mi ffgtWwm ?y:y.%,-£~ywr<- m .*•* ? ^ Sv '-< - •» - y* " , - _ • > • > , „w w- v ;r»\wj^w,v , ^sr*»*»-, ^ M,'.y,puum;"*w*wp' ^•mgHji'"»j"niw nip . i i .•w'^iwi/1 "y^u'i^w .f jy si" *"±m \* f^nwi' >--'^swr1 w s» "•p't'^ii" , ^u>'5ic» -X*>* y*, -<l> - -•«.•„- « ,-\'* 4„-„ V*. i. •**%;'••' -Jp?"T' * *y- "•*}* •, < *1 rfei JjfcSCL ?S3SH2SES G-E inn ! No New (tome is Complete Without the G. E. Wirings System for Lifetime Service w s Let ns figure out your complete plan for etch room's / Mnvenience. Carey Electric'Shop o Phone 251 DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDKALW Sheets 24x36 inches. Opening of Channel MUSIC BT THE FAMOUS BLUE BIRDS / OP AURORA Miay attrsctiTt THE DANCE FLOOR HAS A MAGNETIC POWER OF DRAWING THOUSANDS ADMISSION lOo PARK PLAN DANCING GOOD PARKING BS53E3GS AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE BERNER BLDG. GREEN STREET M'HENRY, ILLINOIS 7:15 sharp Saturday, June 2nd The following will be sold at auction on above date. Terms of sale made known on day of sale. : ONE UPRIGHT PIANO ONE ELECTRIC THOR WASHER FIVE BEDS, COMPLETE FIVE DRESSERS THREE BUFFETS DINING ROOM TABLES AND CHAIM KITCHEN CABINET FIVE ROCKERS COMBINATION COOK STOVE THREE ICE BOXES TWO DAY BEDS ^ v FORTY CHAIRS Other articles too numerotti to mention. F. P. MILLER WM. G. SCHREINER, Auctioneer. I Pavilion 3 MILES WEST OF ANTIOCH BY THE Antioch Fire Dept Tuesday, May 29 AND THREE SATURDAY NIGHTS IN JUNE, 2 916 1 in tfcU fMNrffian {THE UNKS REFEREE\ MTBPntt FUUMDIALKR. THTOSDAY. HAT M, 1928 : Modern Building to House Young ~ I A Stock and Care for Their Feed -- ..... •" y* '»r«* I JR'TSVSI Interpretations W A* fti WCitf If INNIS BROWN (Managing Editor, The ImH Golfer) j Do the rules of golf Mow a filofor to lift his ball out of casual tor in a sand trap and drop or place it elsewhere «* tho trap without penalty? No. • ball in casual water to a haurd la treated the hbw aa a baO la a regular water haaard. If tha player chooses to lift, ha moat penalise himaelt a stroke, whether h* drops It elsewhere In the basard back of It Where a baU stops in two or three inches of water in a water hasard, is it permissible for the player m addressing the bail to allow tho cliibhead to touch the water t No. To do so means loss of the bole in natch play and two strokes la medal play. If a flayer's ball Hops on the grassy slope of a sand trap, is ha allowed tosole his dub in addressing i t f Tea. Technically this grassy slope la not a part of the (ranker. A banker is defined as "that part of a pit or depression In the ground where the natural soil is exposed and sometimes top-dressed with softer soil or sand* Under this definition the slope covers# with grass is not a part of the busker BO tar as the rule la concerned. (§ ky tfca Ml IrMlait. !•«.> John J. Vycital PAINTS, VARNISHES AND OILS Yon will need them all We can save yon money. All work guaranteed. Natice To Stockholder*! Notice is hereby riven that U* adjourned Annual Meeting: of the Stockholders of the Fox River Valley State Bank will be held at the office of the Bank, June 18 at 10 a. m. for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, changing the name of the Bank and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Fox River Valley State Bank. Victor H. Thiele, Cashier. 50-8 Cornea in Bka The worst thing about wisdom Is that It can only be acquired on the Installment plan. NEW DISCOVERY ' PRAISED HIGHLY Stops Pain la Five Minutes--Absolutely Harmless After thorough tests on thousands of seven types of pain, a recent medical journal states: "The new prescription, A Vol, is indeed a blessing to those who suffer from pain, it is absolutely harmless, safe for anyone to take, as it does not contain aspirin acetanilid or any heart depressants whatsoever." If you suffer from severe, throbbing, bursting, nerVous, sick headaches, have neuralgia, torturing neuritis, rheumatism of joints or muscles, toothache or earache, you should at once get a tube of 12 A-Vol tablets at your druggist's, the 26c size. Take two tablets at once and if you are not relieved of pain in five minutes, your druggist will refund your money. A-Vol Is truly wonderful. It will check the worst cold very quickly. You owe it to yourself to try this remarkable new discovery. Just ask for A-Vol, the new prescription for pain. You will be delighted. 48-4 -- "We'd rather break the speed limit than to break o«r promise of on time deliveries." SUILDER8 feHEET METAL WORK * 6 STVD-S4*0IC. ex*.T uiana % 1 I OF * 151 Joist 4-lTxicTBOyltRuDlJi tNTlLATOS oujrartno^ frtfarajmma ndie CoKNQtt Ui'-s'J 1/ ICTB« ONCEPT£ (tOOK CAI/PEN ^ H p CAirPtN _ tf--X [j»-4r= lur- - = "-smrJ-jEr--- .KDMixinoRM --ir-c --rtcf-- -j- -iv-- g- I23QQ0CI Cm/AM CN/KN CMLTKN CALPPCN CAIPPEN CALTPCN Green Slreel Mc Henry Quality Market Phone XS6 Next Door to A. & F. Pork Loin Roast 25ac •Mini fa' Prompt deliveries mean a saving of time, a saving of temper, and probably a saving of money. We keep our delivery service in first class condition, so that we can get yonr orders to you on time, without even straining the speed limit. For ja eil 46. demonstration MaIIenry lumber rn IVlwlOvALmr AMO SERVICC FIRST VV* West McHenry •y W. A. RADFORD , Mr. Wllltam A. Radford wt^lniwtr ou'estione and slv* advice FREE OF COST on all problems pertaining to th« subject of butldlnc work on the farm, for the readers of this paper. On account of hl« wide experience as editor, author and manufacturer, ha la, without doubt, the highest authority on tha subject. Addreoa all Inquiries to William A. Radford, No. 1111 Pvalrta avt. nu., Chicago, 111., and on)? lacloaa two-cent stamp for reply. On the modern dairy farm the calves are taken away from tbeir mothers a few days after birth. While this Is not s handicap to their growth and health tinder the present-day method* of feeding and handling, housing tbem so they will develop rapidly and so that tbe work of caring for them at the least possible labor costs requires a building especially designed for the young stock. Such a building Is shown in the accompanying Illustration. This calf barn Is 78 feet long and 24 feet wide. As will be seen by tbe floor plan, there are ten pens, six on one side and four on tbe other side of tbe feed alley running through the center of the building. There also is a room for mixing the feed for the calves. Tbe plana also Include a cross section and various details which furnish sufficient Information from which a contractor can undertake tbe actual building of this barn. Pork Shoulder Roast, I Fresh Spate Ribs | Fresh Boiling Beef. Interior Decoration Stamps Individuality Changed conditions itf bringing os all to the enjoyment of the small house. The high cost of existing, the increased facilities for enjoylpg the out-of-doors and the larger Interests of woman--all conspire to plade tbe star of the wee house In the ascendancy and to create for it an Important and distinctive place In -modern life. Informality and pleasant hospitality should be tbe keynote of the small bouse. It should be fresh and smart Above all, the hackneyed decorations of the past order are to be avoided, and Imitation of the more pretentious schemes of today as well. The time has come for the large house to covet the decorations of the small one, for there are manofactur ers and decorators who specialize In the cottage type of furnishings. The modern small-bouse furniture divides Itself into three large classlfl cations. These are by no means ad vocated as the only kinds, but they are the ones which seem to hold In themselves the most Inviting suggestions. There are the modern adaptations of the old English and peasant cottage furniture which comes principally in oak and walnut; there are tbe modern painted varieties founded on tbe old English and peasant models; and there are the delightful modern reed and wicker pieces. These styles may be Judiciously mingled, and even their creators urge against their purchase in "suites." One should enter at once Into the spirit of the wee house when one steps into the entrance hall, for it Is not, as in the case of the large, formal house, the outer vestibule against the intrusion of strangers. The little bouse needs no such barrier. Freed frfcm the tyranny of tbe furniture "suite," and a pleasant background selected, the living room of the little bouse usually evolves itself very simply and naturally. Tbe relative shape and proportions of the furnishings for the wee house must be carefully considered, and one can. Indeed, indulge in whims rn<l fancies in a small house which they would never dare attempt In larger houses, and It is through the spirit of fearless experimentation that the most Intere^tlns r«*itlt* are Cellar Is Fine Place ^ for Breakfast Room At first it looked like everybody else's furnace room: now the asbestos- covered furnace is white, Its doors are black with stovepipe enamel, tbe hot-water tank Is Silver and the rough walla are celled and white. Windows and doors have gray trimmings and a cast-off dining room set Is finished in gray stain. Shabby fraates, made new with gray enamel, hold the fashion prints o 1 the early '60s that hang on the walls. With red-and-whlte gingham window draperies, a red geranium in a gray-trimmed, white pot in each window, bottle flower-containers enameled white and gray in inch-wide stripes and rag rugs, this furnace room Is a charming breakfast room, cool In summer and delightfully warm on cool piornings. Another basement room has t&en converted into a kitchen. Stone walls, smoothed with plaster, and woodwork are enameled white; exposed pipes have been silvered. Cabinets, tables and a dumb-waiter connecting with the upstairs dining room are white, and black and white paint have changed old kitchen chairs into new ones. ;«t »s«Maho t. *24c 17c! Boneless Veal Roasf 1 | Best Land, 2 lbs. ' -IT&i . 29c Veal Hearts, 15c. Hog Liver. Sugar Cured Corned Beef 17c McHenry's Leading Market Saves you money on your meats Filler, Wax, Dye Give Protection to Floors Tbe newest floor of the newest house must be protected against the 'onslaughts of Bobbie's sturdily shod and active feet For like many another form of beauty, floors are quickly marred unless they are protected to withstand the tests to which every wear puts them. To keep the fine color of such closegrain woods as pine, cypress, maple, birch or beech the application of a paste wood filler in natural shade is applied. This fills the pores, gives a hard foundation, covers up defects and tones the wood to an even shade. Finished with two coats of paste or liquid wax, these woods so treated make an enduring floor which will stand many a hard knock from kiddies' toys or Rover's claws. For the colored effects which some find desirable, a coat of wood dye Is applied then lightly eended. A finish of wax is, of course, used as a rula. Lite's True Objed Ws are here not simply to fst tough to eat so as to ke?p alive, nor te accumulate enough goods so as to comfortable, but w« are bare to grow a life so fine and so useful thai It will brlag Joy to othsrs and bs worth keeping alive forever,--Bpwortb Herald* tfnttoJ SWs/ Seai TW ssal of the United •added apon June 20, ill Noi AH Turned Into Bee/ One authority says that M.8 par cant of the finished product of a slaughtered steer is beef and 40.T par cant is composed of by-producta. From OU Saxon Wood ""Brand-new" Is equivalent to m," meaning fresh from the lira, bright and new. "Brand- was an old Saxon word meaning "barn." Hence an article freab from tha said to be brand new. STUDEBAKER Sweeps The Boards holds ALL fpeed and stamina records for fully eqnipptd - stock cars EVERY CAR A CHAMPIOMI • THE COMMANDS* $1435 to $1625 F. 0. B. FACTORY 85 horsepower 72 miles per hour World's Champion car--25,000 miles in less tha* 23,000 consecutive minutes. Nothing else pn earth ever traveled so far so fast. THE PRESIDENT $1985 to $2485 F. 0. B. FACTORY 100 horsepower 80 miles an hour 131-inch wheel base Holds all official records for stock closed cars, regardless of power or price, from 5 to 2000 miles and from 1 to M hours. THE DICTATOR $1195 to $1395 F. 0. B. FACTORY JO horsepower 65 miles per hoar 5000 mflesinless than 4800 consecutive for stock cars priced below $1400. THE ERSKINE 81g $795 to $965 - F. 0, B. FACTOR* 43 horsepower 62 miles per hour ^ A thtmmH miles in less than a thousand coswortlis minutes--a record for stock cars priced below $1000. Vox River Motor Sales DOHXRTY * EICHAiDSOS Elm Street Fancy Smoked Ham-~. Fancy Bacon Squares" Sugar Cured Bacon, hal f or whole 26c Fancy Picnic Hams _--_--,----17c 32c V t.