Mrs. George Lindsay visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Sutton at Richmond, Wednesday. Mr. Sutton ahd niece, Evelyn Kraft, are recovering from injuries received in a run away accident. PEKS0NAL8 : A) HOUSE CALL ^ OPTICAL SERVICE IN YOUN OWN HONE NO EXTRA CHARGE Dr. Kapan will carefully examine your eyes, and fit your glasses in your own "home at your own convenience, using the latest and most scientfic methods with the same instruments he would use in his office, without extra charge. Why not call in "your eye^ doctor as you do your family physician? Eighteen years of experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510-- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M*. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPECIALIST 108 X. State Street, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett and baby were Sunday evening callers in the Henry Vogel home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel apd Mrs. ' Vogel's grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Basjsett, visited in the home of the formers' parents at Richmond Sunday afternoon. Mr. Vogel's father, Henry ' Vogel, Sr., returned home from Buvjlington hospital last week Wednesday | but is still confined to his bed and 'quite weak. He is recovering from {injuries received when struck by an " Ottr Washington Letter ~ NatfMMl Editorial automobile a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes visited j evolutionary Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer at Marengo Sunday. " Mrs. Donna Moore of Brockton, Mass., and Mi's. Arline Gunn of Arlington, Mass., were guests of Mrs; H. C. Hughes, Monday, enroute to visit relatives in California. Mrs. Lib* bie Ladd of Ringwood was also a dinner guest Monday. \ Mrfc November returns gave courage to an active group of men to draw aside the veil and disclose what they consider an process--drafting an amendment to the Constitution. It has been whispered for months that this band of lawyers, economists and social workers were employing their talents to thwart the U. S. Supreme Court edicts which definitely discarded compulsory laws of recent vintage. Now the closely guarded drafts of | amendments are floating around town immediately. Among the changes pro-1 he is the leader, posed by the militant social workers, trade union groups and state officials are those dealing with child labor; housing; vacations with pay in all industries; a 40 hour work Week; making accidents have the same rating as occupation diseases and provide state fund for compensating those injured while employed; establishment of state employment exchanges. Outstanding in the concerted action program is the determination of these state groups to hurdle all constitutional barriers by promoting amend- ^l^nts to state constitutions. The soiled linen of a family quarrel captivates the public eye this week as labor leaders meet at Tampa. Government officials and taxpayers gen* erally have noted with hopeful inter* est a significant declaration of thi Labor Federation that "Economic stability carthot be attained by government spending." It seems odd to KoKt this sentiment expressed after tiffede unions hav« urged an outpoiMlng of public money for four yGars. Now* they have changed the tiine that "Industry's1 obligation to bring about such he is the leader. As a consequence, delicate problem of keeping his well-1 to his future course. Washington is his mail is flooded with ideas of all wishers satisfied by adroit side-step- again a port of call for amhitfoM «fsorts as to legislation, etc. He has a]ping on hard and fast commitments as fice-seekera. ased Federal officials confronted with a nation-wide demand for curtailment it is a signal Echoes of the bank holiday of 1933 A. BABKJEL OF Parlu'Dt«(f llfSl PUU VXNILLA EXTRACT SPECIAL Illiii 3 ounce bottle 39c 6 ounce bottle 69c Pint bottle „ $1.59 Regular price, $3.00 the pint You save $1.41 telephone tJs Your Needs Bolger's Drag Store McHenry, I1L Phone 40 „ -r> , i : , ' ' with the author's hopes for recognitv. , E. Durland was in Chicago tjon Experience with the highest tri- Thursday. . • • » . 'buna! has convinced these enthusiasts ( stability is more imperative in these Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Powers moved that words have* an abiding nteaning crucial da^s of transition than ever jlast week to, CrystalTiake where they ^ with the courts. While their thoughts before" Does it me&n that organized have taken over a restaurant. | of regulating this and that are plain, labor with lis. much vaunted political Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooney and the amenders know full well that power will put the brakes on freeson and J. B. Kelter motored to Au- Martin Luther was correct in saying, hand ^pending of public funds? Har- ; rora Friday. "A little word can slay." j Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke were El-1 President Roosevelt is keeping silent gin visitors Friday. j about all proposals to force a Consti- are fervently praying Miss Rita Martin is. spending a few tutional Amendment through Congress toward retrenchment. weeks in the home of her sister in and ask thirty-six states to ratify the Chicago. ' action. It is known that the contro- which closed the doors of many banks Mrs. Harry Laurence of Chicago versy will be dropped in his lap soon are heard in the report of the #Comspent the weekend With her mother, after Congress convenes in January troller of the Currency for October, i Mrs. Mollie Givens. {with the expectation that the issue which shows the liquidation of thirty Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin spent will find a place in the inaugural ad- receiverships. There are many banks a few days the last of the week in Chi- dress. The agitators of this policy whose shuttered windowlN%ill never cago. would like to have Mr. Roosevelt be opened, but the return «r millions Mrs. J. Walsh of Fox Lake visited interpret this curb on the judiciary as to the depositors and creditors of 514 relatives here Sunday. 'a mandate from the people as a banks is something calling for thanks. 'Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hopper of means of giving it life and breath. A Total disbursements including offsets Crystal Lake visited Miss Anna Frisby Viumber of the legislatures in session allowed, to depositors and other credit- Sunday. * | next year will not have time under the ors of these 514 institutions, exclusive j Mrs. V. Martin ahd Dr. and Mrs. requirements of their particular State of the forty-two receiverships restored N. J. Nye visited Sylvester McGee at constitutions to devote attention to to solvency, aggregated $149,595,068. Harvard hospital, Friday. I ratiffc&tion should Congress be asked This is an average return of 76.29 per Mrs. J. W. Freund, Mrs. Nick to submit such a resolution. Anyhow cent of total liabilities, while unsecur- Freund, Mrs. A. Wilbrandt, Mrs. Al- the whi>le subject is a lively topic of ed depositors received dividends bert Krause and Mrs. E. R. Sutton conversation. - ... amounting to an average of 61.9 3 per visited Mrs. Simon Michels Therese's hospital, Friday. (omplete Gift.-Compfete£q~fl£exui/f More Than Ten Million People viewed the New Chevrolet in the first 24 hours Thousands upon thousands have already placed orders. . .. Other thousands are baying at this moment. ... See and drive this brilliant new ear and yoa will want one, too! at St. : That the forty-three state legisla- cent of their claims. Drastic banking 'tures convening early next year will regulations now in effect are designed Mr. and Mrs. ueorge ocranael ana be a battle ground for social legisla- to prevent a repetition of dramatic daughter, Eleanor, ef Aurora, visited tion, which has met stumbling blocks scenes in 1933 and to re-establish pub- ' ^ 2 GREAT ATTENTION MEN! We Are Equipped To Give You A Complete Line Of Beauty Services STOMP ANATO '9 Barber and Beauty Salon 226 Main St. . . 229 Benton St. Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. ^yyyywyyywvwwyyyvwws Frank W. Bennett RELIABLE MASSAGE TREATMENTS At Tour Home, Firm Hoate Of oifae NORTHWESTERN HOTEL , Phone McHenry 23 For Appointment her aunts, Mrs. V. Martin and Mrs. N. jn ^he g_ Supreme Court, is indicat- lie faith in bankers. J. Nye, Sunday. Ied in the program adopted by the ln the wake of victorious armies ! Mr- and Mrs" f Morris^ of Chi- Third National Conference on Labor come camp-foflowers to pester the cago spent the weekend at their cot- Legislation here a few days ago. leaders with petitions and slip-shod tage at Fair Oaks. .Nearly every state government was advice. The politicians know #omp- I Mrs. Fred Kamholz returned home represented and the scope of the maj- thing of these tribulations and Mr. Sunday from a few days visit in C 1- or pIan touches all classes of citizens. James Farley has gone to Ireland to fX. John R. Knox with Mr. and TT f°Y sh„ort | Mrs. J. Zimmer of Wauconda visited ** launched almost dent cannot seek Pefuge st> es^ly for | in the Leo Zimmer home at Palatine Friday. J Mrs. Kathleen Brown is spending a ' few weeks with her sister ,Mrs Aileen ' GUUspie, who is recovering from an 'operation at tier hom6 in Chicago. | Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock *»a . here Thursday to bid farewell to her sisters, Mrs. Clarence Martin and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich. She left Sunday jfor Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the winter with a sister. Mrs. Catherine McCabe has gone to Chieago to spend the winter. Her daughter, Lucy, will resign her position at Bolger's Drug store and join her mother in a few weeks. Mrs. Elizabeth Buss h&l gone to Streator where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Mike Lavelle. Mils Edith Geary of Wauconda is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Meyer, where she is recovering from an illness. Mrs. Frank Blake and Mrs. J. Phannenstill motored to Waukegan Tuesday and called on Mrs. Simon Michai, s who is. recovering from an opera-j tioil. Mrs. Simon Stotfel spent a few days last week in Chicago. . Mrs. Andrew Eddy and MU» were (Elgin visitors Sunday. ^ • Friends in McHenry have received announcements of the removal of the law offices of Windham Bonham to Suite 1349-51, 120 S. LaSalle St., Chi* cago. JTS WINNING THE OKAY OF THE U. S. A.! And--more than the okay--the entbiraiastic preference! That's the word thst is coming from the cataea, towns and farms of all America, where more than ten milfcw people viewed this new Chevrolet in the first 24 hoars ... where thousands "pw thousands have already placed orders . . . and where the demand for new 1937 Cbevrolets is increasing with each fining. day! The reasons are plain. This new Qwiialet for 1987 ia the omty hnr-pneed ear wkh New High-Cnupi iniuu Vahne-m-Head 'ftwhit.' New AB-Silent, All-Steel BoAea, and New Crown Speedline Styfing, THE OHtY coanm cai-- MtlCED - so tow the only low-priced car i Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, Improved GWing lTniwi Action Bide* and Super-Safe Shock proof x and the only low-priced car which eons' bines Genuine Fiaher No Draft Vanllarion •"d Safety Plate Ghmm All Aiwnd at M extra cost! Take a look at tiria ear, take a la it, and we are confident that yon will give J"0® <win!fc'*e preference to tke ooapfctr Schwerman Chevrolet Sales CORNER L'. S. 12 and ILL. 20 PHONE 277 McHENRY. H*L^ SPRING QROVK atnocxt/uicoit Kovrroov Mrs. Arthur Kattnet SifcA Mrs. Chafc. j Freund attended thfe meeting of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters at Johnsburg Tuesday night. * Mrs. Ma#! Lay was tne victim _of SASH MORG-AN MAO I GydjaJiax&itd. Lonq^Iile * t v : an unfortunate accident last Monday when her hand caught in the wringer of her washing machine, injuring it quite badly. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kattner on last [Thursday night for an evening of cards. Two tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Al Schmeltzer, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Charles Freund received consolation. At the conclusion of cards a lovely lunch was served. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Frank Sanders on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Furlong, daughter, Jean, of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Emma Furlong. Mrs. Ella Siegler is enjoying a week's vacation with relatives in Rip* pon, Wis. A Fall Festival will be held at St* Peter's Parish Hall on Monday even- See US before you buy Storm ing, Nov. 23. Bingo will be played Sa»h! - We offer at no added E™r,b£ lost genuine Morgan Made Rot- i welcome. Proof Storm Sash in all stand-LM r- and Mrs. C h a r l e s F r e u n d , s o n , * HWUU HOOU "* «*" j Tommy, visited in the home oi his ard stock sizes. Guaranteed to .mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund at McHenry Sunday. Mirs. Nick Nett, daughters, Lormm. & 11 d A *HE S IX TVS SIGHT New Styles Now On Special Display at resist all forms of fudges de cay (dry rot), The biggest storm sash viilue of the year. Alexander Lumber Co. SUBURBAN MOTOR SALES WEST McHRNRY, ILL. in makinc «n l/toportafat twoftild ihoouboament--« MW tW# oommanity. .1 and fwp jrwt iwiAMiinobilM for 19S7! Mafn la ft' CtsoM cordial invitatioo for you to '"tproa in aod M* thr 1437 OldamobilM--nawc* r« o# thMn *H--Mch distinctly different from (ha odmt--both antiraly different ffrom anything atea on tha road. Oat acqualntad also whfcf jtetaf n# OldamobUe dealer--meat ' hia oompatam ataff--and aaa what unusual ' I a your command for 00mplate, abla, raaaonably prioad aarvioa on CMdamobQaa and all other makea of cars. Mechanic! are factory trained, and work with tha lateat factory- approved toola. A atock of genuina Oldamobila parte ia always on hand. Before you buy any automobile, yoa certainly should aee and drive the Oldamobila Six +nA Bight for 19371 They have everything: Longar Whaalbaaa, Larger Sise, Roomiar Bodiw, Bigger Enginaa. Their featurea include New Uniateel Bodies by Fisher with Turret Top, Naw Triple Sealed Super • Hydraulic Brakaa, Canter-Control Staaring, Maw Dual Ride Stabflisera, Proved Knee-Action Wheals and acoraa of other Una-car features. And they are priced to sat tha pace in valuel THE SIX THK EIGHT *685 • *785 MUCB MDUCit JteXyStatfav * <«»r Smdma, < 4omr TW ini wirf mil mtkt-CfMrndmr Bnolwwf Stmmm $693 and n . . . MUkim $Ttt mm* mp, M mt Lmmmmg. Tj iiJif O B N l h A L MO at AXL.MV iWrrtt JPhone 5 --" * raine and Arlene, motored to Woodstock on Thursday. The ushers of St. Peter's church met at the home of Martin Stoffel on Tuesday evening. Following the meeting cardB were enjoyed and refresh- McHenry !ments Berred. j 19^7 OLDSMOBILE 6 8 BIGGER and FINER and SAFER THAN EVER - mam