~ if i ^ ' r r / i~v i- ,f, v-;. f - >f -,. r « - /,v'<.K4 *ft * %%**•• • *\*K " * £V\i m., *,! •rSwSraift r r hflTw Y" *U #• 1 : ' ... "• . •'• .• .- Th«r»d»y, Jnly 11,1MB while loading or unloading merchan dise may stand backed to the curb for sixty (60) minutes while loading or unloading such merchandise and any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than Three ($3,00) Dollars nor more than Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each offense. Section 5. Vehicles Exempt. The provisions of this chapter regulating the movement, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to ambul ORDINANCE ' JLH ORDINANCE REGARDING TRAFFIC, IMPOSING PARKING RESTRICTIONS AND- REGARD 1NG THE EQUIPMENT OF . VEHICLES, IN THE CITY OF Mc- HENRY. BE IT ORDAINED ~ fty the City Council of the City of McHenry: SECTION 1. Definitions; General Provisipns. ; __ , Whertever in this ordinance the fol- lances, to fire patrol vehicles, nor to lowing terms are used, they shall j emergency vehicles of the law enhave for the purpose of this ordinance , forcement officers or of public utilionly * the meanings respectively as- ties while the operator of such veirribed to them in this section: |hide,is engaged in the necessary per- Business Street: The length of any .formance of emergency duties. Street between street intersections I Section 6. Pedestrians. Right of vhen 50 per cent or more of the en- ^ay at Intersections. It shall be untire frontage, of said street is occupied ]awfui for the operator of any vebuildings in use for retail cr to drive into any crosswalk, .'v . wholesale business, by hotels, banks, whjch is marked as provided in Sec- ;v" ' r ; ' 't>r office buildings, by railway sta- tion 15 of this Chapter, without the 1 , •; :-tions or. by public ^uildings except eXercise of due and proper care in r! -chocls and churches. 'view of the special use made thereof Crosswalks: That portion of the jjy pedestrians. , " - oadway included within the prolong- i Section 7. It shall be unlawful for ition of the sidewilk lines at street the operator of any vehicle to drive intersections. .4, "to any unmarked crosswalks while leading Zone: The space adjacent there is on such crosswalk upon the " o the curb reserved for the exclusive j,alf of the . roadway upon which such jse of vehicles during th« loading of vehicle it traveling any pedestrian ilunloading of passengers or materials, engaged in crossing the roadway un- Operator: Any person who is i i til - such pedestriarj shall have passed tual physical contr.ol of a vehicle. beyond the path of said vehicle, when .j,. Park: To stand a vehicle, whether the pedestrian shall indicate his iiiten- <H?cupied or not, for a period of time tion to cross by a timely and contin- ' ^ greater thar^ is reasbnably necessary uous warning by holding up his hand for the actual loading or unloading of palm outward approaching traffic. " persons or materials. | Section 8. The operator of a ve- . r Pedestrians: Any person afoot. hide shall stop before entering any Property line: The line marking crosswalk when any other vehicle pro- • the boundary between any street and ceeding in the same direction is stop- ' the lots abutting thereon. Iped at such crosswalk for the purpose - Right of way: The privilege/pf the of permitting a pedestrian to cross, immediate use of a street. I Section 9. The operator of a ve- Roadway: That portion of any al- hide shall not pass any other vehicle , ley or street between the regularly which has been stopped at a crossestablished curb lines or that part de- v/alk by a stop signal or traffic offic- •voted to vehicular traffic. 1 er until the said stopped vehicle Sidewalks: That portion of a street shall have crossed said crosswalk, exbetween the curb line and the adjacent cept where a vehicle has stopped at property line. said crosswalk for the purpose of - Street: Every way set aside for making a turn in accord with traffic public travel except bridle paths and regulations this provision does not apfootpaths. ply- Through Street: Any specially de- Section 10. Pedestrians Limited signated street at which all Classes of Right to Use of Roadway. At no cross traffic are required to stop be- place shall a pedestrian cross any fore entering or crossing such through roadway other than by the most dirstreet. ' . ect route to the opposite curbing, and Traffic: Vehicles while using any when crossing at qmy place other than providing that a commercial vehicle | turned around in any street in the business portion of said City of Mc- Henry between the intersections of streets, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not les than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Three ($3.00) Dollars, for^each offense. ; Section 21. Following Fire Apparatus, etc. Upon the sounding of gongs or warning devices used by fire apparatus or fire patrol vehicle operators shall draw their vehicles as near to the right curb as is reasonably possible and shall remain standing until such fire apparatus has passed. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle othel* than one on official business, to follow any fire apparatus, in response to a fire^ alarm, closer than one block, or to prirk any vehicle within the block where fire apparatus has stopped to answer to a fire alarm. It shall further be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive over any unprotected hose of the fire department without the consent of tha fire marshal! or the assistant in command. Section 22. Driving on Right Side of Roadway. An operator of a vehitle upon meeting another vehicle shall turn toward the right side of the roadway so far as may be necessary in order to avoid collision with such vehicle. It is further, provided that it shall fee unlawful to operate any vehicle upon the left side of any roadway. • Section 23. Overtaking Vehicles. Any operator of a vehicle, upon overtaking another vehicle, shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle. When requested so to do, an operator of a vehicle traveling upon any street shall as soon as practicable turn to the right, so as to allow any overtaking vehicle free passage to the left of the overtaken vehicle. Section 24. Speed. It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle at a rate of speed which is inconsistent with the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act of the State of Illinois. Section 25. Frightened Horses. Any operator of a vehicle shall at signal from a person in charge of a frightened horse, bring his vehicle to a stop and remain stationary until said horse has passed. Section 26. Obstructing Traffic. No vehicle shall be operated or allowed to remain upon any street in such a manner as to form an unreasonably fuch street for purpose of travel. a crosswalk shall yield the right of I obstruction to the traffic thereon, t: iv; Vehicle: Every device Or animal way to all vehicles, upon the roadway by which any person or property is or provided that this provision shall not may be transported or drawn upon a relieve the driver of a vehicle from street, excepting devices moved by hu- the duty to exercise due care for the' man power or used exclusively upon safety of pedestrians. No person, exrails. For the purpose of this ordin- cept crossing watchmen and officers ance, a bicycle shail be deemed a ve: having police power shall stand or hide. loiter in any roadway other than in Intersection: The area embraced a safety zone if such act interferes rrithin the prolongation of the lateral with the lawful movement of traffic, curb lines,'or, if none, then the lat- It. shall be unlawful for any person i-eral boundary lines of two or more to stand in a roadway for the purpose streets or highways which join one of'or while soliciting a ride from the another at an angle whether or not operator of any vehicle. one such street or highway crosses Section 11. Pedestrians to Obej the other. Signals. At intersections where traf. Safety Zone: The area or space of- fic is directed by a police officer oi ficially set apart within a roadway by the type of signal commonly known for the exclusive use of pedestrians as a stop and go signal, it shall be and which is protected or is so mark- unlawful for any pedestrian to cro3s ed or indicated by adequate signs as the roadway other than with released to be plainly visible at all times while traffic, if such crossing interferes 6et apart as a safety zone. with the lawful movement of traffic." Official Traffic Signs: All signs. ' Section 12. Standing on Sidewalks markings and devices other than sig* It shall be unlawful for ^pedestrian nals, not inconsistent with this Ordin- 40 stand upon any sidewalk except ance, placed or erected by authority as near as is reasonably possible tc of a public body or official having tV.e building line or the curb line if jurisdiction, for the purpose of guid- su«h standing interferes with the use ing, directing, warning or regulating °* said sidewalk. traffic. I iSection 13. Crosswalks Required Official Traffic Signals: All sig- The Mayor of the City of McHenry nals, not inconsistent with the Or- 18 hereby authorized to establish and dinance, placed or erected by author- maintain by appropriate devices ->r ity of a public body or official having marks, crosswalks at all intersections jurisdiction, for the purpose of direct- where in his opinion there is particu ing, warning or regulating traffic. , danger to pedestrians ciossinr tfe Police Officer: Every officer of roadway. crossing tHe the Police Department or any officer I. Section 14. Methods of Approachauthorized to direct or regulate traf- , in£ for a Left Turn. The operator of fic or to make arrests for violations any vehicle intending to turn to the of traffic regulations. left at an intersection or into an al- Section 2. Parking Signs: It shall ]cy or driveway shall approach the • be the duty of the City Marshall of point of turning in the traffic lane v said City of McHenry, under the dir-1 nearest the center of the roadway •ection of the committee of streets and Section 15. Methods of ADoroaciialleys of said City Council, to cause, »ng for a Right Turn. The oner*tar suitable signs to be placed, installed , of a vehicle intending to turn to the ^ or painted, and to maintain the same right at an intersection shall anat all places which have been and proach the point of turnine in the which may from time to time be de- . traffic lane nearest the rieht hanrf signated by the Order of the City edge or curb of the roadway Council of said City as places where Section 16. Operator's no parking of vehicle, shall be allow* operator of a vehicle shall sudden'. •* "tempt Section 27. Riding Bicycles and Motorcycles. It shall be unlawful for more than one person to ride upon any bicycle propelled by human power upon any street, or for more than one person to ride upon any motorcycle other„th*aji upon aa seat attached to said vehicle. Section 28. Unattended Vehicles. No vehicles shall be left unattended while the motor of said vehicle is running. i Section 29. Unattended Animals. | It shall be unlawful to leave any horse, cow or mule unattended in any street without having securely fastened said animal. ing condition and the use of a cutout is forbidden. Section 41. Lights. It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle, the lights of which do not conform to the provisions of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Act. 1 Section 42. Anti-Skid Devices.. No freight-carrying vehicle shall be operated upon the streets or alleys of the City which shall be equipped with any anti-skid or non-skid device so constructed that any rigid or nonflexible portion of same comes in contact with the pavements. Section 43. Tires. All freight-carrying motor vehicles operating upon the public streets and alleys of the City shall have tires of rubber or other material of equal resiliency; provided, that tires shall be considered defective and the use thereof shall not be permitted if the rubber or other material has been worn or otherwise reduced to a thickness of less than three-fourths of an inch or it such tires have been so worn or other-, wise damaged as to cause pounding on the pavements. Section 44. Vehicles in Imitation of Public Vehicles. No vehicle painted a bright or fire red, excepting fire apparatus and any fire patrol vehicle maintained by an iiisurnce company or board of underwriters, and no vehicle equipped with a gong or siren, excepting fire apparatus, fire patrol vehicles, ambulances^ and emergency vehides or of public utilities, shall be operated upon the streets of the City. of McHenry. Section 45. Standing Prohibited in Specified Places. At any time it shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stand such vehicle in any of the following places except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or traffic sign or signal: 1. In any intersection; . 2. In a crosswalk; -8. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within twenty (20) feet of a point on the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone; 4. Within fifty (60) feet of a traffic signal or a through street sign on the approaching side. 5. Within twenty (20) feet of an intersection; 6. Any place where the standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway for moving traffic to less than twenty feet; 7. . At any curb within * ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant; 8. Atf any place where the standing of any vehicle will block ttye use of any driveway; 9. In front of a private driveway. The City Council of the City of McHenry may designate the location of parking places and through streets by the erection of suitable signs or by placing and maintaining red paint or orange material with approximate lettering upon the curb or by both, and the Mayor is empowered to establish safety zones of such kind and character and at such places as he may deem necessary for the protection' of within forty (40) feet of any police or fire station^ during any hour, of §ny 4. At any place alone the curb within forty (40) fiet of the entraifce to any theater during the hours said theater ia open- for business; 5. At any place along the curb within forty (40) feet of the entrance to any hotel during any hour of any day; 6. At any place along the curb v ithin forty (40) feet of the entrance of any church. It shall be unlawful for any operator of a vehicle to stand said vehicle in a duly established taxicab stand or motor bus stop, provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to the operators of duly licensed taxi-cabs authorized to occupy said stands, , The City Council of the City of McHenry is hereby authorized to erect or cause to be erected signs in any of the above mentioned places marking out the space not to exceed forty (40) feet, not; to be occupied for any longer a time than is necessary to load or Unload passengers or materials. Section 49. Driver Age Limit. It shall be unlawful for any-person under fifteen years - of age to operate any vehicle, bicycles excepted, upon any street in the City of McHenry; and it shall be unlawful for any person who is under eighteen (18) years of age, unless accompanied by an adult person to operate any vehicle. Section. 50. Intoxicated Operators. It shall be unlawful for any person' while in an intoxicated condition to operate, or attempt to operate any vehicle on any street or alley in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, for each and every offense, be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars for each offense. Section 51. Duty of "Operator in Accident. It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle which has collided with any vehicle or per&n in such a manner as to cause an injury or damage to any person or property, to fail or refuse to stop immediately to ascertain the extent of such injury or damage, or to fail or refuse to give his true name and residence to the injured person or any other person requesting^ the same and to a police officer t>r if no police officer is present, then to the nearest police station or police headquarters. Section 62. Railway Not to Block Streets. It shall be unlawful to operate one or more railway trains, cars or locomotives so as to prevent the use of any street foe. purpose of travel for a period' of time longer than five (5) minutes. Section 58. No "U" Turns. It shall be the duty of the City Marshall of the City of McHenry, under the direction of the City Council to place NO "U" Turn signs and maintain the same at all places in the streets or avenues of said City, which has been or may be from time to time designated by the order of the City Council of the 9aid City, and it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive contrary to the instructions marked on such signs, under a penalty of not less than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Five (45.00) Dollars for each offense. * Section 54. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of thi$ Ordinance where n®felyn Freund were recent other penalty is prescribed shall be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar, nor more than one hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each offense. Section 55. All ordinances concerning traffic, parking restrictions and the equipment of vehicles heretofore passed by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with thiw Ordinance are hereby repealed except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordiaance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this Ordinance. Section 66. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from s^rid after its passage, approval and publication, according to law. ~ Approved: PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayoe.8 Attest: PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk ' ; Passed July 1, 1935. *- Published July 11, 1936. "-»• ,, • ;u John 'Vycital of Washington, D. C., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vycital. The Rev. Fr. Stimler of Northern Wisconsin, was a caller in the John Schaid home on June 30. Miss Marie Ropp of Normal, 111., was a recent weekend guest in the home of Mrs. John R. Knox. Billy Kinsala returned on the fourth after a short visit in Chicago; Mrs. Frank Blake and Miss Ev- Waukega' rrt t . .f,M, visitors. • ' ;• C. S. Owen of Chicago spent July > .fourth in McHenry. . • ^ D. I. Granger is serving as fore- ' man of the grand jury at Woodstock this week." , : -!."'• Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen of ^ - stock spent Monday evening here. r Many Accidents Are caused by faulty brakes on cars which have been run too far without having them looked over. Your car might be, the next one to crash if your brakes are not working properly. The cost of an adjustment or a little repair would be slight compared to a wreck. Drive in to- SMITH'S GARAGE Ph«M 1M McHenry Bhn St. and' Riverside Drive Section 30. Clinging to ^Vehicles. [ pedestrians, and he is also empow- It shall be unlawful for any persoti : ered to determine those intersctions at traveling upon any bicycle, motor- which operators of vehicles shall not cycle or any toy vehicle to cling to, or make a left turn and shall place propattach himself to any moving vehicle er signs at such intersections. % t T T T T T T t T T T t T £ words, "No Parking words ^as may be necessary to apprise signal in such a upon any roadway. Section 31. Coaster, Sleds and Skates. It shall be unlawful for any person, up?n skates, or riding in or by means of a coaster, sled or toy vehicle, to go upon any roadway, other than at a crosswalk. Section 32. Riding Upon Running Boards, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride upon the fender or running hoard or outside steps of any vehicle. Section 33. Clear Vision. It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle which is,so loaded or. in^suchvA..condition that the operator does not have a clear vision of all parts of the roadway essential to the safe operation of said vehicles. Any vehicle that i3 so constructed or in such condition as to obstruct the operator's view of the roadway to the rear of said vehicle shall be equipped with a mirror so attached that it will afford the operator a view of the roadway behind him. Section 34. Unnecessary Noise. It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle which makes unusually loud or unnecessary noise. Section 35. Horn. Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a good and sufficient audible signalling deand such other turn without first giving a suitable |vice efficient working "condition. „ _ri BIkHAI in . a c...i. _? !•»• « . . .. . !ic regulations at the public of the traffic prise others who might ^^affectlli the particular places; and the letter- by his action. affected ing thereon shall be plain and readily Section 17 Driving AH visible for at least fifty (50) feet; «.-] Driveways or Garaee, Th, yS' °f.a vchid« merging f,„m „ The operator no person, firm or corporation owning, of a vehicle emerging from an ,nlv •*?« 4 danger to persons driving Such signalling device shall be sounded when rtecessary Ito give timely warning of the approach of a ,vehicle, but such horn and other signalling de vice shall not be sounded for any purpose other than as a warning of impropelled either by animal or vehicle immediately prior to driving other power shall cause or permit said onto a sidewalk or n/Lc « I f vehicle to stand or park within anv ,line projected across surh nil 8 wal^ space in the streets or avenues of said , the horn of said vpWI JCJi! fity of McHenry, which have been !ercisj117 designated as places where no parking ' said sidewalk or K>rne. n^lnB uPon ehall be allowed by the City Council , SmUoTw vSl *„.h .* of said City, and any person violating jn Safety Zone etc Ve this provision shall be subject to a - fine of not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars nor more than Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each offense. Section 3. Officers to Direct Traffic. Officers- of the police departar « hereby authorized to direct . fic in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or in emergencies as public safety or convenience may require, and it shall be unlawful fpr any person to fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order, . . No operator of & vehicle shall drive within any sidewalk area, except at a permanent or temporary driveway, nor at any time into or upon any portion of a roadway marked as a safety zone. Section 19. Right of Way, etc. Subject to Section 7 of this Ordinance, the operator of a vehicle shall give the right of way to the operator of a vehicle approaching along -an inter- ^Cnnff Strtet from the ri*ht' and . --> oraer, ,. hay? the ri*ht <>* way over those signal or direction of a police offic- | £PPr°achmg from the left, provided, er Except in case of emergency it i ri0Wever. that unless a vehicle on a shall be unlawful for any person un- I C\°fs street shall first make a cornauthorized by the City Marshall o* p ,,^stop ^fore crossing or entering his deputies, peace or pelice officers f through traffic street" it shall not or crossing watchmen, to direct - or th® risht of way over any veattempt to direct traffic. j ^1C on such "through traffic street" Section 4. Standing Parallel to though any such vehicle on the Curb. No person, firm or corporation owning, controlling, driving ot operating any vehicle drawn or projthrough traffic street*' is coming vin£tthe left) and that any P^on „ -- ^lolat'n^ any provisions of this secpelled by motor power, shall permit sha11 be »ned not less than Three such vehicle to stand in the residenct Dollars, nor more than Twenportion of said City in any public ty-Five ($25.00) Dollars for each ofstreet, in any other manner than in fe"8e- . -- owe line parallel to the curb on the Section 20. Vehicles Turning right hand side, and placed so that, Around. It shall be unlawful for any neither right wheel shall be further , P61"®011 operating any motor driven inches from the earls, | eaid vehiele to be other vehicles or to persons upon the street. Section 36. Gas and Smoke. It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle which emits dense smoke or such an amount of &moke as. to be dangerout to the health of persons in the vicinity of such vehicle or as to .endanger the operation of other vehicles on the street. Section 37. Projecting Loads. No vehicle shall have any part of its load projecting beyond the front erid of said vehicle nor projectiryf more than thirteen (13) feet beyond the center line of the rear axle of said vehicle and no load shall project beyond the rear end of the bed or body of any vehicle, excltftive of the tail gate when lowered, a greater distance than three-fifths of the total length of such bed or body. Section 38. Width of Vehicle and Loads. The maximum width of any vehicle and its load shall not exceed eight <8) feet. Section 39. Brakes. It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicle upon any street unless s«id vehicle is equipped with good and sufficient brakes in efficient working condition, or to operate any vehicle which is so loaded that the operator does not have ready access to the mechanism operating the brakes of said vehicle. Section 40. Muffler. No-motor vehicle shall be operated upon any street unless the same is provided with a muffler in efficient and actual woxfc* Section 46. Standing or Parking Close to Curb, etc. No vehicles shall be parked with the left side of said vehicle next to the curb, and it shall be unlawful to stand or park any vehicle in a roadway other than with the front of the right wheel of the vehicle within six (6) inches of the regular established curb line, leaving * clean lane for traffic of twenty (20) feet on through streets and twelve (12) feet on other streets^. Where parking spaces have been marked on any of the streets of said City of Mc- Heary, for -the ^ parking of motor vehicles, it shall be the duty of any person operating any motor drawn or propelled vehicle, when parking the same on any such street, to park it within the lines provided for such purpose; and any person violating^ the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than One ($100) Dollar or more than Five ($5.00) Dollars for each offense. All standing motor vehicles on the streets of McHenry shall be provided with lights, both front and rear, from one (1) hour after sunset until sunrise, except in business streets where parking places are designated and any person, firm or corporation owning, controlling, or operating any such motor vehicle violating this provision shall be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar or more than Five ($5.00) Dollars for each offense; and it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle on any street for a period of time longer than thirty (30) minutes between the hours «>f one (1) A. M. and six (6) A. M. of any day, and any person, firm or corporation violating this provision shall be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Five ($5.00) Dollars for each offense. Section 47. Parking Vehicles for Sale. It shall be unlawful for the operator 6f any vehicle to park the same upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale or to park any vehicle upon any "business street from which said vehicle merchandise is being sold except in duly established market places. Secton 48. Standing for Loading Only in Certain Places., During the time specified herein it shall be unlawful for an operator to stand a passenger vehicle for a period* of time longer than is necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers, providing such loading or unloading shall not consume more than three minutes, nor for an operator to stand any commercial vehicle for a period of time longer than is> necessary to load and unload and deliver materials, provided that the Ibading, unloading and delivery of said materials shall not consume more than sixty (60) minutes in any of the following places: 1. In any public alley, during any hour of any day; 2. At any place along the curb within forty (40) feet of the entrance to any hospital during any hour of the day; "• H. M any place along tt» dub ' (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) * Report of th'e Condition of W State (P. O. West McHenry) ^ transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts* pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 29th day of June, 1935. RESOURCES 1. Cash and due from banks 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts 6. Overdrafts 7. Banking house $9,700.00; Furniture and fixtures $1,000.00 11. Other resources . v ' I . : Brand Total Resources ...$242,252.93 - 89,531.35 90,084.73 198,147.25 8.70 £^&,700XK^ . 3,922.68 „.$634,647.6Cf < • Y < • iY • T<•- M 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus 15. Undivided Profits (Net) 16. Reeeree aeoeuais 17. Demand deposits 18. Time deposits LIABILITIES Total of deposits: (1) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments $ 38,734.35 (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or ' investments 471,137.04 .$ 50,000.00 50,000.00 13,223.86 11^9.47. 29^,319.80 215,551.59 (3) Total deposits „.....;. 25. Other Liabilities "Grand Total Liabilities ,^$509,871.31 ..-....$634,647.64 * 4 * - Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and/or fully guarantee® *< t 4> 4> it *4> 4> 4> 4 > 4> Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) ^Pledged: • Against funds of State of Illinois : Against other -deposits ...„ Total Pledged .$39,500.00 $39,500.00 $ 27,000.00 .... 12,500.00 .$39,500.00 The bank has outstanding $85-075.04 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stockholders as such. _ I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. I . GERALD J. CAREY, Cashiap^ Correct, Attest: WM. M. CARROLL, JML WATTLES, Director* STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. as. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of Jtily, 1935* (SEAL) ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public. J