J. C. C HO ATE IVoodtiitook, Illinois, SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' WRAPPERS Your choicc 69c. Manufacturers get hard up, jobbers must dispose of their goods, and wo are able to give the above very low prices. It would be an example of extravagance-to make your own dresses, for at the above price we give you good material and good work. Any size from 32 to 46. A good variety of colors from dark to spring shades. A SPECIAL SALE OF LACE CURTAINS. A large stock to select from. We could sell you Lace Curtains at 50c per pair, but we can sell you so much better at 75c that we speak of this grade as being qH exj illonfc value. Popular width, lacey texture, look like curtains of more value. vVe quote the following low prices. Call and see the beautirul new Ginghams and the new novelties. Our price for Ginghrms 3£c per yard and up. „ . Dress Goods, adapted to the season, worth 15c, our price .... .... .... ...... 9c 12£c Flannelettes ........ - v . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tie I2£c Percailes, ...... ' .... .< .. .. Ti Good heavy unbleached Sheeting .. .1/ ' • •••• ; ... .. .... .... ••• 4c Kid Gloves, colored or black ...... ...' .....».• .. ..... . .. ... 69c per pair (SUCCESSORS TO I 'ERBT & OWEN.) HEIMER'8 BLOCK. Opposite J. A. 8tory's Drug Store. McHENRY. ILLINOIS GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE £2X.Q>£lf, XZ.X*, We can Save You Money on these Goods The undersigned, having leated the store at the above location has opened therein a Call and see the many Bargains we are offering "in our Grocery Department. Here are a few : 4 gallon ke<r Fine Syrup, Arbuckle's and McLaughlin's Coffee. Gold D'ns^, 4 lb packnge, 8 Mars Leuox Soap, Carahcr Sardiues, in oil. Good Sweet Corn, Pure Food Biking Powiler, Good Broken Rico, Argo GIOSB Starch, in pound packages, Gilt Edge Flour. 20 pounds N. O. Granulated Sugar, Fine Uncolored J pan Tea. Canned Pumpkin, 3 lb, ran 10c 3 cans for Best cleaned Currants, in 1 pound packages And dozens ot other snaps not menticned. FIRST-CLASS BAKERY Where he will k»ep on hand at all times fresh baked 95c. 10c per pound 18c per package, 25c. 5c per ean. 5c per can. 25c per pound 5c per pound. 5c per package. $1 25 per fwek . 1.00 25c per ;>ound, 25c. 10c Wheat, jjiabai eM Rye Breai, CAKES. PIES, ETC. With a practical experience In the business I am confident T can please all who will favor me with their patronage. Are gaining friends and patrons, each succeeding sale being more and more successful, and there a good solid reason for it. Every item offered is of money saving importance. We owe it to you that your dol ars should have their best purchasing power here. Its our argument in soliciting your patronage. We quote one item (there are dozens of others) from each department for next Monday's fale. DRESS GOODS--A line of all wool Serges, 38 inches wide, all the new spring colors per yard 21 cents NOTIONS --Ladies, Misses and Childrens Side Hose Supporters, black or white, nickle plated, button clasp, good elastic and webbing Monday per pair 8 cents CHILDREN'S; FURNISI11NGS,--Children's Nazareth Ribbed Waists, sizes 2 to 8 years, advertised in all the magazines and home papers at 25 cents each, our Monday price 15 cents LADIES' UNDERWEAR.--Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, with cambric ruffles on sleeves, all sizes, good length and width, 43 ccnt JEWELRY.--Choice assortment Stick Pins, engraved enameled and embossed, values up to 25 cents in tho lot, Monday 5 cents DOMESTICS.--White Bed Spreads, Marseilles pattern a good heavy grade, often sold at $1, Monday 59 cents FANCY GOODS.--Saxony Yarn, all colo.s large skein 5 cents MEN'S FURNISHINGS.--Men's Neck Bow and string Ties, an assortment of patterns and colorings that you see in clothing stores at 40c and 50c, never less. our Monday price 15 cents LADIES SKIRTS.--Plaid Skirts, exact representation of tho fancy imported materials, Monday $1.29 TOILET ARTICLES.^--Kuhs Juvenile Toilet Soap, 9 cents HARDWARE.--Wire Nails, per pound 2 cents BOOKS.--2500 paper covered Books, hundreds of titles by prominent authors, per copy 5 cents PAINTS.--St. Louis White Lead, per 100 pounds $4.98 THEO, F, SWAN. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, MADE To ORDER. The patronage of the publio is respectfully solicited. JOHN HAUPfUSCH, McHenry, Feb. IB, 1698. LO'MC DISTANCE TELEPHONE STATION. Tours Truly, OWEN & CHA.PELL McHenry, Illinois* Having had several years experience sell ing farm and otber sales, I now call attention to the fact that I feel just ilk* getting a On myself and sell your farm Eales In McHenry as well as Lake county, with a great DETERMINATION Ne eB3ary to obtain good results these c'ose times. I am satisfied that ,it requires the same VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Farm Sales and be succersful as it does to chop wood or sell you a farm In Ar kansas, either of which I am willing to do when called. Mo«t of you will know that I bav» bad and still have much experience sell ingjust such goods and stock as you will offer at I'ublic Auction thl3 spring. Therefore I should know their value and just how to get at selllr g the same for the moot money, drop ping the article with the one 'that sometimes pays his own note. I am quite a good bidder myself and am always looking for bargains in mine or your lines I believe I can do more tor you than can the others for the same or less cost. If I did not feel sure of the above and was not In dead esrnest and willing to try, on short notice, I would not be so well equipped. An alarm turned in by postal card may reveal unexptcted results, MV LI NE: GENERAL HARDWARE Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Bicycles and Sporting Goods Advertising does not necessarily sell,goods, but it makes it easier to sell them. Quality, Pri^e and Industry must supplement adver- t sing, then the combination Your obedient aDd Unsystematic friend, T.V. SLOCUM IS A WINNER! Wauconda, Ills We possess this combination. Watch our advertisement, for our own interest. Bcspectlully Yours, STODDARD'S F. L. McOMBER W^st Side Hardware Store V ANSON'S Anyone can raise them They grow like weeds. The Flowers are exquisite, of ihe largest sice ana there are plenty of them. Fine .totting In the world for Cut Flowers or a Show Bed. Three packets of these per fect Seeds and our Illustrated Catalogue Plate Work, and everything per taining to Dentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a card i day or two before coming. Office. McHenry. For Only 10 Cents. The pri>;e you would pay anywhere for a packet of this seed. Giant Comet Asters, mixed, grow about 18 inches high and bear their immense Chrysanthemum like Flowers on long, stiff stems W hit*, Pink, Yellow Bed and Blue. Peony Flowered Asters, mixed, petals In curved, floweis average 3 to 4 inches across, colors both bright and delicate, twenty Or more shades. Victoria Astors, mlx'd, handsomest in ex- 'stence, flowers very large, very double, of gl)' ular shapo, six to ten shades, plants 1% feet high, The Paint Brush or The Scrubbing Brush Which? The day of the dusty carpet, the dirty floor and scrubbing brush is wunlng. A rug can be shaken in a minute--a painted floor can be cleaned with a duster. M!LO L. HOWE, Having leased the East Store in Stoffel'd Block, WEST NIcKENRYi II Hss opened therein a first class Music "*tore, where at all times c;an be found All Merchandise damaged by smoke and water, at our store Feb. 22, must be closed out At Once for Cash. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT Ordere&rly, Now is the time to start sou plants to obtain the best results, "Sou money's worth or your money back. OSBORN STODDARD. Madison, New Jersey, la especially prepared for floors. It dries quickly. It gives a hard, glossy fiuisli. It represents the difference between the light and the dark side of house-keeping. If your dealer doesn't keep it, send for color card and learn /||p where to get it. A book entitled " Paint Points," telling you all about the art of household painting, will be included, free. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. 100 Canal St..Cleveland. 2629 Stewart Ave.,Chicago. I 397 Washington St., New York. 21 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Mandolins Guitars. Banjos. Zithers, Autoharps, Music Boxes, And in short all kinds of mus ical instrumaents, Sheet Music, ctc. Our Pianos and Organs are the best made, and will be sold as low as any hrst-class Instrument can be bought anywhere. The public are cordially invited to cal. and look over my stock whether they want to purchase or not. Pianos ard Organs Tuned, On short notice and satisfac tion guaranteed. MILO L HOWE. THE SALE IS NOW ON ! We are in a position to promise you Bargains. JOHN EVANSON & CO. E . B . P E R K I N S , McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House Vo c sell.thc celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and sec our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. Ail specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates on work.' E, B. PERKINS, Executor's Notice* Estate ofOariline IJ, Phelps, deceased. • The undersigned having bc«n appointed Executor of the 1-st Will and Tes-.tment of Caroline B Phelps, deceased, late of the connty of McHenry and state of Illinois, hereoy gives notice.that he will appear before the 0 unty f'onrt of McHenry County, at the <""ourt House in Woodstock, at the April Term, on the first Monday in April next ac which time all persons hsving ctp.ims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the tame adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay. ment to the undersigned. Dated thie 7th d&v of February. A. D, 1808, 32w4 V. 8. LUMLEY, Executor. WEST McHENUV Office at Geo W. neeley's l)rug Store, Examinations free MILO J. L. HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN ) __ -- -r _ _ > McHenry Tuner & Repairer. ) -- > All Orders Promptly. Attended to, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the .faliest Beer,