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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1947, p. 1

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fMKX Y, UJffOXB. TB9B8DAT, JANUARY 9, 1M7 • Ho. •®*»- U AB «1W% school far Gt'» wilt be Mm-* the lecal high honorably tehaind i alarm la in agricultare JLt *5 **7rfij7°Tiin ****"* IbOlU If tk ntwu qualifies and attends theeo, miwtintfh carrying on tiw work aatiaCMtocQjr, he wilj receive up to 966 monthly from the government, if rin^Mnd up: to |W> monthly if lis first life; married. Hie length of time a vet- William | eran may take advantage of this toft Of Mathiasj program depends upon the length Adama, passed j of time he was in service. 'on Sat- Any interested veteran who thinks the is eHgjMe is requested to notify ... .. . previous j Leo D; Kerber, agriculture instrucwhile attending a movie, an-i, tor at the high school, immediately. ..foPowlag a^tagnosis of ' ----r-- ****WPW to* tnuVwbt u> m*. Air Medtl Potfhomouily m. dscaaMd fey tern on March | w Orandfcther Baaer It has been many months since a s at Pistakee Bay, fta oldest of j service award presentation in Mcchildren. He attended the Lin- j Henry county has, come to our at- ! tention. Resume of News Events Last Year of tiw entnnoe IWAM SBMMW gala celebra-j SevaraljM* invigorating ait. j- M' Bg -Va" iidchiBffii noted daring The hu Von Bam pas of concrete il ftockfocd on HtHBLIUS McDOKALD, »B> 83, PASSKD AWAT C01 AOl OW HSW TSAR'S DAY McCollum Lake p?ST5 The this one it.n>r.Li n£TYear's !>», Jtn. 1, 1947. Mr. McDonald an invalid since breaking his leg in a fall about [ fifteen months ago, The deceased was born in Ireland*.! week moorned the passing of of its oldest residents, Cornelias Xonahl, 8S, who died there oo had Men EHMLGMft HAS HEtta WITH Peony show held Jane 15 to It. The first victim of drowning in I but came to this country at an early •v.iJEES. ?ancy W*^ury. 20, of age. He resided in Chicago for! Onicago,^ who was hit by a speed! malty years, moving here eight years » I "hilc swimming M the channel < AM, where he resided with his son, [Hugh. City Manuf actnriaf Equipment Will Be Moved Her* Soon The stockholders of the SingwooJ 1 Chemical Corporation nttntihr ap- •»&WJ to his death Ta_S_ :R!t_i.®nt_^d aidnir^aSTcU^iuL^fh Laboratories, Inc. and two companies a the the tales the Edwal make of the full integrated **trtriah ihinjlaln" the ton* of in >, . ... -VtaiA' flkftfllft'life- -vtifck'fa ' that OTKRYON© vffl renStea 6 €kms~began . It becaase of Us contribution, products; Nick Sub im lemnai•lines and the sea- New MeHennr son's worat snow storm ushered in1 Recreation was '*old to Anthony between Nippers-ink and Pistakee the new year with a vkstousness that Paluch of Chfeagi: and Richard F. Lakes. She /sank to her death immade one wonder if this was some' Justen annouaeMUtat he would soon mediately. sort of omen regarding the rest of. take over the .Standard Service op-j Fred Ferwerda ended almost forty tha yaar to eim. jerated by his flittft. < jyoars in the dairy business, -->lH»»g While 1947 is still young aiu| not' *Mr® • to his son-in-law, William M. quite adjuted to a fast changing ! Straet lights at_ fourteen new lo-j Green, and his sons, Raymond -and world, let thoee of us who have en- cations were a definite improvement Harry Ferwerda. , .. countered (for- better or for worse) ; in McHenry. , Pistakee Bay waters became $2,200long illness, main the interesting eventaof 1946, re-, R»iph Pierce, famed magician, ^he'k.!rh«!L* wmtch in8U™^1 * m 8 W view the Iwenings which hsvekept am, to McHenry to present an even- f°J *nH>unt i of dropped r'i™n" S" holidBywu shown by I Oak leaf ^lu^*rs was Awarded nort I ?heck to McHenry county to aid ! p. Newman defeated James Do*T»w« ty °f IHhloJ- In An Saints cemetery. jfacturing. The manufacturing eqmpclusters, was awarded nost m covering expenses incurred m the 258 to 112. In county contest?r rt Sjie *hmt . h. pmiflfK WPKRAWIX ,ment »nd research laboratorU will outbreak the previous fall. Fred Baa became the Republican ST® S! ./ J!.T! PAKT TIMK VBTBKAWB be moved to Ringwood, where twen- A. fund reaching close to 412,000 candidate for sheriff, defeating Stev- Jj^ld b£ SforSS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE ty seven acres of land on which the was given to Mr. and Mrs. Fred ens and Reese, and Henry A. Nulle Tvm ramlvil irHrfHiti wnnwl HfiW TiVliVin TV fipfv : R'ngwood Plant is located, will pf*"- - - mada a sweeping victory over E«- on julv l wLn Ri!Tv W0W LOOAIH) W CITY ! vide adequate space for future exwai? F. Kuecker fbr Republican can- bmk* hi* »mT >nH Tnmmv I --~ , i pansion. The resulting company will didate for treasurer. 1 I*? J^Ty J?!f ?? t Veterans of McHenry and vicinity have total assets in excess af fcr i*"ff„ered deeP Je? wounds while at ^ have avai].ble to them the ser- , |900,000. rcr j pl^ o^the carnival grounds. ^ | yj^g 0f ~ - - 1 The only immediate survivor is; enterprise.' Jk ? * r t . . u 1 A s s e t s a t R i n g w c o d i n c l u d e f o u r fw MS i !modern bfwk buildings, fully equipped P, K. . . . , . | *OT manufacturing and nairiwv^ J*l!ij ,LSLTUSRJ Y r s;-«' cmc«. ta,i»d« 3? 1 Oak leaf clusters, was awarded post ihumously to First Lieut. Andrew J. ! Lohneis of Huntley, seventh army air > force Liberator pilot. The presentation was made to hu,„ . „ „ . mother, Mrs. John Lohneis, at a Ertm*nn; fox *™r ^P1? private ceremony in her home at ]ort fiw ch'ldren, Jn * Huntley - I fire, for a new start in life. The A Harvard high school graduate money was collected from ttoe gener in 1942, Lieut Lohneis was credited, ^ of i»«f»»bors and friends «- with seventeen combat missions be-'thls 4rea* in MC'S., Homer FitsGerald of, this city and Henry became McHenry's large apart-! k: „_t t rdnn>wnt*«*» nt tim1 1 or j Charles Provo of Crystal Lake. ment building for G. I s and their ^ ^«mL i y» . The week of April to 21 was_ 1 in the m„h?«i, vl fore the one from which he failed to (return. WM. E. Photo by A ADAMS Worwrck. McBsnry «ea school and at the time of hji 4sath was a Junior in the local hjgh school Wonder Lake Baby First Of Year At Woodstock Hospital A Wonder Lake baby had the distinction of being the first child born at the Woodstock hospital in 1947.1 moned by local, draft boards. She is Judy Anne Lockinger, daugh- " ' ! *- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lockinger. The young lady arrived at' 4:20 a.m. on Jan. 1, weighing 9 lbs. 2 j father's business, Onapaay ffi^ary The Gdwal Laboratories was a partnership by ftwlCee£n r?o IAm«m«h 'SiiKdi r^nSoo'n„ TtnSd i,iin! lu<i ' ii '98. ^ • * »».>••». oc* cated in the McHenry City Hall. J™ h*d _ _ _ | mL- Miotvisa Af if„ p;i««0lri,fl via!fa | tftrs it SuU IIMIlftnA AVCSIQf STKI Peter J. Roche wit>i 226 Consolidation of the Emerald Park, j^ ^ a HmfnUtra t moved to its present location at 7S2 faculty ranks as pndaimed Prairie and Griswold Uke schopls ^ £. Al ^Pran anrt M,"1 Federsl street, where It manufaeschool iboard, while Hubert Smith, with the McHenry district was dis-! ° f. fine chemicah and packages Congratulations were in order for Arnold J. Rauen of Pistakee Bay, < ine wees oz Apm 14 to zi was a families, with five apartments who was appointed state director of busy one for the faithful of Mc- , upper floor. The basement was con- ! the U. S. Savings Bonds' Division for Henry, who daily attended church verted into a restaurant, to be the State of Illinois. j services during. Holy Week. cupied by Mrs. Eleanor Renard. s joined the M.C.H.S. | Frank Meyer, with 225 votes, was i science teacher and; proclaimed president of the grade I assistant coach. Twenty-njne county^rnen1 were sum- with 256, and Heward Collins witli' ctmW'^'de^nsTplannW.' " '• ^d^f and' asristaf^to^ll^tenkns Pbotpgranhic producte. The Ring- County political aspirants filing for the spring primary 211 became the new members. • One serious accident was reported At the district music contest held over tile Fourth weekend when on April 18, the high school orches. Stanley Ssura, 32, was- killed in an and their d«p...d«.t. on .11 Cotpor.tton wM .r_ _ _ of• __t_h , administration, including P--! ^ V.", ^ r™o»ter AAn*^*oafU«i L..nuBi x " _i (u iw uj iiianuiBcuirc a iiunucr ui Earl Peterson took over mhiHs tAr«a« f and f iris' acnhtMoriunsc r wthere awarded auto accident enroute to his home Ich IcheTnicals which Edwal Laboratories am w ii r>_..u ment and medical care, education, )co ounces. She hiss a Chuckie," aged 8, little and brother, i Motor Co, sister, > The Victory Peterson Boat and first divisions, entitling them to enter: at Woodlawn Park. : the sectional contest in May. j Twelve from t^is vicinity were in- nf Clothing Campaign! An Utopia for ^returned veterans I eluded in two draft lists released loans, inturarce training, vocational rehabilitation, UQucKie, igea o, ana a Bisver,' tne • rcwry wwrnmr v«nip«iKu i1 AII uwpw tw*mwiieu wwnuis ciaaea aimix reieasea ~ burial yru>nAJMI Jeanne, who will be 6 years old on got into full swiny in McHenry dur-, WM^planned by_Harvey B. WilHams within four days, including forty-; Veterans with any such problems are urged to see Mr. Pilarski and receive his expert advice and assis- Jan. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Lockinmg formerly residents of Woodstock, MRtnw ; moving to Wonder Lake last fall. He youngster, Bui took delight, jg employed at the Electric Autoawning and tak.ng drily nd« on L{te i horse. However, the distance j , • his home and school eventu ing the Uttt ten days of the month, of Oak Park, who purchased the re- j three in all. These were the largest 1 ware Mrs. A. Joanna Rulian was named nurinder of the Streuh estate at lists released since th close of the1 was a determining factor in his his pat for a little blue h was the envy of all lents. * BOi" was generous his Mauds far rides, and of that Bttle carat the adteal'aad on tAtf. streets will be by students and townspeople PA^HKFAT JAN. 6 genspral dwinaan. i Shalimar to ase for building homes war. tance. A veteran of World War II The community east Of McHemy was saddened on Monday morning, Jan. 6, 1947, by the death of A. L. Paulson, 83, who resided at his home to its original beauty won unani- . - - . , . .. .. . i _Sky View Hill, at the corner of i moiis approval at meeting of civic ta his teachers, but his philosophy, I Highway 12 and Brandenburg Road, j an(j political leaders. aa he often expressed himself, was j for five years. Mr. Paulson died I A total of 7.000 pieces 6f clothing that life was short and he wanted to j following a period of ill health ex- wer^fcoUected in McHenry during the kave as much fUn as possible. In; tending over the past year. current Victory Clothing Campaign, viaw of the brief years which he wasj The deceased was bom in Norway, County Legion membership reached to enjoy, certainlyone could sin-.but came to this country as a child, an all-timehigh, with 1,561 mem- AFTER HEART ATTACK . The allocation of $104,480 for the for G. I.'s. . I The Koehr Supply Co., serving the iJr^psi--CT _su Mnt;nn. Kri«® improvement of county roads was McHenry set its clocks ahead one'dealer hardware trade in this area, l tT McHaniv L k-iw « jmhM bjr raaldenta of tkb K^-l».r brf.r.r«iriy onjat.rd.y „p^d forbu^M. Inth. •Earl l>wwll was appointed new time. 1000 for injuries received in an auto . j-- chief of police in Mffienir as the May I accident just a year before. iny I iVT MA 11 niCTI " _A.- <tuiv ,1Llll,lirfl,n U1LL1M !••• |BH u I city council reoiwanised the police • The IUinois Coounei^Commi^in, Hundreds of parishioners and their LILI LAAL MUl VlUf IS^T£SU^D L F*AHR*WM --6 TWS & W^JSS!:,R-- •i IP* °" taw mna ear K the | as the force was expanded i granted a franchise authorising the120 and 21. to include three policemen. | operation of a feeder bus line in this Accidents were prevalent during The program planned by the ffov- area. The line will serve Crystal j the week of July 21. At Lily Lake' A heart attack suffered following ernor for restoring the Fox River; Lake, McHenry, McCullom Lake, two serious accidents occurred. Peter the exertion csused by shoveling ' Ringwood, Wonder Lake and Wtood-1 Birger, 3, of Chicsgo walked into snow last Saturday afternoon, Jan. stock. the path of a car, resulting in a 4, is believed to have caused the Two McHenry boys, students at i skull fracture and two broken legj. death of William Lewis, 68, a rethe local high school, were named! Another accident involved Bert Har- tired Chicago painter and decorator ' state fanners" at the FFA state risen, who suffered a broken nose who resided at Lily Lake. convention held in Springfield. land other injuries when his car left Mr. Lewis' driveway was blocked Two fires caused damage to the I the pavement in avoiding an on- by snow and he spent much of the ... -... . ,. , i ~ ™--- j --i - --: *N BII-IIM* nifn, WJ«I i,»ui mem- R. L. Barry residence and garage coming car. day trying to clear the path in order W"??1?" fy "WhlHewas reared m Chicago, the son of jbers. i in Idyl Dell subdivision snd to the! On Highway 31, north of McHenrv, to get his csr out According to at which he pwesa pleasure. a Lutheran minister. Until poor, A tragic auto accident placed barn and part of a garage on thu'two women were injured in a wreck his wife, Mary, it was late after was active in sdtcol MgMiiaa- health forced his retirement several Riehard Toleson In the Woodstock Fred Krause farm between Wood- which involved three cars . having played in the hand and, months ago, he commuted to Chicago hc«pital, critically injured. The stock an,d McHenry. | An election to vote on the cm soli- Volo, and when it arrived he asked Btaatra for tnr^. years ana also; <i*ily^ serving as vice-president voung man and a friend, Vernon1 Local musicisns who had wen too dstion of the McHenry grade. Prairie a neighbor, Roy W. Grooms, to take "Bill" realised, like many another Br, that lw was often a trial could not handle in its downtown kcation. Both companies rendered outstanding service during the war years by manufacturing large quantities of photographic chemicals for ape by the signal corps and by industry. They also manufactured otVr fiiw organic chemicals which proved of great value in the successful prosecution of the war. j The present location on Federal «treet will be retained for executive offices as well as service laboratory acilities for the assistance of Its The present officers of The Edw»! Laboratories, Inc. are Edmund W. Lowe, president; Water S. Guthmann, vice-presiVpt and treasurer: W. B. Hendrey, vice-president; Ferdinand J. Mann, secretary; UMBMS B. Bick, assistant secreterv and controller; and Henry D. Hursch, assistant treasurer. The Directors are E. W. Lowe, W. S. Guthmann, W. B. Hendrey, H. D. Hirsch, and E. H. Schultx, Jr. -4 M. L. SchoenhoHsNamed noon when he called a tow truck from j Commander Of WW Port an SSrt fa the pep band, which entertained | the^ Ford Roofing company. j Kennebedc, were enroute to a wed- honors at the district contest also school, GriswoTd Lake ^and Emerald the wheel of his car and see if he night was elected commander of the atMwhi avaats. totefMtea in i During t his^ comparatively ^ short d;ns, dance at Johsburg when their rated well at the DeKalb sectional Park school districts occurred on could get it .started while being [local V.F.W. poet to fill the vacancy - h« *** *. --"V*r of residence in this community, he be- car left the road, hitting a telephone contest. July 27, with the majority of voters towed. created fir the resignation of Jack squad during the teason JW, came vary active in civic affairs. He POLE. j Roland McCannon was sppointed in favor of the proposition. When Grooms returned with the 1 Keenan. Mr. Schoennolts inanndisti _ . 1 . . _ |w*8.* tnirtee in the Ingleside Com-| Representatives from each Mr- superintendent of schools following Two more drownings occurred in automobile, he found Lewis had col- ly appointed Allen Noonan as his ad- At Caraga munity church and acted as fire mar- Henry ward and members of the the resignation of Mrs. Miry Endres, the immediate vicinity of McHenry. lapsed in the driveway. He was] jutant. Other officers will remain T industrious and spant. shall for Lake County. | City Council formed a library board, who held the post after Mr. McCan- Therfirrt was on July 25, when Car- taken to a local physician's office, j the same until the April election asach of his spare time working. For Survivors include his widow, the.^ select a suitable location for the non's entry into the navy. ! mella Nicosia, 17, cf Chicago lost but was pronounced dead upon ar- j They are Richard Justen, senior the last two^ sumnwr seasons and on former Augusta Olsen; four chj*°rer1' j public library. I First Communion Day was ob- HER life in the tFox river near Wood- rival. vice-commander; Arthur Smith. Jrwtardays he put his mechanicall Arthur of Edgebrook, Mrs. Evelyn; The much feared and tragic words served at St. Mary's and St. Patrick's lawn Park; the second was on July Coroner Harry Ehom held an in- vice-commander; and Gone Dobyn*. ability to Mod use as an oaaloyee ox t Young and Mrs.. Harry Domas at "N0 Hope" were real'/ed on Feb. 12, churches on May 12, Mother's Day, 28 at Griswold Lake when Patrick quest at the Jacob Justen Sons fun- quartermaster. Buss M<rtor Sues, making nu- homo, and Mrs. Ralph Heckel of when the search for Lieut. C. Robert when forty-one little folks received Dunn, 44, of Cleveland, Ohio, died oral home, after which the body j Mr. Keenan was forced to resigii haws, friends who will miss this Waukegan; also several brothers and Tworrley, .missing while enroute by the Sacrament for the first time. ! while swimming. was taken to Chicago for funeral because he is moving from this comflsasant, efficient younMter. i sisters. , ,. „ plane from Columbus, Ohio, to Chi-; Thirty-five rural school students Anderson's Bar-B-Q was sold ,to services and burial. 8arviv0nr include, besides the _par-, Funeral were held at 11 Cago, was abandoned. j were, presented with diplomas at an- Mr. and Mrs. Jaipes Fttspatrisk of' i-- . i , After operating his own business; nual promotional exercises held on Chicago. ' JfBW 00VB8K Of for over forty-two years, John; May 17. ! Local boys won blue ribbons at MMMI M AMW Stoffel retired from active manage-j The Plaindealer celebrated its Ksne County Fair. Top honors went to v* " I ment but cont'nued to help his son,' seventy-first snniversary the third to Dan Weber, who won two grand F0 FARM OWIVCKS Jake, who converted the store INRO w«ek in May. championships for his sow and hoar.: ! strictly a grocery and meat business, i LeRoy Hettermsnn became a pilot August n [ County rural taVern and club fees for FCA airline®, after having served Nearby schools made final plans * hit r.«d a^unti^ b, tb.^ th^ navy air «orp. durin. tb. J„r cou™..^ to ^ Uoattr .' 1: > 'Hs ? svi*i»vi• liiviuuV| ucwwB «u« iw. funeral services wwv nvui •» * eats, four toothers, Richard, Ken- o'clock from the Pedersen chapel at! •efli, James and Daniel, and one Crawford and Ftillerton avenues, sister, Dorothy Marie; the grand- Chicago, with burial in Acacia Park father, Michael Bauer; and his cemetery. grandmother, Mrs. Jacob Adams of . .. OOUHTY SKAL SALKS The body rested at the Jacob Justsa Sons funeral heme until Monday I TOTAL $8,148; --. ling at 9:30, wlien it was taken NEGLECTED RETI7BN8--^ 'munity. I r _ IHEN&T M. SOOKZ, W, IRSSIDBNT HBEE on 7XAE, DUD JAN. 6 (i Henry M. Soges, 76, died at the were board of suoervisors. to 4&. John's church,- Johnsburg, for An official list of party candidates' last rites. Officiating at the service were Father Ray Hettermann ^ ^ Aurora, cousin of the deoeasod, ^1945 Christmas"*^3eals"were ofctain bus service which would con- Chicago by Donald R. Murray who to be presented in this section of Garence Thenn«i8 * Father ^ ur8<|d to go promptly in a state- McCullcm Lake, found the Canadian army colonel in the state. Jchn Ffetcher, whose wife was h for first year college students. Residents of McHenry county who for the April primary was released, former McHenry teacher was shot Local youths won honors in one have not yet acknowledged receipt Petitions were being circulated to and k lled in^ the Morrison hotel in Qf the most outstanding 4-H fairs ?^xtZpion^ourses^to ^'oferJj AdminUtrstion on Nov. l, 1946, has home' of hb da^hter and soa-fa^tew, through the University of Illinois McHenry, invviuiv iu aMssc* Auumi mv v*"nvww" *" close ment issued last week by Mrs. J. L Wonder L»ke, Ringwood, Crystal the hotel room with his wife. farm owners interested in improving or developing their farms according to Robert C. Becker, FHA supervisor for DeKalb, Kane, Lake and McHeniy counties. In addition to loans for the acr Tenant Act, loans are no*. Nix celebrate authorised for the enlargement " Pallbearers wen six of .his close Seaf ^ chairman. " " , Lake and Woodstock. i Fourteen grade school pupils rc- 0f Thanksgiving Pointimr out that letters enclosing March jceived the eighth grade diplomas on c. S. Nix, held on August 9 in the Kicnarason, BOD ^WERT, th5^«€als were mailed out to reach On March 1 the West McHenry May 31. Three days previous the City Park. Msgr. Nix celebrated eaw, Robert L. Freund ami Robert vr_v 25 Mrs. Lang State bank, for convenience sake, Legion awards were presented to twenty-five years of service at St. ,-r„, UI1ML_ , i u,.!,. o number of people had dropped the West and became knowij,-Beverly Schwerman and Robert Miller. Mary's parish in this city, forty-; _nj r(mair of family; 55^ -JS^aw*"! * °1, thi foiotSJ to mike theTr SSSfrS. » as thT McHenry State bank. fKe, McHenry residents voted in favor threi year, as . nriest. /riend, ^f^^R^n.^ existing ^ u^, Hohf S^^Sietv^f fa?cards have been seat out to re-'|*nk »1*° observed its fprtiil birth- of raising the tax rate limit to .76 on honored him further with a inception fnrma fn connection ud the Holy Name society or j them „f their oversight. |dav this year. .$100 assessed valuation. i in the evening. ««««».»•• v,r** " "* * UJN rush of Christmas prepare- On March 2, fifteen McHenry sole- • Fifty-seven high school seniors re- • The most beautiful lotus blooms tions" she said ' people forget t» traveled to Waukegan, where ceived their dipkmaa on Friday in many years attracted hundreds to acknowledge their Christmas Seals, j they participated in the district evening, May 31, having been chased the beds at Grass lake. We are anxious to have all return? music contest. Three, Joanne Strev- into the school by angry clouds. Donald Murray was acquitted in in as socn as possible. The work of er- vocal, and Frances Barber and Joanne Strever and Fred Svoboda the slaying May 27 of John Fletcher, th* >uM>Mtinn in 1947 deoends unon Joan Weber, instrumentalists, came were presented with the 1946 Legion husband of the former Esther Rich- 35 ^tucHWsaf this Chrittmas fel, home with tephonota. .awards. , mond of McHenry.. i The county Legion auxiliary pur-! Jane | McHenrv housewives viewed with , _ . t„ ~, u -we _ant to nut our 1946 Seal chased an Emerson Hot Pack, aid; McHeniy welcomed a new physi- varied feelings the announcement of aai Connie WoWraia-of Chicago. Mr., "e » VorkM Mrlvas I to Polio victims, as their 1946 pro- eian, Dr. Lea Gladstone, who opened restoration to June SO levels of beef awl Mn John Klrkjand son,Wayne, I i ^ worx th« ^ offices in the Jrim building ontPOrk and veat Price ceilings were Kenosh*. Mr; and Mra Joe Manfa,made promptly. To Housewivai we happy over the; June 1. . . _ . also announced as being revived on Si I d.u. M ! annonn^m™. twt_ «»U«r John's church. Among thoee from out of town to attend the funeral were Mn. Peter Bauer, Mrs. Jamas Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bauer and Mrs. Lee Trainor of Waulqgean, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bauer of Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siehoes of Bur- _ . Mr. and |(rs. Carl BrefeM Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vance, in McHenry on Monday, Jan. 6, 1947, at 5:45 p.m. Mr.'Soges and his wife had resided with the Vances in the former Denman home south of McHenry for the past year. He h**tl - I OF TThhraonnkgvsiv ina<tteYnd efdo rt hRet . juRbeilve e MMsAirSr, 'FARMS*NRO- ***," P™R for many moafrs Q",81.TLON ®R oi jnanKsgiving RVR K«. family type larms pro- AND had been retired since moving nev. msgr. UNder the Bankhead Jones HERE from Lombard. , J10'* Survivors include the widow. Far.- for the enlargement of nie Porf Soges; and two daughters, under-sised farm umte and^for the BlaIiell. ^ jfrs. Jeanette Vance. body is resting at the Peter ,, . _ u Justen funeral hoaoe, where serdebtedness on farms in connection viccs wfll be held at 2 o'clock today with enlargement or improvement (Thursday) with - -- - loans is also suthorised. I jand cemetery. Improvement loans may be used. lbs. Eleanor TTwaoon an Mastro of Elm wood Park. f According to word rec< MaryR Endres, superin Jan. tL 1 i We hope thai there will be increase in returns by the the week." Five Rural Schools Will^- Be Sold At Auction Jan. 11 a decided! stamp gocd for five rounds of i end of precious Item had become valid. > cemetery, The first draft calls in more than'on the A gigantic Memorial Day parade soybean and cottonseed products. the took place, proceeding to each local Four * ary, where they ] giraves a a month were' issued by both boards.! Earl K. Walsh new teachers joined the teeehwreaths ing staffs of the public grade and ves and playad tap^ high schools and four new Sisters _ _ * chair- joined tiie faculty at the parochial President R. G. Chambertin and: man of the 1946 Boy 9coat campaign school. Secretary E. H. Nickels of the grade: The board of supervisors voted in September school board announced that they favor of a road building program | The Walsh twins, Jim and Joe. i would not be candidates for re-dec- calling for the expenditure of ap- purchased the Pingel grocery and 1,000. market in Woodstock. nry boys, Dan Weber Illinois received from i tion la the April 16 election. ipnrowxuimwawte.l7y $450,< ary r. EBONS, superintendent of McHenry's first English war bride! Fear local girls ware graduated Two McHenry the Band' Community Consolidated > arrived in the city on- Friday, Mareh; from St. Anne's hospital School of and John Strever, the only District N» 10, Woodstock, five one- j 15. She was Miss Isabel Panton,' Narsing. They were Virginia Will- youths entered at the Elkhorn Fair room school properties will be of- j who. mauled Max Voight on Decern- iaias, Nadine Schaefer. Betty Wagner brought home prise ribbons though fered for s^e at pdbtic auction on i her 28, 1944, in her native Hunting- and Claire Freund. The same week in competition w>th big breeders Saturday, January 11. They are the field. ; Curtis Newman was awarded his B. I from throughout this area. Cold Springs school in Bull Valley, •Dorr township at 10 a.Qi., Lucas school on Doty Road. Dorr township, at 11 md., Maple Hill school, soath A police radio for McHenry county S. degree in agriculture, ! The McHenry Flour Mill, in the received a favorable vote from the; There were heavy hearts amcng. Spencer familv since 1900 and owneo hoard of supervisors, and resident*, parishioners as old St. Patrick's i by William Sneneer for twenty-six r were happy in the knowledge that; church, 98-years old, was rased. | years, was sold to William Meath of of Route 176, Seneca township, «t j this safety measure would soon be j Mrs. Marie L. Murphy, 47, and her j Chicago. 1:30 p.m., Coouey school, Aldan Road, in operation. ' husband, Daniel. Chicagoons, wire! The Nook restaurant Hartland toanship, at 2:80 p.m., andj McHenrv was proud ot Miss Roso arrested in McHenry^ Riverside beautiful, spacious Deep Cat school, aearv overhead; Mateat. high school junior, who wu K^d on Jane 1*. Police found (Watties huOding ta West bridge, Haarrttllaand ttoownnsshhilpn,. att S::S00 one of eight fiaaHsts la the ESE?JS . . . . afar March M, with loaalj • t & *Vt Travd their •neptiahle in j with the meet ssodern *el Mesa* stolsa by Mrs.1 A Chicageaa, Francis trm a former reenter. M;ch- • died la Pistaakee Bay, aoB. of Chicago. j resort, after suffsring a n- l-- »t ia for limestone phosphate, terracing, form£r Umiflant drainage, fencing and other recognised land improvement practices. AftOT 8ixtJ-SOVOB Tm Funds may also be used to coastrart j . . . new buildings essenthd to efficient Visitors to our city are always farm operation, and the remodeling welcome, but none more so than Mrs. or repair of existing farm stittctares. i jjly BuckUnd St. John of Minne- Such loans bear interest at the apolia. Minn., who caBed on old friends rate of 8% per cent par annum am»r- rai„ates last week. Mrs. tlsed over a forty year o«r^ makinK St. John, now 77 years old. lived in aa annual fixed installment of 946X1 McHenry until she waa 10 years old °n each $1*000 loaned. and had not been hock for a visit Further information concerning in ^ intervening sixty-seven years, these loans may he secured from During the Buckland family's rasi- Robert C. Beckor, FHA supervieor, whose office Is located at Woodstock. RB8TOBHT OF HOTRMAHN SUBDIVISION PAS8XD AWAT m LaOKAHGS denee here, her father, in partnership with C. Stevens, cperated the Buekland and Stevens general store> located where the FitsGerald dothiag store is now in business. NOTICE For several years there has been F. Johnson, a resident of Hue- a Crowing demand for a oty^wasd i subdivision for several years, snow plow in the City of McHenry. In LaGrange on Tueeday mom- Now that equipment has hey s^- Jan 7, lin, following a linger- cured, eaten must be ttwud. mnesa. He and Mrs. Johnson AH night parki^of w ea dty to LaGrange from McHenry. streets is prohibited. Obtwaay, about six wedes ago. treats cannot ty propqfr ctearod If - cars are ailowed te park aU tor the night, Pwrsistent violators win he at reet at the ; inearr expiate aU""d i 'can be funeral hoiae at 119 N. LaGrange Bead, LaGrange, until 2 o'clock tWa (Tlmnday) attwnoon, when services by eo-oparation. la A» public saisty the dty •1st that snow ha

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