m *•* >• K^-, MjmroiAiist *?-rw True Ghost Stories Oopyrtrht hy Public LPdifer WNU ¥U ? W>^m • By JANE COWL . 'Actress. :• ;i||_I BAVEN1 knows we mortals " can't pnioss the elaborate workings of the subconscious mind, nor of telepathy nor of psychic !" exclaimed Jane Cowl, the • brilliant actress. "Every now and then we see an obvious example of their powers, but most of the time we are in complete darkness about their Intricacies. ,. : r-- ; "'When I was a child, I was early llppressed with an example, of-psychic : mrning," continued Miss Oowl, as she scanned the rows of books of mystery , Jul the book store which she was visit- /- iiijp. , .. 'V , " ; * "One 'day, while my Grandmother •mf- mothers; Wctlier^: **»' «V 1 ted her. She lay • in her great ed walnut befl,-|iri- £n valiggliefptess, Hiedridden. - For years she, had not been ab>« to move from t&at bed. Above , j>er wae'a hilgff painting in a W&*ht> • <rarv«d frame, all part of the massive, decorative scheme of the day. " :i%^"Soddeoly> Gr&ndaiotheif Julia as- ^tonished us by jumping flrom her- bed. rushing to the middle bf the room •t ,">Ve »sk^d what whs the. trouble, the _ is® for her unexpected'act 'Afy sis: ter called to me^ my sister called me!' she ei claimed. _ "Just then the weighty picture fell , -ftion) th« wall upon her -bed, and Its . "glass shattered into hundreds of pieces. "It grandmother had been In her bed . ike hear)- thing would have doubtless .• kilted her. • It wfuld seem that the spirit of her titter, who was in another city at the ttoe, warned..her of her danger, and SLOCUM'S LAKE lay etajh- Mr*/W. Chesney Brooks, and Otis Phillips were callers at Crystal* Lake Monday. Mrs. Wm. Foss and son, and Mrs Wm. Berg and daughter were business callers McHenry Saturday evening. „ •» Mrs. Clara Smith and Mrs. Page Smith were last Thursday callers at ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. JoS. S. Haas at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Libertyville spent la^t Wednesday ing at the home of Mr. E. Brooks. Harry Matthews and Alvin Case of- Roseville were business callers at the home of W. J. Swayer at Gurnee last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren Were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geore Lundgren at Wauconda. -' ;• Mr. and- Mrs. H. L." Brooks spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. arid Mrs, Lee Larabfe at Bristol, Wis. They were supper guests at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. W. ;0. Brooks at L i b e r t y v i l l e . - , - ' < • Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Foss and two daughters, arid the former's parents, M. and Ms. A. D. L^oomis of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daughter and , Wendel Dickson were dinner and supper guests Mother's day at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. Emily Smith and daughter of Edison Park were also guests.- Willard Darrell and Harry Matthews attended the funeral services of Mr. Frank E. Martin at the Meth- Mstaioed her with unexpected strength to Jump from her bed! Perhaps not, bat it odist church at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Granger of (.Sunday McHenry, Miss Neva Toynton of Wau-1 day wi is plausible the spirits of our (Conda and Chesney Brooks attended and relatives can visit us in / tJie annual tulip time at Holland, forms than physical," concluded i Mich., over the weekend. Cowl, as she discovered a book I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and on criminology which she wanted to-! and Mr and Mrs. Elmer Esping, read and to which she turned her , ^£rsjoe Dowelland sons attended the keen attention. \ « ^^first gsime of baseball practice at ~ ' i--~ •„ Gray slake Saturday. Odd Device' Reproduces Mutic •" Mass Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda . Music w(th the tonal quality of that art(j Frank J. Tidmarsh of Whiteproduced by famous musicians can be ':water, Wis., were callers last Friday ^ played by any pianist on a homtfraade! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • H. L. ^j^tgan constTucTed ffoffi .a dis-liwasher gj-QQjjg mot ftr, an old keyboard, tin cans, a I -^jr - loud speaker and other "gadgets." TliFTi * \prgan contains a photo-electric cell on ' /which a beam of light shines through evolving disks. 'A-film sound track of tones rephotosraphed on the disks is \ inverted into sound when Che beam reaehes the photo-cell, reproducing the original ro»e of the rfrtuoso.-Popslar ! la™Thurs<iay 'wauke"^ MectoDlcs Magazme. : , . Mrg Joh; Grosvenor and Miss Grosvehor of Chicago were calland Mrs.. were dinner guests last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr- and Mrs. Alfred Rau of. Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks sperit Plenty of Sand Hazards no' use has ever been "for the Sahara desert?" "No; but it Is only a question time when some enthusiast will « along and lay it out in golf links." •. i last 1 - - {,,& Imx :trs l! found o of Not Neceuarily Mrs. Wllkins--One wife too h? 1 suppose that's about WWslna--Hot big- Mr. <!ear. necessarily, mt ABBY QERTIE ers last Saturday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kirk at Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris and daughter of McHenry were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. John Blomgren, Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Wednesday at McHenry. LILY LAKE Told RINGWOOD Item* wi inTcrcov the Piles of the Plalnde«ta» «f Years Ago FIFTY YEARS AGOv Barbian Bros., have been re-painting and redecorating their cigar factory, and it now makes a very neat and tasty appearance. This firm is doing a good business, and their cigars are giving, general satisfaction t'o the smoking public. S. S. Shepard and son have commenced the erection of a large ware house just east of Cristy, Walker,, arid Go's, pickle factory, for the storage of dried clover blossom,. They expect to do an extensive business "in this iin<j. this season. R. A. Howard, t>f the West End rijarket is building a new b»rh ill the rear of his market. It is 18 x 24 with sixteen foot po«ts. HI H. Nichols has been putting up w and substantial stlatrs on the A good im- Miss Mae Wiedrich entertajned the Bunco club at the home of Mrs. Lester Carr Thursday afternoon. Prizas were awarded to Mrs. Edward Thompson and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. James (Bell and son, Harold, of Lake Villa spent- Thursday evening in the George Young home. , , r--' The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Charles Peet Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. Peet, Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs. George Shepard. In the afternoon a fine program in charge of Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. Ladd was enjoyed. The Home Circle will entertain their families at a party at the M. W. A. Hall June 12th. Supper -tfill be served at 6:30 Standard time. The Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs: Fred Eppel Tuesday afternoon. Thirteen members arid two visitors were present. Mrs. Ralph Thomas of Solon Mills gave the lesson on Health. . - v Mrs, George Bacoft and Mrs. Lester Neison and children- of Aniioch and Mrs. Nellie Dodge were visitors at Mrs. Jennie Bacon's Thursday. Mrs J. C. Ladd, Mrs. Boy Neal and Cora Flanders wete visitors at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mrs. Edith Daggert and son, John, of Minnesota and Mrs. Lizzie Shenick of Marshaltown, Iowa visited Mrs. south of his building. provement. _ , • Adam Stegemann has bought the Co™ Flanders Wednesday evening, house owned by MJrs. Geo. Schrein- •Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Frankie er. Consideration $600. • Stephenson, visaed friends at Genoa, - III., Friday. FORTY YEARS AGO Among those from here to call at This section was visited with two Woodstock Saturday were: Mrs. severe wind and hail storms one on Charles Peet and daughters, Alice Saturday afternoon and the other and Marion, Mrs. Raymond Harrison, afterrtbon. The one on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr, Mrs. Viola ay was much the severest, some of the hail stones measuring four inches in circumference, and in consequence the damage to window glass and shade trees was. immense. C. B. Murphy now has his ic<3 cream parlors open day and night. Do not fail to call and sample a dish. The steamboats &re now making daily trips between McHenry and Fox Lake. Robert Sherburne "fend George Harrison had qiiite a number of sheep killed and mangled by dogs on Saturday -night l£st. •-----"-r--: The heavy frost of Monday night ruined all the gardens in this vicinity and the prospects for fruit of any kind art TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO On the Elgin board Of trade Mpnday the price of butter was fixed at 27 xents by a vote of 32 to 30. Fred Matthews is having an addition built to his John street home. Albert Etten, the new coal dealer is kept quite busy these days making coal deliveries. The. foundation for N. A. Hueman's new store building on thf. West Side is now completed and the laying bl the cement blocks will be next in order. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund on North Water st. is fast nearing completion. The home when completed, will be a pretty one and will add greatly to the beauty of that end of town. Mrs. Wilbert Swanson entertained the members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League Tuesday afternoon. Cards and bunco were played and prizes were won by Mrs. William Etten, Mrs. Frank Steinsdorfer, Mrs. Wilbert Swanson. The seving of a lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Swanson of Chi-, cago spent Monday at their home at Lily Lake. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. G. •JV Daly and son and daughter and Miss Helen Butler of Chicago. Mrs. Frank Krokora and daughter Elva, of Round Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Thursday. --^ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O'Brien and sons, Mrs. Milliams and Mr. M. Berglund of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fost and daughter, of Chicago, visited the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Tuesday. Miss Genevieve Daw of Grayslake spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D&ly. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener visited the home of P. A. Hufman Sunday at Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. John Tysler and son, George, and Mrs. Clara Wipter of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward Wiesbaum Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiesbaum Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson and Mrs. Fred Dosch and daughter; Josephine, were Waukegan visitors Wednesday. Dinner. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday wero Mr., and Mrs. Harry ,L. Mille of Cu> ero. Donnie Wiesbaum of Lily Lake fpent three days in Chicago at "the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiesbaum. Many summer residents were in thiB-locality over the weekend looking over their cottages and getting them in readiness for the coming season. Among those at Lily Lake were: GET-RICH-QUICK CHAIN ' " iSr »"! if™' £a"s<m dau,g^r' LETTERS REACH her sister, Mrs. Charles Car*. Roy and Mae Wi^drich spent Saturday morning at McHenry. Harold Osborne of Richmond spent Sunday" evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. Miss Alice Peet of Harrington spent the weekend with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon and M!r. and Mrs. James Conway of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchert and family of Richmond, Mrs. Melissa Gould and daughter, Jane, and Melvin Wagner of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty attended the funeral of Edward Hoelscher at Elgin Friday." Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday evening in the Robert Thompson home at McHenry. Mrs. Nellie Dodge returned to hel home Sunday after spending the winter with her daughters at Cincinatti, Ohio, and Royal Oak, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Rilla Foss. ' OPENS JEWELRY SHOP Freund has opened a jewelry shop in the Peter H. Freund plumbing store, where he has half of the large front window for his stock ->f jewelry. He also does repair work. Mr. Freund has always liked this work and was attracted to it when as a small boy he spent much of his time with J. P. Smith at the old "Tempus Fugit" jewelry shop and later with Mort Ritt at the samfe location but in a new building. He is also a school teacher, teaching an eight months' term at the Lily Lake school which closed the lpst of April f or the summer. TWENTY YEARS AGO Eb Gaylord has beien nursing a very sore foot during the past week or .TO-Qre the result of stepping onto Mr, and Mrs. John Degen have moved from the M5rs. Nizzie Holly flat to the Mrs. Emma Matthews house on'John street. Butter on the Elgin board, of trade sold at 27% cents per pound last Saturday. Two hundred thousand small pike were emptied into Pistakee bay last week. More bass will also be placed into that body, this summer. Jacob Justin, the Centerville«furniture man, contemplates the erection of a beautiful new home on, his lot-facing Elm street, this summer. "One Is apt to wring the wrong hunt. jk«r when two are on a party line." My Neighbor SAYS: Do not throw awuy the wooden skewers that come with meats from the luarket. Wash them and keep In a "kitchen drawer. They are useful when --~--tleani-ng-paint, to get into niches and corners," • '• ' For doll and vpotted mlrfors, take a SBjall portion of whiting and add sufficient cold tea to-muke a paste;'rub tbe glass with warm tea, dry with a -5°ft cloth, rub a little of the paste well on the mirror and polish dry with tls- TEN YEARS AGO It required the pulling strength of three tractors to extricate a machine which had become lodged in a-mud hole along Riverside Drive last Saturday. The machine had all but buried itself in one of the soft spots when the tractors were called into service. Miss Esther Feltz is a new employee at the L. A. Erickson Btore on Main street. ' O^r citizens have been putting up bravely with the dust nuisance dur ing the past two weeks. The street oil has been ordered, and should arrive shortly. Thfca water hyd'rartts about town were flushed this week.. The city will have the stand pipe cleaned in the near future and should have the water tested as well. To remove a spot of oil spilled on a. asollne A marshmallow rolled in cinnamon and placed on the top of a cupful of cocoa adds to its flavor and attractlveChain letters have froooodaeedd . llooccaall !1 «MrrS«' VTn'V?mso lL a"d daughters', "M1r'. wan--d during the pant week althouBh Clara Winter, Mrs. L. Gannon Mr' ,ot become nece^ary yet to in- G J. S&H S'3 ^ cago and Mr. and Mrs. Harry U Miller of Cicero. " HIGH WATER Tt»e heavy rains in this regfetv are making high water in the lakes and river and therd is about thirteen inches of water going over the dam below McHenry. About two rows of planks have been put into the dam, the first of the flashboards put in anout April 14, but no more have been put In since the water started to raise. According to George Witt* in charge of the dam, the level &f the river varies from one to four inches according to the wind, a strong northeast w,ind raising the water »\t the dam while a strong sooth wind lowers it. it has not crease the office force at the McHenry and West McHenry. postoffices. practically everybody is writing letiiers or awaiting reply to letters already mailed. hi cities such as Rockford printer* are selling printed forms, designed to save patron's time. The prosperity chain is destined to prosperity to Uncle Sam's postal department, at least. Jefferson's Choice fo* Capitol Thomas Jefferson advocated building the Capitol of the United States on Shooters hill, on which the George Washington Masonic National Memorial was bailL At^at tlme this sits wef wttbis tbe District of Geluaibi*. STOLEN CAR FOUND Simon Stoffel's Ford coUpe which was stolen Friday when it was parked near his office on Main street, was recovered Monday in Chicago. The car was taken by two boys, who left two bicycles whiich they had stolen in Fox Lake,-in its place. „ Moro Twin* in Denmark Twins oocur on<Se In about 87 births ID tbe United States, but In Dennark tt»e properties to eoec In about ..J.,., Low, and Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. ~ The teachers and pupils of the upper and lower rooms of the Ringwood school saw the movie, "Baboona" at the El Tovar theatre at Crystal Lale Saturday. The 4-H Foods Club organized for the summer Friday evening. Miss Helen Harrison is the leader. Mis3 Lucille Peet--:President; Miss Dorcas Howe--Vice President; ?»Iiss Virginia Jepson--Sec. and Treasurer; Miss Gladys Shepard--Club reporter; Miss Dora Anderson--Cheer leader. Dorcas Howe was elected as a delegate to .^o to Urbana in June. The girls and boys Junior Birdmen met at the home of Amy Harrison Friday evening. A business meeting was held after which games were played and efreshments were served.' Misses Catherine Freund and Ellen Smith with Mrs. Henry Nell and daughter, Ethel, and Lorain Freund of McHenry spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Joe McCannon with several of her music pupils attended a Curtis music recital in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the weekend in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Cora Flanders has returned to her home after spending the winter with Mrs. Libbie Ladd . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family of Deerfiejd and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and family spent Sunday in the S. H. Be&tty home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters attended the funeral of an aunt at Hunter, Friday. Mrs. Louis Schroeder, Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. Gust Lunkenheimer were among the visitors at Woodstock, Saturday. The Ladies' Aid Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Jennie Bacon Friday. A pot luck dinner will be served. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family spent the weekend in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake and Edward Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent the weekend with relatives at Jacksonville, 111. Mir. and Mrs. Will Heine and son, Eugene, of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Wagner and daughter, Marion, and Louis Nimsgern of McHenry spent Sunday in the A. L. Laurence home. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw and Mrs, John Brown and daughter, Mildred,-1 of Elgin spent Friday evening in thd Wm. McCannon home. Clarence Hopper and children of prystal Lake were callers here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal attended the funeral of a niece at Waukegan, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen visited in the Arthur Bishop home in Carpentersville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon of Eaele Lake, Wis., spent from Wednesday till Saturday in the J. V. Bucklan<f home Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith and son. Earl, of Urbana attended the funeral "Of Frank Martin, Monday, Miss Olive Jepson of Elgin, Mlidredl Jepson of Evanston and Harold Jepi son of Elizabeth, 111^ spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Marble of Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edinger and family of Woodstoc spent Sunday in the Joe McCannoft home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington wer® visitors at Libertyville Sunday after* noon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents^ Mr. and Mrs. W. O Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Jr., and daughter spent Saturday afternoon at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and' Mas and Roy Wiedrich attended the dancs at McHenry Wednesday evening. Mrs. Frank Hopkins and daughter, Elva, of Dubuque, Iowa are visiting RETURN FROM HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreutzer returped home Thusday fom a honeymoon trip through Ohio and Indiana, where they Visited Notre Dame University. On Wednesday they moved into the upper flat in the two flat building on Main street,, 'Emotion Leads In real life, as In drama, emotion, more than pure reason, hurries Into action all human kind. YOU BET WE HAVE ON L I F E T I M E G U A R A N T E E D SPEEDWAY TIRES 30X3'/2 29x4.40-21-; 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-10 29x5.00-19 30x5.00-20 28x5.25-18 30x5 truck--8-ply HD 32x6 truck--8-ply HQ 32x6 truck--10-ply HD >Jfeittery Charging, Fan Belts, Radiator Hose and Spark Plugs, Etc., to Fit Every Car or Truck TIRE REPAIRING AND VULCANIZING Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois FOX RIVER CHICKS 45,000 Chicks Hatched Each Week -- Northern Illinois Largest Baby Chick Market r-- ALL LEADING VARIETIES , Make money by Buying" Fox River Chicks this spring. The best chicks pay in the long run. Come in and see our chieks before buying. Complete Line of PURINA Choice Feeds " FOX RIVER HATCHERY Elgin, III 104 S. Grove Phone 1537 APPLIANCES YOU NEED X -'•V at terms you can * , Hotpoiat WestiagbouM down. Famous General Electric refrigerator with aealedin - steel mechanism that defies time. Latest features. Jp You have always wanted an electric range* *n electric refrigerator. Now you can afford Jjthem! Our liberal payment plan enables you ~§o enjoy the convenience, economy, and comfort of these two appliances at new low cost! Don't delay- There is no oe«*l to put up with old ways any longer. Visit your nearest Public Service store and learn how easily you can own latest type equipment just suited to your needs. All sires and models to choose from. One big convenient display of leading makes, guaranteed by us ana the manufacturer. Come in today. Ytu can buy a. new General Electric Refrigerator frr as little as. 50C50 V* «r» ntptntthtg with nmt Imttr--t Btkrr nsts, * hi$M*r trie* it chart*J f*r mm :manUr m•«ii vkamJh*,M imwtitnaiaitti.a UT*y t2kt pricm in tur and ttkarktS am < Ja #» atUnl oa account »f additional to* axfiamm. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY NORTHERN llXlNOIS Telephone: Crystal Lake 260