«®-35S' 7* r^^>: :• *&*'-r;*T " "•• >?^"V " KBIer of Ke- Mrs. John fBOBd II to try (Bjr Mn. Oi--i* remained for the rest ^tto week. pasture causes Order your robber stamps at The dioxide, flihdHki. I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H SMtE IN BENEFITS <f CHICKS Y«ukiwi|H 200 eggs per bird in common with HyLine Pellets. Ur 2 to 6 dome moce tot __ __ Good all-year layers-- '•K nwnrn to extreme km IN or cold weather. la addition to HY LINES, we can] •apply your needs on all standard or din breeds. P»r a small additional *«harse^ we will start your chicks op to three weeks... Place your order now for delivery when desired. IdlENRY ffiLLS, INC. Fhsoe 92-R • ; West McHenry. 111. mm »ii »»»+»•".*< iiim it 111 Mrs. S. E. Whiting entertained o women's fire-hundred dab at her Wednesday. A 1 o'cloock Ionwas served. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Nick Wagner. The banco club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Lissie Thompson at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Prises wore awarded to Mrs. Viols Low, high and Mrs. Oscar Berg, consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained their fivo-handred club at their home Thursday evening. Prises were merited by Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas, high; Mrs. B. T. Butler and £. E. Whiting, low. « The Round-ap club held a basket social in Mussy's hall Friday evening. A total of 185 dollars was taken in. They wish to thank the school children for their part in the Srograra and also the public for elping to make this a fine success. Miss Marion Peet was operated upon at Sherman hospital in Elgin Thursday. She was operated upon two weeks ago and failed to improve, so a second operation was preformed. She is getting along nicely now. The members of the Ringwood Youth Fellowship were invited by the Greenwood Youth Fellowship to a "candy pull" at Greenwood Sunday evening. Mrs. George Shepard returned TO ALL WHO LIVE IN RINGWOOD AND TO ALL WHO COULD GO TO THE RINGWOOD CHURCH IF THEY FEEL LIKE IT: / The pastor is away for next Sunday. (Feb. 15) and l^ft me to run the service. This may have been a mistake and will probably never happen again, so I invite you to change your style this Sunday: T 7 / If you usually spend Sunday morning sleeping off the results of Saturday night, THIS SUNDAY, jump out of bed and get dressed at 8:30-- If you usually clean out the barn, lean your fork against the wall at 8:30 and wipe off your boots-- ----If you run a store, lock it up from 9:30 to 10:30, hang out a sign,44Gone to Church," and bring your eempotitor along so he won't swipe your business-- ----If you work around the house, knock off for in hour-- , AMD Come to the Ringwood Church Morninff Service AV 9:30 a. at* Come and sing the old songs, come and hear some things you haven't heard for a long time, some perhaps you never heard before. There are some things I want to ask you, too. > EDMUND W. LOWE 7 MasLofa Wiedrich has gone to work in the Ainger home. Dr. and Mrs. George Haberline and Mrs. Haberline wore hero from Chicago over the weekend packing up and getting ready to move back to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Haberline have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Pagne of Chicago. Ringwood friends are very sorry to heat that George Haberline is very ill with a blood clot of the bri.in. He is at the home of his daughter, Mrs. HarOld Weber, In Chicago. Margery Wiedrich of.Keystone spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Br. Dick and James Wiedrich spent the weekend there. Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay and family of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and family spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mrs. C. L. Harrison/has been car-' ing for her mother, Mr*. Etta Wattles, at McHenry, who tra been ill -with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan were visitors at Lake Zurich, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday with her I mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mrs. Rose Jepson returned home; Sunday from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Norman, and family at Evanston. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas, at McHenry. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, are visiting in the home of h$r brother, Edward Harrison, at Elgin. Roy Wiedrich of Keystone called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, SUy Sunday afternoon. The W. Sr C. S. will meet with Mrs. Chancy Harrison on Thursday, Feb. 19. A pot-luck dinner will be served at noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackburn Jr. of Antioch spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Gordon Larson and daughter spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Dick Oldson and family. Mrs. Paul Jolitz of McHenry was a visitor here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and daughter Nancy, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Earl Kane, Sr., at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday for his mother, Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley. Glenn Wattles of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Harrison and daughter, Carol. Mrs. Albert Oonk entertained her mother and sister from Holland, Mich, over the weekend. Their granddaughter, Dianne, returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown of Oak Park spent Sunday (with his father, S. W. Brown. / Mr. and Mrs. John Madison, Sr.. and daughter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. John Madison, Jr., and Jack Madison of Kenosha spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman. Howard Bruce Harrison and Roman Bauer are enjoying a trip to Florida. Mrs. Clara Deinlein of Grayslake spent the past week with Mrs. Ed Bauer. On Sunday they spent the day with Mrs. Elizabeth Weber at Antioch. Pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. Marshall, will be away the coming rung popay night, ignt. We w*AMM ADVISER'S OOmftKTS - - , Ha*e you seen a play tills winter at the Woodstock Opera House? It is par excellent entertainment done by a group of professionals who have been here state early last summer and who have been gaining ularity ever since. Saturda Feb. 14, is Farm Bureau ni„__„ got them to re-do a play they put on last fall called, "Papa is All." It is a rip roarin' comedy about a Mennonite Pennsylvania Dutch farm family. % They have had more requests to do this play than any thoy have put on. We will have tickets oq sale in advance for seventy-five cents to Farm Bureau members. Call our office or stop in for them or see your township director. These are regular $1.20 seats. You will like 4t. j. The Mariola society of the St. Mary's church in Woodstock is sponsoring John Strohm, Tuesday night, Feb. 17, at the St. Mary s auditorium. John will show his Russian slides and tell about his experiences in Russia. He is the only American wjio got behind the iron curtain since the war, who was allowed to go freely and talk to anyone he wished to and come home with his story intact. This is free. i A farmer in McHenry county was recently asked to pay for a $100 deductible collision insurance policy on a 1934 Ford. He didn't Paul Whalen, hatchery man at Marengo, sent his brother a telegram in DesMoines a year ago when his son was born. It said, "First hatch off today, one cockeral." Jerry Satola of Swift & Co. said last week before the Woodstock Producers that 100 pounds of milk used . and hydrogen sotted gases to form. _ Thqr apparently ball up | the belching., mechanism by paralysing it. BroVne in the alfalfa for ; pasture cuts down the probability of I I bloat a great deal by reducing the formation of these gases. j I Our ^-y ear-old daughter came: I home asking what color hiccoughs were if buttercups are yellow. We; ; didn't know. - She informed us they ; were burple. ® i Earl Hughes said the records showi where his great-grandfather mort-' igaged his 80-acre farm just west of I the Hughes school on Rt. 14, to bor- : row $150, in 1852. He got the money from the Hughes school board and his note was made out to the trusts 1 eee. Another roughage enthusiast re-, ports no mastitis and better milk I yields from silage and chopped alfalfa : brome hay. Elwood Howell and; hia brother farm south of Wbodstock, j they He of the they agriculture teacher at Ho started oat by me in the old home town higj It would be a real old world if everyone could keep up the real sincere enthusiasm that our good friend, Albert Medelberg, south of Marengo, always seems to have. The preacher says there ate two aspects of life--cottage and fruitage. What could be more concise. fiy wife just reported to me that we spend $10 per month for butter A pretty slick way to spend your money, though. World's First Champ James Figg, who won the crown as bare knuckle champkm in 171& retired undefeated in 1730. ^ . >v / Shot Travels A .22 rifle shot will travel from 1,000 to 1,200 yards while a high velocity, steel-jacketed bullet wifi carry more than a mile. mmw* sttSTSTu. -jtonawi criminals by -- Jrofrop®'uBiB iMt century, ht m* a pig - killing a child. fg Pancfaee, owned by the j Chattens, France, was bra and prayers said over the ! life was restored to it. W1 , child was 'actually dead or merely unconscious is not verified, bat the 1 rfc was cited for murder, | and sentenced to die. In 1170 when three pigs killed the aon of the ; owner, the entire was arrested. I Upon the pleas of the swineherds owner, only the original three pigs I were given the death sentence, i Ihere are hundreds of «im% caeeo - |«f animal convictions on reconL Tree Plantings acreage planted ,hi Urfited $tates since 1926 total* 6,413,. 632 acres. "SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE ggggj NTD . Wk NKKMUEri MIMRVOMtft aJKsgsa? 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R NEW CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS 0NIY ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS FOR 194* HAVE ALL THESE NEW AND HNER FEATURE - Hart on Km nation's nswrt trucks wilh MM ;'|ms and higgtsl valiwsl Htn is •tfvafic* 99§ill0tl^|<M in 107dHNr- #nt models on «ight diffarant wHmI- 4««. HEJtf& TRANSPORTATION New Chevrolet 4-Sp#^ Synchro-Mesh Truck Transmissions Hero's a feature that assurer truck men of now ease and ofWdoncy in operotiani Niw Chevrolet A^vohc^ . Design Gearshift Control OfonWft b mounted an Ike llKflnQ column to pfovldc n#w tfAoMicy on cvify hauRng fob (on 3-spood trammhilon models) I IfVW I IPUf 1 UpPVIM fsridng Braka 9a now Chevrolet foot* parking (on 3 speed models)! Now Improved" Chevrolet Valvo-in-Haod Engine Here's Mm world's most economical engine for its site-- with new features that assure greater operating efficiency! Now Multiple- Featura Developments New spRned rear-anle shaft attachment lo wheel hubs la more durable springs. ~ Mm • Cab that "breathes"* e Heat-Mounted cab • My adfustabie seat • Alt-round TWO- NI6HTS ONLY . • • I 1 I i -- li 4 ' 9 - •* TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 17> 18 • " T0 m - - i McHENRY BUSINESSMEN'S ASS'N presents THE .WOQDSTQCK PLAYERS IN AN HILARIOUS COMEDY JMx '.'ji :M ft l%,Cv McHENRY NO RESERVED HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM" CURTAIN AT 8:15 • SpedaSy do- • Standard ceb-to-axleigA dimensionk . . . cmd MANY oAor fine featerssr tlNUMEDt Chevrolet Sales PHONE* 277 McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' Jiniyfc". ~ - v> , - "5 ADMISSION $1.20 (Including Tax) Tickets available at all McHenry Business Houses BENEFIT OF McHENRY LIBRARY FUND