P$%M 'TO Harden Fontana L&YWOOR n. Haberlein nt, to at- UlyMtr tine with Alice and ^"- s'4f r * mMr-*:-,* of t5l«lr !|^a^ |»«y on mm. day evening', ^Ihiais S9. 'tit order to attend tfeedads, that were auriled i to SMmbwrs watt be jeturaed to _. ,_ IIfra. Kay Maliar, chairman in charg* (By Fvands Edward) lof tha pafty. This will Mp her ~ . .. _.. ^ iplan the event and allow for goeata. Members of the Liljmoor Proper- jfemberi within* to may ty Owners Association are reminded bring their non-member friends at ^ \ v'. . ? ..** ~ w~:M - mmw i J. •<-.£•*' •' ' Sear*. -« THAT'S GOOD! |e ready to accept an invitation-- your cloth#* are always freshly dry cleaned and carefully pressed in shop..;,!?!!!* cleaned, glared and stored. Cleaners PHONE 20 - 206 S. GreeoSt' cor tend this gathering at duhhoose at 8 pjn. Lt. LoosUsi Wallta, daughter of Mrs. Sroboda, Sr., after a nleasant stay in Lilynioor, has gone oaek to her post in the WACa. She ia now stationed at a hospital in North Carolina. Hie Meehan family has sold their home in Lilymoor and have now taken up residence in their beautiful Highland Pack estate. Mr. and Mrs. John Molitor have taken up residence in Chicago. John has gone back to his old place of employment in the city. j P.F.C. Fred Svoboda, Jr., is now J stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., for eight weeks' dbasifc training. After this period he either goes overesas I or will be entered in'Officers' candi-! date school. Fred called his dad | Sunday to wish him a happy Father's Day. 1 The Charles Roger family is ready to .put their house on its new foundation this week, completeing many hours of hard labor. It looks like their project is now nearing the end. They are going to stay out all year round now and add their family to the Lilymoo* census. Bob Einspar, ex-marine, now at home with his mom and dad, celebrated his twenty-first birthday Monday June 17 On Sunday, Father's Day, Bob and his brother Willard, took their Dad to the auto races. "An 111 Wind Blows no good made sense last Sunday when we saw Orvile Mahar hanging onto an awning at his home to prevent it from i tearing to pieces. Mr. Mahar mipht have won over the wind had not the J rain joined partnership and given him a run for his money. A wet J hen is a mild understatement as far ias the drenching our good neighbor received. Hepburn _ _ . ir« visiting ia Ofegt-S. _ tar the death of mm htloved residents, Ma. Vtaak fwwdpfco passed away at ttiWoodstodt Iwspit^Saturday «^*>h'g aftar a. long illness of 0BHaS9P* Henry flhphtnson came home from the Woedstoek hospital 'Friday but had to mum on Miwday. Mrs. Viola Low aai daughter, Alice Has, attended tl* Legion Auxiliary at Rfehatend TiNSday evea- H^here will be no Iweh or Sunday school at the Methodist church next Sunday. Audrey Merchant of Elgin spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Merchant. Robert Low, Atvin Benov, Lloyd Spitzbart, Muriel Butler and Carol Harrison went on the Moose Caravan to Moosehart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low, Mrs. Viola Low and son, Robert, Mrs. Thomas and Jerry Tonyan attended the Milk Day celebration at Harvard Wednesday. P h y l l i s M c C a n n o n a n d C a r o l Schmidt of Woodstock spent Friday with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy . Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Mr* and Mrs. Lonnie Smith spent Sunday #ith ifrs. Georgie Harrison in J viaitsct at St Charles Sunday after-! - DfSSOLtmOlT: Elgin and celebrated the birthdays J n*£|* , Notice is "Inybf of Fl^il. <^aHlty aM lira. Geoirgie Wf». is entertaining P^rtoership heietoftwe , , her ^heice from Burlington. A H. G. FitxGersld and (X rfm. M oil Mra- B- T- Butler » attending sum- J®*®* ihe ^ , , *"*• „ mer school in Chicago. -Jf® *>**n discontinued, con Sfent Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane spent th® 15th ^y of Iraa 194*., fK with their parents, Mr. and Mrs., Sunday in the Earl Kane hom^t "nder8,1»wd «• G- FitsGeraM is mm Mundelein. th® sol« owner of the hiMrtnl-- H. G. FITZGERALD. evening, were Mr. Charles Pest. Mrs. Paul E. Hill Patricia, Mfr. Bay Chutes Coles and dai Mr. and Mrs. Boy Hantaan an David Harrison attesdod the Wedding of lliss Charts** Krohn and Leonard O^Leary at MeHenry Saturday morning. A wedding reception held at Crystal Lake in the Those to attend from here and Mta^Rur Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Gknr Benoy, Mrs. Paul Hill and danghter, Patricia, Ethel Krohn and Leonard Krohn." Mrs.. Gertrude Ritter of Kenosha has been- ^visiting her father, Frank Fay. Mrs. Paul Hill and daughter, Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, Mrs. Charles Coles and daughter, Suzanne 'and Leonard Krohn went to Fort Sheridan Sunday to ^et Paul Hill, who received his discharge from the army. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Wicks of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Dusen and daughters of Elgin spent Sunday in the Oliver Lawrence home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nordmeyer and son of Mundelien and Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kattner and sons of Spring Grove spent Thursday evening in the I$d Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were A. B. C. jCIIIMNEY SERVICE INDUSTRIAL--RESIDENTIAL x® Taekpointing--Acid Washing--Chimney Cleanfeg^-lkpairing-- Rebuilding. STACK and FI^AGPOLE paint- ««• ^ ... Addtwu: Block No. 12, Ulj Lake EAST Or HcHXNSY wm RINGWOOD ppHp (By Mrs. Gooire ShesoitU Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein had as their gvests Sunday, for Father's Day, thoir chUnn, Dr. and Mrs. Gooiga Hsheriein and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weher and son. Mr. and Mrs. Paal- pollins and three daughter* of Arlington Heights spent Saturday with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins, and helped them celebrate their fiftyfourth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron apent Sunday evening in the George Sheoard home. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collins and daughter of Elmhurat spent SundAy with Rev. and Hip. Collins. Mrs. Maymo Harrison of Mc Henrv spent Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beek of Dundee were visitors in the E. E. Whiting home Tuesday afternoon. The Home Circle was entertained at the home of Mrs. Dickson at Greenwood, Thursday. Mrs. Mussy and Mrs. Haberlein were co-hostesses. Luncheon was served in the Greenwood church basement dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Winn and Janet Johnson of Richmond spent Sunday in the Fred VILLA HOTEL RESORT ^ MODERN COCKTAIL LOTOO* -*? •;>*' * ' . AND DINING ROOM 7-Cotne Dinners on Reservation* Lnncheons Hot and Cold Sandwiches " Specialising in Home-baked cakes and pastries REASONABLE PRI0E8 Beautiful Grounds Surround This Resort ell Pistakee Bay COSTS 3 CEKTSTO PAHT 25 StL FT. CARBOLA-DDT A FLY KILLER AND DISINFECTANT, TOO 2gjstsrsjisah'S 'gttssasaeaicmtv) ^(TSvaSST•Saml'aSSS ffl&SiMi'1 DDT nninii<il kr ••Uiur liimliitliTrf rifti tT tr zSSSgSte Ash Mer for MMMHkal 00 k. km i ti« ss m. (Man HcHEHRT GO. FMWEB OMIP. ASSN PHONE i i< » J- hi** • -% & • ' WEST McHBNlf ' - Whitewash your barns and poultry houses with " * ^ ';v., •" : CARBOLA--DDT AL PHANNENSTU. , Pbone MeHenry 433-R # "".A ^ . .s , »„. . vMA u. i« f o r c o WJ 0!It a 8 1 E " r M , N 6 m o r e f R 0 F , T $ . t / l l i f 4' • -I < • * : - V d . '"'I :. -i* • J * , :4" the pa' Sponsored by Wm. *L AA«tzen Post No. 265 HARVARD, ILLINOIS Wednesday <» Thursday • Friday - Saturday M . 'sMi, ' 4 BIG NIGHTS JUNE 19-22 RIDES-ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE CHILDREN NEW CONCESSIONS FUN FOR EVERYONE WONDERFUL PRIZES % YouH bo pleased, and your cows will* too, when you've installed *n automatic barn cleaner and drinking fountains in the dairy barn. With an Automatic Bc^n Cleaner you can banish barn drudgery and clean up the dirtiest job on the farm in a matter of minutes. Just a flip of a switch instantly •tarts the manure moving through both gutters, up and outside into the spreader. No shoveling ... no watching--it's as easy as that! And here's more good news : Barn Cleaners can be installed in either old or new tMirns. With Water Cups in your barn you can keep a constant supply of clean, fresh water before the cows at all times... low-cost water that fattens animals faster and ups milk yields. For only a few cents a day an electric running water system will perform dozens of other farm chores, will eliminate the daily grind of -jumping and bucket-lugging- : ' '£> Easy Does IH Tested and proven Autoautic Barn Cleaner Knits shovel-work -- deans gutters quickly and eflkiently . gives years of dependable servidfc. ~Meet Ifoul fytuendl at th* Gcftniual > L i , . : !!«•»... -.1.., . . f i I % w '» Mi nets when handy..water cups provide fp^vs with the gallons and gallons of thirst-quencher (hay to Step up milk production as much ss 30%. w StiN Climbing! Bodrkity Is naw avaHabla to 91% of Mm farms in tha area sanrad by (Ms company • X* .\<i2 Get AH Tha Facts on these work-saving, profit-building electric helpers from your electric company's Farm Representative or from your local dealer. Now--when ttarns are used less frequently--is the most opportune time to add these improvements you've been waiting lor so long! . . • W» iiMWMh... »