ULYMOOR tte tMs mmt l» I* • wry; bur* and Lily Lake school wilf Ite happy one t for tike ehfldrn due to1 played Wednesday, May 22 in the 2* £rfr«*mente, gam« afternoon. The last thae they playand prizes will be ghren. Mrs. John . .. _ . * ** Molitor is chairman in charge. ed. the «*me was call®d bec«u" o£ Mrs. Jo Bartelt now has a sister1™" in the 8eventh innin* residing with her permanently. Have! W seven graduates from the Lily ,;•/ ,.v; Francis Edward) ladies and gents of the com will be glad to l^r that our! met ***• 1*^7 yet but will an-: Lake school three were from Lilyspot of recreation, the Lily- 1 iWeek" Wel" moor' TB*y were Edith Neeley, fos- Clnbhouse will have its official ?!L„ t - v l a u « L h t c r ° | M r . and Mrs. Ed. oonpeenniinngv , SSaattnurrddaayv e»vv<emniinnigr, 1 moor thgirsa nMdsmonks. arOen ev isiisti nJgi mLmniye-, ; MWeehilaenr, Roger Svoboda and Toinette 8. . grandson of lira. Sv&boda, Sr. I A ' M .. . nr a feature billing will be the Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Keller were Df Toinette WeSer JtwT her mother J^w Flashes," weft known mus- guests at a formal weddng and re- and father at the Lilymoor Clubirians of radio and stage fame. Re- cation in Oak Park Sunday, May 12. house was attended by her fellow feeskments will be served. Your host Th» bride, daughter tfMrandMrs. graduates, school chums and teen- «pi hostess Steve and Lil Wyjas Albert E. LoCelso and Mr Albert agers. Neighbors and friends of faarantee all a good time. E™1"8 Quinte were married at St. the community also dropped in for The Lily Lake school children will Catherene of Siena church. The re- awhile to wish her well Toinette la released for their summer vaca- ception was held in the evening at wishes to thank her friends and Ijm en Friday, May 24, the day of the Graemere hotel. The bride 13 a neighbors for their kind wishes and Mr annual school picnic. Sponsor- cousin of Mrs. Keller. gifts. Her teacher, Mathew P. 1 ky the Parent Teachers Associa- ; A repeat ball game between Johns- Freund, was guest of honor. t • V"*; V ' - r V ' . _ 'J *» * >> 1 : •*„ v ; J-r vV (A« 4-ii« v*' 4 " JrJ* j J * j • • ,*r •> yJ** \ '*•. .. I 1 From 1935 to 1945, the number of telephones in rural areas served by Illinois Bell increased 150 per cent 2 In 8^>ite of shortages, service was installed for nearly 3,000 more rural families during 1945. 8 This company now serves 50,000 telephones in rural areas and plans to install 9,000 more this year. 4 Rural telephone service is not only expanding, but is improving in quality. Improvements include: * The number oI parties on rural lines is being reduced to eight or less. * Magneto (Crank type) telephones are being replaced by more modern in- . struments In many * Where possible, we are reducing the number of rings heard for other parties on the line. N These and other improvements to come are^all part of our $3,000,000 program to provide more and better telephone service in rural areas. iuihois mi mmteni compart \ JMcHEN&Y, ILLINOIS - % ' AGAIN PROUDLY PRESENTS Loy Ginn Jen (Louie) * AND HIS FAMOUS - • ' i..-. v Chinese Dishes ALSO * EXCELLENT AMERICAN FOOD FINE STEAKS - CHOPS - CHICKEN : : Enjoy a delicious meal in our beautiful main Dining Room Let us serve your next B&nqtwt * \ f r .rCENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY OPEN 5 P.M. TO 1 A.M. m- (By Chit and Chat) Hie Johnsburg ball team traveled to Crystal Lake Sunday and beat that team by a score of 7 to 6. The game was close until the last inning, when our boys got two runs which put them in the lead. In spite , of the rain, they won their third straight game. Next Sunday the game will be here. I Miss Ardele Oeflfling is ill in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling. • I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bedeiter of jWinthrop ' Harbor were Sunday ; guests in the Art Klein home. I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, Mr. i and Mrs. Earl Holmes of Woodstock,, motored to Chicago Sunday to attend the wake of Mrs. Jennie Mclntee' at a Chicago funeral home. 1 The Lady Foresters will hold their j regular monthly meeting Tuesday •vening, May 28. Miss Catherine Pitien, Jos. Pitien and daughter, Mary, of Waukegan, visited in the Earl Turner home Sunday evening. ^ Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Siehoff of Burlington, Wis., .visited with friends and relatives liere last Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Ernie DiSilvestor of; 'Chicago snent the weekend in the! George Michels home. i Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner > of Hilton, Wis., called on her sister, •'Mrs. Jerry Hetterniann. Sunday. I ' Mr. and Mrs. James Coarson and ' s o n , J e r r y , o f M a r e n g o , v i s i t e d i n , the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schatfer last Thursday. Mr. Coarson has received his discharge and they will make -their home in Chicago. j Mrs. Dick Guyser, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guyser and family of Chicago Visited in the Wm. Oeffling home I Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guyser recently returned from California, Where they attended the wedding of' their son, Billy, to Miss Lois Mari-' lyn Minor in St. Mathias church at Lore, Beach, Calif. The Foresters "are sponsoring a I farty for the benefit of the new' School, Sunday, June 2. at Nell's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rusboldt of Harvard are the proud parents of a son, bom at the Woodstock hospital, |lay 16. Mrs. Rusboldt is the former Delma Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund are the proud grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Hiller and family visited with Everett Hiller at the Sacred Heart Seminary at Geneva, 11., Sunday. Arlyn Turner, 3-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner, is now Completely recovered from a very Severe case of broncial pneumonia. Mrs. Turner and baby spent a week sin the Jack Bode heme, where Nurse Pauline Bode took charge. Mrs. Ben Freund and Mrs. Mervin Scheonholtx of McHenry were Chicago callers Friday. Charles Schaefer was a Chicago caller over the weekend. Mrs. Helen Kreutzer of McHenry spent Mondav with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Smith. Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Mrs. Dorothy Hettermann, Mrs. Mary Hettermann and Mrs. Olivia Keenan attended a pre-nuptial shower in lionor of Miss Evelyn Weingart at McHenry, Sunday afternoon. Dried Egg Good quality freshly dried eggs have practically the same value as shell eggs, as they contain vitamin A and good protein. They also have thiamin and riboflavin, two of the B vitamins needed to keep the body running smoothly. They are available a? either the whole egg or separated into yolks and white, and they are economical since one can measure less than one egg when only a small amount it needtd. •I HMI H t l l Ml IMI I Ml IM Life On the Bay: SPRING GROVE • I 1 1 I I 11 I I I » 1I I mi l i l MM ' • (By "Cam" Marticke) j (by Mrs. Charles Freund) The firemen held their regular Sodium araanfli J and effectiv i desirable tree*. f dangerous and j, should be kept away Things are a little slow this week. I ftr5.me" he „ ,. mals and _hu_m_an_s. ___ In fact, they've been slow almost •£ °? Mond^y' r.„l . 1 w all month. But, I imagine that's to I° JnV^ meeting cards be expected since this is an in-be- j Played. Relreshments were * let your furs gel tween season, and a rather dreary "^ii, y a£ent°^lUeecin c£?rg?' ^ ^ avoid®J; but if one. Evpn without the cool weather, sch^S are Xnn. VfTv m m ® C°°1, dry P1** though, the few people out here arc wh„ and. -never near a heat outlet too busy getting the plant life about iotte 'FWun(] Char- place. If your coat has be« their homes in conation to have ,njured her le« wetted several times, it is f°r anything esp€cial,y Little Raymond Martin, five-year- tak® ,tt t0 the newsy* 1 old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar. your cleaner lf y°u notice the _ . . . ' , . ' t i n , i s s l o w l y i m p r o v i n g , h a v i n g e f t S l g n 9 ' m o t h s . A profeL. Speakinar about the cool weather1 broken his leg several weeks ago. leaning wiij kill aU forms ef „ reminds me of a little jingle that is Miss Gloria McCafferty, who is in ^e» e8gs and larvae wfp m typical of peoples reactions to the nurse's training at St. Joseph's hos-1 ve"t damage to the fur A nai elements in general. pital, Elgin, underwent an appen-} practice is to shake your coat eSS " " rHl- m'n " " frtrtI j dec torn y last week. , , 'bo^h before and aftereadTwSS Among those from here, who at- %o fluff cut the fur - j tended the wedding of Mils Harriet lunlight whfch^is onVlfZJ \2Zff SJfathnnb orn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eenneemmiieess Tofr ftf,™ur s. »Ha, ve, yourW t°arS f As a rule man is a fool. When it's hot he wants it cool. When it's cool he wants it l^t, Always wanting what is not," John Sanborn, in Chicago Saturday ^ave, you Miss Betty Fisher and sister, iSiki were Mike Huff, her grandfather, ' ^ne. .a ^east onc* • y*#» we, were out at the Bay last week- and Mrs. Alice Wagner, Kenneth and . ^ ,ore ^ 13 stored in th# end with their grandparents, .the Lyle Franzen, Ted Shotliff and Mr. ?pnn8- A reliable cleaner will gtrl/r William Nicholases. \ * j and Mrs. John Sanborn, son, Jack. a inspection, pointing o«f --• I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, condition in order to protect him* Dr. and Mrs. James Leach drove Billy, visited Mr. and Mrs. William self from responsibility for damagSB out to their home on Arlington Lane! May in Johnsburg Sunday. not his fault that might be claimed last Sunday for a short stay. With .Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. later. them was their daughter, "Mickey,"^Joseph P. Freund were Mr. and Mrs. > ' : v --" • • - and their nephew, Vernon.. ^ George Was pi of McHenry^ . ^ Read the Want Ada -- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs, ^ m Mrs. Clement Romeiser is out to John Jung, Mrs. Charles Freund, stay the summer at her home on son, Tom, attended the ordination Regner road. j ceremony of Carl J. Zimmer and Vin- *• Vmtjwceinnt. *Sj.. KnvomnuiinceAk,, muuissssiiounnanrnieess 0of1 tlhaec Plans for Poppy Day are progress-1 Sacred Heart at Sacred Heart Seming rapidly in Pistakee Bay. Mrs. inary in Gepeva, 111., Sunday mom- L. Allen Blomgren, chairman of the j ing. They spent a most enjoyable Poppy Day program, is assigning day and greatly enjoyed sightseeing boxes to the kids in the Bay area. | through the Seminary and the The youngster: are doing their, grounds, also the picnic lunch pr$- part, "Mr." and "Mrs." so you do j pared by Mrs. Jung. 1 yours. Help pjt Pistakee Bay to Sunday evening visitors in the the front in this drive! Charles Freund home were, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown nme to see It takes the average person about one-seventh of a second to bring an object into clear focus. 4( Avoid Risk Never point a g-un at anything you do not want to shoot. VVVVVVVVVVVVv lmmMMnMEifr - . ' THE 1946 C; Gay Nineties'* or HcCULLOH LAKE To Be Held : ^ JULY 26 - 27 -28 j at McCullom Lake ^ Read the Want Ads AUCTION Ed. Vegd, AtUiaur oea spi storage holsterei Having sold my home in Solon Mills, and going to Oak Park to make my home with my daughter, I will offer for sale at Public Anetion, on SUNDAY JUNE 2ND, IMC the following property: Sale starts at 1 p. m. - Daylight) Saving Time. Maytag Washing machine; cushion rollers; Fidelco vacuum cleaner; electric waffle iron; electric toaster;^ white porcelain kitchen table and three chairs; kitchen cabinet; six small dining room chairs; 1 small dining table; silk mohair Pullman bed davenport; excellent condition; steel day bed, complete with pad; 4 rocking chairs; 2 occasional chairs; library table; parlor table; small desk; small Philco radio; Gateleg breakfast set; wicker fernery; 3 stands; chest of drawers; Bird's Eye Maple bedroom set; vanity dresser, and dressing table; two inner spring mattresses like new; one double con bed spring new; one no-sag- bed 1 single coil spring; 1 iron one odd dresser and commode; cupboard; 2-piece Rattan upiolstered set, good condition; mirrors; pictures; books; lamps; set of quilting frames complete with standards and clamps; 1 9x12 rug; 1 7H x9 rug; wash bowls; pitcher; 1 good mantel clock; 1 kitchen wall clock; dishes; flower pots; some new beddinar and crotcheted ruga; small food chopper; large granite turkey roaster; carpet sweeper; card table; oak sewing table; adjustable dress form; lawn mower; lawn seat; scythe; ax; pick ax; grub hoe; carpenter tools; brace and complete set of bits; 1 man cross cut saw; rip saw; hand saws; buck saw; anvil; vise; saw set; small emery wheel; 1-horse cultivator; 2 hand cultivators; sledge hammer and wedges; 1 small sledge; hoes; rakes; shovels; forks; 1 good jack screw; 2 post hole diggers; 1 goose neck bar; 1 crow bar; grindstone; log chains: 50-ft. good heavy 1 lope; 3 oil barrels; extension ladder; : two short ladders: saw horses; saw! bucks; several piles of good used : lumber; pile of construction blocking nnd rollers; wheelbarrow; two tool boxes; fruit jars; wash bench; tub; boiler: pots and pans; 4 jugs; pails; assortment of new nails; antique swing rocker; antique clock; tongs and spade; collection of Indian arrows and other articles too numerous to mention. All Property Mitfst Be Settled For On Day of Sale! MRS. C. W. CROPLEY Solon Mills, Illinois High quality replacement parte and. are now in stock in our store. Put new life in your old car now at sensational savings. X-visSw; Twta Trumpet Hon....|SJ| Sturdy--dapandabla. Ready to insfrl, MUFFLERS 11.59 to $4.19 To fit mil popular cars. Tail Pipw te popular cars . ...ttetolLM K.I •1 Guaranteed 18 if H Plato mm VARCON DELUXE BATTERY -- $7.75 Cuorantemd 2 Y«as* Varoon DeLuxe batteries are aqual to or better than any battecy oa the mark* MgaitUaaa of Installed Frt* BATTERY CABLES 19c to«Se Duplicate at original sable to ft A. C. SPARK PLUGS I Ba. Ia I flwitiii A.C. KvvSjjgsc$ --REBUILT DISTRIBUTORS •298 To tt Modal A Vtafe - Timed and •djMteri To «t V8.1933-36.. .Bnh. TRACTOR LIGHT 9S.19 Sturdy adi 1I1I1I1 btaiifcsl. 8K WIRE SETS 49c DrfitUw wbm eaa be the mala eaiaeaof teoublai Other eata fife to $1.10. THREE IN LINE MARKER LIGHTS 95« IGNITIWi COIL... a • FHs Modal A Forda. Replace now at aavinf prioea. Water and duet prooC. Chnfas et Red or Amber. ftMhtypeaaaifew........... Me- CAR NEEDS |^BS^ .Bxch. $1.79 Liquid Radiator CLEANER or CEMENT 29e Eac| It's time to flush and aeal radiators for "pring driving. Varoon Supreme ® FUEL PUMPS.. Replaceable Type ,:v.r OIL FILTER... Throwaway Type :v.J OIL FILTER. .. ^ CARBURETORS... Each. $4JS FiU Ford 1934-38 Fita Chev. 1933-36.. .Exch. $7.95 TIRE BOOTS..... , . .6c to 17c TIRE PUMP..... .$L63 TAIL and STOP Mflfvy gauge metal Itaady to iusi&iL : I '.M, I "ii I 'h: • -3 F Phone 1 UinK McHenrv 459 Dm Friendly Store