raw ! > f" <v • -V* >Tf« *>T:-'« * • $ ' p Pa#e Eigbt •-'sv^-: tHS HoHENST PLAUfDEALEK Hnmday, March 2,19M J.' •* MESSAGES FROM F - 0UR SERVICEMEN 'ox Valley Camp eeting March 7 The Fox River Valley camp, R. winter months. (Continued from page one) will be seeing good old McHenry again, I hope. I guess you know a fellow can't be sure about these things. I haven't been getting the paper ' throughout most of the year, li v i n g ] ' 0 0 r e g u l a r l y b u t I g u e s s i t s my with their , daughter during a few j fault., I have, ^een moving without CORP. ED. HEINLE . ONE OP FIVE BOYS AT JUNGLE REUNION After working for' letting you knovfc I want you to jsj A., will hold its regular monthly the International Harvester company ^now that, regular or not, those that meeting on Tuesdayevening, March7. for forty-six years, Mr. Tarnow a | 1 do ^ ar® surely appreciated so ^ npneiAnor nnw snpnHa mnst nf his thanks for them and H6re S nOpilla' I " It seems that not only McHenry boys but those from other cities throughout the country are also, proving time and again that the world is not so large when they mlet their buddies on foreign soil. One of these unusual reunions occured recently in a spot on earth most of us had forgotten until war broke out. This reurtion,"attendedJby five Elkhorn, Wis., boys, occurred in a remote camp,which had been hacked out of the jungle on New Guinea. There wasn't any entertainment to be offered for the affair, but these five didn't need any when they began talking tabout their home town." The group included Sgt. Isadore and Sgt. John Duray; Corp. Frank Milesi Corp. Ed. Heinle and Corp. Donald Price. ' ' j One of the boys wrote home that: the center of attraction at their table j was a can of Elkhorn peas with the ! Goldwyn label. He reported the; label really looked good, too, fori oil St l>ktrickS • nartv to to held in u,e rmiiu.ra.e.^ wet. most of the boys had at one time or |°ne' COP a ' %n*Wy ht 9 , * ^/the church hall cm" March 17. Mrs. i •Rummage Sale At t'.tv Hall March 17 pensioner, now spends most of his Ifold Election At time hu^in>? an? whittling »t ( lara's Court n€ar "1S "ome- ™he couple were the S(t. Clara's Court, lWr J?<westers, recipients of many lovely *ifts on Will hold election of officers at the. their anniversary. , ..... ....• next meeting of that organization on ' * * March 9. All members are urged to Altar and Rosary •/.:••: ; i ; f: : ' fettend this import&nt m|6eting.; Meeting March 6 # *• -•* The monthly meeting of the*"Altar *Basket Social On . and Rosary -sodality 'Of .St. Patrick's March i. Griswwld Lake v , • church will' be held in the Legion The Griswold Lake community club hall at 8 p.m., on Monday evening,1 Vill hold a basket social and' dance March 6. with Mrs. John KiMay; Pe^r ^osher. , tt th, Slociiin Lake school Riding.; cliairman of the c^mmitte^ At tl^:; -fjtin aRalh t<j thank you itoute 176> on Friday. ^lafcb ^',^^®,j^°^;^.^:"'for the"'PIai:naeaier^.V^i^vhav'e'- been hoping get them more regularly now that you know where I am located. ? It's getting .near taps so I will close and here's hoping good old McHenry hasn't changed too ftiuch since I saw it the last time. •'Sincerely, FLOYD E. W. FREUND, ' Fit. P. 0. New York. P.S. I hope those two brothers' oi mine are getting the' paper. - * ' "j ~ *\ - ' Ford Jackkon ahd • Mrs. Joseph May i W £'veu. us Plaindealer dft-j ning company, either as growers or '* '" • » .are"co-chairman-of the eVent.* |seive»| to be thanked often as it is, employees. The soldier enclosed the very Welcome to see each w6ek. ^ The Lutheran Vyf^ipen;'^ ^issionpry'Memlnn-s^ of the sodalky" are asked:' j. want tp tell, you of mv W i ^ a g u e o f t h e ^ ; E v a n g e l i c ^ J ^ f e M ^ d d V e s s ^ a ^ u p i n a label when ; he wrote home,1 saying that he wanted the home folks to! mo n. ^r.-,w •• wttfr ff "vA? Y' ; ^in 1 >if ^7 * Winter once in awhile "at 'ieasty is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs; '**»• . ; y,• V ; ^ r-PP*' Mar^h 7; . v, " VT though it still isn't McHenry by far. Frank J. Wagner of Spring Grove. I M yervie* Camp To . , .vThe Rmgwood- un^it ^of -the ^eine .•^fhey have moved jiis from Galiforriiia * | Observe Anniversary Bureau will hold an all dfiy meeting Pennsylvania, which is quite some CARD OF TflANKS ' On Tuesday, March 7, Riverview at the home of Mrs. Eva Eppel on difference. L was surprised to find; U-this way ^ wish to expressJ Camp, R. N. A., will, observe e Tuesday, March 7. The meeting will jhev have sunshine here too after out1 thanks and appreciation to -our i thirty-third begin at 10 o'clock with Mrs. E. E- Ustening to the California Chamber ;kind neighbors and friends for their ization at a 6 o clock dinner held at Carr. umt delegate to Farm and of Commerce for awhiie. It isn't a' everv help during Mr. Bishop's long Evas restaurant. A mem is w o Hiome week at Urbana, giving her wh0ie ]0t colder here than out thei-e, illness and especially to Rev Fr plan to be present are asked _to report. Pot luc,k dinner will be ser-1 thoujfh we saw snow for a few days! William A. O'Rourke and for spiricall the oracle, ^ ^ed at noon- In the afternoon Mrs. here tin the sun took it away. This i tual bouquets, cards of / sympathy, a reservation not later than Monday Sweeney will give as the piajor les- j th fi t tj we have beAn wherej floral donations and the Le of carsmorning March 6. SA meeting,Wil son> -'Meal Planning in 1944 - The ^ere was snoW, a) " trC^l^rs^n/to^e minor project will be Music Appre, They havg ug in barra^s for a.| Justen brothers' for ciataon.'.Mr?. Ed Denman wUl have!change-_with heat lights sheets.;^«es rendered. chargie of handicraft. I I had begun to think they had gone j out with the automobile. After the mud in Louisiana and the sand in ! tfte California desert I've been think- Sixty friends and relatives of Mrs. jng there is some pf this U; S.- they. Celia Colby, nee Gilbert, attended. couid just as soon do without--and" an "at home" held by her family at to think there have been battles over follow the dinner at 8 p.m. * * M rs. Rulien Guest Speaker of Club Mi^- Joani.n Rulien will be guest Locg] Folks Attend sp9aker at the next meeting of the ..At Home" Saturday Mothers club, to be held on Friday. March 10. at the home of Mrs. Harry Durland on Riverside Drive. Mrs. their splendid HELENA BISHOP, JEANNETTE K. BISHOP. Rulien's topic will be Children Y* ith her home jn Waukegan last Satur- sonie of these places. Speech Defects. . This is especially day on the 0ccasi0n of her ninetieth We came through Illinois on our timely for until this year^ there was birthday anniversary. Mrs. Colby, trip here, and What a swell feeling no state help for such children. Now the daughter of Benjamin Gilbert, that was, being the second time in youn? folks afflicted in thisway are wa$ born in McHenry on' Feb. 26, these nineteen months that I have given aid at state expense. The musi- ^54^ and resided there for =ome been back. I am hoping to be home cal portion of the program will be tbirty years before they moved to jn a couple of weeks If they don't furnished by a group from the grade Waukegan. Her father was one of forget me again CHURCH SERVICES school, under the direction, of Paul Yanda. w 'Lily Like P. T. A Observe Founders Day the early settlers in McHenp' and This should be about enough about i Masses ' operated a grocery store here for my outfit and I'll let someone else i ' Sunday: many years. have room to tell they're story. 'i Out of towri guests included Mr. Thanks rfgain for the PlaindeAler, m, ... . , „ _ . . . j and Mrs. Linus Newman. Mr. and a welcome weekly friend.. The Lily Lake P. T. A. observed jjrs Gerald Newman and Mrs. Ella: Yours, Founders . day at a patty field on Buss, all cf McHenry; Mr. and Mrs.; , COBP^WM. E. ^SUtT^N,: Saturday ni^rht at the Lil> Lake Frank McOmber of Highland Park;j w • Indiantowii Gap, sel °oI. It was a hu^e" success, with j^rg qus ancj daughters. Mary } ; * . . most of the members being present. ^ phvllis and Doris of Richmond; I l »»f A delicipus pot-luck supper was ser- and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of: Among the Sick St. Mary's Catholic Church ved and the playlet given by the gpring Grove. children delighted all in attendance. The party was the regular candle- ^ 'light service so familiar of Founders > 1 8:00 and 10:30 . Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. ni.. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8:00 lUpss on Thursday; 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. >• I'l' 'I' <• I- • J assess Honored At Farewell Michael Winkel underwent surgery day. Taking part were Dagmar An- 1 t » u 1 at St. Therese hospital this week, drea. PPfalttssyy Aniniudirvewa, Jwev/a4lnlt Mwilinac, ^..r%r' an mC|,:„ •ustfn'i • u j "Earl P omrenin0g underwent surg^e ry^ Buddy MilinacrLucille Nielsen. Roger mo"d from Rmpwoo<? to '•'•! at the Woodstock hospital on Mon- "and Arleen Svaboda, Jeri Einspar. honw. on 5tre^ were h°n®re.d day. the Deedecker brothers. Mary La- f* a surpn^e farewell party at their Marilyn and Phyllis Smith under- Mier. Loinette Weiler and Alice' 5fme, y ne.&i**>T* ar.d friends on went surgery at the Woodstock hos- H'intz. Following this all sang, to Tuesday ererung. Cards were p ayed j pitai on Thui-sday of last wee k, the accompaniment provided by Mrs. throughout the evening, with prizes Mrs. James Lennon underwent sur- LeOra Seyfferth. "Happy Birthday" ^ gery at Stv -Therese hospital, Waulast week. Vales is confined to Evanas the Lily Lake P. T. A. was found- a lovely lunch concluded the ke *an< h «d on Feb. 2. 1940. ' actmt.es The gue-ts of^ honor were Albert Mrs. V: The monthly meeting of this group Presented with a beautiful gift. In •will be held on Friday evening. March ?.ttenda"c<; Peter Miller, • Wil- 3, at the school house at 8 p.m. ham M,ller" JosePh > Younp' On Mrs \\ „ -P. T. a/social, with cards and bunco, M". Anton Widhalm, Mr. and^Mrs. at the school house at 8 o'clock sharp. Richard Jung Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nimsgern, gelical hospital in Chicago after being taken suddenly ill on Tuesday of last week. He. 'jis reported to be St. Patrick's Catholic Chaireli Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 W e e k d a y s ; 7 : 3 0 . vhW First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion dis- ; v tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during tne 7:30 Mass, Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p.ffljuui . 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:0' tot 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, pastor. Tuesday evening, March 7, J^thryn Fngels. Mrs. Kathryn Rauen : soniew>at improVtf P. Einspar "will have the J*r. and Mrs,Jos P. Miller. Mr. and T a CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to thank -All are invited to attend. 'j'- McCullom Lake Couple Carried Fifty Years • > William Tarnow and his wife, Helene, who were married on Feb. 24, William Justen. 1894, were honored at a celebration 6given last week by their only daughter and son-in-law, Mn and Mrs. John J, Shaughnessy of 4133 N. Hamlin avenue, Chicago. Mr. Tar- , w „ . one and all for the many kindnesses 1 _ Mr and Mrs. Arthur^ Stilling, Mr. exteilded us ih our rec?nt, bereave 1 ^onfessiflnsand Mrs. John Hay, Mr. and, Mrs. mf>nt Clarence Freund, Mr. and Mrs HENRY STOFFEL and daughter, George May. Arnold Engels and MARIE FRANCES. St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburjl Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:90. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:30 Thursday before First Frilajr: and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. 2:1 Suburban Revenue ;-. j Offices Open Dal^j COMING EVENTS /March/.2 Circle 3,.'<WrS. C. S-- Mrs. William <-1 u j Carter H. Harrison, Collector of, Spencer. VW' 'fi Z&» ^ Z r Znv 88 Internal Revenue, has announced that C- D- of A.--Business Meeting. . his wife was born in Germany 68 effective lagt Monday February 28, East River Road Pin°chle CJub^-Mrs. the main office of the Collector in' ®en 'Dietz. ; March 3 68 years ago. The celebration, held at the Electrical Craftsman club, was friends. The Tarnows now reside at their home at McCullom Lake attended by many relatives and cag0, and ^^oT ^"^ranc^^fl^ces L'Jy P- T- A---MontWy Meeting. located within the «ity limits of Basket Social--Slocum Lake School Chicago, will remain open daily, ej-! Building--Route 176. cept Sundays, through March 15] March# until 9 P. M. j Breakfast for Captains and Work- The suburban offices and the offices ers of Red Cross Drive--Eva's Reslocated within the counties outside taurant. of Chicago in the. First District will, March 7 remain open daily, except Sundays, Lily Lake P. T. A. Social--Mrs. W.' until 7 P. M. • ' ' V\c\p 10tl \o LISTER BACON WINS ^ PISTOL TOURNAMENT AT FORT SHERIDAN P. Einspar, Hostess. ...Y. Meeting of Johnsburg Community ; Club. 77'---TT Home Bureau--Mrs. Eva Epoel. Riverview Camp, R. N. A.--Thirtythird Anniversary Dinner. . -- March 9-10 _ Shooting honors went to Lester Examinations For Teachers' Certifi- Bat-on last week in a contest held cates. * * in Waukegan, where Mr. Bacon is ; employed as a guard at Johnson Motcis. He vi'on sweepstakes honors and two fellow workers at the same plant placed second and third in the Ziott Evangelical Lutheran Church . John St. East of Highway 31 West McHenry, 111. R. T. Eissfeldt, Pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. j A cordial welcome is extended to) all who have no church affiliation1 to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, j will fitt your- heart with hope and | courage. Services 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Tialking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--W. G. N.,2:30 p.m. J. G. STEVENS, County Treasurer and «iEx-Officio County Collector of McHlenry County, Illinois. COUNTY TREASURER'S SALB STATE OR ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, ss. In "the Circuit Court ol McHenry County. CITY OF McHENRY, a municipal corpoAtioi^ and THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE ,OF ILLINOIS, Plaintiffs, WILLIAM TESCH, et al, Defendants. IN CHANCERY, COMPLAINT TO FORECLOSE SPECIAL ASSESS* MENT AND TAX LIENS. General No. 30111. / Public notice is hereby given that, ir» pursuance Qf a Decree made and entered by said. Court, in the above entitled cause on the 14th day of j February, A.D. 1944, and in pur-! suarlce of the provisions of "The j Revenue Act of 1939," in force July 1, 1939, of the Revised Statutes of the j State of Illinois, and amendments and j laws relating, thereto,,, I, J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer and Ex-Officio County Collector of McHenry County, will, on Monday, the 13th day of March. A. D. 1944, at the hour of ten o'clock in,'the forenoon, Central War Time, at the east front door of the Court. House, in the City of Woodsock, County of . McHenry, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash, all and singular, che follovpng described premfses and real estate in said Decree, mentioned, or so much "thereof as shall be sufficient, to ^satisfy said Decree, to-wit: Lot One (1) (except the west 184 feet) of Block eight (8) of the original plat of West McHenry, also described as east 80 feet of sub- . lot one (1), Lot One (1), Block Eight (8) of the original plat of West McHenry. Of the Southerly one- half of Lot One (1), Block nine (9) of the • Original plat of West McHenry, the southerly 66 feet only. j Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,'9 and 10 in Owen, Stenger & Allen's Second Addition to McHienry. j Lots 1, 2, 3^, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in i Stenger, CoValt & Weber's Coun- *x];3ry Club Addition. - j North East Section 35, Township j 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. That part of lot 4 lying South of the "southerly, line of John Street and John Street extended east exceptving therefrom Owen, Stenger and Allen's -Second Addition to Mc-1 Henry and excepting that portion1 of lot 4 described by beginning at j the intersection of the southerly! line of John Street and the east line of Elgin Road; thence southerly < along the southerly line of John Street 137.6 feet; thence ^Bouth parallel with the east line! of Elgin Road 30 feet to the j north east corner of Lot 11 of' Owen, Stenger and Allen's Second Addition to McHenry, thence west along the north line of said lot 11, ; 132 feet to the east line of Elgin I Road; thence north along said line; 70 feet to the place of beginning. All of said property located in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. . Dated, Woodstock, Illinois, February 21, 1944. J. G. STEVENS, County .Treasurer and Ex-Officio County Collector of McHenry . County, Illinois. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, State's Attorney in and for the! County of McHenry and State pf Illinois. ; . VERNON J. KNOX " City Attorney for the City of MciHenry, McHenry, Illinois. • Attorneys for Plaintiffs. (Pub. Feb. 24, March 2 & 9) LEWIS C« BISHOP Born and raised in McHenry, Lewis C. Bishop, 68 years old, passed away at his home on February 24, 1944. Saddened by his death, his friends will not, soon forget "Lew" as he was known to those who knew him well. He was one of a family of nine children and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bishop. He is survived by his wife and one daughter of whom he was very fond. ' j Mr. Bishop was in business as a barber for thirty-five years on Riverside Drive with the exception of working in the Cooper shop in Elgin; a short time. In 1912 he took as a partner- in business Olaf Peter Olsen and they worked together fori many years. j In 1911 he was united in marriage to Helena Freund at St. Ambrose church in Chicago by Rt. Rev. William C. Foley. They then moved to McHenry, where the family has since resided. In 1931, because of ill health, Mr. Bishop was forced to give up his work and sold, out to his partner. During his long illness < he always planned to ge back td[ work but his health never permitted his doing "so. ' . ' He was a faithful number of St. I Patrick's church and this faith, kept; him cheerful until the end. ,t His bodj| rested at the* Justen Brothers ftirieral home until Satur-! day, when a requiem mass Was sung by Rev. William O'Rourke and the body was laid to rest in St. Patrick's! church cemetery. j Pall bearers were his business friends and associates, Ray McG^ee, Frank G. Schreiner, John Neiss, John P. Weber, H. E. Buch and Roy Kent. <«» »•§"§•» » 4' •!• * »»» » » »•;«».|..»•(» 4.» RATION GUIDE •» » * » <|. »»<••»» <• i|. » 4.»| TOKENS--The token program be-1 gan Feb. -27. One-point red tokens1 are now given for change for red; stamps and one-point blue tokens" foi* blue stamps. Stamps are worth 10; points each. Tear, stamps out across ' ration book instead of up and down;! The following stamps - became valid Feb. 27: Red Stamps A8, B8, C8, D8, and E8 (Book Four) good for 10 points each, Feb. 27 through May ! 20, for meats and fats Blue stamps A8, B8, C8, D8 and E8 (Book Four) good for 10 points each, Feb. 27, | through May 20, for processed foods.! PROCESSED FOODS -- Greenj stamps K, L and M (Book Four) good through March 20. " j MEATS AND FATS --Brown! stamps Y and Z (Book Three) good through March 20. SUGAR -- S t a m p N o . 30 ( B o o k Four) good for five pounds through March 31. Bobk Four stamp 40 valid Feb. 1, 1944 through Feb. 28, 1945 (13 months) for five pounds for home canning. SHOES--Stamp No.; 18 (Book One) good for one pair indefinitely. Airplane Stamp No. 1 (Book Three) good for one pair indefinitely. FUEL OIL--Period No. 3 coupons" good for 10 gallons per unit through March 13. Period No. 4 coupons and Period No. 5 coupons good for 10 gallons per unit thrugh Sept. 30. GASOLINE--No. 10 coupon in A book good for three gallons each through March 21, B2 and C2 supplemental ration coupons good for five gallons each. Bl and CI coupo ' remain good for two gallons each.' LET'S MEET THAT RED CROSS QUOTA' (Continued from Plage One) " $1,800, this year. We will not need tp double our donations of last ye,ar but it would make certain our quota if each citizen would increase his donation 10 per cent. , Additional Workers,^-., ' The following individuals added to the list of captains and workers published in last week's paper: West Side Residential; Es* ther Smith, Amanda Brown, Bertha Schiessle, Mr^Gerald Newman, Alice Lindsay, Mrs. Leslie 'Olsen, Anna Frisby, te/nevieve Knox. Orchard Beach; Mrs. Walter Haug. Route 1?0, WesTO.of city limits; Mrs. Eva E?ppel, Mr¥ Arthur Dimon. Riverside Drive^Mi-s. Al Barbian, Mrs. Herman NjV Mrs. Herman Schaefer, Mrs. Gus'Fmind, Mrs. Al Blake, Mrs. Roy Kent, Mrs. Wallace Dobyns, Mrs. George Wbrts; Mrs. Henry Miller* Mrs. George Barbian, Mrs. A. -Ji Wirtz, Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs. Fred Scho^wer,• Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mts. Frank Gans. Captains, Wonder Cirl 'Hallstrom and Walter- TjwxeK; .••Speaker's Remarks', Among the many interesting statements made by Mr, Allen at the Monday nights meeting the following stand out: - Y:;: "The Red- Gross movement was originated by a Swiss- noncombataiit, Hlenri Dunant, in 1859. The story is Jold that Dunant stood on one of the hills overlooking the Battle of Sdlferino. This was a battle in which the Austrians were fighting France and Italy. As he stood and watched thousands of men fall on the battle field, he resolved that some organization must be created to care for the fallen. At the end of the day it is said that more men had been w< ed and killed on that battle field, were lost in the American casualty list in World War 1. ' Dunant went down into his village and persuaded a large number of citizens to go with him to the hattle field and care for the wounded. They secured from their village all available equipment, gauze and medications. "(With these supplies they went out on the battle field and cared for those who had fallen. After his duties were done he went home and wrote a book on the horrors of war. He urged that some organization be formed which could ameliorate the sufferings of those on the field of battle. This yas the origin of the Red Cross." 4Y; *1 Adjusts Eyes Anyone who uses his eyes at night and in dark places, needs vitamin A, because this vitamin helps the eyes adjust to different amounts of light and to sudden changes in light. Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Mack Powell, pastor. - March 9 . St. Clara's Court--Election of Oft* icers. . ' Y ,Y;Y March 10 plant production pistol tournament Mothers Qhib5 Mrs. Harry Burlan4- Confessions: 8t. Peter's Catholic Charcfc, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. i Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: d:00. These ore buay dayi for Dobtore! Every Physician must "spread himself thin" to meet pressing demands upon his time. You can help--must help--by avoiding unnecessary home calls, especially at night. Visit the Physician at his office, if possible. And 'wo- Y operate with him in every way, you can. He needs your help! - BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street McHenry RELIABLF* sponsored by the Lake County War 14 0 » .. Council and Division Three, Chicago Circle 1, W. S. C. S. Mrs. Aft. metropolitan area, O. C. D., at'Fort, Thompson, East River Road. Sh«ridan last Thursday night. • March 16 _v •• Twenty-five plant guards took part Card Party--Sponsored by C. D. of in the tournament, which was made A.-^Last in Card Tournament, up of two matches, with a third ^Monthly Luncheon--Comma tch based on the aggregate scores! munity Methodist Church. earned by the contestants in the March 17 ^ Other two. I Rummage Sale--Sponsored by L>uth- . Shooting from 50 feet on the Fort ! eran Women's Missionary League- Sheridan Indoor Range and using a ^y Hall. national match target, our local Public Card Party Sponsored. marksman listed a mark of 85 out -^^ar and Rosary Sodality, of a possible 100--10 shots slow fire. March 20 In the second match, shooting 4 Business »nd ProfessiotwL Wfimen s strings of 5 shots each at 20 seconds . Y [} per string, Lester had a mark of April 1 139 out of 200. 1 Circle 3, W. S. C. S.--Bakery Sa)e-rr Congratulations, Lester, on a fine Building. performance--and for keeping Mc- April 20 Saturdays: 2:30 and Ttlfc Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7 .1o. Hev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor, fonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. m. e H. L. PFOTENHAUER, Pastor Htenry on the map. Potato Storage To store well, potatoes purchased »t digging time in the fall should l« free from blight. Birthday Tea--Community. Methodist Church Hall. Grace Lutheran Church Richmond » Sunday School: 10:30 a. m. Adult Ser\'ice: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, pastor. Ringwood Church Ringwood, 111. Y i,; Sunday--Public worship, Y? Church School, 10:30. ' YChoir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION AGREEMENT Agreement, made this 29th day of February, 1944 between R. I. Overton, residing in McHenry, Illinois, and Floyd B. Hopper, residing in the city of Crystal Lake, Illinois. Wheras a Co-partnership has heretofore existed and now exists between the above mentioned parties engaged in the business of a garage repair shop and automobile sales agency in the city of Crystal Lake, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois under the firm name and style of R. I. Overton Motor Sales. And whereas the further continuance of said Co-Partnership is no longer desired and the said' parties by mutual consent, have agreed to a dissolution thereof. It is further agreed that R. I Overton is taking over all the assets of . the said business and is assuming all debts, liabilities and obligations of the partnership and that Floyd B. Hopper does hereby sell, assign and deliver unto R. I. Ovferton all of his interest in and to the assets of the said partnership. And it is further agreed that the said R. I. Overton shall be, and is hereby authorized on and after the date hereinabove specified for the dissolution of said Co-partnership, to collect, receive and receipt for all moneys, goods and properties due or accruing to said Co-partnership and discharge all obligations and,, liabilities of said Co-partnership and perform all its unexecuted contracts. The said R. I. Overton shall be entitled to the entire business and everything connected therewith, the name of the firm, and the good will, and all the property, whether personal or not personal, tangible or intangible, present or prospective, and such property so enumerated shall become the sole property of said R. I. Overton. R. I. OVERTON. FLOYD B. HOPPER. Mushrooms' Food Value Regarded in the past as a garnish or appetizer to heighten the flavor of foods of known nutritive value, mushrooms have only recently gained respect for their own food values. About 90 per cent water, they contain nearly 4 per cent protein and some iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Presence of riboflavin, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, vitamins Bl,- C and K add further to the mushroom's standing with dietitians. WAR BONDS will bring our fighting men back home sooner. D« It YpvrstH-at fhmt Owm-Kml PERMANENT WVAAVVEE KKIITT ^Complete with curlers, , eham poo and wave se t. Iff ea«y to do and safe for every type of hair. For nmazliig results--t>e sure to r~ for Charm-Kurl. Over 6 million sold. THOMAS P. BOLGER All Saints Day November 1 is All Saints day, widely observed feast day which dates from 731, when Pope Gregory III consecrated a chapel in St. Peter's in Rome for the veneration of all the saints who do not have indi-' vidual feast days. f V V'< * Want to learn a skill? WOULD YOU like to 1>e a radio operator, a skilled stenographer, an. airplane mechanic, an expert driver? In the Women's Army Corps you have a chance to get valuable Army training --training that may pave the way to bigger pay, better jobs after the war. TODAY find out akmt all. the WAC offers you--the interesting jobs, the chance to meet new people and see rew places, and to help your country. APPLY at any U.S. Army Recruiting Station. Or write: The Adjutant General, 4415 Munitions Bldg., Washington 25, D. C. (Women in essential war industry must have release from their employer or the U. S. Employment Service.) • » FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP PHONE 19 WEST McHENRY vitamin a in tee cream Of the vitamins, vitamin A if contained Mi ice cream ia the greatest amount. McHENRY LODGE A.F. & A.M. McHenry Lodge No. 169 meets the first and third Tuesdays of easfe aseoth at the hall on Court street. Abundant Material Wood cellulose is the most abun* dant organic raw material in tha world. We endeavor to measure up to the high standards of our profession. Jacob Justen Sons Funeral Directors -- Phone McHenry 103-R Residence, McHenry 112-W OreenStreet,