crpnp T:f* -'TFgf?.. •JwWWmm '-•* •grvTTF* •¥Vv?&*:? 7&* r - , I;'* ! irr*t. .. . ^ t*\ ^ ^ ^ * r \» * !#. i ^ "« „ 4 W1*- k • ~ • &**• •<„ »<**£. vy. +*r v <*- ~^* rw* ] -: 4" ~t'~'- ' " '£*-;v >: * ;- VT/1 •« '.V^ v , - -4- * ± *r v-*>y3n» .^tAi^k ...»- ... • .*'--y,• ' ^ * h-~ * ' *-*iLv «- "£. *££• k *' "^'4>,|>M,'**,,'>' '•^l1"!*!"1*'*" * \ -y :v mbbbut,. luann. tbussday, nnnt«, mis §-"^5 V "*'S J:;:,» "• \« * ^ !* 1E l t,w',"t, mm DAY SOLDKIDEAD 'i5;»^3 :v: >' V? Local OHic Grotaps Co-operate To flifi Colorful Parade •'•""'y""':;j Mwnorial Day paraders, impressive, colorful and solemn, again paid tribute to the local veterans of all ftmrrirrn wars. Nearly every family In the district was represented in «h of the marching groups which included the High School hand, the _ majorettes, the 'American Leand their Auxiliary, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their Auxiliary, * special firing squad, the City Councfl, the local Bed Cross unit, the Boy Seouts, both the grade schools, five Gold-Star mothers and a wounded Veteran. Paid Yanda, a Legionnaire, and ilso director of the McHenry High School band, marched with the band, The drum majorettes were led by Beverly Schwerman. The special firing squad, composed «f right veterans of World War II, Pi led by Nick Justen. Mayor L Overton marched with the City Council. McHenry grade school puffls were accompanied by their teachen. Many of the toys of both schools their bicycles which had been decorated for the occasion, the Gold-Star mothers ridin the parade were Mrs. Joe. P. lar. Mrs. Belaud Boae, Mrs. Joseand Mrs. K. 6. Chamveterans of #•3 »^|a^ W46 GRADUATES, McHENRY COMMUNIS 1-llGH SCHOOL .4 f%oto if a Worwtck. McHenry FBONT BOW--Dorothy Doberstein, Marion Freund, Kathryn Nye, Ercell Lode, Agnes Miller, Grace Thompson, Joan Weber, Joanne Strever, Phyllis Smith, Nancy Budin. SECOND BOW--Merwin Schmitt, Nancy Carey, Catihtoerrtinnee SScchawweerrmmaann^, UCllaarriiccee May, dB ernice Smith, Marie Jackson, Gloria Biggers, Patricia Stoddard, Louanne Howorka, At* lene Kamprowski, Ann Boiger, Joan Duriiand, William Pohertar, Eugene King. THIRD BOW--Eileen Smith, Lois Voelts, Elida Page. Leoda McCarthy. Louise 8toff< TH BOW--Howard Knox, Dick Hyatt, Dorothy t \ " * . V _ ~ _ , „ FIFTH ROW--Alvin Schaefer, Bay Horenberger, Lloyd Freund, George Goranson, Jack Smith, Howard Harrison, James Althoff, Mike Beed, Herbert Johnson, John Fleming, Roger Wilbrandt, Florian Schmitt, Fred Svoboda. * w---- . -vv--v. wifltfel, Phyllis Lau, Helen Wieser, Wanda Crick, Marie Justen, Rosalie Williams. FOURTH ROW--Knox^Dick^ Bockmanf Jjean Nickels, Mary ^Douglas, Lucille Nickels, Dolores Murphy, J>ick_ Wud.DanJiel Edstrom, Larry Phalin. MoOnllom Lain Family |Ha« "Haunt" in World War H wine represented ^los&tiiioATXt annur sSTrt Mmstarg TO 8T. MAET'8 1CUSI0 Memorial Day ceremonies began! 8TUDSMT8 AT EBulTAL i • --~ . . M «l t^O a.m. in Johnsborg, the Ameri- j Th® McCullom Uke home of. Mrs. te^mTth^ iSflSSe!'MdTtE! Tl'T"1 jSimonson was "haunted" fbr weeks Mc squad having jouroe'yed from j!JJ^SL^SdSs^hSrhiSl S3r«?tor the s^ces tfiere. Ser-!HSLTo .J^fif? 52L5T Si rustling noises and little mutterings had been increasing in strength. Tm les were oeeide themeelvos. "varmint1 .tnp rr: .ZZll Sunday evening, June 2. The theme Sa . pr ayer kby tFrr. AJ. iJ. ?Nerideert cj i t a l , "• •S a--y --I -t j W i t h M«u«sriiAc .t"i• ami fouowed by an address with various 1mUi The men's choir Hey wen sun th«t bvt The program tt. .irii-i t.__. I violin selections. »«• 'raey tut some ""varmint" sang "Sr^<My^mwWW |?h«» *^wLSlmb,rB r*nd^Ti! had made a den in the eaves of their una2SJpaSd.^STwS fhl1 \n*e manner* ^, house and waft eating the songbirds! ^lSy and tap» Uttfr Mag squad fired a J Pfrt ^ prosrra^ was pre- The^ finally appealed to a neighami echo taps completed the cere- "iSe group then retutned to McHenry and joined the other groups availing them at the McHenry High fcheol. This assembly was at 10 a a. William H. Althoff, marshal of •ke parade, introduced the Jfon. »s Wm. M. Carroll, who gave a inspiring address. James Len- •en again sang "My Buddy," after Preparatory I--Julaine Tonyan, Margie Freund, Patricia Long. Preparatory II--Donna Do we, Shirley Thunwell, Gail BrefehL Prapantory III--Jflan Weber. Jean Weber, Shirley Wegener. Patricia Wohlert, Katheripe WoMT. Pnnantwy IV (Dlplomm) --Thereee Buller, Mary Ann Boiger, Mary Kay Freund, Jeanette Weselius, Margaret Weselius, Ann Erickson. mmmA *.„ > . , . . ; Junior I--Roger Svoboda. Sm tk« ££t,SS i™*1 »<*«»• «Udi «ke parade proceed^ to the Menor Boll on Green street, where, Jp • tribute to those listed there, ^tapa" ware blown. _ Visit la Cisastsrlss --The parade then continued to the Woodland cemetery. Then a volley ^ find for all the soMier dead sented by the piano pupils. | bor, Wm. Sarner, for aid, and he fat .™ ^ Bmr- ^ c. 8. Nlix turn called upon Herbert Fnund to in miming dvirn the mys««ry the <Up|omaa are a list of the music students who received certificates: certificates ofjypon ripping into the eavee, Mr. Freund found a nest which contained three baby raccoons, all them making plaintive little birds in pain! Although the babies wen nmoved and an now being cared for b* a local family, the mother was never captured. Two nights she caifce back and prowled, looking for the entrance to a den that was no longer then. Sleep Is again possible in the Johnson-8imonson home, and now they know that a baby 'coon's cry is like a wailing little bird. Salvation Army Campaign Will Be Held From June 10-16 MaHOntT WSLOOMXS raw FHTKOIAH, in. LU OLADSTOm Remember the Salvation Army Dr. Lee Gladstone, M. D., recently1 Campaign which will be held between diachargud from the Army Medical June 10 and 16. Hits organisation Corps has opened a professional office ~has been outstanding during both en Green street. He is the son of • wars and continues <to oner invalu- M. Gladstone, merchant here in Mc-. siUe hdp to veterans and te soldiers Henry for a number of years. in occupational armies. Dr. Gladstone received his medical A total of 226,000,000 pairs o' education at tlie University of 1H»- hands ready and willing to serve--• nois and the Chicago Medical School. | that is the record of the Balwion He graduated in 1941 and served his' Army in its work for service men residency in the south. Before en-' and women on twentv-six war fronts taring service, he was associated throughout the world. with Dr. K. L Stevens of Chicago ---------- ~ •Bfr*o s,w a*njmd *t£heV Ct?olufrm bus hospitals. parochial smchipofio al For three and one-half years, Dr. GRADUATR8 PUPILS, ! G^tone wy in the armed forces, ^ SPECIAL MASS mwI eel sina mostly la the Chinajlurma- - "•*' &dia theatre unisif Dr. Gordon Sea-1 . , . grave and Ge«enl Stflheell. He was! Twenty-six eighth grade graduates also with the 44th Vteld Hoepital; took part in the exerases at St. unit in Burma, in charge of a port-' Mary's-St. Patrick s school on Sunable hoenital unit for Chinese troups.: day morning, June 2, during the Dr. Gladstone and his wife are 8:M o'clock mass. The now residing with his parents until marched from the school to St. such a time as they can build a home Mary's church to receive holy com- KATHLKNN HSNN ORADUATX8 FROM ROSARY 00LLKGE of their own. again they m to their long sleep, tt .. bed disturbed taem. ¥he St. Man's school gently fiowws on theee graves that firii the little fluttering flags, deflwt beneath^jpm honorably wen the unlfbrer at* Mr country. A Ugh mass waa sour at noon in m. Mary's cemetery. Rev. Eugene woMkofer was celebrant of the mass BEEHAPFL FUMBSAL | WW. BE HELD OK Prepantory I--Ella Jean Buss, Alan SATURDAY, JUHE 8 Junior HI Inrills Knox. Violin ••••" % by Bev. C. lliennes. The ehoir furnished the music, am devotional crowd assisted. Freund. Prepantory II--Eva Unti, Deris Ann Justen. Sally N^s. Judith Fnund, Billy ^Teber, Jamee Weber. Prmmntory in -- Charlene Do we. Georgia Stenger. "~T Prepantory IV (Diploma) -- Jack | Wirts. Jack Justen. Junior III--Beverly Schwerman. '•p1} went on- to the city park,, M" Dnymiller, service offi-/ jr cer ox the American Legion, placed ' Balph y L. O^tnnder, secretary- • msawrial wreath on the monument i treasurer of Mn. Fred Wansfpfl. for twenty yean a resident of McHenry, died Wbdnm&Kf aMMrntag at the Woodstock tatepital after an illnees of about four ween. 11M body will rest at the Jacob Justen Sons hoase until Saturday. The funeral will be CHILDREN'S DAY ROORAM AT M E SUNDAY munion during the mass. The graduation address was delivered by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix, after which ne awarded the diplomas and the American Legion of Honor awards. .. Those graduating were: Elaine m0nd Road, will receive the bache- (Blake. Mary Buss, Geraldine Carey, ]or 0f arts degree in speech during eom' I Roeina Curran, Lee Cooney, John commencement exercises on June 6 KATHLEEN HENN Miss Kathleen Henn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Henn, of Rich place in the Woodland cemetery. An approoriate obituary will appear in next week's Plaindealer. ^DIVIDEND ON STOCK St Patrick's cemetery the pro- OF 8T. LOUI8 BANK was repeated, and then the j TOTALS 5 PER CENT MANY I8SUES PLACED _ . the~ Woodetoek-Leke j BEFORE CITY COUNCIL wJSwjr UKir Hr" ta|5SlSrth.t™SuLtoJ.r,5SSSrtl'£!AIMKBTIMO . The parade, the programs and the opentive has received a 5 per cent --- i noeina ^urr»u, ucv vww/, •"»" commencemeni »tn;uei *une o Bymorate Childnn's Day with aa Deroche, Roeemary Doherty, Canlyn at Bosary College in River Forest. aO children s program which will > pnund, Richard Gamlts, Lornine His Eminence, Samuel Cardinal moniin<r' Jun* •• #t | Germain, Charlene Guercia, John Han- Stritch, Archbuhcp of Chicago, wiU »fi? 4 if .. _. _ ^ ! ley, Glenn Huska, Joh^ Justen, John deliver the commencement address Gall to Worship--Pristary Depart- jJuna> Robert LuiAinheimer. Hais Rnd ^so confer degrees en Mis* _ >: lold Nye, Theresa Miller, William Henn and ninety-five other members . „ _ [ I Nye, Patricia Obenauf, Genld Rog- 0f the f^raduatinr class. A Greeting^--Patsy Ann McCradsea. ert> Dolores Schmitt, Dorothy W>iile at Rosary, Miss Henn has held at 1:30, at the funenl home J2S£Li 'Schmite, John Thies, Mary Unti and been acUve in the work of Grex, »nd services will be conducted by •**?* | Michael Wieser. dnmatics guild. She U a gnduate Rev. Gnham. Interment will take \ The American Legion of Honor o" Trinity High School in River «£ii? f.r"thi. y..r ^nt to P.trleU Fo^t. t , 'X 5^."% * " HIm Henn will tMch in the lower ChildrenDay" _ BUly,™£ |?rl mMt out 'Thies for the boys. This award if grades in McHenry this fall. Drake. My Wish"--Jimmy Petersen. standing,.™ ^laf!^',!^"^*"; SCHESSEL-GUfJ-bY » H»ppy D^yH--G*jr«ftiie MUPTUXa HHiD Oll «^Tir^All« tKe all-airound Americ.n boy or girl. 8ATURDAY. JUHX 1 »A W.™^VefcJm^^SSS- Bm^tJ H.rold Ny.won the Wjh^Konor FIFH-SEVEI SENIORS BIO MCHS FAREWELL Joanne Strever and Fred Svoboda WlnneiB ' . Of 1946 Legion Awards ' -'Everybody loves a senior everybody but the weatherman, who for the second consecutive year brought dark clouds, chilly wind3 and a heavy mist as its graduation token. The seniors, however, demonstrated that they could take whatever came, eveu though it meant a bitter disappointment. A little less magnificent, a little less colorful indoors perhaps, tut, nevertheless a very special Commencement service for a very unusual class. t Moving inside from an outdoor, stage setting, which had been ass e m b 1 e d and disassembled many times during a changeable day, the final verdict of "inside" was given at 7:46. Quickly arranging the auditorium stage, the program started with an inspiring historical pageant, featuring the mixed Chorus and band. This was followed by & saort talk by William H. Althoff, repreeenting the local American Legion post, v/'r j presented the annual awards to the two seniors, one boy and one girl* who wen voted by the faculty to be the outstanding memben of the graduating class. This ably more than inception of the tions, did teachers find it select two outstanding a class which abounded is ••••» intelligent minds and loaderehip. 1W I ultimate choices wen not only those i-_- of the faculty but also of their fellow classmen and the audience, aa | - - evidenced by the hearty apptauae f which greeted the announcement that | Joanne Strever and Fred tlmheii Jfr wen the winners. Their vutf. Jp charming personalities and coa^V y"- •m. modesty in their many proved to the satisfaction of all hser highly theee qualitias are nted fta the makeup of popular individuate. Ercell Lock and George GoraaaSs won runnersup, the many votes cast in their favor indicating that flMf well deeerved recognition dsn. Hie Legion award pressntatiews wen followed by four very fine talks by members of the graduating dasa - who wen chosen for that honor by 1 fellow classmen. Theee talks, each I :| en peace and its nlstienshlp to j. 3 everyday living, wen constructive |::-1 in their views and ably prss sated by |. g Joanne Strever, George Goraaeea. § 1 Fred Svoboda and' I-o^anno Howorka. "T-'| Theee talks preceded the preasnta $ 1 tion of honor pins, swardsd to stadents who had maintained swsllsat ii'% grades through their four yuan. I litis year a record number et twelve ,4r "1 students received theee boaatifel n> { :-S wards for scholarship. Thsy wen -- ,4' Kathryn Nye, Marlon PMusa, Mary • » .sj Douglas, Ray Horenbetger, Jeam Durland, Ann Boiger Jsawns Bim, I 1 Dorothy Bockman, ueorge Gevaaasii»- •« $ Catherine Schwerman. CSariee MnNw and Nancv Cany. Two other aaalsr •»! girls. Maris Justen and Louanne Ba» worka, also maintained excellent grides but did not Mtt the nscsasary requirement of attinding the local school all four years. After s few words to the sesden by Supt. C. H. Duker, Leonard Ma> Craclcen preeentod the dlpknaas to the fifty-seven graduates. Five ex-servicemen received uation certificates on G-I They wen John Kenneth Robert C. Einspar, Elbert Donald P. Hettormann and William SpencervPhalin. Two mon ex-servicemen will complete the necessary taeta this summer--Robert Struck and James Schaefer. The G-I credit system is a spscial test devised by the army, after hav- --warded Carolyn Fnund and LoWe> Rosemary Doherty. John Dnymiller again this year idend of 5 per cent. ' Renewal of franchise to the Public! ;;Sunday ^hooP-Stephanie King. am AV THRirEll snecial commendation for, SecreUry-treasunr Ostrander ex- Senn« C^™?anZ.^.*,^roT?L 8_^"! HUShAND OF FOKHEft sfoilrv ert hpe enpnaatanrtosl ff oJrj y.a"c;hhii evement were Miss Gladys Schessel, daughter of imt tested the general knowledge of Mr ftnd Mrg Ro|)€rt 0f - ---* - livfag faithfully placed the little plained that the capiUl stock of *** to final examination and ap- Vocal duet--Patty Egbert and Patsy MclTJtNRY GIRL DIE3 iMTOg flags o>er the final resting The Federal Land Bank of St. Louis PT°val bv City Attorney Vernon^ J. i Anne McCracken. ieimnVWTV TM WAT ^sess of the eighty veterans of the « now owned by the 330 national ^ox. The renewal ordinance had "Every Sunday --Homer Bassett. I SUDDENLY IN WEST "* - • - associations in Arkansas, been examined the B e-- " j Missouri. These asso- Street and Alley Committee in ses-j rwr lie at Johnsburg. forty-three Nations n_with Pub- Weodlawn, twenty-three at St. 30,825 " " -- -- • ^ --- T* •-- Richmond, was united in marriage to Mr. William W. Guffey, son of Mr. and Mn. Wesley Guffey of this _ city, Saturday, June 1, at 2 p.m. in j ten houn to complete, the home of Rev. W. 0*Rourke. ! viceman that did not mora thai\, 3,600 high school students in various parts of the country. Tie test is known as the General Educational Development test, and require* Any exserfinish high Civil warV the Spanish-American farm loan Previously by Exercise. 'Keep Sunny"--San Kay and World Wars I and II. Illinois and as so- Alky - s in turn an owned by their *i°n w,th A. J. Mitchell of the , former-members. "The Wood- ^ Service Company. It was upon "Foreet Me Not -^loan Collins. and seven at St. Patrick's. stock- National Farm Loan'Associa- the committee recommendation that /Our Guest-Jimmy Downs. former McHenry J>SeW£hobl£S. b.v J?rT Wagner Mon paid a 5 per cent dividend to the c^ujr,cil^act«i. ^ ^ Matson. Mrs. who passed awav in Hollywood . . • - on June 1st was the husband of a rom groom. Esther >. The Wd« was attired in a light j school, for one reason or another, is _ blue , wool crepe suit with navy blue | eligible to take this test, and with "Waccessories. Her corsage was of the certificate received, he can enter , , " Douglas. Don Adams and Donna f > x i - w + a t . r w i « i > nf Chicaro white gardenias. Her only Jewelry collesre. just as though he had grad- % Ruth Bareer. I awmv in Hollywood was • heart-shaped locket, a gift, uated from high school in the Mrs. Alvin Miller of McHenry, at- . bVSob In 7^ oftiiis year RobertD^vor., „»».»« by At.' Him'W B.^n, Henry Low, Ml"X " ^ g" w„ „. „ ,UiioU, .. . 0>h»d moTfa. were uk,„ b, gton- the_»<Utaboj^nf ^tor. . (Wirt., .nd h.lf-»i.ter to Mr.. F«nk »«• Rkh^dBlfkiff™™rd" rirl, V. t "'*i While it is a little easier to go Matoon was the tendant for the hnd£ wore a navy to ^ hi h Khool ^ ££ - k'"- suit with hght Wue accessones. attended. in order to «mpile al) the «f the occasion. ,Mr. said. - - • -• i. g".:4 Residence Changes lam Claxton and John Drey- 'Sbxton^*tSrm,°«2t '«?l>tovni to"^! s- Weineart" McHenry: Clayton ^ c«tv books, was^ present to nhy Nelson so that the American will consider further dividend to mem- agreement with the city regarding Song" **7,71?rv Dey tmenjL. | Becker, of McHenry. hmUm might have a permanent MM* fe«rs at one of its early meetings," extension of the sewer line to the Sunday Visiting --P®nnv Fike. Lillie B Brown, mother of Aft .. i »»»•» v-,. »» --' -• »<• - "jMr Ostrander said property now occupied as a roller "Dud s Rheumatism"--Robert Nickels.' ***• Lim,e ,B* nf rrv, i After the ceremony a reception anpiyine to Mr. Duker at the Me- ^ ThTd^o-, S the Woodstock- .k.«inIr rint«»th of John Street on RiM, Me^n, Gyri ' ^"Hir d.u^ef lUl. <Zr-! 'H*"^ Ub «1kx>1 V.KA..1 c. i^. Route 31. Memorv Work--Intermediate nuniln, tal LAke. "er Mugn « . . 0} Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey for I ried into the family of the Inward about forty ,' "auswirths, also formerly of Mc-, anson. Henry. report. Mr. North was' The r*eiil«tr "morning wonhip ser-® Funeral services will be held at1 in his estimation Of the finan- vice will follow at 11 o'clock. jthe chapel at 5601 N. Ashland Ave., I cal structure of the city and »1»» l June 6. Interment at Acacia ; expressed pleasure in the fact that1 ^ ? i Park. LaW National Farm Loan as^ocin- Ro"1® .81. vr v Memory Work--Intermediate pupils William Claston and John Drev- tion are John A. PauUen, Wood- Joseph W. North, whose firm has J^nmr--Offeratorv, Celia Page. ! Ti.llltw4rth« IDer have moved from U»e fomer *tock: William Mever. Marenro; N. recently completed annual audit of,'Our Pnyer for Peace"--Patsy Gorhome on East River"itold ,Munson, Woodstock; and'Paul Allan- his ~~-»i- 1 a m.- aon. Mundelein. > n»*n they recently purchased. The Mm' Wen Grosby family, who had been ••tog in the Monear place, an stay- NORMAL USB OF tog For the in the Wick Fnund ELECTRIC 8ERVI0E Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barth, formerly HAY NOW JUE8UME if Chicago, have moved permanently «to their home in the Huemann's w 1W11MU1IJ *Mvbion in McHenry The Berths _those banning sign and decorative progress has been made in clearing old Special assessment accounts. However, it was again pointed out that increased revenue is necessary ito maintain the present scale of op- The last of the dim-out restietions erptions in the city. totmulj only used their McHenry lighting--wen lifted May 29 by the Eight Divorce Suite Filed "*epm J 7vT,nD Thf,,r Illinois Commerce Commission fol- Within P«rin^ ftf V»«r TWn aan*. Charles Barth, recently lowing announcement that the coal PajB vnat into the armed forces, snd is strike had been settled. | Eight divorce suits were Tiled, one wen in "good health" and did not McHenry acted as best man. "ECHO OF '46," FIRST ANNUAL IN TWENTY YEARS, IS PUBLISHED •+«»»»»»>«•••••+ Mi l »*••• Among: the Sick necessary and any G-I residir« fa I this district can take the tost Special Mass Held In 100-year-old Chapel A special mass was said by Msgr. Charles S. Nix last week in ths century-old chapel on the flianal Hill golf course,, northeast of jtc- Henry. This chapel was built by early migrants to McHenry in special thank- # a •-? twenty-seven months of which ye»e electricity yen* in the South Pacific and in "The public may now feel free! Japan. Willism, Jr., will make his apiin to ^ke full use of electric j ^ome with his p a r e n t s . s e r v i c e for a l l r e s i d e n t i a l , commer- i Mr. and Mn. I^Boy Conway have ciaI and industrial purposes," he said, toeved from the Wnkelman house on "The period of these restrictions j Ctotto- street to a place near the has fWn a trying one, and we want ™ €our?€ w _ . _ . the ntiblie to know that we appreci- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Brian an ate its understanding and co-operame »iug from McCullom Lake to tion." |Wr new home in Lilymoor. | ; George R. Amann received his, DAJ PROGWM^- 4Ke^iarge from the navy last week.' The Methodist church of Rim*. while Robert Anderson of Ringwood ReT- J- ""Vblwus r«|«aaed from toe army. The will have a special Children s ">av -tofcw had been stationed in Chkaige, protr>jn wit»_ hw^;sp^ Gsnunsl heepftaL ' wuway, Juua lr (suits are as follows: Myron L. Ellsworth vs. Dorothy Ellsworth. Marguerite M. Brown vs. D. A. Brown. Helen E. Webster vs. Willard Webster. Gladys Rhoades vs. Albert Rhoades. Genldine L. Nielsen vs. George Nielsen. Rsv E. Hafer vs. Frances F. Hafer. Carolyn S. Duggan vs. John Dugran. F!. Ahnham ^ lassie lhisliaiirw 'Echo Of '46," the first year book to be published at the local high school in twenty years, came off the presses last week to an impatient;, | group of students. The annual con-'fulness for having safely ssa . , 'tains individual pictures of each journey from Europe. One of the John (Toddy) Engeln has been member of the senior class and of j emigrant families that aided in the Vetenns who signed statements at ^>nftn®<1 to St. Francis hospital in,^ faculty, group pictures of the|buildin* of the chapel waa eussed tthhee ttiimmee ooff tthheeiirr adiissccnhaarrggee uthiaati uthieeyv Ev^anst on. - i other classes athletic groups, musical j Schmitt, and manjr of their nsecen D Sejfel of West McHenryj oryaniMti0ns. homemaking and farm dants an still nSduig in the dto- -i o* tiiet. f , , Mrs. Nick Fnund. nee Schmitft» a*> from s serious illness' naiigm class are largely responsible i ranged for the services, and the . ! her to the hospital for (for this year's annual, which will be IW. A. F. Transportation Ceaspany Mioir rii«rh*r<re i apnroximately three weeks. ! cherished in years to come even mon i furnished free bus accomodations t» Illinois Service Officer William R J Mary Krause of _West ^McHenry than at the present time. For her | the_chapej. imw www«v«>* uiwiw Dutfi rued, were rooa nwuui mm u«a nvi- -- r . • q+ t nVp'« __® :-- WW m the quartermaster corps, cf Britton I. Budd, president of the after another, in circuit court last desire to file a disability claim did has just ifrSL ??* ow re^-1 **???*'£*{ c. , ^ Mie army. Another son, Willmm public Service Company of Northern week, being: a record for consecutive ,not "sign away their rights." They a serious illness' if"* ^ " ,^ .^ki Gm^' fj"v. ha.s Just b®®n discharged niinois, said that customers could divorce suits filed in the county court can file a claim for service-incurred £ th- hosoital for !f If,- *?„ u i W "A F - a r thjrty-two months ^of service, now rMUme their normal uses of in a period of only a few days: The , wounds or disabilities any time after *^at c^fined h^ -reeVe ^ i 7* 8 annu*^ I - . • - Transportation .Ceaspany Cairns in the Murphy Block at Wood- j 1s medical *t the Wood- ^tiring dToito in preparin|r mator- stock, calls attention to Sec. 105- of- 'stock hospital this week. ial for the hook, the smuqt ^ass the "GI Bill" which reads: "No person in the armed forces shall be required to sign a statement if any nature relating to the origin, incurrence or aggravation of any disease or iniury he may have, and any such statement against his own Births and Mrs. dedicated It to Miss Elmer Fnund an-. Koncih, • MI PLACE TAVERN AND BB8- St., McHenry, Tliirty-five penona. family mm! friends, wen present to hear tha simple sermon of thanks tor tie return of the saivitsmeu of the ia> Ufct. FIVK-DAT CABNIVAL interest signed at any time, shall be nounce the birth of a daughter, bora, XAUBANT, Green -- null snd void and of no force and on Tuesday. May 28, at the Wood- will be cloeed all day on Uraredays affect." I stock hospital. until further notice, effective June *. The service officer of the Illinois ^ ^ • . j • etorans Commission will assist any| Order vwor Kp||rSlsnpa at Tm] :--- -• --------'i _ la Wit a disability claim °hiadaeler-------; TT ---- i-fl* It isn't too early to serious thought to the annual Of July Legion carnival, to he this year en in nights. 6. « and T. ... ^