»l|li 0«t beach, which ftoy -in fan. iars. goo matter to a Mr. and the conn Mra. 8yd Smith y of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mn. at their home. As alway «e arc certain that Hie Smiths' will be back for encore Wednesday "1 hie son, Len M< plaaa en earth also the safest. Everett and Caedys Ingecaol have, established residence In the second1 floor apartment Of the Chollerstrom home. In spite of the ^ twin beds with which tms love neat is equipped we know that these yean* folks will be happy there. Because of the many out-of-town guests at their individual homes, the Last Thursday while Mr. and Mrs. Orchard Drive Elites had to forego Edward Olinski of Fountain Lane their regular weekly Saturday nignt were out on the lain hooking a few card session last weekend, bigonea.a.flre brokeout h «• tear Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rochelle's early of 2ft flre evening guests were Bob Knox, Bob i IS|8^» f"d G«o*g* Steilen, S S n S f i - ^ T M T u f t i * 1 1 M c H " » n r - A f t . . .. imgWjtfa cyiiM wwy^Mtl Mamd one took over. « r t h i s s h i f t a of fawiitote o*t of the hwne._ Jwt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph six minute later McHenry's efficient and Mr. and Mrs. Leon fire fightera. appeared on fee scene Gary. Ind., learned after *S Woodtoo had that ha* bate so tn^owS b spite of the fact that it thus ajh paars on all maps it should be corrected locally. you do what you can to - ^ - v "Burlingame California" -- - We thank you Mr. Colby for bring- Ivenson's ing this to our attention and let usjthat they Mn. 3. Harold andEd Brautigam. :f and Chicago, where this trio enjoyed a double header baseball game at the Cubs pane. 21st birthdsy vongrawnatui Nellie Crick on her , anniversary July 4th. „ , „ „ _ * Henrietta Vycital on her birthday Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stevenson wait- July 20th. Kiths Ste- ^ _____ time to arrive so! Our thought for the week--"No could finish remodeling woman should imitate men; men are ad twelve long months for Mr. vacation work of what was f ' ki-" • # and made dMt | left Of the lire. Fire Marshall Vycital's tion disclosed the fact that a eare- . lessly thrown firecracker into a woodpile in the rtar of the Olinski home «was responsible for the fire. Damage was estimated at ttOO. Needless to say' that the Ounakia were both surprised and shocked when they returned from their fishing trip only to find their home which they left some hours before a shamble of ^disorder. We are happy to report that the condition of our good friend and neighbor, Ed. Doran, who is a patient . at the Woodstock hospital, is greatly improved and that Ed is now permitted to have visitors. Pay him a visit on your next trip to Woodstock. He will be glad to see you. Personally we wish this grand fellow a speedy recovery. McCauley j the McHenry Plaindealer publication Nelson of,is read by the folks in such far-off . ***** six hours places as California. of shuffling the pasteboards withl Correspondence from Halifax, N.S„ the Rochelles that their wallets were received by us has thus far occupied investiga- getting « bit thin so the party ended the honor spot in our peacetime files, at 6 a.m. and the folks left for home Mr. Colby's letter will with a promise to return for more some changes. of the same at a future date. We! • . •, „ are certain that Millie's all-night serving of delicious sandwiches and coffee had much to do with their decision. aaaure you that the tranposition of j their home. The time finally sr- not worth it. letters was not our doing. Your rived and just as they got started, letter has prompted us to do some j on this nroJeet Mr. fitovenson fell Mrs. Qnma Pyria, chairman of the research on the early history of our (through a hole in their unfinished Screwy Dozen's Juvenile Recreation community and our efforts thus far,back porch floor, pamDy injuirng committee, informs us that at Monmdicate that your claims are 100ibis shoulder. Mrs. Killfether, one of day's meeting of the above group per cent correct. ! McCultom Lake's good neighbors, has plans were made for a beach party We are eagerly looking forward taken the patient In charge and there for all the children of McCullom to your next visit to McCollum Lake!" ev«*y promise of an early recov- Lake Estates and Knollwood. The and are certain that after -we com-' ery nnder her expert care. Mr. Kill- date of this party will be Jifly 24th pare note* with you «ur column will ; fether, too, is doing hia bit to help from 4 to 9 p.m. There will be be headed with McCollum Lake on • neighbor in need by driving Mrs. plenty of cake, ice cream and soda Parade in the futore. Stevensoft on her many arrands in pop for all the children. Mrs. Py It is indeed gratifying to us that naindeale SERVICE CALL MeHBHkT CA# DAY AND NIGHT SERVld Telephone McHearjr 47a*J neccesaitat# Edmund J&ske of the Army Signal Corps was only one of the thousands Mrs. Kosfi had aa-gueata Mr. -, Mrs. Joseph Presa over the weekend.1 Mr. Fresa left for Chicago evening, leaving his Mrs. behind to enjoy a two-weeks vacation with Mrs. Kesti. Mr. and Mrs. Helge Davidsen spent their long weekend watching the progress Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burg were making in the contraction of their new home on Orchard Drive. It is our hope that we may .soon add the Burgs' name to the long list of permanent residents. Mrs. Steve Huska reports that her daughter, Patsy, is suffering from a We hope you get over it Phtsyl The Screwy Dosen's regular months ly birthday part# will be held next Saturday at Horn's. The honored {guests at this affair will be. Mrs. I Shirley Jensen, Otto Pyrit* and Lea and.Sales. W - - -* _ snd. will be Sunday iiy of our boys who stormed the beaches bad cold. of Normandy on "D" day. Little did real soon, Ed dream of what was in store for! him when his outfit, after many' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid enjoyed weeks of fighting, finally made camp!the companv of their son, George, on the outskirts of Paris. It waa i "who is a student of Northern Illinois here that Ed first focused his eyes' Teachers College at Dekalb, over the on lovely Yvonne and in spite of the weekend. fact that Ed's French was limited to' one compound word "Crepe Suzette, these two love birds hit it off from the start. Many weeks of billing and cooing followed, then, Ed. Jeske's outfit was sent home for discharge. How Ed. made his Yvonne understand to follow him on the next ship we never will learn but this she did and Ed. was there at the dock to meet her. Here is where we come in with the hearts and flowers: They were married. As a rule this is where all good stories would end but not so this instance. There is still that I the swiiqming, fishing, skating and little matter of 'understanding of just being lacy and laying on the French and English to be considered. | bar* ^ -- " d Yvo In our mail bag this week we received a letter from one of McCullom Lake's early pioneers, the contents of which we are sure will be of interest to all property owners of our community. We quote verba turn: "Dear Yardstick-- Sometime ago you challenged California residents to dispute your praise of McCollum Lake weather (notice spelling) and more about that later* "McCollum Lake.is a dear spot to me where, as a small hoy, I enjoyed We predict that huge success this party Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edmonds enter* tained the folks from their entire block of their Chicago residence at their cottcge on Mafia Hill over the weekend. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Funk and son, Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franks. Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston, Mr. ana Mrs. Peter Schweda, Mr. and Mra. Walter Feege, Mrs. Mozack and Peter Reinecke Edmund and consic cvonne Jeske are rth spending their honeymoon at McCul- to compare with it during June and lorn Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Art Skala of North Shore Beach^ where ,nk enjoying the scenery. "I think' there is n<f spot on part September, M I hoped to be there this June Hie W. A. F. bus officials have gone the limit to provide the residents here with every service while they occupy the seats of their bosses as passengers. There is one service that they can improve on and that is the "Lost and Found" department. Last week the Vycitals' guest. Miss Dorothy Schroeder, a school teacher from Ashland, Wis., who is vactioning at their home on Spring Road, decided to take a ride to Woodstock to catch up on her sleep which has for so many nights been interrupted by the howling of the McCullom Lake wolves outside her window. The poor gal fell asleep the moment she planted herself in the seat. The bus reached Woodstock but Dorothy slumbered on. When the bus reached the terminal in McHenry, Dorothy awoke and, after scanning the skysrappers on Riverside Drive, she became confused and told the driver that she was lost. The driver, a veteran of th/e Pacific who has had many an experience with females on his lap, but never with one on his hands, was of no help to poor Dorothy, so Dorothy got off the bus and began walking after a few bunions and no less than six corns on her pedal digits, she finally reached the Vycitals' home, sad but wiser girl. The Fred Thomsons' lawn last Saturday evening1 was success accorrddiiinwg tot o eErriltinr g Mr. and Mrs. John Hamerlak, Dependable and Prompt DRY CLEANING SERVICE Our scientific deaninf methods and expert pressing keeps dodm looking fike now. All work dona on the premises. Pick-up tad delivery service. We dean everything from curtains to overcoat*. Fun cleaned and glazed. a fair Olsen, , . c, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scxurek, the Six Dukes, Miss Dorothy Benter, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lis, bat not according to Fred Thomson, whom Marge, his spouse, chained to a tree stump to prevent him from going berserk as his guests enjoyed coffee and sandwiches. Now to report on those two vets, the Weinsheimer brothers, William and Marvin. While Bill is making plans to end his single blessedness on August 31 by marrying Helen Kirchenberg of Chicago, his brother, Marvin, is convalescing under the tender care of Nurse Mary Frank, after undergoing surgery at Columbus Memorial hospital in the sama city. It is our hope that Marvin'a recovery to health will be a speedy one so that he may resume his studies at the Monroe College of Op tometry soon. TRI-YI All-Purpose Candid Camera Here's s sensattonaf postwar development. Gives you more snapshots per rail of film in color or blade and white. Or, tslces twin 3rd Dimension Kodachromes... s realistic effect that will amstt you. Designed for jthe amateur... so simple and to operate |-^hild an take perfect pictures. Cfeer-VfsJee Viewer# $7*f# TVORWICK'S STUDIO 11S Btonrid* Drive Telephone 2W McHBMLY, ILLINOIS THRILLING fc * VIV 4 . •> i A 4 V, ~ ' V . v * • Walworth County Fair Grounds KLKHOEN, WISCONSIN Ho Charge For Children 12 Tmii ^ Under 4 &A>CE PROGRAM •• t-mi Satnrda^ 2:24 trot . ItfbfcOO 2:25 Pact 1400.00 2:20 P*M $400.00 Sunday 2:15 Trot $400.00 2L*1 IWi :15 Pmo $400.00 -for-All Trot $400l00 Ftao-for-AU Pace $*00.00 ^year-old paring jackpot Estimated $700 Sjr.-old trotting jackpot Estimated $700 Sponsored by KELLY-GARDNER POST NO. 45 AMERICAN LEGION--ELKHORN, WISCONSIN '! r*'Yv a*' r i Fur Good Readers will find a Company of Gardening Maxims, each one notable, faithfully collected in the ARTE OF GARDEN ING which -shows what manner of Husbandry is required to put their Gardens i|t aa alluring Condition; with divers reflections on such matters as the Malice of small Beasts and creeping things lurking in the Garden. Yea, and adorn'd with cuts by Jonathan McKee. There will also be various and sundry Household matters, not forgetting hints for flowers from the Pleasure-Garden, on the page entitled About You and Your House. And there is a Fruit-Garden Receipt--Apricot Meringue. PHONE 20 206 & Green St MCHENRY ^ m. rear fawarfta Mag THE Srwiet BU1XETIN tHSfBV***1* st*iprawrsnsr PUUIC SIIVKE COMPMKf OF HOKTNIMI ILUNOM . - . . - ^ .. . Mr. end Mrs. WUlard Schultz'a joy of parenthood was short lir< 1 n their infant daughter died three hours after birth. The child waa born at 9 a.m. June 26, at St Ann's hospital in Chicago and died at noon in spite of the valiant efforts of the hospital's medical staff. Burial was at Mt. Olive cemetary in Chicago. We loin your many freinds and boors in their sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pontana of Delaran Lake, Wis., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pavlik of Wonder Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck, celebrated their weddfoff anniversaries at a gala Pfrty at McDonald's on July 3. The! McDonald Grill waa filled to capac-, ity. The crowd* enjoyed an evening' merrymaking and dancing to the, BHHdc of Art Skala. Little Sylvia Ffcolaon also entertained the folka with her bautiful rendition of ular aonga. Tile occasion was the Fontanas' third wedding anniversary, the Kinseys' twenty-fifth and the Strucks twenty-sixth. Ine efforts of Hugh and Jean McDonald to make Who Else Wants To LOSE WEIGHT it's Mm* Get Slimmer Without Exercise, Yet Cat Plenty I Don't wear yourself out with eaercise. Dast dn up all the foods you Bke. Don't cut out any m at these down. Ia tMta fcy ns< 141*11