M M. T. F. WW ItT* Bulfit Social 11M local Methodist Tooth fellowship will enjoy a basket social on Sunday evening, July 28, at Wilmot, Wis. It Is hoped that a large group will be in atteodanc^ ^ Hemecomtac For ^ > !^rv ~ Retarded Vctcm ."V*. ' Mr. and Mts. Walter Brooks entertained about thirty-Are relatives fed friends at a picnic and lawn srty at their home last Sunday, he (fathering was in honor of the Brooks' son, James, who recently returned from overseas serfios. •• * + Announce Engagement Of Lois Lasansky Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasansky of Hqptley have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Lois May, to Mr. Wayne E. Block, son of the Frank Blocks of Marengo. The wedding is scheduled to take place on August 9. Young Mr. Block is a grandson of Mrs. Minnie Block ^of jhas Walsh Family Eajeyl ' j*, f FawHy Gathering >r t<- Members of the family of Mrs. Jack Walsh gathered, in the George Miller home in Chicago last Sunday at a family gathering honoring Miss Ellen Walsh, who will leave soon for a month's vacation in Colorado. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh and family,' Mrs. Jack Walsh, all of McHenry, and 'Edwin G. Walsh of Chicago. -• - O. B. S. Graad Officers Speat Last Week Here O. E. S. grand officers, including Mrs. Hattie Hoss, grand chaplain; Mrs. Bertha Fredrickson, grand Esther; Mrs. Ethel Atterberry, grand wander, and Mrs. Barbara Meltzer, grand sentinel, have been spending the past week at-the home of Mrs., Anna Hermann in Johnsbqrg, while' the official visit of the worthy grand matron, Mm. Johanna A. Thompson, has been observed here. • • • Large Crowd Attends Official Visit More than 200 guests atteiicfe<f the o f f i c i a l v i s i t o f W o r t h y G r a n d M a - j tron Johanna Thompson, at Acacia1 Hall, Monday evening-. The worthy grand patron, Curtis Keis, was also {present and nine members of the offtial family. The meeting was pre-; ceded by a lovely dinner served at the Villa Hotel at Pistakee Bay,j which more than 100 attended. | Many worthy matrons and patrons ««• preeent front CMt||p and the vfdnhy. Mm UUisnSchroeder was guest soloist, after which Ike worthy grand matron told of the two Eastern Star hones, one at Macon and another at* Rockford. A pilgrimage is being planned on Sunday, August 18, to Rockford, with everyone invited. Warren Jones favored the assembled group with two solos at the close of the evening. '4-H Clubs Plan Local . ** Achievement Day Jaly S • J ; The Cherry Valley 4-HGirlS tftA and the McHenry Go-Getters are planning for Local Achievement Day. which will be held on Friday, July 26, at 2 p.m. in the McHenry high school. The local (clubs, sponsored by the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau, invite everyone to attend: The achievement day was originally scheduled for last Tuesday, * * J* ; Announce Approaching Marriage of T. H. WilliJM* - Announcement h&s been made of | the approach ine marriage of Thomas illiams oi bride doll was the M eenl . with a large wedding1 befi with streamers hanging from the eeuiaff. Guests were present from Waukegan, Crystal Lake, Woodstock, Richmond and McHenry. Miss sSchaefer will become the bride of Alfred Miller on August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moderhack of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ida. Kreutzer. Lt. and Mrs. Merle Davis and daughter, Nell, left the last of the "week for Cherry Point, N. Car., where he is stationed with the ma- Mapii* e f W f r Mrs. John few and famfly in the Walter Manning homo in Oak Park were Mr. and Mrs. George A. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Bernaad Young, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sihnrftt and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund, all of McHenry. Mm. Paul Aeher and daughter, Peggy, of. Ctatfer, Ind., spent last week with her teother, Mrs. Helen Heuser, Mr. Achor and sister, Vivian, joined then on Saturday and spent the weekend here. Miss Mary Heuser accompanied them home Monday to spend a Mr. and Mrs, Clx Crystal Lake ware callers oq Monw ny 1 and Mrs. George Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of . the weekend with relk lends here. Mrs. William Staines spent Thursday in Chicago, where she visited Mrs. Clara SpaetK. Mrs. George Stilling and ^grand- Helen Melville of LaGrange spent! r vi"u"8 in the Alfons Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phalin and Miss Helen McGill of Kenosha, Wis., visited friends, in McHenry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of H. Williams of Oak Park and Shal- 0jjjcagO are spending this week in imar and Miss Patricia Campbell, j jicnenry The wedding will take place at St. Mr and Mrs. Frank Weingart and Catherine of Siena church in Oak, Donald and Miss Rosemary Sel- Park on Saturday July 27, The weo- the latter ^ Crystal Lake, spent dmg breakfast will be held in thejT?tursda ^ting in the Edward Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jaly, tad 27 Alfred Drake -- Janet Blair TAR8 AND SPARS" . News, Cartoon A Musical ^ : SUNDAY AND MONDAY Jaly St and 21 McCree -- Seaay TafU Man Dealevy --Baribara Brittea THE VIRGINIAN* PUIS: Cartooa aad News TUKDAY (ONE DAY ONLY) Wanda Lederer -- Gail Patrick (1) IB MADONNA'S SBCRBT i» "THE MY8TES10U8 QfTRUDET « WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Jaly Si aad Aagast 1 QnB teaeU -- Diana Lynn Brian Dealevy ^!»UR HEARTS WERE GROWING UP** Graemere hotel in Chicago, followed by a reception at the home of the groom's father, H. B. Williams, at Shalimar. * . * * .. .. .. ....... ...... Happy. CtorejKv ?*? £:;-; Girls Meet. ';Y, ' The Ringwood Hsppy Clover 4-H club held its last meeting at the home of the assistant leader, Carol Harrison. Talks and demonstrations were given by Jean Muzzy, Jean Betts, Mary Hogan and Darlene Andreas. The girls were happy to have the ;home adviser, Mrs. Sweeney, present to help their leader, Mrs. Hogan. judge the different quick breads that were brought by rflembers. j . • • • Sunshine Girls j Complete Program ' The Ringwood Sunshine Girls have pompleted their program for the year, with Charlotte Hogan and Ferol Martin giving the last talks. Charlotte gave a talk on 'How To Make a Good Looking Dress," and Ferol spoke on ^Posture." The girls were very happy to have the new assistant home adviser. Miss Vander- May attend this meeting and judge their dresses. Refreshment wore served by the hostess, Phylli^, Bruce. Hold Gathering At Staines Home Friends and relatives were entertained at the William Staines home last Tuesday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bun- Bird and two daughters and Mrs. ary Bungard of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting and three children of Woodstock, Mrs. Joe Glosson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gufrey, Mr. and Mrs. William Guffey, and Mrs. Martin May, of McHenry, Mrs. Marge Henry of Woodstock, Arthur Staines and Louella Madouse of Kenosha, Wis. * * * • Entertain At Shower Friday FosaBride-To-Be Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mn. Fred Rogers were hostesses at a -miscellaneous Bhower held last Friday evening at the Rogers home, honoring a bride-to-be, Miss Maureen Miller. MSss Miller will become the bride of Phillip Doherty on August 7. Twenty-four young ladies were present to enjoy an evening of visiting and music, after which delicious refreshment* were served and the guest of honor presented with many lovely gifts. * * * Mrs. Thonneeoa Hostess ^--r- To Pinochle Clab Jaly 1$ Mrs. Thomas Thonnesofl entertained members of the. East River Road Pinochle clab last Thursday afternoon. The group was surprised by a visit from Burs. George Glos, a club tnAnfcer, who arrived from Nils*, Mich., to spend the day. Mrs. Glos, who with her husband has been on an extended vacation trip, spent the day with her friends but left that evening for Grand Rapids. Prise winners in pinochle wore Mrs. John Braeseke and Mrs. Bruno Juergens. Mrs. Diets will entertain the club next on August 1. rtv Lt. Richard VycHal Members of the Skoney home in Oak Park. Miss Marjorie Duker, R. N., of Chicago spent last Thursday visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe snd four children of Council Bluff, Itfwa, former local residents, spent a few days the last of the week visiting relatives and friends here. They had spent the previous week with her Earents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamerlin, in Minnesota. The Misses Dorothy and Louise Walsh, Jean Matthews and Lenore Prisby are enjoying a week's vacation in Wisconsin. Mrs. Lucy Laurent, Mrs. William Sardock and daughter, Jerly Ann, and Gus Stalcar of Waukegan spent Sunday visiting in the Peter F. Miller home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay and Mrs. John Hay accompanied - Mrs. Anna Fangmeier to Fennimore, Wis., last week and spent several days visiting there and other points in Wisconsin. Mrs. Fangmeier had been spending some time visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hay, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Altman and family of Westmont visited relative^ and friends here last weekend. Mrs. Fred Svoboda, Sr., son, Robert, and daughter, Arlene, of Lily Lake and Miss Nancy Carey visited Fred Svoboda, Jr., at Fort Knox, Ky., last weekend. Miss Eleanor Strandel of Aurora visited her aunts, Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Mrs. E. R. Sutton, during the past week. orge _ _ son, Fred Wahl, Jr., were Chicago {wore yellow eyelet embroidered b&- visitors on Friday of last week. j taste with fitted bodice and a full, Mrs. Edward J. Buss and children j floor length skirt. She wore a are vacationing at a cottage near j coronet of yellow daisies and bach- Burlington, Wis., for the remainder elor buttons in her hair and carried of the summer. [yellow daisies and blue delphinium. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howard spent [ She wore blue lace, matching gloveb. a few days recently vacationing int The groom and his best man, Wisconsin. Verner Carlson, both wore white Math Laures of Long Lake, Wis., j palm beach suits. spent a few days in McHenry with; The bride's mother wore an aqua- Ms family last week. Mrs. Laures colored jersey dress with white acand son, Jack, returned to the resort! cessories and a white carnation corwith him to spend the rest of the sagei The groom's mother chose ~ gold jersey with white accessories and a white carnation corsage. A reception Was held in the spacious country home of the bride's parents, which was beautifully decorated with floral arrangements of white and yellow gladioli. A buffet supper was served to 150 relatives and friends, at which time Mrs Eugene Justen, sister-in-law of the bride, presided at the coffee service and Miss Kathleen Henn, friend cf the bride, presided at the punch bowl. Musk and dancing provided entertainment during the evening. The bride and groom left for s two-week honeymoon trip to Estes Park, Denver, Colo. For her going away ensemble, the bride chose a gold silk jersey dress with black accessories. Mrs. 'Ekholm is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1987 and of Ellis Business College of Elgin in 1988. The groom is a graduate of North Park college, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ekhom will reside at 229 Perry street, Elgin, after August 4. beautiful semi-formal summer took place on Saturday, in St. lCary's rectory at 4 the aftftnesa. The Javtiy bride, Gladys Susan Justen, daugh- Sr of. the John R. Jus tens, of Mcsnry, was given. in marriage l>y her father to Carl Roger Ekholm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ekholm of Chicago. ' ftie Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles S. Nix performed the cere- ^ on j mony. week2i vacation. | The bride was attired in a white Chester Wegener of j floor length gown of eyelet embroidered marquisette, fashioned with fitted bodice and full skirt. She wore a fingertip veil, held in place bv a tiara of seed pearls, and white gloves. Her bridial bouquet consisted of white roses and Stephanotis. She wore a lavaliere which her mother had worn on her wedding day. Matron of honor was Mrs. Burton D. Stephens, aunt of tne bride, who day evening" in the home ^f Mr. summer. Sunday guests in the William Staines home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boxer of Kenosha, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kroner of Highlaiid Park. David Kamholz,, who accompanied his parents, the Henry Kamholz', here from Phoenix, Ariz., and Raymond Howard, Jr., left on Friday by motorcycle for a trip to Canada. Mrs. Frank Juaten and son, Donald, left last week to spend a few days wtth relatives in Chicago before returning to their home in Chowchilla, Calif. Linus Newman visited in the Charles Newman home in Harvard on Saturday. Edwin G. Walsh of Chicago is spending his vacation with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. E. R. BSaum of Albuquerque, N. Mexico, and Mrs. W. K. Hout and daughter, Helen, of Deerfield visited Mrs. Zion F. Baker the first of the week. Miss Nell McCreary of Chicago has been spending- a few weeks visiting in the Walter Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin Mid Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway are vacationing near Spooner, Wis., this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams at- Mr. and Mrs, George E. Johnson of tended the funeral of Fred Kugath i Evanston spent Sunday with his parat Marengo on Sunday afternoon. - - -J 1 1,1 ' ' Mrs. H. O. K re pel of Crystal Lake CAREFULLY COOLED MILLER Woodstock, 111. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jaly 2C aad 27 pm-Pacfced with Ekitertaiameat! Check-Fall of Takatl, * -TARS AND SPAR8" Janet Blair -- Marc Piatt Ip ;>:r Alfred Dtake |l ; Plan: ^ fcfWtCB BUBHOP* „ with Praslsa Faster -- Gail Patrick and Wilde Tviaa SUN* MON. A TUBS. Jfaly 28-29-91 never was a woman lie Gildaf Bit# Hay worth in •KHLDA" V- ' with Glenn Ford ' ..wm, TOURS. And frl Jaly tl--Aagaat 1 aad 2 Kitty . . . . . Is No Lady 9pt she has a lot to offer! IITTT With Hifiwur Award Wiaai Ray Mfflaad Getfaid, Patric Kaswles Vydtal family gathered on the lawn of (he £h*rles Vycital home last Sunday to enjoy a farewell party honoring Lt. Rich- } ard Vycital, who left later in the day for New Orleans, where he will take army training for overseas duty. He was accompanied by his bride of a few weeks. A delicious chicken dinner was served, followed by a social afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vycital, Mr. and Mrs. Richsrd Vycital, Miss Frances Vycital, Mr. and ' Mrs. Harold Vycital and family, Mr. i and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe and Mr and Mrs. Louis AlthofF of McHenry, Shirley, Patsy and Richard Fowler of Tulsa, Okla. • » * Baptize Kollenkark Baby On Sunday On Sunday, July 21, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kollenkark was christened "Jerry Lee" at a service at St John's church, Johnshurg, Rev. Father Thennes officiating. The baby was christened in the same dress as was worn by his mother and jriso the seven other grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ;• Miller. Sponsors were Jscob P. Miller, grandfather, and Mrs. Fred Heider, the baby's aunt, who acted as proxy for Mrs. Fred Skillman of Washington, another aunt. Guests in the home during the day were Robert Kollenkark and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Buhrman of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heider and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer. Kollenkark, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kollenkark and Alfred Kollenkark of Woodstock, • * * Miscellaneous SliOWfe? For Eleanor Schaefef Miss Eleanor Schaefer Was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held last Sunday afternoon at the Peter F. Miller residence on Richmond road. Hostesses were Mr& Lucy Laurent of Waukegan, Mrs. Lillian Hettermann of McHenry and Miss May Miller of Ringwood. ^ Twenty-five guests gathered at the Miller. home to enjoy an afternoon of cards and bunco, with prises in the former being won by Valeria Arseneau, Florence Miller and May and in the latter by Gladys Stilling, Eleanor Schaefer ami Sdaa Beam. Following cards, guests gathered at a table attractively decorated for the occasion in blue aad yellow. A attended the funeral of Paul Schwer man in McHenry on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton of MayWood spent their vacation in McHenry last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Glos, who have been visiting in Niles, Mich., spent last Thursday with friends here. They left that evening for Grand Rapids, Mich., and later will spend a few weeks in the East. Mr. and Mrs. James Drucker and family of Chicago spent the weekend visiting in the Alex Drucker home here. Mrs. Thomas Thonneson attended a gathering at the Fricker-Briemer Ola Peoples' home in Chicago one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. lliomas Hauser and son, Lawrence, of Chicago spent Saturday in the Albert Vales home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bergquist of Rockford spent Friday in the Elmer Winkehnan hone. here. Mrs. Frank Xempfer, Jr., and son, Albert, are spending the - remainder of the summer with her parents, the Albert Vales, Sr. Mr. Kempfer, who is employed in Chicago, spends the weekends with_his family Jerry, . Calif., are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hirschmqgl for a few weeks. Mr. and Mra. Edward Wilson and family of Waukegan were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Williapns. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Attlese and daughter, Kathleen, retarijp the first of the week from Morrison, Ill-f where they wen called hy the Mrs. Helen MeAuliff returned to Chicago Sunday, after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gielow and son, Herbert, #f Oak Park visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman on Sunday. MARRIED JULY 24 Tfi & lovely wedding ceremony performed at St. Mary's church on July 24, Mrs. Isabel McVickers became the wife of Mr. James Thompson. Complete details concerning- the wedding will appear in next week's issue of the Plaindealer. CARD OF THANKS ' In thb manner we wish to thank CARD OF THANKS In this manner wo wish to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. „ fa-% MRS. PAUL SCHW&RMAN, - CATHERINE AND BEVERLY 8CHWERMAN. 10 : • • Saaii Arabia There has been little manufacture In Saudi Arabia. The nomad Bedouins have tanned their own leather, woven their own coarse cloth tents and blankets. They have been their own blacksmiths and aaddlara. In the towns artisans include weavers, silver and goldsmiths, masons, mak> era of spears and swords. King Abdul Aziz al Saud has converted many Bedouin nomada to townsmen. The country has fertile soil in the wadis of barren valleys, but except in the oases, irrigation is required for farming. Coffee and fruit are grown. It was the grazing of stock and the search tor pasture in the arid land that developed the roving Bedouins. The Arabs raise fine horses, as well as goats, sheep and camels. There is little cattle because of lack of forage and of cold storage to preserve the beef. friends and neighbors for florfal of- 8] or tended in the death of Mrs. !gl ferings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses Oeffling. MR. AND MRS. H. Rl. WHITCOMB, MR. AND MRS. A. C. FRETT, MR. A MRS. C. J. MILLER A SON. - ANNOUNCEMENT - OR. HENRY FREUND' OPTOMETRIST^ At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store • (Cloaad Thursday Afternoons) Ey«* Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visasl Training -- Visual Rehabilitatioa Complete Visasl Analysis Bears Daily: • to 12 aad 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6 to Ml «-- PHONE McHENRY 123-J ex- Eva 1195 JL ptaMl Ufa's Drag Stare • GREEN STREET MUBNRY mttii mm lac?? Smi m A service or •*v, |2) H.must have |3) If must be soundly financed. ,'t. If you have the first two requisites, we cordi«ily invite you to come in and talk to us about the third, financing business -- large and small -- is banlt business. We lend for every constructive purpose. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatiett^ iinin»ia***.<iiti »i»tut, Wiii ti«. a, ittt.i "••'MMTtlllttlltlllll H i mr Grinding Vegetables To avoid cutting the hands or fingers in grinding vegetables, meat or other foods, use a tamper instead of the hand to force the food into the hopper or the grinder. fodlae Lack Failure to provide enough in the diet of pregnant sows is . the0 cause of hairlessness and larged throat, or goiter, in pigs. FOR SALE H ^ TWO-STORY BUILDING - Now occupied by Trigin's Place Located at McOULLOM LAK£ RALPH TRIGIN Rt. 1, West McHenry I. SL-. apDX&lf OOOKTAIL LOOKS! AMD DININO ROOM ' 7-Oenrse Dinners on Reservations v ! Hot and Cold Sandwlcfces SpeciaJirinff in Home-baked cakes and REASONABLE PRICES V.'. . - ... _ 'j*'-*"' ' ' Beantifnl Grounds Snrronnd This Resort on Pistakee Bay - ANNOUNCEMENT - Jo$lyn Parker, Attorneys Or WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS AMNOUKOX THB OPENING or A LAW OTTIOI AT KcHENXY ON AUGUST 7,1946 Mr. Charles Parker will be at McHenry every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00 PJfc OFFICES WITH: Koehr Supply Company 542 Main Street West MrtHenry PH01TE: McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 •?; CLOPAY DRAPES -J Mill ImnUfnt ub odtaloM bra nd Bto pfQOtMd to lool| --dhangHfcecortiy doth. ON mir vbkbM new Ub • • • umi. OOHr..iV MMR ful ntna if Plonie-raslstsint. Chemicall treated to picvnt hiwlni era ii--fiii codibci wnn uft ^ Re-lnfforced U|ei (or extrl; strength. * N > S t t Maia St, West int wnmumf mvi A^v'V-" - r- • .. ... .,(if' v ;t. |U lt, , ^