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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1917, p. 8

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KejnsraT rtAnroiuiKS. We can't get every man's trade though we admit we'd like to. But we ask you to try us. Our hope is that we'll serve you so well that you'll keep on coming. Sincerity Clothing Ready to wear, is a pleasure to sell as it will give satis­ faction and at prices $15 to $25 a Suit which is a saving of 25 per cent Royal Taylors Clothing Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi­ ness. Suits $18.00 to $35.00 which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, quality considered. JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, IW~ SHOES! What Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size. You can pay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and what­ ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this sectioii. That is the in­ ducement we offer you and no other house can touch it. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY, ILL. ASK THE WIFE She knows Mr. Husband Do you realize that the time is near at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an­ nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num­ ber of things that will be needed to keep the home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se­ lecting the things that are needed you wity be intrumental in making housecleaning time a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a select­ ion from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums. JACOB JU&TEN . ' McHENRY, IJLLINOIS Spring and Summer Goods is new colors' and weaves s J J Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creqtiop. fgj ̂ $mart dresser, up to _65c per yard A new line of Ladies' Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps Shirt Waists and MugHn Under­ wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line oi Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. Made-to-order Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries an4 Canned Goods. W<A Mdtan, III I Ttaetu Goads Mined v 5?!'; E V ' it ' .v "r- Ifi ' < i - •*- .1 ITEMS W LOCAL INIHEST AS PICKED l?P BV PI#AINDBALEP mP&WlQm WEEK What People are Doing In This Vil­ lage and eh? Immediate VIdnl$y-- Other Short Paragraphs Butter Market Butter sold at 38 cents per pound on the Elgin board of trade last Sat­ urday afternoon. ... > Your patriotic dmty---buy a liberty lban bond. All kinds hi farm machinery at Math. FreundV Use Benzo creaip for your hands. Petesch. Measle signs are quite general about town at this time. A liberty loan bond is a mortgage on the United States. Burbank and Rural New Yorker seed potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. I handle the Deering line of farm machinery. Math. Freund, McHenry, m. ; Phone your drug orders. Our de­ livery service is free. Petesch. Phone 60-W. A number of our business houses are now -^ying the American fjag. Good,.keep it up. Paint for protection,; I^aint to beautify. Use B. P. S. Petesch. A number of Wauconda residents are making regular trips to this vil­ lage of late. There's a reason. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund are the happy parents of a baby daughter, born to tnem on Wednesday of last week. Don't forget the Red Crosp benefit dance at Stoffel's hall next Saturday night. Show your patriotism by your attendance. Oil stoves, heaters and furnace fires were quite the general thing the first of the week. Who said that ft was; time to change 'em? G. E. Schoel of this place has made application for a position on Chicago's police force and is looking for an early examination and appointment. Walter Frisby has quit his job at the Oliver typewriter factory at Wood­ stock and isAnow employed at the Bowman bottling plant at RingWood. The top dressing on the Fox river bridge is beginning to peal and it will not be long before it will be nec­ essary to give the structure a new coat. Red Cross benefit dance given by the members of the Just Us club at Stof­ fel's hall next Saturday night. Schroeder's orchestra of Woodstock will furnish the music. Fine progress is being made on the new sister home under construction on St. Mary's church ground*, The home should be ready for occupancy before the beginning of school next September. The carpenter work on the new home being erected by Frank J. Freund on Court street is progressing rapidly and with favorable weather same should be ready for occupancy the latter part of the summer. A Spring Grove man called at this office the other day and among other things informed us that he could buy much cheaper in McHenry than in his home town. That isn't such a bad advertisement for our business houses. The warm days of last week brought out quite a number of the resorters who own cottages along the river near McHenry. F. H. Schau of. Chi­ cago has already opened his summer home at Rosedale and is here for the season. Fred Weinschenker has been con­ fined to his home thru illness during the past week, but is again on the road to recovery. G. C. Boley has been driving the passenger truck be­ tween here and Woodstock during the former's absence. Our streets presented a real mid­ summer appearance last Saturday night, when the business sections of the towns were lined with automo­ biles and rigs, many of which came from a distance. As a result of this business men report big sales for the night. Local fishermen, who have made catches in Fox river of late, report that the person responsible for the story that Fox river fish are wormy had better come to McHenry and take a sample of the fish caught here. They could not be healthier nor better eating. Ray S. Howard and a gang of paint­ ers of this village are now at work painting the barns and other out buildings on the Geo. J. Sayer farm No. 1 at Pistakee Bay. They will also paint the buildings on farm No. 2. The joh is a big one and will require several hundred gallons of paint. Don't forget that Tuesday, June 5, is registration day and that every young man between the ages of twen­ ty-one and thirty, inclusive, is ex­ pected to register. The registration places in McHenry township will in all probability be the village hall in Mc­ Henry and Woodman hall, Ringwood. In keeping with the spirit of the day, the McHenry Golf club has given over its grounds for food raising pur­ poses. The plot has all been plowed up and is now under cultivation. The McHenry club is probably the first in this section to take this step and we heartily commend the members for the spirit thus shown. The business section of Centerville received its season's first sprinkling last Saturday afternoon, when a few of the boys took out the hose cart and gave the street a thoro drenching. The dust at that time had become so bad that it was next to unbearable. Since that time the weather man has I come to our rescue by giving us that loan prayed ior mn p» n OPERA HOUSE McHENRY THURSDAY, MAY 24 Hazel Dawn IN "Under Cover" SATURDAY, MAY 26 Rita Jolivet " ' '• IN- , "An International Marriage' SUNDAY, MAY 27 Mae Murray IN "Tie Big Sister" Give us your next order for en­ graved calling cardB and see what a neat job we can put out for you. Paint for protection, Paint to beautify. Use B. P. S. For sale at Petesch's. The hotels about town did & fine business last Sunday. An unusually large number of automobile parties stopped here for dinner on that day. A few of the more daring boys took a dip in Fox river last Saturday aft­ ernoon. They report the water just fine. However, we have not heard of anyone going in since then. A heavy frost visited this section Tuesday night. Early plantings were slightly damaged. It is possible that fruit trees, laden with blossoms, may not yield as bountiful this year as was predicted by many fruit growers in this vicinity. Mrs. J. C. Button, a former resi­ dent of McHenry, who for the past year or more has lived with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Rorer, at Gil- man, 111., returned to this village last week and has taken up her home in the Chas. Givens residence on Elm street. i ;; t The cantata, "From Manger to Cross," given by the Symphony Chorus choir of Crystal Lake at the M. E. church here on Sunday afternoon last was largely attended and many com­ pliments on this great musical com­ position have been heard from those who attended. J. E. Pufahl, superintendent of the local branch of the Borden Condensed Milk company,lis again able to be up after a severe illness. While he is not yet able to take up his duties at the factory, he is gradually recover­ ing his strength and will soon be able to get back into the harness. His many friends will be pleased to learn this encouraging news. Complaints have again been made regarding the boys who have formed the malicious practice of breaking windows in barns and other buildings about town. These youngsters have been warned repeatedly and unless they stop the misdemeanor their par­ ents will be asked to make good the damages some of these days. Par­ ents should warn their children against this practice and thus avoid for theiAselves embarrassment and trouble. "UNDER COVER" Hazel Dawn and Owen Moore Starred By Famous Players When "Under Cover" was present­ ed to the public it was a foregone con­ clusion that it would be one of the greatest successes of the season, be­ cause it had two great essential elements--swift action and something distinctly unusual as its main plot. For these same two reasons it was an equally foregone conclusion, when the Famous Players Film company deter­ mined to make an adaptation of the celebrated play by Roi Cooper Me- grue for the Paramount program, that it would be an overwhelming success. And when Hazel ^Dawn and Owen Moore were chosen to head the cast of this distinctive production as their first co-starring vehicle, the fact that something extraordinary, even for the Famous Players, was to be produced became more than ever apparent. At the Central opera house this (Thursday) evening, May 24. Plan Now to Spend Your Vacation at the Lakes of Wisconsin Enjoy an ideal vacation outing-- camping, fishing, hunting, canoeing or hiking--in this great nearby resort region. Exceptional opportunities for summer homes. Seven thousand lakes invite you to enjoy rest and di­ version on their shady shores. Some of these charming lakes are located but a few hours' ride from Chicago, while thousands are to be found in the cool North Woods, and can be reached by a comfortable over night trip; all of theth are immediately adjacent to the Chicago & North Western Ry. Get the family located at one of these charming spots and plan to spend throughout the summer. Ask for our beautifully illustrated folder, oru beautifully illustrated folder, "Summer Outings," with detail map "fe. -. w* •*»rMort*; *•» t*- * rys s' 'fcfeI w <" • \ . '» . .. . , mm 'M !} ; , li 'Vj' " • ~~ v t, # ' - 1 t t i T'*" ' " : • • • • • •-" ' *Jte."': k Farm Loans • ^ We are in a position to make long time real esftate loans at very - reasonable rates. We can give you convenient partial payment privileges, with the interest paying dates at a time mo& convenient for you. " I % ^ ^ In making loans if% necessary tootle the title to the property absolutely correal. This sometimes takes considerable time, depending on the nature of previous instruments agaimft the land, so it is well to make your application early in order that should such delays occur there will &ill be time to get the money before it is needed, } A farm loan is a convenient way of clearing up old debts and getting them concentrated, thus saving the continual annoya^e which a number of small accounts gives. We^ McHenr^ State Bank •3 asp's; CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--White Cap Yellow Dent sejed corn. Inquire of Peter M. Freund, McHenry, 111. R. 2. , 45-tf FOR SALE--Two sows with twelve pigs. Inquire of Jacob Weingart, Mc­ Henry, 111. Phone 637-M-2. 49-2t FOR SALE--John Glossen residence in north end of town. Inquire of J. H. Kennebeck, executor, McHenry, 111. 45-tf FOR SALE--A seven-year-old horse, wt. 400 pounds. Broke single ahd double. Inquire of Nick Bohr, Mc­ Henry, 111. 49 FOR SALE--Five-passenger Jackson touring car in first-class working order. Inquire of Mrs. E. W. Howe, McHenry, I1L 48-2t FOR RENT--A modern flat on the West Side. For further information inquire of or write Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry, 111. 45-tf FOR SALE--14 inch Gale gang plow, $65.00; Chanticleer power washer, $25.00; also all other kinds of farm machinery. Inquire of F. E. Howe, Ridgefield, 111. 43-tf FOR RENT--Upper flat in Brefeld building in West McHenry. Seven rooms with bath, steam heat and elec­ tric lights. Inquire of Ms$. C. Bre­ feld, West McHenry, 111. 46 FOR SALE--Eight room house and two lots, house fronting Main street. Beautifully located and equipped with modern improvements. Inquire of Miss Florence Granger, West Mc­ Henry, IU. 48-2t FOR SALE OR RENT--A summer home at Emerald Park on Fox river near McHenry. In first-class condi­ tion. Will sell or rent by the season. Theo. Schiessle, West McHenry, 111. 4t FOR SALE--One 209 acre farm, known as the John A. Smith place, two miles east of McHenry; one 145 acre farm at Lake Defiance, also one block containing 12 lots with good, improved house, located east of Fox river bridge. Apply -to or write S.' H. Freund, Administrator John A. Smith estate, McHenry, III. 41-tf WANTED--Boat builders, cabinet makers, joiners, painters, first-class all around carpenters, caulkers, pipe fitters and men who know how to in­ stall engines. We have clean and well ventilated shops. Port Clinton is sit­ uated on Lake Erie, in the center of the famous fruit growing district, on the main line of the New York Cen­ tral. A good, inexpensive, little town to make your home in, within easy reach of the Great Lakes sum­ mer resorts, and there is plenty of lishing, hunting and boating. Non­ union shop. We oifer good wages and iteady work. Transportation refund­ ed. The Matthews Boat Company, Port Clinton, Ohio. 46-4t agent of the Chicago & North West­ ern Ry. will be pleased to give you full particulars, or address C. A. Cairns, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago & North Western Ry-, 226 W. Jackson St., Chicago. 49-0t How's Thisl We offer One Hundred Dollars to­ ward for any case u( Catarrh that can­ not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the paat thirty-live years, and. has become known as the most reliable remedy lor Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acta taru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, sx- pelllng the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall s Catarrh Cure for a short time you will * great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall® Catarrh Cure at once and rid of c^Urtll Send for testimonials, free. V . J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, OhUk Sold by all Druggists. 7JSc. FOR SALE--House and four lota. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, 111. Wilnilaalir «d» Mlf tmM* - "My Kingdom for a Mechanician!" How often have such lementations lo£ themselves among the hills awl vallt-ys, plains and prairies or woodlands of our rural di&ricfls, W removed from the friendly garage. The Next Time It Happens raise your voice to a pitch that will carry to our ears, and we will respond quickly, willingly and gladly. SAT YOUR SERVICLEjQ. EXPERT REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING - BATTERY CHARGING ̂ -- TIRES-GASOLINE-OILS ---- ^ SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION AUTO LIVERY-QUICft SERVICE STAR GARAGE JOHN R.KNOX, PROPR. PHONE 30 --------- MS HENRY HI. Extra Mileage You Csm S-- and Measure The extra thickness of the Michelin Tread--due to extra rubber and fabric-- means additional mileage. Especially is this true since every ounpe of rubber and fabric is the toughest that money, skill and experience can produce. Michelins give so much mileage that they'd be economical even if high priced. But they're not high priced. STAR GARAGE, McHenry, Illinois ^ Michelin Casings art just as good at Michelin Red Inner Tubes, which are often imitated in color but never in quality. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT - * • v . SPECIAL ATTENTION G1Y&N TO THE atUtJlf Drc*»ed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Pwiltry, tildes, Etc., Butter and Hpg* This ia th« oldaat honae on the strent application. Stall i * 3. PattM St. Wlilwl> Martot. Tags and prioo liste farniebod o« COLO STOWAGE FREE ^ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

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