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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1945, p. 6

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FOR SALE--TWO riding horses and saddles, $200. Blacll thawk Farm, R-l, Richmond, Wllmot 451. HELP WANTED--Man for construc- ,tion work. Ivar Fredricksen, Won- Phone i (]er Lake. Tel. Wonder Lake 221. 11-5 14-t£ -^\ FOR SALE--Corner furnished cottage. Three-quarter acre, on black . top road at Pistakee Bay, lake rights, boat. W. Kruger, 827 Irving Park, Chicago. *14-2 WANTED--TJpro women or girls. Tel. McHenry 189. McHenry Laundry. 14-tf BRICKLAYERS WANTED at once. O. W. Potter £ Sons, General Con- FOR SALE--Maple double deck bunk j tractors. Telephone Wauconda 3231 with $*. springs Call Mi and new mattresses, cHenry 67541-1. •15 14-8 LOST LOST--Six No. S and Finder please return at least child's book. Return or call McHenry 85-W. •15 t complete ration books, 4, in McHenry, last week. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--One new steel 40 Rosenthal corn shredder. E. J. Sheldon. Grayslake, III., Phone 2691. i *14-2' FOR SALE -- Beautiful seven-room summer home, all modern conveniences, boat house and garage; 117- ft. water front On Chain Of Lakes, .... , „ _ ftrar miles to C. M. A S. P. R., Fox time in four yews, steelblinds. Mew- Lake station. Approximately one j urements cheerfully taken. You can acre, nicely landscaped, with sprink-, order yours at once from Clarence ling system and broken stone sea j Njeaen, located at Peter M. Justen wall. See this place and make me i furniture stole, West McHenry. Tel an offer. Asking price is $10,500. J 63. 15 R. ~ 111 NOW AVAILABLE -- For the first D.Kelley.owner, Rt. 1, PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPER- . Phone Pistakee 683-J-l. ™ ING^Peter Kaminski, West McHen- FOR SALE--Boy's bicycle. Can be ry. T. el. McHenry 656-M-2. 15-tf Men at Larry Huck's gasoline sta- UNOLEUM lasts longer, looks more | ho»wtffni when you use Nu-Enamel FOR SALE -- Lady's Manchurian Linoleum Finish. 95c is the cost for wolf coat, black; size 14 or 16; like average kitchen. Carey Electric Co. new. Phone McHenry 53-W. *15, FOR SALE--Five-room house, large | MISCELLANEOUS--I will not be barn and garage; lot 65 x 165 feet.! responsible for any future debts ex- Located in Volo, across from paro-! cept incurred by myself. CLAKRON ,chial school. Karl Haydam. RFD, I EDDY. 15-3 Round Lake, I1L *15 INSOLATION INSTALLED--Blown FOR SALE--Kitchen range, coal or in, batts or blankets. Country Home wood, white enamel. Karl Haydam, Builders, Inc. Phone Round Lake Volo, RFD Round Lake, 111. *15; 2261. 12-tf FOR SALE--8-inch circular saw With | DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars i« saw blade, portable stand and % the least we pay for dead horses and h.p., electric motor, $60. Pafrit spraying outfit, includes spray gun with two tips, air compressor, riveted tank and gauge, air hose and electric motor, $50; %-in. drill "press with electric motor, special stand with tool compartments, on casters; foot switch, mortising tools and holder, etc., $55. Carl Barnickol, Tel. McHenry 646-W-2. » *15 FOR SALE--Plymouth 2-door sedan; 19S5 model. Call Pistakee 645-W-2. 15 FOR SALE -- All-year-round home; six rooms and two one-room cottages; lot 440 by 200; lake rights; on Pistakee Road; $8,500. Five-room brick house, furnished, modern plumbing; two boats and motor: lot 60 by 165; on Fox river near Pistakee Lake; $8,000. Six-room house; large lot, modern plumbing, in wooded estate, Pistakee Bay; lake rights. Jacob Frit*, Real Estate, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 15-2 WJ SALE--Youth bed; twelve-year size, half sides; maple. Also spring and mattress. $10.00. Sells, Wonder Lake. RFD 1, Ringwood, 111. 15 The two-day carnival, sponsored by the Community club, will be held Saturday and Sunday* September 1 and 2, at Nell's Ballroom. Committees have been hard at work in preparation for this big event. Prises at the stands will fee lovely, articles and patrons are sure to be pleased. The Lady Foresters held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening with 29 sisters present. Cards were played and prises were won by Mrs. Jos. J. Freund, Mra Peter M. Freund, Mrs. George Slhmitt and Mrs. Steve May. Lunch concluded the evening. Mrs. Jos. M. Schaefer visited with her daughters. Sr. M* Victricia aqd Sr.~M. Jacob in Wisconsin the past Week. Pfc. Alvin Miller, who had been stationed at Fort Bragg, N .C., has been given an honorable discharge* He and his wife for the present will make their home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller. Alvin had been in service four years, three years of/ which he spent overseas. Welcome home, Alvin! Many friends and relatives attended the Freund-Pitsen wedding Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitsen are spending their honeymoon in northern Wisconsin and upon their return they will make thtir home in one of the Frett flats in Woodstock. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmitt wis baptised Patricia Ann, with Rev. Clarence Thennes officiating at the ceremony. Miss Estelle Hiller and George Firsching acted as sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling and family motored to Dickeyville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Woolfe are vacationing in Wisconsin a few days this week. Mrs. John Oeffling, Mrs. Charles Miller and George Rosing of Volo visited in the Wm. Oeffling home, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. May, Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schons, Mr. and BDITOieS NOTE: Tku through ajMcfal ammo of Wt Vmiom m Hit 1w7ihii Ms. 0. C, U Ml to bring rssdsw inaMy oohmn on probUmt mSZ, N. r„ r«iu*£ •My W WrfrtuW to M lhoy wilt bo i red la a wtwaiwf f alamo." No ropUu em bo mad* Arm by matt, but only in tho column which witt appasr m this nmctpmpot rogutorty. cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tfI Mrs. Charles Btosch, Petty Officer * and Mrs. Eddie Frett, Mrs. Fred MISCELLANEOUS -- Floor sanding, Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hiller, and refinishing with floor seal. Old i Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund, Miss or ^lew floors. Beautify your floors, j Violet Peterson and fiance, Alvin AIL kinds of floor work done. Church i Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were ft ^Pierce. Phone Woodstock 902-R.'among those who attended the lawn 210 Grove St., Woodstock, HI. *10-4 j party held by Mr. and Mrs. John . » • I (Hans) Hartmann and Mr. and Mrs. FIXX)R TILE--^for kitchens, bath- Henry Wilke. A good time was rerooms, recreation rooms, commercial | ported by all. « " ^ o K . « % I > 0 r v 8 a n ^ i n * i M i s s D o r i s F r e u n d i s e n j o y - 9«S?2« iri htmli lf Ave-'PPhofnae !1!8!1,! lWitooidin-1® Mrs . aD owneaeldk Freundh, eirn "C"hteicra-igno-.l aw, SWCKj 111* 51tl i Mr. and Mrs. John E_ d_ quer enter- CONCRETE -- MASONRY FOUNDATIONS--CHIMNEYS FIREPLACES ESTIMATES FURNISHED WM. ROCHELLE TEL. 673-M-l •8-18 FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSUL ATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A FOR SALE -- DO YOU WEAR A SHOE SIZE 7? Because of a foot injury, must sell •u my good shoes: clod-hoppers, smart street shoes, mocassins, blue silk evening slippers; cost $7.50 to 115 a pair. Eight pairs, $16. Call McHenry 651-R-2. 15 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, FOR SALE -- Outside door, frame ior oftener if desired. Reasonable and screen, 7-ft. hard wood glass ; rates. Regular year round route, forpanel, $10; also check-rail window j merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. 5! „ C2e' sash weights, etc., $14. Phone 865. 3 tf Call McHenry 651-R-2. 15 TOR SALE--Second-hand cook stove. Barns either coal or wood. Ben H. Stilling, Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry. ' ' *15 FOR SA LE--Year- round comfort economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rook Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. . , 86tf. W® SALE--Federal washer, newly overhauled. Not a beauty but she washes, $86. Tel. McHenry 661-R-2. 15 tained the Grandmother club from Chicago and suburbs, celebrating the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Bessie Rehmer, on Tuesday of this week. Those attending were Mrs. Rose Hall, Mrs. Emma Kudrna. Mrs. Kate Peters, Mr. and Mrs. R. Caspar, Mrs. Emma Segstock, Mr. and Mrs. Villim, Mrs. Rose Dedera and grandson, NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo- £"y •1*1. In«ati laSfiA vi fu <^aj q Rt* •i versi• d* e I fclftlrtS LiitZ And 80Yk9 Johliny^ Ci Mr8. Lillian Klecan and dauffhter ™n r y' I 1 L' P h o n e McHenry. Judy, Mrs. Elsie Reiker, Mrs. Ther- 21U. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson esa Freund, Mrs. Millie Schons and St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf daughter, Betty, Mrs. Lou Roggenbuck and son, James, Mrs. Mary Edmier, daughters, Patsy and Cathy, and sons, Tommy and Billy, Mrs. Eleanor Edmier and sons, Jimmy and Jack, and daughter, Marilyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox. ' Boat rides were enjoyed to the Bay before the storm; children enjoyed pony rides in the afternoon. A delicious dinner was served by the hostess. Mrs. Mayme May Hoffman of Wilmette wishes to thank all her friends who remembered her with cards, letters and gifts during her stay in the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Hoffmann is now at home in the Math Hoffman residence in Wilmette. HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Anto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING -- All work fully guaranteed. "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., McHenry. Tel. 379. 42-tf Fire Hatuds It is the duty of every parent to keep constant vigil in the home to reduce fire hazards which may exist because of the physical makeup of the house, personal habits of the family, or uniwfe housekeeping methods. A good place to start as a self-appointed flre inspector, is with the heating system. If you use a fireplace, be sure to have and use an adequate; screen as a shield BmpUymmt of Hottdicopprnd Both as an inducement for industry to hire handicapped veterans and a protection to both industry and the veteran, 28 state legislatures have qow enacted second-injuryfund statutes which, in general, require employers to pay workmen's compensation only for specific second Injuries. The fund pays the additional costs bf permar^nt total disability resulting from the loss of a hand, arm, foot, leg or eye, following a previous loss of one of these members or organs. The fund is usually financed by payments of fixed amounts by an employer or his insurance company in the case of death of an employee having no dependents. Freed from the fear of heavy permanent Iota) disability charges In these cases, employers are much more willing to employ handicapped workers. According to records submitted by the department of labor, the cost of maintaining second injury funds is small, for recent studies show handicapped workers are actually more careful than normal employees and have a tower accident frequency. Employers had been reluctant to hire these handicapped veterans lest they suffer second injuries, become permanently and totally disabled and cost employers increased workmen's compensation charges. States which have established these second injury funds incluide Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington and Wyoming. Wisconsin, North Dakota, Ohio 'and West Virginia have equivalent arrangements while California, Connecticut and Pennsylvania have such Regulation pending. • , > . ara-^ «•»*, Sunday:. 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:80 Holy Days: 6:00: 8:00; IOiOO. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 0:80 and 8:00. 1 Confessions:. Saturdays: 8:00 p. n. and 7:00 p.s m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8 KM Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S, Ntac, Pastor. Question* and AntufOft FOR SALE--Child's nursery chair, I against sparks. Defective flues or •ever used; rod and reel; full size bad chimneys are responsible for wood bed. Tel. McHenry 92-J. 15 FOR SALE--Boy's bicycle in good condition. Call McHenry 669-M-2. 15 more home fires than any other thing; check to see that there are no cracks, see that stovepipes are in good condition and correctly installed a safe distance from any wood. A chimney in good repair may even be dangerous if it is al- FOR SALE--1936 Dodge trunk touring sedan; radio, heater, seal beam, lights, good tires. Phone McHenry lowed to become clogged, so keep 674-M-l. * •IS the flues open. Ashes are not always as dead as they seem, and FOR RENT FOR Volo. RENT--8-room house, Tel. McHenry 647-W-l. for that reason should be deposited, in metal containers that are firenear proof. *14-2 I WANTED TO BUY / WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five pom. summer home, near McHenry I "'KuVuse engineer, Droadcast the • hear Fox River. Address Box „residential election, returns from •15-4 First Scheduled Broadcast In 1920, Dr; "Frank Conrad, a Westinghouse engineer, broadcast the Enforcement Agencies The FBI and the Secret Service are not the same. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, in the U. S. department of Justice, was founded in 1908 by Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte, grandson of Jerome Bonaparte, Napoleon's youngest brother. Its chief function is investigation of all espionage, sabotage and matters pertaining to internal security and violations of federal criminal laws, as well as all investigations under the Selective Training and Service act. The treasury department's U. S. Secret Service, created under Act of June 23, 1860, is charged with pro» tecting the President, his family and the President-elect. One of itf major functions is detection and arrest of counterfeiters, forgers or those altering any coins, obligations or other securities of the United States or foreign governments. It investigates violations of specific federal laws, offenses against the Federal Deposit Insurance corporation and crimes against laws of the United States relating to the treasury department and branches it controls. St. Patrick's Catholic Charch Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:30 j On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00 and before! and during the 7:80 Man. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to, 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. ' Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 5.*00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. 0*Rourke, Pastor. 1 1 1 St. John's Catholic Church, JohnabUrg Blesses: Sunday: 7:Q0. 9:00 and ll:0fc Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 V Weekdays: 8:00 first Friday: 8:00. Confessions: V Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80 „ Thursday before First Friaa)M*T:~ 2:30 and 7:30. . - Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor; fafertttiteV fiiti mtffr tOflifttOM the WlsoonOn Experiment station found that the best treatment paid a net of f>44 above the no^ertilixer treatment. The moat profitable was a broadcast application of 800 pounds of 6.KS0 plus 800 pounda of a Mt>U applied as a aidedressing. The fertiliser coat $20.80 and Increased yields 00 par cant. Theee tests were made on a late va* ttety -and they suggest that on aa early variety the results might have ham bettor. ML Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. / Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00, Confessions: - i > Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. \ Thursday before First Friday-* 2:80 and 7:15. Rev. John .L. Daleiden, Paster. Zkm Evangelical Lutheran Charch John St. East of Highway 81 West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your heart with hope and courage; Services - 0 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--WGN 11:90 a.m. 'BJ," care Plaindealer. Cabbage Head A real cabbage head ranks high as a food furnishing large amounts of calcium and vitamin C. the radio station, KDKA, in East Pittsburgh, Pa. This was the first scheduled radio broadcast in history 1 Need Rubber Stamp*? The Plaindealer. Order at Patching Porcelain Qpme stores have a material for patching porcelain. It usually comes in collapsible tubes. If you are unable to find this, you might 4U1 the scratches with plastic wood. This will shrink some %nd leave room for a finishing coat of exterior white enamel. , - . GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE CLEANERS ^93 Elm Sttoet s. Phone McHenry I04»M TR E AT Chronic Mastitis W I T H T H I S NEW DRUG BMtolUC 1 Cktooic MMidi CMM so par cm oforiit ttMhU. Tnh it &LAC A sia*!« ifiiimiw MMlly 4om fob. law »lake*--roi caa •*- *~1 "* •TTTT#THMI«ll Bid cm wfcfcfc www lahemd by wfak |nli Tan Card*. TW ana nil. Tb«a mm Baaba G-LAC tar eafck 1-|inwi WATTLES . DRUG STORfe McHenry, I1L Q.--Can the mother of an Illegitimate child lie an applieatlon for family allowance, if a soldier Is the father? A.--Yes, the mother may file iplication for the child, but she must either have a court order declaring the soldier to be the child's father, or she must have a statement from the soldier admitting parenthood. She must also have a certified copy of the child's birth record. The mother herself is not entitled to family allowance. Q--Can a dishonorable discharge be changed to an honorable ene? A.--?( former officer or enlisted man of woman may request a fehearing or a review of his case before a five-member board in the war and navy departments. The discharge may be corrected in accordance with the facts. However, these boards may not change the sentence of a court martial. Q.--Is there an artificial hand available that looks like a band, and different from the ordinary "hooks" which are most common? A.--Yes, the navy has developed an artificial hand, made of plastic, that looks like a hand and eliminates the necessity of wearing gloves. It has the consistency of pure rubber and is tinted to match the individual skin. It is operated by a one-pound cam mechanism hi< den inside the hand, spring trolled and made of duralumin and permits natural movement of the fingers. Mechanism is operated by a tiny cord running up the arm and around the shoulders, controlled by .action of the shoulder muscles. Q---I was In the regular army before the war and was discharged due to Injury In December, 1940. I have since been working In a war plant and t have a pretty good business opportunity. Do I come under the G.I. BUI of Rights or have I wilted too long after my discharge to apply for benefits? . A.--As long as some of your service was after September 16, 1940, you are eligible for G.l. benefits. Assuming you had other than a dishonorable discharge, you may still apply for benefits, since the law requires they must be claimed and secured within two years after discharge, or the end of the war, whichever is later. Q.--When a soldier's wife receives maternity care under the EMIC government plan, must the application be filed with the Soldier's Relief for payment from the war department? A.--No, the application should be filed with the state health department, through the personal physician or the hospital. - Q.--May a young man marry "while he is a cadet In the U. S. Coast Guard Academy? A.--The navy department says ^0iat cadets are not permitted to marry until'they have graduated from the coast guard academy Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Churdl (Missouri Synod) Sunday school-r-10:00 a.m. Divine services--3:00 p.m. , H. L. Pfotenhauer, Paspr. ; Ringwood Church Ringwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship, 9:30. ; Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. TIL. WONDER LAKE 418 Dl/0. L. WATC1I9 .. , Daoftlfl. . - - Office Bears- Taeeda? ft Saturdays: • aja. IK I pas Lake, DL JOHN F. BSD* SHEET METAL WORK Fumacea, Pip* Fittings oi Gutters ill If. Gross St, Mdhny Phene 248-R SI. H. 8. FID - Teteviaarfan SOB Waukegan St. Phone 81 •cHKNRY, ILL. S. it. Freuul & SOB CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience Is at Your Settles In Building Too» Wants. PhnM M-W ' McRnry . WAHTXD TO BUY We pay $8*io $1! for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down If Alive. MftH'i Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE We pay phone charges. \ For jtantiozRATios - SEKVIOB Can WONDER LAgE 868 Learn a Post-War Trade In The BUILDING INDUSTRY t Permanent Work--Experience Not Necessary AMERICAN TERRA COTTA CORP. ; \ Route 31 ' ' . , Apply in person or phone Crystal Lake 24 iHii WE NEED FOR OUR PRESENT AND POSTPROGRAMS: "~c Gravy-Maker's Rule Slow and steady is the first rule for the gravy-maker. Though gravy must often be made the last thing before serving the meal, it pays to take time to measure carefully, mix thoroughly, and cook slowly with steady stirring. Vasty mixing and hurried cooking cause it to lump. Gravy made without measuring may be greasy and separated, or too thick, or "too thin. Subscribe for The Plaindealer Machinists Engine Lathe Operator^ Turret Lathe Operators Drill Press Operator^ Production Arc Welders Assemblers r Spray Painters Mechanical Draftsmen Clerks « - Stenographers THE FRANK* C* HOUGH CO. LIBERTYV1LLE, ILLINOIS AID W. mm OHnta. m ir llT •nwwt. at. to I dally oka*! day and FrHmy nlglrta te Other hours by appalatiaont. -a*. Urn 10teU,lJ0te4M,M«n^Wel. Ftl Mlglrta: 7 ta t. \ Other Hawa by Appolf snl H. S. VAN DjDtt^DC, FkC ISO Groen St Tel. KM. McHenry Resldeaee Phone Hebron 920 5.V' TaL McHenry MM HAROLD H. BELL ItylntlBg, m rar at lag and Paperhaagteg ^ Warfc 105 N. GREEN ST^ M*HENRY I'd FIRE AUTO INSURANCE rt£ EAIL L VILSI Prsasnllng Reliable Coapanies When you need hMuraaee of any IM Phone « or 1I8-M Green A Elm . McHenry Stractaml Steel - Oiaanutal Iran BuBdiag SpssMlisd 144 H. L. BECKER SM Railr--t9L MAXmmtK ILL. Telephone No. 800 stoffe] A Insurance agents fee aV rlassss oi property In the baal «on^7aniee. WEST MeHENRY - . ILLINOIS A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHEH Phone m -- Rivenride Drive MerfENRT. ILL. V WEINOART TRUCKINO MeHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, t-2 JL McHerny %S7.R-1 -- Haaement Bxcavating --• NETT'S SAND A GRAVEL Raten on Read Gravel and Lot FflNng . . Black Dhrt .. Pwlw and Grading. J. R. NETT P. O.--McHenry iAcon nun. IMI Estate and InrannM Main SL, JeluMburg Tel. McHenry 172-84 -Phone icago Of Liacola lS»-4 SEWER CLOGGED? Have It Cleaned With the •4NGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING •i An Work Gaarani H. L. RAPP( ( Crystal Lake, ia Phone Crystal Lake SSS HcHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 606-R-] -- On* Mile-South of McHenry on Route SI \ Flowers for all occasions! A.P.Frcnml Co. EzcaTatinf Contractor TA9HM f' . r > r -

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