1 TMS lUUWTW BI A Mlifll VKHBiT i LAIIItu *' • vf/' Park, Prairie Oris wold Lake To *"*' • Hold Election* Soon IS® < * . 11M fourth band concert of the rffl ha itMtaUd on Friday Jotjr IS, ia the City Pnrk, lit l «UoA Hm» who' the stirrinf marcto of the Mly 4 concert will want to be surer and hear the following propam, t» he presented this week: "The Star Spangled Banner"--Key. March, "The Host of freedom"-- King ' Walts, "The M4ddenrQuecu"~-4}kaggs. At two recent meetings between Overture, "Princess of Ind~iala***-----KKiinn g, the board members of three nearby March, "The Xyesof Tuns"--Hall, Those for ma« have of f Heniy--feel truly the as well as tte region. These like to feel that folks who have ; > 'ways return. Wte p^Tttf Do you remember the song that people at tills Woodlawn Park Mai b Killed In Only 8erions Accident lived in McHenry the people who every square foot luse it is Mcour little city, is spot of America," *eway to the Lake the .people who, rith few exceptions. >nce lived here siratal glade schools and of the Mc- Caprice, "Princess Tip Toe"--LeRoy. I^back"^^*th<f farm ^far awav*from f^e? W^° n MbUc grade school, plans "Operatic, Mingle"-a£r. by Berry. Krm1" Well there w£e ' £aCtl°n • v,.'-; have inaugurated for consolida- March, "The Billboard"--Klobr. ' n*rm ' WeU' ther* Were tfcm • of 'these. districts. The three Walts, "Nights of Gladness" -- Annual districts are Emerald Park,' cliffe. Prairie and Griswold Lake. Overture, "Bronze Eagle"--Graham, Except for Griswold Lake, this March, Or. Guard for the if. S. A." v^eoeisolidation will be a legal move --Rosenkmns. : •' only. The pupils from Emerald! Selection, "H. M. S. Pinafor»"--err. ~ * the city schools' bftalw. / te aom fifteen years, and for the March, "Rarwtf & Bailey's fivwite" Park have tne fifteen the, several years the Prairie school ' -- has sent its students to Mc-, Finale^ ry. In the case of these schools,! -- r- 3? jrt aEuL&ssr ^ 0DSI «> «8ww speak of these me because' it is 1 a ce rtain sat isouncement that a ssionaf man is rehis home and con- , He is Dr. Henry in the , . plenty of former local people who were singing that song turning to mMn °T , something similar, on Sundayjtint* his wurtt. .... „ l4Clul, night after five days of crowds, ex- Freund, who toft McHenry sevencitement and carnival. |teen years ago to reside in Chicago Just to sit and watch the passing after having priiticed optometry for crowds on any one of the five big several yean. nights was entertainment in itself.! Since leav Peering at a half-mile stream of has t* a cars at the corner of Elm and Green, the Northern Bless America"--Berlin.! McHenry's State and Madison, op tometry, lady was heard to remark, with the Doctor of wisdom of one who has learned from i also a n ' experience, "Who> said McHenry was | tometric the i^iti<m ofthe Gris- SOON AS FA1M BUREAU |fd efa d?" Not long af^ter ward a l_ittl e tometric wold Lake Strict will be a majorj ORGANIZATION DIRECTOR1 £^t? Vlady® SSSX' h£*to E**maion '^TK'WILL ^^MAMBEND Griswold Lake school buildii ft,-* *ve i ------ j "take me to the cemetery." Even huildinr burned! Announcement was made this week when she hastened to amain that AL Gust, Who has Men orjani-his rather weird choies df destfaiaal the Me&enryCoun- tien was baeausa of a recent visit jap for a number ofto one of the graves, the little felrasige to the-Farm Bu-) low's exclamation couldnt help but Mar ta look for .ranii board ia order that ha may bring • smile. It was all too evi- ^^rnnHrirt rlaaeriT I tok» «P as form field-1 dent that there were plenty mors La. toeelSer with the desire ml"1 ,or tlM *ewman Dairy com- folks who would have welcomed nart ^"SK^elrdi fo?«SS31 in the Madisoti4>eUvan area siimlar quiet but lust wouldn't admit ^^1^ tnd ririi ' after three years out for army ser- aching feet and tired bodies. ^ ' S l U " , i l S r t a A r » . G » t wttraeJ i.k| TSe (mmb dbpU, n. M ttet of education on last Monday f? orwuniaticm director on Decembet had been promised. The usual Tfcemove wasXde pSa.^ 16'Jr?' ' m ^ rp'a" V* the fact that the Emerald Previous to coming to Woodstock, sky rockets, as the beautiful multii Prairie hoards alreadv he was fleldman for Prairie Farms colored stars floated earthward. Hunto ""He their districts, with Creamery at Olney, 111., and during dreds of local residents and visitors his army service he was in food I remained on the carnival grounds to Two Elections inspection work for the quarter- see the magniflceat display la order to effect this contemplated able number rehabU; 4jrea for special in industry, ficieacy lid Dr. ftamnd Thursday, Jd^r Jewwy artose West McHenry. ,c Henry, Dr. Freund graduate course at College of Opthe degree of ic Science. He is the American Opn, the ^ Illinois Opthe* Optometric sn organisation 'tometric research, •n and preparing ual skills required for greater efbegin practice on 8, in tne Steffan 514 Main street* MBGB. O'OOlTNOR SPEAK8 PROM mem AT MOTHER OABROII CANONIZATION 46-47GOMMANKR OF L0GALLE9HM Yonng Legionnaires Elected Monday To Pill Many Posta Harry Lock of McCullom Lake was elected commander of the local Legion Post No. 491, at last Monday evening's election of officers. He succeeds Floyd Cooley, who completed a year of efficient service this month. Others elected were as follows: Richard Williams, senior vice-commander; Mervin Schoenholtz, junior vice-commandef; Gene Dobyns, finance officer; Ted Graham, chaplain; Richard Justen, sergeant-at-arms; Sam Schmunk, historian. The adjutant and service officer will be appointed by the commander some time in the nesr future. A good portion of the Legion's 182 members were in attendance at last Monday's meeting. The state convention, which will be held in Chicago on August 16, 17, 18 and 19, _ . _ ^ was discussed and delegates elected LAST RITES WKT.y re nmiv *a» vnolf OSOKOE BA&RSTT TO SPEAX IK WOODSTOCK I lT- JI " G.I.S FAMES NEAR COMfll : Basement Of WattUs ^ Building To House The Nook Restanraai V A haven for at least live local G. I. families is the Wattles buildinif in West McHenry, recently remodeled to house the families of ex-servicemen. Six months ago it was a large frame structure which took care of the needs of only the Thies Wholesale Candy company, the second floor and basement being empty. Last February 1, Howard Wattlea Attorney General George F. Bar- ] purchased the Stoffel building, and rett will address a meeting of the^08*.one month later began an ex- Lions Club at Woodstock at 6:15 ' tensive remodeling job which hat p.m., Monday, July 15. Mr. Barrett, i Resulted in the modern apartments who is the chief law officer of the! which are now almost completed. ; State of Illinois, will tell the mem-j On the second floor are five apart^A 1 ^ bars of the duties, powers and ac- ments, each consisting of a kitchen*! , complishments of his office. Mr. nook, bedroom, living room and bath*" 7 ; room. They are gas heated an«| floors are constructed of tile or linoleum. One of the very attrac- Barrett, a Republican, is now serving his second term as the Attorney General. to attend. They are Floyd Cooley and Harry Lock as regular delegates, ... _. . ^ Harold FRIDAY 70S rORMXK McHEWRY SKSIDKNT day at 1:S0 o'clock from the Warner mniaaaBfiacyr JtMviWpUvU* . •oaMolidation, a considerable i tfWal steps must W undertaken, j QREAT OPPORTUNITIES AM roxmn m OOUHTEY rsiaia your way, be certain to sign j BY "BERNIE" PESCHKE "* * give the movement your sup- The petition requests tne Proof that rural areas offer much - sup<mntendent of shoots _ to; more opportunities for advancement, side. 'JwhSichJ ttiZiner .tShe rZesSidZenXtsr SwSill Tb:e *- CT^led dty •"•(net. <»n b. cj^e(j the case of Bemie Peschke to vote upon the question of OI B "f™1® 11:80. . In spite of the huge the endless stream of dents were few and rious. A few folks bites, i caught in" their fishi outside of these eve: little was reported on ViS^aria, at Pistakaa about j Sunday moi liHit saving crowds amd! °' Rt. Eev, traffic, acei-)nor. iDCW Charity ogw ^a to-1 archdiocosan sdfered dog o"lic '**---**- and children at olic Charity camp were thrilled last Msgr. O'Connor, rvisor of the Cathureau of Chicago, ing hooks, but'l«P^kinl? th* ranonixation I ryday mishaps,' ceremonies of Mother Frances Xavier' >n the eventtui Cabrini. I j Msgr. O'Connor, whose duties in- IVaffic Fatality elude direction of the Villa Maria •aaau w vow me qucsuuu oi . .. u,u_-,t n i The one traffic casualty involved a i u?Jllfi^>r eoavoUdation. The county superin- v^tnr^! 8Umm«r W8ident of Woodlawn Park, I ^ during the past several years, tnlsait will establish at least two i who died in Condell Memorial hos- j _ . _ n One precinct will <w ^ Ubcrtyrill., U »:*I »jo„ on John K^BQl Has PnrchlMd mtion lirnitB of Mc-, , Wednc«l.T,July S. following «n •«<« i JWh^T^POSal BtulllMS laces. corporation perience in the business world. jtafc limits, epch group voting as ** ™ " " 'action carry, I « .»». « the,8UCC® . _ lt u eoneoiidation. If the election carries, I m_5nt, aiw thus it was qnite iBemy and one will be outside cor-, .. . . ? V ^ gjoup voting as) No doubt his start in business was;©£ 1738 lection it' * majority;1" . , of voters in each unit to favor the successful years in tavern with Richard Williams and Owen as alternates. Young Men Serve On the roster of officers for the. , - ensuing year, it will be noted that funeral home at Crystal Lake to there are many World War 2 vet-: St. Paul Lutheran church for Mrs. erans. During the war years the' Bertha Eisenmenger, a former Mc- Legionnaires, then mostly veterans! Henry resident who died July 2, 1946. of the first war, had a tremendous | Buriad was in Union cemetery, job as one of the most active organi- ] Mrs. Eisenmenger was born in Chisations in the community. The added cago on March 19, 1882. The family uii „ICU 1-Bv duties of sending Legion cards to all resided here many years ago, where t 7:30 o'clock day- the boys then serving, compiling 1 they were in business. to hear the voice namM *©r the honor roll and many' Survivors include the widower, William A fiTnn. other details involved a great deal Louis H. Eisenmenger; two sons, of time on the part of leaders. It! Edward of Crystal Lake and Arthur is now only natifral that the younger Woodstock; a daughter, Mra. men--those who have recently served Mabel Paine of Woodstock; two the elder Legionnaires. jalso three grandchildren. Two sis- The very successful carnival iust fer8. two brothers preceded her East came up for discussion last ,n deRthlonday, with everyone in accord that ; it was one of the finest events ever > POPERTY DESTRUCTION sponsored by the Legion. There im pnvuvtt avrnifAW were more rides than ever, fireworks B&WMUKS for the first time in several years, ESTATE INVESTIGATED and best of all, most of the boysi were back after four years of war. tivo features of the apartments tithe abundance of windows, which - {•rovide excellent ventilation and ight for all occupants. , The Thies company still maintains the main floor, but expects to mov#l _ , , ,, _ . to its own building, now under co» Funeral services were held on Fri- struction, some time in the accident. He was Stanley N. Richmond avenv a unit. For the election "to caurry, it a Continuous strupje to make ends cago, who was speeding to 'hfcg will he necessary for the majority However, he enjoyed several tage at Woodla ~ " McHenry residents will be interfuture. The foundation is adrea completed, located on Rowts Si, just when the building will he reaMtJM for occunahcy is not certain daa t* ' the difRailty in obtaining --tarisl | Mr. Watties is seriously eooteaapla|- ting constructing more aaartment|a on this main floor after the Tfcass|* ^ move. Modern Reetaanust _ A lam, modern restaurant b be^ . ing equipped in the- bausement. Oiv igmally expected to be completed iM|t June, lack of material greatly i»- |' ... peded progress. Howevar, Mrs. Elea nor Renslrd expects to move he*' :.: business, known as The Noiric, inta ;|r the new location very soon. ' McHenry companies have kaaf-r. working long hour* to coanlate necessary remodeling so ttat GX ¥ funilies might mora in aad tta -i housing shortaga raUcnd to mmm I degree. Local firms in dMiga « I the various work include Earl Piter- 1 son, carpentry; daxaace Hkaea^ ^ wfll be necessary for the supertax | j?*** haar of the sale to call a board of (dKIB6| district. . 90 "Bernie's-1 for -<» nots that * Mundelein. He was | leaving this business he has again in % Ford coteh g||d ^ drit-' --Mr*h H«m v18i n , he intends to general arrangements, 'rove the business and on new customers, well known in this hsnsfirisl to all parties concerned. district will have an expenses will be transporta^ jnat Tlie rural districts will benefit This latest undcartaking is already "ft *«, *" young w W*Y> wadded fifty yai McHenry. larger by over $7,600 than the j r>cr' _____ .. district, while the only in-1 man» *° •1l» across the high- . yards and struck an emtmnkment and overturned. Ssura was thrown out of the car and ^. landed about twenty feet north of having their children transported Tm»*a«iT nm ROUND where his car came to rest. The to a graded school which offers a _______ auto was completely demolished. e system of education. The TilKK WILL PEATURE j The driver received severe head jnsntt will be a con^munity with AUSTRALIAN TAA TKAlt 'injuries which caused his death. Abetter schools at a lower coqt. j W Authorities were unable to contact The present movement towards; -- -fanyone at the Ssura residence in consolidation is not local, it is state- An Australian Tag team match, Chicago, but finally reached Mrs. wide. Local teachers attending school coir ~ lUs manner state tint teachers from ior J ipu. . 1 twiiHiiuHuj, WIIHI wen eiecira ?th?e? ' east s-iSdte,, grsnd knight of the Knights of Col- umbM last wek HEWS MOOT OUR SERVICEMEN Legionnaire and the local Auxiliary by Chief Deputy Sheriff Fred Bau!|ns- WaJur CarwT SToL who at' S?^SL™ival fnd those who heined at th* carnival tPeP«^ty pArrompeorutry Binir kt hien tbhaer nd east- I Kheaailtein, gp; aainndti wATrtSiftihcieaTl sS trofanrdew, a»r*la * wr Skidmore estate at PisU- tering? nn*.Mii»n ' Mr- Wattles is to be congratulated vH adj ib een opened andj thrown over a |o n his »w„o rthy 1e, fforts in milk cap-; j <n homes tor at 1 machine, 1 main at home during the war years. PUNERAL 8ERVI0E8 HELD TUESDAY POR CATHERINE BRACHER -- .. - . .. _ ^ *** ^Jun- Ssura at Woodlawn Park. Besides week, vyweight diviswn, will feature Wg w{fe, he is survived by two chilmich intPP!ri*oBlnvIli'ne« ^ ^ller Henry's young men who gave 1 Stt'ShS? Ck. 'ATintity" «' ' baled hay had been thrown from the second floor of the barn to the first floor and had knocked off several vsluable handles to sta)l doors. Damage was not estimated. The caretaker noticed three boys ranging in age from 13 to 17 leaving the barn two days previous, but they Veterans of either World War I ^ when they noticed the caretaker! with sorrow of the untimely or World War II, who become per- approaching. The estate was re-iof Mrs. Catherine Brachar, manently and totally dissbled from cently purchased by the A. E. John-,her home in Round Lake on i disesse or injury incurred after dis- spn family of Chicago, who had | morning, July 7, lW Born a charge from service may be entitled cleaned the premises and barn, pre-1 ter _ of the use George and U Robert Blake ha» been released to a pension of J50 a month. I RSnng the latter for show horsst 1 Rosing, she lived her early ore from navy service during the past j ToUi and permanent disability for 8chedu,ed to arriTe soon- Vrt"*r.' FBW DAYS- ILLNESS IMM wnum Residents of this Illinois report that their the wrestlin* canf next Friday night dren. ' * j Mr and Mra Writer Brook. htv.'P0"* isdefined are being consolidated this mltelJhb Aren^in. Tfca ,l^wa» Uken to the Osborn1 r^f^iorf thi &r ^ Ja5S • »1» IN DEATH POR Volo. Survivors Thara are several, evident reasons Tournament They -will face Miguel DIE APTER JUI.Y 1 NOT isr tiaa present trend. Most promi- Torres, of Monterey, Mexico, and Al INTERRED OVERSEAS sent is the shortage of rural teachers. Williams, the temperamental Foxlfllf,ftftw; UVS«BAB Munr rural schools in county L*ke grappler. wiw no teacher for next year and, Hart and Gods will give the fans . The peacetime procedure of return include her husbautd, Robert: four daughters, Rita, Ar*; leen, Jacqueline and Clarice; threa^«|% son, Robert, Homer and Tfasssy: r four sisters, Mrs. Masie Ayhrard awl , , Mrs. Adete Honeanan of Round Lab. ^ " 4Mrs. E. W. Gilbert of Morton Grove*'-fk shocked last and Mrs. H. C. Lease of Chicago; - jl -ti1o ned int-- K~e nttiu.c. ky, rece•i ved hisl . dis-!i y^eTaVr.'"sY 8nmegF|ee? * oorr 1T°2^ 5,o0uu0 ', *a %,/eeaar7 'ivf ier, 46, who ^paLsse.d0^1aw Aay, °W^e8dn *es*d*ay• *anlsdf Robert, all of RoAordc hLiea, keR. ussell married or with minor children. evening, July 5, 1946, at St. Therese Last rites were conducted at l«-tp Service Officer William R. Cairns, hospital, Waukegan, after an illness o'clock on Toeedajj Joseph's parish, charge from the army last week. Genera* thV Block, .f inl,.few iiy.. from the service. worse, there is no1 prospect oi sciwitific r one before the ofj in the fadL Another of the movement is t en the part of rural people for bet- without a doubt the toughest . . . . «er aehool now campaigning in the middlewest. tember 3, 1989, the date of the lim- Hmk is no doubt but that it is Flash Gordon, the California speed itfu Natumal Emergency, Colonel iMt for a rural district to have king and_ Mkkey_ GoU, clever amd Glatm A. Ross, commanding offiew • v e r y s u p e r i o r s c h o o l , . . . . . . . . " L * " board is atbie to retain teacher and where they wUl ^cetime retani-1» Swannan^ N Car where Woodstock, will assist the' veteran The deceased was borh on DecemcombTnation in the in* to the_ United States for burial iinn mnmakkiinngg aapppplliiccaattiioonn ffoorr tthhiiss aanndd bbeerr 33,, 11889999,, iinn SSpprriinngg Grroovvee aanndd ' FARM PROSPECTS spent most of his life in thst com- Ba v'i EXPECTED TO BE Thirty-two other benefits. MC-! He urges veterans to bring with .he»Jr^8 _ ree them a certified copy of their dis- Ul?lteti.") msrnage with Mane Pick, GOOD THOUGH 1948 ' * * charge certificat•e ind any letters on June 12, 1940. To this . m . • mm tin lAn T n l<AA ithlliIMM -- IkAitB ' " '>'^71 ' Farm prosperity, which rolled to* ofj historic peak during the war 5 UIU(C tci Iiuiakc auu iiiiy icvicn . 7. --V ,-- -w ...... i , that they may have from the Vet- J"1100 *hree children were born, Lake aad McHenry erans Administration when they call whojjna!ke their furnish a generous number visors for that school, excellent edu- , „ . _T. , . ... ^ . . institutions result How- from R*cin«» Wis. Olson is rated one quartermaster corps will not inter unices' a rural district is of the most clever wrestlers in the the bodies in temporary cemeteries cannot be Kam® while Taylor is known for his but will hold them in mortuary bulldoggednes8 and determination to chapels at overseas. stations until the wealthv, such conditions •aaintained. State school visitors rethat in many parts of the state neTer in hi» aggressiveness. onnei overseas aiier JUiy i, wc --' ,• -- [uartermaster corps will not inter Weingart of McHenry. Births MISS ALTHEA NELSON WAS SUNDAY BRIDE OP. MR. KENNETH MILTOf COMING EVENTS wort that deplorable conditions are now present Jn rural areaa. Eveh with the good sural schools which exist in McHenry aountar, residents of local communites; Jaly 11 ffisel that it is best to unify the dis- Gay Mfr Show--Sponsored trirts. } wood 4-H Girls Chab. ilsswhere in McHenry county,' Jnly IS areas caat their votes last ; Legion Auxiliary Masting, at a special election in _ Jnly II accepted for enlist- upon him for assistance and advice, home with their uncle and sunt, Mr. ' and Mrs- Arnold' Kattner, m Spring y .. Ll.LJL,SM. Grove, and Dorothy, who was only well into 1^48 the commerce depart- ^ ten days old when her mother passed m „ . sai?" > away. She lives with Mr. and Mrs. . But after that- f , h t.5a^,on®ft Paul Stutrke in Chicago. Other sur- 18 n^ss^wce th^^ old farm, . vivors include his father, Joseph ^ Kattner of Spring Grove; four broth- an^ h,dden unemployment--may The marriage of Miss Althea Nel- ers, August of Chicago, Alfred of not «PP«»r- ' ' | son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Call Richmond, Gregory and Arnold of jUr?!!g l . ' v.- ! R. Nelson, to Kenneth E. Milton of Spring Grove; two sisters, Mrs.' „n!i _ ^ nation^ farmers enjoyad^a.^ T MOMMH ; Rock Island will be of interest to Amalia Miller ' * friends of Miss Nelson's mother, the Olivia Bauer Mr. and Mrs. William Saul of Chi- former Elsie Wolf of McHenry. The The body rested at the Bsuer home - . j •o announce the birth of their first wedding took plsce last Sunday until Saturday morning, July 6, m®?4 bonds. operations. Those who died in mili- «n.iW, a son, William Clement, born afternoon# at Bethlehem Lutheran when funeral services were held ati From 1940 through 1946, tnefarm taiy operations or subsequent to at Augustana hospital on Monday, church, Elgin. i St. Peter's church. Spring Grove. popu#t,°" •TY# » i V-J Day, "but before July 1, are July 8. Mrs. Saul is the former The lovely bride wore a white net Interment was in the church ceme- P?nons to a total of 25,000,000, or buried in temporary military ceme- J°lie Romeiser. The maternal grand- gown over taffeta, styled with a tery. * "" 1 "ment fitted bodice, off-the-shoulder neck-! -- ,next available transportation, either! >army transport or commercial car-! »»••••••••••• ! rier. | Current deaths are not to be contused with deaths during military c*ff® *ni hild, .wrl v_, snia, ine mirons tumtn eiijujr«o r of Richmond and Mra 20°, wT "S-* of Rinawood. ,and P|,ed UP * $10,000,000,000 back- , »sted at^he Bauer home lo* **7ing* ^ taries overseas. Final disposition of P® , ^ x „ ... am.-. - '4 ^ , . . . „ . - r t h e i r remains will be made accordine Romeiser of Pistakee Bay. line and a yoke of white net. • ° * 2 P i c n i £ -- l ^ t y P a r k -- B i v a r - | t o ^ e x p r e s a e d b y n e xt o? A "on was born at the Woodstock sleeves came to graceful points over afcjkhsiiu By a ®"^^'3rof^nearly view Camp, R. N. A. ^kin following a questionnaire which hospital on Monnay, July 8, to Mr. her wrists and the full skirt fell into ST* ,th«. ^tera^^eigtoeen' _ Jaly 1% , wiu be sent to ^ Mrs. Harold Kollenkark. a moderate train. A headdress of Weadrtgek districts the C. D. of A. ) ing to a program which is now beinc Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hackman of orange blossoms fastened the net "r-"* to«° ^ ^ b, ST 0SK Woodstock ar© th. . (ta^Sp ».«, borterri with 1m* tata] of MC vote, were cut W„K-1 <Uu,h«r. tarn .t the #5«Irt<K» WLong Death Toll Palls Short Of Safety Council's Prediction 18 percent of the nation's population, but the net income from farming rose from $6,600,000,000 to $14,800.- 4)00.000 the department said. Now. it said., farm land prices have gone 69 percent above 1939, but tte election. Of these, 196 ware for. Jaly IS-ll>SI tike consolidation and 110 were; Rummage 8ale--flpwneored by Mc- ^Cainst It. At the present time it Henrf G^GettSTTHChA. expected that ten schools cam Jaly )| ail 21 ' take osre of approximately, Carnival and Chicken Dinner--St. raral children of the former! Peter's Chnrch. Spring Grove. districts. The new system . Mr « get under way this fall, with. Lunctoon and Caatf Party -- Vflla the opening of the school yaar. CM feeort flpoasered lu O.i.1 TWoeein charge of the ^nsoHda-i ^As^ast* ^ tisa movement to McHenry are j Rivervifw Camp, R. N. A. Imy to know that they are not1 si the task of the - county in t feffort to piovide tiie hertjwMlji We schools for both the «ilgr children. MIDGffT RACE DRIYBE Hiss AHee M. Nohl, Dgin, been selected to drive the uace ear in thy national midget automobile race at South Bend, lad., Labor Day . . , . . 3ep<aaubei 2. The ZS-yaar-old danghtW° Savs5i2^5 ter of Henry NoU> who graduated RESCUE PICNXCK altar their boat had capeised in IMI, ia the niece thay ware rocking it. The res- Redmer of South ~ rho gradual from Dundee Community high seh of Walter r co-owner of . by Orvilk the new track and the drivewhed of Made of Chicago, an ex-eu-vkeman, the project. Alice will drive the «ai Mies Aliee Kinast of Grayalake $6^000 midget pace car, which is Inchee long aad is oaily AJBMMUT the Sick daughter, horn st the pital on Hackman Sunday, June SO. is the former Granger. INQUEST VERDICT At a coroner's inqi Patrick Clearv has been a medical it at St. Thecaae "hos- Attending the bride were her sis Mrs. ten, Joan and Carol Jean Nelson, Ethel and the groom's sister, Eunice Mil- • • 'ton. Robert E. Nelson of Rock Islland served as best man. ; A reception for seventy-five guests _a> in the death was held at the Nelson nome followof Luis Alfonso Martfaaaa, 27, a sein- ing the ceremony, with guests presinary student at St. Mary's of the ent from McHenry, Wataga, Rock- , . -- .Lake, Mundelein, held recently, a ford, Chicago, Moline and Davenheapital, Wau-,rerdirt was returned as "death due!port, Ia. "• , , Ito being struck by a car driven by! The bride is a graduate of the ,, ttriy Goodefl *u absent from! an unidentified woman on May 31. . Elgin high school and Augustana nis^duties at the lisrth Western principal witness at the hearing was>college. The groom also attended . *P^t several daya the past week j. j. Jimenez, 23, also a seminary stu- j that college until he entered the became of illness. • dent, who was injured at the time army air forces, in which he served Peter Brown has been confined to , his companion was killed by a hit for three years. ' his home because of illness the past' and run driver. Severiy injured but j Fallowing a short honeymoon trip, ***• _ ^ | not unconscious, Jimenea said he saw the couple will reside in Rock Island, ^ John Huff, who rendae on East j a woman get out of the driver's seat where tne groom is employed by Con- .has been confined to and rush back to look at his friend, well Motor Sales and Service. ti»e Woodstock hospital for a few j whose body wau about seventy feet, !awav from the point of fnpact.! ON VACATION TRIP Mrs. Homer FitxGeraki has been "Blood!" was the woman's screamed. Rev. Father William A. OHourke to tne Woodstock hospital ejaculation. She turned and fled,: is enjoying s vacation trip East. In There no holiday from death "vjf "° : over the July 4 weekend just past. extensive back to the al"t hough the toU fell far shortof:_even the Naatti onal Safety Council's pre- who were drafted awmy tt9m diction that 1^00 accidental death persons during would meet farm areas. I of illness. Order yaar rubber st«iMM according to testimony. Come out and watch dealer Newsboys his abeence. Father Walter Conway i of Notre Dame is taking over Ids Plain-1 duties as pastor of St. Patrick's -J|5i thmt i The farm market now is larger including 460 in highway accidents. ' j \ ^J Of the 414 death totaQ recorded on i STSKiJTSHJS ^ X Sunday night, about one-half occur-1 ^ red on the country's hghways, with "topu^h^of goodsor "hsspecu-^j^, 120 drowning* and ninety-five from ,B fmtm Und* ^ miscellaneous accidental causes. Illmois accounted for nine traffic fatalities, five drownings and two miscellaneous. RESIDENCE CHAHG1 The IMPROVED SERVICE moved An issproved system of ringing was msde available to rural Crystal Lake telephone subscribers on July 8, G. L. wilburn, manager for the Illinois Bell Telephone company, has announced. The new system, known as "semi-selective" ringing, signals only two subecribers en a line simultaneously, thus a customer will hear but one ring other than his > laothsi ~ Mrs. , Kkhasond Road. , Owe out and watch the Plain- George Glosson family from Wonder Lake to former Geier nlace in West Mc- " :^ Henry, which thev purchased. Mr. and Mrs. HaraU L. Klddsr 3 have moved trom the Wsse at haT parents, the Bany Daarlaads, ta sea Mm,. apartment in the Mr. aad Mrs. fistula family have moved free* ti* Alee Adams place h fli kpa of f :