. . * * * . * • . ** " * .+ * - . . . . . ! y W Y'.-^yk^^F ;~1 -*->* :i'A. /* * ^ .% i* f V * ?-mz< *-• • v / & r-' '• -- ^T* 4- ^5" * £ ***' ' '?*%£P^II^*'*^ „. Thursday, September, 12,1935 TBS MeHSHHY PLAHTDEALSK f f f f r i "SO I HEAR i* - • ' EARL WALSK When Lefty Gotnez made his first appearance before Doc Painter, trainer of the Yanks, the good "doctor" spent thirty minutes working over the Castilian's right arm. And was he peeved when Gomez reminded him he was a soathpaw! The story goes on that Dolph Camil- , li will play first base for the Giants \ next year. It is hard to think that a swatter,, like Terry will step down $ while he can still swat. In the \ sport world it is hard to figure out jl the proper time to quit. Many fight- | ers have been urged to hang up the gloves--some have been smart < and others hav^ gone on too long. ' years with Brooklyn? Like the babbling brook some of these old fellows go on and on. When should they ouit? How high is up? Went down to the Married Men's athletic club meeting Monday night Umpires and, score-keepers qualify to attend. It was a lively meeting. Unlike most organizations, the full membership stands ready and willing for debate on every subject. The club has shown real life with the members taking great interest in its progress. A large percentage of members were in attendance. Matty subjects of interest were discussed and after the session of rapid-fire debates, all problems were nicely settled under the careful guidance of Doc Hess, President of the Club. MdHENRY "ALL STARS" BATTLE ZENDA NEXT SUNDAY Les Adam's Laundry team was conceded the championship of the That much talked of "All, Star' game between McHenry And Zenda is definitely Booked for next Sunday, Sept. l'S. A few Sundays ago, a few of us went up to Zenda to root for Johnsburg. All of our hollering went f6r naught as Johnsburg lost a 4 to 1 decision. Now, make no mistake, this Zenda outfit* has some good ball players with special mention to a speedy pitcher and a smart catcher. They are good, but, it appeared to Walt Freund that they thought they were just a little too good. Mr. Preund expressed his views to Mr. Wilsoh* Manager of the Zenda team, and that is how this "All Star" game came about. Mr. Freund y::-l In the past couple of years* Deraipsey has been putting in longer hours for less pay--but no, one , is winding to lay one on his chin. It must be hard to leave a game yota Jove. "Dazzy" Vance finally bowed out of the majors after a colorful career and now he is pitching for some fast semi-pro team in Brooklyn. He isn't winding up that old right arm for the money now. Didn't he collect over $180,000 (over a thousand dollars per victory) in ten McHenry, Illinois Shows 7:15 and 9:15 p. a. DST Sunday Matinee 3:40 continuous Admission 10-25c FRIDAY SEPT. 13 10c -- BARGAIN NITE -- ISt "THE MIGHTY BARNUM" ALSO--Comedies SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 Robert Young -- Evelyn Venable "VAGABOND LADY" Also -- Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY AND MONDAY SEPTEMBER 15 -- W "SHE" ALSO--Slightly Static--World News Events TUESDAY SEPT. 17 Vfaurice Chevalier, Merle Oberon "FOLIES BERGERE" Also--Selected Short Subjects WED., THUR., FRL Sept. 18 - 19 -- 20 Clark Gable -- Loretta Young in "CALfr OF THE WILD" softball league. AJ tournament was , offered to pick up a tea.m that would planned to start Tuesday night of g0 up and hand Mr. Wilstm's boys a this wfeek. The games will be play- j SOUnd shellacking. Mr. Wilson said, ed under the lights at the Mill Pond j "Bring 'em up." So up they are godiamond "Red" Winkel's team meet* 1 ing. Alderman George Freund's Park Side j Oh McHenry's battle front' we will team in the opening battle. Thurs- se« "Bill" and "Waily" K^eutzer, day night will find the (Champion! Arnie Anderson, "Spots" Thtirlwell, Laundry team meeting the Riverside j George Larkin, Gordon Campbell and* Dairy, runner-up team in the league Ralph Bennett. To bolster this crowd,; race, The losers of these two games ]y0u will see such other stars as "Lefwill play on Tuesday night of next fty" Artach, Romans, V^ncef, Slastne week. The. winners will play thti and Raasch. final game next Thursday night. j -Zenda presents a strong lineup with . t • j Bowers, late of Milwaukee, on th« Great interest is expected to be* mound. A curly-headed, red-head shown in this tournament. The games | named Felski from Chicago will be will start at 7 o'clock. back of the plate. He appears to be ------- plenty smart at picking a batter's The Married Men's club will make weakness. A fellow named Walsh no admission charge, but have grant- from Hebron will be on first. The ed the McHenry Softball Teams the I Johannes brothers from Belviderei privilege of passing the pmt if thdy ,-will form the keystone combination, care to do so. (Their specialty is hitting. Another ! import named Schacht will be on The high school football boys arejthird. He hails from Rockford. One working hard these evenings under j Gf Zenda's own products, Parmer, will the watchful eyes of Coach Reed and j in center field. Massey from Walassistant coach, McCracken. The boys worth will be in left. Another home do not measure up in weight to some product was in right field when we of our past teams, but the old spark saw tj,e j0hnsburg game, but this and fight is there. The players ap- | position will be strengthened for th« pear to be rounding Into shape fast, i coming battle. It is too early to expect them to have J We are unable to learn who will their plays working smoothly, but 18tart on the mound for McHenry. that wU1 come Wlth Practice. ^ jThe management sUtes that this an- ' Inouncement will not be given out unj1 ® ® Same will be played pil<til game time. Anyhow, we are assur- Friday of next week with the ever'ed that McHenry will. present the scrappy team from (St. Mary's of Woodstock. Plans have been changed and the game will be played on McHenry's field. There is a chance that some of the old gards will round up a team to give the school team a work-out oi Friday afternoon of this week. strongest lineup to represent the city in several years. McHenry hasn't had a hard-bal\ team on the local diamond this year and many of the old fellows are just itching for the old call, "Play Ball." The game starts at 2:30, DST, on the Zenda diamond. We'll be there. Chains couldn't hold us. FRIDAY SEPT. 13 Juddj Rogers -- Barbara Kent "OLD MAN RHYTHM" SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY Wiley Post -- Ralph Bellamy "AIR HAWKS" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Clark Gable -- Loretta Yonng < in "CALL OF THE WILti" --SUNDAY-- AL KLEMME ORGANFB6T AND ARTIST TUESDAY , Boris Karloff -- Marion Marsh "THE BLACK ROOM" WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY Robert Young -- Madge Evans "CALM YOURSELF" ON THE STAGE 6® --- PEOPLE -- 60 Beautiful McHenry County Girls In Song and Dance Routine "DIXIE JAMBOREE FROM ALA-BAM" j Every now and then I get to thlhk- PARKSIDES TAKE ^ng about this old town of ours and, TOURNAMENT GAME | the surrounding community. A few The first game of the, Married years c , w en lorida was stag-, Men's tournament was played under mg \b,g b°on\' s°me ™de aw*ke the lights Tuesday night with the promoters hired the author, Rex pARK SIDERS trimming the Wink- Beach to write a book stressing the el-s 10 to 4. Frett was on the mound advantages of residence m^the lands |for the winners, pitching a nice game «hiPMmSp'1,141 K sunsh^' ^e.estim- ;of ball. A1 Justen turned in a nice able Mr. Beach went to town m that|p,ay in the last inni teki a har<1 little assignment. To untrained eyes drive from Winkel's bat and pegand eager ears, Mr. Beach's discrip- ging the baI1 to first to double ^n- Z J°7™ia Pam ^ Picture ^iat no , way. Winkel had a long busy evenmmansnttefrip IMMIMo• a-- Cji>ff >ys' lvi gfchAtliyJ1 16o ver-painta-j ling at third for the losers handling eight assists and two put.outs in _ 0 j sparkling fashion. George Freund »j w T - , ... . j handled 15 put-outs and McCatxoll Wow, 1 aon t think we will have <14 «t first hu« to write a book about the advantages' xjjg s<;ore. ' , v and beauty of our community, but li park cinicB do think we should foel proud of W wh»t w. h«v.. 'A. Justin, If S.., G. Freund, lb .. Dreymiller, rf A little tour any Sunday afternoon jf Miller 2b when our summer visitors are with h Frett p "veal^the advantages N; N. Ferund.lb orff ffaJcTt. VIf? you hu ad tim"e y o*u mmaitgthetr IGuinto, 88 A p Pr-unH e take a little trip on the old Fox riv- ' er--then into the Chain of Lakes. Our city park will be filled with visitors, some eating their lunches, some playing ball, and others just lolling around. The well kept tennis courts at the high school will be in use witli many waiting in line. When it comes to golf, we back uc fog stone I like this city. Six Years Ago In Spoirfa Ed Tonyan pitcher his fourth consecutive shutout for Johnsburg, beat* ing Wilmot 8 to 0. Manager Joe Frett of the Johnsburg; baseball team and "Bones" Smith visited the White Sox office to arrange for a game with the big leaguers. The Beautiful CRYSTAL LAKE, liL. FRIDAY -- SATURDAY W. C. FIELDS in MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE' with Mary Brian SPECIAL EVENT Friday at 9 p. a. SUNDAY -- MONDAY JANET GAYNOR in "FARMER TAKES A WIFE" with Henry Fonda, Chas. Bickford. Dramatic conflict of a boy from the farm and a girl of the Canal. Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6, lfc • 25c After 6 and Weekdays, lie • 30c TUESDAY 10<* SPECIAL 15£ SALLY EILERS in "ALIAS MARY DOW" with Ray Milland, Baby Jane She masqueraded as a missing WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY FREE KITCHENWAKE Randolph Scott in, "SHE" with Helen Gahagan » Helen Mack Ten Years Ago In Sports McHenry Grays trimmed Libertyville 7 to 1. Jess Davidson allowed only 5 hits. The Grays took a Labor Day battle from Algonquin 2 to 1- A fellow named Wheeler pitched for McHenry and allowed six hits. Fifteen Years Ago In Sports The largest crowd of the season saw Ed Rossman pitch McHenry to a victory over Johnsburg 4 to 1. Sahlberg beat Elgin 7 to 3. Did you hear that broadcast from Notre Dame's practice field Tuesday night? That slogan of Chet Grants' was a peach. -- "When we lose, it's the line. When v^e win, it's the backs." MARRIED MEN'S CLUB The Married Men's club will finish the season's games under lights and will *n lav» A"h oir *r o'misr (eaarinusc* tvihAJiOs Thursday night at the ball park. There will be games on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of the lasit week. Word -AH.i-ty" The word "allergy" Is derived from the Greek and means altered energy or altered activity, or altered reactivity, according to a writer In the New York Times. The allergic Individual reacts differently to certain stimuli with which he comes In contact What Is harmless for the non-allergic person causes severe symptoms In the allergic patient. This definition allows considerable leeway in interpretation. Although arising largely from a study of anaphylactic phenomena In animals, the conception of allergy as altered reactivity of the body might be stretched to cover almost any deviation ^rom functional normality. AB 5 6 ......1...5 5 5 ........5 ........4 5 ft 1 1 0 » r 2 1 AMBIGUOUS She' was a very beautiful young daughter with a head of blonde curls that people are forever complimenting. Naturally, the mother has become a little self-conscious regarding her child's looks. The other dny the two of them boarded a Lee road bus and the ir.otlier absent-mindedly put a dime in t.be box. Said the cotid^CtOr r MThe, littie gtrKs f a r e . * . . ' f ' v ' - v V - ^ "Yes," returned .the -•mother coflaplacently, "isn't shar'-^^velphd Plain-' Dealer," NO BON-OS Cat--Why are you going to get'another home? Dog--Cause the people* I lira with are vegetarians, that's why. A Real Feed tfohtriiy, age six, had been the guest of honor at a party the day before and one of his little friends was regarding him enviously. V "How was it?" he mm. have a good time?" "Did I?" was the emphatic answer. "I ain't hungry yet!" "DM Elusive Candor "Remember," said the pompous sttorney, "that you are expected to tell nothing but the truth." "I'll try to do so," answered the timorous witness. "But I won't know how far I have succeeded until yon have gotten through with the crossexamination." • , A Good Imagination Schoolmaster--Now, Willie, If the earth's axis Is an imaginary line, can you hang clotfles on It? Willie--Yes, sir. Schoolmaster--Ha, ha. That's good. And. what sort of clothes, WlUiet . Willie--Imaginary clothes, «tfc v-V Hia Specialty "Why did you break your engagement with Tom?" "He deceived me. He told me he was a liver and kidney specialist, and I found out that he only worked In a butcher shop."--Stray StorleS Maga sine. HIS GOOD TURN A long-haired man was accosted by a. little bootblack: "Shine your shoes, sir?" - He was dlstfisted 1ft the dirt on the^md'8 face. "I don't want a shine, my lad," he said, "but If you'll go and wash your face, I'll give you six-pence." "Righto, guv-nor," , replied the boy. as he mad£ his way to a neighboring fountain. Soon he returned, looking much cleaner. "Well, my boy,? said the long-haired one, .-"you have earned your sixpence; here it Is." & "I don't want your sixpence, guv'nor," replied the boy. "You 'ang en to , it and get your 'air cut!"--Tit-Bits Magazine. . , . • . ' NO CHAIN LETTERS She--You promised me when I mar- •*ied you that I could have everything .money could buy. He--Yes, and I thought you had the money. ---' - > " Births "he Hit Waiting Gam* MoTon's lip curled in a sheer as met his friend "Jenks. . "Well," he exclaimed, "call yourself a man? I've Jbst heard that yon caught Willis kissing your girl and made no attempt to Interfere." "True," said Jenks; "but I'm biding my time." "Is that BO? Until when?" "Until I catch her being kissed by smaller fellow."--Stray Stories Magazine. Liking and Having College Man--What would you like, dear? Ooetl--Well, rd like some fruit cocktail, some caviar, an order of frogs' legs, some fruit salnd.^a sirloin steak smothered In mushrooms, a large' lobster, some demitasse.and some pie a la mode. ' College Man--That Is all very well. But, now, what will you have? Taking Action "Has Crimson Gulch done; anything about the crime wave?" "Yes, sir." answered Cactus .Toe. "We law-abider8 are being" overworked. Notice has been given that a^Rvbody who makes any more trouble foKthe grand jury Is goln' to be socially ostracized." Arbitrary SottUmont Chief Accountant--There's *2 miss Ing from the cash drawer and no on< bat you and 1 hare a key to IL Cashier--Well, let's eacb pot a do! lar back and forget Jt.--Royal ^ eanam BuHetin. SO WHAT WINKELTT Alt .....6 5 5 41 19 IS 27 Hughes, cf ... McCarroll, lb C. Freund, 2b Conway, p , Winkel, 3b Gerasch, c , .8 5 ft: :•'«/ • 0 0 H 1 1 1 1 1 I Williams, rf 1 2 37 -4 8 Soore by Innings Farksides 110 310 002^10 Winkels 200 200 000-- 4 Two base hits--McCarroll, C. Freund, Williams. Three base hit-- Frett. Double play--Justen to G. Freund. Struck out by Frett, 4; by Conway, 1. Bases on balls--Off Frett, 2; off Conway, 1. It's a lonj; lane that has no turning/^ T ^ t "Squared another grudge against nrhad last nights soiaeboflsy eh?" „ -- l:H»gM Neror'^Molp Man (to neighbor painting his fence) --Are you going to put a "Wet Paint" sign on your fence? Neighbor--Not on your life! Do yon think I want to have fingermarks all over it? ; Once again we got back to routine and also I'm getting back to giving you my weekly treatise. After our many summer experiences at camp, etc., a good sized group turned out at the meeting to greet the Scoutmaster and fellow Scouts. Usually on* forgets what he learns at school duiing the summer; but the Scout Oath and Law is one group of words, shall we say, that remain for a long time, even after one grows into maturity. For this reason, Nick Freund and Barry Taxman (the last moniker rhymes with mine, figure it out) led the gang in the Oath and Law respectively. After the bit of ceremonial introduction, the Scoutmaster "right off the bat" pulled a good deed, at least to us. "Friday night,' he said, secretly, (right then and then; we knew something up) "we will have an overnight hike." No need : . *•, ' Pats .. • Little Patty said: "Let's be pals. Daddy!" .. After he answered O. K., she said: "Well, how about dumping out the cod liver oil, palsy'walsey?"--Indianapolis News. • Domestic Succoa* ly daughter Is taking a coarse In domestic science. Friend--How Is she making out? Woman--All right, in Infer. She write* that she Just made the scrab team. . Mutual Destruction :*Natlonal parties have always lected animals as their emblems." - "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "I'm afraid that if candidates get Into the habit of quarreling, the elephant, the donkey and all the rest of them will have to stand aside and make way f«rth«"Kilkenny cats." SATISFACTION "How do you like your new neighbors?" "Great We've lived In this apartment seven months now and none of Have bothered us yet." * Improbable "I want to tell you of an adventure "Is this a true story V "Of course." •-- ;> "Then go ahead/* "I stopped to pay a bill, and--" "I thought you said it wa# a title, story?" Too Much to Hope For Daughter--My teacher is going to teach me domestic silence. Mother--You mean domestic science, don't you? Daughter--Maybe that Is right r Mother (sighing)--But I wish. ypti. hail been right the first time. Learned It at School Girl Friend--How did you happen to become s chiropodist?. Chiropodist--Oh, I always was at the foot of my class at school, so lust naturally drifted Into this profescioa. Lnuu ' "Wrist1 do you mean when you refer to some person as a lemon?" MI mean," said Miss Cayenne, "that he has a sour disposition and a yellbvr "freak." ' ; ' ' Wary . <. '•What you need is a press agent." "No. sir," replied Senator Sorghum. "I tiad one once. Folks found out about it : said they were beginning to like his ideas better than mine and may- It might be a good thing to give him Okviontly. A1--What you been doin*? Sam^Settln* out some trees. Al--What kind? 8am--Little wooden ones. Next week the election of Patrol Leader and Ptarol names will be a ^ ,, , , , , , . regular time takei-upper. Before to tell the Scouts, let alone the pub- the meeting figure out whom you lie where we're going. It's familiar would like as a leader and who would to all, I mean Sherman's Hill. The loss of blankets and pots might humiliate mother, but she will smile and think of a bunch of rosy cheeked "kids" around a huge wood fire that reflects and dances on the nearby shadows. Shell say that this one picture no artist can paint. Ljetls see a real gang of Scouts out. Contin «? make a good one. If he's the best in your opinion it is your duty as a citizen of Scoutland to vote him in. I'll not say more but just elect a fellow who is worthy and not just a friend. With the whistling of "Taps" we saw the first meeting whiz by. I'd like to see all Scouts watch the second one as it does likewise. : . SCOUT JQU^UI TA^MAN. Unanswered Some noisy relatives were visiting a couple and happened to mention {heir dog, a big mongrel. "He's just like one of the family^* Skid the pup's mistress. "Which one?' asbed the hostess. »•*>» Mrs. Joe Wegener, daughter, Marion, and Miss Laura Schaefer were Chicago visitors Wednesday. '*• Arnold Regner, formerly employed in Regner's Grocery and market as a meat Gutter, has accepted a position in the same capacity with Buehler Bros., at Niles, Mich. He mads the trip* Monday of list week with his sister, Mrs. J. P. Frey, and Arnold J. Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. E. A_ Nordin visited their daughter at St. Therese's hospital, Wawkagaa, Wednesday.. GIRL SCOUT'EDITION The first meeting of the ye$,r was a "round the campfire" council. A hot supper certainly hit the spot after ajl the hiking, we've been doing. Games, ball, and other amusements were used to entertain the prospective scouts who were our guests. Next week new Patrol Leaders \jill be elected. A nature scrapbook will be the fall project. Mi*Ss Ropp will assist us. Leaves will be waxed and taped along with ^tree bark in our books. They will be put in, their correct stages of turning. •. > , All girls wishing to join, ask a Scout to take you to the next meeting to "get acquainted." ° BEATRICE WILLIAMS - Scout Scribe. ifc e. church 'I:; ;>;• Ydu are invited to . attend services every Sunday,. . ' Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, ll^a. in. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. L. H. Hrattain. ;; BEG YUOR PARDON I;•, Eveline Larkirt is chaint^)iiJ-(jif the McHenry group of rural teachers instead of <Sr. Prudens, as stated in iast week's issue of the Plaindealer and Woodstock Sentinel. . • : , . - Mr. and Mrs..Harvey Nye are parents of a,, 10Vi-pound girl, born at their home on Elm street Friday night. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nidholas Milr ler of Johnsburg,'Friday, Sept. 6, a boy, at the Woodstock hospital. The youngster has been given the name of Kenneth Nicholas. Say you read it m THE PLAINDEALER. NOTICE . V:; Notice is hereby given all claini* " * ants having Poor Claims against Me- Henry founty that it will be nece*. sary for them to have said elaims In - the hands of the supervisor and ovear* seer of the Poor of the respective 4" township by the third of each montfc. .,f Said claims to be for the month previous and that the Committee on Poor claims will meet at the Court Houso in Woodstock, Illinois on the Friday preceding the second Tuesday of each ' month for the puropse of auditing the said claims. Claims to be filed - 1 ' with the County Clerk by the Supefw , visors on,or before said day. / Committe in qharggfc •-i -- -v' ::fv-V.'"Signed, / •* •. , , .'£>• M- WRIGHT. .. ' . } v Chainnsin of Poor C^nmittee. • ' . ;•> ' ' NOTICE TO UVEMPLOTED ' ^ (• Please take notice that the Labor ' ^ Committee of the Board of Supejc^,. visors of McHenry County, will meet . V at, the Re-employment Office in the [' - v* Post Office building, Woodstock, Illinois. on September 20. 1935, for tile ? purpose of registering all' URempioy- •' ed on PW A and Road project# Henry Cftunty. •' '.jvv : Signed, , ;/ ' _ L. a. STOtK^ELL, J Chairman .of Labor Committee. i« GREENKEEPERS ENTERTAINER The Mid-West Greenkeepers as40«» ciation entertained the Wisconsin Greenkeepers association at the M!i» Henry Country club Monday. Golf during the afternoon witb scores ranging from 76 to 141, preceded a six o'clock dinner at the Bridge, which was attended by about fifty association members and guesta This was folowed by an instruq* tive business meeting and discussioa#' Miss Mildred Minich of Oak Park spent Tuesday night in the J. 1S> Phalin home. SUNNYFIELD FLOUR 83c 49-lb. bag $1.65 Gold Medal Flour w B H AeB %V* i Pillsbury's Flour M6taB^L! Fleischmann's Yeast CAKE 3c FANCY HAND-PICKED RECT-EANEO MICHIGAN NAVY BEANS 3 -LBS1. 0 c Blve Rose Kits 5 lbs. 25c Here Is your chance to save real money on the foods and groceries that are easily stored in your own pantry and cellar. Farm Homes and Large Families, especially, will find this sale a money save*. For we are selling, at very low prices, items which yon can readily stock np on at this time oi the year. feet Srftfngs . S ^i^s. 85c [ MILD ANQ MELLOW! EIGHT O'CLOCK v COFFEE 3^43' 1-LB. BAG . lis lied Circle Coffee . lb. 19c Bokar Coffee . LB. 23C DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE s-oz. CAN 1RICH TOMATO FLAVOH CAMPBELL'S SOUP 2 'W 15c_ ENCORE BRAND MACARONI a* Spaghetti . . 4PKGS.^^ SULTANA MACARONI OR Spaghetti . 2pk&19c IRISH STYLE 1' Bacon AN Prt^ . ** 39q JUSTRITE ,/ Picnics I « 23# ANN PAGE " " Pork A Beans 33t ANN PAGE Preserves ANN PAGE I Jellies . • • £LASS10c Shredded Wheal S^»> S3c ROSERTS 4 OA^FE Pure Lard . . Mason Jars tizi 002 75c Mason Jar Lidi 002 80c DEL MONTE FANCY Gosby Com . 8 canI 85c lona Cocoa . . IkI: t 9c HORMEL'S OLD-FASHIONED Beef Stew . . %&z15c WHITE NAPHTHA PAG Soap . 10«*w41c Rinso . . . 8 VkoIc 39c ^LifebuoySoap 5 cakes We ft^La. mmgt PKGS. S-LB- 27r • CAN : 4L8S.29C • LB 19C 414H-OZ I 22c CANS NEW 1935 PACK Nutley Oleomargarine • . . .• Blue Label Karo Syrup • . «r * Santa Clara Prunes 1151 • v * • Aged American Cheese • • e e White House Evaporated Milk . * TuxedoAND °%Rnpc?HP EwfN^X^.sM0KIN®; 5 39c Old Munich Malt Syrup . 2 79c PRODUCE SPECIALS . . - * Valencia Oranges, 252 and 288. size, doz 19« Valencia Oranges, 260 and 216. size, doz 29c Valencia Oranges, 150 and 176.. siie.<&doz. 39c Yellww Onions, 10 lbs. I9e Celery, 2 bunches 9c Head Lettuce. 60 sue 6c Brooms EXTRA it SPECIAL 39 Nancy Hall Sweet Potateee, OUALITY • VALUE <>*•* 3 Apann Motor Oil . 99c jonathan Apples, Vb. §e PLUS 1C PER OT. FED. TAX SPIMC^ % LB& ^ SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR *?-?i 27c CALUMET BAKING POWDER 'c25' 20c Peas . . itoes .(Q Wax Beans ' Green Beans) Tomatoes Grape-Nuts . . 1*Ka" Jell-0 sFLAV^)LRS' 3PKGS.19« Premium Chocelate ^I7c Leg Cabin Synip . tJS?';23e FARM FEED SALE! • « .• DAILY EGG' LAYING MASH ^£%thmasn MILKY WAY DAIRY FEEDS 1%% Protein . • . • S2% Preteln • • • • .< •RAN . • • MIDDLINGS . •LOCK SALT . •££•- SLSS ^$LI» '•Eii8 Si-1® SI " sS-SSr J a&P Food Stores ; M'