. ,. ', -'r « j'f «,,!* 4 PUBLIC CARD PARTY Fox River Valley Camp. R. N. A. IP' will hold a public card party and dwtc* at the Bridge May 22 * 57 e , . _ ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE and Mrs- J- w- Fay announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen G&irt . to Mr. Adolph Joy Hunter, on Saturday, May 11, 1935, in Chica- ..V MEN SERVE BREAKFAST The Catholic Daughters of America . received communion at St- Patrick's , \ ^ churcii at the 8 o'clock mass Sunday morning. (J.', In appreciation of past favors tthe Knights qf Columbus' Served break-" Vfast for the Daughters of America in . the church hall following the service. ' '«• * Wot to be outd'one, the men served the breakfast in real styje with the taibles decoratied ini rosfes iand the service complete to the smallest detail. MID-WEEK CLtJjl The Mid-Week club met at the hohte of Mrs. John R. Smith on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Four tables of bridge were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. W. G. French, Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. The next meeting will be with Mrs.; C. W. Goodell. visiting and delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Bassett received maBK pleasing gifts, flowers, and cards of greeting including a gift from Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., and a postal eard shower by the members. Those present were Mrs. Alma Thomas, Mrs. Martha. Howard, Mrs. Leah Brown, Mrs. £. A. Erickson, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. 85TEARS OLD';; ;. Mrs. Jennie Bassett Friday afternoon at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Henry Vogel, by old friends who gathered to honor her eighty-fourth birthday iuinivervsary. . • • " A pleasant afternoon was spent in v. ALTAR ANR ROTARY Ifefnbers of the 'Altar, and Rosary sodality vyilj receive communion at the 8 o'clock mass Sunday at St. Patrick's church. The regular monthly meeting of the sodality will be held Monday evening in K. C. hall with a pot-luck supper followed by cards. SURPRISED BY FRIENDS A party of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hi Freund at their new home near Ring wood Sunday evening at a housew&rmiftg and a general good time. Four tables of cards were in play during the even-, ing and prizes were wen by Mrs. Ben Blake, Mrs. Nick Kennebeck. Mrs., William Althoff, Nick Freund, Nick ladies of the Ringwood Home Bureau Kennebeck and Earl Brown. Re- unit entertained their husbands at an freshments brought by the self-in- 8 o'clock dinner at the home of Mr. vited guests were served. 1 and Mrs. J. L. McCannon. About Guests were Messrs. and Mes-j twenty were present and spent a danies Nick Freund, Earl Brown, pleasant evening. William Althoff, _Ben JBlake, Nick Kennebeck,0 Ted Kaeli|l' Schaefer. and P. J. PLAN CARD PARTY AND DANCE The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will sponsor a card party and dance at Schaefer's tfcvern on Sunday evening, May 19. Bridge, live hundred, pinochle, euchre, and bunco will be played and prizes awarded. The committee in charge of the event consists of Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mildred Kinsala, Mane Powers, Genevieve Knox, Rovena MarshaEiand Kathleen Givens. & JUNIORS WILL ENTERTAIN The Juniors will entertain the Seniors of the high school at a dinner dance at the Riverside hotel Saturday night, May 18. ENTERTAIN CLUB Mrs. Herbert Frietag entertained the Sunshine club Thursday afternoon with prizes m cards going to Mrs. John Mulder and Mrs. Herbert Frietag. /• • -» ' ENTERTAIN AT CARDS ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson entertained a party of friends at their home on Main street Sunday evening; Three tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to Mr. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 17 and 18 60c Sal Hepatica LAXATIVE Sale Price 42 & >t Regis Alarm Clock Sale 98* 75c Castoria LARGE SIZE OVALTINE ... ... 57^ 25c PEBECO TOOT# PASTE 19£ 60c BROMO SELTZER 49^ 35c frejszone .£:..„,..,...,.23^ 50c UNGUENTINE ......... ..,..^1. 42 SCHOLL'S ZINO PADS .. .^ 23C 75c USTERINE .. 35c GEM BLADES /..I" 24£ V2 lb. NESTLES' CHOCOLATE BAR, Plain, Almond and Semi- / Sweet 2 for 25c 75c DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 51o 1 PINT AGAROL .... 98C 50c FORHANS' TOOTH PASTE 33^ $1.25 PETROLAGER, AH No 's 840 $1.50 B. K. POWDER . $1.10 60c NEET 42^ 35c ODO RO-NO, Instant or Reg. 24<^ 60c WILD ROOT HAIR DRESS 41^ 75c JAR BARBASOL 53^ 40c BOST TOOTH PASTE 29^ 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream ; 60c AMOUN POWDER 1,. Bottle of 100 Aspirin Tablets . 50c LYSOL $1.25 PERUNA - ^ RUBBER GLOVES i 25c KARITH DRY clfiiSiiR $1.00 CALONITE POWDER 50c Phillips' Magnesia Tablets 35c VICKS' ANTISEPTIC 1 lb. MOTH BALLS 37^ 41c 39<^ 89^ 33V» 18<^ 68^ 24* 23<* 12tf All 55c Jars PONDS' CREAMS P.Q.iyjQfS ponp:S Price - 39 Dr. West's Tooth Paste Special, 2 tubes 23 & Special 53* WHISKEY SPECIAL MILLSIDE INN 90 pfoof carefully distilled from selected grains. Special 89^ 35c Cutex Nail Polish Creme or Natural Sale: 234 THOMAS P. BOLGER PHONE M 'The McHenry Druggist*' McHENRY, ILL. MOTHER'S CLUB The guest speaker, Mr. ( «f the high school faculty, spoke on "Health and Mrs. Raymond Powers, Mrs. A1 Education," at the meeting of the 'ford Pouse and Will Heine. Refresh- Mother's club held at the home of ments were served at the close a Mrs. Ray McGee on Riverside Drive pleasant evening. A?' : Friday afternoon. ^ • tiyyp Assistant hostesses were Mrs. H. > EASTERN STAR MEETS^ E. Durland and Mrs. Charles Fich. McHenry chapter, O. E. S., met in George Vales entertained the ladies regular session Monday evening with with a'group of vocal selections ac-'a good attendance of members precompanying himself on the accordian. sent. Plans were made for future so- The next meetinjg will be with Mrs. ,cial. affairs with Mrs. C. W. Goodeil P. M. Justen. ' . ' ^ . ~v<^ |;•|PPointed as chairman of the June ... ijiommittee. -v.; MOTHER'S DAY PARTY r' |; Mrs. Henry Vogei has been invited Mothers, were honored at the an- to fill the office of Electa at %Richr. u^I Mother's Day party sponsored mond chapter May 2V. by the Catholic Daughters of America at K. C. hall Monday .evening. Each member was privileged to in- M. & CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. Church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon by pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. The fourth quarterly conference will be held, at 3 p. mM Sunday, May 26, when tho district superintendent, Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, will be here. Members of the official board, church members and everyone interested snould remember this date and plan to bei jppir esent. ; f COURT OF HONOR A Court of Honor for the Boy Scouts of McHenry will be held at Crystal Lake at 8:30 p. m., Monday. Parents and evryone interested are invited to attend this meeting at which many local Scouts will receive awards. Scouts are urged to bring their parents and friends and anyone who goes is asked to stop at the school and pick up some boys who otherwise might not have an opportunity to go. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at Etnerard P a r k ; ' . ' ' • • ; ; L - • : V - ' £ . • . / AJ AND P. MANAGERS AMD CLERKS PLANNED SALS Mr. Mathews, manager of the local A. and P. Food Store, with the aid of his'clerks, have planned a sale which rivals any that they have had for the year. For the company has set aside as Manager^' and Clerks' Week, the week of May 13 to 18. All the items in this sale were selected by the A £ P. manager and his clerics, and are the most popular ones with housewives^ . Mr. Matthews says that this week of values has been carefully planned and that no matter where you look among his shelves or displays you will find values you really want. "Housewives shopping at my store this week will receive the greatest food values of the year", seys Mr. Mathews* "because when we pick 'em, they're real values". Sunday visitors in the B. Jv.Bfe#- feld home were Mr. and Mirs. Ed. Brefeld and children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld and son, Herbert Hagerman and Theresa, Mary and Olga ^ ^ Brefeld all of Chicago^ Mrs. Henry Nell and. dmghter Spent Saturday in Chicago. The C. D. OF A. PARTY monthly social party 'of the come so popular that over eighty members and guests were present. The festivities commenced with Births Mr.and -Mrs. George G. Smith of vite a guest and the affair has be- Catholic Daughters will be held at Legion Hall, Thursday evening, May 23. This party was formerly announced to be held in K. C. hall, but owing to a pot-luck dinner served at 6i30 conflicting dates the change of hall o'clock, the serving table centered was found necessary. with flowers and the officers and ! ; guests being presented with sweet t peas as favors. Following the dinner a program was given, including songs by the Adams Brothers, a vocal solo by little Miss Dolores Vales, accompanied on the piano by her brother, and "a Elgin are parents of a son born at St. most interesting talk by Father Wm. Joseph's hospital Thursday. A. O'Rourke. Father O'Rourke is i ' always a popular speaker and he Mrs. Katherine Althoff and Mis* talked eloquently on the subject of j Martha Althoff of Chicago and Donthe day appropriate to mothers, say- ant^Dick Carney of Kenosha were ing that Mother's Day.should riot Sunday guestp in the Henry^ be only one day . .in the year but ; home. ^ everyday, . Entertainment for the evening consisted of cards and prizes in bridge were won by Lucile Hughes and Mrs. George Hess, in five hundred by Mrs. -J. W. Rothermel and Mrs. John Sullivan, and in bunco by Ml-s. J. Adams an(| Mrs. Catherine Schneider Mrs. John Sullivan of Woodstock and Esther Siegmeier of Crystal Lake were out-of-town guests. / AUDIT INDICATES SHORTAGE IN BOOKS (Continued from front page) RINGWOOD HOME BUREAU Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Fred Eppel, Tuesday afternoon, May 7, at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Smith of Algonquin gave a review of the "Magnificent Obsessions" and sang three songs, which were enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Hitchens called the meeting to order and roll call was answered by giving hints on short cuts to housecleaning. Mrs. W. B. Harrison, community interest chairman, gave a word contest, Mrs. B. T. Butler read the minutes of the last meeting, Mrs. C. L. Harrison gave a talk on Foods, Mrsi C. J. Jepson on Helath and Mrs. C. E. M&rtiix, clothing chairman, had some patterns to explain. Mrs. Eppel read an article on "What Home Bureau Means" and Mrs. Ralph Thomas of Solon unit gave the lesson on Health, which was very interesting. There were thirteen members and two visitors present. On Friday evening, April 2^ th* 3 Pontiac before ; : • 1 f-wt /rrirr* at Pontiac, AfleMMn, T*1?..0' *6IS for thm Six mnd tlMfor truh>et ihcmig).h St t(amnudhajredr t f to cjhr mfr/nljHaT wniitwhroilulit extra. £aiy C.M./4.C. 7rme Payments. When ft car wins America aa quickly at the Pontiao It must have something most buyers want. Drive a Pontiac just once and you'll know it has. The feeling of aupersafety you get from the solid steel *'Turret-Top*' Body by Fisher, triple-sealed hydraulic brakes, and full-tceight steadiness is worth Pontiac'a low price alone. So is the dependability assured by a Sealed Chassis and Silver-Alloy bearings • • • Pontiac's sparkling performance and amaring economy • • .its title of the moa€ beautiful thing on Wheels. Go first to your Pontiac dealer and you'll agree, there is no use looking further. A Gmmnl Mmn Vulm4 PONTIAC SIZES AND EIGHTS 1^ OVERTON MOTOR SALES V WEST MoHENEY, nXIHOTS •Hi a suit against the parties involved in an effort to recover the alleged shortage. _ . Committee's Report The committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report tor the board: We, the undersigned committee, being the one authorized by the county board of supervisors as the committee to settle with the treasurer and to Investigate the accounts of Harry F. Petei't, both as /;ounty treasurer and county collector, and the accounts of F. J. Hendricks, as county treasurer and as county collector, over the period of time indicated by the auditors' report heretofore submitted, would beg leave to submit this as our Supplemental Report, to be read and considered In conjunction with the report of H. E. Snyder & Company, certified public accountants. The nature and importance of the matters under our consideration have necessarily made this investigation of fairly long duration. In the Interest of fairness to all the parties concerned, from time to time as the auditors were compiling the reports we asked Mr. Petelt cm divers occasions to consult with us and the auditors for the purpose of learning the true nature of the facts. We have at all times welcomed explanations of items, of accounts under investigation and some explanations have been made and others are forthcoming. As our investigation progressed Mr. Petelt did on several occasions state that he would make a tender to us for the purpose of settling accounts, but at no time has he ever fulfilled Jbis promise to do so, with the exception of the $2,091.65 returned on the 1934 exceptions, as shown in the auditors' report. By way of a previous report to this board, mention was made of the fact that partial security had been posted by Mr. Petelt to protect the Board in such charges as may finally be established. This partial security was in the form of bank stock having a market value of about $2,100.00. This security is in the hands and custody of David R. Joslyn, Jr. Mr. F. J. Hendricks was called before the committee for the purpose of making some explanation of the shortage that appears in the year - 4930, which is Indicated in the auditors' report heretofore submitted. No explanation was given except that his books were audited at the time that he left office, which auditor's report was accepted by the county board of ;«upervisors and which report is now on file with the county clerk of this county and that such being the case he would prefer to stand on that report. The auditor's report heretofore submitted is complete and places all the facts before this board. We, as a committee, have endeavored at all times to be fairminded and careful in this investigation. We are firmly convinced that no settlement can be Jimade with either Mr. Petelt or Mr. Hendricks by .this committee under |the present state of facts. There is nothing more than we can investigate kor have we any recommendations to make. Therefore, we place this matter be fore the board of supervisors #3 consideration. Respectfully submitted, C. M. PALMER, "• A. H. HALE, N. CLAW80^p>^*<<* "• ^ D. M. WRIGHT, •• » r. B. BBGK. Weekend Ice Cream Special FRESH STRAramERRY APRICOT ICE - CHOCOLATE Another luscious Liiick Special that will please the whole family. It makes any meal a feast. Order now. THIS WEEK ONLY Blanched Mogul Peanuts Fine Food for Children. 2Vi times more energy than sugafc,worth a try. fc »>. 15<* . 1 lb. 290 HEBE'S HOW TO SAVE ON NECESSITIES-- Selling of Notions Sv" KLEENEX 7 for 924 Sheets to the Box SPRAY TOILET . TISSUE 0 rolls for 29^ MOTH PROOF BAGS Cedarized , 4 Garment Size 15* ENOZ MOTH LIQUID one pint ^ KOTEX < * 2 for $1.17 * Economy Box of 48 HAIRNETS X^::: 3 for 25* Gainsborough, all shades May Thirty First IS GRADUATION DAY AT M. 0. H. & One of th* great outstanding days in tfre • ;• 46 young people. GIFTS FOR GRADUATES AT BOLGEB'I^ - Straight Bourbon - • . Callad MILLSIDE INN Distiiled from 100% selected grains it has been careially . , matured nMer ex(«rt technical co^tfoL "'••• Kat" FREE! FREE! FREE! TO ALL H. S. STUDENTS--Both boys and girls. A Pocket Comb--A good on*. ~ Friday and Saturday Oifly;. EVERYBODY WATOH TfflS SPACE NEXT WEEK •A' '• K:' : '• ^•4 A