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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1947, p. 3

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(Bjr Yardatfck) Folks! nfdy predict tint juat •vi ^twelve days from today Pop'# wal- ' ht «HI be flatter than a pancake -- *ear I and hike squirrel or a very lucky when We aaw:: . . _ & S£^%S£SS'8^5S luck «u fmwp>w J'^aad as ureal,.he is the one guy who, &>', Hhe the Jersey Bomber, can take it i?;' ^.en the chin and come np smiling. Thg , lie busy housewives of our Hugh and Jean J****""}4*™ :±°r s tt H1 sw .tfS puts them in that category Ket the j Doris | dream, _ * Member •5* •»»"eaiaf _ doing; his hit mlHng Irtti» »e world during the bat war. We are happy to report tint Mrs. Alvin Blake is vriI «A the road to recovery after her rec** Alness. She !" at Present coavaleariag at the ?°me °f her parents in Kenosha, "s surprising'what acagd or a lettor with a few chewy Words won't ,-° a person ^black Alvin . "can home this ali^htinj^ from the laden with the contents of wjbich Willi so much joy unto their loved | Christinas day. j is every reason why Christ- j 1947, should be the merriest ; «f in, since peace on earth and j goodwill towards all men is the j predominant goal of the rules of allj nations throughout the civilised i White doing 'Stopping in Mcilenry take a peek at ^ \ (the display McGee's have in their •'%>. windows. After you have feasted * \ •* •« youT ejres on the many items dis- 'played there, articles that would \* > -gladden the heart of any man or boy on Christmas morn, take a gander at the Screwy Dozen's autographed trophy layout over which Tony Wirtz and Otto Pyritz labored hard to present to you to the advantage, seeing. It's ideally worth Willcrd Schults is one of Om few rugged individuals with courage enough to brave the elements on his 'regular weekend trip to McCullom Mrs. Sophia Kosti wiU be Irving for California on Dw. 20 to enjoy the holidays with son George,^.who is serving with the Marines, stmoned at Camp Pendleton. Mn. KOeti expects to return about Jan. 5- The Ray Osterby family spent the weekend attending the silver wedding anniversary party-of Mr. arid I Mrs. Earl Sorensen in Chicago. Mr. ) and Mrs. Sorensen are both members I of the Skandia Singinng Society of , Chicago, whose harmonious concerts •j we enjoyed so much last summer at j the Osterbys. ' A ! The Olson family should proVe- to be very profitable prospects for some energetic cigar salesman in 1948 and here is the reason. Will and Therese expect their bundles from heaven some time in January. Not ' to be outdone by these two amateurs i Art and Shirley expect to add ani other member to the Olson lineage ! in March and then we hear from Lt. and Mrs. Ted Olson from way out , in, Spcramento, Calif., that the people on the snowy west coast too can things look to bring his w Congratulations Ts f Sam Deskis oil h§|; fist m y anniversary Dec. 2. Gprt Siegler on her 19th birthday, Dec. 7. « , , Nuts and Belts »iA ?*9<5n with an hour to usually tries to , spend it with someone who hasn't. ! .Jbe .°nly hope we have for tax j Ruction is when our government j advertise<! swivel chairs in their sur- ! surplus sales. j The hardest thing a kid faces now- I adays i8 learning polite manners i without seeing any. ! H^reafter deposit your news items j at Bob Siegler a grocery. This colticn* * 'S ^open(^ent on y°ur oo-opera- ' »niy eleven more shoppiiur days ! until Christinas. • • ADIOS. 1 • ' i*. ^ 4, yis MUD TIRES Inst the Kind yon need for those bad roads during' the wUitermonthB. We can supply them. ALSO FIBE8T0NE BATTERIES If yon prefer chains we have them for passengw can, trucks and tractors. WALTER J. FREUND SM -- Tribes -- Batteries -- Tire aad Tabs Vulcanising Afl Work Guaranteed "* West McHeary OPBN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS """n i • ' ii The bringing in of the yule log: -Originated in England during medieval times. The log was dragged into the great hall at the beginning of the ; Christmas feast and was the occasion of the rendering of the Christmas toast, which is, in part: "This yule log burns. It destroys old hatreds and misunderstandings. Let your envies vanish, and let the spirit of good fellowship reign supreme for this season and through all the year." j The yule log represents "Peace1 on earth, good will toward man." 1 Charge Battery Overaight A new battery charger, designed lor farm use, restores the efficiency of the average truck, car or battery in 12 hours. Farm Market There is a total farm market for Manufactured products of IS billion dollars according to an estimate <rf Cornell university. The increase in the market over previous estimates results from a rise of 40 per cent in farm production over prewar level* and more money being received for agricultural producta. Every mile gives added proof of QVAUTY AT LOWEST COST s Al mora and mon Chevrolet owperi jore discovering* yon of service mean nothing to a Chevrolet! This car has *xfro strength in every part--built-in rvggedneis arid reliability--the excellence that endures. It will servir""" you for scores of thousands of miles, and the longer yOph r drive it the stronger your appreciation of its value-- • possesses Big-Car durability and dependability «»aqualed in its fold. Om look wR tal yaw NmI Owwolel wN|ihi a* oNiar Cera In Its fi«M. It brfae* Ign--nurtf • «pkolst«ry e hnwriow Body k/f Vow eo»> beat a Cheviot* tar etl-rowml pmr§*rma»cm wfl| MMMar- A*l Chevrolet*! Valv»-fa»- H«rt Thrift-Matter Cngine, wwIsm In IH price range, the larf owtce of ene«w eyeal of ewwy gafc* of Tewlewjoywe *Wwf-«eiwaHiaaM Ifce Oi^roleH surposw ^ Iwvl*w '•cords. Thai means H's wis* to your transportation by bringing year car to as tor sUNod service, now and * intervals, pending delivery of y°ur n#w W' See us for dependably car-saving CHEVROLET T-MiCID UMt IM 1M " PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILLINOIS I . botti Or* and Uniata, cling to the ancient Julian calendar, so their Christmas Day comae 12 days later than ours, or en January 6. Christmas Eve is celebrated with much traditional ceremony and festivity. The Holy Supper or Swiata Wecera is- very elaborate, consisting' of 12 courses, in memory of the 12 apoetles. Fiah, baked, broiled and jellied, takes the place of meat.' Borsch, or beet aoop, is generslly served, and stuffed cabbage, filled with millet or rice. Vamiiki. some* , ^ Vesele Vanoce. --Stansi Vanoce. Mlr.Gelukkig Kerstmia. "Av IMAS Hauskaa Joulai £ I'rinch: Joyeux Noelt Qs i nisii: Frohliche Weinnachten Qrertt: Kala Chriatougenna. Italian: Buon Natale. Norwegian: Glaedalig Jul Folteh: Wesolych Swiat Bozegc Narodzenia. Romanian: u multianl ou tote. Russian: Duduahka Moroc. , Spanish: Felices Pascuaa. SwediA: God Jul. tagew^JHsi lo Vah aaK.cgiiSi ' 1 nW, - ^ ' * "• .1 r ••• : btenutional Bridge The longest international bridge in the world, the Ambassador'a main span is 1,850 feet long and dears the mid-stream channel of the Detroit river by 152 feet Over ita roadway of five lanes of traffic and eight-foot sidewalk for pedestrians, £.287,874 persona traveled lastyeac. s Bid for Power Saetric poorer plants have received from the British government . first call on the nation's annual ; aupply Of IS million %ooa,h^f CMde Leads ia Percheons Ohio, known as the "cradle of the American'Percheron," for her great contributions to development of the bread in this country, leada all states in numbera of registrations and transfers and ia one of the top states in exportation of breeding Stock into Latin America. -first Beys' Camp 1861 Frederick W. Gunn established the first boys' camp in this country, Camp Gunnery, on the shores of Lake Waramaug, Conn. This camp was near Washington, Conn., the first town in the United States to be named after George Waahington. The town was incorporated in 1779. - Smaller Seal Catefc A total of 61.447 fur-aeal were taken in the g ministered sealing operationa Alaska's Pribilof islands 1947 season. This was a decroagp oi 3J76 akina from, the lMfi takau".,; v< I 'Mst ' i* ' First Lead Pencil • • It haa been said that a man# script of Theophilus shows signs having been ruled with a black leod pencil, but the first distinct -"•nfrm to the pencil was made by Conrad Geaner in 156S in a treatise on to* •a*- 7 • * -- • itfc--; Change Worm Bait Change worm bait as often as looks washed out and lifeless. Fird|f insist on having lively, good-looking bait rather than limp messes. 5 pays tQ take plent3L»of worms on a fishing trip and to keep covering thf1 hook with fresh bait, especially tik the fish are biting poorly. Kaap *HeUo' GirU Bosy Few people use their telephones ore than Canadians, and only three of the principal countries in the world exceed Canada in telephone installation. Canada haa more than two million telephones, or 15 to avoiy 100 persons, with only the United States, Sweden and New Zealand holding a higher proportion. % NOTICE ^ MCHENRY GARAGE IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN NSW BUILDING \ * Front St, &t. 31, Mdtenfjr Tel. McHenry 108-E Nick P. Miller, Pnjp. thing like the Italian ravioli, also is a usual course. Dessert consists of special pudding called kutya, made of wheat, poppy seeds and honey. Daring the Christmas Eve s'io per, some member of every Ukrain irn family-throws a handful of kuty.- or pudding at the ceiling. If it st'eks. the coming year will be a prosperous and happy one. After sup per, a plate of braided bread, called kolach, is left on the table between two lighted candles. Legend says that the. spirits of the family's dead will return at midnight to eat this bread. The Ukrainian Christmas festival lasts three daya. In the villages singers known as Kolyadniky go from house to house singing the Kolyadky folksongs relating the birth of Christ and the events of his life. They usually carry a manger with them, and in some cases they perform miracle playa. They are rewarded by gifta of food or money. ' 2* youii9-is»194i styM thm mora you drivs it, tho non you liko ill In the Book ofOtnmon Prayer of the Church of England, the prayer for the last Sunday before Advent began with the words "Stir up." The people of Peterborough took this to be a reminder that they should start their plum pudding at that time, and everybody in the family took a hand in the stirring until it was ready on Christmas. This indispensable old-time English Christmas dish was furmety, or frumenty, which according to oldtime recipes was "wheat boiled until the grains burst, then atrained and boiled again with broth or milk and yolks of eggs." Frumenty was the forerunner to,plum pudding. Alms Giving Custom A Christmas Charity Giving alma at Chriatmas originated in the belief that the Christ came sometimes to the door dis guised as a beggar during the holi day season, aid it was feared that he might be turned away unrecognized. There ia an aid legend that tells of the Chriat child going from door to door on Christmas Eve in search of those who were kind, and deserving. His test was to plesd foi aid and often he was turned away from the door. This story led to alms giving on Christmas Eve and it waa rare- that a beggar #as refused. AM lb Cham of a GIBSON GIRL 13.95 Oh n new . . . the psetfe collar, tiay waist, vide dared skirt ia beautiful color eocdWaatiana. Sise 10 to 16. BALLERINA SKIRTS 6.95 ljj»* 'V;^.8ee them--they are What ou have been waiting ^ANICIIH^ fiSfi vMte coMwt kmdUeked, Mbnlriiry YAt akrMm.Bm«fim> #?* ' pWR rmntmnU "PM M»M V- i WELCOMED 611 7.95 I I? to n*ve neen wuinif . . ___ « JProyn and Black. Slae • "Tjj 7I* "****/* «a «!.•• -- tars* pM •• lank S***^ •:%* *4- - w^or 72x90' PAJAMAS . 3.95 ^ iMBsly-wami colton fionnel ia pretty prints. Favorite tailored styles. Sizes 34-40. CMILORIN'S HOSf HNHNfR nwsi mmm tdkMeABawA-OfC Near rtethlehem did shepherds keep Their flocks^ of lambs and feeding sheep; Two whom God's angela did appear. Which put the shepherds in great fear, "Prepare and go," the angels said, "To Bethelehem, be not afraid; For there you'll find this happy morn, A princely babe, sweet iesus born.". 8wimmlag Danger Sane |nie average swimming fatality 'occurs in seven to nine feet of w*» tar and only 10 yarda from safety. Cobblers* Vsaaft Says fa the past Monday waa 1 oualy canonized as "St. Monday," Bit festival of cobblers. Oobblera were supposed not to know on which day the feast of St. Crispin, their patron saint, fell, except that it should be a Monday. Thus they celebrated the patron • feast » Monday. • . ^ •, ' •' 2.98 -mteio ioo% woqf. CARDIGANS 2.98 Afkappy dtoke for any glfl Sunny-soft 100% wool In cardigan style. Baavtifvl assortment of colors . . , '.rises 8-14 7-14. lOOL PULL-OVSS CslsrM tmrM%am comptmlmd hst <n'»i lirw< teri n an «Bi) k iIm 7-14 L*JO |«0% wooi skirts :. ... **<i pwfcy i»Si< p*** • • • *•** a aa esdrsdl SiMt-U.. J.TO Men's Wool Stag Coata. Red aad Mack aaedc fining. 3»-4«. 1035 Gamltei The Friewdhr Store ^&KO. OOLLETTE, Ownar Aatheriaei Dealer PfHme McHeary 459 Maia Street West Mtflsary | •f - . StN ' !

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