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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1934, p. 2

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•** Jfln and Mrs-"^^ Anderson and daughters, Sarah and Betty, and son, Jean, and Miss Margaret Stine spent • Sunday in the home of Sir. and Mrs. •Her.ry Kennebeck. _ .Mr. and Mrs.- Floyd-Hopper of Crys- 'tal Lake called on, friends Monday evening. - • • - „ - Mrs. Fred Ramholz went to Chi- ? cago Friday where sh«*-*vill spend two weeks in the home of her daughter, .'• Mrs. Carl Schmitt and family?-'Mrs- Schmitt is in the Ravenswood hospital . Where she underwent an operation last week. .. ! -V v - > Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Hitzemjm of ; (Chicago spent the Fourth of July in S th« home of h€r parents, Mr. and Mrs. • A, E. Nye. 'V-V \ • • .Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley"arid family' .of Woodstock• spent the Fourth /:-4«th;>er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry - Heimer. .*.. •, * WjHiam Smith' of '.Chicago .spent a fetv tins'the,last of. the week with ' / " - $iis w ife here. , \ -Mrs Martha Page returned<|>iday *' " from a w t in Chicago. ' I , * Mtvi Miriam Saylef r is...i.TKisitirig, • : v'V;::'.ifi4ends'-in* Chicago- thfo'week.' : Mr.' and JVlfcs. W Fay and Mrfc. R. T. Wray and ditoghtgj^-^k^ Dhu, ^ . r of .£lgin called on MrsTTElla^Wheeler, Sunday. . • , Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutson of Wdod'stock' vjsitetJ Mr. and. Mrs. W. A.,Sayler Saturday.' --i*.. Emily Stanton of Long Lake visited here Sunday. / . . . D r . a n d M r s . H . F . C a n n o n a n d c h i l » dren and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young ' • of "Waukegan were Sunday guests in, -the M. J. Walsh home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett an'I W " Francis and Edward Bonslett of Chi- """""""""" ra-gp spent Tuesday with Mtr*&nd Mrs. , V Willfam Bonslett in tionor of the former's birthday. « Miss Grant, a teacher in the local ; high school, is attending Chicago , • Utiiversity this summer. * ^ Mrs. Anna Aicher of Washburn is visiting in the home pf her son, Dr. F. J. Aicher. "MTss~"Errmne Carey of Wihoot was a lotal visitor Monday. Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. -and Mrs. H. J- Schaffer. Mrs. Floyd Hopper of Crystal Lake and. sister, Miss Madalyn HoLmes, of . „Williams Bay, Wis., called~on friends Sunday "evening., Mrs. Mary McCabe of Chicago is spending the summer with relatives and friends here. A ten-piece ,orchestra placed Si the Fox dance pavilion on Saturday and Sunday nights with six of the players .; remaining in. McHenry over night. Members of tho orchestr* were all students of the University it Madison, Wis. Those wfco spent the night here were: Otto Tenbrock of Madison, y?is.; Armand Delzer and Edward Yutreck" of. New York City; Connie Wendell, the director, of Waukesha, Wis.; Otto Leverenz, of Waukesha, and Cafl Theil, of Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Lillian Breyer of Milwaukee spent the weekend here. Floyd Cooley of Ft. Wa^ne, fad., ith his Elgin is visitaunt, 'Mrs. jqBNT & COMPANY . AU Kinds of ^IJTSURA' ; -- i-V ' Placed with the most reliable .Companies, Cemefnand talk it «•« /: "hone McHenry Telephone No. 300 - - Stoffel A Reihansperger hinruce agents for all classes property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS Charlie's Repair Shop ^Fwmerly Pint's Blacksmith : ' Shop--Pearl St. Radiators Repaired, Bodies and Fenders . Straightened Sign Painting ... * Truck Lettering • Acetylene Welding--- CHARLES RIETESEL spent a few days parents here. Miss Joan Nels ing in the home Charles Rasmjiissen. Mr. and Mrs. James Costello, Sonl, James and John, and daughter, Mary Ann, and Mr. and Mire. Emmerson Beverly of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mrs. Carl Nelson and family of Elgin spent the Fourth: in,th<^C^rt<>5 Rasmus^en home^' % •? Miss Mariljfn Merte& "is yisitih|f "ija. the Carl Nelson home at Elgin. • " ' •Mr. and Mrs. R«y -Conway ^nd'-'Jif-' A. Conway visited it) the- Jamps Con- Way home at Crystal I^ake, Sunday. /fhe Robert Sutton family of.Chicago is spending the summer at Emerald Park. Mr. Sutfcen • fehjoyed a vacation last "week; and spent tie week hem'- .'.?•• '/•' '. •' Mrs. Waiter Warner and children returned to their home in Elgin Tuesday; after a week's visit in the hoin? of her sister, Miss Anna Fxisby. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin and Marjory Phalin of Chicago" spent Sunday with their parents. ~ George Phalin of Cleveland, Ohio, returned Friday after a week's visit with his parents here and with his wife and daughter, Terry, at Woodstock. His wife and daughter accompanied him to Cleveland, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin visited in the B. F. Martini home at Grays- Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dryer of Forest Park are visiting ii* the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Block, _ Mrs. George Johnson and daughter were Elgin visitors Tuesday. M*"- and Mrs. Henry Foss and son left this Thursday morning for their home in New York City after a visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss, with Mr and Mrs. Will Heine of Chicago attended tb« Century (^Progress, Monday. " .. . * Mfs. Clarence tVhiting of Elgin spent a few days here last week. She was called here by the illness Of her son, Melvin. . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly and Mir. and Mrs. Frank Ludke of Chicago visited the former's parents last week. Mrs. A. Anderson and children of DesPlaines visited relatives here last week. * "" John F. Knox of Downers Grove; -iipent a few days las^tfteek with his family here. _ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patjke ' anti Mn and Mrs. Carl Patzke and children of Chicago visited relatives here one day last week. ' Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh, one day last week, were, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Beverly, Elgin; Miss Anna Dwyer, Evanston; Harold Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Belcher and son, Robert, Chicago. Robert Dwyer of Rockford is spending a few weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger of Maywood spent Saturday of last week with relatives in this city. Miss Harriet Boger of Chicago, who spent the past week at her home here returned to that city Sunday evening. Miss Elizabeth Boger of Chicago is spending a two weeks vacation at her home here. . Misses Bertha and Augusta Buchert of Elgin are spending several Weeks | in the home of their ttrotner, Will, and family. Eugene Sayler,. with John Clark of Waukegan, attended the annual picnic of the Cutts Club of DeKalb held at - -Williams Bay, Sunday. SL0CU1T8 LAKE Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter Frances accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis and daughter Frances to, -Waukegan last Thursday. . J.Mr. and-Mrs. A. W. Fqss and daugh* ter of Libertyville were callers Monday afternoon at th® home of the former's parent^, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Foss. ' ' ' >. v Harry Matthews attended a director's meeting of the Lake County Farm Bureau at 'Grayslake last Thursday evening. Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and daughter, Beatric'eTmd son Bussel spent the Fourth of-July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sehrer at" Fox Lake. JOHNSBURG YOLO M>. . and Mrs. John Degen and daughter Jeanette were Woodstock callers Friday afternoon. Nick Bertrang of Aurora is spending a few days here with relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weingart and family of McHenry spent Friday eve ning with Mj\ and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and Mra^John Rauen of Spring Grove and Mis®Emmfct Freund of McHenry visited with John H. Freund Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mm Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago : spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mrs" Steve May and daughters Joan and Violet and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and daughter attended the Mrs- John Blomgren and guest, M^sftaymond Lusk and daughter, Betty . Lou, were Thursday afternoon guests ^™val at Crystal Lake Wednesday * _ ' _ . • _ (ifrAynAnn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lloyd a'pd son Kenneth of Grand Rapids, Mich., were Sunday evening and Monday guests at the home; of Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. F 0 S S . ' / ' • . . , v . \ . RaymoncJ LUsk S»nd daughter, 6etty Lou, were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Galvin ^ at Cary. Mrs. Ella Parks of Park Ridge and Miss "Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda spent the 4th of July at the W.- E. Brooks home. . Robert Lagerlund returned "to his hom^in Chicags Friday after spending the past two Weeks at the Blomgren home. Misses Helen and Bertha Davis Qf the "Flats" spent Sunday with their cousin, Miss Frances Converse. Mrs. Celia_ Dowell and daughters were callers "at Woodstock Saturday evening. - Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Schambris of West Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were dinner and supper guests the Fourth of July at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Matthews'. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters attended a show at Round Lake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were callers at Libertyville arid Waukegan last Friday. , " Mr. and Mrs.. Ray Coolk of Zion were Saturday afternoon and supper guests at tHe home"of former's parents here. v / Mrs. Celia Howell and children rpent "Fourth of July ^evening at the carnival at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zentschell and children of Wilmette wefe callers Fourth of July at the H. L. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter Dolores visited at the Gilbert Harris home rft McHenry Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray DoweU and daughter Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris, and M. and Mrs. Gilbert Harris and son, Ray and daughter Evelyn of McHenry enjoyed a picnic at Lord's Park, Elgin the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Mn and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Mr. afternoon. Mrs. Earl jHoiffine of Genoa spent Thursday with Mr. and. Mrs, Joe P. -Millet-. '. •" Mr. and Mrs. Bob WiUcie and Miss Caroline FreundVdf ^'Chicago visited with; Mr. and Mrs. Jfeter Freurwi Sunday. .:-'X Mrs. SteVe May and Mrs. Joe King Were Burlington callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and family of McHenry were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kattner of Spring Grove were callers here Friday evening. AHi? Schaefer of Waukegan is spending a week with Bud Meyers. Mr- and Mrs. Jacob Adams Were Woodstock callers Friday evenipg. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith and daughter Helen, were Woodstock callers Staturday afternoon." Mrs. Katherine Kerkmann and daughter Maymeuand son*Anthony, of New Munster, J/fos., were visitors in the home of and Mrs. yfcn. Alfhoff last Monday afternoon. ,*" Miss Angela Tonyan of Chicago visited at the home of her grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. Wm.. Althoff one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Blake and family of McHenry were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Degen Sunday evening. Mr. and1 Mrs. Jim Chamberlin and daughter of Chicago spent Wednesday with John Pitzeri. N Joe Schmitt of Beloit, Wis,, was a business caller here Wednesday- Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin bi-ent Wednesday with home folks here... ,V:. Joe Schmitt motored to Aurora Tuesday. " • Mrs: Leo Freund entertained the Five Hundred Club Monday evening, with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mrs. John A. Miller and Mrs. Leo Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mickels wera McHenry callers Monday evening. Miss Isabel Schmitt of Chicago spent the Fourth with Tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math N. Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff were Woodstock callers Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs... and Mrs. Joe Dowell and four children J?hn Kin& McHenry Friday eveattended the Lake-Boone County Farm Bureau baseball game at Graysrr Downs Motor Expressly , The pioneer Line - Operates daily between McHenry-and Chicago Phones: Wahash McHtfnry '256 A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor' Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service Road Building 204 M " McHenry, m S. H. Freund & Son J CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience U at Ydnr Service in building Your Wan}i Mat Freund, who attended school at DeKalb', was .present at the- Cutts Club, DeKalb, picnic at Williams Bay, Wis., Sunday. J. F- Claxton spent Monday in Chicago and visited the Century of Progress. •••" Mrs. J. C. Peterson and Mrs. William Perkinson and daughter, Marilyn, of Chicago spent last week \^ith their mother, Mrs. Theo. W. Wiftkel, J. C. Peterson and William Perkinsori joined their wives f<Tr the w^lkend and they returned home with them. " Mrs. T. W.'Winkel, Mrs. Jesse Wormley, Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, with Mrs. J. C. Peterson and Mrs." William Perkinson of Chicago, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Sabel, at Gray slake, Friday afternoon. Mrs. T. W. Winkel, »"Mrs. Jesse Wormley, with Mrs. J. C. Peterse«r and Mrs. William Perkins of Chicago, visited at Lake Geneva, Saturday. Misses Alta and Florence Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Buchman of Chicago were weekend guests of Mrs. Grace Weisbaum. Miss Mary Elizabeth Stack of Janesville, Wis., is visiting in ^ the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townsend. Mrs. Margaret Gilles of Woodstoefe and Mrs. Margaret Dwyer and children of.. Huntley spent Tuesday evening with the former's sistef, Mrs. Peter Doherty. Mr- and Mrs. J. J. Vycital, daughters, Elsie and Frances and son, Harold, attended the funeral of Mrs. Vycltal's brother at Itacine, Wis., Monday. ay Long dnd Mrs. Bernard Long of Chicago were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dohertyf M/iss Elsie Vycital, with two cousins, Mary and Adaline Masik of Racine, Wis., left Monday afternoon on a trip to Keystone, la., where they ^ill visit jn the home, of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs- Joe Sodomaka. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt and children and grandmother of Indianapolis, Ind-j spent the past week visiting in. the William Hunt home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watson and son, Reed,, of Royal Oaks, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wynkoop *fcWoodstock. -- lake Saturday afternoon, when Boone County defeated Lake County by a score of 12-10. Lake County was in the lead up to the last inning wheil Boone County scored four runs. James Paddock was credited with a home run with two on bases. Mrs. John Blomgren and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park an4 Mrs. Willard^ Darrell were Friday afternoon arid lun- §bn guests at the home of Mr>. arry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. .' Mrs. John.Loftus and son ^lvin and daughter 'Judith of Hainesville-spent last Friday evening at the home of" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordigeyf>*. Mrs. Wm. Fom and son Archie of Libertyville motored to Grand Rapids, Mich., Saturday, and returned home Sunday evening. The former's mother, Mrs. Louise Schraeder returned home with them,, for .a .visit af the Foss: : Mr. and Mrs. Ferd.«Grofvenor of New Jersey and Miss Daisey" Grofvenor of Chicago were Sunday after noon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr.'ai*! Mrs. Ray'Dowell arid daugh ter,; Dolores, were business callers at Grayslake last Saturday morning. Pl&indeaters for sale at ^Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner of Chicago spent the Fourth of July here at the home of Mr. and Mlrs. E. Ros»- duestcher. The Grays Lake Merchants came to Volo the Fourth intending to whip the McHenry Brewers. The Bfwwers won with a score of 7 to 5. , Miss Beatrice Wilson called on Miss Bernice Powers at-; Wauconda Tuesday. Mk". and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher- and family called on John Molidor at Grass Lake Mondiay ^yening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family spent the Fourth of July with Mr. and Mrs. Ritt at McCollum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Martini and family of Chicago spent the Fourth of July here, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdues tcher. c Mr. and Mrs. D. R^gan of Libertyville called on Mr. and li^rs. Lloyd Fisher Monday evening. . Mr. and Mrs- Charles Miller and son of Libertyville spfnt the Fourth' I of July here with the letter's parents^ Mir. and Mrs. John Oaf fling. Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family attended the Powers reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Powers on the'Fox River the Fourth st>f July. Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin and family of Wauconda^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter >f Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield and sons, Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and family, Mr.*>Kniffle, Mr. and Mr?. Clark Nicholls and family spent the Fourth of July "with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield. Deputy Warden William Rossduestcher of Joliet, spent the weekend here with Mrs. A. Lusk and relatives. Mrs- E. Bacon and daughter Vinriie visited Mrs. Marf Ames at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Ames at Avon Center Saturday. Miss Sarah McEmmell of Racine, Wis., spent the weekend here at the home of Mrs. A. Lusk. Mrs. Wilmot and son of Marengo, called on Mr. and Mrs- Herbert Waldmann Thursday. Mrs. Bert^Horton and family of Grayslake called on her daughter, Mrs. Harry Hironimus Saturday. Mrs. William Waldmann received a message from Detroit, Mich., stating the illness of her father. Mrs. Waldmann left immediately. Little Shirley Ann Dunker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker, had her tonsils removed at the Sherman Hospital at Elgin, Friday. A nurAber of local people witnessed the Lake County Farm Bureau baseball team play Boone County at the Grayslake park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. George Walton and family of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger and family of WaUconda, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kautenberg and family of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. William Dilllon and . family of Volo spent Sunday at the home of John Walton. Mrs. L. T. Hayes of Woodstock spent Friday- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. The McHenry Brewers baseball team played the Richmond Tigers at the Volo diamond Sunday. \ The Mc- Henry Brewers won with a score of 6 to 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and family of Grayslake spent Friday at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family called on Mrs. M. Dunker at Crystal Lake, Monday. Miss Alice McGuire spent- a few days of the -post week witfi her sister, Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., at Wauconda. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wray and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen motored to Maywood Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatzel of Chicago visited Mir. and Mrs. William Dillion and John Walton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank King Wednesday evening. ' Mr. and- Mrs. Frank Hironimdus and family, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hironinwis and son spent Monday evening C. Keller OPTOMETRIST "A / Sundays and; Mondays at t> 8amm^r Home, Riverside DHt^ McHenry, 111. tv. All Work Guaranteed Tel. 211-i with Mr. and Mrs. William JUicholIs at Rossville. , %+$ Mr/5 and Mrs JoeejmWagner spenl *• Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund at Rich* mond. . A large crowd attended the danc<£ at the Volo Recreation hall Wedne^ day evening, for the benefit of th# McHenry Brewers' baseball teafcr ^ r': : •; :i NOTICE ; , Exanranations for teachers' certifi* catea will be held in the office of th« county superintendent of schools in Woodstock, on Thursday and Friday July 19 and 20, 1934, beginning att 8:30 a. W. ' 1 ~ *:•..' 7 ETHEL C. COE, Co. Supt- -- ' " '."5: • i RINGWOOD UNIT WINS Ririgwood unit of the Home Bur^ati' * •*"- "" won the prize for the unit having the., largest per cent of members presentf "^; > at roll call at the annual meet in? heldt' " at Greenwoods W/Keti You jSfeed Flowers or Plants *«all bn the -- McHenry Florai - West McHenry Greenhouse on "U. S. 12 ie 293 (1 Mile South of McHenry) CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. JOHNSBURG, JLL. Best Equipped Garage in Northern Illinois TOWING AND REPAIRING "'-rfe "' Agency For Johnson Sea Horses Full lane of Parts for Johiison Motors • Phones--200-J i , ' - - ^ - Night-^40-J-2 NO EXTRA CHARGE for MORE LIVE POWER per gallon TH,EY LIKE ILLINOIS Mrs. Janies Johnson and daughter May, of Utah spent four days last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justen on Green street. M iss May Johnson has been taking a special training course at T^ying-In hospital, Chicago, for the past , four months. - -- - While here, Mrs. Johnson and her daughter saw much of the surrounding country of w^iiq}) they, gained a favorable impressibn. Their first visit to .Illinois, with its greey grass, shade trees and fertile fields was greatly en» joyed and the cpuntry appeared wonderful to them as compared to Utah. Amorig' thei^ '^tertainment was a trip to Lake Geneva with George JSohr and a trip through surroundirig terri tory with Mrs. Jacob Justen. VACATIONING IN INDIANA, Mr. and Mrs. George Justen and son; with Mrs. Mat Freund and daughter, Marie, left Tuesday morning for Walkerton, Ind., where they will spend a vacation in a Cottage at a lake near Walkerton. Mrs. Freund and daughter, Marie, will return in a week, but Mr. and Mrs. Justen and son will remain for a longer time, hoping that the rest and change will improve the health of Mr. Justeto. • George, as he is known to his many fripnds, popular Green street business man, has been in poor health for some time and as his condition does not improve, a rest was recommended. Their many friends in this vicinity are hoping that Mr. and Mrs. Justen will enjoy the»r vacation and that Mr. Jus ten will return feeling greatly improv edin health. 7 ^ ' . ' . - v - - r IT'S yours for the price of "regular" gasolifie--this richer, livelier, thriftier Standard Red Crown SuperfuelrThat simply m^ans it's the greatest money's-worth you can buy from a gasoline pump today. ----Actually, more live power per gallon means more live power per dollar. It means that for every penny you pay for Standard Red Crown Superfuel you get a greater supply *>f usable energy -- power that you can turn into^ longer mileage, smoother climbing power, higher top speed, or any other super - performance you * want. That's not just a claim* Tests of many gasolines have estab-. lished the fact. But prove it to your own satisfaction. ----^ Fill your tank. at atiy Standard Red Crown p. Then, as you drive your car, its performance--watch the --compare it on economy and out-and-out value wirfntthe result* you've gotten from any other gasoline. That, we believe, will convince you that Standard Red CroWn Superfuel does giv^you more for your money. STANDARD SUPERFUEL: CROWN >4^ Cow. 1VM, Standard OD O*. more lire power per gallon AT AU. (TAHDMp «IL *TllTIMI* Aa> ItUIII-JUl WltllMnH •FHUI T

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