OWEN McHenry, Hi., January 12 th, 1898 & In order to reduce our stock and induce buying, we will for the next 30 days sell all * IfERMTS. JACKETS. CAPES AND INFANT'S CLOAKS, ff iCTML COST TO US! W® WZIsIa CUEV3B A Discount of 20 Per Cent ON THE FOLLOWING WINTER GOODS. 9 VUr[/k>| WIVIVOp 1I11HV11UI M11UVUI Wool Hosiery, Wool Blankets, Underwear, Skirts, Duck Goats, Felt Boots, Knit Boots, Lumberman's Socks, Ladies Hoods, Shawls, and a great many other Winter Goods all going at 20 per cent discount. Tms ze A. s&xin. , the above goods are going at prices named. We mean business and intend to cut our stock down won derfully in the next 30 days. . Sale. OUR We are making some extra Low Prices. We keep only the bes t goods and^get them fresh twice per week. Pur Coffees and Teas are pronounced by all to be the finest. OWEN & CHAPELL.