vn smSrt 'the {iii i xi ; tor BM« Msat a:*;! todk phosnhete h«t it satisfactory substitute for * 'MM MCD as A supplephosphorus deficient. radairy cattle, according to experiments. I permits effective sun(*ementattonttf rations otherwise deficient to phosphorus because of acute shortage of feeding - grade bone taeeL MMII iMlUt •IUS TAX to HM. ... : Magnate Clsqn IM^spfcyt Oreat strides have baan made In the use ef magnate, millet G*b Swansea ia Capper's Firmer. Some states ' smpwy • magnetic , road vwvvpivi WQIMM w ~ naila and other acrap. Mfcgnets are MM tjjr manners and feed preoes aora tor screening out pins, trim, basket Mat other foreipi per- Ddea. floor and M ioflb use magnets to %dAN stray metal. Doctors uae small, powerful magnets JM. removing t soXg, piss. etc., from human lungs and sttmdch. A U C T I O N VOGEL, Aactleaeer [Vi«g rented my farm for cask will sell the following property farm, fikvi rent, w „ r. at auction on the Floyd Howe on the north side of Wonder Lake, % mile west of Barnard's Mitt; 3 miles west of Ringwood; 4 miles northeast of Greenwood, on Sunday, January 18 starting at 1 \ o'clock For the fat tiw jroa may mm ._Jbs,sars that wbea ytw fcajr a new Mp ,;»tick job can get one that is DA TED-- yoa it is truly FRESH, with «ii wd color unimpaired. Goes M, «9soa, better.Hie date it on each baK. /jf«(Up* 's Drug Store ttONEM McHENRY i l l l l l l U l l M l M I M I I H H i LIVESTOCK--3 horses, bay gelding, 8 yrs.; bay mare, 8 yrs.; black saddle mare, 4 yrs. >• 4 bred ewes, 1 buck. New set of breeching harness, one stddle. POULTRY--Two geese, one gander, BAY, AND GRAIN--S tone of baled mixed hay; toBr of 1st cutting alfalfa; ton of baled 2nd cutting alfalfa; 5 tons of baled straw; quantity of loose straw in barn; 600 bu. oats; 200 bu. good ear corn. MACHINERY--200 ft. new hay rope; cream separator; 2 wash tanks; McD. mower; 5-ft.; cultivator; dump rake; walking plow; graih seeder; potato Shifter; horse disc; 2-sec. drag; electric brooder, new; 2-wheel trailer; Buick farm truck, new grain box and rack; iron-wheel wagon, flat rack; wood-wheel wagon; bob sled; David Bradley manure spreader; 2 hog feeders; 2 steel round water tanks; corn sheller; stalk cutter; lots of poultry equipment; several articles too numerous to mention. TERMS, CASH. the _ years of the Third JUoubtie, and much of ttjfc at Tucked away. howtreat rambltac strut?- jsp'n which 4m viol* terstili/cansfe the original work of fhoia ' ffinilsesnce artist* wfense MOM .made man fov»et the Gothic completely aft a time when the Tour St Jaoquee was still clean wad naw. First In time and beauty is th« work of Leacot in the southwest p*rt sf the Cour du Louvre, where th* inspiration of tha designer of the facade was crowned Hy the fflgwas of Jean Goujon, greatest sculptor of the French Renaissance. The Colonnade of Claude PerrauH on the eastern extremity of the whole edifice is equally famous, if not equally admired, for its grandeur marks the beginning of a school of architecture. This facade, incidentally, faces on the church of St. Germain - l'Auxerrois, whose bell gave the signal in 1873 for the massacre of St. Bartholomew. The long gallery which faces the river was built during the time of Catherine da Medici and Henry IV, and ftNtimtrueted and altered tinder Napoleon. Ill, whose reign also caw tha buQding of moat of the northern wing along the Itea de Rivoli. Tbeae taaMtole*: h-iiwM to have ten built Iplwwn m »nd <7f A.D:, are (oiMt bn the ancient Iftaysn stronghold tit Boqamoak in the remote lower Mexican frontier region of CkhqplNi The dis&Mferv multinn from the Bonetnpak edroWpt'o** nrovldes a new kay to'understands* and aparaising One of the jrrestest of Western hemisphere civilizations The 11 tem#es. all of which are sufllcientfar well Dre«erved for areheologicSl spprni«a1. clearly indicate tiie^ magnificent architectural Mid cultural attainments of the early pre-Oohimb'an . American Indian empire, whose civilization compares favorably in many respects to the period of Greece'* Golden Age. >•••• ». - .. _ OT "M wrt*r pwcees is to the rtate with oool wa* work a little glycerine or stej^ess shampoo into ttia stain, ruUbtog lightly between fit* haunt Let <land/«dr several hours, than apply a lew dtt^s of vinegar and alipw to remain a minute or two before rinsing thoroughly with water. Cool water and glycerine also are recommended for stains made by tomstp Juice and catsup. Leads W Balls There are 226.886 miles of railroad in the United Statea, 38 .per cent of the world's total.* HI fk ' KI LOOKING OVER A FOUR IBAP CLOVER" * by Art MM •'CIVILIZATION*' . by Jack gnitii SjS;*- "SERENADE OP TME BELLS" •WJWJEN EAR RKMQft" TU MY OWN GRANDPA** 1 1®U> TA I LOVBD YA, NOW GET OUT- ' floed Sctoetion of Children's Kecordg Veedlea, and AeoMaaories KURT RE1NICKE, Oraktar A^pMbeias The first steam-propelled vehicle in the United States wss invented by Oliver Evans in 1804 and .bore the Quaker name Orukter Amphibok> s. Philadelphians were awed by this snorting scow as it roared down the street, plunged into the Delaware river and then churned slowly away. The army perfected its first amphibious landing craft 137 years later. f . - v „ „ Symbol of taaterutfy "'f to Oriental art the bat is a sym bol of maternity. At one time Orien-1 t"l rugs with bats in the cornel's i were eagerly sought by barren \ women aa a maternity charm. The salue of suck magic carpets is no* recorded.* Leava Farms for Cities Birth rates on farms are higher than in cities. The farm birth ntte is such that for every Ave young men reaching maturity on farms, two must leave the farm if agriculture is not to expand beyond its market opportunities and if cities are not to decline from lack of population, the U. S. department of agriculture reports. frrst Captured Ship The German vessel Buakoe, taken V' the U. S. coast guard off ,Greenland, Seotember, 1941, was , the first enemy shin~c»*>*' d by the United Stnt?° in Ww-H War n. Complete line of_ Loot poultry remedies at Wattles l)rug* Store, Mc- Henry. - 8-tf » t jewel/up ( Wast McHaary % \ «t4 W. Main 8t„ Mc^eary MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ||U. Ik SAT, JAN. 18 - I? . ^ MHOPPY*S HOUDAY*V with WBL Boyd IN THE DOUGH" with the Baawteds SUN. • MON„ IAN. 18 • 19 y -rtkW, !><>aay Kaye • * . • > /t. - " • in %HE SECRET LIFE OF '.V....,p^TBR MjlTTY" W ' s*V '$• *4 l -fr: with • * Virginia Mayo TUES. - WED. - THURS. Biag Crosby Bob Hope Daiolhy Lamour 'ROAD TO RIO" * t Vanishing America Since 1900, the Indian population of the United States has increased fro.-n 237,000 to 377,000. Authorities say that America's forests, also popularly considered to be vanishing, would grow morfe wood annually than we cut "if forest mansgement is correctly applied and our forests tre protected against fire. So persistent is nature's ur«*e to grow trees that seed-trees left in modern logging operations soon spread a carpet, of new growth over forest lard to produce a new stand of timber. Fires are the greatest destroyers of these youn» trees which may be the forests of tomorrow. r;\ - "I t Aid to^ Contractors ! -A new tool has been devtelepedf for the benefit of contractors and engineers, namely weather forecasting. Accurate forecast methods have made it possible to employ weather changes to an advantage instead of taking what the elements have to offer from day to day. Research started during the war ia begmnifig to pay large dividends in the form of better weather forecasts for construction and other outdoor activities. Climatology enables the engineer to forecast ao* eurataiy the changes in the season. Industrial climatology has. bean set up by the U. S. weather j bureau, to obtain for the contractor, fee engineer and others with spft> eial weather needs the future of the seasons. n. s-t " m Ceiinplete line *t Lee's poultif remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me* Henry. 8-tf Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindcaler Inventory - Reveals Many ; s OM Reef Now Missing ! - The Australian navy frigate Bar- ' coo has discovered that the Calli- | ance reef, thoucht to ht near Yam- I p|: sound on the northwest coast o Australia and which has been' marked on admiralty maps for the j past 100 years, has vanished. The f discovery was made when the Bar- i coo, which is surveying northwest waters, wa? sounding the ap- j proaches to Yampi sound, an important iron ore port. Further south, however, the Barcoo found an ex i tensive and uncharted shoal which extended 16 miles west of Agele is-! land with coral pinnacles projecting | from the sea bed to within 14 teat I of the surface. I Toni Permanent Wave Kits, $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-£f I JjgeHenry, Illiiioig FRI. - SAT. , Charles Chaplin - Martha Raye "MONSIEUR VERDOUX" Also - News & Cartoon Not Recommended For Chidren SUN. - MON.. JAN. 18 - 19 Gene Kelly '•; Marie McDonald 'LIVING IN A BIG WAY" Pins - World News <ft Cartoon Special: "Switzerland Today" CLOSED ON TUE8DAY WED. - THURS. Ronald Colman - Peggy Cummins •THE LATE GEORGE APLEY" „ datooation «f . _ under ths^anrfaoe- «f water* with actoes of o&bea. strata being picked up on aofcic _ taction deuces. Inasmuch afe ttM use of axploaives can cauae damage to marine life, any undeHea exploration 4a subject to regulations of the flal\ and game commission. Studies indicate that the use of explosives as conducted in oil surveys i% only moderately harmful to marine life and. only within a restricted range. If the "shots" are buried under the sand, harmful effecta are minimized. As a result of these observations. oil companies are required to operate only where fish are not abundant at the time and they must bury their charges in the sand when operating in shallow wajrtfflfc'ii . J#«.>* wfll sStpe- • • fish; tnt; citch a rabl i Itest to get iaKloBKg' iiitJsS IimSLle Jtu? nnel; streakm uonu sae tree to rob m W« nest; chwe a txfrwhite i«p K dropa from fear; take a chlckep neatly out of a ferml 2 •J pen-J v»ry from light •hades of brown to a rich rtSaar dark brown. They are highly prised hi the manufacture ef fur garmenta Mink temihg he* become of omimercial importance. The value of | the Industry in New York state alone has succeeded five million dol- K China Rome of Wallpaper "' Though wallpaoer was Givented In China some 2.000 or more years ago( and made in Europe as early as 1500, today the United States is the largest producer, and two-fifths of the U. S. production is. made in. Illinois. Fifteen mills are operated in Illinois by 12 manufacturers. " Bead the Want Ads.-. / " . The Roman Ulea represent the dttdest type known, having been used for many centuries, and are said to have been known to the Assyrians, Chinese and Greeks. Turkish tile makers were under patronage of the sultans and were required to complete all state buUdtngs before they could be employed on private projects. J y-* Subscribe for The PlaindealaB ---- .^i:; ••aaaaaa»»a»*«w„ i • Actually, there's no such thing as "» simple cold." There are dozens of respiratory disorders, responding to a wide variety of treatments. So don't try to do your own diagcosfretter see your Doctd* • ..and bring hU , prescription"hers ing! See your Doctor an<l follow his experiencecli counsel. His treatment ~ may involve one oc more r prescriptions. In that case," bring those prescriptions . here for precise attention. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PEONS 40 tfcHBNRV, ILL. Pay as yoo drive if you wish S 0, *' S>; Wool Gloves Be first with the latest! Warm wool gloves with popular Scandinavian design. In your own school colors. Well knit with patented non-ravel cuffs. A Wilson Brothers- exclusive. Get yours now! ^ There probably isn't anyon# wlio conducts a business who hasn't . experienced a few headaches a& the resnlt of January inventory. At least in our case, ho ever, with the headaches comes a certain compensation in the satisfaction received when taking an accounting of our complete stock. We have always believed that the public is best served with quality merchandise, and upon taking inventory we discovered a s?reat many items which make us-convinced that we have carried out our pledge in this . rojrard. ' Spring will soon be here and it will be necessary to add considerable new stock. Many of these older, quality articles, arc, now being soid very reasonable to make room for items. ./ Yours in 48 hours ees McHENfty Come in today ftnd the quality goods which best fit your needs. Nickels Hdwe. MAIN ST. TOONS t Today'a Eip up to Tmn tor Bnicka Oidi M AYBB this sounds too good to be true. But it's a fact! $: m: -4* V » - E#en if your Buick dates back aa llras11937, you can have a hoodful of factory-freah Fireball power--a sleek new power plant that's the same aa tha engines going into the lateet Buick care. " 1 Eferythinft about it ia brand-new. A new carburetor and air cleaner help make every drop of fuel give up all ite power. A new d|etributor, complete with vacuum and centrifugal advance, puts new snap in your getavfcy and new pep In all driving. A wttfllfe new wiring harness prevents electrical Ipsa. And tucked in the fl) irhisl homing is a new smoothie Yes, it's all new, with the latest , Buick engine featurea you read about--like precision cylinder boring, Oil-Miser rings, Stiatoflof coding and so on. You can get a new engine like thia because engine production is not held back by the shortage of sheat steel which limits complete-car production. So we't| able to puf one of theae hon^s Into your car and make It young again--give it new power and performance that will get you aet for thouaande and thousands move carefree miles. How much does it cost? Not needy what you'd expect - often leas than a comprehensive overhaul. And it's a mighty good investment because it makes your car worth ao much more when It cornea time to turn it in. % Nice propoeitkra, isn't If* Surely worth talking" pver. Won't you come In and let us give you all the details? DuiCK cARE KEIPS BViCKS BEST a \Xiy} ' "3 R- I. Overton Motor Sales Front Street ' McHenry, Illinois * ' '• '1'-; • mwm.m "•:> '(/"J-!. •VH "• Lit, 4; , * ' •/ • ir«. *2 i'C\ ' •. " • f •X- ' 'M v-t ^" F B,'