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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1947, p. 7

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*hnr»d*y, Juau* tt, lias- and Amy, ».». «. , Woodstock hospital n and Mrs. Lynn, of Lombard of Rev. and Mrs. emiag. in the;"niton, Mrs. Lao Karls. i now Bime of! Mrs. Amia Tonyan of Fox Lake is tM 1947. and that nSd teHon la fwBWI ' <P* • NOTICE OF CLAte Estate of THHJDORE Deceased Notice is RINGWOOD Colliaa Mr. and said court, and that TOO, the said Omrlas Brennan Crystal Laka .pent today after- vfoitfa, her sister, Mrs "Unknown Owners,1' defendants. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van spent (By Mrs. (Q to. L«ais Hawiey^spent Jthe put in Rich. . M>». Rose Jepaon and daughter, Virginia. are visiting ha the Ansel ., 'Dewey home at Arnpstronc, 111. w Mesdames Viola Low, Walter Wili! fox, Lester Carr, George Shepard tad Harold 8tanek attended the American Legion auxiliary meeting at Richmond Tuesday evening, a A group of young married women met at the home of Mrs. Paul Wajkington Wednesday afternoon to organise a Home Bureau unit if 8rang married women. Miss Vender ey gave a demonstration on making lampshades and a social afternoon r •as enjdyed. Mr. and Itrs. Alan Ainger and ,Bn, George, and daughter, Nancy, of Hebron spent Wednesday evening to the George Shepard home. £. ".• The WS.C.S. met at the home of 0} Itrs. Ben Walkington Thursday afternoon. Th© usual business meeting was held and the new officers were installed for the coming year. .The next meeting will be held Feb. 20th at the home of Mrs. Charles . -fleet. /Mr. and • Mrs. Clayton Harrison went Wednesday afternoon with Wieir daughter, Mrs. Ardin Frisbec and family at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein . spent Friday in Chicago. 9 Mr. and Mrs'. Roy Wiedrich and family of Greenwood spent Thursday afternoon with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Miss Audrey Merchant R. N., of Iflgin spent Saturday with her par- , 'Hits, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. The community club met at the •thoolhouse Thursday evening. After the business meeting Elmer Stilling showed several motion pictures among those were some of those taken on his farm of he and his | family, then of his small son on hia " motor scooter on his way to school, showing him as he left his farm home up through Ringwood and then, • • arriving at the schoeUkonse, soma taken at the achool of tha and their teacher* Wekkm and Mrs. Andrew Hawley in the achool yard. tWa much merriment among the children weeing themselves on thl screen. After the lecture show aire* plane bunco was played with prises afirN to Mra. Albert Oonk and Faunk Smitk. At the close luncheon was served. There are 100 members now in the community club. Tuesday evening in the John Pierce home m Richmond. Mr. and Mra. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hunter, at McBfanry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family of Greenwood and Mr. and , Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce an- Caladonia spent Sunday with their nounce the arrival of a daughter born parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedat the Woodstock hospital on Friday.V rich. Sr, January 17. Dona Low ten months old daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Low was taken to St. There se hospital at Wfeukegan Friday suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and mother, _ n , Mrs. Mayme Harrison were visitors,. Butler, at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City and Mr. and Mrs. B. noon in the Harrison-Pfret home. {Lawrence i must file your appearance in said -J?? 7^ u <Lr»8, r1!! h0W sLS®* Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Merchant ««titm on or before th* first Monday, social in Musay*s hall on Fnday and Mr ^ Mrs R E Howard and «* the month of March, 1947, and data . JAn,P"5r _.,J>ro/rfJn daughter, Alice, of Kanoaha spent j" fi*a event you fail to do so de- Stock, the auctioneer. A lobd crowd is 1 Clerk et wtM Court. looked for. Eatfh- lady is asked! Heiitrt O. Krens ft Vernon J. Knox, to bring a box. ;STATE OF ILLINOIS, - ... * - - -- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and; County of McHenry. w. _ daughters, LuAnn, and • Joan spent' If THE CIRCUIT COURT Sunday in the Marvin Arsneau horre EMMA PABST, Plaintiff at Richmond. vs. _ Mr. and Mra. Walter Wilcox were' WALTER J. WALSH, ELIZABETH visitors in the W. W. Wilcox home; WALSH AND UNKNOWJjT OWNAttorneys for Plaintiff, Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. Jan. 16-28-30) oraey NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE ^ Estate of CHARLOTTE J. MADT. Butler and daughter, Muriel, were' near Hebron, Sunday. ' ERS, Defendants. DEN, Deceased. supper guests Saturday evening off Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter ; Affidavit showing that the defend- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek. This Low visited little Donna Low at St.1 fW* of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kappes spent Sir. .„d Mr, Ed. B.u,r ! Ch.rl.tte J,M.dd,n, tke hereto given to all aar> that Match S, 1M7, ia the c£ia in the estate of Theodore ft . Deceased, pending in , Coonty Court <* McHenry Comty,& i Illinois, and that claims may be file* ~>M against the said estate on or befsra , •aid date without issuance of GEORGE A. STOCK, Administrater. Notice is hereby riven to all per-;TOng that Monday , sons that Monday,, February 3, 1947 = ^ ' Don A. Wicks, Attorney ^ NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE f t s t i t e of ANNA C. BOHLANDEtC, f ' f Deceased. - - • Notice is hereby given to all per- ' February 3, 1947, is the claim date in the estate of ippes spent Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bauer spent of the ^Nor'th^we1st i i ng in the County Court of McHenry The Keystone Home Bureau social j the weekend in Chicago. They were Sunday evening in the Gregory Katt- pCounty, Illinois, and that claims evening was held in the_ Richmond j accompanied home by her mother, ner home at Spring Grove. (1) in Township Forty^our (44). may H 5led *8*in*t the said estate before ' i : luary 18. | Mrs. Powley Prises i week here. who will spend the( Mrs. Luella Stephenson spent Sun- NoW of ^w eiKht (8) east of on or ,before said date without ifsu- of summons ,J_._ .1.- »->--. m.----- v * • ~ nf •»»«""»«« GERAU) J. JCAREY, Collwrn, Mr,.| Mr, Glen Tr»n ®f CrJ,Ul L.k.I^'McVn^.RObtrt T>'0"IPS°" Administrator with Will Annexed. Marsahl.,spent Tuesday afternoon with hcrj Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich of «reI ^em)fT 7!i Mcand' mother, Mrs. Mae Harrison. ^ ^ /:iVt ,cres w>ereoi) in «c- Memonal hall Saturday, Jani Fourteen tables played cards. were awarded to Mrs. Van Avery, Mrs. Frank »"• i Caladonia spnrt Monday j^th hi, fi^r, "fciuntyV^Su**'illtaii.Tn Walter Valentine. .Miss Alice Peet of Elgin spent, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, due inquiry cannot be found, so that The members of the Keystone; the weekend #ith her parents, Mr. j Sr. process cannot be served upon said Home Bureau unit will meet on Frj- and Mrs Charles Peet. . j ' Four members of the Keystone defendants, having been filed in the day, January 24 at the home of Mrs. J. C. Pearson and mother, Home Bureau unit attended the office of the C14rk of this court, no- ??• ?,°TR . l°?e. 2*" ^ • Roll.Mrs- Mayme Harrison spent Sunday meeting at the home of Mrs. Donkev tice is thereftorte, hereby given to call will be "A kind favor." 1 afternoon at Greenwood. in Richmond on Monday, January 20 said "Unknown Owners." defendants lintifr be filed against the said estfete on or said date without? issuance ance of summons. WM. M. GREEN, Administrator. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth oft Mrs. Vern Malsch of Lake Geneva!This meeting was to make plans for that the plainti in the above Elgin Tspent Sunday with her mother, j spent Saturday afternoon with her j the coming year. Those to attend titled cause filed her complaint |j» Mrs. Jennie Bacon. i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Har were Mrs. Bertha Peet, Mrs. Clem said cause on the 18th day of Jap- Mr. and Miss Curly Wilson and rison. Mr. alid Mrs. Robert Van Dusen j Mrs. Wattles and son, Glenn, of and daughters of Elgin spent Sun-j McHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. day in the Oliver Lawrence home, j Harrison home. '-- Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and family of Chicago1 spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wilmette spent Tuesday with the CoHins'8 ^rentS' RCV- and Mrs" i Mrs. Harold Stanek. °Fred Wiedrich, Jr. and daughter,! T"he Birthday club met at the home Mary, Bob and Jack Brennan and!®f Mr- and Mrs. B. J But er Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daugh- evening honoring B. T.s birthter, Janet, spent Sunday afternoon da^ A pot-luck supper was served in the Don Smart home at Waukc-1 ^T- »nd M": C- L; Harrison went „an ito Madison, Wis., Saturday and were; Mrs. Frankie Stephenson is a pa-! accompanied home by their daughter, tient at the Woodstock hcppital ' where tfhe was taken Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Young of Fox Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Col- Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and | family spent Sunday at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stanek of! Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Stanek and son, Wayne, of Hebron ent Sundaayy afternoon with Mr. ar.d Id KELLOGG AND EDWARDS AUCTION Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading Snow Plowing CALL McHENBY 97-J CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478 m Cleaners PHONE 20 206 S. Green St McHENRY DON'T MISS BOWMAN'S GOOD OLD FASHIONED SHOE SALE Hundreds of pairs of broken sire runs and discontinued styles in shoes, house slippers, casuals, handbag*. and other items . . . now DRASTICALLY REDUCED DON'T MISS IT . . . SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 Thousands of pairs of new, high grade nationally known shoes -- all lines inctaded-x-at real MONEY SAVING DISCOUNTS Rabber footwear, work shoes, dress shoe*, casasls, haasa slippers, sport footwear .... yea, every pair of footprear in the store is reduced .... even brand new and beautiful merchandise received in the last month or two. No, we're not going oat of business . . . bat our stocks are too large--We must make room for shoes ordered months ago that are now starting to arrive. BOWMAN BROS. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 1 The farm having been sold and the1 undersigned desiring to dissolve part- ' nership as Mr. Kellogg is leaving for Washington, D.C., everything offered for auction will be sold without reserve on the farm formerly known as the Dell Thomas farm miles ; west of Woodstock on the Woodstock Franklinville blacktop road. j SATURDAY, JAN. 25 I Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp the following described property towit: 1«. HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of ! 1 Jersey cow, 1 Guernsey-eo*r, 1 ' yearling heifer. 160 choice fall pigs, averaging ! about 90 lbs. About 75 of these pigs i are gilts. j Hsy and Grain 1 5 tons of bean hay baled, 20 tons ; of alfalfa hay baled, 15 tons of oat i straw baled, 3 tons of mixed hay 1 baled, 1,000 bu. of ear corn in crib ! 4 tons of super phosphate. J Machienry I Allis Chalmers WC tractor, lights ; and starter, Allis Chalmers cultivator ! with power lift, Ford Ferguson tractor with lights, starter, new, Ford Ferguson spring tooth cultivator, ! Ford Ferguson 14-in. plow, Ford Ferguson 6-ft. agricultural type j mower, Ford Ferguson pulley with power take-off unit and four-wheel jack, Dunham 7-ft. disc (can be used with or without Ferguson system) 2 | sec. wood drag, cultipacker, IHC side rake. ! 3 sec. steel spike tooth harrow ; with folding draw bar, IHC grain j drill with grass seeder, Wood Bros. I com picker, IHC manure spreader,; i New Holland string tie baler, uced : one year, grain buster hammermill,. JD tractor corn planter with fert.' attach., 2 row; dump rake, bob sleigh, 6-in. drive belt, 2 wagons on rubber with hay rack, box wagon on rubber, wood-wheel wagon, Perfection milking machine with motor and pump, Losee water heater, 2 wash tanks. 15 lengths of 3-4 in. pipe, shelled corn feeder, holds 200 bu.; 5 hog feeders, 4 steel tanks, 2 water tank i heaters, Stover corn sheller, LaFay- ; ette motor power unit, 2 elec. fence controllers, 31 portable hog houses, 1,000 lb. platform scales, grindstone i run by electricity, 3 rolls snow fence, 1--8x12 brooder house on skids, all all tools, gates, garden tools and c. equipment used in the operai tion of the farm. Household Furniture and Equip*. Because Mr. Kellogg is moving to; , Washington, D. C., he is offering all of the following household furniture; 1 and equipment from his home. In J | case of a bad day, this household' furniture and equipment will all be; sold under cover. j Down cushion davenport, daven-1 rt and chair with spring cushion, 'ounge chair with down cushions, oc- { casional chair, high back rocker,' ' wicker rocker with spring cushion,! < spinet desk with chair, table radio,1 1 end table, 8-sec. • book case, small | 1 book case, 3 card tables, 3 floor | ! lamps, dropleaf breakfast set with 4 chairs, maple double deck or twin j beds with coil springs, maple Jenny i ; Lind double bed with coil springs, maple dressing table, maple chest. • White painted chest, sealed unit ! Frigidaire, Roper 4-burner gas stove, j draperies, curtains, pillows, pictures, ] pots and pans, waste baskets, books, ! etc., Bendix washing mach., Hoover (sweeper, attachments; carpet sweep- i er, ironing board, waffle iron, electric ! fan, 2 ladderback straight chairs. I . Steel utility cabinet, work bench, I fruit jars, llx6H brown wool rug, 6x9 wool rug, 4^x7 Mr wool rug, 2 of them, adjustable bed table, scatter poi lou rugs, Regina music box with 6 rec-: ords, foldinr chairs and folding picnic table, Si kerosene heater, 4 folding lawn step ladders, 2 pairs' skis, camping! equipment, 2 tents, air mattress, I sleeping bags, blankets. TERMS--All sums of $25 and under, that amount, cash, over that amount: i a credit of six months, at 6 per; 'cent will be extended on notes ap-l proved by the clerk. Those desiring! credit kindly make arrangements i j jjrior to purchase. No property to ' be removed until settled for. ^ 1 KELLOGG . AND EDWARDS First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking j ABSOLUTE ZERO The utter absence of heat Man cafixtft artificially achieve thig abysmal cold; $ --240 degrees F. is the coldest spot ever created by mechanical refrigeration. However, varying degrees of cold can be economically produced and maintained. , * . t If yon need refrigeration--Call us! Knights Refrigeration .- *- "Sir, Td like to borrow a raise/" Enjoy beer at its best. FOX DE LUXE Mended with Imported Bohemian tfcjii 312 ELM STREET PHONE 439-W r» Sreotea Ca» CMcef> a • ,• -- ""toss. I .. • I » * * (fc. , J WSJ# Fill enpty burned- You'll be surprised at the new note of cheer in your home when you add bright new bulbs to empty sockets and replace wrong-sized or burnedout bulbs. The rooms will be gtf *d ever so attractive! >ur family will appreciate the bright new look to their home, and when company comes, you'll welcome them into a warm, cheerful household, decorated with lighf. Proper lighting is particularly Important during the winter season, sockets and exchange light bulbs now! not only for attractiveness, but for the comfort and protection good lighting gives you* You owe it to your family to provide the best light possible for them as they study, read and work about the house. Don't delay ... check your light bulbs today. Take advantage Of our liberal renewal policy: To all customers om light bulb exchange service there is MO charge for replacing most sues of standard, burned-out bulbs marked "W of NP* or "Renewal Service PUBLIC SI ':S- . * -. .jJ. .n ' ' • " " 1 >- . . . ' . - - .

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