f * $ 4 d f - it postofftos It MeHnrji HL, fluiettf May % 11*. ALCDITORIA SSOCIATIO FOR SALE Mn. Anita Bschsnbeagh attended a reunion of tho Beekenbeugh family at Hebron oh Sunday. Mr. and Mr®. Jack fMu of Chicago spent tiie weekend visiting Iter parents, Mr. and Nfcs. William Altlollewing sugar eatrsctfc*. FOR SALE--One four-piece bedroom suite, eighteenth century-mahogany, $150; also mahogany cedar chest, $40; and boudoir chair, $20. Top apartment in Tucker building, corner Pearl St. and Riverside Drive, Mc- Hehry. *2 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adelmeier attended a choral program given by cadet nurses of St. Ann's hospital in Chicago at the Lafollette nurk auditorium \ last Wednesday evening. Miss Berniece Freund was a member of the chorus. Miss Sylvia Richardson of Crystal Lake visited in the home of Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson on Sunday and in the evening attended the Baccalaureate service. Mrs. Celia Colby, son, Frank, and Mr. and Mrs, Zell Colby of Waukegan called in the Linus F. Newman home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moderhack and children, Darlene and Kenneth, 6t Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Kreutser, last -weekend. Miss Kathryn Simon returned l)ome Saturday from the Woodstock FOR SALE--Seven-piece walnut dinhospital, where she had undergone an ing room set, $25; mahogany library! appendectomy the previous week. table, $7; steel sanitary couch, $5; table model radio, $10; 2 50-gallon oil drums, $3.00 each. H. W; Albery, Sunset View subdivision, near Johnsburg. Tel. 657-W-l. Among those who attended the annual card party and dance sponsored by the Catholic Order of Foresters at the Morrison hotel in Chicago 2 Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff, Mr. and Mrs. LARGE ONES, small ones. I sell {Joseph May, Mr. and Mrs. Martin farms. „ List your farm wfth Dan! Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phann- Quinlai# Woodstock, 111. He sells j enstill, Mr. and Mrs. George J. •51-4 FOB SALE--Year -'"round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. » S6tf. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John R Freund. Mr. Althoff is a state trustee in the organization. Mrs. Louis Althoff returned home Sunday morning from Crystal Lake, where she spent a few days visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh. Mrs. Louis Stoffel and daughter, Mary Lou, spent Sunday and Monday FOR SALE--25 H.P. Johnson motor | visiting- in Burlington, Wis, *"d h®*}- AIm li-tube Rad,o. Callj Cadet Nurse Virginia aucoDda o7T9* 2 FOR SALE)--Sixty-egg incubator, oil heated, perfect condition. Price, $10. CaH McHenry 670-W-2. *2 iR SALE--Combination enameled Home Comfort range and heater. Also, 1 roll top desk, solid oak. Mrs. Christina Tonyan, Ingleside, 111. 2 FOR nSALE -- Three-burner kerosene stove, excellent condition, good construction and attractive in appearance. Very reasonable. Apply B. G. Liss, 114 River street, McHenry, HI., on Sunday, June 3, 9 a. m., to ^6 j>. m. *2 , FOR SALE--king Kold refrigerator with Frigidaire unit. Call Tinker, JtcHenry 22S-R, Saturday or Sunday. *2 ' i'-h; FOR SALE--Thousands of plants-- tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, egg slant, celery, sweet potatoes, cauliflower kohlrabi, onions, huckleberry, strawberry, asparagus roots, flower plants of all kinds> L. M. Pierce, MS Wheeler St., Woodstock. *2 FOR BALE--Boys balloon tire hi cycle, like new. Phone 616-R-l. y *2 WANTED--Farmers to raise Mifteoyy ducks for us. Will guarantee price above market. Will furnish eggs for hatching under chickens if'West Mc Henry' Sta te bank dwired. Chain O^akes "Game Fields, | Mrs. Fred Simon and daughter, t>BFD McHenry. Phone Pistakee 166. Kathleen, of Chicago, have been Williamt, Lorraine Johnson, R. N., and Marie Hoy, R. N. of St. Ann's hospital, Chicago, visited in the Joseph Williams home last weekend. Donald Givens was a recent blood donor at the blood center in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman called in the Charles Newman home on Sunday, May 27, and helped the latter celebrate his birthday anniversary. Machinist 1-C., • Merle Blowers and family of Bremerton, Wash., arrived Sunday to spend his leave visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund, and other relatives. Mrs. O. Tollefsen of Chicago visited McHenry friends on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalin of Kenosha, Wis., visited Miss Ann Frisby oMfrednesday afternoon. MrPand Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chicago spent the, weekend visiting in cHenry. E. C. Goeckel of Chicago was a weekend visitor in McHenry. A marriage license has been issued to Clyde Dickson of Woodstock and L. Ada Dowell of McHenry. Serviceman and Mrs. Charles Corso, the former of Keesler Field, Miss., spent the weekend visiting in the Henry Kinsala home. Mrs. Anna Bauer of Waukegan spent last week visiting in the Michael Bauer home. Miss Margaret Johnston of Wauconda is the new employee at the .Mr, pad Mrs. wfttam Freund of bubvfne, b. have bmu visiting relatives ta tads MHMtti. % Mr. and lb*. Ross CHbeoo and Xr. and Mrs. Anderson etf Pfceaperfc 111., spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl WVber. Mrs. Ida Mix returned the last of the week to the home, of Mrs. Rose Miller, after spending several weeks with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McDevitt and baby of Chicago visited her parents at Lily Lake and other relatives in McHenry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walsh and daughters, Shirley and Pamela, of Fox Lake visited hi the Alfons Adams home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Carl Weber home. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hall of Grayslake. Mrs. James Mahoney and children of Chicago visited in the John Phalin home last weekend and on Sunday evening attended the Baccalaureate service. Mr. Mahoney has gone to Kansas, where business will detain him for two months. Mr. and Mrs Martin Heckman and daughter of Chicago spent Memorial Day in the Frank Heckman home. Miss Frances Michels of Chicago visited relatives here on Wednesday. Miss Susan Nimsgern of Genoa City, Wis., spent Memorial Day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrfi. Geo. Clenstoph spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johnson at their cottage on the Fox river. Mr. and Mrs. -Leslie Bungard and children and Mrs. Mae Bungard of Elmhurst visited relatives here on Tuesday. Sunday visitors in the William Whiting home were Mr. and lib's. Clarence Whiting of Elgin and Miss Norma Whiting of Grayslake. Miss Elizabeth Bode of Lindsay, Nebraska, has been visiting friends here. BECENT BKIDB Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry iu-- MRS. ALFRED REGNER A very lovely single ring ceremony performed at St. Mary's church, at lEa£ndd . ^eBtewtweeeernf SRKmg^wldo™od aanndd" S£ololonn ! --CEc?leSanpOedO. LSAND SEPTIC TANKS I Fremont Center, on May 9, united in Phone Crystal 543^ • -- *- - S^te^htt'n. SSI*™*- Fredas. ^ 211 or phone Crystal Lake 8049-Y-4. | WE INSURE TOUR PERSONAL FOR SALE--8 in,, circular saw; drill press; each with electric motor. Phone Sunday, McHenry 675-R-l. 2 FOR SALE--1940 20uft, Express Cabin Cruiser. Hewes Brat Co., Fox Lake, I1L % 2-21PROPERTY in the city or country, wherever located in the U. S. or, Canada, against fire, burglary, windstorm, all in one policy. For information call Jacob Fritz, Real Estate and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chicago, phone Lincoln 1333. 60-13 WANTED WANiuS)--Corn Hills. -T marriage Miss Dorothy Obenauf of that,, parish and Mr. Alfred Regner of Lily Lake. The young couple now resides wV est of VOlo. MAY BRIDE McHenry Flour 2-2 HELP WANTED WANTED -- Responsible person or couple to^Mnake home with elderly Smtleman at McCuUom Lake. Tel. cHenry 653-W-l. 2 HEW WANTED -- Dishwasher for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays; "good pay. Rolaine Grill, Wonder Lake. Call Wonder Lake 226. ltf LAWN MOWER SHARPENING AND REPAIRING--Hand and power mowers. Robt Thurlwell, 110 Main St., West McHenry. 49-tf TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Yolo. TeL McHenry 681-M-l. =' 4£_tf HAvb YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask u»« for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. phone 8. 1 2?-tf WANTED--Draft exempt man for War work. ' Apply Miller Producta. Phone 195. 89-tf WANTED TO RENT ~~ WANTED TO RENT -- sjx room permanent home, in or around McHenry. Write A. Richtmyre, Westln. „ „ - McHenry postoffice. 2-2 Dnve> McHenry, HI., Phone McHenry Woodstok, 210 E " M ANT TO RENT -- For year round permanent house, unfurnished, in IcHenry, on or near the river: Two ,"»dults in family; good references .furnished. Write M. VanArkel, 9833 Avers Ave.. Chicago (42), 111. »l-2 MISCELLANEOUS rooms, reSi^f°room^hc^mmerdal ?»RBAGf C0LLE(^riNG -- uei j Became tne Dnae 01 ueraio buildings, etc. Also floor sandine your garbage each *eek, j Hettermann, son of Mrs. Lena Het FLOOR and reflnishing. 982 IMTftrvel stock, IU. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR. ING -- All work fully guaranteed. "Torchy" Krause, 810 Elm St, Mc- Henry. Tel. 379. . 42-tf FOR ANY TYPE OF HOMB INSULATION, ASBESTOS SHYING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, People's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside 211-J. St. Phone Woodstock 817. Jackson 20-tf DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we Pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf Henning Newman, CPhoto by Worwick) , MRS. GERALD HETTERMANN One of the lovliest of the late spring weddings was solemnized St St. Mary's church on Saturday morning, May 19, when Miss Mary Simon, daughter of the Herb Simons of this Let us | city, became the bride of Mr. Gerald sanHino- -- y?ur Karba*e e< r °r oftener if desired. Reasonable I termann Cross ef all «f enry hate Mad* a rt to be «f ktlp. list 6f articles daschool. 1. In tike lower hall of the x public grade school one has noticed a little white box with a Red Ctoss designed Hjion it. Any child in the school could depoeit s coin whenever he or she felt ie inclined and it wis these pennies whidi made it possible to assemble varioda and sundry articles with which to llll boxes to be used for children in foreign countries. The boxes contained such articles as crayons, pencils, pens and pen points, compasses, serving kits, wash cloths, soap, etc. These boxes have already been shipped. In addition to the above, the art classes, supervised by Mrs. Cooley, made 100 Christmas greeting cards, colorful table decorations, including nut cups and ice cream spikes. 2. St MjSry's-St Patrick's art classes, including from fourth to eighth grades, developed some 150 very lovely Christmas greeting cards; each child used his ingenuity in srranging the design on each card. In fact all of the Christmas cards were developed from old cards donated by friends. 8. The commercial classes, under the very able direction and guidance of Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson, assembled 600 Christmas Caxbl booklets. The covers are of colored art paper with original designs embossed upon them; they are truly a work of art / 4. The students of the First Aid classes made some very attractive napkins in pastel shades, with Easter bunnies ana other decorations applied. Everyone participating should be complimented on their efforts in a good job. A. J. RULIEN, > McHenry Chairman, J. R. C. Animal Blood Plasma made from the !>lood of beef cattle can be used for trans, fusion in human beings, according to findings of Harvard university. The tests were conducted satisfao* torily on nearly 3,000 patient j. Ave aailes east of Woodstodc, on Rojite 120, to**de MfeHenry. will be tnjtthooting all day; rifle shooting, 10.-00 to l2:00; archer^ and a easting contest A complete program is outlined for the children, ballgames, races, etc. There will also be games and contests for the ladies. No admission will be charged for this event _ CARD OF THANKS We, wish in this manner to the Green Street Business Men's sisociation for flowers and wishes for continued success sent on the day of owr Opening. Saturday, May 26. McHENRY BAKERY. The greatest Baris flood en reo> ord occurredM1910, wbm the Sain* rose SI feet, •tachos above «vpal The average annual salary of rural teachers is $087, compared to $1,887 for urban teachers. Largely because of inadequate salaries, nearly 00 per cent of all teachers in rural elementary schools having one or two teachers have had less than two years education beyond high school. Oyer half the nation's children are educated in rural schools, yet they have only 98 per cent of available funds for support of schools. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Sets Leather Never wear shoes over bare feet, not even when substituting make* up for stockings. Wear peds or socks to absorb foot perspiration because perspiration has an sMtaline effect which is very bad for leather. With leather high on the list of materials needed by the armed forces, civilians must take every possible precaution to keep shoes in good condition. The invisible peds and the socks should be washed after every wearing, particularly when worn with open-toe and open-heel sports shoes. Women should be just as dainty about these brief foot coverings as they are with full length hose. FRL - SAT., JUNE 1 - 2 "A BONG FOR MISS JUUBT wMfc Shirley Rosli) Barton Hepfruntr* • --* "ilOJAVE FIRfeBRANlV with Wild Bin Elliott Gabby Hayes SUN. - MON„ JUNE S - 4 "TILL WE MEETT AGAIN" with Ray MUhmd, Barbara Britton, Walter *81esak fUESDAY, JUNB § < ^ Back By Request! %T. LOUIS BLUBS" With Dorothy Lam our Lloyd Nolan > Wm)J\THURS, FR|v ^ JUNE 6, 7, 8 "HERE COME THE WAVES" with Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton Sonny Tufts Older your Rubber Stamp* at Plaindealer. , Illiiioig FRIDAY - SATURDAY Rey Rogers - Mary Lee 1. "Song of Nevada Jane .Withers - Paal Kelly 2. "Facw In the Fog n 99 SUNDAY - MONDAY, Jene S - 4 Greer Garsoa . Walter Pl^teee "Mrs. Pafkington" Alee--'World News and Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Richard Arlen - June Frasse "The Big Bonanza" Also--OMnedies. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Francis Lsngford - Wally Brawn L "GIRL RUSH" 2. "Disney Festival" A Repeat Showing on the Five Disney Cartoons lliat Were the Most Popular In 1N4. . ' ' % Ave.,Phone 131, 7/o«<] rates. Resrular vear rnnnd rniTto for- 1 tbe weddi: 51tf merly ^eor*e Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. issue. piU i Phone 366. - tf sburg. Details of red in last week's GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE Street Phone McHenry 104-M BAKERY OPENS After a year during which it was closed, the McHenry Bakery, lasi Saturday, re-opened for ' business on Green street. Joseph Konig, .who operated a bakery at Antioch for several years, is the proprietor. 1 Guam Discovered Guam was discovered March 6, 1521, by Magellan. The island was formally taken over by the United States on February 1. 1809. Vanity Fatal The Duke de La Rochefoucault, whose celebrated Maxims are exemplifications of the thesis that "van> ity is the motive of all human notions," joined the revolt of the "Fronde," in which he lost the greater part of his fortune because his wife was not granted the "tabouret"-- the privilege of sitting down in presence of the king and the queen. - For US, V-E day means more fuses. We must'DOUBLE our present output to the Pacific from NOW ON.< Secure a steady, well-paying job.; - WOMEN AND MEN r , You Need No Experience LIGHT FUSE ASSEMBLY WORK - JANITORS & - n % ~ WATCHMEN ^ ^ ^ ; PACKERS , .7: WAREHOUSEMK*^ ^ EXPLOSIVE OPERATORS DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS---7 A. M. TO 4:30 P. M.;4: TO 2 A. M. BEST WAGES--PREMIUM FOR NIGHT WORK ^aV Jm m m jF>•» NO LUNCH BOX TO PACK -- DELIQOUS HOT MEALS IN OUR CAFETERIA IDEAL FOR SUMMER-PLEASANT-LIGHT-AIRY BUS SERVICE-- McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE OR FROM ANYx POINT WHERE A SUFFICIENT GROU^IS ; ORGANIZED COMPANY INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION AVAILABLE AFTER NINETY DAY* • • WM. M. FENCIL COMPANY HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS " . » „ I > , CALL COLLECT HUNTLEY 2861 OR CRYSTAL LAKE 533 AFTER 6 P. M. • - * - • ; AO Hiring In Aceoxdanee Witt HfO Regulations. •' '