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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1944, p. 4

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» .. . ggftf .( .* jtN . ' • . 1 Pftgfc Foul MCHENRY PLAIN]>I4IJBR Thursday, March 16,1944 sfei THE M'HENRY PLA1HDEALER Published every Thursday at Mcfienry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. I A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager J Entered as second-class matter at tfc* postoffice at McHonry, 111., under tine act of May 8, 1879. *.1 FOR SALE One Year «... ,..f2.50 NATIONAL CDITORIALi] i1 ASSOCIATION i FOR SALE--Baby Chick Bargain, ROP sired big type Leghorn. Also New Hampshire Reds and White Rocks. Starter chicks two to four weeks old. Foxdale Farm & Hatchery, Ingleside, 111. Rt.,69, Tel. Fox Lake 2318- «-2 FOR SALR--8' room house in the block across the street from grade find high schools ih jCity of McHenry. P. J." Cleary, W. tycHenry, 111. *43-3 Released by Western Newspaper Union. PIGMENTED SPOTS ON FACE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING | SALE--New dwelling in Johns- \'i . Notice is1 hereby given that a tenia- burg. For details please contact tive budget and appropriation ordin- 'Earl R. Walsh, McHenry, 111. Tele- • fence for the town of McHehry, in the • phone 43. 43 County of McHenry, State of Illinois, j SALE-Cow and 800 bushel SwV fc e,raioIfF ^nTg MeSHay /March 28, 1944, and ending Monday', V•a>n,g ar>d seed,, rust resisting; from i , - u . - a J „*J yield of 8»A0 .b „u s,h eal1 per acre fla 's t sea- . ^March 2«> .194o, wiU be -on. fi e and son Ready for st j and cntiyeniently. available to; public m- ^ gooi famHy y c0Ws. sjptcticn at the; McHenry • Post'offic ' ^ front sn'd after 5 o'clock p: m.', Tues- ^."djfaV March 28^. 1944;,; : Notice is further given hereby that One of the distressing ailments that comes usually toward middle age in women is coffee colored spots, usually on th^ face, about the eyes and cheeks, on the artfms and knees. The cause of these spots is unknown but physicians have found that after correcting any ailments oi ovaries and uterus, these spots disappear, quite often. Removal of these spots and careful examination of them under the microscope show that they are nqt the p»V,v„ •\vv Dr. Bartoli .0-20 International tractor, good usual Pigmented blood, sP,ots nor e* shape. Fanning mill and corn eleva- actljrlike the spots which occur so tor. Tel.: Round* Lake 2223.' *43 ?ft T en at or dur>ng the menopause/;- In an extract, from a medical jourf.^' jniblic hearing: on said budget aind ' FOR SALE?--8 piece light oak dining nal publishedMontevideo in the ^appropriation of-dinanee, will be held room ssuuiittee:. Call McHenry 90-R. 'Journal of the . 'at 1, o'clock p.' m., Tuesday. Api^l'4,,..J- ' , ,; V *43-2 .•1944, .at. the", t6wn clerk's office, • - • 1 v "• - Schi-essle building, .West McHenry, in *01* SALJ&r--Creanr bed,complete; "this . town,- and that finalv action "on ^li'esser with mirror. Fine ,,for durathis. ordinance will be taken by the l'on or for summer honje., Phone electors at the annual meeting to 5^-R before Saturday. *43 ^ hw "','lwk "• ro- Tuesday. HJlt SALE--New Zealand white rab- Mtttii 16th day of March. 1<H4. ""*•. 35<= 8 lhT Phone 27S;?<i MATT N. SCHMTTT. ; 'Supervisor. .FOR SALE--New 9x12 all wool rug. MRS/TlOBERT J. CONWAY^ Clerk. J Tone on tone design. Call 289-W. • f (Pub. March 16) ' ; . • ' •' 43 ' --: '• American Medical Association, Dr. F. Rocca reports a case of pigmented spots on the face cured by injection and local application of ovary extract. Twice a week, for a period of several months, 5,Q00 international units of ovary extract (estrone) was administered by injection. These injections regulated the monthly periods, the nervousness and shock became less and the spots on the face began to clear up. An estrone ointment was now applied to the facial spots for 20 days. It was observed : i m " - -V . 5 *• , . 'V The rising sun is going into total eclipse--and it's never coming out of it! It thought to plunge the democracies in a blackout of fear; but instead its challenge only brought every one of us rallying around our own Stars and Stripes--fighting Tojo-Hirohito militarism blow for blow. The final test is soon to follow. Then Japan will follow Mussolini and Hitler to ignominious defeat--paying dearly for its horrendous crimes. FIELD ENGINEER TO CONDUCT MEETING OF ^..H,r-*AOHIKEET REPAIR ersonm M. A. meeting in Chicago on Tuesday. ' -• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and son, John, of Oak Park visited relatives here on Sunday. . - The Harry Zimmerman* and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and William Strom of Chicago spent the, daughter, Janice, and Mrs. Mde Buhweekend in their home on the river.I £ar"d of Elmhurst visited* in the Mr. and Mrs. William Hansmen of; home of Mrs. Martin May on Sunday. Chicago were local callers oft' Sun day. • •' '*• Mrs. Mabel Holly of Oak Park Visited in the home of her parents, the Martin Conways, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William'Spencer and Tr A nnm/MT Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mosher visited | HARRISON SCHOOL NOTES Floyd Covalt at St. Ther^se hospital, i --: Waukegan, Sunday evening. | A home talent production by mem- Mj\ and Mrs. Earl W'alsh Spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Esther Rudin of Miami B^ach, Fla., is visiting ' her parent Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Miller. tHie twelfth and last meeting of the machinery repair course, which has been held each consecutive Mon-, day evening for the last eleven weeks) at the International Harvester Sales ' and Service building will be held Monday evening, March 20. All farmers interested in tractors are invited to attend this last meeting whether they have been attending tne previous meetings or not. This meeting will be conducted by a field engineer of the Standard Oil company. An interesting and educational program has been planned. The plans for the remaining poultry meetings are as follows: Wednesday, March 22--Bill Hoppee of Purina Mills Feed company will discuss feeding. Wtednesday, March 29 --P. I. Higley, president of Ameri-! can Dairy Cattle club, will, discuss i artificial breeding. Wednesday, April! 5--Bill Hoppee--Interesting picture ! and culling of chickens. j The last three meetings of thje poultry course have been very interesting and educational. Wednesday. March 1, Dr. H. S. Fike, local veterinarian, discussed diseases and parasites of poultry. The follov 'ing Wednesday evening l)r. Fike was on hand again and examined a number of sjck chickens which were brougljl in by some of the farmers attenjing. Dr. Fife's help with these tnjjte classes was appreciated by all whft attended. Last night, a veqy interesting di$* cussion was conducted by Dr. Jamc#' Fritz, head of Borden's Nutritional and Experimental farm at Elgin , Tight Fit A tight fit is what you want wheit you cover vegetables. Use only * tiny amount of water and enougS heat to make a steamy blanket; - Leave the vegetables whole to nab all their goodness, and cook just before serving. Lumber' Fire-Proof ed Ltiimber is now being fabricated fat large quantities, chemically mad« so fire retardant that it is classified on a combustibility scale closer to asbestos than to ordinary wood. A V recent Underwriters' Laboratories . report on this new type of building material states that fire resistance" ;is achieved in proportion to theft-• >' amoulit of the chemical--chromated • " • • zinc chloride--deposited in the Wood.ii "' ANNUAL TOWN MEETING r SALE~Ford-Ferguson- tractors ; -- Notice is hereby given to the legal: a«d making! WJ -voters, residents of the Town of Mc- e eu.e® on new tiactors and equip- ^otg gnd h injections were ' Henryvin the-County of McHenry a^d ment" Ford-Ford Ferguson Services opuio iui a\i uajs, .»uo W.V4 Mrs. H. E. Buch and Mrs. Jferome ^ers community, has been prethatsomeTpots^ sap'pear^andoth-j Buch spent a few days last week for ,al the Har"s°n ers became lighter. j visiting Henry Buch at State College, j 0<!; °n St- Patrick s evening, March The ointment treatment of the | Miss. I '• Refreshments will be served free con-| The Misses Mildred and Eleanor;and a11 are Jnvited to attend. in-tnc-vuuiii^ iTiv.nciii)' (w'u , « i OAQ. 'PU Qf tji QC1 tUinIluuceUd fIUoIr soecvvecrldall ImIlUonIltUhlso,, wWhllCenIl ttlhlCe [i *Kvinnisoaoliaa,, "Mitiosos Mmaalriice iP oVwWeCrlss aalnlUd ,,, Mrs. .B te rnice Bloun•t *h4aWsO "acvcvevrp ted State of Illinois, that the Annual a" jT68,' T1, .1TirooP ?>t-» rnone Sol pigmentation had decreased greatly I Mrs. Bertha Jensen visited Floyd the Posltion as teacher of primary Town, Meeting of said town will Wowlstack, 111. 40tf Hon the face and in many parts of the ' ' * * " take place on Tuesday, April fourth, KOR J5ALE--Year-'round comfort and ! body- A. D., 1944, being the first Tuesday economy with fire-proof Johns-Mail- ®ne year after this ovary or gland of said month. ville Rock Wool Home Insulation treatment was stopped, small spots The town mee:mg for the transac-1 -'Blownin" walk and ceiline-s^ Call beg3" to appear about the eyes, tipn of miscellaneous business of sai:i LEO J. STILLING McHenry 18 Now this is only one case, but town will be held at the hour of 2 ' 36tf o'clock p. m. on said day at the ----- ! ' Schiessle building, town clerk's office, • s HELP WANTED West McHenry, Illinois, and a mod- Covalt in St. Therese hospital on Sunday evening. - room at Harrison school for the rest of this term. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Miss f °"r grade pupils, Irene Genevieve Knox and Robert Knox ^rom'l1haf m<?Ved to. Portland, were Chicago callers Friday even-1 five "ars US ing, where they were called by thej Ha y rrison school has gone bver the Soie trhceases ecTasSese 'sthpeS ssp'o'dtsi sdaispapppeeaarr ! de"th and Mrs H E Buch and Mrs ^$60 0 mark erator having been elected, will pro- HELP WANTED--Men or women. ; ceed to hear and consider reports of McHenry Tent and Awning Co. 43-tf officers, to appropriate money to ; - . j defray the necessary expenses as Draft exempt man for may, in pursuance of law, come be- ^.ar wor^* -^PP'y Miller Products, fore the meeting. Phone 195. 39-tf H e l p g r a n'd^ women -- H u n t e r B o a t C o m pany. 41 tf .Given under rrty hand" at .McHenry WA'NTTF'h this 16th day of March, A. D„ 1944. MRS- ROBERT J. CONWAY, Town Clerk. (Pub. March 16 and 23) without treatment and that others disappear with the correction of genital ailments, it will certainly be much worth while for our women's specialists and general practitioners also, to try this treatment on these coffee-colored spots. When we remember how ovary extract in the great majority of cases gives relief from the symptoms of the menopause, it is not too much to expect that at last a remedy has been found to remove these embarrassing cofl^e-jQlgred spots in buying war saving Jerome Buch left last Thursday , St^^S' , , , . , morning for Oklahoma City, where ".JS* X Jl"' c.™pl«t<!d thfey will visit their son and husband. , ,f,+,rT. -e' ^ Mrs. Jter ome Br uicuh, w,ho ih_ a dj ib_ een „M a l c o l m M c l,n t y r e a °s i ,n s t r u c t o r . CA H v.is.i.t.in g reli at.i.v es ,h ere .fo r severa,l wi ere .s or.r y' s,h e had to leave us when , . ... , , , , her husband was «veeks, will remain with her husband.i servjce 4 Mrs. Leonard Antonson and McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Humphrey Bogart--Bruce Bennett "SAHARA" Plus--Cartoon, Novelty and News called for ajmy son! Mrs. Eleanor Foley*attended acornreturned last week from the Wood-!mittee meeting at County Superintendent McCannon's office on Wed- Brown Crickets Black 'crickets which sing on the fcwarth can be tolerated, but the brown cricket should be disposed of since he adapts lymself to your hearth and eats his way through ywr possession#. ANIMALS WANTED • dead animals wtLL win the Insulin Injections WAR -- Five dollars is the least we! rj • i * ' \ pay for dead horses and cows in good otimill3t6 AppCtltC Condition. Wheeling RenJd ering Co. ! * : ' . M- X V- • Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the Just as iflost gY?rw?ights have a charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf 1 lar^l appetite and eat much more MRRON-PTT A WPFTN ' than the^.. need, so most case's of MISCELLANEOUS | underweight are rather "picky" ---- ! about their food and have a small tvnirai riimoto AIfalfa ?15-60, Clover $18.30, Blue appetite. And just as the overiw'fe i j j _ TaS hybrid Seed Corn $3.50, all per weights choose the starches and fats Climate-Controlled Oranges and the other citrus fruits nets. They can be produced on a Commercial scale only in relatively restricted areas in and near the tropics. There oranges and their «Jousins, lemons, limes and grapefruit, manufacture generous supplies HAVE YOU HEARD about the bushel. Also many other bargains. Postal card us today for catalogue and samples. Hall Roberts' Son,! Postville, Iowa. 41-5 of vitamin C, now considered so important in human diet, and thus tnake it possible to ship this life- •listaining gift to less favored climes. reduced Auto Liability and Property 1 Damage rates ? They will surprise ! i you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. phone 8. L; -- ' •" [GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf Hard Hat Saves Mail From Crushing Death One of the naval air stations reports a spectacular accident in which a hard hat saved the life o£ its wearer. / An electrician ground crew mato ' Working in one of the hangars was^ Producer of patables observed by a supervisor to be with- Portugal is best known, perhaps, out a safety helmet as required by, as a producer of eatables and drinkregulations. Called on. it, he replied ables. It had also developed its minthat he thought that company hel- eral wealth to export stature before , mets were not available to subcon- world trade was thrown out of gear . tractor employees. The error was war. Up to 1939, the mining corrected, and a hard hat imme- industry had been shipping ores of diately provided. That was in- the tungsten, tin, copper and titanium morning. in tonnages valued at millions of dol- The afternoon of the same day it lars> Lack of elec*ric power and (fat builders), so most underweights choose meats, leafy vegetables and fruits (which are not fat builders). There are exceptions to this, of course. I have spoken before of the use in Canada and the United States of insulin in stimulating the appetite. In the Amerifan Journal of Sciences, ?&ie<3?lphie, is a report fr<?m Brazil r£<j6t,<^iiY^ th£ results of using insulin in underweight patients. Dr. -, , J. B. Gre§r and his associates treatdispose of your garbage each week, E(J JQ underweight patients with inor oftener if desired. Reasonable sulin with "most satisfactory results." They injected insulin just once a day, beginning with eight units and increasing according to the patient's appetite on the previous day; nqver more than 30 units were injected. The injection was made about 45' stock hospital. M"rs. Elizabeth Michels returned the last of the week after spending a - few days in tHei Raymond Van Heirslee home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer and little son left last week for California, where they will make their home. David Reed and Walter Carey have been spending the past few weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. R. D'Vore and the former's father are visiting in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Miss Marjorie Duker and friend of Cook County Hospital School of Nursing, Chicago, visited in the C. H. Duker home over the weekend. Pvt. Michael Thill of Fort Sheridan, accompanied by his wife, who is now making her home with her parents, the Jacob Diedrichs, while he is in service, visited relatives at Aurora on Sunday. Bob Bacon of Chicago spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffei*, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer and daughter, Carol Ann, and Mrs. J. R. Knox were Sunday guests in the Leo Zimmer home in Palatine. Miss Nadine Schaefer, student nurse at St. Ann's hospital, Cfticbgo", spent the weekend at her home here. nesday, March 15. Richard Hessler is a new pupil in the second grade. Irish Potato Yield Th« average yield of Irish potatoes in the U. S. has increased from 112.6 bushels to 136 bushels per acre in the last 10 years. It is thought that this increase is partly due to the new varieties which ha'veDeeS introduced. One of these is the North Carolina "Sequoia." Best Marksmeh Right-Eyed Men with dominant right eyes are the best marksmen, it is said. Studies of nearly 2,000 military recruits showed that men with very strong right eyes made the best showing, and that the poorest shots were those whose left eyes were highly predominant. However, the poor showing of left-eyed men probably partly was the result of the fact that the rifles were designed for right-handed persons. Only 16 per cent of the right-handed men were left-eyed. SUNDAY & MONDAY March 19-20 Jariies tagney -- Grace George "Johnny Come Lately" Plus--Cartoon and World >News MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILL. FRI, & SAT.--2 FEATURES James Cagney--Humphrey Bogart in "OKLAHOMA KID" Plus "HI YA SAILOR" Donald Wood -- Elyse Knox % TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Robert Donat •-- Valerie Hcfceon "Adventures of Tartu" Also--Short Subjects WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY JPimmy Lydin -- Charlie Smith "Henry Aldrich Haunts a House" SUNDAY, AND MONDAY March 19-20 "PRINCESS O'ROURKE * starring OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND ROBERT CUMMINGS TUESDAY ONLY, MARCH 21 Brought Back By POPULAR DEMAND! "MY FRIEND FLICKA" in vivid technicolor with Roddy McDowalL--Preston Foster 0 m WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY March 22-23 Matinee Wednesday, March 22 2 Shows--12 Noon and 2 p.m. THE CONSTANT NYMPH Charles Boyer -- Joan Fontaine Honey Burns Easily Cakes, cookies and the like prepared with honey should be baked at slightly lower temperatures than when sugar is used, for honey burns easily. Check temperatures care- Mrs. Albert Valea, who ha8 b«n! I spending the past few weeks wi* i Happened! A piece of 2 bv 4 bv 18- transportation slowed recoveiy ;! bnce a day and stopping it gradual •m < * * »V» h.mmUL ! lv nrAtonfe iViia r* 1 «~i 1-» n / 4U ^ _ the patients w„e re .a dvi_s e.d , to eat i hu er hu usbu andJ, wLh o Uh„a s been ;inll in a„ iti ~ hsna few d a y s the patient's height and build, the !thl® week *£ h" ^°me P . . injections of insulin were gradually 1 George B. Frisby, Jaraes d i s c o n t i n u e d - l a n d M a r y O C o n n e l l v i s i t e d M i s s This injection of the insulin only j Mary O'Flaherty at Techny, 111., on Sunday. ? inch timber, with three spikes driv- mmera wea^h. en clear through it, fell from a catwalk 134 fe^t above, striking the man on the head with such force (670 foot-pounds) that one -of the nails penetrated the left side of the helmet near the top. Aside from being knocked down and stunned, the man suffered no other injury and was able to resume his work without ill effects. Had he not worn the helmet, the nail would unquestionably have pierced his skull and brain. Repairs Tissues Everyone, both young and -old, needs proteins to repair worn-out tissues Few Disease! Cause Poultpr Men Such Losses When you notice wet beaks or wheez in?, get bu»y quickly with either of ^tbesc conveaierit, tested tremtmenU. IN THI iil Forcolda and breathing troubles. Helps prevent spread; relieves symptoms. Works frum the Inside against such disorders. Used alone, or in severe cases. I With VAl'O-SI'RAY. l SPRAY WITH VAPO-SPRAY Over heads of the h;rds. Rapid ID %- ftcUoo, higk is autttepUc and lAliot value. Get VAPO-SPRAY vf» < Lewwilaion NOW, and be pr^ |^j Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry Tiny Match-Shaped Lamp Lights Powerful Searchlight A new type of high-intensity searchlight providing more than 7,500,000 candlepower, its tiny, match-shaped mercury lamp cooled by compressed air, has been developed in a wide variety of mountings suitable for shipboard or land use. With • its ' 900-watt mercury lamp, this 12-inch searchlight is four tjmes as powerful as the convention-" al incandescent searchlight of "the same size. | Such heat is created by the mer- ' cury arc inside the lamp that it must be constantly air cooled. The air is forced through a rubber hose into the top of the searchlight drum by an air compressor, and blows over the lamp through twin nozzles. Twenty-five pounds of pressure is used. Warm air escapes through small ventholes in the bottom. With air cooling, the searchlight can be operated in all types of weather. The light beam, pale bluish-greeh in color, is flat and narrow, making it suitable for many specialized applications such as lighting of distant horizontal surfaces from a low mounting height. Three circular louvers prevent the escape oi stray light. ' • ly, protects the glands of the pan- ' Mrs- J- F- Fleming. and' Mrs. C. F. creas that manufacture the insulin. ! Whitfield of Sullivan and Mrs. John It removes the burden of work from j A- InS of Decatur spent the past them for the time being. ^ ; week with Mr. and Mrs. Zion F. "The unanimous statement of the JSaker. > patients was that they ate as never | Mr. and Mrs.'Martin Conway, Mr. before in their lives." 1 | and Mrs. Howard Gairns and Mi s. Ed There are, of course, many cases ! Holly visited in the Lynn" Smith home of underweight due to infection in Rockton, 111., on Sunday. - which "uses up" some of the food | Miss Marie Nix, senior nurse at eaten. There are other cases of un- ! Cook County School of Nursing. Chiderweight where too much play, not cago, has been visiting her mother, enough sleep, not enough outdoors Mrs. Tillie Nix. ' are factors in preventing gain in | ' Howard Cairns and Paul Yanda weight. | y^ere callers at Foist Sheridan on . ? J? gratifying to know that the Saturday afternoon. injection of insulin when stomacl ' ' is empty will create an appetite ii ing. When honey is heated too much or for too long a period, the aromatic oils evaporate and the delicate flavor is destroyed. It is well to keep in mind, too, that while honey contaips water, it also takes moisture from the air. [ l l j III, Selection of a casket, appropriate both to the occasion and to the available means, may be made in the privacy of our. ^ display rooms. . . I- - Jacob Justen Sons ' -- Funeral Directors--" ^--7-- Phone McHenry 103-R - Residence, McHenry 112-W Green Street, corner Elm -- McHenry ' Cocoa Producers For many years the other Americas were the chief producers of cocoa. Then the cacao tre«, of which the cocoa bean is a product, wasplanted in West Africa. And that section of the world became the chief supply. underweights. QUESTION BOX Wives Cannot Divorce Soldiers Without Consent One thing the hasty war bride must forego for the duration is a divorce from the husband she may Fredj Soc uh oewer and: have chosen too quickly from the armed services_ 4 Mr. and Mrs She *can be di_ Mr .and Mrs. L. Allan Blomgi en : y0rced only if h6r husband agrees tended the golden wedding anniver- the proceedings, legal authorities sary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. will reopen for business . THURSDAY/MARCH 23 * m y Harry W. Scott in Chicago on Saturday evening. Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Amalida Dean, 93 years old, was sayv The reason is that a federal law prohibits judgment by default | against any person in uniform ; and this applies to divorce as well ; as other legal proceedings. No mat- j ter how strong the grounds for di-M vorce may be, the wife is helpless ! Milk In a Cibe s There's a chance yc a will buy a week's supply of fresh milk at th« grocery store one of tt ese days iit a package of milk cubes. Now being experimented with, the :ubes are Defended Crimea _ Seventy-five years after Russia dry, wrapped, and can be kept sev- , won the Crimea from Turkey, she eral weeks in a refrigerator. You'll was forced to defend it against the simply drop a cube in a glass of allied might of fcngland, France and water and have fresh, whole milk Turkey--the Crimeah war, 1853 to with no "condensed" . taste. ! 1856. Q---Do X-rays show adhesions and tumors? A.-X-rays will show adhesions if! Pr®?ent the occasion. _ adhesions or tumors are obstructing •( ' a ^ra' ^°U1S, fF , * the bowel or stomach. | Woodstock visited in the Norbert © --Would the chnhir on i Yegge home here Saturday night. tion cause my head to feel as though1 Miss Mar*aret Larkin a"d Miss : Unless the husband voluntarily signs . s inoug.n i Mabel Knox attended a performance, a waiver of his rights. He may be ! «f * Oklahoma" in Chicago on Sat- across the street from the court- , ^ ; house, but cannot be compelled Miss Beatrice Williams, student > to come in and answer a divorce nurse at St. Ann's hospital, Chicago, complaint. Until six months after is spending the. week visiting her the war, he is immune unless he parents, the Jos. A. Williams. wills otherwise. Mrs. Elizabeth Pfch returned last He will of course be obliged to sup- Week from Chicago, where, she had , ^ Jus jvxfe • but if^she has, after been spending the past few weeks, marriage discovered things about Mr, William Smith ^Chic.,. spent a few days last week in tne ... . Clarence Martin home. Mrs. Robert Sutton and Mrs. Florence Kraft of Richrpond visited Mrs. tjeorge Lindsay one day this week. Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs- George Lindsay attended a Nurses' Allies meeting^ at Woodstock last Thursday afternoon veins were going to burst? A.--Shock from operation can cause many symptoms. Pain on,ur^f.yside of head may be due to eye disturbance, indigestion, tired nerves, tafectcd teeth aud other caui.es'. High Taxes Ta* rates in Great Britain range from 32% per cent on the first $660 of taxable income to 97% per cent in the highest brackets. that a divorce is imperative, she will have to spend the rest of the war as his wife unless she cafi gain his co-operation. Hang Singly 'Hang guest towels singly with a third over the line, and with emwmum S.hert7," jr., and Mr. .M \ J"1* or colore4 «dgin« « Mr». raul Dolwcty. atumfed the p. the bottom. JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS COMPANY BUFFALO. N. Y. Housewives call it their most dependable cleaning aid. Cleans painted woodwork and walls, sanitas, rugs, upholstery. Wonderful for Venetian blinds, too. No hard rubbing or rinsing necessary. SALE PRICE GALLON StZB Rtfular Priot $1.50 QUARTS 60c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET McHENRY.TLL. O

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