he* Kltf* •? r • tHX HeBSHKt FLAJMSKALKS Thursday, July 30,1936 f VAV V ..h otes FAMILY REUNION 1 ami Alfred Kvaepin. Th« birthday time in couple will reside, with h$r parents for v Lake and other point? fn thef^he present. V. I ' . ^ ! ••".'is|untj,' and reunions of. families ^nd j .... .. ,.*v--v": ' • friends are becoming mote popular \ EASTERN STAR than ever before. ':• • • . One very pleasant occasion Was observed #t Crystal Lake Sunday when .• McHenry • chapter, O. E. S., met iti regular session Monday evening with the Worthy matron, Mrs. Miftnie Mar- •Vv<';-ilr. and' Mrs. W. E. Whiting • and; sorir .tii^ presiding _ ,»6eorgje.. attended a fa'mily reunion at; .An invitation for. official visit at .'"tlie home of Mrs. Lois Senne. where : Elgin chapter 01^ August 21 was read. >/>, Mr. Whiting: and his four sisters en-; Friends' nigflt. .-fHV McHenry .chap- 1 joyed being 'together for 'nc first time ..ter was stjrt foi* Sept. 19. Worthy mav ; ia many years. M r. Waiting's. sisters trotls*V^igW';'^ij!,..^!H^;.b'a^'t'l^ ';•a later ' . ^ r e s e n t were I t f r s . C y n t h i a F i ^ o r . B e l - i - d a t e . *" • v W ; ; : / . * • - v j ; . V . ._ .••; • Jjpview, Fla.; Mrs. Bell Merker, Belle- ; Menlbeifs are busy decpratilig.a float ' , Ville, ill.; Mrs, Lois Senne and Mrs. for the -Centennial paia<fe.' - Aithur ; Wimington, Crystal Lake. - 'Others pr iy. Local firemen who attended the1 t , . . . . . . m e e t i n g w e r e - J a m e s P e r k i r i s " ; L e s t e r ..serf. George, of McHenry. Mr.1 Wil- A'fjai ty.of"Wood-mck friends gath- sPage, Herman .'Kfeutzer , and £d >th>%Cofo?;Vtfl^*p^ fare%ell; "y ies^nt wer^;:Mis. Whitifig and KAKEW ELL PARTY Vitiington^anid Dorothy "tiaup-htei of Mis. Cynthia Fijei. DAlLEY - GILL ;!')jarty-and..••shewjcr: in Komjr of Betty ^Conway of McHenry. who has been •{ employed, ill the office of the Alemite -<\-.C.*«,,M»xine RickarajDall^*^ hei; io* and &>V husband was 'the-lat*' f<M ^ • ;* ard. celebrated prize fight promoter,- and Don on Green street. • *• s::-~r.. ,The evening \vas spent at' Fohtana, ing. Outdoor games were played and refreshments of weinies, buns, pickles and lemonade were served at a lafe hour. , Everyone voted it a most enjoyable evening. Nearly eightyguests were present. ^ » / OPEN HOUSE The McHenry Chapter, 0. E. S., will hold open house at their hall on Gfree'h street, Friday from 10 to 51 BOOSTERS PLAN SOCIAL EVENT The River Road Boosters Club assembled at the schoolhouse again on Sunday afternoon at the usual time to discuss road conditions and pursue the influencing power that be for tho paving of they short, but important stretch of roadway. Promising leto'clock.. All out-of-town members j ters.from Springfield were read, but are invited to come to the hall and 1 the,4elegation is not satisfied with any make it their headquarters. OPEN HOUSE distant promises. Immediate action is What they're otit for and they'll change their voting, and tax-strike and tes and Mrs. R. W. Pinnell will!-™01"* lf ^ey don't ge* il- Investigahold open house at the parsonage Fri- i ^ "nderway for the appropr.at.ui day from 2 to 4 p. n,.f to greet old {'r thl* last fall and sudfriends and members of the M. E. denly discontinued. church who are visiting here. FIREMEN MEET PERSONALS The club has undertaken to notify the road supervisor of the uncut weeds along the roadway. If action*is not _ ., , taken; immediately to preserve the The McHenry'County Firemen «*.-• pubHc -safety in this matter the, club sociation met at Crystal Lake4 recent- M. B. CHURCH will undertake to do the cutting of the weedg and send the bill to the county. The. club made plans f^r a social event, when they intend to have an imjmense party. Cards, bunco; baseball, raffles, ice cream and beer were some of the things discussed being, put into where swijnmirig apd a, good time on the, beach was enjoyed, including. the serving of lunch. * • :" :and Mr;* Thomas Gill; Chicago broTkei', ^ Were married SatuMay mpming. *t Mount Carmel Catholic church, Chi- ^They left on a Canadian trip after f Twenty-four guests were present a wedding breakfast at the Belmont'and presented Miss Conway with a hotel. Mrs. Edward Stange and Ray-[breakfast and a^luncheon set. mend Sullivan attended the couple \ Special HOme-coming services "will -... . /-* TK L I i i . -u u tr r>u u c< the hands of the committee. The e, " c ' v place and the time of the affair have iwhere all friends and visitors^.n Me- been.,dceided but it .will probably Henry., will be welcome. • ••• Sunday school, 10 a. m. ""v j Morning worship, 11 'a. ^ Pastorr Rev. R. V Pinnell.- '! " •J:-.;: • , There will be an appropriate "serbe on a Saturday afternoon, and evening in -the middle of. August. The place, well, the following places were entioned: Griswbld Lake, the schoolouse. Mineral Springs, the woods along the river, or at a farm house, fhe Mr. Rickard died in 1929 and his widow's marriage to Frank Dailey of New York three years later was annulled' jin 1933. Mr. Dailey has since died. , Mr. Gill, who is with Stein, Brennan &Xo., in Chicago, is well known in McHenry Where he is-a member Of the McHenrj* Country Club, RAVEN - KRAEPIN ; Vivian Raven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Raven of Griswold Lake. ,and Mr. Carl Kraepin of Crystal Lake, were united in marriage by Justice of the Peace, W. S. Battern, at • Woodstock on Wednesday, July 22. They were attended by ,Miss Lena v..' LADY FORESTERS' PARTY Eighteen tables of cards and bunco were in play at-the Lady Foresters party held at Lily Lake Thursday afternoon. Prizes in five hundred were won by Mrs. G. Williams, Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. Robert Smith; in bridge by Mrs. Harvey Nye, Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. E. R. Sutton; in pinochle by Mrs. J. ,W< Rothermel and Mrs. Peter Neiss and in bunco by Mrs. Mat Glosson. HOME BUREAU The Home. Bureau of Ringwood entertained the Young "Adults Club and 4-H clubs at a weiije roast at the home of Elbert Thomas on Wednesday evenmon^ by the pastor a.nd special music i and i(. .g Hkel t'he iatter shall ^ chog. kb*yf t4h-V>e^ cnhW'ortiirv, aosecsiicsrtAed/ i bKytr rtnhAe RKiinnngrwwAofotd/ l church choir. • On Friday froip 2 to 4 p. m., Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Pinnell will be at home in the parsonage to greet all old friends and members of the church, visiting in McHenry. Among the Sick Freddy Mayers underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday. He had a role in. the pageant which he had to relinquish. " Will Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson, is in St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. :Pk:i Old Timers and Visitors to our We will be pleased to have you visit the Farmers and watch us mix our - Poultry and* Dairy Feeds Phone at JOHN A. BOLGER, Pres. McHenry WE INVITE TfOU OLD TIMERS AND NEW TIMERS 1 To come in and see us at our place of business. W e have been at the same spot doing business for twenty-eight years, starting in with horses and now with automobiles, sell' • Butck and Pontiac R. I. Overton Motor Sales OnU. 8. IX Phone 6 West McHenry en as it will accommodate the greatest crowd. 0 The club is thankful for the loyal support of the McHenry business men and citizens of McHenry towards the pavement project the club is undertaking and the club promises in return to support the Centennial Celebration. The next meeting of the club will be a closed meeting for representatives and officers only, but on August 9. at 3 p. m., the chairman has called another open meeting at the schoolhouse* to which all are invited. Mrs. Mary K. Adams Mrs. Mary K. Adams, 80 years old, died at her home in this city, Tuesday, July 21, after an illness of two weeks in which she was confined to bed. Although she had not been well for two years, she was able to continue her work and go about her household duties as usual until she became con-f fined to bed. Mary K. Jung, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs .John Jung, was born at Johns.burg on November 8, 1855, where she lived until she married Martin Adams on February 13, 1879. After their marriage they lived at Ringwood for a short time, then moved to Spring Grove onto a farm. Following the death of her husband on July 22, 1900, Mrs. Adams moved in 1902 to the Cleary farm, south of McHenry. In 1904 she came to Mc-< Henry to make her home. Mrs. Adams is the last of a family of twelve chHdren. She is survived by her children, Ben of McHenry; Jacob F., DesPlaines; Mrs. Rose Schaefer, Johnsburg; Mrs. Josephine Harris, West McHenry; Stephen G., Silver Lake, Wis.; Frank, Ringwood, and Christine at home; ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mrs. Adams was a member of the Christian Mothers and a devotfC member of St. Mary's Church. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Friday at St. Mary's church, with burial in St. Mary's Cemetery. Can) of Thanks Iri this manner we desire to express oiir sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, acts of "kindness and expressions of sympathy during the. illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. We also wish to thank donors of cars. •10 THE CHILDREN. . George GuUwiler of Weisburg, Ind., brother of Mrs. A. E. Nye, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Williams of Broojcville, Ind., are spending the week at the Nye cottagg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin visited friends here over the weekT end. Miss ^Ruth Nye, who is a student nurse at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan^ is enjoying a month's vacation at her home. Miss June Reed of Waukegan is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. George Lindsay. Leo Smith of Chicago. Heights spent Friday at his home here. - • . » Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, of Ringwood spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; j. R. Smith. Mrs. Harry Hitzeman and little son, who With h.er husband ^ust returned from a tjrip to Washington, D., C„ spent* Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery alrid daughters of Forest Park are spending the. week" at the home of George Meyers., Master Jimmy Hitzeman of Chicago spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye, while his parents were on a trip to Washington, D. C. Ruth Norman of Chicago was also a guest. . Miss Eleanor May of ^Tjjinette, who had her tonsils removed oW Tuesday, is spending the week with her mother here. Sylvia Goldhofer of Wilmette is also spending a few days with her friend, Eleanor May. =• Mrs. Ray Smith and sons, Warren and Gerald, of Libertyville,spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mrs. Susan Williams and daughter, Eva, of Chicago were welcome guests last week of her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mrs. H. J. Schaffer returned home Tuesday after a few days' visit with her father, H. J. Geary, near Wauconda. ' Allan Cleary left Friday for Efcin enroute to his home at Sioux Falls, S. D"., after a visit with relatives here. M iss Nancy Frisby went to Elgin Friday to remain for a several days' visit With her sister. She expects to return to her home in McHehry for the Centennial, Mr. and Mrs. Walt*r 'Walsh were Elgin callers Friday. Joseph Kor£endick and daughter of, Pecatonica were Sunday guests at, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger. , \ Mrs. William Bonslett is spendiOf several weeks in Chicago. LaNette Whiting* of Elgin spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting. . > • Y • Heinz Baby Foods, \ v. *• .• ~- Three iVz-m, cans -28^' Heinz Soups, Home Styfe^iVS r "Two 16-oz. cans 2oc Ann Page Preserves, Except Rasp. and -Straw., 16-oZ. Jar 17c "Ann Page Peanut Butter, \ 16-oz. jar 19c Big Jack Soap, 5 giant bars •...,^27.c SERVE ICED TEA 8ALADA TEA -iZ Brown Label '/4-lb. pkg. .. 15c; '/2-lb. pkg. f. 29c UPTON'S TEA Orange Pekoe t %-lb. pkg. .. 19c; '/z-lb. pkg, .. 37c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Elberta Peaches, Large Size 5 pounds .....v.......;. ... 29c Bushel $2.89 Lemons 3 for 10c Tomatoes, 2 lbs 19c S m AMONT>S* • # i-2 oz I '*"r • J *' CAN Z1C i 1 • RED CIR< LE 1 -LB BAGS 37c BEANS Iona Lima Beans, Sultana Red Beans or Red Kidney Beans is-oz CANS 17c A&P F o o d S t o r e s ATTEND FUNERAL Among those who attended the, funeral of Mrs. Mary K. Adams Friday wereMj*s. Kathrine Adams, son and daughter, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen and daughters, Kenosha, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgren and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young, Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Mat Nimsgren, Spring Grove; Miss Susie Niimsgren Mrs. Reinert, Elgin; and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Harvard. FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Jacob Schaefer has received news of the death of Mrs. Susanna Wegener at- Point Loma, Calif., on July 24. Mrs. Wegener was a former McHenry resident and a member of the Christian Mothers of St. Mary's church of McHenry. When in McHenry she lived in the house now occupied by Jacob Brefeld on Richmond road. Funeral services for Mrs. Wegener, who made her home with Mrs. May Healy, were held July 25 with burial in Holy Cross Cemetery at San D'ego, Calif. A. E. Nye spent Wednesday in Chicago. , ".ys: "- r , MEMBER T,t Of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $5,000.00- Maximum Insurance for each Depositor; Established in 1906 extends greetings. and a hearty welcome on this one hundredth birthday of McHenry. It's going to be a great celebration and this financial institution is pleased to be one of the promoters of it. While visiting in McHenry and attending the home-coming, we invite you to call and inspect our quarters. •-.I WELCOME VISITORS TO THE Centennial and Home Coining McHENRY ICE CREAM GREEN IT. ^1 •*.