1 - '• \ . *, * : t v* ^ % *!" • , '%*:• • -Vj: Z"?,,/'r.f .'V ^£A*v3 ,.^v««<iii'y »>>»in»wiif «&""<»* >« *nwr.<iw # ii»»i|n me*'i «#»» '• «n*mJ>w>%iiwiii« >ji>«i»»if n-xwr in »»»•«)»>• ^ ;v* . % •<*% -*-'•«>. n%i i ^ ^ Vv r' 7 :i ,-v fit>: • •,!•,*>.-.•»'. '. " ., ••«." •*.•. > ••• V "• ' '-'• > '* J, . v, ' . > ' - . " * > " , - i f m r . " ; , - T < • > - ' - " • • - L * V >* » \ " •* ** " • *>» T- <«Si» ?.-•-•?•: 'i- - ^ ^ ; .1 . mtiPm *••*<• > -* ft- V^f'i ' , V i " * - • » * W * ' * • * > X. - A 4» ' , ,vy » ; • r.ttf.-4^ r ' ,-kr. :r.^^ .g^ S j J^JL. L;> T . ; i -a«« le 68 M'HENKY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1045 CARROLL WINS G.O.P. NOMINATION FOR JUDGE MEElfflG LAST1 SATURDAY ENDED UVELY Carroll Winner ' On Fourth Ballot Orer v"(; Joslyn and Oowttn --. (From Woodstock Daily Sentinel/ March 2«) In one of the most Interesting Jadlclal conventions erer held In the Seventeenth District, William M. Carnil, state's attorney of McHenry county, Saturday was nominated together With Judges William R. Dusher of Rockford and Ralph J. Dady of Waukegan, as the Republican candidates for the three judge posts in the district at the June 4 election. Carroll upset the so called "dope fcecket" by winning the nomination three other candidates although almost started from scatrch in his county by polling only two votes each of the first two ballots EQUALIZING IN FAITH AND HOPE our spirit on the' birthday of our Lord is a similar spirit which pervades on Easter, the day of His Resurrection. Following forty days of prayer and penitence, the tranquillity of Easter descends upon us, even more welcome amid wartime, strife and sadness; iifkpiring us to devote ourselves to V peace which we shall one dap weleome again. As Of* world gains renewed hope with each retelling of the story of His resurrection, it is only fitting that each one of us spend at east 'one hour in church in prayer, for nowhere else can the true spirit of the season be found. The voices of the choir raised in the singing of hymns, hands clasped in fervent prayer--this is the spirt of the day. For Easter reaffirms our faith not alone in God but in our fellowt » p v. Holy Thursday will be observed as always in commemoration of the Last Supper of Christ. In Catholic churches the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout On"the7hlrd ballot*Carroll*"ciin\e out| the day for Public adoption. Linens and decorations will be Us own county with 10 and a frac- j taken from the altars, the procedure denoting the grief assovotes and almost clinched 1 the ciated with the day. fcerth on this ballot reaching a total pf Commemoration of the crucifixion will be observed oh * *nd a fraction votes and just three; Good Friday. The Mass of the Presanctified will be read " because on the previous day the Sacred Heart was cons*, crated. • • • ' Holy Saturday will be observed as a day of strict fast" and abstinence until noon, when the lenten season ends. The Paschal candle will be blessed and organs will resume the playing of the mass where they stopped so abruptly on Holy Thursday,, demonstrating joy as the lenten season comes to a close. I ST. MARY'S At St. Mary's church, mass was at 8 a. m., Thursday morning, with Holy Hour at 7:30 in the evening. On Good Friday the Mass of^the Presanctified will be read at 8 o'clock, with Stations of the Cross at V:30 in the evening. On Holy Saturday there will be blessing of the Easter^candle and watei> at 7 a. m., followed by a high mass a^8 o'clock.^ ' On Easter Sunday morning, masses will be as follows: 7:00, law mass; 8:30, high mass; 10:00, high, mass, and 11:80, low mass. The girls'choir will sfag at the 8:80 mass, choosing the "Missa B re vis" by P. I. M. Wilkens. Other selections will be W' 2^- action yotea short of enough im over. " It was on the fourth ballot tyat the " \ lreak came-for Carroll. As the varl- ••s delegations went to their caucus ffooms a rumor went the rounds that Lake county was going to swing its V V 4|nUre block of 72 and a fraction votes tor Carroll. This proved true a fs'v .minutes later when a shout came frem ' |ke Lake county caucus room and then fte word followed that Carroll was *. S When the delegates returned to the fonvention hall and the roll call . Started, Lake county cast its 72 and a .. - 4Braction votes for Carroll. McHenry followed with 11 and a fraction. Ho tad sicked up another vote In his own County. Winnebago then gave Carroll 17 and he was over the top. Boone followed with a split of 6 for Carroll and : f for Joslyn. > /; Make It UnnnhVMM U was all over and Winnebago asked to mhke their vote unanimous for Carroll, W. L. Miller, mayor of Marengo, Who had placed the name of David R. jsloslyn in nomination, asked to with- ^raw his name and make -the, vote ' ^aanimous for Carroll. C. Russell " Jillen. who nominated Henry L. Cow- ; Hn. asked to withdraw his name and Stake it unanimous for CArroll. Albert . ©"Sullivan of Belvidere, who nominated Judge Frank Oakley, asked to withdraw his name and that Carroll be j :y nominated by a unanimous vote of the | 7'«onvention. This was dotae. '^ Prior to the nomination of Carroll .the present two judges, Ralph J. Dadv -•rr".»nnl William R. Dusher, had been nom- j ^|aated by acclamation at the opening * of the convention. It Was Gr4t Flgk^ • it was a great victory for CtLrro.U Who six years ago came within three «r four votes of winning the nomination. He demonstrated that a candidate could go out of McHenry county with YOUTH AMONG NEW CASUALTIES -"* -.jr. 5 "Regina Coeli" by Antonio Lotti, and at Benedicton, "Jesu Mitis" by Sister M. Gisela, S. S. N. D., and wTantum Ergo" by J. A. Menth. The closing hymn will be "Sing To Praise the Glorious Victor." Following the HVidi Aquam" by J. Singenberger, the mixed choir will sine "Missa Exultate" by Arena at the 10 o'clock high mass. They will also use the "Regina Coeli" hjf Witt and M0 Glorious Easter Vision," by H. Tappert. ST. PATRICK'S ' : At St. Patrick's church, the Biass of the Presanctified will be read on Friday at 8 o'clock in the morning, with Stations of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross and sermon at 7:30/ in the evening. A high mass will be sung at 8 o'clock on Holy Saturday. Confessions .will be heard on that day between 2 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon and between 7 and 9 in the evening. A missionary priest will assist in hearing confessons. On Easter Sunday, a high mass -will "be sung at 8 o'clock, the mixed choir having chosen "Second Mass in D" by Ganss. At the offertory they will rendtr the "Haec Dies" by Wiegand and at Benediction, **0 Salutaris" and "Tantum Ergo." As parishioners leave the church, they will sing "Christ thl Lord Has Risen Today." ' There will be low masses at 9:30 and 10:30 o'clock. ~ ST. JOHN'S At St. John's church, Johnsburg, masses will be sunt "it 8 and 10:45 o'clock on Easter Sunday. The choir's offerings will include the "Vidi Aquam" by Tappert, the Intit^t Communio and Graduate by Tozer, the Kyrie,' Gloria, Credo, Santus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei by Farnsworth, the sequence (Victimae Paschali), Gregorian, and the recessional, "Regina Coeli," by Singenberger. » 1 COMMUNITY METHODIST This year's Easter services at the Community Mefhodfet tfhurch will be held in the Masohic hall at 11 a. m. Rev. Powell's sermon will be "He Still Lives." A prelude, "The Holy City," will be played as a cornet solo by . Dean Mc- Cracken. Two special offerings by the mixed choir will be j ^t expert care was taken in set- "O Morp of Beauty" from "Finlandia" by Silbelius, and "Ho- i ting his wrist, and that in the hoesannah" by Jules Greiner. Mrs. Donald Blounjt, Dean ] pital he and the other p»tients are McCracken and Norman Knaack will be featured soloists j often served cocoa or some light in the latter number. At the offertory Mrs. C. W. Goodell j lunch between their regular* will play Handel's "Largo." Mrs. Harry Barr will render This is an encouraging sidelnrht for the solo "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth." Friday evening services will be held at the church and will begin at 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Powell's sermon on this occasion will bs "The Spirit of an Ox." E "Dick" Willianw Received Injuriw In Tftll From Tni Friends of Richard Williams, soa of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Williams, - were sorry to learn last week that he had been added to McHenry's casual- . ties in World War II. However, details revealed that he was not seriously injured. It was on March 7, while parched in a tree in Germany, putting up power cord for the signal corps, that a large limb of the tree broke. "Dick" fell to the ground and suffered a broken wrist and an injured back. He was at first placed in -a hospital just hack of the lines and later was moved to' Aachen, then Belgium, and is now in * hospital "in England. _ For several days he was unable to walk because of his back injury, bul . is now able to be about again. In ill, he has been confined to five hospitals, and will be unable to 'return to duty for three months. Parents of other servicemen will be happy to hear "Pick's" high praise of the care given wounded boys overseas. He has written home • "•It EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ~ At the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church, Good Friday services will be held at 7:15 in the evening. On Easter Sunday the congregation will convene at 9 o'clock for worship. X MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE ' ^ I guess it's about • time I -sat down again and dropped you a linjs to let you, know where I am. I meant to stop ui and see .you while I was home but somehow t h e t i m e j u s t skipped away from me. I never saw days pass so fast but I guess that's the way it goes. Since I came back from Panama I have been transferred to the infantry and right now am taking six weeks of ad- „ eat the support of his own delegation j vanced infantry training. After that * nnd win. Tliis was the plea of many | they say we will be sen' ;j,K the McHenry county delegates at i 8eas into combat. e.O.P.i NOMINEES FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE NEWS ABOUT t) Anj Air' SerirTce ifEnglancT-- To Anj JiixJSerriee Command Depot in ~ meet the needs of American war planes battering Germany supply men^of this largest air service , c o m m a n d d e p o t handle 1,100 tons of vital aircraft parts and equipment daily and during 1944 speed-* ed a record total of over 700,000,000 pounds to combat bases. Sharing in this job is Sgt. Harvey N. Freund, son of Mr. and ethers who have boys confined in overseas hospitals. ^' -~f William Balet Saturday evening of hat weA Fred Baier of Woodstock received wcrd that his son. Willi**® Baier, was wounded in action on March IS in Germany. He was serving in » heavy tank group and had been in the thick of the action for many weeks. A brother, Lieut. Don Baier, was wounded in hte battle of Attu. Haskel Garrett k Haskel Garrett, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. U. H. Garrett of Hartland, was ^ wounded in action somewhere in the Philippines on feb. 22, his injuries being confined to his legs > and hands. The Purple Heart was awarded to him on Feb. 2S, _his» I birthday. * Mattingly Brothers :~"~ John R. Mattingly, son of Mr. an# Mrs. J. D. Mattingly of Union, is now recovering from a wound in - the left arm which he buffered during the battle of Manila. He is now at a base hospital in New Guinea. His brother, Charles, has been - reported slightly wounded at Bastogne. The boys have three other brothers also in service. Omar L. Green Fear that Omar L. Green of Haitsent back over- This is all part WILLIAM X. CARROLL RALPH J. DADT WILLIAM R. DUSHER land township had broken his back Mik, pr„d K«d Last month supply men hung up • when word came to the parents, the new record by answering over 271,- j, * GnmB that X-rays revealed " ; 4T0v0 -fd.e mands ofoiwr ia iar craft j.s u5pp jli_e.s.. that,no bones were KMmokn«e«n . . That's nearly 9,000 demands a day, requiring nearly twenty miles of More Ceeaaltlee ... Pictured above are the three can-/cult he has endeared himself not only; as^ state's attorney and who wa#te Three Crystal Lake men have been tently that unless McHenry county corps tothe infantry that has been didates nominated by Repubican dele- to the lawy^s, but to the laymen of'elected in 1944 for a new term. He | paper work to put them into the wporte(j wounded. They are Edwin sapported one candidate |he nomina- going on for quite some time now. M gates from the Seventeenth Judicial the circuit as well. ; also served eight years as a member j hands of the airmen who use them „ tkm would go to the Boone county netting back to my furlough, I district at Waukegan last Saturday. RALPH J. DADY, Waukegfen, who of the legislature from this district, against Germany. candidate. ' / really had a swell time while I was | Two of the candidates are - seeking succeeded the late Judge Claire C, State's Attorney Carroll was defeated) Sgt. Freund, who is an aircraft en- Lakeftelped Cairell '.home and don't let anyone kid you. re-election.They inclade: Edwards on the bench in 1930. He Is aI for judge six years ago in a olose gineer inspector, was formerly em- Lake county really elected Carroll, i There is still no place like home. WILLIAM B. DU8HEK, vRockford, former state's attorney of Lake county [ race with Judge William L. Pierce, j ployed by the Eenith Radio company This county gave.him 52 and a frac-j «u,»„ i, !j4*,»,g. ,»etting late aanndd aalltthhoouugffh\ !' wwhhoo wwaass eelleevvaatteedd to the circuit court and has proved an able jurist ssiinnccee |jw whhoo iiss retiring from the bench at tthhee |ji inn Chicago.' He has a brother, Eltton votlk on the first ballot. 54 and!... • ' t'li Aiave to close Be-I bench to flU-the vacancy caused by his elevation to that position. - conclusion of his present term in June, mer, serving with the navy. ' n* tn tj»lr# this death of Judge Thomas E. Gill In 1942. WILLIAM M. CARROLL. Wood-] The election will be held on June 4. James Freund of Camp Robinson, Ark., has been enjoying a furlough with his parents, the George Freunda. a fraction on the seedbd. 59 and a1 j" do though, I want to take : pf EL 1948. CARROLL, Wood- j J«ne 4, fraction on the thlrd and f* and a free- chanc< ^ thank you and all respon-! Since his election as judge 6f the clr- stock, who has served two toll terms 1945. Hon on the fourth. _ sible for sending the past news- * Winnebago gave Carroll seven ™ papers. Keep them coming. I'd be tfhe first. 13 on the second, 1« on the fjgt without it. third and then went all out for htm GEORGE FREUND, . Camp Shelby, Miss. LOCAL INJURED IN CAR, TRUCK COLLISION en the fourth when it became evident he could win with just a few votes. Oakley Jumped into second place, , __ on the first ballot when he polled 111 Just a^note to let you know w e ^ ^ Monday morning of this votes from hie own county, 41 from I *m and a change oi arv. „„„i. j_ MiiMinn County-- Carroll Cowlin week in an automobile-truck collision. Joslyn Three McHenry , persons -*were in- BALLOTIHO ELMER O. SMITH TO TAKE OVER OPERATION OF SERVICE STATION : Gumprecht, who is again op duty after recovering from a wound in his right shoulder while serving with General fatton's army In Germany; Arthur A. Koch, who was slightly injured in Germany; and Paul Smith, who is hospitalised after being wounded for the second time. He was struck by shrapnel while , in combat in France. NOTICE Morris Crouch arrived home the J All [business places in McHenry last of the week from Great Lakes, j will be closed between the hours of 111., having completed boot leave. 12 and 8 p. pa.. On Good Friday. He has been confined to the hospital #ed to third place in the fight on the because l'r* been moving too i«^, O>dock at the inter8ection of Shoe- fecead Ballet second ballot when Joslyn broke Into .but they will catch up to me . fa<?tory Road and Route 59.east 0f County-- B'ne L'ke McH Winnebago county to poll 31 votes, j Haven t seen any ®ction as y Elgin. - ^Carroll « 54 2 Joslyn started on the first tallot with i it probably wont be long ( NeIaon of 10S7 Morton ave_ Cowlin • 1 17 McHenry folks are happy to learn 7-- it', of ,the opening of a new business in 41-- 55'McHenry. More than that, it is with scarlet fever. ' First Ballet B'ae L'k« McH Wgo--Tol 0 52 % 7-- «1 1 1C 7-- 25 hum ui* «"u - -- - . . , _____ i.tsiv weeK automooiie-trucK cuuisiun. uusiyn -- 0. _ lf 12 Winnebago, and 3 from Lake. He drop-1 «Hy I haven t recei p pe n,e accident occurred about 10:30 , Oakley- 11 S 0 55! McHenry. | NeUon Cristy is on leave ftrom jped I>e^ i m° * o'clock at the intersection -Second | especially good news because the j navy duties at Memphis, Tenn. W*go--To'l j new manager is one of our veteran® | II-- 63; of World War II, one . of McHenry's j Sgt. James Harrison and Lieut. - - f . will &imer « xua, r - - "'youths who has been given an i Frank Harrison are now with the 12 from his own county, 1« from Lake. will. t . ,nwr t.„t V aDDre. nue. Elgin, was driving west on Joslyn 9 14 11 SI-- 561 honorable discharge from army ser-1 eighty-sixth division somewhere in ,till confined to a hospital overseas. and 7 from Winnebago. | 1 want you to know that pp ^ ha the Oakley 11 4 0 10- 20 vice after being wounded overseas. {France. William C. Harrison, M. M. He has been in a hospital since stationed at San Angela, Texas, before being assigned to Buckingham Field.^ The many friends of William Sfc** maker, a former McHenry resident, will be sorry to learn that he is no v xrom winneDaKo , I want you to know that t appre- nue. Elgin, was driving O® n thJ e secownidn nbeaDlalogto J. oslyn dropped -cjioatte. the hhnomm»e ttoowwnn npaaDpeerr vveerryy mmuu ch Shoefactory Road when he hit { ^ ^ ^ ^ r_a to 11 In McHenry, lost two In Lake, and thanks a lot. Yours, FLOYD COVALT, Somewhere in Holland, feat regained the loss in these two counties by polling 31 In Winnebago for a total of 56. He had only 35 on the first roll call. j The other candidate. Judge Cowlin; polled 18 In McHenry on the first, 2 j BlrtHs In Lake and 7 in Wlnnetal^ 'ftr ai j total of 25 on the first.' He polled J MlltWi*!' HI • *4* duly 21 on the second losing one tn Lake and four in Winnebago !.»»»»»<•• auto in which Mr. and Mrs. George Witt and their granddaughter, Dee County- Ann Austin, 6, were riding. The Carroll ..... Witts were traveling south on R6ute Cowlin- 59 |, Joslyn .... Following, the collision, both ve- , Oakley ..... hides went through a nearby fence. stooping in a field. All sufFered Countybruises and cuts and Miss Austin Carroll an injury to her eye. Mr. Witt suf- Cowlin ;™ Mr. and Mrs. William Klapperich fared severe cuts to his wrist. i Joslyn ... •ae ana .uur.u tt.uuj:u«8v. m the of a daughter, born The occuoants of the autos were Oakley On the third ballot it became evMent^ Mart:h 24, at the taken to Sherman hospital by Sgt. | All fractions have been omitted in Don Barnes and Patrolman Byron | the above tables. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder of Scott of the state police. Both cars that Cowlin's candidacy was a lOSt : Third Ballet | On Wednesday, April 4, Elmer G. j 1/c, is with the Seabees in the Phil-; November 11, 1944, with a ley injury B'ne L'ke,McH W'go--To'l j gmith, son of Mrs. Rena Smith, will! ippines. Frank is the son of Mr. snd j sustained when he walked on a land . ^ 0 59 10 16-- 85; re-open the former Shell Service Sta- Mrs. Chancey Harrison of Ringwood ;l mine on that date. He has written 9 . 9" 7 1-- S tion at the intersection of Routes i and the ..other boys are the sons of {his parents during the pest week 0 18 13 42-- 68 3i and 120. The station/will be i the Clayton Harrisons. that he was operated on during the - last part of February for the re- Eugene Unti of Camp Wheeler,! moral of his right kidney. The at- Ga., is home on furlough, visiting' tending physician was unable to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Unti.; aaYe it because of a tumor. - the i cause of which is rnot known to the Second Lieutenant Henry Edward parents. The traction splint was Buch, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry \ taken off his leg in February and E. Buch, of 107 Park St.. McHenry,; he has a walking cast. He was able . 1 1 1 0 Fenrth Ballet B'ne L'ke McH W'go--To! . 6 73 11 62-- 152 0 0 3 0 -- 3 - 5 0 16 0-- 21 0 0 0 0-- 0 . „ . 1 1 Woodstock hospital cause as he polled on 8 votes, seven of -- . .. - '"7, SiratottnT' Lo^ly (tow^ taU. fourth ballot he polledjOiree in ^ ^ of a daughter, Marcia On complaint of Witt, Nelson was fcirls. Mrs. Elizabeth Pfch, Green own county a®* o^inWlnnehagobe- ^ ^ ElmhuMt hospital arrested for reckless driving, being | Street, McHenry fare this county switched to a saaair < on March 12 Mr> gehroider is the charged by Witt for failing to stop i 13 known in the future as Smith's vice Station. Mr. Smith also announces that in a very few weeks after the opening he will specialize in super service. Watch future editions for more details. •45-fp former Miss Florence Staffes. Be? , at the intersection. Nelson will ap- Pf? aoui vote to Carrftll. nair**.! sides her parents, the new baby is j pear for hearing before James Boone county stood pat tor Oak ey ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ Annette, and J Scheen, justice of the peace, «f Bart- " (tjontimied on rage roar) --Ya^ln^tlm, fhwwg -t Mrs. George Phalin and daughter, Terry, spent a few days the last of the week visiting relatives in Mil- WSBkWL Another shipment of beautiful Fisk hats, toast yellow, citron, black, navy blue and lovely white. Large head sizes. Elisabeth Pich, Green St., McHenry. 45-fp See FitsGerald's ad « page 8, with special annetoncement regarding rWKlnr ______ ' has been assigned to Buckingham to get around with one crutch until army air field, Fort Meyers, Fla., one the last operation. His last letter of the largest; flexible gunnery stated that he expects to. be about schools in the AAF Training Com- } again in a few days. -i mand, as a student officer, it was an-1 nouneed by Col. Othel R. Deering,' Gorgiana saateea hatss ^lack the commanding officer. Lieutenant; a^i navy. LaMB head Buch entered the army eighteui I beth Plch, GkeaR St, McBenry. 4Bf|^ months ago, and received his mlttkm on Jan. IT, 1945. He laej Mmtk - • '.1 1