, { * J *d SIS •m Uli nil om liflfn nil fMm , eei^Kice. her time in New London. this work is welfare of 1m wantsto be aai )wr waiting and well again, is in courage to all who see bsbs tMI* is «?er, bat the m to Mankind Easter story, lingers on in Christ Knew tint of all tilings by Hire, Hopv was «he nMwt thing of aB. Mora i»- than broad or M ther* been awrtyn in wary who died for their principles ? important than shelter, than •ride-- & the I Hope, springing bnaste of imb, that ftor and Hope again in the night work ixe. Sorely the saaM 'fim might be a better life. tfeuMed world indjfceaatifnl n love of manaright a tired, eternal and again. the world, Igr pastors ol creed, from where our Gospel Reverend Anderson SPECIAL SALE OF The Holocwist fsmfly are the new residents in the nnaer Leslie &n» thorne house in Indian Ridge. Ike two Holocwist ehildiaa have been I entered in Harrison achool where son, Thomas, is in sixth grade and daughter, Betty, is in thipl. The boosing shortage which has been such a tragic thing to so many young couples has again been called to my attention. A letter which' I received this week tells of a young G I and hie wife and their SO-months old son, who mast eneate by May 1 the summer home in Wonder Renter they are now occupying. They own a lot in Indian Riage, and have contracted for a {loose to be boilt there, but it hasn't as yet been started. This i* one of thoee cases where the couple will have to separate if they cannot find a place to live. Is there anyone in Wonder Lake who might rent to them just until their will take a two-week's cruW* vis *nb- j home is boilt? Perhaps a how* marine. As a reserve he is required «P for sale oeuW be occupied until the sale is completed. They have advertised, tried real estate offices and the Red Croes. An appeal to the public Is their last resort. Can anybody help? steep, bags. _, t, heH it ap fe# admiration and I miration, the ~prieot in the sshm also for breath. meaathne, Just to j Wonder Lake, is then for the spiritual benefit for one and afl la the entire community, regardless of different religious beliefs or creeds. The Rev. Frank W. Anderson, will soon take up permanent residence at W. L. and win be available for pastoral services. Bis chief object in Two Eaater egg hunts were a part of the Cuter progarm for the young try. lie merchants, handed together, and each donated some of the eggs for the hunt. In each donated batch of colored eggs was one white egg which carried the merchant's naasf en tha- outside. This egg, when presented to the merchant who donated it, would be exchanged for |LN alien it was brought in. Too bad that the high winds of that!Sunday kept tin hunt from being j the success it ought have bam. The young James Murdochs leave all! this week for a trip to New London, every i Conn., where the man of ^h^family SEE, SSiAtahMltt thn tlx (At family. B*r- ch*»«l ™ bars, confined afawa last August to the hospf ^nnni d Hhe I • AT THE WONDER LAKE BETTER STORES HANDY PANTRY AND JERYir_ FOOD SHOPS . tEIDAY, APBH, 11 SATUBDAY, APRIL 13 SUNDAY, APEIL 13 ft*,.:,,-" y . v" if&e-- NE- • Libbyrs or BEETS o. 2 Can*, 25* Libby's Yellow Oliqjf PEAOHEfl ib>. 2yt • 29* Happyvak t ^ PEAE - I Ho. 2 Ota* S«Mte29^ Don Cans for $1.09 Libby's - CORN ^ No. 2 Guar 2 Cans for 37* letty Crocker PIE MZ Frail and Crust ^ • 'i .' ' 4W Mifcipt' Libby's CORN BEEF HASH 2 Oaa» 29* ; mm Fresh M^ats Wines Freeh Cream liquors j>ital in Roekford with polio, was permitted home for the holiday. With her small body erect, walking alone and well, and with the same gay smile on her pretty little face, she was a pleasure to behold by thoee who knew her. There is still therapy to be undergone and so, after tae holiday Barbara returned to Reckford for the treatments die ant have, but probably this summer she will come home The Enter Servicee at the Gospel Center ware very well attended in spite of the ternfic windstorm that swept across the lake and prairies. 9srvice the practically every eeat taken. A number of residents in the couanunity were there for the first time. There ware also visitors from Chicago and other places. Next Sundav, April IS, the Sunday Bible school will cravens at 10:15 a.m.--a very convenient hour for all, they believe. The Morning Worship service is at 11:00 o'clock. They extend a most Cordial invitation to on* and all. We wish to make it clear, that this nonsectarisn Gospel Work at Eggs are important as a ive'food and at least one should be included in the IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Marian Strong, formerly a resident of W. L. and now a resident of California was a recent visitor to Woodstock, where she visited a number of old friends. Two different issues will be voted! upon this coming Seturday at Harrison school. A new director is to be elected to take the place of ; Kenneth Cristy, who is retiring from j ; the job which he has filled so long! faithfully and so capably. | The bond issue will also be voted upon. This bond issue is being float- 1 ed so thst a temporary building can , be put on the school grounds before September. Any other type of building is out of the question at , this time due to inflated prices and to the speed necessary, as there will | be many little newcomers by Fall. ; A caucus for director will be held ; from 7:00 to 7:30, with voting until ! 8:00 p.m. On the bond issue, vot- , ing is from noon until 8:00 p.m. The school is our responsibility. We all should vote in this election. Saturday, April 12. ALL BREEDS ALL GRADES ' Any age ap to two weeks . ... McHenry Mills, Inc. <*_*• HOME AHD FARM riwszraa ^ SPEED QUEEN & OONLON WA8&EES * i • SPEED QUEEN St OONLON IEONERS I S WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMATS CONSOLE AND TABLE MODEL RADIOS. TAPPAN OAS &ANGE8 SBfcVEL OAS EETEIOEKATOKS feMAU. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES 12 MONTH TIKE PAYMENT PLANS TV" CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP U9 Green ft The children were glad to welcome back to school several who have recovered from the chicken pox. Joanne Resheske, Marianne Traledski and Larry Larsen returned to their studies this week. Poor baby Carol Ann Larsen, who is only four and a half months old, is the latest victim of this nuisance of a disease, Three April 4 birthdays were those of Peggy Selsdorf, who was 12, Leslie Burt, who was U, and Slsndra Sells, who was 9. All threee had parties planned, but due to the bad weather on Saturday, all were can. t41«d. A girls' baseball team was fonaed on Tuesday, while the physical instructor was at school. Members of the team are Geraldine Cormier, Joan Dorabush, Janet Grill, Gertrude Smith, Sharon Grace Sells, Peggy Selsdorf. Mary Ann Martin, Lee Burt ad Joanne Beeheske, who is captain. The team plana to play against Foedick Junior High in the fttture. Danny Cheney, aged 6, is s very literal minded child. When he was told that h« couldn't est his Easter candy because he didn't come straight home from school, Danny took his Easter dollar and bought 60c worth of candy that no one had told him he couldnt eat! . The only sad thing about the solution that his dad, who had issued the original order, caught him eating the newly purchased candy, and added a little emphasis to the order. * •* --rnnririArtnAfiAj -v Phone 92-R West McHenry - SPECIAL - $1.00 KKEML HAIR TONIC POKES Sale Price 44^ TOWELS By Cannon 3^ Johnson's Flow Wtx 59# Miracle Foam Rn^ Cleannr Alumi num Clothes Line Old English Floor Wax Bath Towels in Gheckboard Pastel Shades «7ash Cloths to match Bath Towels, Solid Ghooks, Pastel Shades Wash Cloth, Pastel Shades Aunt Lou's French Dry Cleaner sn 79 Scrub Brush Absorene Wallpaper Gleaner Roman Striped Dish Towels, each Pot Holders Dish Cloths 15* GARDEN TOOLS and SUPPLIES 1 lbs. 45c lb. 37c Viforo WORK CLOTHING Magical Green Lawn Seed $1.39 Pickup Cart $2.98 29* 20* Lawn 8prinklers Wheel Garden Cultivator warden and Flower Seeds 5c and 10c pkfB. 0bambray Wortt Bib Overalls O^nvas Gloves, 10-os. pair flfbrk Sox, pair Chippewa Work Shoes, top grade leather sole $0.95 Jtangarees, pair ;.:...:-..^-.:.....r~$2.39 LADIES' WEARING APPAREL Ootton Briefs, all sises Apron«, assorted patterns Cotton Hose Erassiere* 49* 98* 3 pair $1.00 69* PLAY BALL Fielders' Glove Baseball Bat .... Peek efficiency of '111 IIIII Milll« ^ 'e siacercly haUeve that no car is now generally satiefcctory to ks owners than a Pontiac. year after year, Foodac oiari the falleet eseasure ff qaality--plas oatstanding ccoaoaj of ^ jperaboa aad nphaea. It realty leaves noching aeeetialto be dsiirea--in fttforaiaft, ia comfact or ia haadling ease. And, alwajes, it is one g|f the aoet can to be eeea mi Aa *|W lf(47 Faadac Silver Streek b aa emample ff what we mesa. People who get k need envy po ooa aad the same will be true at those who gpt their Pontiacs in 1940, 1949 or 1950. Year after year, Pontiec is a fist car--ia every respect. SOONtt YOU PtACSYOUKOgpgg R L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STUBET UcHENRY, ILL. Itft **.. iS.V ..• n#, - * Cardigan Swc Rayon Hose, fervioe weight, pair MptuM $2.98 Official Soft BaU Catchers' Mitt _ S5.2H ... 984 *1.19 r«a Fmttoa "BonlMrr" RAYON HOSE •Mr Sfriaf 1Mb, ft pair Si. /. SPECIAL * 54n 9»ok-Vp Lights 'Regular Low Price 8ale Prioe $1.77 South Bend Fly Rod, Ml Oren-O-Matic Yiy Reel Bamboo 5-ft Yackle Boxei FISHERMENj .. $14^5 Cutty Hiuik Fieh Line -- $ 8.75 fi Steel Telescope Rod $ 715 1 Casting Line, silk, 50 yds. 1 1101 3 H.P. Hiswstln Outboard Motor S. s? A SSI MAIN OOLLim; Owner PION1 Mr--WIT m AimsaunD MH.w hmtims o(-p • -j repori -fi »jJL * .