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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1947, p. 6

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C L A R I F I E D J E C T I O N 7 ;; i ? jrwT^^r-ik •* 'i ^5, ' * -' ' \ lAt^-f" WANTED LOST FOR SALE--Whit« enameled 50-lb. IOC McHenry te ice box; 100-lb. magazine style coal heater, condition, Phone rood 668-R-2. cheap. NOTICE Because of the iml number of classified ads which iwmr in the Plaindealer each week, we hare found it impossible to nap books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. *23 I,WANTED--iFurntahed apartment or | LOOT --Between Green St., McHenry, small home in McHenry. No children, and McCullom Lake blacktop road, •23 pair bifocals, shell rimmed, on Saturday, Oct; 18. Reward. Tel. McHenry 673-M-l. FOR SALE--New 6-cu. ft. deluxe Tel. McHenry 50-J. Frigidaire at ceiling price. Anton- ! son's Candies, 306 WT Elm St. Phone j WANTED--House or apartment in 235-M. f. 23 | McHenry or vicinity; suitable for , _ " . : winter occupancy; two bedrooms re- FOR SALE -- Riding Hon*, nine I quired. Phone Mundelein 1480 from years old; gentle, suitable for chil-1 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. J. A. Hendleman. dren. Priced for quick sale! Oak, #23 Park Hotel. Call Pistakee 176. Mc- --- Henry, Illinois. - 23 , WANTED--Plowing and woodsawing work. Herman Dowe, 208 Richim ona Young stock bulls,! Rd., McHenry. Phone 241. *21-4 buyers property and TOR SALE FOR SALE Feeder pigs and ponies, c 2Vx miles N. E. of Salem, Wis., on 1260. Lowe, 400 ^ Hwy. 60. Phone Bristol 52-R-13. Henry, Phone 167. FOR SALE ' serviceable age. Whiting Bros. 1 * 1 wa OTTO w. miles south of McHenry Flour Mill, i yAWTMJ--- Wo cash Tel. McHenry 620-R-l. *23 Jor aummw homea, city 1 rami, ust your property with us, FOR SALE -- Metal-covered deep Jacob Frits, Main St., JOhnriturg, Rt. ; freeze unit; inside dimensions, 5x3x3 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave., i ft., suitable for large family, farm j Chicago, Pbone Lincoln 1888-1804 tf. or store; good condition; used two seasons; 5 * " """"" " ' Hwy Wesley Saucerman. ; original cost, $500; sell for i v owe. 400 Wfeukegan Rd., Mc-1 £®1**". 23-2 *23-4 : FOR SALE--Kindling wood by the FOR SALE--(Feeder pigs at all times, truck load. Ivar Fredrickson, Phone Vie Miller, MdHPenry, 111. Phone261. Wonder Lake 221. 23-tf •23 -- - FOR SALE--One Doodelbug motor FOR SALE--Three or four-room sice scooter, almost new; four tires; two era tor; 5.60x19 and two 6.50x10; good con- 7-piece, dition. Call McHenry 299. *23 15*L ; gAL^-TWh.l. .hit. anMel fcf" - ioi WANTED^-Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Ber uty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED TO BUT WANTBft(jtO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf SPI^NG GROVE (tv Mn. Charlsa Freund) PROVING MONTgT AND THIS CITY OF HENRY COUNTY, THB PRINCIPAL |C0,Q0e FDR THE COWTkUCTINO AND FOR SAID VIDING FOR W»#B aa the Mm falls due and atop to pay and discharge the principal hereof at maturity. This bond is subject le registration as, to principal in the nuu of the •wider upon the books of the .Treasurer of said City, euch registration being noted hereon by said Treasurer, after which no transfer hereof, except upon audi books and similarly noted hereon, 'shall' be v.alid, unless the last registration shall have been to bearer. Begistravotei* of heldfor t WITAl!^?x FOR itlon «f this bond shall not affect the OF THB PRINCIPAL OF AND "®*otia*>ility of the interest coupons INTEREST ON BONDS. hereto-attached, which coupons shall WHEREAS, the public convenience set; mil >rge Jafrrett, Mundelein, III. FOR SALE--One Eagle gas range, 'used one year. Phone McHen MJ! circulating kitchen stove. Fbone Mc- Henry 442-J., or call at 142 Main St., 1st fl. rear. P *23 -406-W. FOR SALE -- Stewing Bernard 401-M-2. Bauer. Phone >"£ FOR SALE--Four 00-Ib. feeder pigs Tel. A. Kimball, Richmond 406. *28 foWiSSS ' FOR SALE--Sink, left drain-board; *23 [ double kitchen window, complete with . -j screen*; ice box, 50-lb. cappaacriittyy;; FOR SALE -- Eight-piece dining wool, brown and white ski suit, sise room set in good condition; rea-!**- 'Phone McHenry 272-R after 6:00 aonable. Write or see Mrs. Ella P- m- *28 8iegler, Box 18, Spring Grove, 111. •23 FOR SALE--Four-room unfinished house on 2 acres; electricity and wall FOR SALE--Uaed bricks, $1$ per I board in, attic floored. Located half thous&nd. E. Hanish. Phone 84-W.! m*'e south of Main street on Hwy. *23 ! 31. $6,000. John Iversen. *23 FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China' FOR SALE -- One davenport and Jboars and gilts. Frank Jung, R-2, matching chair, good condition; barn .Richmond. Phone Richmond 796. *23 door track with rollers. Phone McHenry 137-W. PIANO TUNING--C. J. H. DIEHL, . _ 620 _ „ St., Woodstock. Phone • hostess foiling" cirds~ *21-4 Mr*. Ell* M..W -arm a McHenry county piano tuner, Washington St.. Woods Woodstock 208-W. Members &f her club met at tile home of Mta. Arthur Kattner on Wednesday afternoon. Games of fire hundred W&*' played and prizes went to Mrs. Kldred Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. Paul Lewis and Mrs. • George W. May. A delicious lunch requires the construction of a bridge in the City of McHenry, McHenry County,x Illinois, with neceeaary street improvement thereon such bridge to be located on Ofeon Street, and to be complete to provide adequate and proper means for the use thereof by traffic and the ritisens of said City: and negotiable by delivery stwfthstanding registration MISCELLANEOUS RUG CLEANING -- Modern professional rug ahampooing in your home or in .our .{Slant. $4.82 cleans a 9x12. If interested, phone McHenry_ 76-W aftw 4 p.m. md our representative will call for your ruga the following Monday. Riley Rug Cleaners, Elgin, 111. *28 CLOGGED DRAINS * SEWERS-- opened, sterilised. No strong chemicals, no rod, no mess. Free drainage guaranteed or no pay. Calls answered promptly anywhere in McHenry county. LeRoy M. Emmitt. 621 S. Jefferson St., Woodstock. Phone 118-J. *22-2 WHEREA^, alt the proposed improvements described hereinabove are within and for the City of Mcwas served by the | Henry, and the City Council of the „ J cards. I said City has cauaed estimates of the Mrs. Ella Siegler was the honored | cost of such improvements to be NOTICE--In the future, I will not be responsible for any debts but my own. Ben Tonyan, Rt. 1, McHenry. *22-3 *23 FOR SALE--Banjo and guitar. Injfluire at Riverside Barber Shop. FOR SALE -- Lake front 6-room - *23-2 house, at McCullom Lake. Partly oaip p!-.. » furnished. Reasonable. Phone Mc- JX>R SALE--Five-room year round Henry 276-J. Sat. nights and Sunhome, fully insulated; completely days. Riverside 3743 week days. aurnished; electric range and electric 2T^tf refrigerator; electric water heater; ---- •utomatic oil heat. West side Wonder FOR SALE -- Modern 6-room In- ILake. Possesion, Nov. 15, Phone Mc- sulated year 'round country home, 2 Henry 486. Koehr. 21-tf bedrooms, kitchen, living room, din- BYTR C A T R T room closed-in-porch. Lot n"mphZ S"„„d ?•;' ^H«nrsr 123-R 8 VI CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter Work. CEMENT MIXER for hire by the day. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. McHenry. Tel. 686-M-2. guest at a farewell party held for her by Mrs. Joseph Koberstine at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Cards were played and refreshments served. Those present were Mrs. Siegler, Mrs. Frank Wagmr, Mrs. Anton May, Mrs. Maggie Bower, Mrs. William Brits and Mrs. Frank May. Rev. John Daleiden returned this week from m trip through the Weat on a Pilgrimage of the Rosary. He gav4K an interesting talk regarding wis trip at Ladies' Sodality meeting on Thursday night, relating how in his group alone there were some. 160 cEoSacSheLs. One o•f, £thaesine coofa ches was i of ~Mc-Henry"~the made, and has. found the coat therefor to be not less than Fifty ($50,000); »nd WHEREAS, said Cito Hm no funds on hand and available for the purpoae af^ making said menta and it is deemed for the best interest of said City that money he borrowed and bonds of the City be issued therefor: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the Cjty of McHenry, McHenry Comity, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That there be borrowed by and^for and On behalf of the City " " " principal sum of Dollars continue merely, not hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of McHenry, by its City Council, has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and this bond to be signed by the Mayor of Mid City and attested by its City Clerk, and the cotipons hereto attached to be signed and atteated fay saidv officers, respectively, by their facsimile signatures, and said officers do by the execution hereof adopt as and for their respective proper signatures their respective facsimile signatures appearing On said coupons, all as of the first day of October, 1947. f R. I. OVEHTON* ' Mayor. . f'k '"Walsh,- City Cleric. (Form of Coupon} •? No. ..... On the first 10 , the City ox MeHenvy. County of M«~ " 1 certificate, shall recite that ttti ordinance has beta passed by tta Citjr Council of said City, published and approved by a majority of the paid City voting on th« at an eteetioii called IM that purpose, shall be filed with the County Cleric of McHenry County, an& said Clerk shaft in and for each of the years 1947 to 196^ bath years included, aacertafe tha ; rate per cent required to produce the' aggregate tar hereinbefore provided to be levied in each of said yaut, • respectively, against the taxable property within said City situated within said County and extend t§§ same for collection on the tax book*^ . without limitation aa to rate oil amount in connection with otheg taxes levied in each of said year*, respectively, in and by said City fog genera^ emporate unipueea of sail City, and in each of said years sues - annual bond and interest tax shall be collected by said City in Uk§ manner as taxes for general punposes for each of saie collected and when col uaed solely for the paying the principal of, and th« interest upon, the bonds hereinbefore described when same mature. ^ Section 5. That al ordinance* resolutions, and orders, or parti- -.'A thereof, in conffBet wfflk the pro* V' visions of this onfinaikw be and thC ; ; "' samft^are, " Psseed'^ Ayes: Freund, George P. Ftsand, Jfi said years art irfleeted shall b| Approved Oct. 20, IMF. *. I. WALSH, . I« _u- v H 1 U I Fifty Thousand (|50,000) _ .*P^l 1" whjch Holy Mass was , for the purpose of paying the cost of ^ H(jLr Communion .yeived the construction ora bridge in and ST!^.i? yV o?"I Carrie? WltA th*f f°r City as hereinabove recited the rel»c of St. Anne and made peri- i„ the preamble of this ordinance. whf,h & S * N JeI T ' That 10 evidence said loan, negoti-,AfW. which time the rehc was earned to, abie interest coupon bonds of said the churches for services. Another City be issued in the principal interesting feature of the meeting! amount of $60,000. Said bonds shall were the movies sho^ to the iadies be designated bridge Bonds" and by Father John Tuchhnski. He; shan be dated October 1, 1947, num- *23-2 1^ n ed*80m?, beautiful pictures of bered from 1 through 50 of $1,000 ~ | Yellowstone Park and California and j denomination, due serially $5,000 on GENERAL HAULING -- Available j ?°me local scenes. They were en-; January 1 in each 0f the years 1949 for general hauling and moving. Le- Joyed very much by all present. A (through 1968. , -- fn cHenry and State of. IIBneia, will pay to bearei j - -- Dollars ($. )! Ai in lawful money of the United States I EA of America, at the McHenry State City Bar«fc, McHenry, Hlinois, for interest! Published Oct. 28,1947, dae jthat i-»>«r .'^. Ita "Briffgr Bond , Henry Plaindealer, dated October 1, 1947, nmnbwnd Recorded Oct. 20, 1947. _ . . „ i EARL R. WALSH, R. I. OYER TON. City ~ Roy M. Smith. 419 Main Henry. Tel. 499-M. St.7 Mc-1 lunch was served 21tf to complete a Mrs. Joseph demonstration on your soil. 21-tf bars. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegan Ro4d. gOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE HELP WANTED TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN-i"~"~T: -- fiULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. WANTED -- 'Experienced ste- -^Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or ( nographer desires typing, etc., to do ^write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl home. Phone McHenry 797-R. *23 St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf WANTFn : , " AW HSU -- Lady companion for McUieen ry. Call *23 r; no good FOR SALE--Farm and business1 elderly woman, in property; 90-asres; all farm bldgs.; 61S-J-2, McHenry. front bldg. renter as tavern: on : U. S. Hy. 2Q near Marengo. For I!?LP. WANTED--Housekee] appontment call Jacob Frit*, Real- obJect,on 'teen-aged chil tor, at Johndburg. Tel. MdBenry 37 wages; excellent home in comfor- »r Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 18-tf table, modern house; no laund: ----- near Richmond. Call Diversey - 8ALE--In Ringwood, 8-room and reverse charges. *28 Jhouse; furnace heat; 2-car garage;j np,n m";--~-- chicken house; large lot; on black-!HWjP WANTED--Experienced man top road; two blocks R.R. station. L°.„Trork „at •o*^i<* station. John jPrice 17,760. Also, at Piatakee 6- • 2r llIn* SerTlce Station, Elm St., S-ooms and bath; two large lots;! McHcnry. *28 IP*6*' K&O. For appointment, call wmo wA«mm Jae6b Frits, Re*ltar. at JnkMknM I _ HELP WANTED TeL McHenry Phone 181. 20-tf Lincoln 1888. Realtor, at Johns burg. 87 or ChiogB^ 3*DR 8XIX -- For immediate occu #ancy, aew 4-room year *r ¥je mile from McHenry. .Henry wj. TeL Mc- H-tf )R 8ALE AT WONDER LAKE^-- eal all-year coautry home, live irooms, large sun poieh, automatic .."eat hardwood floors, canvased jpaDs, deep well, garage, large lot, jfceautifully landscaped, natural ftre- . place, ftVe reasonable. For appointm* t call JACOB FRITZs REALTOR 1st Johnaburg. Phone McHenry 37 «or Chicago 1888b. 18-tf "TLOTS FOR SALE--Lota, 60x350 ft, ~ a 81> about two block from Inquire at 716 Center St. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Prodncllen--Maintenance Men Man' to work in production and maintenance departments of the Edwal Laboratories, Rtngwood, 111. Phone Richmond 6. 28 HELP WANTED -- Gladstone's Department Store. St, McHenry. 28-tf FOR SALE -- Registered HoUtein. tall cahrea--Carnanen, Pabat, Curttaa, Ragappie aftd other .leading Mood liaea at farmera' prices. Hickory Creek Farma, Leo J. Smith, mgr. •NL McHenry «7»-M-e. #48-tf f jBOOKKEEPER W-^NTMD ^ STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Five-day week -- Monday through Friday. Permanent position--Good working conditions Air conditioned office -- Apply in McHENRY .C^LTNTY TITLE CO. 114 BENTON STREBU^.- WOOD8TOCK, ILL. ' CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling' gical patient at St. Therese's hospi- pay«ble on July 1, 1948, and sem? sard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *22-3 j Mrs. Walter Brown is confined to j of "janua^6^^^!^ in^eacih* year MOTOR REPAIR - Hactric^motom | ^Mr^nd^M^lrSur Kattner «d j TdaK VSujfty^S Siffl repaired, rewound, redesigned. Dis- Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kutish spent shall be evidenced by proper fnteiSft ^_b„Utor8 M^„i2hna°5,.b/_<?nie Sunday at Holy Hill, Wis. ^ ! co^a Attache? to S bond and Sunday guests in the Jake Mil-1 maturing on the dates herein, pro- Ler Were J an4r I vided- fcnd b<>th prfneipal of and Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith interest on said bonds shall be GREASE ®nd children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles payable in lawful money of the "V « a . ,»on* of Johnsburg, Mr. United States of America at the and Mrs. Atfred Smith and children I McHenry State Banit, McHenry, Illiof New Monster, Wis. and Mr. and j nois. The seal of safd City shall be Mrs. Dan Miller and son, Gwv. affixed to each of safd bonds, and Joseph P. Freund and Mr. and | said bonds shall be signed by the Mrs. Joseph Weber visited Mn. Mayor and attested' by the Clerk Freund at St. Thereae hospital in i of said City, antt said' coupons «ii*ll T O be signed and attested by said of- Little Bobby Sandew spent the ficials, respectively; by their facsi- Bist week with his grand ^ -- r. and Mrs. Franfc Rockford. Mr. and Mm. Harry Lent^ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lent of Sharon, Wis. and Mr. and Mrs. F. 0*NeiI and children of CMCMO ' iofoLent SEPTIC TANKS and TRAPS cleaned, built, repaired; a complete drainage service; modern equipment; complete engineering. Clogged sewer? Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Lake County Sanitarv Co., Libertyville, III. Preston' Woodall, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf FLOOR TILE--Asphalt and rubber linoleum; sink tops. Ray Irion, Woodstock, 111. Phone Woodstock 609-M. •17-8 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We seR. repair and install punas. BB Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone •84. HMf SHEBT METAL AMD FURNACE WORK--Gutters and famaces re- Ci? red. John McOlniaM, Regner Rd., •denry. ' Ftmn Mcflenry 660-R-l. 44-tf CALL 001-R-l ora new n brick sidhi combination screen aa dows. Free estimate* Reefing Co. Dlirnr Blrna. SEPTIC TANKS AN» CESS FOOLS gleaned. FM Wellst 128 RRbwor St., Crystal Uke, IIT. Phone MS-M or 716-M. 42tf WE BUT AMD SELL USEV --CLARK CHEYBOUrr M«Henry, I1L Phono 277. 9 CAWB mile signatures, and said* officers by the execution of said bonds shall guests in the Bob>1 >y FBI Alports NH|O Inorisst Is Crlno Oirlnf IS4f The department of ]u*tic* 23 TYPEWRITER SEMVm--Typewriters and addiiw msuhiiua and rebuilt. Ribbons and Eper. Frank J. lin St., M uifany. ry 203-J lr^ lit FOR 8 A LE--Generators, anlatures, HELP WANTED -- Experienced or Tli?'* atarters, fM pumpsB , distributors and I inexperienced saleslady at Glad-! « , ignition parte for Ford and all other j stone's Dept. Store r, Fred J. Svoboda^*Prop! \d.;MLP WANTED--Female help at GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let an dispoae of your or eftener if rates. Regular year vovnd rente. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Me- 2<Etf Hgnry, Phone 86*. tf cars, moor, McHeniy 616-W-2 FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES. Service oh 10-tf 1 McHenry Laundry. No experience necessary. Tel. McHenry 189. 19-tf WHITEWASHING -- Barns, ments and cMdn Iiouaes; also spraying with Ckrbola DDT. Al Phannenstill- TM. At-K. 419 Park all1 HELP WANTED-r-Laborers. See I.|St., McHenry. 51-tf IS *^Wbod Also ribbons for all makes; Fredrickson at Wehder Lake or call n paper. L. V. Kilt*, Clay St..! Wonder Lake 221. 19-tf "oodstock. Phone 649. 7-tf! FOR SALE--Country home, on 2\<% beautifully landscaped acres; apple UEAlJ ANIMA10 -- Highest cash Krices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and hoMi ~~ eelirrg Ren ^ ' "S6-tf A .I'mj.. i olidays. HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND, Calls Works, cherry and pear trees; 4 blocks' to CIRL8 TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR-1 Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. C. ft N. W. station; 6%-room, all; RUNITY FOR TH08E INTERESTmodern home; oil heat; new Hot-, IN THIS TYPE WORK. APC >int 86-gal. hot water heater and PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 rge water softener; full basement; RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. completely rock wool insulated; 2-car PHONE 80. 20-tf garage. L. B. Drake. Call McHenry ' _ T , , ~ I zr~\ 7-W-2. *23 Rubber Stampa? Order adopt as and for their respective proper signatures their wnpeetife facsimile signatures' appearing on said coupons. Section 2. That the* bondtr authoriaed shall be 'subject to stration as to principal1 in tfte name of tile holder upon the boofts of the City Treasurer, such regbtrntiim to he evidenced by notations of anfii City Treasurer upon the back" of soeh nounced that according to Dfrecter ; bend so L"".' Hoover ot ffl. Frfmt B^-^ S/SSl larly noted on the back' of the hond ao registered, unless the- Iks* registration shall have been ten Bnniai. Sueh registration of any ef said bands shall not, however; affcrt the negotiability of the coupons attached to said bonds, but such-, coupons shall continue transferable* By* anrdy. Section Thgt each of bonds I'nd each of thecoopons to be thereto. attadW shall be in substantially' the fWfowiag form: (Form of Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOISCOUNTY OF MbHENRT T R--~ CITY OF wsmom BRIDGE BOND KNOW ALL MEW BT PRESENTS that tHr City mt McHenry. in the County- of Mcflenry and State of Illihourv heeeig acknowledges itself tto> owe^ and for value received hereby jpnsasisea to pay to bearer, 013. if tMn hand be registered, to the* reeiateand owner hereof, the sum of;^n» Thenaand Dollars ($1,000) Hwftl meaiy of the United States* of Amatim an the first dsy of January, 19 , together with interest on said jraaa frees the date hereof until1 Pfid, at a* rate of • Two and Oho Ihuilh ftr Cent of Investigation a< total ef I J88^B3 major crimaa were committed in the .United* States fast year, the highest annua? total recorded in the past deeadt. Room anid that a major crirarr «n committed in the nation on> tfte- average of onde every 18.T aOeondk in HHS. During the average, day 3V persona ware slajn. 33 weKi rapetf am MS oCbers fenmiouslm aaaaulhed. Ewij day also brought reports of 172 rob* beries, 961 burglaries, 699 adornsbile thefts and 2,580 miscHTaneoua larceniee. Every S.7 minutes (hiring 1M6 there waa a crime of mun&jr, manalaughter, rape or ageauli to kill. The total of 1,685,108 major crimes for the entire year represents an increase of 119.612 over 190. The foregoing estimates are based on monthly report# received hy the FBI from more than 2,10V cities repreaentinc a combined population in exceas of 67 mlffioB. A comparison of 1949 crime with that of 1945 shows increaaee ef 28.8 per cent in murder and non-negligent manslaughter, 16iT per cent in robbery, 6 per cant i» rapes and 12.9 per cent in aggravated assault Larceny increeeqd 84* par cant and burglary 11.8 par cenfc.^ EARLTt^iTALSIfcr^ City Clerk. Date orm for Registration' as to Principal) * 1 ? Name of Registered Owner School Bases out Of every six of the- ns- -tien's school children depends upon\ highway transportation to the* classroom. Some 7,706,209 bus pupils 1,913,661 miles of school' bus | rentes to 40,837 schools daily, ac- Slguafure of City Treasurer cording to a census of Bus Transportation magazine. The oensun' shows that it will cost $103,428;683t thie 3rear to maintain the huge ffeet of 81,150 buses used in school transSection 4". That for the purpose5 of ' portation. Transporta_tio n. o.f school providing the funds required to pay nAn employment for more the interest on said bonds promptly, 100,000 people. This year finds when and" as the same falls due and i s es operating more than to. pay and discharge the principal j I'OOO' buses each. Only three states thereof at maturity, there be and j us®' I®8* than - one hundred. Texas there is hereby levied upon all the' baa the largest number of bus taxable property within said City j pupiUs--334,590 of them. North C&roin each year while any of said bonds j line* ia. second with 321,750, and Ohio are outstanding, a direct annual tax | i» third, with 280,000 pupils ridine to sauiiflffiinciiAenntf lfUcrri itLh«aAt purpose wUitLh ou1t I _• A. . . r. . • limitation air to rate or amount^ and that there be and there is hereby levied on aiF of the taxable property in said City; in addition to all other taxes, the following direct annual tax, to witt For the year 1947 a tax sufficient to produce tfie sum of $6,406£6 ftr interest and principal; For the year 1918 a tax sufficientto produce- tfte sum of $6,012.60 for interest and' principal; For the year 1949 a tax sufficient to produce- tfte sum of $6,900.00 for interest'and prfneipal; For the year I960 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $6,787.60 fbr interest and principal; For the year 1951 a tax sufficient to prodiicethe sum of $6,676.00 fbr interest and principal; For the year 1962 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $6,562.60 fbr interest amf principal; For the year 1963 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $6,460.0<r for interest and principal; - For the year 1954 a tax snfficient to produce the sum of $6,337.60 for Interest and principal; school. Ohio operates the largest number of school buses--a fleet of 6",825; the census shows. Iff ye aheeae a do not have a piece of for the mouse trap, try Mice like it for their V Front Braafl Mali.. nnta yield 67 per centtofr 'ellowish, tnsteltMr on, which soon turns* The ftresh oO can be uaed la fbodi aa well as bi flne aoapa. interest antf principal. IOR BENT 687/ The Plaindealer. FOR RENT--Sleeping room, one- , half mile from town, on river. References required. TeL McHenry 796-W. 28 r;: h • " Helen Weber Says: • fialttmila Army hit <ta* k Spssltk SVrancholtf The Presidio of San Francisue, celebrating its 100th anniversary as a United States arimy post, has a history that reaches back into the Spanish era before California became a state, netee the National Geographic society. It was founded in 1776. when the . .. ^ ... , original American colonies on the ! at Btnrrty, the ftdl faith, credit, (2\i%) per anmnnv. pvyaMe pn July 1, 1948, and semi-aimudBy tilereafter on the first days ef January and July in each year, which such interest until the maturity of this bond is payable up an presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due and payable. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are payable at the McHenry State Bank, McHenry, Illinois. For the prompt payment of this bond, both principal1 and interest, as aforesaid That principal of or interest oni£ said bonds- fitffing due at any time when there are insufficient fbndr onhand to pay tfte same from the pro- t ceeds of" the taxes hereinabove levied « > be paia promptly when due from ' * 1___L l i . current fbndlv on hand in advance- « , wflCOO wUStufl ment of the collection of said tana, • ^ an,1 wH'Jr Vxe" 8h»u 11 FUNERAL DIRECTORS collected1, reimbursement shalT be • > made to tfte said funds in the amount ' Funeral Hama thus advanced. I Pfcssm McHenry II Groan, Car. the Cleric of said' City, which I 11 I H It i •v^n For the year 1966 a tax sufficient |o produce the sum of $5,226.00* fbr interest and principal; For the year T956 a tax sufficient < r- Jmt as all men are brothans to produce the sum of $6,112:50 for ; [ Hia eyes, all religious fait** ' ^ Qui*t Dignity benefit from our funosaf < • true to the traditiom ad ! 'y/J . part of our amnifuneral aervica. . Cute little things -- Motfc* . . but DANGEROUS! ^7-^'-- You just can't keep them out of your house, no matter how hard you try. You can however, keep them out of your clothes by sending your cleaning to us. Our U-SAN-0 cleaning process positively guarantees and insures your garments against moth damage for six months. (No extra charge.) McHenry Cleaners 10S Sim Street Helen ftkr, Met. FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or, , monthly rate; with or without bath; (other aide of the continent were i We.1. 6* rnk1M*.*+ikm gwj| 1^ with thei, Mn.nl. for I %Sto*SS%.»taSa McHenry, 111. Phone 176. Subscribe for The Plaindealer WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Filling -- Black Dirt --; Liateatene Trucks for Hire Free Estimating • TeL 6S5-R-2 McHenry, I1L FLOOR SANDING Refinishing, varnishing t and wax ing new and old floors; alao Ken. tile, a lifetime floor. Free estimater 0*H 497-R pendence. Spain waa pushing its power northward from Mexico through a series of forts and missions. Most northerly of the chain was the Presidio (garrison), set up beside the Golden Gate. From it and the near-by Dolores Mission, built soon afterward, grew the city of San Francisco. The Spanish, flag over the Presidio gave wi| to that of Mexico when the latter won its independence in 1822. Twenty-four yeara later, in the opening montha of the Mexican war, United Statea forces raised the Stars and Stripes. Soon the post became official. The United States reservation, as first established, covered 10,000 acres. A huge and desolate expanao of barren, rocky hills, it was later reduced to a little more than 1,500 acres, about tha size of the early Spanish tract 'Parky* Wlelia QnUls The perceptan caimnfsto quills. His defenae conaista of eroding his quills and quickly atri atrong sidewise blow with his This bond is issued by said City for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of a bridge in and for said City, pursuant to and in all respects in compliance with the Revised Cities and Villages Act and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, and an ordinance duly passed by the City Council of said City and submitted to and approved by a majority of the legaj voters of said City voting thereon at an election duly called, noticed, i held and canvassed for that purpose, in all respects as by law required. And it is hereby ' certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Illinois to exist, or to be done, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed and have been properly done, happened and bean performed in regular and due form and time as required by law; that the indebtedness of said City of McHenry, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or "statutory limitations: Md that pt6viaien has been made for the collection of a direct annual tax, in. addition to all other taxes, on all tha tixaUs propattj in said City to pay the intereet CONSTRUCTION 00 Building Kepair and Remodeling* KUproiOAL WORK * Palatlit PbojutJtoH-ry 7&W ' 510 Ibia St, (aritanr lout* IS and Oak St, Fox Lata TASTY RlGAJtyi COOKING NAGrS. RESTAURANT 188 N. Riverside Drivi Open 11 IK RL until 9 p. m. daily, Saturdays 'tilaidaiflit CLOSED THUR&DAY8 ~ • Our new and special feature--BUSINESS LUNCH, 656 served from 11 a. m to 2 p. m. o----- "v.'- BARBECUED RIBS 8TKAK» t^ OHOPS aaxoxn nr to basket -- ' ( %.. • fe-'V yfttufer A' 4,J -"i..

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