?• *r vv « «- . . v.- • " • - „.• ^ . SPRING GROVE WILSON'S BAMO mv r£.\JZn"«. B. WILBON, Fw». WORE GUARANTEED time MeBBNBY CAB lllWMhwnitel 1IL McHBNBY CBCIL BALLOWB ?- '.V? HAMF & WENJB linmw AND OMOBATINft St Mary* : 7**, 8:80, 10:00 Mi IVM Days: 8:00; 8:00: 10:00, Dm: 0:48 andi:Q#. Pint Friday: 8:80 and 8M Coaftailottt: (Mndayi: 8KM p. m. and 7:00 p. «. Tburaday before First Friday-- After 8:00 Mw on Ttranday; 1.-00 p. m. and 7^0 p. a Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Planter. St. Patrick** CatMk Spraying WALTO F..BBOOKS NUhR nf DiwXiit Val|a|« and Paint at WliiMih tlf Washington Si, N. I81-B \ Baatley 8144 BAYMOND J. KELLBY Attorney at Law HUNTLEY, ItUNOfll OtlSTAL LAEB LAUNDBY AMD CLEANERS m'Mi- An F. F.'Ledts, Ag«s* B 117 Gnat St Q.T TRUCKING 00. ~ Gravel -- Clndsra Dirt -- lilmsatone Tracks Far Hira 077-W-L DL Vfcefe. McHenry 88-W C. N. FBEUND TRUCKING -- tail MSWaahsgaa Baal Went McHmy, PL AMI WILDING AND REP AS SERYICB €81 Hafa St, Mdtan •ntilr PA Welding Weillngand Catting W. vnn, Operator S18-W-1 ar 404 MUNBY, ILL. Sunday: 8:00. 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 Weekoaya: 7:80. OBF lrat Friday!: 7:80 Firet Friday, Communion distributad al 6:80, 7:00 aad before and dttrinf the 7:80 Mau. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5KI0 p. as. aad 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday--_ 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 Iter. Wm. A. OHourfce, Pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Masses: • Sunday: 7^0, 9:00 and 11:00 . Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 . ' Weekdays: 6:86 and 8:00 first Friday: 6:88 and 8:00 ; Confessions: ^ Saturdays: 7:85 and 8:00 Hmrsday brfon First Friday** 8:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neldert, Pastor. 8L PeUr*a Catbe&c Chnth, Spring CrtTi Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Oonfsssioas: _• Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:IR» Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:16. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zks Evaagelieal Latheraa Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St % block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry, 111. Frederick C. Pudsell, pastor, McHenry, 111. Services, Sundays--10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Study Study Group--9 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and vacationists to worship with us. Sunday school children will receive attendance cards for their home-church records. 'In the Cross of Christ we glory And find joy and peace divine." Coaunanity Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. Service: 11:00 a.m. -£ Youth Fellowship 7:00 pan. Wayne Price, Pastor. McHenry 687-R-8 Excavating -- NMIY1 SAND A GRAVEL Grafd aad Dirt .. ma NVIT -- P. O.--McHsary >WANT» TO BUY-- ___ -8 CALL AT ONCE ONDEAD HOGS* BOSSES AND CATTLE Wa >ar thaw eharg-- MCHENRY GARAGE 888 Fnst 8t.(Reate 81) W E L C O M E ! Wonder Lake Latheraa Charch in Harrison Grade School Sunday Services--11:80 a.m. Sunday School at 10:80 a.m. Frederick C. Pudsell, Pastor Riagwood Charch Ringwood, lit Sunday--Public worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kennepi Cristy, director. Swiss Experts For decades watches have topped the list of Swiss exports in money value, exceeding 800 million franca in food years. About 98 per cent of all Sanaa watches are exported, thus contributing greatly to the republic's power to buy neede4 goods in exchange. Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealer. Fv Wsldlag Hue id Acetylene light Blarkamlrti Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McBaary 108-B A> P. FREUND Ca Contractor BydraaHc I Crane Seivke AD BUILDING-- 1U. 804-M McHenry, DL TeL 248-J BABOLD H. BELL SfwS pl3r^f»UaJIrS2S 108 N. GBBEN ST. Mri|ENBY DB. B. DaBOMB 188 Green Street 888-J. McHenry Haara: 10 an. to 8 ».•. ly. Eveninga EAT AT BILL'S DINER •'i on U. S. IS at ^ Channel Bridge * -- FOX LAKE _ 11 a.m. to Midnight Wm. M. Scott, Prop. (Formerly West McHenry) OIIIMMMIIIIIIIHMOHH SIGN PAINTING Any Kind -- Anywhere -- Any Ttaae Wlndaw Lettering--Track Lettering BARL LAWRENCE 188 Main St Phone Crystal Lake 10 INSURANCE BARL B. WALSH Fire, Aatoh Farm and Ufa RELIABLE COMPANIES Whan yea need iaanrance of any Had Phone 48 ar 118-M Green 8 Bba McHenry Mrs. Charles Freund) First communicants at St Peter's church on June 2 were Marvin Bauer, Terry Brits, Robertt Miller, Leon Schmitt, Raymond Wdhalm, Genevieve Lennon, Charlotte Freund, Donna May and Joan May. Ft was a most impressive ceremony aa the children marched in, led by little girls dressed as angels and flower girls in pastel floor length dresses. During the mass each little communicant was led to the altar by angels to receive Our Lord for the first time. The altars were beautifully decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund entertained at their home on Sunday, June 2, in honor of the flrstvConr.- munion Day of their daughter, Charlotte, and Donna May. A dinner was' served to the George W. May family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber, daughter, Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lund and Miss Florence Wetdell of Chicago. About forty guests were entertained at the Albert Brits home on Sunday, June 2, in honor of their son, Terry, who made his flmt communion on that day. Members of her dub met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Thursday afternoon for cards. Love- Y prizes were awarded Mrs. Eldred ohnson, Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. L. L. Kagan and Mrs. Al Schmeltser. A delicious, lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Ben May entertained her Five Hundred club oh Thursday afternoon and prises went to Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. Ben May. Mrs. Fred May and Mrs. Frank May. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and* Mrs. Walter Brown visited home folks in Iowa last weekend. Visitors in the Charles Freund home on Monday night of last week Were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels, Lorraine and Richard, Mrs. Paul Gerasch and children and Mrs. Helen Weber of McHenry. Marilyn and Lois Myers are spending a week's vacation in Chicago with Mrs. Hallgren. George McGrath, his sons, George and Kyren, Tom Freund and Herb Wagner enjoyed the game between the Cubs and Brooklyn at Wrigley Field, Chicago, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Robert Lent, Bobby Nelson and Martin Nimsgern visited Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen in Kenosha one day last week. Mr. dhd Mrs. Tom Madden of Rockford visited relatives and friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schulz and Miss Catherine Huff spent the weekend in the John Sanborn home. Mrs. John B. Freund, Mrs. Msrie Bell and Mrs. Lucille Neslon spent Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Gladys Meyer, who is ir> nurse' straining in Rockford spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer. Sunday visitors in the Walter Brown home were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klapperich of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. "Sonny" Brown of Iowa. Friends of Miss Lucille Freund and Victor Blink will be interested to hear that they were married Saturday morning, June 1, *at St. Peter's church wtih Rev. John Daleiden officiating at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Rockford spent Sunday at their home here. Mrs. Al Westman and children of Fox Lake visited them in the afternoon. Visitors in the Msth NimsgetTi home on Sundav were Mr. and Mrs Nick Jung, McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgern, Miss lone Nims gem and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nims gern, Jr., of Waukegan. * Mrs. Ed May and children of McHenry were callers in the Arthur Kattner home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike Wagner and sons visited in the Henry Heinle heme in Janesville on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Mith Nimsgern, Mrs. Robert Lent Mrs. Lucille Nelson, son, Bobby, visited Mr< and Mrs. John Schumacher in Pell Lake Monday afternoon. Gradaatien Exereiaea at St Peter's, Sunday Graduates of St Peter's School received their diplomas during mass on Sunday .morning. The girls wore dresses of blue and deep pink and had corsages of white carnations. Th® boys wore sport suits with I white carnation in their lapels. Flower girls were Nancy Dietrich, dressed in a floor length yellow chiffon dress with hat to match and carrying a colonial bouquet of pink roses; Diane May and Betty Meyer's dresses were pink and blue taffeta with hats to match. They carried bouquets of iris and peonies. The program consisted of Procession school to church, an impressive talk by Father Daleiden, pastor to the graduates, distribution of diolmaa Mid mass. Graduates of 1946 were Evelp Busch, Betty Diedrich, Edna Hanford. Jeanette Lennon, Joseph Nimsgern, Donna Schmitt, Rob- ^VandjMjrrift, Herbert Wagner. Motto: "Climb. Thouirh the RINGWOOD Tbe 'weric c* (By Mra. Georre Sbepard) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dodge and daughter of Woodstock spent Monday evening in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and son, Howard, are visiting their aon, Neil, and family at Salinas, Mrs. Haberleln, Mrs. Harold Weber and,aon and Mrs. Johnson of Chicago spent Tuesday in the Geo. Haberiein home. Quito a few from here attended the farewell party at Greenwood for Rev. and Mrs. Dickson. Mrs. Louis Hawley is visiting with Mrs. Elma Hairiey in Indiana. Mrs. Lester. Carr entertained the bunco dub at ner home Thursday afternoon. IMses were* awarded to Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Georgie Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting entertained the five hundred dub at their home Thursday Evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs; Roland Jackson and George Shepard, high, and Mrs. B. T, Butler and Weldon Andreas, low. Louis Hawley, John Woodward and Lester Carr are enjoying a fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. Kenneth Cristy and 13. E. Whiting attended the ball game in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiadrich and family of Whitewater, Wiiss. , spent Wiedrich SIXTY YBABS AOa fl* price of butter on the 'Elgin board of trade Monday dropped to 20 cents. Mra. M. A. Searlas has just received a full stock of mid-summer millinery. Jos. Bishop, in six boors one day last week, caught fifteen fine Mack bass in Fox river, the largest weighfacing four pounds. The employees of the tory have received| r aiae in from 81.50 to $1.85 Per day and the# got it with out walking out, which speaks very highly for the company and its overseers. FIFTY YBABS AGO • V'5 Wednesday in the Fred home. * Mrs. Joe King and sons of Chicago are viaiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Waiting. Phyllis Bruce underwent an operation on her nose at Woodstock Friday. Miss Helen Laurence and Edward Wiclcs of Chicago were married in Chicago Friday. Their attendants were Amy Laurence, sister of the bride, and Laurence Wicks, brother of the bridegroom. Those from her* to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence and daughters, 'Esther, Janette and Caroline and Amos Smith. Word has been received here relatives of the death of Mrs. Hulda Covell of Portland, Ore., Tuesday, June 4. Had she lived till July 15 she would have been 99 years old. She leaves two brothers, Amos and Wm. Smith of Ringwood, also a sister Mrs. Jennie Smith of San Francisco, also two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fleming and Dr. and Mrs. C. Heberlein were callers in the Haberiein home at Ringwood this past Sunday. Mrs. Rose Jcfption has returned from Armstrong, 111., where she visited her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George Rasmussen of Chicago and Mrs. Ted Koostra and sons of Sharon spent Thursday with Emma Anderson. Members of the Keystone Home Bureau unit that attended the Victory luncheon were Mrs. Clarenee Harrison, Mrs. George Fink and Mrs. Joe Qohdon. The luncheon was held in Marengo, June 10. Cadet Audrey Merchant graduated from the Sherman School of Nursing in a claas of twenty-eight. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, Mrs. Paul Hill and Patricia, Leonard Krohn, Mrs. Roy Harrison and Edith, Mrs. Clarence Harrison, Mrs. Charles Coles and Susan, Mrs. Emma Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy, Miss Ethyl Krohn all met at the home of Mrs. Ehner Johnson at Elgin after the graduation exercises. 4-H Sunshine Girls bold their second meeting at Charlet Hogans borne Thursday night Juno 6. Lu Ann B'auer called the meeting to order at seven o'clock roll call and minutes were read and called. Lu Ann Bauer read a letter which was received about a new flag pole for the Ringwood Park. It was then voted whether or not the new pole would be put up now or later on. The results were to put it up at once. Carol Harrison was appointed Chairman and Phyllis Bruce snd Audrey Andreas as helpers. Audrey Andreas gave a demonstration on pack ing a sewing box and Phyllis Bruce gave a demonstration on shrinking. Carol Harrison showed the proper way to thread a needle. Charlet Hogan demonstrated how to take care of and use of a sewing machine. Mrs. King gave a talk on the clothing shortage in other countries. Games were played and refresh ments were served. CHABLET HOGAN, Reporter. The Ringwood Happy Clover Club held their second {peeting June 4. at Carol Harrison's home. President Darline Andrea called the meeting to order at seven O'clock. The secretary read the minutes and role call. Tile role call was answered by names .,of quick bread. Darline Andreas * gave a, demonstration on the proper way of measuring. Mary Hogan gave a demonstration on getting yourself ready for the kitchen. The next meeting will be on the following Tueaday at seven o'clock. MARY HOGAN, Reporter JusCen Bros., the West Side furniture dealers, received an order from Chicago last week to farnish a house complete in that city, which they did, carpets and all. S. S. Shepard and 8on have purchased the fine piece of land, owned The new board of trustees met and organised on Friday evening last by •Ifetion of Benj. Gilbert as president for the ensuing year. Ax saloons have' taken out licenses for this year. So far with a prospect 'of one or two more. The license remains the same as last year, $600. , FQjBTY YEABS AGO O. F. Boley, of the McHenry Brewery, came out on Saturday with a brand new delivery wagon. N. J. Justen is treating the front <«J»s "tore to a fresh coat of paint. W. A. Cristy has received his commission and Is now a full fledged Justice of tiie Peace. The front of the store of Owen' and Chapell is being handsomely painted which makes it look like a new building. Cal Curtis is the artist. THIRTY YEARS AGO Gillian Pouse started work in tiie F. A. Bohlander store on Monday morning of this week. •Wwt Fnsby and family are now occupying the Heimer cottage on Elm street, vacated by John D. Lodtz last Saturday. Alyin Peterson has moved his' Sr ^afT00? Parker house on the West Side to the A. P. Freund house on Front street on the East Side. Miss Helen Pint has gone to Chicago, where she has entered the em ploy of the Chicago ~ as an operator. TWENTY YEARS AGO Mi" Helen Bolger, of Illinois Uni- ^2rsityT»hSB,re,.umed position in *5?' J®°®*er'a store as book keep- er for the summer months. R E. Baasett, postmaster of West McHenry on Thursday last, received! his new commission from the department postmaster James Morrow Amission * stali orrow and Sons, dealei* Fttrtty A pastry blander aaVee time and effort in making btaenlto and pie cruat flf an in in WM riugle-iam!ly houo* . , MODKBH OOOKTAn. DnurasooK 7-Oonrse Dhmets ;LBBCIIMBI ' Hot and Oold Sandwiches BpeciaHzing in Homo -baked cakes and REASONABLE PEIOES Beautiful Grounds Surround This Eeeort pa Pistakee B4f * T ^ ^ .' li COSTS 3 CENTS TO PMtT 25 SO. FTJ CARBOLA-PDT A FUf NLltt Am MSMreCIMt, XZSSVJVSSSlt'Sl h jMWrtlrf MB dpi mK 1 m. J15.5 Ik. Mk 10 IS wtar ct Ftaes anf. naa PHONE M WEST McHBNBY Whitewash your trnrnfl and poultry hoH8M WTTH OARBOLA--DDT AL PHANHEMBTILL Phone McHenry 43341 .Ik"; w' • I*':1 \ r . : •j i,/r ^ • t mi i Sponsored by wm. J. Mefczen Post No. HARVARD, ILLINOIS Wednesday - Thursday - Stamps! Order at Plaindealer. •day 6 Satnrdaya: lLa.UI| lwin|s amMhg^rJMegnlnga iaMa feaa F' aiia>a WONDER LAKE 888 ROTHEBMBL ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN - Bartrkal Centractera ^ Raasin Let as cettnato that next »lectrka> Job ef years. LEO G. BOTHEBMBL, Prep. Phone McHenry S72-M 804 BiversMe Driva TAILOR ©waning, Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same Day Satisfaction Guaranteed A. WORWICK PBOTOQRAPHEB STOFFEL A BEIHAN8PERQER Iaanrance agents far aU classes ef in the beat PHONE 123-R 416 Main Street LABBNBY FLORAL COU JACOB FRIfZ West McHenry ef MfHrnrff wmmm fitn'Vi iffTiiM JA JUNE 19-22 RIDES-ENTERTAINMENT m us wsm NEW CONCESSION! mmmio« r WONDERFUL PRIZES I t I ,-r. XT*.* . x.,ms • .. . ^1..