1 LILY LAKE itHn 111111111 n >«i 11 mm (By Evelyn 4<avin) •I Neighbor*: The quickest way to make up for * lost news week is to start right ia. So, here we go----. " Attired in the traditional white satin with a long veil, Miss Mary Jane Yaegerf became the bride of C. P. 0. A1 Becker in a ceremony at St. Gregory church in Chicago, Saturday morning, June SO. Miss Yae- St is the granddaughter of Mr. and r». Joseph Yaeger of Lily Lake. Matron of honor was«Mrs. C. J. Hyatt, also of Lily Lake, the bride's aunt. Bridesmaid* were the Misses Lois Thiery and Joan Muth. Her attendants were dressed similarly in taffeta and net, Mrs. Hyatt in pink, and Misses Thiery and Muth in white. Cpl. Arthur Becker did the honorl as best man for his brother. A wedding breakfast for, twenty-two guests followed at the Hotel Sovereign. In tfe« evening the festivities were brought to a fine finish with a reception for 250 friends in a north We ^ The rare drug, the unusual medicament, the new- * • est pharmaceutical that your physician may prescribe, will be found on our well-stocked shelves. Moreover, our rapid turnover assures fresh, potent supplies. Bring prescriptions here for careful compounding by our skilled, registered pharmacists. BOLGERS DRUG STORE Green St. McHenry, 111. side hall. Danein* to the irate, e* a four piece orchestra, Community singing, and plenty of refreshments were thoroughly enjoyed. C. P. O. and the new Mrs. Al. Becker left during the evening for their honeymoon, destination undisclosed. On the same day, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nbrmand wt guests at the wedding of Mr. Normand's nephew, Donald Gierloff, to Miss Dorothy Hess at St. Thonaa' church in Crystal Lake. They ware also jamong those present at the evening reception at the Crystal Lake recreation hall where dancing and toasts to the newlyweds were enjoyed by all. Something for both these newly marrieds to look forward to ia a silver anniversary celebration like that attended by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson. Hie honored couple was Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Anderson of Chicago and McCullom Lake. The Irving EUis celebrated * their sixth anniversary .Friday, July 7. We all hope yoti two enjfly iwany more of them. If rumor is correct we have lost the Ellis as immediate neighbors since they sold their last cottage here a few days ago. We're glad that they'll still be in the vicinity, though, and hope they'll stop in and see us often. Saturday, June SO, the Lilymoor Property and Land Owners«association held its first public installation of officers in a solemn ceremony at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Svoboda. The retiring president, Frank Keller, installed the new president, Victor Bassi, Srn and vicepresident, George Sundae. The new \ vice-president in turn installed the remaining officers: Secretary, Lee Bassi; treasurer, Jo Bartlet, and i trustees, Charles Rogers, Fred Svo- 1 boda and Frank Keller. The retir- ' ing president was given a leather wallet in appreciation of his services. (Miss Mildred Svoboda presented the organization a new gavel. It is to (Mrs. Tom Legge that we owe thanks for the lovely corsages and bouton- ! nieres worn by all the officers. After the ceremony the group retired : to the lawn, where dancing in the j garage with music by our own local jtalent, (Gilbert Rogers, Stanley Mann land Fred Svoboda) was appreciated I by all. Community singing and de- ) lectable refreshments completed a I wonderful evening. j On little Kathleen Healy's third birthday her good friend, Mrs. John Wallace, came to visit her and also to take up her duties as- godmother to Kathleen's new sister, Patricia Ann. Sunday the Wallaces and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bratzke, Carol and Chfcrlee, eff ,--.--.-- had suwr lawn. Tttfwli John Wallace, ^ke picnic, though not far from home, was complete, even to the ants, flies and bugs." ICr. and Mrs. Robert Corbin's guests for the week" of the Fourth included Ife* »*?*••• JfiS* Rose Mewas aagTMiss DeloresYAe. And for the following- weekend,-Mr. and Mrs. John Yohana. Among tike chief topics of conversation in the neighborhood lately has been the giant orchid delphium, growing over six feet tall in the" Corbin front yard. The Roy Morrisons and the Btanley Novaks enjoyed Sunday with the Clifford Kiehl family. It really takes a special occasion to keep "Gussie" Pierotti away from L. L. for a weekend. But, we agree with her that Bell and Howell's picnic for servicemen was certainly a special occasion. . > • Dr. Vincent SArley spent the week of July Fourth here recuperating from his recent illness. He tells us that the unnamed fever from which he suffered is called infectious mononucleosis. After that tongue twister I'd be content to leave it unnamed. The Lipsons entertained distinguished guests over the holiday. They were their nephew, Seymour Horowitz, from New York, and the self-styled checker champion and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Galperin. "Sam," if his Lily Lake appetite will allow him enough free time, will take on anyone who wishes to challenge his title. . Mrs. Lorraine Swanson did it again! Last Sunday she engaged in her favorite sport, fishing, and caught a ten-pound pickerel, thirtysix inches long. The afternoon of the Fourth at the "Phil" Gilman home was like a reception for distinguished service men. Among those who came to call on Lt. Richard Gilman, who is alternating his furlough between Chicago and Lily Lake were Pvt. Shelby Rich, who was reported missing last winter and spent four tortuous months in a German prison camp, and, that handsome naval air cadet, George Borkovan, who stopped in on his way to dinner at the Harvey home. Miss June Everett and her mother spent a pleasant weekend with the John Milinacs. A happy birthday to Mrs. Ed. Meehan, who celebrated on July 1. That extra oomph with which July 4th was celebrated hereabouts was due to the fact that it was also OR WOMEN FOR %•> on • r ; " Surrounding ered*t the jfjjmsl i home to assist in tie festivities. Many happy returns, A|BM. .' Jimmy 8taunons passed the half century mark Saturday, July 7th. You nay be sure he and his nu- Mends celebrated the oeca- JOHN8BUKG (By Tippy Klein and Evtljn Michels) Mrs. Clementine Kocera and Mrs. „ Snopse McWally of Fox ]Uke were TZ SO happy years here at Lily Lake. Mrs. Biesecker isenjoying the company of her daughters, Eleanor and Minnie, and her S grandchildren, who are paying her an extended visit. Mrs. Lorraine Swanson last Saturday said goodbye to her thirteenth nephew as he entered service. Independence Day guests at the Lavin-Normand menage were Mr. and .Mrs. • Clifford HumberAtone, of Chicago. Mrs. Mae Svoboda was weekend hostess to her friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. Daily. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reba were guests of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Novak. Mrs. Novak is tbe former Mrs. Annie Sucham of Lilymoor. Art Klein home, Friday evening. A social evening «m spent with a gift presented to each birthday lady. Ice cream and cake were served to Mrs. Regina Schaefer, Mrs. Helen Burdock, Mrs. Marie Lewis, Mrs. Lorraine Coatney of Fbx Lake, Mrs. Emma Kattner of Spring Grove, Mrs. Yvonne Morse of HAmond, Ind* ,*nd Mrs. Joyce Brits of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simon and daughter, Kathleen, Joe Laurits of Chicago, Mrs. Don Thatcher of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer of McHenry and Mr. i*nd Mrs. Jos J. Freund were dinner guests in the John - M. Pitsen home, Friday evening. Mrs. Elizabeth Michels and Mrs. Catherine Weber visited in the John inn-lTViyiriTftrinr FYeund, Leonard Freund and Miss Rita Tonyan. Thursday afternoon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo Young were Mrs. Frank Young and daughters of Spring Grove and lira. Geo. Bell , end sons of Solon Mills. Mr. aadrMrs. Art tors were Sunday dinner gttests in the flsul Lewis home in* Fox Lake. The occasion being the baptismal of "Linda Lee" Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. John Weingart are the proud parents of a son born at the Woodstock hospital, Monday. Two sisters will welcome home their Mia. folks! t/c Edward Drifke home of Mr. and Mra> Omdedlg* A and AA eggrui man frying, but grade B and eva grtde C egga,wl>an properly gradet end stored, art as aatiatactory Mr many other purpqeea, and they are chaaper. Mrs. Lorraine Swanson will enter- < M pjtien home Sunday evening tain members of the P. T. A. at a| Mr. and Mrs. Ange DiBona of s o c i a l t o b e h e l d a t t h e s c h o o l h o u s e i M a r e n g o , M i s s T h e l m a L a y a n d l on Tuesday evening, July 17, at 8 Kenny Hamsher, Ph. M. 1/c of Great o'clock. < Lakes enjoyed an afternoon's swim With her visitors, Mr. and Mrs. I in Lake Geneva, Sunday. Matt Kiel, Paul and Dolly, Mrs. Wal- \ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer of ter Einspar spent such an interesting, | McHenry, Joe Lauritz of Chicago, busy day last Friday that she for-j Mrs. Wm. May and son, Richard, Mr, got that she was to be hostess at that evening's P. T. A. meeting. When the Met was brought to her attention, less than an hour before the meeting, she scurried around and Mrs. John M. Pitzen visited in the Jos. J. Freund home, Thursday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Michels, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung and daughters and produced 46 delicious home made!and Miss Judy Michels spent Suncup cakes in time for the affair. | day afternoon in Wilmot. They didn't taste at all like the| Miss Bernice King of Woodstock baked beans for which Mrs. E. is lis spending her vacation with her famous and which she had promised the members, but, never the less, they were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Wilbur Swanson will do the honors at the next P. T. A. meeting. The Ladies of Lilymoor with Mrs. Bassi and Mrs. Biesecker as hostesses held their last card and bunco social parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King.., Miss Ann Schaefer spent an enjoyable evening in Waukegan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norb Rich spent Sunday evening visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. ( Cpl. and Mrs. Howard Slocums of at the schoolhouse, Thursday. For j Great Falls, Montana, Mrs. Jacob R. the remainder of the season the Justen and Mrs. Leo. Miller and son, ladies will gather at the country' David were Sunday guests in the club as guests of the new owners, j Jos. P. Miller home. «... Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wijas. Hos- John Shreiner of Elgin spent Wedtesses for their next social will be j nesday afternoon visiting with Mr. Mrs. Legge and Mrs. Koch. ! and Mrs. John Degen and Mr. and We sincerely hope all you mem- j Mrs. Jos. P. Michels. bers of the Ladies League got out Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson at- II CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBUKO ffifl Place orders now for Bird Souwb, Lawn Furnitnre, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather goods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, etc. • A CLARENCE J. SMITH Boots 1, McHenry, 111- A- 1 H I M I M l l l l l l I M H U H l l i t t 1 1 1 I I 1 U M i l H I I H i m # to vote in their annual election Wednesday, July 11. Next week we hope to give you the returns. The Beautifying Club held their special meeting Saturday, July 7, instead of June 30 as originally planned. Memberships are coming tended a party in the Ben May home in Spring Grove, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cassey of Chicago spent a week's vacation in the Jos. Frett home* . Sunday guests in -the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund were in fast but the total still falls a j Mrs. Christina Brefteld of Indianattle short of what was hoped. Those Miolis, Ind.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brewho do not have paid up member- field of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Leo lips have been notified that gar- Young and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. bage collections, for them, will cease Walter Freund and sons of Barringuly l. , ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Freund, So long friends .... I Miss Olga Zialkowski, Eugene --PUBLIC AUCTION - 0HARLE8 LEONARD, Auctioneer SUNDAY, JULY 15 1 P. M. SHARP The following complete furnishings of a seven room houss will be sold at public auction at the home of T. W. Aagaard, West Hillside Road, Crystal Lake, 111. Tel Crystal Lake 36-M. Chif&obee, full length bevelled plate glass mirror, several other srir» rors. Pictures. Occasional tables and lamps. Moving picture screen and stand. Metal lawn furniture. , -:-- Garden took and hoes includtalf Roe Hoe cultivator. Several step ladders. Chicken feeders and water fountains including 200-chick capacity electric brooder. Imported China dinner servie%. complete. Other dishes, glaases, onuwisH etc., and kitchen utensils. TERMS: Cash. Electrical appliances, including like new electric stove, fan, clock, washing machine, mangle, vacuum cleaners, cabinet sewing machine, toast master, waffle iron. Floor coverings, including one almost new 12x15 wool broadloem rug j and pad. I Complete living room furniture Inj eluding 2 davenports, one maple, 2 I desks, upholstered easy chairs, etc. j Dining room furniture, mahogany j breakfast set with Windsor chairs, j Painted kitchen furniture including i two tables. •< Two bedrooms complete including on» *e<^ fine maple high boy. T. W. AAGAARD 1 „ * --; It II III 1.111 H"t' i' 11' 8. • t »• <• •» .»• !• •«• !• '»• 8 I I I !• P U B L I C $ E R V I C E H O M E M A K E R S ' B U R E A U brings you practical helps for wartime homemakiAS TWO COOL FAMILY-RLE ASI NO DISHES FOR JULY . ^ cook* po»to" ^ S£k» cucua*.r • cup. 1 Son. H enp H tap. c«Ury s^d \i cup 1)4 wp. "If > °x ^ How to propof mht, onion, celery • v i a n d p o t a t o * • > c o c t atn ^, wbit«a to**. * t) ftnely-cfcopp*1 •«« -.yonnri*. and p*PP*f' whh wut crwtn. , - ^ and combtn* w"" M t __ pour over 2) Masb yolks Btondmi* tur«. -j, , ^ C4L&D *OlO «,BPH 5 cop boiUn^"«^r 71 V«K --" If" -"*• iy> A Whin sytupT. »dd _olkfc ChiU until ftmw 7) Cbitt oodl cbicory. Serves lettuce, crew nmm Coolino Drinks for Hot Summer Days... Ace-high trick for summer: add a •coo]> of lemon sherbet to lemonade. Orange Ginger Ale: Combine % cup -orange juice with Vi cup ginger ale. Pour over cradked ice in tall glaaa. Serve immediately. 'Nuf for I. * Save augur by making sugar syrup! Boil 1 cup sugar and V4 cup water for 5 minutes. Store in refrigerator, use for ice tea, fruitades, etc. Leftover canned fruit juice may be uaed instead of augur aprup. taeaaeoeeeeeeee PUI Tty a delicioua Honey Egg Nog: Beat 4 egg yolks, add 4 tbap. hooey and mix well. Add 3 cups milk slowly, then stir in egg whites atifiBy beaten. Fill 6 tidl glasses. Serve immediately. Grapefruit Banana Smaah: Mash and beat a banana in glaaa of grapefruit juice. Sweeten to taste and chill. •IS