\ 1 V : •• or»sUw£&&: save you on a garment .00 to - '• <4 We have some broken lots of good new Overcoatsand :V a . " • ' Snits, which we aire closing out regardless of cojft. Come and insped the line. It will be to your advan,* ^ tage wlien buying clottikig. t H , H & .i; , OS. W. FREUND .?< WEST McHENRY, ILL. •* -M= • >v. .... "53"" " , SM v '7 V- V 'm S: I • ? -&if: ...... . -a . ^ l--; '">! :~-v " * . WINTER WEAR With the season for wear hardly begun we ar© closing out our stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear and Sweater Coats at a big reduction from our usual prices f"r Men's Wool Union Suits r_--$2.48 Men's Wool Union Suits. ^J-ju$L15 $1.00 Men's Cotton Union Suits --4--^ ?9c 65c Boys' Fleeced Union Suits.. 18c 50c Children's Union Suits I . ' 3fc 50c Men's Fleeced Shirts or Drawers ___• 3k $5.00 Wool Sweater Coats __.._ $4.25 ITOHI ̂ STOFFEE \\E$T MCHENRY, ILL. fV « --We pride ourselves m the- EXCELLENT Assortment in all lines of goods that may be found at this store. With our large stock and splendid varieties shopping is made a real pleasure here. Then, too, you are given the advantage of our unsurpassed service. Our stock of winter goods is still quite complete while our grocery and notion departments are as complete a; it is possible for us to make them. . \ F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. KX. J .V IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ADD TO YOUR <£*- T> ESOLYE today to make your home more -TV. comfort able and cozy during (he year o . 1917. We will be pleased to explain to you,, how this can be accomplished at a small cost. Of course, if you should like something ex pensive for your home we can also accom modate you. We carry one of the biggest " stocks of FURNITURE to be found in Mc Henry county and are always ready Jo swvv you in a highly satisfactory manner. UNDERTAKING te Day and Night Service'* McHENRY, ILLINOIS ;t»£- • V ^ - SPRING GROVE* ^ Ed. Turner is quite ill at thiswrit- ing. > Ed. Cropley «f Solon '-WW .# here Tuesday. Mr, Daly was a WaueOnda visitor one day -ast Mrs. Joe Wagner was a Wilmot visitor Wednesday. John Schumacher left for Marsh- field, Wis., Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. John Sanborn,, Wilmot visitors Monday. Math. Lay and John Lay were Johnsburg visitors Sunday.1 . * ^ Mrs. T. D. Cole was a Chicagovis- itor several days last week. Joe Miller and Math. Welter of RingWQod were callers here Tuesday. Dr. J.. C. Furlong and John Karls were Hebron business callers Tues day. Henry Meyers of Greenwood is spending a. few days here with friends. < Mrs. George Simpson and Mrs. Wm. Shotliff were Ringwood visitors Monday. Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby and Mrs. R. D. Carr were Richmond call*?; Friday of last week. , , " The dancing party given by Miss Siegler and Miss Keefe was well at tended. Everybody had an enjoyable time. " • _ Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Schramm and Mr. and Mrs. 3oe Reuntz and family were Sunday visitors in the Charles Mecklenberg home at Richmond. Mrs. James Foulke entertained the Dorcas at her home last Thursday, Jan. 11. Election of officers was held, as follows r Mrs. John San born, president; Mrs. Joe Wagner, vice president; Mrs. Geo. Simpson, treasurer; Mrs. Siegler, secretary. The next meeting will be held with Mi s. .Siegler Jan. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn enter tained about thirty of their friends at a party Friday evening at their home east of town. The evening was spent at progressive euchre. The prizes were awarded as follows: Ladies' first, Mrs.'John Pulver; con solation, Miss Mabel Shotliff. Men's first, Jason Stevens; consolation, Lester Stevens. E. V. McAllister will pay $1.00 for a lousy hen ^which cannot be cured of vermin by Liceceil. y RINGWOOD Mrs. Florence Smith was a Rich mond visitor last Thursday. Miss Alice Benson of Woodstock spent Sunday at Ray Merchant's. Mrs. Libbie Ladd returned from Burlington, Wis., last Saturday aft* ernoon. W. E. Smith, J. V. Buckland and Will Whiting left Tuesday ' for Mo bile, Ala. The Woodmen had a very pleasant time at their meeting last Saturday evening. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at J. C. Ladd's. Rev. Charles Cttllen will speak. ' The Mystic Workers gave a ban quet Wednesday evening.- It was the installation of officers. Mrs. Emma Matthews of Wood stock is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. H.tW. Allen. Tim Kimball of Palatine was h£re several days last week doing repair work at the Bowman factory. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wharton were pleasantly surprised by a number of their friends Saturday evening. The W, C. T. U. will meet Satur day of this week with Mrs. Hattie Buckland), Topic, "Homes, HoW TJiey Are Made Happy." Leader, Carrie Smith. Janjesv-Rainey went to Aurora last Friday to attend a lumberman's meet ing. Mrs. Rainey accompanied-him as far as St. Charles and spent the day with Eleanor Bacon, Miss Nellie Merchant and mother from the Harsh neigbhorhood spent the last of the week at Ray Mer- Merchant's, caring for the baby so Emma Merchant could go to Wood- tock last Friday. < OSTEND F. E. Martin was nursing his por tion of old grip last week. Mr. Marks has eight or ten men cutting trees and preparing for the saw mill. Louis McQonald is reported ill with grip at his home near McCol- lum's Lake. Mrs. C. B. Durkee is lame with rheumatism and dares not venture out these slippery times. Vinton Thompson is able to be out again. He hopes there will be no more returns of the disease. Earl and Clifford Sherman attend ed the funeral of Charles Wesley Hol- larbush at Woodstock Saturday. Charles Sherman remains about the same, is not able to do any work. He rides out once in a while on a good day. Mrs. R. H. Richardson has been in Chicago the past two weeks, helping cafe for her aged mother, who' has been very ill.. Winter surely has reached here in full force. Last Sunday morning the thermometer registered fifteen below zero in some places. ^THURSDAY, JAN. 18 Oowftance fcoffler •' v IN-- "Code of Marcia Grey' W>'-f-.^iATUROAY, JAN Wm. Farnum IN- *!}' 'I'v '-T1' *VC -- ,N--- "Tie Lost Bridegroom" DAY, JAN. 21 4 Barrymoli K-v , CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT adTertiaement* inserted undei wing rate*: PlTeltneaor lent. FARMS FOR SALE-^Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--Si C. White Leghorn cockerels.' • Call on M. L.-Worts, Mc Henry, 111. 81 FOR SALE--^A cow and some heif ers. Inquire of or writei B. J. Adams, West McHenry, 111. 30-tf FOR BENT--The R. A. Howard building in West McHenry, 111. Ap ply to Simon Stoffel. 28-4J, FOR SALE--Eight head of young Holstein heifers, three in calf. John A. Borers, Spring Grove, 111. 26 FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, DL FOR SALE--Gas range and kitchen cabinet. Inquire of Fred Karges, 118 Douglas St., Woodstock, 111. 31-2t FOR SALE--120 egg steel shell in cubator and brooder. Used only a few times. Inquire at this office. 30 LOST--Between Lallinger's bakery and Frett's meat market; a. lap robe. Finder will please leave at bakery. FOR SALE--Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. $1.60, $2.50 and $5.00 each. J. V. Buckland, Ringwood, 111. » 31-4t FOR SALE--About 80 thoro-bred Duroc brood sow®. Can be seen any time. Math. J. Glossen, Volo, 111. P. O. Round Lake, 111. 29-tf WANTED--To buy at once, near Fox river or small lake, a hundred acre farm. .Will pay cash. Inquire at this office before Jan. 15. 30* FOR SALE--20 shares of Merchants National Fire Insurance stock for $23.50 a share. Act quick. Subject to prior sale. ^Write W. J. Emerson, M. & M. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. FOR SALE OR RENT--House, build ings and three acres of land in south ern part of corporation known as the Samuel McDonald jXace. For terms write or call Miss Margaret McDonald, 332 Linden Park Place, Highland Park, 111., phone 8, or call at West McHenry State bank. 23-tf TO . RENT FOR CASH--The John Powers farm of 234 acres, situated 5 miles south of McHenry and 3 miles north of Crystal Lake. Farm has two dwelling hopses. 45 acres fall plowing done. Most modejnly equipped farm in the county. Apply to David Powers, Crystal Lake, or George L. Murphy, Woodstcok, 111. FOR SALE--McHenry county farms in sizes of 20, 120, 160, 184 acres with good improvements. Also one of 285 acres of nice level land with good im provements, with or without stock. One of 285 acres including 100 head of live stock, 10 horses, and all farm ing tools. All good bargains. In quire of Ben Stilling, McHenry, 111. Phones 28 and 75-J. 26 State 1.UC Ohio. City Counl ,ucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath is senior partner of the Arm that he of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi City of Toledo, County and State arc said, and that said firm will pay Ot ONE HUNDRED DOULARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn t. to before me and su in my presence, this 6th day of Decern ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. OLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send fjtr testimonials, free. F. J ohrnky & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all drugrgists. 75c. kail's Family Pills for Get Dr. Hess' Panacea for poultry at McAllister's for the aim FOR SALE--My big type Poland China boar, Chief Wonder, sired by Mastodon Chief No. 129083 by Sur prise Wonder 5th No. 103067. Weight 800 lbs. and not fat. If you were looking fot something good do not buy before seeing this hog-. mes Hunter, Crystal Springs Farm, known as Jas. Sayler farm, West McHenry, 111. Phone 622-M-2. 30-tf Injured In G Lester T. Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sherman, who reside on Sherman Hill farm 'west of this vil lage," received serious burns on the body, especially the lower limbs, last Wednesday, when a gasoline tank exploded. Taking a lighted torch to thaw out a tractor engine stationed in the field, the tank immediately ex ploded, showering the gasoline over his whole body and igniting his clothe ing. He set out to reach the water ing tank in the /back yard, but find ing the distance too far, laid down and rolled "until the flames were ex tinguished. Dr. N. J. Nye is attend ing and the boy is getting along nicely. • . : Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that Pafd Check is the Best Receipt You often pay bills to parties whose integrity you would not Appear to question by asking for a receipt. II, thru unintentional error, you should not be given proper credit for money paid and should be presented with the same bill the second time, you Wbuld not have any probf of having paid unless you had received,a regular / receipt. ' But if you had paid with a check you would have received a receipt without asking for it, embarrassing no one. The endorse ment would-be proof of its having been paid. This is only one of the convepiences of keeping your money on deposit and paying it out by checks. There are many other real conveniences in such a plan. We would be pleased to have you call and let us explafn these advantages more fully. Every man ought to have a check ing account. Our facilities for handling these accounts are the best aftd they are at your dispose. 7 ; Wejft McHenry State W.f'\ I S$i . • j¥.v < &.?• r .v.. **./ ' ;•!.. - % The Songs and Ballad ̂ of Bonnie Scotland ife gems of Scottisli balladry, with a!t their warm depth of sentiment, are won- derfully reproduced on •nv N Disc "Annie Laurie," "Kathleen Mavourneen," "Comin* Thru* the Rye"--these, and hundreds of other selections like them, are found in the big Columbia catalogue, a copy of whicfe will gladly be given you on (Dear's name and addrest) N. A. HUEMANN, WEST McHENR American SieelfeicePost iwP®uliiyYirds if the baking am not come Out just right. The fault is probably with the flour. It i«.impossible to make good bread and cake with poor Hour. Use Early Riser Flour and you will never have occasion to "blame the eoofcf/ < WEST M'HENR FLOOR AND FEED HILLS *:• :£< • * rt'rT 'VA: ! 1 WILBUR LUMBER