Ih» fortoffic* at McHenry, OL, Um act of M*j 8,187*. Year .. <2.60 NATIONAL €D.ITOR1AL_ " * SSOCIATIOM Guess it's about time that you hejsr_from me again. I always think of writing when one of the Plaindealers gets here, which has been very seldom. Since for sending me the good hometown1 Hawaii Sirs. Delia Callahan of Chicago has been visiting' this week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Peter Doherty. Miss «Kathleen Henn pf Rosary College, River forest, spent the W&kend with her parents, the A. Henns. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edstrom and daughter, Eleanor, visited relatives in Chicago last Sunday. Miss Mary Ann Noohan and several friends of Rosary college, River Forest, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Noonan, last weekend. (Mr. and Mrs. John Ford and 'Mrs/Howard Garner of Chicago visited in the John Stoffel home here on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Breyer and son of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at McCullom Lake. Ed. Knox of Cleveland, Ohio, attended the funeral of James J. Doherty at St. Patrick's church on Monday morning. Miss Marie Nix and Dr. Thad A. Scislowicz of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. in <jnicago. sne was home by Miss Verena Justen, who spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel and daughters, Louise and Helen, were Keposha, Wis., callers on Saturday. Miss Betty Regn^r, R. N., of Chicago has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regner. Mrs. Frank Hfempfer, Jr,, spent Tuesday in Chicago. Sunday guests in the Edward Young home were Mr., and Mrs. Steve N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and sons, David and Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J • w J»M J I»«I» K#NAI, NUUUUUIU, W. .Wagner and son, Edward John. jm sometime next March, I hope. *everal p}acea on\Luson Island and ^ith oven and broiler ^ ^ ; and^ children | ™ V , Nagoya, Japan. Now I'm finlly set- McHenry 685-W-2. 9<i i newspaper, tdn t stay long or two old but I always look forward-Address Box n o u g Ivin one to receiving the next issue. j Plaindealer. ' "Si! For the last five months I've been on j --i--- to cateh upwrith the move. In t h i s time I moved from | Bethnevillie, France, through Char- ^ bourg, Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, Panpit& l, though, til • Am. rflnAl IfAlloriHifl Mpw CiiinpA. WANTED ama Canal, Hollandia, New Guinea, j WANTED -- Four-burner gas stove aava*B nloAAa Ani I iiVAn lelan/i onn i il. « « w Mrs. Arnold Reinert _ ... and Billy Smith of South Elgin vis-! I came overseas with a general ited relatives here Sunday afternoon.! hospital which was to set up on Amon^g th" ose who at--t end-- ed. funera.l1; OA/lk inn«a w«•«a<%, but since t«WhAe MwfAaMr* has endtied here at Nishinomiga, Japan, about fourteen miles north of Kobe, j My company is living in what used, HELP WANTED services for James J. Doherty at.ed as we got there wewent sitraight,t° a country ciub. To us this is j HELP WANTED -- Man for office St. Patrick's church last Monday; to Yokohama, wl«^e jwe broke | a pa]ace compared to what we had: work in lumber, building material overseas before. coal One with architect Ol. raincft a ciiurcu luuauojr i - • ir were Mr. and Mrs. James Biggy, Mr.; "P after a few weeks. We were _ and Mrs. Frank Biggy, Mrs. Theo- i ty-f fht. d*ys on th* water during dore Holden and son, Theodore, Mr. j which time we sweaty out a typhoon and Mrs. William Mahoney, Sr., and! ^ China Sea with drifting mines Mr. and Mrs. William Mahoney, Jr.,ja" around us. The war department all of Chicago, and .Gertrude Kelley j save us a battle star for the Okinawa of Crystal Lake campaign but right there on the ship Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, Jr., of ^ where we earned it Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Johnny Wetsemuller, Brenda Joyce 1. "Tarzan In The Amazons" Robert Livingston -- Ruth Terry 2. "Tell It To A Star" SUN. & MON„ DEC. 16-17 In Technicolor Danny Kaye -- Virginia Mayo "WONDER MAN" V\m--Walt Disney's "Donald Dock and Guffyn- Well, I guess there is not much more I can say except that I wouldn't trade McHenry for any or all of the places here, including that beautiful mountain, Fujiyama. Thanks again for a grand town paper. Sincerely, - JOHN P. SHADLE, Irumagawa, Japan. Chicago spent the weekend visiting their parents, the Fred Nickels and the Fred Krohns, Sr. Mrs. Fred Nickels and son, Bob, were Chicago callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Braeseke are leaving to spend the winter months with their family in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. William Smith, who had been visiting her parents, the Clarence Martins, spent a few days last week in the Glen Robison home in Woodstock. I Mr. and Mrs. George Williams at-, 'tended the funeral of Mrs. George Bauers, Sr., in Dundee lfest week. | Mrs. Lewis McDonald, Mrs. Bob McDonald and daughter, Bonnie, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and son, Jerry, of Woodstock and Mrs. Ford McDonald of Waukegan called in the Linus Newman home on Friday evening. The Robert Krinn family of Des- mailing the paper. Naturally it will Plaines visited relatives here last be missed by myself and a few other weekend.' lads from our neighborhood, but as Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corr of .Wood- long as we are in the final stages This is really the first opportunity I have had to drop you a few lines since the war has ended. Even at the present, I haven't much time. My chief reason for writing now is to thank> you and all those fine people that made it possible for us fellows overseas to read all the news of McHenry and vicinity through the Plaindealer. At present I am cm my way home. Just how long it will take before I get there is another thing. As long as I will be moving around, I think it a good idea if you discontinue Ni TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Gloria Jean -- John Qualin 1. "River Gang" . Bonita Granville in 2. "Senorita From The West" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Bette Davis -- John Dall "The Corn Is Green" stock were local callers the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton of Elmhurst and Robert Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday visiting relatives here. Mrs. Myrtle Symonds of Woodstock spent Saturday evening and Sunday with the Earl Walsh family^ Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buss and daughter, Ella Jean, and Earl Conway attended memorial services for Ray L. Newman at the Wauconda Federated church on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Conway acted as soloist at the services. Women Voters When the Woman's Suffrage amendment to the constitution became effective, it was estimated that between 9,000,000 and 10,000,- 000 women were given the ballot. Th(s was in addition to the 17,500,* 000 who already had the right to vote as a result of action by the various states New Trade Established Failing to find either gold or silver, Captain John SrAith established a lucrative trade with the old country in lumber, tar, and pitch. This was the foundation of established trade between the New World and the Old. of shipment home, guess we can en dure life without it. How about that? Again many thanks and hope to be back in McHenry in the near future. "BULL" CASEY, • . ^ Rheims, France. I'm sending this letter for two reasons, one of which is to let you know about my change of address. •The new base, or should I say location, is Eastern India air depot, located about 100 miles northwest of Calcutta, an4 is largely a wilderness and spread over about a ten mile area. The main job is to get rid of excess aircraft in the whole theatre combat and otherwise, and it is no small job with about 1,000 planes to take care of. A fairly large part of the job is done but a hard part still remains. The uprisings in Calcutta and the vicinity have not been too serious but they have destroyed some U. S. government property, namely, a number of trucks. Enough about Panagaile. The second purpose of this letter is to extend Christmas and New Years greetings to all my friends in McHenry. I onhr regret I cannot be there to do it in person but I don't expect to be home for several I DeLUXE SEATING COMFORT • MILLER Woodstoek, III FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 14-15 ^ Judy Canova in *M>UISIANA HAYRIDE" Pins: "SERGEANT MIKE" . thrilling story of a G. I. and his dog! SUNDAY AND MONDAY . . • December 16-17 IRENE DUNNE in "OVER 21" y t with HARLES COBURN ALEXANDER KNOX --f TUES., WED. & THURS. December 18-19-20 2--GRAND HITS--2 RITA HAYWORTH in ^Tonight And Every Night" In Technicolor •* V with Lee Bowman -. . . Plus: Hit No. 2 . . . BOUGH, TOUGH AND READY with Chester Morris--Victor McLaglen MAKE THE K I D D I E S COMFORTABLE Land cOal yard. The recreational facilities appear j tural training preferred. Apply ip to be plentiful. Thanksgiving Day j writing, stating qualifications and we had a soft ball game and basket- references. McHenry Lumber Co. ball practice started this afternoon, j Considering we nave been here but two weeks, that's doing pretty good. Also, this afternoon I played a round of golf with a couple of buddies. I won't say anything about the score, though. Friday afternoon I *9-2 receiv August 9th issue of the Mai " * - t Wil eived the indeater. In it was a story about William F. "Bud" Meyers stating that he was with the thirty-third division. After thinking for awhile I realized that the division is at Kobe. I immediately got busy getting myself a pass in order that I might--go see nim. Everything was okay until I got to where his barracks were. There I was informed that he had left for home ten days before. Now 111 have to wait until I get home before we meet. SGT. GORDON SCHMITT, Nishinomiga, Japan. ' 'put up collateral" ink loan, you usually lithe cash surrender , „ •'.J* •! ' 'insurance or tHe'ffidiUcet jrities, as a guarantee that ' ' be paid. of the advanta(^i bf It b easy to obtain; |f ;* favorable *pot»lble <; terms con be basis. ; 'K~ V'V-.vioi'v. Chemical Seed Disinfectants Chemical seed disinfectants not only control peanut diseases and seed decay--for which purpose they are applied--but also eliminate the need for oiling the seed with keroserte to repel birds and rodents. Dr. Edward K. Vaughan oVTifton, Ga., in reporting the excellent results obtained from peanut seed treatment in actual farm tests, says: "In the past, many Virginia farmers have treated peanut seed with kerosene as a repellent to prevent birds and rodents from eating the seed after it .has been sown." Need Rubber Stamps ? The Plaindealer. Order at MM Htm DAMAGES Damages of $16,000 are asked by plaintiffs in a suit filed last week in McHenry county circuit court. The suit is the result of a collision of automobiles on highway 14 last December 30, 1944. Jack Magnuson, John Boucek and Vernon Knox is her attorney. Daisy Bollenson are plaintiffs and Carl Rund and Elmer Rund are named defendants. The complaint charges that Elmer Rund, operating jan automobile owned by his father, Carl, collided with a car owned by, Daisy Bollenson in which Magnuson j and Boucek were riding, resulting in West McHenry State Bank Member Federal Reserve System 1 Member Federal Deposit Insnrance Oorporatioii TIN I H IT I HI ! I H M ni inn n I I I M I U I H sum of $1,000 is asked by the Bollen- i Island son woman for damages to her car, i Only two courthouses in the United States are built on inlands it Manteo. N. C., and Key Waal* DESERTION CHARGES Verna Connor has beJR granted a divorce from Robert Connor on a charge of desertion. fla. Coal Consumption Twenty-five pounds of coal per day are required for 'every man. Discharge papers continue to pile j woman and child in the U. S. personal injuries to the two men J into the office of Circuit Clerk Lester, and damages to the car. ; Edinger. With each day bringing The plaintiffs complain that young i "?ore and rn&re "»en and women home Rund was operating his vehicle in om service this phase of work in a wilful, wanton, malicious and neg-1the «lerk's office continues to inligent manner and was traveling at i01 ^fe' an excessive rate of speed when the ! Painting New Wallboard Wallboard makes an excellent SUP* face for painting. If not already sized, treat it with a good interior o n i u The various offices in the court spar varnish thinned with turpenmachinV" struck"" the "Boirenson* car ^ouse 8re taking inventory these! tine to about the consistency of linwhich was parked along the shoulder days prfor to makinE semi-annual seed oil. If you add to the varnishof the road. . I reports. Hiese reports will be pre-1 size a small quantity of the paint Macnuson who was Hrivin<r Isented *° ^e county board at the i that is to be used as the finish coat, Bonenson^Tar asks^YlO.MO Jo? i£r- meeting of this organization. | just enough to color it, the size sona1l i.. njuries, a. nd, B~ ouce.k , a pasi coaj wjj| often answer the purposa senger, is seeking $5,000 for injuries. They are represented by the law firm of Ashback and Marcus. A j family or friends. * vv«| W AAA VAWM (Uiia WVi bllV pu« Let a subscription to t*6 Plain-, a primipg coat. The wallboard dealer be your Christmas gift to can then be finished with two or three coats of any wall paint. nothing SO |rlu URlNG ^ND practical AS Gift.s4 Home FOR THE FIRST TIME in four long years, we have here now, priced with our usual consideration for a very comprehensive assortment otf lovely GIFTS OF "quality at a price." NOW you can gratify your FURNITURE for every home in McHenry. If you wish for a whole house of new furniture, if you wish have been waiting for a new suite ... a single piece to make this a gala "new home" Christmas,.for those that will give a "lift" to your room, you will find it who are newly arrived home. 1 TNI NiW •VRTMAT'OH" MAKI-UF noM Nonrwooo Irs QUICK! CMy MMMW» ff loin i*i* wpl»»i-- NATUftAl A LAWNOt • MM v*Ut IracklM M ^ • prtMt at •Mt MMION MM Ml. (MM JMMICS MMMISOl Bolger's Drug Store GREEN STREET M'HENRY Wilson's Radio Service m ELM STREET, McHENRY Repairs on all makes of radios. Home appliances repaired Business hours: 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. -- ~ 6*30 to 8:30 ,p.m. Every day except Sunday^ CLIFFORD E. WILSON, PROF. . SNOW SUITS to 10 years FLANNELETTE ""SLEEPERS with feet 6 months to 6 FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS to lO.years Toddler Shop Corner Oreen>& Elm Sis.. Here are shown illustrations of a few items to c^ found in our store at right prices. Come in and make your selection^yof beautiful gifts in furniture. Jacob. Justen Sons Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHenry - Phore 103-R *1 . y,