S£ • yii'P'iM W. S. C. & Te KM! 4- flisrsday, Jaae M The W. S. C. 8. will bold their tegular month*meting at- the church on Thursday, Jane 10. Att members arc urged to itlai « * • le 4, W. S. C. 8. trf Cirde™* ^TThe W. S. C. S. will H(et At the home of Mrs. Harold Beemer on Friday afternoon, Jane 21. * • • of lbnr Ifedroa at Woikkr iMkm last wealL Mill Ethel Jooee of McHenry reported on the recent state convention of tho B. P. W., at which she «m a delegate. A delicious pot-luck by the croup. > • • • itertsins rd Clab Miss Lena Stoffe' entertained the Name 8edety The Holy Kama society's father and son Communion will on Father's at St. Neighborhood clab jst jHBr home ^on .^"o'clock and will proceed to the church.. There will be the bless- Mrt i ing of the Holy Name banner, fol- * lowed by the mass by MsgT. C. 8. •n <Jommumon wui take place ther's Dkyt Sunday, Jam 16, Mary's church, llioee taking rill assemble in the school hafi At a oNrieeii solemnised at St. W< Bthal Mr*. wife of, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. this city. Rt. Rev. officiated at the nu The eharming given in marriage wore a white satin over-skirt Her long veil and had lace her the similar dreu. She wore £ Conway, son of Corny of C. S. Nix service, who was by her father, gown with net lace inserts, trimming on a long train. Main street last Thursday evening at the club's last meeting for this season. Prise winners were Mrs. ,C. H * Nix. A-fter the mass there win be special devotions to the Holy Name of Jesus. - e>.e- Mrs. Loais Block Hostess At Shower Mrs. Louis Block was hostess at a miscellaneous shower held recently , at her home here in honor of Mrs. •t. Marys Clara Heinitz, who is marrying Mrs. inning with an 8:30 o'clock Block's brother, Robert Frit*. Games during which those taking, were enjoyed and prites awarded to C. J. Reihansperger, puker and Mrs. FYank Scbreiner, ; CL D. of A. Sponsors 1 One-Day . Retreat The C. D. of A.-W « tine-day retreat for Catholic women of McHenry and the surrounding (immunity. This will be held on Tuesday, June 18, at St. church mass, part will recdive Holy .Communion. rMrs. Hairy Fritz," Bettie Frit* and :"'.A small charge Will be made for,Helen Fritz. A two-course luncheon the breakfast, which will be served was served, followed by the presentain the school hall. A dinner will tion of many gifts to the guest Of be served between noon and 1 honor. o'clock for those persons who care t» attend, Interested, persons are asked to fall Mrs. Ella Buss, phone SO, before Wday of this week.- ., -- Lawn Party The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church Is planning a 1 o'clock dessert bridge, to be held on the lawn of the Wallace Dobyns hom« on Thursday afternoon, June 27. for each Photo by A. WorwJck. McHenry Reed-Dufield Vows Exchanged May M The Presbyterian church in Crystal Lake was the scene of a lovely early summer wedding on Memorial day at 5:30 p.m., when Miss Anita Louise Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Reed of Ridgefield, became the bride of Curtis Dufleld, son of the Alan J tal Lake. The bride is a graduate of tha , - , Crystal Lake Community high school | Eleanor Wiater of Reading, Pa., v * T1 a PiV awarded an(j attended Northern Illinois State; sister of the bride, who served as ~" J5*b,e' as .^e11 *• special Teachers' college. She has been an matronxof honor, Mrs. Mabel Holle ine committee in charge elementary teacher at Lily Lake for;0f Oak Park, sister of the groom, the past two years. The groom was. and Miss Carol Conway of McHenry, discharged last October after ser- niece of the groom, who acted as ving four years with the He j bridesmaids. All three attendants Miss AlthoflFs headpiece was a beaded crown and she carried a Duflelds of Crys-1 colonial bouquet of white roses and carnations. t Her three attendants wore Mrs. vvvA vAvAAvAv vA vA- vA vvA v REMEMBER THE 1946 Gay Nineties or fbOULLOM LAZE To Be Held fULT 26-27-38 at MoOnllom Lib Colony in ma Jane a, McHenry, Vogt, Sr Rov. Father the bride, nuptial service at St. Mary's church. The lovely bride was attired in white friporoton^ ww ihb| itovn oitdl wM bring long-awaited s^snJet^co ^o bank it raady to help you bvy Ihos* and olhor modem appSance*, low cod and or* features of our loan sorvlci. Photo by A. WorWtcp, MeBwtr Mrs. Paul Wenxlaff of Brodhead, Wis., became the bride of Mr. Victor Obenauf, son of the Adolph Obenaufs of Route 2, McHen Photo by A WorwKk. McBcnry is employed by the Western Gas Company of Elgin. ited wore white marquisette gowns and picture hats of white horsehair, with " " __ j large blue ribbons in back and pastel Style Revue At | colored flowers on each side. They Colony Jane 14 ' . .carried colonial bouquets of mixed All the ladies hereabouts are anx- < garden flowers. iously awaiting the annual style Little Barbara Conway, niece of show which Mrs. Betty Nielsen, the groom, was the lovely flower under the sponsorship of the local girl, attired in white and carrying P. T. A., will conduct on Friday a small colonial bouquet. , UtiBoia Mm FRIDAY, JUNB 14 Oar Aaaaal Style Barlow Bjr P. T. A. ef St Mary t dk St. Patrick's Sdwel Om **8UNBONNET SUV* 7^# * f:U pja. Stage Review--«J» ^ - &i*j SATURDAY. JUNBl* Dvorak -- laalli|| "ABILBNB TOWIT OfrtM aad Sport •UK, HON. A HTM. hm Gary Cooper -- lagrU "SARATOGA nUMT evening, June 14, at the Colony theatre. The movie "Sunbonnet Sue will be shown at 7 o'clock, followed by the revue of latest styles at 8:80. Models will be Mrs. LeRoy Melsek, Miss Charlene Merles, Miss Patricia Cristy. Mrs. Albert Stilling, Miss Henn, Miss Helen Shirley Heide, Miss Loretta Larson, Miss May Jus ten, Mrs. Fred Wahl, Mrs. George Kauss, Miss Joan Durland, Miss Rosie Matsat and Mrs. Joanne Rulien of McHenry; Mrs. J. Edmeier of Pistakee Bay and Chicago and Miss Nancy Andrews of Woodstock. • • * Gaest Of Honor At Mlacollsaeeas Shower A miscellaneous pre-nuptial shower was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Krohn, Sr., on Friday evening, June 7, honoring Miss Charlene Krohn, who will become the bride of Leonard CLeary of Woodstock on Jane 15. Airplane banco provided entertainment with prises being awarded to Miss Rose Kuns and Miss Frances Glosaoa. At the doee of tho evening, tasty rffreshsaeats were served Pl-Bspit iatte^IfcCrSrerett Livingston of Harvard, Mrs. Bernard OTioary ef Marago, Mrs. BoMld OTLeary. Mrs. DanOTaary andMise Frances Glosson of Woodstock, Mrs. Math Gtoason, Mrs. Harold Josten and the Misses Rooe and Grace Bans of McHenry, Mrs. Pted KiaknTir^ MM. .Wad Krohn, Jr, Mrs. Prod Nickels ef Wast McHenry and Mrs. James Althoff served as best man for his brother-in-law, and Fred Meyer and Joseph McAndrews, friends of the couple, were ushers. The bride's motner chose a dress of poudre blue, while Mrs. Conway was attired in a gown of old rose. Both wore corsages of sweet peas. Preceding the wedding, Ear! Conway, the groom's brother, sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother/' and at the offertory, he rendered "Penis Angelicus." Immediately after the service, as he sang MAve Maria," the bride placed a bouquet, then knelt to pray, at the altar of tho Biassed Virgin. The wedding breakfhst for the bridal party was served at the Howard Cairns home and later the immediate families partook of a delicious dinner at St Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall. Supper was also served there to abovt 120 guests, after which a reception was had. The couple left on a wadding trip into northern Wisconsin, and upon their return will bo at homo in a new apartment abort Altboff*s Hardware store. and veil, the latter with lace over a ruffle edging and a large lace bow. She wore clusters of orange blossoms at each side of her .head and carried a white prayer book and pearl rosaxy, gifts of the groom. Mrs. Jack Jones of Urbana, Ohio, sister of the groom, was matron of honor, attired In a dress of blue taffeta with net over-slrirt and matching headpiece. Miss Irene Thennes, sister of the bride, and Miss Anamae Vogt, the groom's sister, acted as bridesmaids, wearing blue nylon satin dresses and flower headpieces. Miss Chrystal Ann Anderson, niece of the groom, acted as flower girl. She wore a sheer blue embroidered dress and a yellow "glad" in her hair. All of the attendants carried colonial bouquets of white carnations and yellow gladioli and wore gold crossesv gifts of tho bride. Marcellus "Bud" Thennes, brother of tho bride, acted as best man, while Donald Schaefer, friend" of the couple, served asgroomsman. Ushers were Leonard Tfennes, brother of the bride, and Clarence Schaefer, a friend of the couple. Following the nuptials, a dNreaknst was served at the bride's home for the bridal party. Later a dinner was enjoyed at Al's White House by the immediate families. Miss Thennes attended St Peter's school at Volo and has been employed at the Riverside Manufacturing company. Tho The attractive bride chose for her wedding an aqua-colored dress with which she wore~Awhite accessories. Her attendant was Miss Helen Kleof Chicago, a lifelong friend, Eugene Obenaux served his brother as best man. Following the nuptials, a reception was held at the Obenauf home for abuut 100 relatives and friends, witb buffet supper being served in the evening. The bride, before her marriage was employed in the Chevrolet plant at Janesville, Wis. The groom is employed on his father's farm, where they will reside for the present. MARRIED JUNE 13 Miss Lucille Weingart of this city and William Salzman of Woodstock I pcHENRY STATE BANK ! M«mber Federal Reserve 8yst*ai ^ Member Federal Deposit fcuttrance Corporation. ; j - • -- • H H I H H I i i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I m 1 1 1 M 1 1 m i t m ' today (June 13) h. Complete details will appear in next week's issue. are at St. being m t. Mary'i married s church. reare Mc- STU DENTS ENROLL The University of Illinois ports that fifty-nine students enrolled for this semester from Henry county. Tliis includes thirty nine men and twenty women. There are thirty-eight men and nineteen Women at tho Urbana campus and one man and one woman at the Chicago campus. The enrollment of 15,817, civilian resident students is the largest in the University's history. It includes 12,788 on the campus at Urbana and 1.152 in medicine. dentistry, and pharmacy on the Chicago campus. • m is a grad* school and is on thf Vogt j Cluea^o, Plaa Nswa Cartsai Jovee Kilmer No. 578* C. held installation WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Barbara Stanwyck--Goeegs Oaaoa WeDea ef recently with "MY REPUTATION" PLUS--Cartoon Novelty MILLER AIR-CONDITIONED Woodstock, 111. FRI. A SAT„ JTJNE 14-15 |Pidt Tracy kt now in the movies!! )ICK TRACY" Plus "PBOI ARE FUNNY" .With Jack Haley Walker Gala Midnight Show SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Open 11:30--Starts at 12 HM shadow returns on the isle of the dead! 2 Thrilling and Chilling Hits , No. 1 Boris Karloff in THE ISLE QF THE DEAD' No. 2 SHADOW RETURNS" SUNDAY AND MONDAY Jaae 16-17 [THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFEH with Court D. ef A. elected officers on ft. The evening began luck supper, after which the ing ware installed: (hand Regent, Ella Buss. Vice-Grand Regent, Marie Powers. Prophetess, May Martin. Lecturer, Mildred Kinsala. Monitor, Bertilla Freund. Financial Secretary, Laura Weber. Historian, Elizabeth Thompson. Sentinel, Gertrude Stilling. Treasurer, Elizabeth Schoewer. Organist, Eleanor Young. Trustees, Lena Hettermann, Grace Murphy, Helen Miller, Olive May, Lily_ Unti and Helen Heuser. • District Deputy Estelle McGill acted as installing officer and Marion Keating was installing marshal. Guests were Regna Witholm, Mrs. McGill, state monitor and district deputy, Marion Keating and Mrs. Hogan, all of Belvidere. Tables were attractively decorated with bouquets of flowers by the committee in charge, of which Helen Heuser and Margaret Simon were cochairmen. The ladies are to be congratulated for their efforts in making the installation a very lovely event. • • • Worthy Matronal- Patrons' Night Wbrthy Matrons' and Patrons' night was observed at Acacia hall in McHenry last Monday evening, June 10. The following held offices during the evening: Worthy Matron, Hazel .Willke, Marengo; worthy patron, Vernon Kayes. Marengo; associate matron, Mary Klemme, Woodstock; associate patron, Tom Merwin, Woodstock; secretary, Chester Camp, Harvard; treasurer, Harry Shales, Nunda; conductress, Eva Eppel, McHenry; associate conductress, Goldie Camp, Harvard; chaplain, Augusta Jenson. Dundee; marshal!, Mina Austin, Richmond; organist Irma Stockton, Woodstock; Adah, Catherine Dibbs, Algonquin; Ruth, Lydia Zieman, Pax)r Ridge; Esther. Phyllis Brewer, Barrington; Martha, Mary Janette Roberts, Nunda; Electa, Alice Wirtz, Wauconda; Guest Sentinel; Victor 8wanson, Dundee; sentinel, Luella Stephenson, McHenry; soloist, Carl Mitchell, Nunda; guttt of honor, Blanche Conrad, Albany Park; instructress, Lillian Gilbert, Nunda. The hall was beautifully with flowers and ' J accord la voting it Tb* groom schbbb and was' dliefcargod after serving forty-two montha in the army, mach of this time in the European theatre. Last week Wednesday bly the moat eventful experienced fair the Althoff family, for besides tho wadding, a christening was held aba. 8oon after the •rf the four-weeks old Dr. anil Mrs. Edward Beading. Pa~ was christened Judith Anne at a baptismal ceremony held at 8t Mary's church. The bride of the day served as godmother for her niece, while the baby's grandfather. WiUiam Althoff, wedding dim daughter of J. w iater ef - »o grooi uate of the local h&i i employed by his father farm near Johnsboxgv The couple has raftnrned froas a short trip into Wisconsin. " - : Special Father'# Bay Service! At Ringwood Father's Day will bo fittingly observed at the churches of Greenwood and Ringweod with prognuas at the moraing worship services, which are held at 1:30 and 11 o'diock by year tha this nattMMride ** paMfcT inand appreciation1 ^. dowtton of Aethers has tomyriad* XSLn-1* families America tetaruad to their i from milituy asgvits in a and the hartfjaaght battle across the seas, ike day's meaning has deepened for nflUons. The general public ia cordially fa. Ttted to attend the FathoV^Day observance at Ringwoed and Groan, wood. A*eeribe for The OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY A good pastor, a good citizen, a | good neighbor and a good friend was honored Sunday, June 9, when the many friends of Rev. E. A. McCormick of Crystal Lake gathered at the auditorium of St. Thomas church from 5 to 8 <pjn. at "Open House" to extend best wishes upon the occasion of his thirty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthooo. More than thirty of those years have been spent in service to the Crystal Lake church, 'a service which has won the warm affection and highest respect of parishioners as well as other residents of the community. Citrus Output Jumps Over a 30-year period the a vera (a production of citrus fruit has increased seven times. RECEIVES APPOINTMENT * Kaywin Kennery, unopposed date for president of the State Bar Association, has --i--m Attorney James J. McCauley that ha has been appointed to serve on tha Sixth , District Committee on A4> missions for the year 1946-1947. This is the first appointment to go to a McHenry county attornsy in over thirty years. The ap| ment was announced in a dated May 22 from Charlc Stephens, executive secretary. ttorosy ppointlettar lee M Clean the reflector of your elao* trie heater with a attghtly damp rag wound on the end of a stick for ao» cesaifcQity. A aMny reflector givae off jaore heat. Subacribe for The Plaindeakr Ltvesteet Held aaeh August at Palermo Park fat Buenos Aires, the Rural Argentina Livestock show is attend* president of Argentina, tic corps and tha cream tribute to the meat industry which fir* made Argentina great. Grand Champion have been aacttoaed for as $0,120. ad by the pi fiia <Upktmati< of society, In TOUR OWN APARTMXMT food Faj, Too!' Agreeable Pksty ef Good pay. CMve faB letter. Write Bn 4T, Care acted as godfather. WED AT ST. PATKICK'S ram IS TBI MONTH or ^WEDDINGS Whether it's a Diamond Ring: or a wedding gift, we can supply yop need*. y Look over our rtook before deciding. > H. A STEFFAN, Jewelry, Music, Radio TEL. m I M*TTF ST., HcHENKT - ~ fkfto by A. Worwlck, McHenry MR. AND MRS. WM. GUFFEY At a 2 o'clock nuptial service performed by Rev. Father William A. O'Rourke on June 1, Miss Gladys Schessel of Richmond became the bride of William W. Guffey of this «ty. . CARD OF THANlS We wish to thank all those who were so kind during the illness and passing of Mrs. Margaret Bienapfl; also for the many beautiful flowers and gifts and all who were so kind to the family at this time. FRED BIENAPFL--Husbandr SHIRLEY BIENAPFL-- Granddaughter, THE BENES FAMILY, THE KINSEY FAMILY, THE CARROLL FAMILY. *4 waasa^ecumt lamp Grasp the plug and not the cord to disconnect a lamp. Delicious cakes and ice cream were 1 in the dining Mam at thai close * earvkoF * The name that means everything in tires. We ba|| «HKAOTOR TIRES--all sixes. ° i (front and rear) TRUCK TIRBS--all sixes. ' BATTKRIX8--4o Hi all can and tracks. • all waler and milking machines. JfUFlURS AND TAILPIPES pnmni. mowers . Freund TQUB8--TUBES--BATTERIES--ACCESSORIES vUliE AND TUBE VULCANIZING ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 204 - %e«fc McHenry "THE OUN MGEST" Describes and illustrates every enrrent American m., shotgun and hand gun. Has 750 brilliant illustrations, 164 fact-filled pages; new seoond annual edition $1J6 Sherrill "Direotor" V* •% AUTO COMPASS Ragged, molded' plastic nnoonditionaQy guaranteed C ASTING REEL Lightweight spool for greater yardage without back laih . $6.95 ^4- -IS.95 - - "n* * * CAMPING KNIFE for general utility. Steel guard and cast sine butt. Oak tanned leather sheath r il 08 Dealer Authorised GimiMeA Main Street '• o a /• -7* t ':v' .:m