M*y, li 10S8 « 1 *»4* 'jitf/gy??'-'*f - (s^-' '"^' •»"•* :' j TBS HcHKRKl^ H^AUVBIALER Do you know that we can write towing and road service coverage (this means on your own premises also? with your automobile policy for only 13 .1") additional premium ? EARL R. WALSH, Phone 43. 46-tf .* . TKC ^ThBATR^ Perfect Sound 10c - 25c Week Days: 7:20 - 9:20 FRIDAY GfM Raymond -- Wendy Barrie "LOVE ON A BET" Also---Special, -A Perfect Tribute"-- Cornedy, "Touched In the Head" : SATURDAY LobHe Howard -- BetU Doris ;*?£*SPHE PETRIFIED FOREST" AIno--ES Rrendel, "Okty Jtae" SUNDAY -- MONDAY MAY 17 - 18 Franchot Tone -- Madge Evans "EXCLUSIVE STORY" Alao--Our Gang, "The Lucky Corner"--Cartoon, "Jump Horse Juirtp"--World News Events Matage, 3:15 Continuous TUESDAY 'LOVE BEFORE BREAKFAST'* WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY "KLONDIKE ANNIE' girlsvathletic I BANQUET MAY 20; "SO I HEAR ' hy EARL WAI^SH PERSONALS 0* '.Vilmette vis- !r. and Mrs. Coach McCracken is taking Vale A new feature of the "Girls' Ath- , letic program at the high school this' year will be- an' athletic banquet to] be held on May 20, when the various j awards in sports will be given. The tennis cup will also he award- J ed at this meeting "and an award will' , , , . , ,, be given, also, to the Senior *irl. Adams down to the state golf tournachosen to receive the award for at Urbana this week. sportsmanship. ~ S * I * H --' This new feature of the Girls' Ath-| Had a little visit with Mac the othletic program has been instituted this night and found that he plans to year with the ti«meT of fotfr Senior get Vale down there in time Thursgirls chosen by committees of the as- {jay for practice. They will go! sociation as being eligible for the into the qualifying round Friday,! sportsmanship award. then into the finals on Saturday. The four Senior girls suggested j S * I * H were Ruth Reihansperger, Eleanor 1 ' . ,* ; Bolger, Viola Brefeld and Adele1 Fe feel q^te proud to have a man Proehlich from our school entered in the state At a meeting of the association fi«alsv ^ luck- Vale. Tou've got last Wednesday night the - members .W"at lt; takes. voted on their choice of the girls, hut,. . S * I * H -- 1 the one elected was not announced i While on the subject of tolf we and will not be known until the night mi^ht' mentiori that the high school! pia-> where she visited h& sister, of the banquet. i ; team defeated New Trier last w.eek Miss Clara Wightman. The tennis tournament started Mon- h7-5. There was some classy golf ihj .Mr. and Mrs. Tom koberts of Chiday and the finals will be played off that match. Vale shot a 72, Clarence capo visited her mother, Mrs. Fred on May 20 if the schedule works out Anderson a 76, Franco of New Trier,' QiUy, Sunday. Mrs. Gilly, who has as planned. There are eighteen girls 71, ^^tid Victor^ of New,Trier,, 73, iU, witil heart trouble,, is.,now in the tournament this year. - That's riiootin'! '*£>•' >. Miss Anna P ited wil'i Peter o»<_» ti,w . id. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Schuenamann and family of Chicago were guests in the H. E. Durland home Sunday and attended the first communion of little Joan Durland. ; . Mrs. M. J. Freund plans to go to Chicago this week for a visit with her sister, Mrs. L. N. Baer. W. G. Durland of Jamaica, N. Y., spent Tuesday night in the home of his cousin, H. E. Durland and family. Mrs. Albert Blake, Mrs. H. E. Durland and Mrs. John Schuenamann were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Martin and Genevieve Knox spent Sunday in the Clarence Whiting home at Elgin. weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. E. J. Buss went to Chicago Friday to see his sister, who, is in Chicago Memorial hospital. Mike Daly, Main street barber, spent the weekend in Waukegan. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel visited his parents at Richmond Sunday. ACUSPi 1CAKDIKS AT PISTAKM BAY Paul For 75 years old, dropped dead Friday evening, just after he had finished his work at the home of Dr. Krueger at Pistakee Bay. Coroner Taylor of Lake county conducted an inquest M^r. and Mrs. E. H. Nickels visited when the jury returned a verdict of her mother in Woodstock on Mothers death resulting from a heart attack. The deceased was born jtn Germany Mrs. Phil Meyers Was called to and had lived in the vicinity of Terra Chicago this week by the death of Cotta for many years. He is scrvtrher mother, Mrs. Anna Sheehan. ed by a brother and daughter. Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaefer of A. Lazier, of Dixon, 111. Chicago visited relatives here Satur- Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p. m., at Jacob Justen and Sons' Mrs. Henry Vogel and her grand- undertaking parlors, with burial in mother, Mrs. Jennie Bassett, were the McMilHaa. cemetery near Terra Woodstock visitors Friday. Cotta. Mrs. G. W. Hess and sons, Jack and - • ; • • James, spent the weekend With her McHENKY DAIRY TO NEW LOCATION Dale Thomas, proprietor of the Mc- Henry Dairy, plans to move into the Asmalsky house, east of the river, about the first of the week, where he will open his milk depot at his residence. He plans to put in gas pumps east Friday night i of the house and will put his refrigerator on the front porch where he will be equipped to accommodate hia customers. He will close the gas station and milk-depot he has been operating east of the river on the property owned by Mrs. Logue of Chicago. The city council in granting permission for the erection of gas pumps on Route 20 near the Baur property in the city limits was misinformed as tb location. „ Old Timers to J>e in McHenry July Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and Mrs. May | mother and sister, Mrs. James Allan 30, 31, Augc 1. ! Poile of Chicago called in the L. F. Newman, home; Sunday. Mrs. Poile recently returned from, Haines City, Following the tennis tournament the girls, plan to start track. able to sit up and move about a lit* tie. -'-h' Mr. .and'lifts. H. E. Durland and • -v. •; • v + ^ s Harry Anderson and Ralph^ Smith came along with 80 and 89 respective- j family and Mrs. John Schuenamann ly--which is far from dub golf. j attended a tea Sunday afternuojv at g » j » H -- rthe H. G. Schuenamann home in Chi- ' , ZT= . I In .notftr mmtch. tfc. bop tied «M» i!,onor ot Already the Old Timers are home- Crystal Lake 5-5. "~J *" J 4W" " ' "J -- S • I * H-- - And we might work in a little golf WESTERNER RETURNS FOR VISIT TO McHEMRY 4HOtWSOW» WOODSTOCK FRIDAY--ONLY MAY 15 Claire Trevor -- Paul Kelly "MY MARRIAGE" ALSO--Special Attractions .SATURDAY SPECIAL Wheeler and Woolsey in "SILLY BILLIES" Also Special Attractions. SUNDAY AND MONDAY --"don't miss this popular hit"-- Clark Gable -- Myma Loy and Jean Harlow in "WIFE VERSUS SECRETARY" l#c TUESDAY ONLY 15c Plaul Kelly -- Claire Trevor "SONG AND DANCE -- MAN" ALSO--Special Attractions WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Victor McLaglen • Freddie Bartholomew - "PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER" Also--MARCH OF TIME Matinee at 2:30 DST Wednesday .ward bound 4or the Centennial and Homecoming celebration to be held July 30, 31 and Aug. 1,. with Gilbert Jloward greeting old friends here, aft- i°^e before we go on to something else. Heard this one about Horton Smith ? When he was going like a million little Patricia Schuenamann Mrs. Edna Heimer, Mrs. C. Craitc and the latter's aunt of Chicago visited Mrs. Josephine Heimer-on-Mothers' Day. .. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber visited at Libertyville Tuesday evening. Mrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock and daughter, Helen, at Mish&waka, Ind. She was accompanied to South Bend, Ind., by Mrs. Jack Walsh, who visited her daughter, Ellen, a "patient in St. Joseph's hospital in that city. Miss Frances Hughes and Mrs. William Green were Chicago visitpn, on Monday. Raymond Hughes and Will Funk saw the major league ball game in Chicago Saturday.* v, Help McHenry to celebrate it* birthday on July 30, 31 and Aug. L "I'm sorry," said Smith, "I don't smoke." "Well, let's have a drink then." "I-I-don't drink, either," hq replied. "What's this" cried the girl, "Haven't you any bad habits at all?' "Well," replied the embarassed • ed to Florida a few weeks before. youth hesitantly, "I miss quite a few putts from five feet. -- S • I * H -- • V . Went down to the Married Men's meeting the^other night and got the old job back, assisting Frank Schre.iner scoring games. * -- S • I • H -- Frank catches the Friday fish 011 er an absence of about eight years. Gilbert is visiting his mother, Mrs. £. S. Howard. Until April first he was in a CCC camp in the Black Hills and previous to that was at problem. They haven't offered us Raymond, S. D. contracts for the. season. We may. bej After spending about two weeks holdouts. .with Frank Bennett in St. Paul, he, S * I came on to McHenry, where he says he m. a/y r,e m' ain.. until after the Cen- fer^e7d °p ?itch"erV FrTed 'F itzsimmons tenmal celebration. Public Liability insurance on your, automobile defends any legal action,] defrays legal expense, court costs and Phone 43. Meet your frienda at the Centennial and Homecoming in McHenry, July 30, 31 and Aug. 1. 46*tf complete a double play, -- S • I • H -- Marengo Sunday were Mr. and Mrs A. J. Kamholt and son, Mrs. Minnie - . Block and son, Louis, Mr. and Mrs. F. At this writing the Champion Cubs c Felu Mr and Mrs Fred VoeltZ, have taken four straight trimmings. H Anthols and daughter, Flor- They seem to be like llornsby s outfit ^ ^ Mrg Emj, patzke and I have plenty of | jjr and Mrs. Wm. Dryer of For®8* 1* ma 4«M«aKnk<a ' ! ^ Frank Spurting and Fred Kahmolz attended to business in Racine, Wis., says, Ripe Cubaii Pineapple, 2 for Case of 36 Southern U. S. No. 1 Grade New Potatoes, 3 lbs. 10c California Iceberg Head Lettuce, each 5c 15c 10c 5c New Southern Green Peas, 2 lbs.. New Sugar Loaf Cabbage, 3 lbs. Extra Fancy Wines&p Apples, lb. Bananas, lb. 5c Celery, 2 Stalks lie Fresh Limes, 4 for lUbAaPiNi ftMdqnartcn for FRESH frnita mnd vegetable* -- b* cautr you'll •Ivafl ind a choice id® tion, orehllT •• tected br A&.P to aosure ron ot quality-- all delivered fresh and offered •o reaaonably (hat they're outstanding valueal 5c rtL muNie PEARS 19c "&s"19c . PEL MONTE APRICOTS ©EL MONTE TOMATOES 2 Other fine A &P EH-END VALUES! CALIFORNIA PEACHES SACRAMENTO BRAND. 2 27? • AAP BAKER'S FRESH Doughiwts . . . ooz. 10c RICH AND FULL-BODIED JtedGrd RED SOUR Pitted Cherries . KELLOGGS • Cora Flakes . '^WISCONSIN Brick Cheese • ENCORE MACARONI OR Spaghetti . . tab Brown Sigar UmjMAOatx • PKG 19c OWK>CM Can*. 3 CANS 25C BAO NO. TO M. CAN >mUc ** 19c t s-oi: a, • PKOS »» . lb 5c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE SLICED OR CRUSHED NO. Z'/i CAN The Rajah starting pitchers--but no finishers. -- S • I • H -- - Of course we hate to bring up much mention of the Cubs' slide but we took plenty of ribbing during that losing streak the Sox went through. -- S • I * H -- They have found a fellow in the minors who goes Babe Ruth two better in calling shots. Remember hpw Babe called his shotin 1932 World Series. Frank (Whattaman) Pack- Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Sutton of Richmond and Mrs. Etta Reed of Waukegan spent Tuesday with their sister, Mrs. George Lindsay, and father, William Simes. Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler and daughter, Lorraine, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of Crystal Lake were . ^ A , , Sunday evening callers in the William ard took too much razzing in a gamely. vftmp down in Rockingham, N. C, the other j John Su]Hv|m and Mrs Wal. day, then threatened to bust a ball'^ ConWfty of Woodgtock were gmsia at the C. D. of A. Mothers Day party Monday evening. Miss Ethel Jones spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. George Blondheim and family of Green Bay, Wis., visited in the over each of your fences."--And he did! Right, left, then center in three trips to the plate. -- S * I • H -- Injuries have finally caught up to the Detroit Tigers. Maybe they can come through, but our money (two- j homes of her brother, Clarence Doug- BROWN LABEL SiiLADA TEA 20c OU^ CV'N HKANO Biack Tea . GRANULATED SOAP OXYDOL THE ENAMEL CLEANER Bab-0 . CAN 10C kRGE KG. 10« bits or BO) is on the Yankees. -- S • I * H -- The girls at the high school are in the midst of a tennis tournament. The boys are going to start one soon. -- S * I • H -- We hear that the girl athletes are planning a banquet for next week. No men allowed. S • I • H -- 4- Answer to Carl Thorsell's question printed last week: The! batter reached first because of interference on the part of the catcher. He scored from first when a fielder threw his glove and hit a Ay ball from the next batter's bat. The ball was caught, but the runner was allowed to score. The rules allow three bases in this case: Remember, this all happened after two men were out. -- S • I • H -- This Week's Question Would you call a balk if a pitcher stepped to the nwund holding the ball in his gloved hand and made a motion td pitch with the other hand ? Armour's Com Beef or Roast Beef, 12-oz. can 17c Wilson Laurel Sliced Bacon, Two 8-oz. pkgs. 29c Cudahy Gold Coin Slab Bacon, lb,... ; :... 25c Minced Ham, lb. ; w 18c Sultana Macaroni or Spaghetti, 4 lb. pkg. 25c American Family Soap, 10 bars 49c A&P F o o d S t o r e s FORMER PLAINDEALER - EDITOR VISITS McHENRY C. D. Schoonmaker, former editor of the McHenry Pl*indealer, was in town Tuesday visiting old friends and making new acquaintances. ! |BS, and sister. Mrs. Will Glosson, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe of Huntley spent Sunday with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Mrs. Kathrine Coffey, daughter, Mary, and son, Dan. and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burke and son, Jimmy, visited in the W. F. Burke and M. J. Walsh homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and children of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Baur . of Pontiac, Mich., spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Pferker of DesMoines, la., were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of Oak Park were weekend guesf« of the Misses Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connolly and family of Chicago spent the weekend with her father, J. J. Frett. They will spend the summer in one of the Lasch cottages. Mr. and Mrs. K. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. H. McKinley of Oak Park spent the weekend at the Burns cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. A." J. Hunter of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Fay home. The former editor has been an em Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of ploye of the*Federal government for!Chicago, and Mrs. Emma McGinnis of several years, having travelled, ex- j Elgin were Sunday guests of Mrs. tensively in his line of duty. Readers of the Plaindealer will remember Mr. Schoonmaker's interesting letters to the paper at the time of the^ixtieth anniversary, telling of his first impressions of McHenry and later experiences in the town. • Lawrence's mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Frank Spurling is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from his woirk in Bowman's factory, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Westfall and daughter, Doris, of Chicago spent the SMART TONIC dollars a few years ago, and the talk visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. of golf, he was induced to go to a | F. Newman, Sunday evening. party one evening. ^ j Mr. and Mrs. John Bonhen of Wil- Horton is the shy, retiring type, | mette visited her parents, Mr. and and when a dashing young girl cor-!Mrs. John King, Sunday. nered him, he didn't know what to do. I George Hollister of Harvard was a Have a cigarette?" she offered. Monday evening caller in the L. F. Newman home. Miss Rose Huemann returned home Sunday after spending the winter in Pensacola, Fla. She made the return trip with Mrs. Ben Stilling and daughters, Eva and Lillian, who had motor- Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel, Mrs. Caroline Schiessle, Mrs. Louis Althoff, *nd Mrs. H. Kreutzer were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooney were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman of Chicago visited his parents Saturday fioon. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and • V; j DANCE AND CARD PARTY RENE HAN'S LODGE, ROUND LAKE , .Saturday, May 23 - Given by St. Joseph's Parish Djiueing starts at 9 p. pi. in the main ball roonr. Cards in the main dining room of the lodge. Bridge, 500, Pinochle Music' by Prof. Art Odin's World Famous Baftii • Tickets, 50e, including dancing, lunch and cards Thursday nights so we have that Betty Buss visited in the Louis Mcworked out. He will score the Tues-.Donald home, Woodstock, Saturday day night games. v j afternoon. -- S * I • H "l | A. E. Nye and Clarence Martin at- Now we have to work out another tended a K. C. convention at LaSalle, 111., Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer •pent Friday in Chicagq and saw the Navy printed taffeta with "pinks" on a nav.y blue background is fashioned Into this smart tunic with white pique vestee, collar, and cuffs. The skirt is navy blue heavy sheer. The navy leghorn hat has a fluted brim. Complete outfit from Aune Davls„Inc., La Mai sori\£fancaise. Cubs ball game. Jake and Charles Buss of Chicago Note to M. M-^Club:^ Bill Terry of- Sunday afternoon with relaa tives. blank contract. Fred filled ia the . Dan Quinian, candidate for county amount and all was well. judge, was in McHenry on real es- -- S * I * H -- ] late business Tuesday. Gabby Hartnett dropped his fourth! Those from McHenry who attended pays any judgment up to the limit* foul fly in fifteen years the other day, the thirtieth anniversary services of of your policy. EARL R. WALSH, but they say he did it purposely ,to the Evangelical Lutheran church at Rtdiiconr Old Process A number of the "secrets" of medterat stained glass art have been rediscovered, notably the glass paint once used, and a way of making copper ruby jffFf like the early product. Swnt Tooth i The sugar bill In the United State* In 1035 was $698,100,000. THE NEW DEAL IN TAKING IN PICKLES ALL NTJBS INCLUDED IN EACH GRADE ! . . Machine Assorted First Grade $2.25 hundred points Second Grade _ $1.00 hundred points Third Grade 50c hundred points A machine grader Will do the work. For further information and seed call at A S. WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE, Woodstock. SQUIRE DINGEE CO. BENEFIT DANCE For St. Mary's Parish Fox Pavilion -- McHenry Sponsored by the Holy Name Society Wednesday, May 20 Admission: 25c $*al^d-ln-Steel THRIFT-UNIT Now glvM "double th« co!4" and VIM tvtn last currant than ivir. Available in all Oaneral Electric morals. From it Cat/t Lm to Oum s RrentiuJJy mtl electric refrigerators will undoubtedly follow G-E'a lead and hare seeled mechanisms--be sure the one you buy bu it t*i*y. Remember. General Electric has built more refrigerators with sealed mechanism# than all other manufacturers combined. The General Electric THRIFT-UNIT has been proved by experience and is the only one with rOBCED-FEED LUBKICATI0X lid OIL COOLIMS exclusive feature* that mean quieter operation* longer life and lower operating cost. f Ynart PitftnunM MMH# Carey Electric Shop Phone 251