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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1938, p. 1

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.wr: >'*S .*• K,w •"'« * -:^ "*•• ">: "• r< » "*. » •- * ; • • • \ - i • . • r • . - v • ' • V .> - • k" " ; * * ' * - ^ 'V * •* • * • • . ' , i y ' ' - - - , - . ~ . J ' ^ ' . • r . . . A_. . ' • • • ; -, , ; - - v s r " ^ , ? ; • ! ; s , ' . V ( " ? 7 - v . . - " . , - . W r m • • • - V i * - J * > *•?**" ** %•> * *> ^ - H * 4* (f * •«» |w ^ ^ ^ i **( f,j* ^ -f l»u. - • t " ' «. ° * ' * 4 1 * r *-• J • - -«**•-: "ki* - ««| *rt- •*'-... '"•±-- •' -,-v;\ ' £#.r 13 .-'W '•• ••*" a>'s f f :V : >r* ,r ;«v, . - J .^X:. ,V» • '4 ^ * Volume 64 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST, 25, 1938 No. 14 '^4, - i--- vv '51 ^ f f*.f, "3 * j LOCAL PEOPLE INJURED WHEN AUTOS CRASH ACCIDENTS OCCUR OVBB WBEJUSJID « SISTER OF FORMER McHENRY RESIDENT DIES IN ACCIDENT Dr. Theresa K. Abt, 1832 South Halsted Street, Chicago, a former Mc- Henry resident, was seriously injured in an accident, Wednesday of last week in which her sister, Mrs. Frances McKernan, 89 years old, of Davisburg, Mich., received injuries which caused her death at St. Bernard's hospital, Chicago, the following day. Mrs. McKernan was the mother of Jack H. S. STUDENTS REGISTER TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY OLDEST RESIDENT Henry Strassheim of Chicago, who has spent the last few summers at Laschs' Colony here in McHenry, recently received a medal in honor of being the oldest resident of Chicago. He was president of the Broadway bank and has made Chicago his home for eighty-four years. He is quite active, enjoys good health and delights ATTBKDAN^TBIPLBS IH T 20 YEASS • --- ^ ? • Registration days for the local high) school occur on next Tuesday and SiSanday brought sunshine fine, „OM1MW n, aw* weather, but it also brought sadness Keains, fight manager. Dr. Abt was . . Mid misfortune in the form of auto-jdrn,n? >»e car which collided With a Wednesday. Some students may have mobile accidents. The accidents <ac-.jtruck- , 'previously planned to be out of town curred in this vicinity arid most if Mrs. Abt, who had practiced medi-jon those two days. If so, such stud- 'them involved local people. . |cine in Chicago for several years, was! ents may register on any forenoon petor W. Freund, 54 years old, 6t the wife of the latfe Dr. Joseph Abt,; previous to those dates. Ilfeis city, received n brain 'concussion,' physician here for soma time previous Cuts, and bruises in a sideswipe acci«| to selling his practice to the late Dr. dent,^^ which occurred on Route 31, two D. O. Wells. " ; . " " Miles north of McHenry. He was driv-j ; --J 1 "'"f" :' ,f. ing south and the other car occupied|/y|||p|Ypp|| ||t||r|]nv fcy two Rockford motorists was north- ||j |||| ^ j| |j| ] Each class has been asked to register on a particular half day. Seniors, Tuesday forenoon; Juniors, Tues day afternoon; Sophomores, Wednes INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES BASKET PICNIC, CRYSTAL LAKE, SUN., SEPT. 11 DIRECTION REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Edward A. Hayes, former national PETER LYNCH DIES ROM HEART ATTAC* AT FAIR OAKS HOME: Peter S. Lynch, a retired Chicago policeman and summer resident at Fair Oaks for several years, died very suddenly of a heart attack while, listening to the radio at his hom^ilast Wednesday evening. „The body was taken to Chicago where funeral services were held from a chapel at 238 S. Cicero avenue to St. Thomas Aquinas church at 11 commander of the American Legion,I0'®'00'1 Saturday morning with burial ed considerable loss when their bams will be the principal speaker at a Re-iat Mount Carmel. _ jWere completely levelled by flames the publican McHenry county basket pic-1 Besides the widow, Catherine, he is f0re part of this week. The first connic to be held at Crystal Lake on Sun-!surv've^ ^ a daughter, Kathleen flagration destroyed the Barnard's day, September 11. jKi^ Two sons, Chartes and Walter, Mill farm stock b*rp hear Wonder Other speakers will, be State's At' Precee^ed him in death within the past Lake, Sunday nvprning, and the second toreny William M. Carroll, together,^ew years- Mr, and Mrs. Lynch cele- fire, which occurred early Tuesday with the McHenry 'county.Republican I Crated, their golden wedding at Fair morning, .razed, the barn on the Degen FIRE DESTROYS - TWO FARM BARNS NEAR M'HENRY LIGHTNING HITS ONE TUESDAY* MORNING Two farmer? in this vicinty sulfeir* candidates, including Judge Henry J.; Oaks' a few years ago Cowlin, County Clerk Raymond D. bour.d. State patrolmen claim that > one of the cars was across the black line when the collb'.^n occurred. The Rockford men were Robert Packard, 22 years old, nationally "krtown sprinter, who escaped with bruises and minor cuts, and Leonard Peet, 28 years old, who received i severe endangered his left eye. The three men were Woodstock hospital for They were dismissed early Monday afternoon. Shillings in Crash Mrs. George Stilling and daughter, Louise, suffered painful injuries in an .COUNTY 4-H GIRLS WIN AT STATE FAIR Gusl'Krause of Genoa was the vic- !day forenoon; Freshmen, Wednesday'°* a IfyP^y pickpocket Saturday ^ \vk)>xls, Lester F.dingtr, candidate for1 , afternoon. However, where students f. jl rtIast TT W? * an Jif* Sheriff, C. Frank Daly, candidate; for ifrom the sajjie family belong to dif- l»eved of $50.00. He later reported the Xi esisurer, and Ethel C. Coe, County ferent classes, they are all permitted c®se V* ^ Pol'ce w^° m ^in ^'^ Superintendent of Schools. to register on any half day. 1 !the sheriff an^ sta^e P°ice- t^thej Congresman Chauncey W. Reed, ; The registration has been arranged Present t'"16 there have been no clues candidate for re-election, and Nick so that the upper classmen register^j uncovered as to the wherea °u: s of Keller an(} Harold Kelsey, Republican j first. This enables them to turn in the thief. It was while wor nig in t e can{jjdates for the Legislature, aref their second-hand texts when they reg-; ^ his home that an automo--^ invited to join in the speaking ister. The texts are then ready for ^le drove uJP^ program. ; r rr."". T. .r*~* Gaines and Dancing ni jyho have texts to sell should do so f^rni near Sherman's Hill-. •The Barnard favni .is operated by i;the Harold AViedrichs. According - to ^ reports, the blaze started as the re-*. suit of childr?n playing in the barn with matches. Loss was estimated at $5,000. ' v. I Fishermen on the shores of nearby i Wonder Lake discovered the flames at jS:30 a. m. and immediately broadcast Allotment of $^>085,948.61 to Illinois an alarm. The Richmond fire departas its share of the Motor Fuel Tax* ment was summoned, but was delayed paid into the State Treasury during several minutes by fallen trees which % py h ' i vp.,' W $7,258.54 AS ITS JULY SHARE MOTOR FIE TAX Thirteen girls of McHenry county, 8 year, old wceived elthibited in v»rl„us c,.8sesinto'the y».'d, asking laceration of the face which j0pen 4-H girls at the Illinois State . , , . . n u m ^ for a drink of water. It appears that D „ - .u , , - - * ' ' ' Fair at Springfield, won ribbons or jn!*? s 10 sel1 should s o ishe continued to talk to Mr. KrauseJ *But. regardless of theabundance ofjuiy was announced August 20 by S. blocked the roads as a result of Sat* taken to the honorable mention on their exhibits.im0min* °r early Tue8*|whoJs seventy-ftve years of age, and sPeak,n?.. tal f en* av«i,aW«; the P.^jL. Nudelman, Director of the StaS urday's sttfrm. ^ ' . treatment | Seyeral o£ the girls were of the Happy, L"l ... ^'forgrf to get "the drink. She did in- STSt (Apartment of Finance. S The department d,d splend.d work Clover 4-H club of Ringwood. that "bound wit,h sP°rts- athletics, music, jWfts held in re3erve 'interest and and managed to save several nearby 'retirement of the $20,000,000 emer- buildings. A shed containing mostly lii V* 11411^ • |w ho_is seventy-. J • 1 Every school faces the difficulty.o^f^0 u^uST,°"aZ *"d ^>1W.™1 b°t "»| Of thV total allotment, W08.683.34 « « reach the farm. Mm, _ , „ , A , . . losing students who really should fin- ( v"e mr- ™ abound with sports, athletic" ' Helen Ruth Butler entered a loaf their high school course. The lo-^^ich the gypsies were to p t on that ^ancjng, an(j other activities. of quick bread that placed in Class C.Jcal school is no exception. Each year eve.nin* (according to her story) and( The -cnic wm ^ heW ^womii . .7oQnr9^ ,.ian,...e.v was „aru»..y uum.^u. ljouise, sunerea pamiui injuries in u.. A^Harriwm*1and' E^the™mfth a^!^ pSem^so pr^enti^ldJcatton ^at familfiAs these queenTalways ,Lake bfach the east t end automobile accident, which occurred , ^ , i j i # n i* mu* ^-he pioblem of so presenting education lake, where there is plenty off° fp a^rk|f-o: a^aian ataear eosmta vanvodn"^pirri ncipal oKnn ntHh e $30,-t'hunet ebearsrn raensdcu wede rec aatbtllee taon dre mhoogvse fmroomst rear the RolHn* ftW Country clubXwed many «»* ^ ^ t3 ^ ^ ^ 'cTcountvT "Sr,^ «^t^Ux^r of the mach.nery. A lar*. ,»»«,» on Rand Ro^d Sunday evenin» at milk drinks. „m h.nded cfnttaSe iis or her educat on Two purses had been lifted »"d ^tnceTfTll a mK.u™ Jul>' WM '507.M5.19, of which «19,- «' hay and gram was lost and alsd about 8:30 o'clock. \„n4. K„ ^ ^ „,„K continue his or hei education. )# ^ ,the convenience of aH and a mixture 235 59 Was held for the $20,000,000 some harnesses. The Stilling car was traveling north °utJ?y the gl.rls' T.h® Ciub ^e?res®nt®dj Each individual today is attempting'fr,£n J"s P°^ke^s- , , • "i'of shade and sunshine for the multi-!r"" r. '^2*88858^foVthe $30 -1 The old barn, located on the Earl C. toward McHei^r gainst th^ heavy '^V° He wishes to take ad. T..k>of b„. d,„^.up^ „ho «. in,ittd c^s Barnard fa™, was remodeled _som. f j. flood gates of the Richmond mill pond tud* of ^ople who are invited to at', 000,000 bond issue. Peoria county's, Barnard farm, was remodeled some mike a lake and park project was tendV + • l I net allotment, $22,622.75, was the larg- years ago, but still contained handto enjoy 10 ^ t th • reeular' Edward Cernocky of Fox Rlver (est downstate jhewn oak timbers which were more S , " r w ! > > i s w o r k b y m o d e r n m e t h o d s ^ t «-- ' " e e v e n t . _ . . . . o f f f t f . y y e a r , a e o , t h e l a t , E d - oncoming Chicago traffic. A southbound car traveling at an excessive rate of speed in the inside lane of th project this year. | vantage of the conveniences The seven eligible girls to stay in ern civilization. He wishes the 4-H camp at the Fair left Tuesday the better pleasures, which modern Tip when traffic became congested Henry Marlowe, Woodstock, leader of Mi order to avoid hitting a car directly 0 *u- u » in front of him the driver swerved his k A h® Senecf S,ew L So Club, and the Home the better sense, one must readily ad- When the term "modern" is used in J°e Friend restaurant conducted by Miss Alice Fitzgerald. The project into the third lane. The high:Adviser-took the *irls down speed and sharp swing caused him to;. . -- tt'D a t o/vitaat lose control of his automobile and it1®1* •KUKAJj SU11UUL plunged across the road, completely demolishing the Stilling car which had already driven off onto the shoulder. TEACHERS HIRED FOR COMING TEAR lite names of sixty-four rural school Mr. Cernocky states that the public 1CTea 6>r °iUS wis &ar C. Barnard purchased the 12 by invited to bring their basket lunches, ^as , 'L e „ y - .. 112-inch beams and used them as strucmit that modern life is a distinct im- was presented for discussion by Earle bu(. there wiI1 be concesgjong to pro-jthe 'argrest the year McHenry tural material for the big barn, provement over the life of ftfty years E Bower Richmond postmaster, who vide refreshments for those who pre. county This was not the first fire to occur ago. And, therefore, everyone is striv- *lso introduced Mr. Arno Kolls of Har- fer to do sQ Admission to the grounds During the first seven months of the v;ii t^he Barnard farm. .Th ree y*#ts ing to live the modern way. vard, who is in charge of the • ^ i*J- will be free, as well as free parking year the county's allotment has been ag0 the house burned down. "Attendance Triples that area and whom Mr. Bower had Qn ^ large „parkinK lot east of the .$43,475.37, The allotment by months -- - - -- - One of the elements of modern life contacted to give information regard- ^roun(js ... is education. Attendance at the high ^S the suggested improvement as a Superintendent Fred B. Morgan of u., was hurled from the sscchnooooliss iinn itnhee Uunniiiteeda Soitaaiteess hnaass iinn-- |*^* -P A rp rojj ec-t•. Mr. .K.ol.ls . st.at ed that t h e CC rryy sstt aa ll LL<aakkee PPaarrkk ddiissttir-iicctt,, will Ifcr by the sudden impact and suffered ^achers and eight special instructors(creased by ' aps and bounds. The lo-, the.first requirement ^be^dorie if the haye chargc of the ground8 and lltrious will bruises and'eute Her daughter iin music' art and Phy*ical education j Cal school attendance has tripled dur-, project was wanted, was to have the be assi8ted by hia reguiar organiza bruises a . '* who are hired for the coming term ing the past twenty years. Today, the!project in the name of the village and tinn nar^ anH nthAr hpi^ro f-Ce|.V^. j .®!? t i,0r bave been certified to County Superin- young man or woman who has not'to have an engineer ascertain exactly tion park police and other helpers. A detailed program of the dayf tendent Ethel C. Coe by district boards completed high school is the exception, what was to be done and to prepare eventg wjjj ^ published in the On every hand we see an estimate of the amount of material papers iater> jn the meantime 1 new® reserve follow: January . February March' ... April .... May June July ...... $5,576.26 . 5,240.92 4,804.90 6^51.00 7^113.45 7^30.30 .^7^58.54 Lightning Strikes Ram The barn on the Helena Degen farm Mar Sherman Hill which is tenanted by the Emil Herdrich family, was completely destroyed by fire when it was struck by lightning during the severe electrical storm early Tuesday morning. ^ Mr. Herdrich was awakened by the The money received by the county storm at about 4 a. m. and fearing that forehead and several gasfies in her '^L. 1 .. te| rushed to of education. Approximately 120 rur-jnot the rule. „ ... . ... a^»4H«r ...u.>cy p^A^w^lwMi^tal where first*1 ^cbers are employed yearly in parents making unusual endeavors to to be used, such as cement, lumber for the date, Sunday, September 11, at the! from the motor fuel tax is used ex.jhis truck, which was standing out- *7. , r j j th.n driven the county' *n<1 """W districts have provide their children with real edu-( forms, gravel, stone, etc. The »PA c UI j^k bathing beach. A good clusively on improvement* at uunty- side, mieht get wet, and refuse to S Wp hS ii McHern !TOt),etre^^to,fa Coe' Ther 11 th^ir.could th«, estimate the P>robable „ f ,n » promi* d. lom.ed roads. K atart iiUhe morning, he arose to drive •* i . r 1' «. Salaries in the rural achool ayatam,! children are to compete in modern life, amount of man labor required which * 1 litnearflle •kf.CIi. from shock and «••»<* has received national acclaim:they will need be equipped mentally .they would furnish,, plus aUo «6 per a field, hurdled a creek and came ^HERBERT CASPEKS, 79, Swi^ t^v lre r^ri^ nice^ its progressive education^ m.th-to do so. They realize that to be mod- man per month wh.ch could be l«d a atop only after plowing into thei"'1'"®1 f tejunes. they are rMovenng n y, , „nge from »80 to 1125 a month, ern their child must be educated. on the purchase of material, ate. soft bank on the opposite side of the DIES AT HOME OF k» •"» «" <» | Grouped by community high Thool A high school education should ac Quick action by H. W. Grimm, pro- r„.d, Oakes is the son of Oscar O.kos, districts, teachers will meet at the|complish three practical results for'prietor of Grimm service station^ on of St. Charles, and was born and raisit nearHle barn where it might be af>- forded more protection. He returned to bed and about five minutes later heard a deafening crash. Rushing to DAUGHTER, SATURDAY the window to see what the lightning ! had struck, he was horrified to see his Av^w^,,w a^d^ occmred courthouse in Woodstock the week of every student. It should provide him South Northwest highway, near Bar- ed in St. Charles. He was employe* Herbert Caspers, 79, pasesd away own barn in flames. Neighbors sum- Another pe^iar aeddem ^eww Aujfugfc 29 t0 receiye final in8tructions' with many of the tools which he will ringlon, Saturday night of last week by the U. S. Printing and Lithograpn- «rly Sunday morning wnen a s and 8Uppiies for the opening of school, need in life. Stenography, typewrit- averted a possible greater financial ,ng company there. Lang was found S Howard of McHenry, where he had but the blaze had already gained too WceiveT^bruiLJ abrasions and cuts The groups from Alden, Woodstock, j ing, English, public speaking, chemis- !°ss when two men # a^e^P^d abo"J t ni.n<> °!clock Thursday morning made bis home for the past two months,1 much headway, and all the department at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. moned the McHenry fire department. ^ flu the Johns- Harvard, Marengo, Crystal Lake, Mc- try, etc., are valuable because they up at his place of business between wandering along the highway in a Saturday night, August 20, 1 v Lwr F^River One re- Henry. Richmond-Burton and Hebron train the student to do the things 9:30 and 10 o clock. As soon as one dazed condition. He was unable to i1:30 o'clock. Although in bridge over Fox Ki er. n each wm bg in sesgion one.haif day which he will need to do as an adult, of the men flourished a gun and recan any 0f the details of the acci- health for the past two years, rt,.f Mia« Kanes was waiK- tpacher, in thi, vicinity .re 0ne who has had a general education threatened Mr. Grimm, he Jed from dent. Just where the two men spent only confined to his bed " reDorted as follows- Lincoln Mane only is n0 lonSer thought of as com- the service station to his home ad- the night could not be determined, weeks prior to his death. Knnv rv™*-! T .ir-.' T.5i„ T^irl Math pletely educated. He must be trained joining where he picked up a gun. Xhe accident WM believed to have oc- h» was born in Germai When burg fort states that Miss Kanes was walk 1938, at could do was concentrate on, saving failing the house and other buildings. he was There was no livestock in the barn &g along th. highway with Lee Kwer- Regular teachers in this vicinity are 0|" ?h° had ?. ^ner»' education threatened «"• ™en _f°* only confined to his bed for the four and the l^rnesses were »ved, but out «elane of Chicago when she saw a reported as follows: Lincoln, Marie °J"y 18 collision about to occur. Authorities Knox, Crystal Lake; Lily Lake, Math P^'y b a v e b e e n u n a b l e t o d e t e r m i n e i f s h e P . F r e u n d , M c H e n r y ; G r i s w o l d L a k e , j * H ; , sire of that, everything else in the He Germany August 15 harn was consumed by the fire. Mr. When he came out of his residence, the cUrred between three and four Thur3- ' 1859, coming to this country when H-d'-h had practically finished hartove been unable to determine if she • . r J?, T k Montei'! A high school education should aid two men were driving southeast on the da morning. Oakes, who was driv- seve^ years 0id with his father broth- vestin^- and his ^rain and hay losses knocked off the bridge ..uu v..c r^:~: of the mental abilities of the student, gas which had been ooiainea oeiore road State Patrolman E. Carswell,died when he was but a baby. «r whether she jumpe rom wood' p xr Muzzv and Bernice' Smith When it is realized that an intelligent the stick-up. 'of Des Plaines district, said that hej j^r ca8pers was a resident of Lake fcridge to avoi ng s y i both ' of - R- ood Harrison, .Jose-' c°nversation ca^®d on bf. ^f° • ^ .^^0 tL St ^ believed the motorists had fallen county for the pa3t sixty-eight years. TOd Wolatz of Chicago, and Kenneth leeri M, ^ ^Henry^ Cherry, training has immeasurable opportun- 11, Jack LaRue, 38, a former bartender wa3 found the front was buried deep. re fiye children who re- ^ . J . flwansbro Fc* were taken ^alle>, Helen Harrer, West McHenry, fQr education indeed, a high at the Paradise grill at Fox Lake, was , j a goft mud bartk. 0akes was main to mourn his loss- Fred, Katie, J1"5 *%*** rain and windatorm Sat- „f ws mr1,!. S: ml urday afternoon which almost reached of Fcfx Lake, < , cuutaimu. -v teto custody by Deputies Loren Edin- Barreville, Margaret L®^". McHen- h l education is a well supervised killed instantly ger and A1 Kuppe and taken to the ry; ; Prairie Grove, Julia Feffer, Crys- - - County jail. From the statements of tal Lake; Ridgefield, Alice Wilcox, both of the young men, the young wo- Ringwood and Dawn DeWolf, Waod- IBan and several others were dancing stock. on the bridge. i The injured woman was taken to S t , - > • • * « • « « fherese's hospital but was able to ANNOUNCE CHICAGQLAND S leave the institution the same day. !*™UUHUL UIIIUHUULHnU O WIND AND RAIN UAUSE DAMAGE LAST SATURDAY tiy. Witnesses of the pinned jn the wreckaKe of his car'john Celia and William He is also ul^rnoon wmcn meeting of minds." No matter what tragedy told deputy sheriffs that La- and apparently had been dead for sev- survived by several nieces and c,oudb"rst Proportions as it swept subject is being studied, mental devel- Rue was walking alongside the rail- eral bours. Lange, it is believed, was nephews. His wife, father, brother ^Ver Aurora and the soU^h end of opment is taking place. It seems that road tracks and suddenly jumped in bur]ed out 0f the car and because of and sisters preceded him in death. |Kane county, became almost a cyclone it would be impossible for a student front of the engine. The train crew injurjeg sustained had been rendered; Funerai services were held from the'1" fP° w" Mc.Hemy -,0Unty *nd to stud, hard on any subject without did not know of the mishap unt,l m- onconscious. ' !^ of h» 50 rred „ VoU) ^^sbuthern W,»conS,n. making a distinct improvement in his formed by railroad officials at Wal- When hig hand was caught in the dav afternoon, with burial at Wood- M ability to think. In fact, One of the worth. Wis. , ,i_. n, bank knives of a threshing machine lavvn cemetery, McHenry. ' ' 8 pleasures of teaching is watching the, O. T. Havey, 43 years old, electrical Saturday of last weeki Isaac Miller, 1 Card of Thanks splendid mental development which contractor from Madison. Wis., was residing northeast of Esmond, 111., sus-1 We wish to express our sincere apthe high school boy or girl undergoes,! severely injured earlyjast ^Sunday teined painful injuries. One finger preciation to those who so kindly as- a c wjts _ was nearly Amputated and two were sisted us in our recent bereavement. a*d \v"nde'r^Lake" ADAMOWSKI REUNION "Members of the Adamowski ftithfty fathered at the home of Mrs. Mary j|.damowski at McCollum's Lake Sunifcay to enjoy a reunion. Three gener- NEATEST FARM SUNDAY AT SEVEN STAR PICNIC j Four years of this training produces morning when he was struck by a hit marked changes in the mental abilities and run driver in front of the J. W. bad]y lacerated 1 of high school students. j Langdale residence at Barrington. The seven star picnic and PMA j A third thing which the modern Mr. Havey received a deep cut on the Also to those who sent flowers and to Trees Were blown down here and at rvard, Hebron,-Greenwood and othjer cities and villages in the vicinity. Although Walworth and Darien, Wis., .were hardest hit, considerable damage was also done at Lake Geneva Several windows When he fell from a log into deep the donors of cars. atiotis were represented, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caspers, roUnd-up of District 4 will be held high school accomplishes is to provide right side of his back. The wound ex- d of jagt week ^ Martin, 14, of Mary Adamowski, 59, the oldest, and gundaj.( August 28, in honor of Arthur; an active program for a critical per- tended for approximately seven inches G nearlv lost his i&e. The preslittle Max Adamowski, 7 months old, H Lauterbach, general manager ofiiod in a child's life. The high school and was several inches deep. He also pnce mjnd q{ hjs companion the youngest, A social day was spent, tbe pure j^ilk Association, in Fox' age is an age when many of the traits, suffered a broken left shoulder when _ _ , brought voune Martin to and a delicious dinner and supper was Rjver Park, one mile south and west habits and ideals of adult life are un-|he was tossed into the air and landed sj1Qre preVented a tragedy. The boy* •erved- . „ 'of Silver Lake, Wis., on County Trunkigrained into the character of the in- on the concrete pavement on that part th wat„r<, tu„ favor. The day was especially memorable beginning at 11:00 a.m. (CST).!dividual. Iof his body. The impact hurled him ^ swimmine hole where the water f„ fe that Sister MaTy Leonilla the oldest, Th-s wjn be Mr fir8tl it is a time when the Individual fifteen feet. The handle of the car ^pX iT nLrly ten feet deep The daughter of Mrs. Adamowski, was also appearanCe in the Chicago milk shed;needs close supervision by the school, door was thought to have stnick him b y ^ understanding as to the present atthe happy gathering. Sis-,^.^^ pomin(r here frQ* thp Interjthe home and the church. It is for in the back. One shoe was ripped off r. and Mrs. R. S. Howard and Family, John Caspers, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horan * and Family, William Caspers. DONALD PARKER CRISTY Donald Parker Cristy, 9, son of Mr. were reported broken at Richmond. At Aurora, many sewers were flooded, and one entire block was submerged. Water rose above the curbings. At many intersections, traffic was tied up. COMING EVENTS Ladies Aid- August 25 -Mrs. C. H. Dulpcw . . f th Domin* since coming here from the Inter- the home and the church. It is for jn the back. One shoe was ripped off *~here *tbose who cannot swim' andMrs" Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood, Last Band Concert--Park. ter Lcomlta is a nun of the Domin Su,te Milk producer, AaaocUtion, I this reason that the high school pro- by the impact as was part of his trous- mu>t ^ an(j G,en. n, h August 19. at 7 D„, . This was the first time'phil»delPhl«- Be •» '» f'*m h*s ch.nged so v.rtly durms ers His automol,'le keys, wh,ch were Aird bo, in the group/o'clock in the home of his parenU af- PMA P>cnK-Po« Rrter P»rk_&U This was the first time speat 1;30 p m thepast More of year,. Today the J,,, hand at the•time, we«i found «t lMrnri ,wim. Ue decid-'ter , l„ng illness. Beside, his par- District 4 of thia Aasociation A -.?«l to ride a log and the current t„okent8, he i, survived by four brother,1 ican Order and is stationed at Brook lyn, N. Y. She had been home in many years. _ T* hosTseT teprr ecsoemntn &wneiroen: oSfi stNere wL eYonoirlkla c'ne and Kenosha counties) is host.^or child. It is important that jured mMti^was given first aid a,him floating over the deepest spot. He and a sister: John, Kenneth, Jr., Nel- ^ard Mrs. Florence Landmesaer, Mrs. active Bff provided for him M SSTTttl She^L. hMpiJl STEU bfc"me„?,nick7',th! 8°" ""d J"ry and ***«*• Kaleth, Mrs. Viola Miller, Benjamin S. . pieniy 01 games ana enter Adamowski, Max Adamowski, Buddy, jtainment, provided for him at jan'ce to the Sherman hospiUi j this age. He will only become a valu-|gjn 'able adult if such a life is provided.} Struck by a bicycle last ^riday af- Larry and Jerry Adamowski, Benja- Another feature of the occasion will students who enter into the program' ternoon Mrs Minnie Geithman, of idauaowski, Jr., be the anouncement Of Chicagoland's ^ t^e school really are kept busy, j Qenoa 'widow of the John Kaleth, Edward ILandmesser, j grand champion neat farmer and Pr®-. And, it must be remembered, a busy! Geithman, was thrown ttiin, Jr., and Max Ac Wm. Miller, Mrs. Annette Eckmann,1 sentation of silverware awards to the George Eckmann, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest farms in Districts 1-2-3-4-5-ft-7 which Schablein and son. Peter, Mrs. Benja-{are highest in the fifth annual Chimin Adamowski, Mrs. Max Adamow- cagoland's neatest dairy farm contest, ski, and Misses Louise and Alice Kais- LEGION MEETING TONIGHT The county council, American LeMrs. M; J. Connolly, mothef «t gion, will meet at the Riverside ., Hoand Mrs. Frank Connolly, spent a few'tel, McHenry, this (Thursday) ,#r»n days at their home on Riverside Driveling at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber and ; 1 family have moved from the Keg' Infants' and Girls' School Dresses, place on Elgin road to the home oflsizes from 1 to 14, 29c to $1.09, at Mrs. Weber's mother, Mrs. Loretta[Rosa's Style Shop, West McHenry. Walsh, on Main street I 14-fp late \Geore0 ...... to the Sideindividual has little time to form im-^ and suffered a broken shoulder, proper habits and itfntls. j g^e was taken to the Sycamore hos- The local school authorities are ital where an x.ra„ examination distherefore appealing to every citizen to closed the fracture. : be a committee of one to see that, Eaver Oakes, 36, Carpentersville, every child of high school age is in|m met a tragic death early Thurs atendance at the local institution this fall. This assistance is especially important with reference to the eighth grade graduates. A few of these will feel that the high school education is day morning, August 11, when the car in which he and his companion were riding, Elroy Lange 21, Highland ave., Dundee, left the highway at the intersection of Barrington and Higgins not valuable. It is those students roads> gwerved nejirly 400 teet through whom the public should urge to continue their education. The local schoot should have sixty-five freshmen. With your assistance It will hare ferenty or seventy-five. , ver Lake. August 31 Party--Christian Mothers-- Mary - St. Patrick School Hall. ning and soon Lee was off the logj Funeral services were conducted in'-" _ and desperately fighting to keep his the home Monday afternoon by Rev.jBulJc® r*rty ilrs. J. Mikota head above water. When Jack heai*d Rfilph KafOed, pastor of the Method-; Springs. his cries for help he swam in his di- jst church, with burial in Ringwood aeptemoer » rection and immediately knew that cemetery. with Lee struggling as he was and being larger than he, that he could not get him ashore without help. So with speed and accuracy he pushed the log along until he was able tc "»et Lee dragged onto it. Then Jack manipu- George Coulman, Jr., of Richmond lated the log until he got the nearly underwent an operation for the remov drowned lad on land. A couple of i a] Qf his tonsils here last Friday, frightened boys helped Lee get his | Norton Owen of Glencoe is recover Among the Sick Board of Town Auditors' Town Clerk's Office. September 8 * : Meeting--C. D. of A.--St. Mary * ||b Patrick School Hall. Births breath and bearings, for he was pretty I ing from an operation for appendi-, M--r. and Mrs. William Glos_s >n a, nweak by then. Robert and Jack put Litis which he underwent atthe High- nounce the birth of a son. Lee on the handle bars of the former's i land Park hospital Sunday. j William, born at the Woodstock ••••- bicycle and he was brought to town;| . Michael Knox is improving nicely pital Friday, August 12. the boys not realizing that they had .from his recent _ •. , , performed a heroic deed. rflar Terra Cotta. I Sahacribe for The Wa»dealer . v " •"%:v. • : . y ? '1

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