^NCWOOD, ll-1- Weil 'V' • - • v Tanned TOFFEL)) leather is the first requisite in a good shoe. The leather used in SEJLZ SHOES is special tannage under the direct supervision of the shoe makers. That's the advan tage you get by buying the shoes made by the largest manufacturers of shoes in the world,and West McHenry, III. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENTS Articles and Notices under tho above head aro furaSshed by the Ladiesot the W, O, ,T. U and the editor claims no pari or credit for tne same. THE TEAMP'S SERMON. A poor old waif, ragged and unkempt, stood looking in through the plate-glass window of a gilded saloon in New Orleans. Two fashionable young men noticed him, and one said to the other: "Say, let's do the good Samaritan, and set Hobo up a drink." The other hilar iously consented, and the tramp slouched into the saloon at their heels. As he poured the Jiquor into tlie glass with a trembling hand, one of the young men said: "Make us a speech!" The tramp swallowed down the liquor with a fierce thirst, and straightened himself., and stood before them with a grace and dignity that all his rags and dirt could not obscure. "Gentlemen," he said, "I look to-night at you and atjmyself, and it seems to me I look upon the picture of my lost manhood. This bloated face was once as young and handsome as yours..This shambling figure once walked as proudly as yours, a man in the world of men. I, top, once had a home, and friends, <md a position. I bad a Wife as beautiful as an artist's dream, and I dropped the priceless pearl of her honor and respect in the wine-cup. I had children a« sweet and lovely as the flowers of spring, and I saw them iade and die under the blighting curse of a drunken father. Today I am a husband without a wife, a father without a child, a tramp with no home to call his own, a man in whom every good impulse is dead --all, all swallowed up in the maelstrom of drink." The tramp ceased speaking. The glass fell from his nervous fingers and shivered into a thousand fragments on the floor. The swinging doors pushed open and shut again, and he was gone. iilllklUUIgU) Organdies, Dimities, etc., with Fancy Lining to match. LAQGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, Also Russian R Blouses. Ladies Ties and Waist Sets in large v a r i e t y . • • - ' , ' • • • 7 ' ^ , SASH RIBBONS. ;.--:7 -- - r r r r r . - - : - ' • - . . - r> - • " - r r \ - V - '-'-'. l';\ ~ A full line in all colors. The best Summer Corset in the market for 50c. Laces, Embroideries, Parasols and Fans in great variety. A. P. BAER, PropT WAR! Everybody is looking for War Bulletins, we with the rest, but realizing that the only way to prosper these days, or any other days, is to work, we have kept our Bulletin Board,, covered with the receipts of CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Fine and serviceable Clothing; for men, boys and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct^ newest styles. A Reliable Woman Wanted. We want a reliable woman in every County to establish a corset parlor for the sale of Dr. Nichols' Celebrated Spiral Spring Corsets and Clasps, Hygeia Waists, etc. Every corset is warranted not to break or rust, absolutely imper vious to moisture or pespiration. A new pair given for every pair that breaks Guarrantee printed on each corset. Re commended by over 10,000 Physicians. I furnish complete stock on consignment and pay a salary of §40 to §65 per month and expenses. $3.00 sample out fit free. Prices reduced. Send 18 cents postage for sample and terms. . [DB. G. D. NICHOLS, 86-3m. New Canaan, Conn. A PROMINENT LAWYER, , Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick lieauHulie, sour stomach, conBtipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought! long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf fering from above complaints." J. A Story, McHenrv. All work first class, neat and reason able in price. A.Wegener the West Mc Henry harness maker and dealer in all goods in that line. , Be sure to leave your orders for Pills-1 bury's or Washburn's best at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town IMPORTANT • •TO- AMERICANS.--EVERYBODY. Fxm SHOES* JL SPECIALTY. OXFORDS, the finest and most stylish assortment ever brought to this town, for ladies and children. In Children's Shoes our stock cannot be surpassed outside of the city. Call and inspect our Shoe Department, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. Our goods are bought^ at the best advantage and sold right Live and Let Live," is an excellent motto for anybody and we aim to follow it. As to quality the best is the cheapest as a rule, and the best is none too good. We aim gather at quality than quantity and pricc. Well ydu must see goods to'appreciate prices. Gent's Furnishing (TJoods, An extra line of Shirts and Neckties. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps, Beloit Overalls,!Shirts and Jackets. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Pillsbury's, Washburn's and King's Best Flour. Seed Corn and German Millet. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMQIT STOFFEL. West McHenrv, 111., 1898. Grocer ins. We have the Staple and Fancy Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, tice, Beans, Spices Extracts, etc., are always in demand and we always keep a good assortment. No man can do business without customers and friends, and we trust you will accept our thanks for pas^ favors as well as what you are giving us at present. SLEEPY EYE FLOUR. As low as any good Flour can be bought anywheret Cal and see us. West McHenry. Illinois, N. J . JUSTEN, 1. The most interesting, exciting, and patriotic picture of this country, illustrating the glorious Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desired in fine and modern designs, including Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Battle of Manila Dining Room and Library Furniture, Is new la preparation. It will be an exact re production trom & very expensive oil painting expressly painted for us, showing the Spanish fleet and shore batteries in fierce engagement with the American squadron. The size of the finished picture, in beautiful color», will bp 13x23 inches, and will be a most appropriate ornament for parlor as well as business office Onr artists are at work day and night, and Finished Prints will be Ready ^ About May 18. The first edition will be limited, eo if you want one of the greatest piotures of the day and'want it without delay, send us at onoe Sour name and address, and enclose 25 cents i stamps or silver, and we will send you the picture, postpaid, together with four issues of our profuselv illustrated coinic paper "UP TO DATE." Send UP TO DATE, NIonon Bldg. Chicago- Wanted-fln Idea rs3 And list of two hundred Inventions wanted. SDR. CALDWELL'S MM YRUP PEPSIN CURES CONSTIPATION.! 1 Besides many special pieces in all lines. The Undertaking Department, Calls for speeial mention, as the stock is always complete anc the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call anc examine both before fcuying. N. J. JUSTEN, West McHenry, 1898. *Iing "7eral years •xperienoe fell- lag farm and other eales.Intfw call attention to the fact that I feel like getting* GREAT "HUMP Bel,T your farm BaieB ^ MvHenry as well as Lake Oo with a great DETERMNATION Necessary to obtain good results these close same satisfied that it requires the VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Farm Sales and be Successful as it dees to chop wood or sell you a farm in Ar. kansas. either of which I am willinst to <ir> •when called. Most of you will know that II have has and .till have mnch experienc^ selling just such goods and stoek as you will offer at public auct'on ithis sprine, • Thore. fore I shoull know their value and how to get at selling the same for the most moisev dropping the article with the one that some' times paya his note, I am quite a pood bid dor and am always looking for bargains i believe I can do more for you than can the others for the *ame or less cost. If I did not feel sure of the above and was not in dead earnest and willing to try, on short notice, I would not be so well equipped An alarm turned in .by postal may reveal unexpected rtsulte. Trp Us a Couple of Times. Your obedient and unsystematic friend T. V. SICCUM, Wauconda, III. "Can't Afford to Paint." The man who says that, forgets that painting pro perly done is economy, and the fact is he can't afford NOT to paint. How often you require to paint is largely depend* ent upon the paint you use. THE -1 v . SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS out last others. They are the most economical paint* yon can ase, because they cover most and wear longest. Add to this their good appearance) and you have perfect painU-The Sherwin-Williams Paints. They are made for many different kinds of painting. Whatever it Is you want to paint--a house, or anything in or out of the house--we make the right paint for that particular purpose--not one slap-dash mixture for all. Get our free book. Best paint dealers have our paints. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS OO,, PAINT AND GOLOR MAKERS, 100 Canal St., Cleveland. 2629 8tewart Avenue, Chicago. 887 Washlngton Street, New York. 21 St,. Antolne Street, Montreal. 3. PERKINS, McHENBY, ILLINOIS. --'-.•Mswwananraa Paint and Wall Paper House o qaI 1 4*li n aaI /.*Vaiin4-r. /I o L. nu % % tz 11 i _ -- --. Ti -- A. nni_* _. ? We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates on work. E, B. PERKINS, it costs no more than to get the "pick me up" sort 1 ; We take pride in fitting your feet with these famous shoes, because we take pride in giving you satisfac tion. .; . . There is something entirely new out in the SUMMER CLOTHING LINE. We have them made up of the mjw material. A look a1 them will bo beneficial to you, " Warm weather Underwear ir different weights and shades, New Hats in felt, wool, canvas and straw. Bee Hives for fishejmen, 50c. Fresh Groceries. Best Flour, Rye Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. JOSH J. MILLER. West MoHenry, 111. NOW IS THE TIME For you to settle upon some plan for Spring House Cleaning While we are not an expert in this line, we have a faint idea of the requirements for the occasion and are anxious to do all in our power for "suffering humanity." (in the way of counsel and advice) during the trying ordeal. We wculd suggest you have your heating stovea^taken down and cared for. Your cumbersome cook stove or range replaced with one of our s , Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, That can be moved from one epot to another by a child if desir d. Then begin operations to suit yourself Remember that we have such needed articles as Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretchers, Brooms Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Rings, Tacks and Tack Hammers. Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Picture Cord. I carry a complete line of Paints, Oils, Varnlshgs, Stains, Brushes, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the best paint in the market, guaranteed free from adulter ation ol any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found otherwise your money wil be refunded and you reimbursed for your trouble and expense. We will be pleased ^to^ make ^estimates on your wants of anything in our lino. ' . Bespectfullj Youreu F. L. McOMBEE. West S'de Hardware Store Just one word about SHOES! SHOES! We have the latest styles in Men's Women's and Children's £" o ̂ "&1 w i Also have a very complete line of seasonable UNDERWEAR. Our styles will please you and our prices should. V * ' 7 • * ' jS 7 Very Truly, W ' J. E* CR1STY, Ringwood, HI. DBALBB IN DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LINK OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINB IOF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Drugglats' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions * Your Patronage 1b respeotfully solicited. ^ m • -JULIA A. STORY CniDccr Westof JRix erti de cHenry, 111. To Say Nothing but Saw Wood. THAT IS We are r*ot Tellinfif you of the Many Bargains we are offering in FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, etc., that we aro sli ng at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, even by us. Call,and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OP i Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see toe before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, 111., Fob. i£, 1898.