thru some outsider and had prepared a lovely chicken dinner for the intrud ers. Needless to say it was an even ing of rare enjoyment tho their plans had been foiled. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames J. C. Kolly, Geo. Bohr and Geo. Young. .. «• » .* ** ' ̂ v - y ,%: A* , - yi i« *v ' f ' r *Vf' "V* 3-Us*! EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT iix-rs. *4},' OF THIS BANK ^ r-VHwv; •. x .?;m . rjv-? * A r •• v*'j> we wiu always be glad to give you our best advice upon any of your affairs. Your business will receive our Courteous and care*- 4 'f ful attention* • • • • • • • • Kipijl 'M' A , •THE Hoy Banking Co CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager JOSEPH C. HOLLY, Cashier FREMONT I President THE LOCATION OF A STRONG in Ringwood demands the business of all Ringwood people. Your busi ness will be carefully attended tot >*>•< H. F. WHARTON, CASHIER ,v. ;rv "4 - ^ V 1, ,v Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Resort y-' Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re^l and recreation amidol the mo^l pleasant and home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illustrated booklet ̂ Telephone, McHenry 92-M. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. * Mm 1 Cp Experanents Are Safe with Early Riser Flour. You can try a new receipe without fear or failure if you use Early Riser Flour. s Why? Because its qual ity never varies. Order a sack today. >'• WEST FTHENRT FLOUR AND FEED MILLS EAST SIDE Always a full line of fresh, salt and smoked meats; also Fruits, Vegetables, Can Goods, Bakery and Clover Leal Butter. We sell Oscar Mayer's well known "Edelweiss brand of smoked meats. Orders de livered promptly. 'Phone 57-M L. H. EISEKNENGER, JR. PROPRIETOR -The-- srr (entervine Grocery • is the headquarters ;^:/.̂ for a full line of &a - -j pie and hot weather " ̂ specials in groceries .-1 and canned goods ̂ || Fresh vegetables and " .5 fruits in season. Also 'r| fresh bakery goods ?k every day. 'Goo4o ̂ service and ivompt delivery. x V 4L M. Niesen McHentj PtKMM a-w Subscribe for the Plaindealer «nd keep posted on local liappenings ,••3