A jMtb <PytMnj mad report aay% tt im than 400 tatties w«t* found ft Waahington by «j«KniMit kiveetigatiag committee. Hfim hjniM rtwH b* promptly bgr • doctor, but ecratchea •ad small cuts, which happen ao «AIB to children, may be treated •afdjr at home with aimple precautions. According to Dr. Benja* nain flpock in his "Common Sense Booklet Baby and Child Care," the beet twtnieut tor •scratches and small cuts is to "wash them with soap and pure water on a piece of Sterile absorbent cotton.** If not, keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide far the washing and rinsing. Ac- «Nding to this authority, an antiseptic is less important than careftiT washing Production of oajigeu in the OnHed States in ISM was 4.« bfltton CM. bic feet, valued at M mUBo* lars; during the war it was greafly increased to supply the metal-workin* industries, especially flsr the tremendous shipbuilding activity; now it is said to be a 100 ".num. dollars a year business. . Water Pnrt h cooking wild water fowl a little special attention will help insure a much more tasty dish, h preparing at bird for cooking it is well to remember that an older bird has lesf tender meat and is best cooked with moist heat with only a moderate amount of seasoning, while tendei meat is cooked with dry heat. Seasonings used include onions, tomatoes, garlic, lemon, marjoram, thyme, cknrea or chili \Y",' 5# HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS , -- ' SEPTIC TANKS CATCH BASIHi r -- v *' ,, ' CISTER1IB Clemaed By A EDDIES SANITARY SERYICE V v • KDDIK nurr, fnp. TELEPHONE McHENRY 290. Bees Essential to Agricultural Needs ; Winter Cm to Stare Crop* for Next fear By W. J. DRY DEN " Hundreds of hives of bees died during the past season. Many crops depend upon bees for polinization. In order to insure production during next year, it is essential that the bees be saved this winter. Wintering of bees is not merely a matter af protecting colonies from tow temperatures, feeding is essen- A certain western auto dealer, while sitting areond waiting for his allotment of new cars, likes to remember a certain occasion not so many years ago when he sold two cars to the same man in one dayend made immediate delivery. His customer was an Indian suddenly jgrown rich from oil which had -ipouted on his land. ^ The man bought a high powdered car, and with a gallon of gin lin the front seat, dared forth to see .the world. In about an hour he came back bleeding and bruised, ready to buy another car. "For Heaven's'sake, what happened?" the dealer inquired. J "Down the road a piece," said the Red Man, "fences come fast. Telephone poles come fast. Soon > bridge come down the road and 1 turn to let go by. Need new car." McHENRY CAB-CaB,,472-J If you are in a htmry For prompt and courteous service, Don't start to worry. f We have 24-honr service. •"IS TIPS OK PLAIN! McCullom Lake 9a Parade (Bj Yardstick) - " -g; Greeting, Folks! , Coming events usually cast shadows before them. The recent cold snap once again makes us conscions of the ftast approaching winter. It is time for us to think of storm sash, red flannels, to check on our fuel supply and above all to remember to push the clock back one hour on Sunday morning. To conform with the rules of the Wonder Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the McHenry Businessmen's Association, the McCullom Lake grocery stores will close on Thursday afternoons, beginning ne*t Thursday .Oct. 2. After enjoying a very successful summer season, the Screwy Dozen have {Hit machinery in motion to teafce this year's Christmas party for i all the children of McCullom Lake,! regardless of subdivision, one of the i biggest. To participate in this happy yearly event all the children are asked to do is to register their names at Struck's Grocery within the next week. Children of all ages from cradle to high school are : eligible. The very capable Otto Pyrits, who In past years conducted the rehear-; sals for the entertainment program: will again take charge this year. I Plans for the children's annual j Halloween party will be announced! in next weeks column. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passal arej the new owners of the Schmitt's! Sroperty on Fountain " Lane. The: [ike Schmitt family are busy pack- j ing these days and shipping all their : possessions to their new home in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch returned last Sunday after enjoying a two week's vacation with Mother ; Koch in Long Island, NeW York.! Mother Koch accompanied them on their return trip ana will spend the1 next three weeks with them at tlnfr Orchard Drive home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walton had aa guests last Monday Mr. aadlifS. Henry Thompson and family from Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Erban axe the latest entrants on our long Bet of permanent residents. Their beautifully landscaped grounds have the envy of all their neighbors. Ta tie Erbans we say, welcome all: Guests of the A1 Zovodas over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fritz, Jr. Congratulations Ta ^ Barbara Sawdo on her third birth-, day anniversary Sept. 24th. - *£*>• . / ; \ t • Nats and Bohs What this wolrd needs fa &#ir" married couples and more husbands and wives. Did you know that last year 5,104 persons died of gas, Forty-four inhaled it, sixty put a match to it, 500 stepped on it. ADIOS. Order your rubber stampaat Hb» Plaindealer. •- f-f'\' Clarence--This is a tobacco plant in full flower. fr; Morris--And how long will it toe before the cigarettes are ripet •v€ McHENRY CAB-Cafi f&J AivrtisnHmt Rom where I sit ... iy Joe Marsh We All Need lial. Starvation is the principal 'cause of losses throughout the country- Bees should be prepared for winter so that they will need no attention until eaTly spring. While' bees survive the cold of winter by clinging together in a great ball, the bees on the inside frequently change place with th<ee <en the cold outside. , In most section? of the country, sbeg§were unable to Ftore sufficient itxid't© last this winter, so it be comes necessary. to supplement their rations by hand feeding dur-. »g the winter months. Allowances •of sugar may be secured from lo- »al ration boards during tfcis emer J»bcy. Nobody in Oar Town is exactly lazy (evea though Pete Swansea's •as claims he sleeps till seven .). Bat the hardest working ef all is Dee Hellister--en •all, noraiag, aoon aad might. Funny thing, Doc's favorite prescription to his patients is: You aught to have fan. The pace of toodera living, even en the farm, demands aome relaxation. And aa Dec says--fan is a parthiag- For the adaaaa it SMK a aerie er a good book; far a anBonr aad refreshiag glees of beer; and for the kids, parcheesi or the radio. Decant aaeaa everybody has ta like the same thing-- se long as they relax, have fa«Jfe> gather, ia the home. Doe doesn't have much time himidt After a hard day, hell relax beftrfe the Are anth a glass of beer --aad wait for the phtae to jing again. And from where I sit, Doc daaarvaa each well-earned auaurte of that relaxation. » Broken Auto Bumper t9O Kt AT THIS Cmffrigkt, IW?,l/ys<5aa« Mrtmmfc p*xrw*i**B ANNOUNCING * CHANGE IN OWVEBSHIP AUDETTE & WEYLAND. CONCRETE PRODUCTS!^ (formerly von Bampns A Bono) - ' located on , W&ukeg&n Road, BfcHenrjr, HL , TELEPHONE 245-M CEMENT BLOCtS -- CEMENT BRICKS SEWER COVERINGS -- DRY WELLS Francis Audette and Vincent Weyland, Owners He operator ef the farm «ry raaair st*p c*a " unpet or sinlilarpai£ in this lee it was broken at the point shown ia the sketch. The Joint was beveled in the manner shown and welded with %-iaoh ing UB amperes. patching i> Passing the Jones residence at two p'cloek in the morning, the policeman on the beat observed that every room in the house from attic to basement was brilliant with light. He went to the door and rang the bell, and when Jones appeared he said, "Good morning, Mr. Jones. I notice that all your lights are on.. Is there anything wrong?" "Nothing, officer, absolutely nothing," came the genial reply. "You see, my wife's been away for a month and naturally I've been writing and telling her that I sit here alone at night waiting for her return. Well, I'm just making sure the meter doesn't give me away." Highly Civilised A northern visitor pausing at a country store in the Tennessee mountains was greeted by a grizzled native with a pleasant "Howdy," and passed the time of day with the old gentleman on the most epreeabl^ terms. The traveler was considerably taken aback when he happened to glance down at the native's feet and ^discovered they were unshod. "Tell me," he inquired, "is it the custom of this section to go barefooted?" "Waal," the old man drawled, "some of us wears shoes, but vi ef u? 'tends to our own business;" A Sportinr Chanee Winston Churchill has always manifested a bland disregard for railway schedules and his habit of catching a train by the skin of hi* teeth has always been an anxiety to his traveling companions. A friend once chided the states man for his little weakness. "Winston is such a sportsman," explained Mrs. Churchill, "he always gives the train a chance to get away." " * "SPEEDY" fcjr JNICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE <<evwiiwtfi «maes8 service AS A wutrrsn 6P FACT RKKMUttt *if««VGMA6i 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R •rW. I. D*YDM|- \s AUCTION Charles Leonard, Auctioneer TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th The undersigned having rented, his farm wiH sell at pt&lic auction on the farm known as the Walsh Brof>. farm on route 14 located 4 miles west of Woodstock and 8 miles east of Harvard on - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER S)* Commencing at 12:00 noon i|11 the livestock including, a good dairy of cows^ feed, taachinerv and equipment, milking machine equipment and poultry. Also many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Usual. f/ Vv "4* I O > f ; GUNNAR YOUNGf OWNHT CARL QUASS, Farm Manager flnt National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking Of English origin, HampshireS were at aaa iime called Thin Rind . . . hogs and classed as a bacon b r e e d . They ar« n ow known as a lard type, Prolific, good sticklers and good grazers, with head and jowls small and narrow, they*have good flesh quality and are welcomed on the market. The Hampshire is black with a white belt around the body at the shoulder, which extends down over the forelegs. They are medium in sixe. Emphasis is placed upon uniformity in width, neatly laid shoulders, ample width at the rump and deep and plump hams. Neat, cleancut quality bone is important. £x: tremes in length and narrow widt) should be avoided. Coarseness if any part is not favored. MLOSOPHICilL SNOOZE First College Student--JUet's cut - philoeophy class today. " ... -----L Saaend Can't. I need theltfeep j j _ Shewed the Loss I A little girl had pretty blond hair. A friend was asking her about it, and said, "you must have gotten all your pretty biond hair from your mother." "Oh, no," said the little girl, "1 ; got it from my dad because all his hair is gone:" *'••••' : : ' j Judgment Saspeaded I Friend--Was your uncle's mind j rigorous and sane up to the very ! i last? g | | Heir--I don't know--the will won't ; be read until tomorrow. ! Phenothiazine Proves New Drug Sensatioi Phenothiazine, the sensations chemical compound that control* more kinds of internal parasites in more kinds of animals than any other drug known, has found a new field of economic usefulness--as an insecticide for control of the coddling moth. Combined with arsenate, it has given outstanding control of this devastating pest in numerous experiaBents conducted in many eastern and southsqp states. A Little Experience Manager--"You don't know anything about love?" Actress--"I certainly do, too. I was very fond of my third huaband." He Knew * Don--If you had $10 in one pock gat, and $15 in the other, what woulo you have? Bert--Someone else's pants. Waxing Eleiaent . A fowntain pen with a point mt felt has been developed to enable writing on gltis, wax and transparent plastic surface^ . ^ . . . • . ,J '&• - Eraiad Belli""""" ' ' Si^digran is a tall, native;* mild, sod larining grass with a wide adaptation range. Extremely useful flsr aoediac eroded aofls. it makes excellent growth of cbveF on irifettOe aabaoil areas. It Is good in ^ " ' > ' ' ' • ' , ' .• ... Slightly Daaib "Is the new office boy any good?" "Not much. sir. He spent the afternoon trying to get 'Established 1 <95' on the 'phone.** A Man at Bame . "What does a man get in the decoration ef his home?" aska an indignant mal*» • The invoice, ef course. . ; All ventilation njprnbyga into pita, cdlan or bank storages should be ecraanad with hardware cloth or other grating, to prevent entry of ' Baby You can make four baby blanketa from one regular site blanket. Cut the blanket into quarters and bind I with ribbon or blanket binding.' This plan gives enough baby blanknHa. la* ;f*a»Miat lsiinrtarin03. * i >'r. -ti . :• • FOOD BILLS LOW AT A&P No natter hear ef dw yea thop . . . M matter what day ef the week yra shop--ywll always ind a remarkable nrifty of H«ney-Mviag groceriet al yonr A&P. lifM O'Clock Cafhe lUiiTb • r-t». BA6 aa* a-L(. BAGSl.ta Red Birde IMIaa . . 2 Bakar Caffaa . . • 2 I-li. Mi 1SUAGUS( 4iT1« l-L». MU A * * BAGS WR 1 -ia. BA6 «a« a-u. BA»si.a4 DOLE BRAND Piaaappla Ma . . . . 41* • A A . A TIN "•OZ. ||g I5c N0.2|2« A CAN BACK AGAIN) ARGENTINE Canal Baal •Z--llii- NO. 214 rWH|NlHI • e a a a CANS NEW #ACK Saeraaieat* Paart. . A REAL ASP VALUE! MP OrafehaM JaiM 2£S! 33' IONA BRAND TaaMrta Jaiea. . » , C'MPBELL S BRAND Texaio Jntce« ..a.,-CALR a . % CAN GRATFID TUNA V - . . ' WWte Star •. a a #. a ETLN E C \DCAST rriAND Carsai Baaf Hack. . . h>27c mtrei reus iimai wm warm 0«e»-(re-h treat* made by our owa bakers. And Jeat aa deliciaea as 4b«f. - in thrifty, at AiP. , NCW LOW PRICE. JANE PARKER • . ^ Aagal Faad Caka a a a CAU W* JANC PARKER Eagltil MafRlS a a a a MARVEL DELICIOUS Party lya a a a a a a UMF JANE PARKER. APRICOT BaM Layar Caka a • # EACH JANE PARKER. ORANGE MARMALADE Caffaa Caka a a a a. a EACH «• HEINZ BRAND Baked Baaas •'•iBr*. Ta a CAN NEW PACK I HALVEO ^ . L|i« Paaakae ^ NO.. 2'/2 IPU raaaaas • • A m&m • CAN ,win» NEW MCKI SULTANA FraH CeektaH AIP MAND Apple Saaee NO: 2\'I ||| " ° »n* CONTADINA BRAND Teaiala Pads. . 2A-OZ. |AC F TINS W P ' STKITCI TOOK ItJMET DV TuMtrmtMm Rich, healthful dairy food* from A&P alwayt makr a hit with yoang and old alike. Keep your icebox filled with these low-priced favorites. STANDARD OR PIMENTO Pabst-ett Cheese CHED-O-BIT AMFR<CAN 0 . Oi 31e CREAM-RICH, FRESH Cream Che: i . LOAF Cottage Cheese .'^17e BOWMAN'S or BORDEN'S Grado 'A' FresDMilk ..2£&39c KRAFTS PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese 2 PKGS. 31c WISCONSIN MEDIUM SHARP CheMar Cheese.. L,49e sum teoi ewen wni ma pummmmus Everything ia aeaaoa ia priced witkia reaaaa al A&P* big gaideafil of tempting fraita aad freak vegetable*. They're good loakiag, fraud aad all yalaapriaad at Atf,. • rt ; California ' large aire, 2 far HEAD LETTUCE 28c Washed Red POTATOES ........ Wiaconsin GREEN BEANB Wisconsin Gwaru CABBAGE . It lb. bag 45c ' Ufcr 15c IM. ...4c • ^ \ i 1 •' ^ '*S3 " f Utah PASCAL OELEST... 19c 9UICK OK HtfeULAH .. " SaaayfieMBatt. . . .^Z7* LUCKIES. CHESTERFIELDS. OU> «OU>S. CAMH. BigaraHas .,ygg:«lf SAVE »% ON ronilAR SUM M • " " " *^i"i Baa4i Ban . . n. NEW (947 PACK! WHOLE KERTTO. *3 / «» Paler Paa Beta. . . 2«£L2B» ; j NEW PACK I LARTTC ; F •**' 4 * •*> leaa Peas. . * * RELIABLE BRAND Seed Paa» ... *MO1 •srgr . •*> PURE. WHITE, FLOATING IVORY SOAJP MEDIUM 3 ^CAKES 29* FOR DISHES OR LAUNORY jkmmrftaa Faarih PKG. 32c FOR KITCHEN OR BATHROOM Oalpa Kleazer 3ca«2|c £ FOR DISHCSI OXYDOL 3T FOR TOIL0 OR BATH PALRKM.IVE MAP f-W YOUR tiOfc WILL LMK PIRK MM row ; a-25' OUi1! MEAT FOR SWIFTS " ^ %