•F-W-. "4" " W*Fmsr .i •. ii .®'l i. ^> Certainly 4^ dobtw»rk could be used as an extra aethrltar. Her* the to do ta(r doing-- «« Junior high school idea that vm put into practice in our rural rtftwoU where consolidations have taken place in our county is one of the freateset steps in rural education i taken in many years. A visit to | Queen Anne school northeast of j Woodstock under the good teachership of Mr. Soper is one of fhe' j?ood examples. ! Beside being about the same age j for teaching, all the children can take part in extra activities. They 1 have a microphone and amphlifterj set, which each pupil takes his turn i in using. Each is asked to work up j a script and go into the library to j giro it while the rest listen. Their1 children learn -- At a recent meeting of the National Farm Loan aasociation, Mr. Ostrander, secretary, reported that in 1938 the organisation warf*k>aning more money on firms than they were selling for. Their rule Is that they can loan up to 6$ per «mt of the normal agricultural value, which is based on the earning power over a long period of time. Now they loan on very few because the 65 per cent won't cover what people n^ed to borrow to finance a farm. The second group of fanners to be organized for winter meetings and farm planning with Normaa Specht, £ >. • HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS CATCH BA8HW SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. McHENRY 290 Manh, Robert 3. H. C. Perkins, Oost. The first will be held at ture room school. *t MSOtifi* of tl t tha VMwfonal in the Harva Harry us R. Perkins, and Jake the group agriculrd high dttction.,, that niete •ere of plied of com* pounds per of tttttli was SPin IMS after ttiti Judging from past performance, and from all indications, patronage dividends already paid' «r to be paid to' members by Farm' Bureau cooperatives ever tha state of Illinois will exceed $7,000,000 for 1947. . The fact is generally being discussed that, our present system of administering the building, repair and maintenance of rural rofcds is Out of date. Don't be surprised to see a move _ to consolidate townships into larger! »t "planting time. After the units so that adequate machinery j need had/been filled, readily availin iv«o showed lww» shortages of potash. In 1047 nitrogen, manure jand phosphate were pot on different plots aid the plots W*.re idled with a he**w roller, a ft*r foot diameter tank filled with water. By measurement in the wagon, the corn on plots, where manure at ten tons per aero or at IfMt 250 pounds of 0-45-0 superphosphate were applied mads seventy bushels per acre. Othfr Elots mad* from twenty to thirty ushels lass. AH plots had seventyfive pounds of 3-12-12 hill droj McHENRY SIGN- SERVICE SHOW CARDS -- OUTDOOR SIOHB TRUCK LXTTK&nra * WINDOW UEXTKUna H, REESE Fox 81. Phono 440-R Wi--•, Ship Your Poultry To Chicago VIA Krickl Motor Service TEL McHENRY 569-J-l Wo Furnish Coops, One Coop or & Truck Load FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I-Be&ms, Columns, Angles Basement Sash of all Sixes We Specialise in Ornamental Iron Railings To OrdiT P. 0. Address: Rt. 3, Box 514 Two Miles South of McHenry can be purchased and used to the benefit of all concealed. There seems t6 be some business left incomplete' by the delegates from McHenry county to the I. A. A. convention in St. Louis. A handwriting expert is working ftrfiously on evidence sent through the mails. New information is expected to be introduced into the ca^e but is being held up now because of technicalities. Results obtained- in 2-4-D weed control in Kontneky, as reported in Prairie Parmer, were about equaldd in McHenry county last year on the Earl M. Hughes farm north of Woodstock, operated by Paul able, phosphnte seemed to be the next badly needed mineral. By addition of the phosphate the corn got rip* too.. ' ••••,.7?.. South Aneriea's Indians In the Andean heights of Ecuador, Peru,1 Bolivia and northern Chile, the many branches of the Quechsus. whose tongue was the state language of the Incas, held sway for many centuries. The ruins of Cuzco, richest of all aboriginal cities, stand today as s Quechus monument. Order your rubber stamps at. The Plair.rlealer. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Aoctioaoer Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry HL State Route A U C T I O N At east limits of Silver Lake, Wis., one mile south of Hwy. No. 50, 3 miles N. E. Wilmot, 11 miles S. E. Burlington, on FRIDAY, DEC 12 at 11 o'clock CATTLE -- 28 choice Holsteins, 3 with calf at side, 6 close springers, 6 recently fresh, balance milking good; two Guernsey cows, recently fresh (26 with 1st. 2nd and 3rd calves); 8 Holstein neifers (5 to 8 moa. old.); choice Holstein bull, 2 yrs. old; 6 Herefords, av. wt. 460 HORSES AND HARNESS -- Two spotted geld., 5-8 yrs. old, ride or drive; grey geld., 5 yrs. old; black gelding, 6 years old; 2 set harness; 2 new Western bridles, 2 saddles. I FEED--300 bu. oats, 400 bu. corn; 40 I ton bSled alfalfa; 00 bam timothy; Its' tofts loss* hatf,10 ft silage, 750 | Stock* com. , "v . MACHINERY -- 01iver-80 tractor (new rubber): McD F12 tractor on rubber; 2-row cultivator; Oliver tractor plow; D. B. tractor plow; new M-M 7 ft. tractor disc, new; 3-sec. drag; 4-sec. drag; J. C. corn planter with fertiliser attach.; Oliver manure spreader; McD. side delivery rake; new McD. hay loader; new McD. 7- ft. mower; Appleton 4-roll shredder; new D. B. hammer mill; new buzz saw; new O. K. silo filler and complete line of machienry. BUILDlNGS--Two farrowing houses, 6x8 and 6x16 ft., with equipment. MISCELLANEOUS -- New Super milking machine; |7 new milk cans; Dairy Maid electric . water heater; 10-hole hog feeder;' nfew belt; Stewart clippers; new girl's bicycle; Model A 1 -ton truck: Model A motor in excellent condition.-. * Having decided to quit fanning and dissolve our partnership, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the J5d Brown farm, three miles southwest of McHenry, dn the Mo Henry-Crystal Lake blacktop road, on THURSDAY, DEC. 18 at 11 a. .m sharp, the following described property: hack to the qfi ^ Acting to wfcteh killed 33 year and inju tea laer«Min« schools is offer! lag courses, sec can Public Works rent statistic* to number of schools , _ rooiri instruction in creased 700 per cent past decade. The Naf tkn association repor than 440 out of 2,198 _ „r veyed offer some type of drirer training. „ - n.i In Cleveland, 11 of th^ city's schools now teach driving to s total of some 1,300 students attfttialiy The instruction constitutes a regular one-credit course. Each school has a special dual-control training car. Classroom work is farriod on taneously with road training. OhV cago's Lane Technical high •"frnfl also hss an extensive driver-train- Ing program. Dummy cars used right in the classroom enable students to form definite habits in using the controls and to develop a sense of timing. After a semester of classroom instruction, training fe given on the road in rial autos. Small cities teach driVing, too. In Dubuque, Iowa, a unique program of driving instruction ia provided through cooperation of the high school, police department, safety council, and automobile club. Ia> struction is given to all age groups --a recent class graduated from flit eight-week coursa included •t»^nta ranging from 15 to Midyears old. Need Robber Stamps? Older at The Plaintiesler. HEAD LIVESTOCK K & N Uwli in Gr< ALFRED RAMBOW, Owner Chandler £ - Elfers, Auctioneers • * * Public Auction Service Co., Clerk. ^/Including the following: • CATTLE--Registered 2-yr.-old Holstein bull; Roistered 3-yr.-old Hoi* stein cow; It head of grade Hol-v steins; several 1st and 2nd calf heifers, several springers and new milkers; Purebred Holstein calf, 8 months old; 2 veal calves; 7 head of yearling Holstein heifers; 37 fall pigs; 5 sows. Moan saddle mare, 10 ynl. old; Ave ducks. iFEED--1400 bu. Vicklsnd oats; acres shock corn; 15 tons mixed h baled; 5 tons clover hay, baled; tons baled straw. Machinery AU this machinery is practically now. If yon Med good machinery be sore to attend this sale. New 1946 McC-D. "H" traotof and cultivator; Massey-Harria 6-ft, combine; New Case 2-tow /born picker; Massey Harris tractor grafat drill; two 2-bot. plows, on ruoberjj John-Deere tractor corn planter, with fertilizer attachment; David Brad^ j. ley tractor mamHre spreader; Massey } Harris tractor Mpwer mower; Ma Harris side demery rake; McC-I 8-it. tandem disc; Chandler 80-1 __ grain elevator; 2 rubber-tire wagons with flare boxes; International 4-sec» drag; Bradley corn shelter; Lindsay windrower; McC-D. hammer mill| McC-D rotary hoe; McC-D. grain binder; end-gate seeder; McC-D binder; one-horse1 cultivator; DeLaval milk machine, three units; 12x13 brooder house; electric hot waterheater in milk house; electric hot water heater in house; Stewart clippers; steel-wheel wagon box and rack; air compressor; hay rope and grab fork; oil tank heater; 3,600 lbs, fertilizer for corn; hog troughs; 9 gallons fly spray; 3 gas barrels; neck-yoke and eveners; feed bunkj^. hog crate; scale; 4 saw-horses; mil If enrt; drive belt; 20 rods poultry fence; chicken feeders and waterers; wheelbarrow and milk stool; forks, shovels and barn scraper; grindstone; hog feeder; hop; waterer; water tank; wash tank^ and pails; 27 milk cans. Lunch Wagon on Grounds Terms. All sums of $'J5.00 and under that amount cash; over thaf^ amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring c redit kindly make, arrangements before purchase is macje. No property to be removed until/Settled for. BROWN & WESTPHAL McHenry State Bank, Clerking Cane and Beet Mar? _ e bed been grow* bl the trop» teal ana* of the New World ienerattsWbefore sugar extracted from thai boot root made its first appearance in Europe. That is not to etgr, of course, that the parent of the present sugar bait was unknown in bygone days. On the fconirary, manv scholara botiewe It wis oaten by the laborers wbo piled up hie pyramid of Cheops, and as evidence of the ancient lineac* they quote a passage from Herodotus, who lived in the fifth century before Christ. m Subscribe; for The wphlpiftli Uuitn--t *r-- »t WATTUBI DRUG STOHi WeotMcHenry ' PYKOttX OAS ssaviox nn-Kwo* BOTTLE GAS Ha^e Cbcf lUiiffw • Witv, Ktdtn Serrel Ota Refrigerators TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES LtlOT K* i n,.»-r >. ,< p i *..?;<! PhoM 49S-W Apt#- 41» Kaim H tt^ij -ryi DAYS UNTIL CHRISTA\AS and you're worrying witlg*,.,, ; ' shopping lists when ^ " your whole problcfob. . • - .could be solved >. ^ so simply PHOTOORAPHi WILL DO IT One sitting ... one visit to look over your selections . . and there you are . . . everybody happy . . . nobody : •lighted. WORWICK'S STUDIO 117 MVERSiDE ORVC McHENRT '"J, ICE CREAM OMiioft of N*uon«l 0«irv Pioductt Corp* FLAVORS FOR DECEMBER \ C PEPPERMINT STICK ^ ^ TOASTED HAZEL-NUT . ^ 4 CHOCOLATE MAHSttMALIjijW ? r STRAWBERRY o - NEAPOL1T ^RASPBERRY TAR SPECIAL BRICI^ EACH WEEKEND. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHOHtf 40l I'Av , 'A* • . •••-.j't ' "v- Tasty Home Cooking NAGVS RESTAURANT Open 11 a. m. until 8 p. m. daily, Satuxdcys until 10p. ' . |_rv CLOSIB THUR8DAYr ransmmsnd the Q«m rifht down to out tbe BUSINESS LUNCH, 65o--Served from 11 un. to 2 pjm. Alao BARBECUED RIBS -- STEAKS -- CHOPS OllICKEN-IN-THE-BASKET -- SEATOO^ us v. uvasms nsivs, vaaxki hat alMka on, rutt in Irarii out Uh no water avoidi catchfai( cold. HsMnmH Bolger'sD^g Store Green St. MeHcsrj - ,:V^; -p 7* V-TSfS,: ^ 3fFCThat are t^eaaiag in every respect . . . Eliminate all your" Christmas shopping problems one stop at FitsGerald's, the store whose shelves are bulg-~ tog with holiday gift values lor every person of every taste-- arid "enjoy tie j^Virie^ ISi lTule4 $1.00 HM ) <•> $2.50 DRESS and v:, ^ , f '» > ;