ss iijflillM IIIIMIMM •»» : Society Notes General Meeting _. Of W. S. C. S. NOT. IS _ The November meeting of the W. S. C. S. will be held in the Commun- Methodist church hall on Thursday. November 15, beginning with a 1 o'clock luncheon. Ladies of Circle 8 will act as hostesses. - -- • » • V. F. W. Welcomes - • New Members „ * The last meeting of the V. F. n • of this folks as> the efficient bookkeeper at the Woodstock hospital for tfce past several years. _ ^ MMXLBURH&. ;j *3 WiAiMi RIUUIOH FOR commonwealth edison Wonder Lake Couple ^jS^^nd^M^Frank Reiss of PabMe Service Company of Wonder Lake will observe their sil- Northern IHmois has announced the ver wedding anniversary on Satur- appointment of Milburn L. Forth as day November 24. They invite their industrial economist to head up the friends to call during the day and Inarch afctivities of the recently evening. #• afctivities of the created territorial information department of the Commonwealth Edison group of companies. A native of Evanston and a gradof Indiana University, Forth Christian Mothers Plan Feather Party , „ Thirty-five members of the Christ- uate ian Mothers and Altar society met has served as economist for the War in St Mary's-St. Patrick's .school Production Board in Washington for hall last Friday evening forMheir the past three years. Prior to his November meeting. Msgr. Nix was present to help make plans for a >jr"" was held on Monday evening | feather ppaarril y, to be held on No- I -week in St. Mary's-St. Patrick'3 vember 1JB. , , . school hall. Several new members | Following the business meeting, t !|4were welcomef at this time. Follow^-' cards were played, X". ing a business meeting, enjoyed. Follow^- cards were played, with winners as u a social hour j follows: in pinochle, Mrs. Helen Jlembers are grateful Weber, Mrs, Cara Stilling, Mrs. Eva to Charles Herdifich and "Bill" Pries | for their donations of food and re- ; freshments. Mothers Ctab To , • Meet On Friday ^ ^ Mrs. Irwin Burger of Woodstock service with WPB he was economist for the industrial division of the National Resources Planning Board. During a part of his tenure with WPB, he also held the position of assistant chief of the agency's plant location .branch and played an important role in the location of war Blake and Mrs. Margaret Schmitt; j -production plants throughout? the in five hundred, Mrs. Carolyn Schies- country, including several in the Chisle; Mrs. Helen Weber merited ajcago area. special prize. Mrs. Kate Worts and; The new department, staffed with her committee served tasty refresh- statisticians, industrial specialists, ments to conclude the meeting. | tax analysts, and other business ex- The next meeting cf the organiza- pert8> wjil assemble and make avail- £ -»ill be truest speaker at the Friday tion will be on December 7, when atle factuai data about Chicago and 7 meeting of the Mothers club, which; they will hold their Christmas party. Northern Illinois as an aid to busl 8- MODELS FOR 1946 Buick's first post-war cars, new models for 1946, are notf placed on exhibition by R. I. Overton Motor Sales, local Quick dealer, at 406 Front st., McHenry. Three lines of eight-cylinder cars are being introduced -- Series 66 Super on 124-in. wheelbase, Series 70 Road master on 129-in. wheelbase, and Series 40 Special on 121-in. wheelbase. All incorporate important changes in appearance, design, and performance as compared with the similarly numbered models of 1942--the latest to be introduced prior to the war. First off the line and first to be shown are the Series. 50 Super cars made in four-door sedan, two-door sedanet, convertible coupe, and esmrnmmm VKB teat church. The theme address wili- be "To Due." Special choir numbers. t© W sincere tin-it die jparta hat pre affain 1 thanks to sbjt for prayers, maMia, visits to the horipftal, cmnds» flowers and other gifts dnrlng my recent *25 MRS. PETER FRE jWAAi*><» tinued ements. In this engine Buick engineers hhaavvie takeft full advimtage of the fanda Subscribe for The Plaindealer Bead the Want Ads mental qualities of the valve-in-head design which permits, because of its dome-shaped head, the closest possible approach to the ideal form of combustion chamber, the sphere. * See the new 1946 Buick now showing at the R. I. Overton Motor Sales, Wee) McHenry. Changes ' The Lawrence Klapoerich family has moved from the-Blent house on East River Road to the Goettsche apartment on the same street. Mr. and Mrs. O. /Tollefsen have tate wagon styles each having six-1 mo^ from Chica to the Henry passenger capacity. The four-door Schaffer place on Main street in they recently . - ' JUNIOR RED CROSS^ SEEKS 100 PER CENT COUNTY ENROLLMENT will be held at thfe home pf Mrs. Richard Fleming. She has changed her topic, and instead of ^peaking on fall flower arrangements will talk on "Holiday Decorations." This is always an interesting subject^ at_ this time of the year, and those who have, - .. . . heard Mrs. Burger in the past; The Junior Red Crow is seeking realize the wealth of valuable irifor-; 100 per cent enrollment of all Mcmation which she possesses. Mrs. Al- Henry County schools in its memberbert Stilling will sing two vocal ship campaign which is being connumbers as the musical portion of ducted from November 1 to 15, Mrs. the program. sedan and the estate wagron are now ^ McHenry, which m production with other body styles purchased to follow shortly. I . L Material advances in styling as OLDEST MISSIONARY DIES well as functional design are im-| Dr. Susan M. Bauernfeind, oldest mediately apparent in the new missionary pf the Evangelical church, Buicks. An entirely new grille not died unexpectedly at Naperville last \ only adds massiveness to the front week. Services were held Tuesday - V&. t NOW IS THE TIME TO GET WINTER BLANKETS TO THE - FITZGERALD CLEANERS Phone McHenry We Pick Up and Deliver ,,<^ :West McHenry ; f hHaMI Honored At Bridal Shower Mrs. Paul Schulz and Mrs. William Campbell hostesses at a bridal shower held at the Schulz home in Chiness, industry and agriculture. It:but due,to its construction provides in Wisconsin. A missionary in Japan "will gather data, on taxes, transport*- improved air flow. All external sur- for about forty years, Dr. Bauerfeind tion, markets, labor supply, residen-• faces of the new grille are capped had resided at Madison since her tial construction, raw materials, in-j with chrome-plated stainless steel. return from the Orient just before dustrial production, distribution, and; Front appearance is further en-' the outbreak of the war. She was a other factors having a bearing on in- jhanced by a new "aiming ring" radi-; speaker at nearby churches on §eydustrial development of the area. lator ornament, new heavier bumper era! occasions. ' - a'J>; ' The fact-finding group also will j design, new bumper guards and i '.:*&<*. V serve as a "feeder" for the com- series designation. Flashway direc-j panies' recently launched advertis-; tion signals and parking lights- are l B'I Holstein Gain ing campaign designed to focus na-|Df larger site. The fender has been ! From a foundation of less than tional attention on the inherent econ- remodeled to give a true airfoil con- i 8,000 animals imported from Holland omic and geographic advantages of i tour which is extended through the during the period from 1861 to 1905, County;the Chicago and. Northern Illir * ' Mildred Howorka, Junior Red Cross chairman of the McHenry County! and < Illinois! door panel on all models. Red Cross chapter has announced. | area. . ... , . Throughout the new body struc- "We hope that our enrollment this j Forth, who will assume his new ture, trim and ecf&ipment will be year will be so successful that every duties immediately, said his research noted a return to materials which boy and girl in McHenry county j wouW co-operate fully with local j Sriccs ceased to be ! in V,...- wil1. firiyen the opportunity to; chambers of commerce, civic groups available after 1941. Cushion springs caso last Friday evening, honoring participatein the worthwhUe acti\- and other agencies interested in at- are covered with Foamtex rubber JhfTr neice, Miss Betty Edstrom of lties .of *he„ w^rld s Jargel y°»;H tracting new industries to the region t0p3. T^e body hardware, knobs -- -- a a ' d . o r h o l d i n g t h o s e w h i c h o p e r a t e d w a r a n d e s c u t c h e o n s a r e a l l c h r o m e 3j500,000 purebred Holstein-Friesian animals now have been registered in the Herd Books of the Holstein- Friesian Association of America, announces that organization. Of this number 930,950 are males and 2,569,050 are females. this city, a bride-to-be. Thirty relatives and friends spent an enjoyable evening, at the close of which Miss Edstrom was presented with lovely gifts and was served. . Those from McHenry who attended the shower were Mr. and Mrs. A. Edstrom and daughter, Eleanor. production plants here. Associated with Public Service Co., in sponsorship of the new program organization," Mrs. Howorka said. Enrollment at this time, she explained, provides membershp until Jan- L-J Wlth uary '47. Special stress is being riplifinuc lunch ma(^e °* the fact that this is the are: Commonwealth Edison Comonly Red Cross campaign conducted pany, Western United Gas and Elecin the schools and that it. is not to - - - be confused with the American Red Cross Fund Campaign" for adult membership in March. plated with the former plastic in- Read the Want Ads ditfM Betty will become the_ bride of roHmTnT fees are payable by the William Lingenfelter of Elgin at a ciassroom as a unit," in the ele- 4 o'clock reremony to be performed mentary schools and by units of 100 on Nov. 11 in the Trinity Presby- jn secondary schools preferably with terian church at Laramie and Full- fUnds the pupils have • earned. erton streets, Austin. "Membership in schools of Mc- * * * ; Henry county last year totalled "Dick" Antonson 4 Ye4ts ; 3,889," Mrs. Howorka continued. Old On Halloween Day Junior Red Cross members here "Dick" Antonson, son of the Leon- are credited with a commendable proard Antonsons of Main street, cele- duction for last year. They made brated his. birthday anniversary with scrap books for hospital use of serthe witches and goblins on October vicemen; covers of cloth for the bedtrie Company, and Illinois Northern Utilities Company. The sponsoring group supplies electric service in Chi- Nominal en- cago and both electric and gas service in a territory embracing nearly 11,000 square miles from Chicago across1 Northern Illinois. . COMING EVENTS - f ,, •» 31. Several of his little friends side tables; tray .favors and menu; Legion gathered at the Antonson hom6' at cards. There have been 145 Christ- j 3:30 and enjoyed a few hours of mas gift boxes filled and shipped; games. Prize winners were Jean girls have served in the local hos- Toqyan and Homer Bassett. Others pital at Woodstock; dances have present besides those mentioned were been held and profits used to buy Nancy .Wollert, Mary, Ella Jean and card tables for the hospitals at camps Bernard Buss, Joan Tonyan, Nell and forts, and contributions made Davis and Joan Admas. |to the National Children's Fund. A dinner was held in the evening; in "Dick's" honor, with relatives! FIREMEN INJURE® present. Attending were Mrs. C. F. Two firemen were injured and one Antonson of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. was overcome by smoke in a fire Nick Freund, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels at the Weidner tavern, 410 E. Park and Mrs. Robert Winkel. lave., Libertyville, one night last Both ' Dick' and his young broth- week. Firemen estimate the loss to er, Thomas, celebrate their birthdays building and stock at more than on special days, but the latter is $5,000. The flames were confined less fortunate than "Dick." His to the large basement. birthday falls on February 29 every November 8 East River Road Pinochle Mrs. B. Jeurgens. November Mothers Club--Mrs. R. November Club-- M. Fleming. 12 • t . ANNOUNCEMENT. e Tike Riverside Bake Shop will be open on friday .... and Saturday this week. : HERBERT WOLFF, Prop. Meeting. November 13 Circle 1, W. S. C. S. -- Thompson, Fox Street. November 15 W. S. €. S. ... V . November IS Junior Class Play. November 18 » Feather Party--Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Society. November 10 Legion Auxiliary. Business and Professional .Women's Club. December 7 Chmlian Mothers #nd Altar Society. leap year. % '•: Discharged Veteran Honored At Dinner Eugene Miller, who NOTICE For the past t'^o weeks we have been able to bring the Plaindealer jto the news stands earlier on Thurswas recently day because of our new deadline, discharged from the army, was guest which is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Let's of honor at a dinner given at the remember to have all news in our home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Mil- office before that time so that we ler on John street, last Sunday, can accomodate you with an early Those present to enjoy the day were;edition on Thursday. " ; ^ " Miss Geraldine Bender of Chicago,1 ---------- ' ' Mr. and Mrs. William -Miller and i tV •«,. v.. children of Fox River Grove, Mrs. j pHHMHBHHHi Clara Hermanson and daughters of Richmond, Mrs. Charles Miller and! children, Mrs. Nick Miller, Mr. and j M r s . J a k e S t o f f e l and d a u g h t e r , Mary j Ann, M r s . Anna M i l l e r and c h i l d r e n , j Bob and Mary Ann, all of McHenry. Later in "the day the group assembled at the liome of Mrs. Charles Miller, where the latter's son, Charles, Jr., celebrated his second birthday anniversary. Others present at this gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leisser, Mrs. B. Horn and Mrs. Freida Anderson, all of Chicago. • » • • . . . Marie J. Nelles Married October ^31 Many McHenry folks will be interested to learn of the marriage on October 31 at St. Mary's, church, Woodstock, of Miss Marie J. Nelles of Woodstock and Frank L. Elsesser of DeWitt, Iowa. She was attended by Jeanne Oeser, her cousin, as matron of honor, and Norbert Yegge of McHenry served the groom as best man. The bride is known by many local CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to express our thanks to "Bill" Wolf of the Riverside hotel and to the Downs Motor Express for their kindness in oifering to lend us a fine piano and to transport it to Woodstock: last Saturday night for use in the Fashion revue. MRS. ALICE BARBIAN. MRS. MARY RITA STILLING. SUPER-WARM COM MtH Ml RdKtoeftMketoffinlgrant foanv with water and* velvety soft by rt&wNog new BATH BUB* HBLWhcn you pvceed with bstfn ante* bubbles disappear, to left mim and *p*«lnfc km kn iMH BUBBLES,** wok or 1WMY-ONB PACKED h Uk MWk SMriwm Ftr* White vmtimmcmb 8 Drug Store NATIONALLY ADVBBTISID Expertly tailored of famous BARBOU& OVERCOATING fabric and lined throughout with warm, luxurious quilted rayon. Smart, snug protection against the elements. Sizes 6 to 16. A truly wonder value at »I5»I McGEE'S ^ McHENRY mrnrnm ESCAPE DESTRUCTION INTHECOMimi » y j NOW-- HEAR .-'7 Address by .7'v7; ..,?ti.K-..i ;..j , L. EBEL, Jr. j . Representative of Watchtower Society 7; " SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11,-3 P.M. CRYSTAL LAKE HIGH SCHOOL LITTLE THEATRE AH Persons of Good-will Are Welcome ' FREE : . • FREE * ' PLACE ORDERS NOW A THIS, we reasoned, is no time to off er foiks a car that stopr with artful face-lifting. It has been nearly four years since our last new Buick was built -- it wouldn't be shboting square now to give you less than our honor-bright best. So we overhauled our whole factory to advantage it with the latest in war-developed machines and processes. ' - 7 ' , that in some cases exceed those of aircraft engine production. And we eagle-eyed e very on® of this Buick's 12,000 parts to iee if it could be bettered |§ any way, big or little. The result is that through stvery stunning inch of this bright new honey rung/solid, dependable Buick character, honest and uncompromised. 7^ straight-eight that's even livelier than in 1942. The cars your Buick dealer will have are big. They're beautiful. They're Buicks. In fact--the best Buicks ye|t Jt's in swift clean lines. In seats that are three-persons wide. In ftout, time-defying frames and Underpinning. Above all -- in We set ourselves precision! #he lift and life of a Fireball We soouVed the country for the stoutest metals anyone can buy • :--: ; -- " today. &< 'm I. OVERTON MOTOR SALEg McHei^y and Crystal Lake