t'f *<- *. t..,: m^y c FOR SALE WAKT«D to «W rooms or mora. Call MeHenry SI. Dr. H. S. Pike, 806 Waukegan St ts-tf HELP WANTED E2\lfclff fi7st^dntLon,rcu8S' HELP WANTED--Middle ige women SFrIan uk STonnUyann , PFno»x lLiakse, 111111. 5^24 4 ,to^ h^elp in kitchen. Apply at J-K and R„taurant, Lily Lake. FOR SALE -- 1944 crop seed corn Phone MeHenry 667-M-l. *62 produced HELP WANTED--Beauty operator, „ - „t Mr^cent. mIwISTm? Me- or part time. Call l&gi Phone S66. Henry 105-R. *62-2 if , HAVE YOU HEARD about the new will now. We sell, repair all pumps, including electric. Bill Bacbn, 206 Main street, West MeHenry. Tel. 98-J. 89-tt GARBAGE COLLECTING-- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or "oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers*.1 Ren J. Smith. tt and A1 Weing*rt , y in the Mrs. Josephine r. ini^ifciWTiome. • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Ritcher of Burlington, Wis., called in the Jack Keenan home one night last week. Congratulations are in order for William Yung on his winning the state's snrard as "state farmer." William ia a junior in the MeHenry Community High School. HELP WANTED--Girls and women reduced Auto Liability and Property Cast aluminum pres- for laundry work. Call Woodstock Damage rates ? They will surprise 655. Jen-A-See Laundry ft Clean-1 yOU. Ask us for insurance rates. FOR SALE sure canner and cooker, 40 quarts cans 16 quarts or 24 pints at one ' " 62-8 i filling: Also fruit jars, very reasonable. Tel. MeHenry 634-J-l. 52 HELP WANTED -- Woman or girlj • for cooking and general housework. FOR SALE -- Five-room house in Four in family. $35 per week. Call; Oakhurst subdivision. Call McHen- Crystal Lake 684, collect. 62 j 1W Kent Co* MeHenry. Phene 8. 27-tf ry 147-J after 6 p.m. 62-2 - HELP WANTED--Woman for clerk- FOR SALE--Large row boat, length ing and man for work in tin shop. 16 feet; beam, 4% feet. flOO. Call, Vycital's Hardware. Tel. MeHenry MeHenry 684-M-l. 52 98-M. 52 FOR SALE -- Household furniture. HELP WANTED -- Man to work in Call 675-M-2, weekends only. *52 store and help with newspapers. Al- •--" z ~ TT " ' bert Krause News Agency, 308 Elm FOR SALE--Electric washing ma- St MeHenry. Phone 379. 61-tf John -j _ V * chine; veiy good condition. Warner,, Route 2, MeHenry, Ill.j HELP WANTED lilyihoor _ subdivision. Two women for *52' general commercial kitchen duties. (Free to work from 10 a. m. till 2 FOR SALE--Sixty-egg oil irilcubator, p_ m_t ©r 5 p. m. till 9 p. m.; choose perfect condition; reasonable. Her- own hours. Good hourly wage. Monnan Jahnke. Phone MeHenry ^ay 0fl» Noonan's Restaurant, 202 666-R-l. *52 S. Green St., MeHenry. *51-2 High Wages for Telephone Operators Sara $25 Per 5-Day We# / .'-i ; To Start . V XAbout $1« per month) ty*', FOR SALE--Seven-piece oak dining HELP WANTED -- Girl for general room set, leather.seat cushions. Tel. housework; small family; own room MeHenry 89-R. 52 and bath, radio; on Fistakee Bay. TOR SALE - American Has, new- Phone Pl»t.kee 652-B-l. 61-2 size, 11 feet. Tel. MeHenry 233-J. HELP WANTED -- Full time cook; *52 [good salary. Phone Wonder Lake Frequent salary increases thereafter. SPRING GROVE (by Mrs; Charles Freund) On Sunday of last week guests in the home of Mrs. Nick Freund were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellens, Mrs. Charles Sullig, Mrs. Anna Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tonyan and Mr. and Mrs. "Red" Schaefer of Wfcukegan. Those Who helped Mrs. Fred Meyer celebrate her birthday anniversary on Saturday night, May 4, were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer and family, Mr. and Mrs. "Bussy" Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. George A. May and family, Mrs. Nick Freund and Miss Lucille Freund. Cards and visiting were the evening's diversions and refreshments were served, which included a large birthday cake. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin Sodality l^eld their meeting in St. Peter's Parish hall on Tuesday night. ^Services were held in the Treat Frozen Combs Early to Stop Low §§ Fertility Decreased - If Males Are Victims While prevention of frozen combe in the poultry flock is always the best cure, once this condition has been brought about every effort should be made to reduce its ill effects. When roosters' combs are badly frozen their ability to fertilize igga is either greatly decreased, or with opportunity to earn more by preceding the meeting, at • . , .. , . .. ; i which time new members were en-. exU» work at time and a haltpay. rofle(j START TODAY ' f*'. 'i? " f*7~~ Mrs. Bob Lent, Mrs. Daniel Miller, Mrs. Edw. Nist and Mrs. John Sanborn joined the Christian Mothers and the graduating class of this In a communications job which is ?.®*". 1^n_a Hanford, Betty Jean 51-tf,an essential part of the business u "fl1' "^fa"ne,te Le°non» Donna FOR SALE -- SAND, GRAVEL, and social l_ife _of your community. ,," V. were e- BLACK DIRT--Charles Herdrich, help WANTED -- Six women, be- Experience unnecessary. ^FuH"*pay! 'n ^ Blessed Virgin Sodality. 609 Waukegan St., MeHenry. P^one tween ages cf is to 40; for ward whHe learning. Past service will be Un impressive talk was given by MeHenry 147-J. 52-14 nurse assistants; no experience nec- credited to former operators who are Father Daleiden, after which all pro- .FOR SAUS-u S1e'"co»n™d c™utti'n6gn Tfo ™ i =van7ces/ tw'Lith experience. Applyi; " 1 ^ h*n *"d ~ baled; also baled straw, DeLaval -^r00(jgtock Hospital, Woodstock, 111., milking machine. Call H. J. O Brien > h 86 for appointment. 51-2 Wauconda 2317. Ri-tf v FOR SALE freshments. Prize winners in five ENJOY Rose eomb roosters often prove more likely to suffer with frozen combs thai^ single comb fowls. in some cases entirely lost. At any rate, until the comb is completely healed, high fertility cannot be expected. A more rapid recovery - may be FUK "Oldtown outboard gar(jen two or three days every boat and motor; 33-hp. Evmrude, 4- week D R Hemsley, 25 Orchard „ ... . • _ - model, complete with starter, gener- Beach McHenfy. Call or phone Mc- "Vacations Holidays with Pay ator, liphts. Macks Auto Repair jjenry 643.M-2 Saturday or Sunday.)*Sickness Benefits -- -- Shop, 603 Waukegan Rd., MeHenry, r0.tf On Highway 120, west of C. & N. W; R. R. Phone MeHenry 463 •Pension Plan FOR SALE -- FISH -- Jumbo carp. - _ - sembly line system Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, 111. Phone v.. 51*tf WANTED--Women and girls to sew| "Pleasant, Safe Surroundings cotton and rayon dresses. Learn "Advancement ~r< 11StlrT_tjJU,?1Df simplified sewing taught by the as 10c per lb: George_DeBra>_, foot 5(>mhlv line svstem. Women an< 3051. c-. « girls will always be in demand in. this industry. We have girls who hundred were Mrs. Math Nimsgern, I hl£n 'L™. "J1'" "^very may oe 'Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. Ray May/ brought a t b°ut lf ou the fro«n parts i while bunco winners were Luella are amputated. Sharp scissors, ra- H0*r Hanford, Mrs. Marie Bell and LuAnni zor or sharP sniPs may be used- Bauer.. The serving of lunch by The cut should be made in the unthe committee brought the evening frozen portion. To prevent bleedto a close. | ing, apply an astringent such as Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wagner of i tincture of ferric chloride. It is Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank • usually necessary to remove the Wagner on Tuesday evening of last wattles as well as the comb. week* Frozen combs and wattles can be prevented by dubbing the cockerels in the summef'when from 6 to 12 FOR SALE- Ranch tvpe all year earn an average of 90 cents and over house. 7 large rooms, glazed porch, per hour. Work 40 hours per week, fireplace, furnace, bath, shower, 3 Apply at Qur office or telephone Mcbedrooms. All floors covered with Henry 39. Riverside Mfg. Co., 200 tile. One block from lake. Private, Riverside Drive. 52.3, beach. $8,000. Tel. MeHenry 292-J HELP WANTED--Laborers and car-' penters foi construction work; to FOR SALE--Started baby chicks. learn a trade. Fredrickson, Wonder MeHenry Flour Mills, 49_4 Lake. Tel. .Wonder Lake 221. 48-tf; FOR SALE - Hybrid Seed Corn, WANTED--Mah for general work i Furr, National and other varieties. Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake. Call MeHenry Flour Mills. 49-4 Fox Lake 4091. 46-tf FOR SALE--Fairbanks-Morse ejec- gEI;P ^A*^D"7p?}lple extra ! tor water and sump pumps, for im- Hunter Boat Co., MeHenry. 39-tf mediate delivery; also a good buy HELp WANTED -- Light factory1 ^T„d0°^em0Tei. ££££ -ft. sst 2S2FS&- fo1 .. 46-tf ' day evening shift; 5 to 10 " ' ' p.m. Top wages for conscientious1 FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and workers. Cellulose Industrie^ Rich-1 . Apply Today to tlhief Operator Park Avenue ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY JOHNSBURG economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- mond. 111. Tel. Richmond 385. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT (By Chit and Chat) Mr. and' Mrs. Fred DeThorne of Waukegan visited friends here one day l&st week j Mrs. William Britz was hostess to | ^ee^s of a«e' when loss will be neg- | the members of her club at her home! jon Thursday afternoon. Five hun- Before placing a cockerel or roostdred was played and prizes went to' er in the breeding pen, it should I Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Frank | be first ascertained that his comb | Wagner, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Tony May, and wattles were not frozen the prej Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. Joe Ko-1 vious winter, or that he has comi berstine and Mrs. Fred May. A pletely recovered. In many c^ses, lovely lunch was served following j it may be a wise move to market t cards. 1 Wednesday guests of Mrs. Bob I Lent and Mrs. Lucille Nelson were j Mrs. John Amborn and son and Mrs. George Mitchell of Sharon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike ' Happy" Wagner and sons visited in the George Wagner home in Chicago on Sunday night. I Mrs. Nick Freund and Mr. and | Mrs. Fred Meyer attended funeral I services for Mrs. Tony Schneider at i St. Mary's church in MeHenry last iweek. all males with frozen combs and wattles. Double-Blade Saw • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattiier spent _ , „ , ^ . . . | r r , T . , , / . . . . . . , t h e w e e k e n d w i t h M r . a n d M r s . M e l ville Rock Wool Home Insulation WTfiPTT T AWTPnTTC i T«The Joh"s. Hr8r dld U afa,?! vin Kutish in Chicago. "Blownin", walls and ceilings. Call MlSL»fiI.ljAJM15UUS They won their second game of the: Mr. and Mrs Harry Britz and LEO J. STILLING, MeHenry 18. ART RHIMVfe*?onC from the MeHenry Sham- children of Rockford spent the week- Sfitf. ABC CHIMNEY SERVICE -- Tuck- rocks m a very exciting eleven-mn- end in the William Britz home. POjntmg, rebuilding and repairing, ing game, seven to six. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schulz of Chi- Address Block No. 12, Lily Lake, a large crowd was in attendance, cago were Sunday visitors in the east of MeHenry. 52 it was fun for all and the rivalry John Sanborn home. RENT--TTwwoo aanndd oonnee--hh"TSfflff~iWfBoomm WATTCH AND JJEEWEELLRY REEPPAIIR-- between the _ two "te"aJm"*s,' ua,sa Kin"! the T ^ anf Mrs. Albert Britz, sons modern, heated cottage, furnished; ING -- All work fully guaranteed, ' .. i wl an^ an „^.rs- Bertha by week, month or season. Close to "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc- ^ ®sh |P®nt Sunday in Chicago with river. Beautiful wooded section. Henry. Tel. 379. 47-tf li' l 1 K tv, y Stfau^ family. The oc- CalW MeHenry 203-J-X. *52 :----- ; ^OIT,irients made about the ap- i cassion was m honor of the First ot«e\>e Sleeve fteuble-Blade Saw. WANTED TO BUY Two buck-saw blades are desirable on the farm, with one fine and one coarse blade. The comrii" ROCK WOOL INSULATION blown pearance of the diamond, so the Communion of Yvonne Straub. in by WARD'S. Experts with com-1 Y° an<? ®ffort put in by the team! Weekend visitors at the home of. ... . pleteoModern Equipment will do the during the past weeks were not in Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pankin were Mr | 01ned tightener consists of two WANTED TO BUY -- Used lawn i°b the Ri^ht Way- Satisfaction |vain- was rakes, shovels, ham- and Mrs. William O'Connor of! straight bars mortised loosely and mowers Sharnenintr and renairine- guaranteed. Roofing, Siding and In- mers, saws and what-have-you dur- Evanston, Captain Bruce Peters of bolted in the frame at one end, while Robt j'Thurlwell 110 Main St Mc- sulation at MONTGOMERY WARD'S mg the week, but the bats were, Evanston, Sergeant Lewis A. Hazel at the other end they are movable Henry. ' 51-tf Woodstock, 111. Free Estimates, renlly connecting on Sunday. I of LeRoy, 111. Mrs. KatherirteUn a groove on the inside of the ! Phone Woodstock 9n9nn2 . 4'n9 -^tf : Sunday finds our team traveling Ringelman of Chicago, Mrs. Eliza frame. WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five to Crystal Lake. Let's keep plug-. beth /ohnson of Chicago and Mr. j room summer home, near MeHenry, ^.^'®£^AYING AND WHITE- ing and we'll have Johnaburg in the aI}d Mrs. E. J. Pankin of Wilmette, n m. £ A • I on or near Fox River. Address Box; „ „ »oir$lr < Henkel, Volo. headlines with fifteen straight wins-- HI- Sgt. Hazel was a Jap prisoner oenetlt Of ArtltlC13l ^5J," care Plaindealer. 26-tf I MeHenry 681-M-l. 42-tf Show 'em Boston isn't .the-only team . war for forty-two mont^sT -- - ', „ . that can do it. | On Thursday afternoon a party of I WANTED TO BUY--Summer cottage LIVESTOCK TRUCKING Frank | friends gathered at the home oft Insemination of Bees rti t « ti „ i ir. 7 -- -- ---- Artificial insemination is not new. er year 'round home on river or va- Raycraft West MeHenry. Phone Mc- Mr and Mrs Ciarence stilling and1 J1™- Nick Freund to help celebrate ft has stood the test and is being cant river frontage m vicinity of Henry 149-J. 41-tf family> Mr# and Mrs John Herdrich her birthday anniversary. Cards: successfully applied ^rtr^ve. Chkago^iu. ™ W H1TE W A SHING -- For white-^8008-,0^6 an.d ^on, of Mc- a^nd_ among ^he_Prize in animal husband- Tuxedo 8181. *M-2 washing barns, basements, chicked "enry and Coxswain JlM Hetter-1 Mw^Fra^MJ?8" Its ^ with houses, see or call Al. Phannenstill, ™ann o' Arlington spent Mother s de]ic- lunch ?" bees was delayed WANTED TO BUY--CANOE; good pphhoonnee MMeeHHeennrryy 443333--RR.. 50-5 Da>' Wlth Mrs- "elen Hettermann. lunch brought this pleasant i until recent work condition; will pay cash. Write or rnirNTV OAVITAWV RN phone Sheridan Huss, 220 S. Maple COUNTY SANITARY CO. Ave. Oak Park, 111. Euclid 6573 | Selrtic tanks and jnstalled. •62-2 Mr. and Mrm. "£nny" Smith «nd i Mrs°"M.th Nini.gern """the'^ederar .i11- «i« Unk, pumped .nd in.UlM. o™ iSlgJSt rd t,h; ^*2^ *nL°" MSSTtt. w«v°^ , Servicing--Construction--Repairs j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith. i attended the wedding of a (Phone Libertyville 1346. 50-tf First Communion Sunday has beeni Sf* ' Andr®w T^ornaj M i ^ nostnoned to Mtv 2« at St John'*! «.Mr- and Mrs- Daniel Miller of tion to improve FLOOR LANDING--Refinishing var- church. due to tL number of ehil-i T^ere Sunday visitors in honey yield. WANTED -- We have euh buvers 1 ",,hin«t^and w»xing; new and old dren that ar€ gick< I ll, w ! The advantages WANTED We have cash buyers floor8. frM eBt,mates. McHen- Mr and Mrg John Pit*en, Mrs. ite^ in the h8' f wi 1,6 possible to WANTED x - ,1 floors; free estimates, for summer homes, city property and ry 206-R. farms. List your property with us, | 1 Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. EXPERIENCED Call McHen *50-4 Martha""Freund and d a u gh te r, i^u r .'V ^ "OI Gladys, Mrs. William Adams, son, HaroId Carnes 1. MeHenry or 2005*'Sheffield Ave./, LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY E^' ^?nces and Ellen, Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-13S4 tt, attended the wedding reception of WANTED HOMES AND FARMS In and around MeHenry and Lake AND REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES AYCRAFT, P. O. Box ltt. West MeHenry, 111. 40-tf evening. in Solon Sunday i improve stock to a (By LocBe Nye) "Poems wen made by fools like me But only God can mute a Tree." --from Joyce Kilmer's "TVees.*' Arbor Day is a day legally set apart in certain states for the planting of trees, and many schools, in* stitutions and individuals have observed it and realised that a "thing of beauty is a joy foreve^." A walk through the picturesque city of MeHenry reveals the results of carefully planted and volunteer trees, alike in beauty, usefulness and history of pioneer days. These trees have attained a great siz£. Property owners possessing them could no doubt give fascinating narrations pertaining to same. Our city has many dimmative and medium sized ornate trees, but it is of the big trees, the old trees, we like to read. It would be at interest to get, proportions of some of these old landmarks. There is, for instance, one recently dismembered; the huge trunk of this boxelder still standing on the -curb of the Thurlwell lots on Front street. Approximately twelve feet in circumference is the estimate given by passers. It must have been a sapling when the fine, paved highway was a trail. The tree has outlived its usefulness, but it's grateful shade is remembered by many. If the improvements that have taken place in this part of our enterprising city during the growing of this tree were recorded, an interesting book would result. At .the extreme west end of John street, on the Weber-Schiessle property, the largest tallest maple one could discover hereabout raises its verdant boughs. Passengers on the trains of the North Western railroad have loved seeing it and feeling glad if their destination was MeHenry. Back eastward on the same street, in front of The old Buchert home, Stand a pair of maples, very similar. One could vision a large May Day party enjoyed under their .sheltering boughs. They express dignity as the two tall pines across the street. on the Joe Smith property, express endurance. "Somewhere the birds are singing evermore," applies to the large, spacious trees on the old Nickels homestead in West MeHenry. In this cool, sequestered location, fatigue would be forgotten, with the merry melodies overhead. "Big Burr Oak," on the lawn of the Carl Weber home on Main street, provides the frisky squirrels with acorns and merriment. The age of this tree can not b$ determined, so it must have marked some Indian trail in the long ago. On down Main street is a massive double trunk, thorn tree, being near the sidewalk of the cozy Kamholz home. Squirrels would find ideal apartments in the hollows and a large lawn chair could be safely anchored in the fork of the twin trunks. Perhaps it is the oldest double tree in our city. On down the street, standing as a faithful sentinel guarding the pretty home of the Clarence Martins, is a gnarled boxelder. It must be old, too, as one seems to notice the harmony by contrast of the aged tree and the modern house. One must expect to see the ordinary varieties of trees in strolling along, but to come upon such a massive featalpa as the one that graces the grounds of the John Stoffel home causes one to pause in wonder. The great circumference of the trunk, the %pread of huge boughs and -the great height exceeding the spacious home are unusual. When in full bloom it is a rare picture, and the perfumed air and hum of bees is an inspiration for a poet.- • . Sun Aids Vitamins Tomatoes grown in the sun on hea!thy plants are considerably richer • in vitamin C than those grown in the shade. Tomatoes produced outdoors have more C than those from greenhouses. Tomatoes gathered from the garden after a sunny spell will offer more vitamin C to family meals than those ripened, during dark weather. Tests by scientists at state experiment stations show that the intensity of light on the plant during growth is of more importance in increasing this vitamin than any other factor yet discovered. Sunshine alone, however, is not enough. Undernourished, thirsty plants, suffering from loss of foliage, are likely to produce poor - quality, sun - burned fruit. Plants that are unevenly watered or have too much moisture at one time and drouth at another are also poor in quality, even in sunny locations. Sunshine can add C value only if other conditions are favorable for the plant, nutritionists say. •« C.WV*"; m «f the ot eight are a dead loss. v MdBBNBT' CAB --TT. -- 49i Waahsga* Read H S4~Kow 8erviee MeHENRY 472-J CECIL BALLOWB "•i FRANK EL WEILER PAINTING AND DBGOBATING Phase Heleary 689-W-2 Paiatiag, Paperhaagiag, Sprayiag Brtiaute* CbeerfeBy Famished WALTER P. BROOKS f%C.. Piloting aad^Deeorating - Wallpaper and Paint at Wholesale 116 Waskisvton St, MeHenry TeL 1S1-R Telepheae HanUey M44 BAYMOND J.^KBLLEY Attorney at Law1.-' HUNTLBT, ILLINOIS CRYSTAL LAKE LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS All services P. F. Lodts, Agent Phone 82^/* ~ 117 Grant St. Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- Cinders Black Dirt -- Limestone Dump Trucks For Hire ~Hione Johnsburg 677-W-2 , MeHenry, 111. Phone MeHenry 86-W C. N. FREUND A. TRUCKING Livestock -- Lime - CmI. 106 Waukegan Road West MeHenry, 111. AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 60,1 Main St., MeHenry Elenric Portable Welding " Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. Phone MeHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--MeHenry --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $6 te $25 for Old Horses, less for down heroes and cattle. * MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges MeHENRY GARAGE 608 Front St. (Route 31) General Repairing Welding--Arc and Acetylene Light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McH nry 108-R high degree. The practice will not A group of ladiee spent a pleasant' imrnediately be practiced by bee Miss* Berni'ce Pitzen and^Georsre ®Yenin«r in the home of Mrs. Harry | raisers but will be limited to ex- HiLMh«£ of cw2? Srtiinta ?n Myers on F«day night. A demon-1 periment stations and specialists •tKh«o KNii,c.ikr PPiittz veann homa ' stration ww*a»s hneelida aannda ssppeecciiaall pprriizzeess who are now in a position to fur- ! Mr and Mrs Art Adams motored YfL re 8rivell Mrs- Bob Kautz, Mrs. nish improved honeybee stock by counties. We will get you top prices j DEAD ANIMALS --Five dollars is 'to Chicago to the Illinois State Eye CharKa ^reundM™Lunc^v^dseJiS ^tv MDulIltion en an exclusive basis. ED M. LAN- ! the least we pay for dead horses .„d Infirmary Thursday. Joseph Klein L t"e FJXd; ^ LSTeti S,ty H XfZZ^ " NES, Agent, Hines Realty ft Con-j cows in good condition. Wheeling accompanied them home, after being JJrty h08tess to comPlete «wrmay be aided by this method, etruction Co. Tel. MeHenry 674-M-2, Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. a P*t,enti [or the past ten days. ^ " 6^7-R-2. 84-tf 3, Reverse the charges. No help!. Mrs. Catherine Smith had the miseeded to load. 14-tt 'ortune to break her arm last Saturday. £ Subscribe for The Plaindealer PICK-UP AND DELIVERY - * VOGUE CLEANERS SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY MeHENRY CLEANERS "MeHenry Cleaners and Laundry Services 103 Elm Street Phone MeHenry 104-M Mr. and Mrs. Bert Casey of Chicago were weekend guests in the Joseph Frett home. Mr. and Mrs. William May spent Sunday in the Joseph J. Freund home. Mr. and Mrs. George Kiddelsen of McCullom Lake spent Friday evening1 in the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Martinec. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay motored to Sterling, where they visited Miss Mary Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmes, Mr^and Mrs. Rov Gaylord and son, Donnie, Sixe of Okhotsk Sea Uncle Sam's warships patrolling the Okhotsk sea are operating on a sweep of water more than a fourth greater in area than Hudson bay. The Okhotsk sea is the northernmost of the five large seas washing the eastern shores of Asia. About 1,600 miles from northeast to southwest and about 800 miles wide at its widest, the Okhotsk sea is framed by Russian and Japanese territories. This land frame is composed of the Russian mainland on It is also important that farmers time their spraying so as not to kill off large numbers of bees, as has been the case in the past. Use High Frequency in / Sterilization of Egg8 By sterilizing the egg, killing the germ, better keeping quality is secured from market eggs when subjected to high frequency. The prinp ciplg is somewhere between radio and diathermy. Certain bacteria on the shell art _ -- also destroyed and the white of the the west and north; Russia's spear- I egg is slightly stiffened, so thai like Kamchatka peninsula and the when broken in the frying pan the curving chain of Japan's Chishima ' yolk stands out above it, producing Subscribe for The Plaindealer WILSON'S RADIO SERVICE 206 E. Elm St. Phone MeHenry 469 ~ Repairs on all makes, home and auto radios CLIFFORD E. WILSON, Prep. ALL WORK GUARANTEED INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and Life Iasoraace Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance «f any .Mad Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm MeHenry For REFRIGERATION SERVICE . Call WONDER LAKE 568 vi»yiuixi oiiii uonnic, /Vitrilo\ 2_iA « .. _ » _ , of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel! ,nlf.. landLs on the .east • Ja* j • better cooking egg. Kennebeck and sons spent Mother's Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck. Mrs. Cora Herdrich and son, Billy, of MeHenry spent Sunday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eld. Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stilling sons, Dickie and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. pan's big island of Hokkaido on the south; and the fish-shaped Russo- Japanese island of Sakhalin on the southwest. Children's Eyti Generally a child does not know when he has poor vision. Even if he cannot see the board well, or if his eyes tire quickly when reading, DON HOWARD Old Devlee If you ever tie a string around : he does not realize that his eyes your finger in order to jog your need attention. Harold Freund and children of Me-; memory, you are using a device i S®nry. ®Pent Sunday in the Peter similar to one of the earliest known Freund home. j forms of "writing." A messenger Tueadav ^ h i c a g o s p e n t , w o u l d carry a notched stick with termann father, Henry Het-. him on his errand, each notch sig- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egarv an<] nifying ^ ParticuJar part of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom E*an 1 me8M£« *»ven to him at the moand family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack San- ment notch was made. Toast at Best Toast at its best, say the specialists, must be served within a minute after making. In two minutes, the crisp surfaces begin to absorb moisture from the inside and to become tough. BOTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractors ^ » Radio Repairs !<et us 'estimate that next electric*! job of yours. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prop/ Phone MeHenry 272-M 304 Riverside Drive 4Mephoae N®. 306 STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes ef property In the best companies. West McHnry, HHaeh A. P. FREUND CO. Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M MeHenry, IIL TeL MeHenry 243-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhanging, Removing Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray ~ Painting 106 N. GREEN ST. McHENRT DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist - ISO Green Street Phone 292-J. MeHenry Office Honrs: 10 a. m. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday. Evenings by appointment. : jL TeL Wonder Lake 418 ML R. H. W ATKINS ' ' ^Dentist --Office Hoars-- Tueeday ft Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 pja. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IIL DR. H. S. FKB Veterinarian 106 Waakegan 8t. Phone 11 McHENRT, ILL. A. WORWICK ' PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture " Commercial Photography Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRT. ILL. McHENRT FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R-l -- > tee Mile South of. MeHenry on Route 31 Flowers for sll occasions! ^ JACOB FRITZ ' Real Estate and Insaranee Main St* Johnsburg TeL MeHenry 672-R-2 Chicago Office «e LoMoln 1333-4 ""'IS?