- • • ye. - " Tfcnntoy. Jnly 12. 1 BACON'S R BACON ' "Kinjffish" Rpssman and1 his brother Ed took advantage of the bargairf double header last Sunday to watch the Cubs and Pittsburg battle it out for foiir and one half hours. Ev(*y moment of it wa9-enjoyed by Fnwik with the possible £*eeptfon ^*t)f ^the infring that Pittsburg went on a rampage an<F scored six runs. V Carl Hubbell will certainly have something to* tell his grandchildren about. His feat of striking out Ruth, t Gehrig, Foxx, Simmons, Cronin and Gpmex in two consecutive innings will probably never be equalled by anyone. Try ard fix six more illustrious names in baseball tooay not to mention trying to incorporate them into one team. Had Terry wanted to keep Hfcbbell on the mound the outcome of the game might have been different btrt; just what did a victory mean feo Teiry. Mel Harder, winning pitcher of the game, was also a real pitcher and allowed only one bit* a double by Billie Herman in the ninth* in the five innings ,'he pitched. Don't forget that wrestling' match tomorrow night at Renehan's, you wrestling fans.. Jim McMillan, Plummer, Goldberg and Chas. Peterson are all on the card again so there'll be plenty to watch after you get there. Prices are $1.65, $1.10 and .55 and yoi/ can see fine from anywhere in the iarena. If it rains they'll be held Saturday night. Phone Round Lake 100 for reseryations as tvey certainly did pack them in last time though you can purchase seats if you get there eatly the night of the fight. Leslie White, the promoter and matchmaker for the Renehan shows, is no stranger to the wrestling game as he has wrestled considerably himself. His dad is none other than Ed. White, manager of the London stabler ana of Jim himself. Leslie is starting* a wrestling School -bri hia dad's estate near Libertyville where he will, with the aid of Jim McMillpr. Jim Londos and others, give instructions.two days a week in the art. $oys of all sizes and ages interested ih the sport will be taken care of but the classes from 1(50 pounds up Will no> doubt g®t the moifeAttfiiition. ( ii-- Milt Mazurik, in his ffirst appearance this year collected himself low -gross in the qualifying round for the Stenger cup with an 82. Both, Elmer and Willard Galitz bettered that with 77's ;but each has one low gross to their; credit and are exempted from further low grpss prizes.. , ,, him look like any other hurier. Next Sunday they play JotmUMfg e» home fieFd in Yolo. ~ Johnsburg won- another pair of games over the holidays to bring their victory string to three by ^jnning from Greenwood and the Kenosha Colored Stars. The boys under John Freund's supervision are smacking the ball hard at the plate and Joe Glosson seems to have bolstered the- pitching staff ^hen it was most needed so there is no reason why they shouldn't win more games. ' V . >1 ' " , > * .. -.V.J J . . L. , ~ % y > "«* ^ ^ •* * - gtv - - Iv,„. - • • " r\'*u* ** " - .^ TM SfcmantY •« f f---i - • ' ~ •<. j The finals of the President's cup matches will be played ne^t Sunday with G. H. Duker and Willard Galitz hooking up for the first time. Duker 111 • -1" • ' { Business Men's Soft Ball League CADILLACS 22; PARK SIDES 21 . The Cadillacs staged another one of those exciting nfcpe-inning rallies last Thursday night to note out the Park Sides by a score of .22 to 21. Al. Justen filled thefeature . play. ef the evening with a perfect peg to the plate, after a nice catch off Stoffel's fly ball into earner field, his under Tights, but * thi"s "particular ball thr?\ to plate heading off Get- DON'T MISS HOLY NAlfX ALL-STAR GAME TOES. Next Tuesday evening at 8:45 p. mi one of the greatest spectacles ever to take place in McHenry will be put on under th£ lights at the McHenry ball park when two teams representing the Holy Name Society of St. Mary's church will play a benefit ball game, the proceeds of which Vifl go to the St* Mary's church fund. Now there is,nothing unusual, in the least about^a ball game even if it is '• ' r *$>'*• ' * »,fc? game is going to be a humdinger arJ there's no way out of it.' • Just cast' your optics over these "two all-star lineups and write your own ticket on ^ . • . n ~ ^ ^ , the outcojne. Of course, the ushers trimmed Ray Pager and Galitz won may know more about the ball e from Armen Mayer, both with 2 up tha*n the piayers< but what-s a little wins, in the sema-finals last week, j thinfr like that when pood feilows get! Culver, 3b This is the third finals in which Galitz (together. And here's another thing I Worts, If has participated this year as he was j.to put back in your bonnet. Be* sure G. Freund, IV second in the Bank cup and Pouse cup jan(j g-et there early as your commattee Buss> matches. His handicap is '4 and j jn charge will have one great big Suyasch by at least two feet. Park Sides --• E. Freund, p Justen, cf J. Schmitt, c Williams, rss Conway, lss The score: Duker's 13 ,15 so there'll have to be prise for you before the game and you seven strokes given away V ^ljt* . won't want to miss it. which-mjffbt nrnke it *plenty toiM& for, for the lineups and we^ll place him if Duker can sink h»s putts. : - ^Captain Leo Meyers* squad finjt, b*^ cause it'll most likely finish up Ifest. R H PO 3 0 .... 1 -• : X , 3 .... 4 •,#" ; '8 ..-2 • • 0 „.„3 •••4, ft 5 'V>1 •3' i 1 ...s V ivt i 1 1 l T :;.l • 1 21 20 •26 * Tvo oot 'WieSIS winning run scored: Cadillacs-- ,H PO "F, Schmitfe, 3b The biggest erowd of the season j Father Nix will do the hurling with ^nvan n : watched UcHenry defeat Harvard last George Barbian on the wrong end of j H Freiind lis^b" night in a ten-inniflg struggle/ 6-5. hhe offerings, Phil Guinto will play j^ye- jf Tippy Schreinesr singled to start the j first and can he hold the bag! Jacob ! Granger if- ' tenth, but stayed on first while tHe ] Pchaefer at second an<l Sheriff Blake next two popped out. He then stole second and scored by some fast footwork^ ory ail infield single- that the shortstop knocked down. The crowd at third with Ben Swith at short, finish the air tight infield. Peter ,A. Freund, Nick F. Freund, Louis Althoff and Rob Vogt will be in the outwas well pleased with the performance ! er garder with Nick plugging the and-wilt surely retum to witoeas the j leak?. Charlie Herdrich will be the next game. * - utility man as he ^uldn't t^ke the •" t- • 9 '" " water boy's job. Then there'll also Gera&ch, c G. J- Freund, 2 Stoffel, rss-lss C. Freund, lb S ' 4 a ...... *4 v m-A • i : & • • 1 ....... 8 ....w* .0 *.• -a 2 1 ...... 0 % . ? 3y 0 ...... Z -'I," 0 2 13 • » 22 22 27 Score By Imiings v " Park Sides 2 4 9 1 1 1 0 3 ft--21 Cadillacs .....-J....3 3.3 2 1 2 1 0 7--22 -Left on bases: Park Sid39. fr; Cadillacs,. 7. Bases on balls: Off Tonyan", Next Tuesday night the Holy Name 1 be Ed Young, Slew Rothermel, Math Society will sponsor a game under the ; Blake, Bill Klapperich and John -H. light which will be called about 8:45 j Stilling in case things get too loose. with the Reverends Nix and Dommer- On Captain Herman Steffe's crew i 2^ off Freund, 4; Struck out by Tonmuth hurling for the two teams. The .there will be Father Dommermuth ;yan, 5; by Freund, 4. Double plays: entire lineups can b^ found elsewhere j pitching to Anton P. Freund. John: Justen to J. Schmitt; Tonyan to C. on thi& • J)§ge. •" .DdtfiriftifS' '.#h$s, 'riu»: Stock will play first despite the fact, Freund to^Gerasch. Two base hits: treat. Tire McHenry Country Club has annoynced its plans to hold a dance at "the Fox Pavilion on Wednesday night, that he's a little out of practice after'! Williams, "Culver, Worts, G. Freund, a layoff this spring. Hank Schaefer | Tonyan 2, Stoffel.- Thr^e base hits: at second, Jacob I'reund and Jacob j Justen, E- Freuhd, Tonyap. Home Steffes at third and short leave little j runs: E. Freund 2, J. Schmit| 2, Conto be desired as they are both heavy I way, Culver, Tonyan, H. Freund, C. August 8, so keep that date open oni"w*itvh" the stick or witho--ut it. . T- h--en- ' F- reund. Umpire,s : , tVinkle behind your programs. Tickets will be soM-U*®**-'8- Nick Wemgart, Big Hank | plate. Bicklor on bases. at one buck per couple, music will be provided and a timQ is assured- „ swell The McHenry Brewers took Ray Miller and his Richmond lads into camp at Volo last Stinday by a 6-1 count in a well-played game. Ray seems to be the hurier most of the teams fear in these parts but the Brewers did things to him that made Seems they had quite a time at the MMAC ball game Tuesday night with Eddie Buss hitting a home run with two down in the last inning to upset the teams so much that they went home thinking one , team had - won when In reality the score was lied a$ the scorekeeper found out when he got where it was light enough to, read the scorebook. Excellent j Weber., Joe Blake, tippy Scjbreiner, Sr.." and MiarTm- Stoffel for the outfield, with eGeb, P. Freund, Biffo Meyers, Stephen H. and Jos. W- Freund and John Thennes 'for the 4-11 call. Freddie Meyers will be the water boy ^ and ajso care for . the bats if there are any out that r ANOTHER ALL STAR MAT SHOW TOMORROW NIGHT Matchmaker Leslie White announces his card for tomorrow night at Renehan's outdoor arena and from "the • T; r. • y A+l T looks of things there will be plenty of night. For the umpires, and they dis- * dra* an even larger IiIta sn hnnc Roft toma- ^ , . tj , , , crowd than attended the last show. -WITH WAUKEGAN TEAM Ralph Bennett and "Spots" Thurlwell are playing with the Waukegan Cardinal this season, a baseball team that belongs to the Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois basebatt. league. Thurlwell pitches and Bennett plays second base. The team plays twilight games every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday with sometime#'an extra game or two during the week. I GREEN STREET I Ffariri Show 7:15 (D. S. T.) THC bmjel?B McHENRY ILLINOIS Ads. 10-2&C LAST NITE FRI., "20 MILLION SWEETHEARTS" ^ Saturday Only, July 14 JOE E. BROWN in "A VERY HONORABLE GUY" ; V with ALICE WHITE 4th Episode "THE VANISHING SHADOW" Sunday and Monday, July is and 16 : SILVIA SIDNEY and CARY GRANT in "SO DAY PRINCESS'9 ^Royalty come 1<> America exeji tlxuisrh it's' ' ' , only for 30 days; r Tves., Wed., Thurs., July 17-1S-19 GEORGE ARLiSS m ^*THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD" BORIS KARLOFF, L0RETTA YOUNG, ROBT. YOUNG like eggs so please bring soft toma toes, Carl Bickler will call balls and strikes and the players will call him. Jim McMillen of Grayslake will Ed Smith and Chas- F. Pich will be 'headline thfe card again and will bo the base umpires and they'll get in matched with Sol Slagel, a West, coast _ -- - a . ^ ^ ^ * _ • ^ 1 a A ^ W O VA' I 1 CS McttNRY STILL LEADS IN SOFTBALL LEAGUE Mef&nry is still leading the Northem Illinois division of the National Softball Association'in the most recent release of the standing which was as of Jtdy 6, 1984. At that time they were ahead of Crystal Lake by a game and a half. Woodstock ifs third,jthree games behind the leaders with Harvard and Marengo bringing up the van., McHenry's lead in the league is due largely to the hurling"of Howie Pflug who has to date hurled 104 innings and has, in that time, collected 166 strikeouts to lead the league in tha^ rcsp^ttvi He has allowed 58 hits. ~ Since the standings were released,. McHenry won from Harvard in a league contest, 5-2 in a game feature by the work of the moundsmen. Pflug fanned 17 Harvard men while Carpehter, on the mound for the losers, accomplished 16 McHenry, putouts by that method. McHenry also wok an abbreviated seven inning game frotn the R. 0. An-, drews team of Woodstock 4-3 -last Monday\njght . • • • • O f f kin? T««ri St&ndm^ TfecHenty . .i Crystal Lake Woodstock^. Harvard • ...... Marengo ...... JOHNSBURG IN TWIN/ vHOLIDAY VICTORIES W ' L - Pet. 12 4 750 647 563 •• 9 >500 7 8 467 Johnsburg added another pair of wins to their list by taking Greenwood into camp July 4th, 9 to 3 and then coming home to win from the much heralded Kenosha Colored All Stars 16-6 in a free hitting contest. Seeming much encouraged by their win over Spring Grove a week ago the Johnsburg lad& just would not be denied at the plate, and haVTiWred out twenty-five hits m the two ganfes. Leo Freund and Joe Glosson split the hurling dutjes in each game and allowed nine hits m each contest but were never hard pressed.. Next Sunday Johnsburg travels to Volo where they will play the McHenry Brewers on that diamond. Batting averages for the Johnsburg team#re as follows: H. Smith .389, Mike Schaefer .368, Leo Freund .362, Oeffling .356, W- Smith .350, Chas. Snlith 333, Leo King .320, Clar Stilling .304, Joe Glosson .$78, Clar Smith ,264, E. Hetterman .235, Ray Hetterman 222, Bud Miller .182, v J k ^iSs Lillian Doberty ^'ith.'tfet es Teresa, Lu?y and Rose Howden of Richmond< are (?njoying a week's camping at i Wiscc^hsm lake. Mr. and Mrs. "Charles Phalift . of Kenosha, Wis., visited Mrs, FTed Miller, Sunday. •> : WMOSFS' PENSIONS , '» Jr~~ 113,110 IH COUNTS County pensions paid to widows deserted wives for the support of their minor children cost a total of 113410 during the ending Jnna 30, it is shown in the annual pension report compiled at the office of County. Clerk R. D. Woods. Of the amount, *4,629.72 was refunded -to the county • by the state on '& percentage basis of tait" collections, leaving a balance of $8,480.28 borne by county taxpayer®. : ' OTICKEN DINNER AJ0 ^ .CARNIVAL" A chicken dinner and carnival, gpon- •sored by the Catholic Church of Spring Grove, will be held at that place on^ Saturday evening,, July 21, and all day Sunday, July 22. 45-pieco band will play eaqh evening. Sunday, chicken dinner at 11 ;30 (Standarrl time), 50c. Lunch, cafeteria style, 3:30, 15c. Extensive grounds, refresh-' ments, games, big tents, shady trees, ceol lawns, sunken dining hall, 20 de^-„ grees cooler than Under trees, Ofcbaatra* all .afternoon- ." • *7-2 ATTENDS DISTRICT MEETING t£A. Erickson was one o-f tHe Henry county complaints committee who attendee.) a district meeting of grocers rheld at .Aurora Monday night. TWO-DOOR SEDAN $ Delivered in McHenry Read} to Drive F. O & FACTORY the- way so that a fourth one won't be a necessity. Glancing over the lineups it appear? that things will be about even, though just how many innings the teams will last depends entirely upon how long it takes to retire the first side at bat. Sheriff Blake, who is none other than Tony himself, is instructed to ring star who tips the scales at 238 and is_ quite a cintortionist to boot. He holds a coveted victory over Joe Savoldin and gave_ the "People's Choice" th? worst trimming of his'brilliant career. Lou :PlummeV will ibe back in action against the wild and wooly Texan. Dick Haines, who along with Plummer and Zaharias as one of thv roughest the curfew at twelve so the kids wi!l jin the game, He weighs 240 and can go home to bed as; the game will have kick, butt and cuff with the best of to break up at that timie even if the ' them. score is tied at 50-50. ' j The other two matches wiH bring The admission price is only 10 cents, (forth Buckets Goldenberg of the Green Bay Packers, (Hello, Charley!) who will meet Hans Baur, the sturdy German, and that Boston bag of tricks, George Mack, who will enter the ring with Cowboy Eckley of Wyoming. The tickets are $1.65, $1-10 and 55c. In case of rain the show will be held the following night. Well see you at the ball park next Tuesday night and don't forget it! RLAYOBOTNN) NOTES "Cool and Comfortable' CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. FRIDAY and SATURDAY '."•'.'••'•'•George Arliss in •"•?••'•'.fir "THE HOUSE 0* /ROTHSCHILD" • "With Loretta Young o His Greatest Screen. • • >. ' Characterizationsf SUNDAY and MONDAY ----- Jack Oakie in Earl Carroll's "MURDER AT THE VANITIES" With the Most Beautiful Girls in the World! Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-25c After 6 and weekdays--10c-30c TUESDAY" 10c SPECIAL 15c "EIGHT GIRLS IN A BOAT" with Dorothy Wilftod , and Douglass Montgomery Daring! Romantic! WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Zazu Pitts, Ned Sparks in "SING AND LIKE IT" 1 •• • a • 'The Coolest Spot In Town*' FRIDAY. JULY 13 Opportunity Night Contest r 8 - New Acts - 8 (On the Screen) " ALL MEN ARE ENEMIES" SATURDAY ONLY Matinee at 2:30 fill LeRoy - Rochelle Hudson in "HAROLD TEEN" « • *5 A l s o S h o r t H i t s Ti j j; 1 ' Snilday - Monday. July 15 - 16 "WONDER BAR" with AI ^Jolson. Kay Francis, Dick P^ck«I1. Delores Del Rio, ' Ricardo Cortez, Guy Kibbee TUESDAY BARGAIN NITE 10c - 15c Sylvia Sidney, Fredrk March in "GOOD DAME" WED. - THURS., JULY 18 - 19 Barbara Stanwyck in . "GAMBLING LADY" (By N. Miller) Friday afternoon, three games of baseball were played at tbe high school playground. In the first game we saw McHenry, led by acting Capt. Harry Conway, oppose the Johnsburg youngsters, led by Capt. Buddy Mey-. ers. Incidently, the two captains opposed each other on thejnound, with Conway's team winning 6 to 3. Andy Becker and Capt. Conjyay did the heavy hitting for the local team. ,Te<Jr dy Pitmen, Clarence Michels and Nor4 bert Smith hit well for-the Johnsburg team. ' The second game proved to be a thriller, when the newly organized girls' team trimmed the boys to the tune of 15 to 8. Betty Hendricks was the outstanding star in this game. Betty had a home run, a triple and two* doubles in her four trips to the plate. Marian Ande'rson had a home run; "Pep" Bacon and Louise Stilling. ! collected three hits apiece. Acting Captain Audrey Rothermel pitched and Eleanor Althoff" caught. Dickie Freqnd pitchW for the boys,' and Bobby Stilling was on the receiving end of those balls which the girfs; didn't hit out of the lot. . The third game was a close one be* tween the McHenry and Johrsburg second 'teams. Chirles Wendt was acting captain of the local lads; and. Francis Schmitt piloted the upriver team. Johnsburg helped" themselves to two runs in the.first inning and McHenry retaliated by getting one and tieing it up in the third inning. In the fifth, Wendt hit a "home run with a man on base, and this proved to be a margin big enough to win the ball game, for Johnsburg succe^led in pushing over only one more r„un during the remainder of'the gaine, ACTUAl. PHOTOGRAPH OF STANDARD 4-DOOR SEDAN WITH TRUNK. $695 F. O. B. FAC TORY. Tht bit, btoultjully slreamltnrd twill-in trunk has actually moit ipatt tmuii than ajull-iut waldrotilrtmiit GET THE SURPRISING FACTS ON ^ NEW "JEWELED MOVEMENT" CAR 1 £0 miles an hour . .'\ Acceleration from 5 to 50 miles an hour in 7 (seconds in high gear . . . Unusual gasoline economy ... A reallv bigjjar. These series of c<)stly, proven construction features never before put into a car in this price class. These features give the LaFayette the smooth, long-life THERE ARE EIGHT LAFAYFTTE MODELS. SIX-CYLINDER. NASH-BUILT: $595 to $745 f. o. b. factory. On five ol these models individually sprung froat wheels are optional equipment without roomier body--are things which silence and tilling Comfort-3ft fxtT$ chaTgt* -Eltta at low ?•••••". first impress you in the new Nash- ; * • " • - ' : built LaFayette--the things, probably, which you have been hoping to 6nd in a low-priced car. • But the most important asset of the jeweled movement" LaFayette goes far beyond these points. In it is a pensive automobile. If you want the most for your money, get the surprising facts on the "jeweled movement" LaFayette first hand from your nearest Nash-LaFayette dealer--today. The Nash Motors Company, Kenosha, Wisconsin. cost. Prices subject to change without notice. Nash Motors is now building the lowest* priced Twin Ignition i powered NashJ models ever built- Prkes -xangr from. <775, f. o. bTtactory, for the Nastk 4-dooc Sft"* - #: v'#"1 B. H. FREUND SALES TeL 185 . Res. Sp-& Pearl St. McHenry THE WHOLI COUNTRY GONE Money'Savers! GOODYEAR TRUCK _ TIRE Tremendous welcome--huge tales--follow announcement of sensational new Goodyear lire--keeps us and factory on jump--Users say "43% more non-skid mileage" understates it. GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER $1655 McHENRY BREWERS WIN FROM RICHMOND 64 Heavy hitting by ThorseJl, Pfannenstil and Wiser accomplished rather an unexpected victory over Richmond for the McHenry Brewers last Sanday. Any team that' trims Ray Miller: and his boys 6-1 can justly deserve a lot of praise as Ray has the real stuff on the mound. Dowell hurled for 'the victors and allowed but 4rour hit£ which is pretty sweet to the Brewers who play oil their home games at the Volo diamond across from Ritta's Barbeque. For the Brewers, Pfanneristil collected a triple and a double with Thorsell following him with a pair of doubles. Each hurier walked two and Miller led in strikeouts with nine, one more than Dowell. . , Next Sunday Johnsburg1 will invade the lair of the Brewers in what should be a glorious contest.. Johnsburjf eems to be at the top of their game with recent victories over Spring "Grove, GreenWood and Kenosha. Eook-What You Get--No Extra Costr 43% More MHeS of reai non-skid safety . . . Flatter Wider Tread . . . More Center Traction (16% more non->&ktd blocks) . . . Heavier Tougher Tread (average of 2 Ib^more rubber) ... Supertwist Cord Body (supports heavier tread safely) We've never seen the equal of it--the way car owners have flocked in, looked, listened, bought new G-3's these last ten weeks--and it^s the same everywhere we hear. What's more, people who got G-3's months before the public announcement, report it*s better than claimed! They cite mileage records to prove they're getting better than the 4$% more non-skid mileage averaged by Goodyear's test fleet. Buy no tires until you let us show you this wonderful new Goodyear All- Weather which gives so much more safety and service without costing you a cent extra! Sure, we have Goodyears at ALL Prices f- Because Goodyears are the largest selling; tires, you get more for your money *matter what you pay. Built with Supertwist Cord . . . S thk k (read full oversize Ms3H 1.40-21 /m •> \ \ \ • • ' \ V W \ Y. GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Other alzea In proportion expertly mounted on wheels Prices tubjett cHanfv «iitM Less Than Cost Price on 4.40x21 ' 4.50x21 5.00x21 :. 5.25x 18 (111)) tirply- 5.25xl8-4lply 5.00x19 5.00x21 5.00x20 6.00x19 i - SINCLAIR GASOLINE and OILS PRESTO-LITE BATTERIES Battery Charging, Repairing Tire and Tube Vukanixinf Phone 294. West McHenry, Illinois _ kiil., i