VREfflY FUMDEALER! every Thursday at Mc- Benry, Hi., by A. Howard Mother. Editor--Adele Froehlich ! €DITORIAL_ SSOCIATION terwyn Des Plaines, Mr. and Mrs." Elmer Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus of Chicago. Joseph Jackson left last Friday for Meridian, Miss., where he will . play 'ball with the Meridian base- Entered as second-class matter at j cjub next season. Ike postoffice at McHenry, 111., under Miss Georgianna Donahue of Huntact of May 8, 1879. j Jey visited AlcHenry friends last v«.r >9 Kn. week Wednesday evening and at- ^ Year *** I the St. Patrick's party at the • v* - I local church. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yung: *nd Math ! Schmitt of Johnsburg attended the i P. M. A- meeting in Chicago last 'Saturday. ] The Misses Anna and Dorothy (Knox, of Chicago, was a recent i caller here. They were accompanied i home by their father, Eld ward Knox, who had visiting in McHenry. i Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea of Grayslake, attended the St. Patrick's party in McHenry on Wednesday evening of last week. .. r . William Smith of Elgin and Miss ^Joseph W. Freund arrived home j Marion Powell of Chicago visited Mom the 1 Woodstock hospital1 this ' McHenry relatives on Saturday. J.'jB*ek and is much improved. j Bob Bacon of Chicago was a week- "'.'•"<'iTT»ose from here who attended 'thef«nd visitor in the home of his rT«treat at Mayslake, Hinsdale, 111., mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. * last weekend were Stephen H.tPreund, Mrs. M. A Sutton and daugnter, Ray McGee, George Larkin, Robert Mary, spent Saturday in Chicago* Rev. and *Mrs. Knox, Bernard Bauer, Anton P. Mr. and Mrs. James Lennon have Graettinger, Iowa, will toe happy Freund, Paul Yanda, and LeRoy returned from a trip to Mississippi, to learn of the birth of a daughter, Welter. ! Florida and Cuba. Linda Sue, weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. Mr. and Mrs. "George Vales and The Misses Kathleen and Patricia j born on March 20. Rev. Miller was ' Albert Vales, Jr., of Chicago are Henn spent Saturday in Chicago. | pastor of the local Methodist church spending this week with their Sunday visitors in the home of'a few years ago. . . v parents, the Albert Vales, The two Mr- and Mrs- Bil1 Yung at Johnsburg [ -- men have been playing with *n w°^n,.?ePiP ^ UTTIIAIMCT rmmril 1IATFC orchestra at the Oriental theatre in daughter, Mrs. Pat McGoldnck, and j MpT|lll|)]VT rilllvril N()Tk\ Chicago since last summer. h?hv. Eileen, all of Chicag6. lULlllUUliJl 1/11UHV11 llU ILJ Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer and . Mrs," ^nall Pal™er spent several • aufehUM-. Betty, have returned from da£L 'T n ?Tf"ston: aft extended vacation in North Miami, xriJJwJI JJl!" £^2L-SSSSS bya\heTh\LsW ereSh^5ey PPaizkeh°and their home near McHenry. They re- fended to ~Mrsf Harry Ban- and SLJM ai£ cently returned from a trip to j the other choir leaders for the time Florida. ~ I and effort spent in preparing the BIRTHS Word has been received of the birth of a son, Edward Allen, weighing 8 lbs. 9 os., on March 14 in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vasey of Lake Zurich. The couple. has one other child, a son, Howard Francis, 8 years old. Mr. Vaaey is * former McHenry resident. * Mr. and Mrs. Bernard May of Spring Grove are the parents of a daughter, born on Sunday, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. John Getner are the parents of their first child, a daughter, btfrn on March 20 at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs: Getner is the former Miss Anna Guzzarde. A daughter was born on March 20 at/the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson of Woodstock. ^ A bynated message arrived in our office this week telling of the daughter, Barbara Diane, born on Valentine's Day to Mr- and Mrs. Russell E. Franzen of .3748 Kelton avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. They have one other child, a son, Russell Eugene. The many McHenry friends of Heber Miller of " jfc " * iS.4"VJOHN D. LODTZ W. S. C. S. March LnncheoM Meeting The regulay monthly meeting of ft* ."• S. C. 8. of the Community Methodist church was held last Thursday afternoon. Following a 1 o'clock luncheon, a business meeting wias held, at which time plans wen made for the annual'spring tea'which will be held in the near future. Two vocal numbers were sung by a high school boys' octet. Circle 3 was in charge of the meeting. '- • • • -tuff. Honor Future • ,«•" i?..;: BHde At Shower Miss Van Diedrich and Mrs. Ann Thennes were hostesses at a prenuptial shower held last Sunday afternoon at the Diedrich home, honoring Miss Gussie Pierotti of Lily Lake. Miss Pierotti will become the bride of Louis Diedrich next month. Games were enjoyed, after which III ' • \'K4> i 'V": i * pi : "t J • /* \ - The thanks of the pastor and the entire congregation of the church are net' ITavvir Po«h* an^ Bernice Blake, who had been Florida for six months. While vacationing there, the Kramers visited with the Fred Ferwerdas in Lake Easter week music. We assure you ANNOUNCEMENT ^ it will not soon* be forgotten and irio ..i- ,u. r> . I desirfc to announce that I am a w® ar® looking forward to the S ^n' Sin Li WSlliam Pr,es» candidate for Republican precinct special music at the Easter morning or,. in jensen ueacn. committeeman in the Second District, 1 services John D. Lodtz, for many years a i the guests enjoyed a buffet supper, resident of McHenry, where he the table attractively decorated witti c o n d u c t e d a t a i l o r b u s i n e s s , passed j an u m b r e l l a and m j U p g t u | ; e . h*id£> awpy at his home in Crystal Lake onj centerpiece. . : March 15, 1948. He was 75 years " / • **. ,• - • 3 old. Last rites were conducted from Beautiful Prizes -*.•-» " V the Warner funeral home in Crystal; Given At Party < Lake on Wednesday, March 17, with j When the excitement of last week's, burial in Woodland Vcemeteiy, Mc-i St. . Patrick's party had died away; Henry.; > ^ Und cn made of tickets ONEY belongs la jour aooouni Valuable pap»i» anA - Articles should be kept in a l^otit box. Come in and get ere •*» X" - a - ~ * i ' * , ) "v*. - j * .fc.L . RATES TOP HONORS Friends of Miss Arvilla Ann Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher of Volo, are offering her congratulations for placing among the thirteen on the first honor roll at Whitewater State Teachers' College, Whitewater, Wis. Only thirteen of 800 students attained top schoolastic honors. Those from out of. town who. McHenry Precinct. Your vote and attended funeral services for John support will be very much ap- Schmitt last week were Rev M. B. predated at the election Tuesday, Krug, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wassen- April 13 1948 berg and Miss Mary K. Schmitt of 45-3 CHARLES (Chuck) MILLER. Sterling, 111., Rev. Henry Schryer, s Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heins and sons,; Stop in today and select the hat John, Tony and Leo all of Aurora, which will complete your Easter j*r- "f1" ??.rs- I*° Bulfer, Sr., of ensemble. We have a large selection Sublette, 111., Otto Felder of Du- of alFstyles "aiid colo^^6Elizabeth buque, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; Pich, Green St., McHenr?, The adult choir will practice this week following the Communion service on Thursday evening. There will be no Sunday School or Junior Legue meetings this Easter Sunday. We wish to thank the Elm street Florist for gifts of boutonnieres for 45-p4 I C E CREAM PMrtwi «l Ntdwwl Duty MK« Coi» - FLAVORS FOR MARCH BUTTERSCOTCH ROYAE^ ^ ' - VANILLuV. CHOCOLATE HAZELNUT ' STRAWBERRY ROYALE . , NEAPOLITAN BOLGER'S DRUG STORED raONE^O McHENBT CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to thank our kind friends and local business firms for flowers and best wishes on our opening day. These remem- New Ltaburger Cheese Limburgeir always haa been thought of as the cheese one could "smell a mile away." Recently scientists have developed a process to extract the odor-causing organisms, leaving the taste minus the smell. accounting sold, it was found that 350 persons, * record crowd, had been in attendance. Much credit for the successful evening goes to Mrs. John R. Knox, chairman, and her committee, who ably handled the pot-luck supper and the program which followed. Prizes in cards were awarded to Fr. J. A. Vanderpool, Gene Dobvns, Jerome Buch, George Kane, Walter Brooks, Margaret Davidson and Caro-- lyn Justen in pinochle; Christine Stilling in five hundred; Nettie Fleming in auction bridge; Wallace Dobyns in contract bridge; Robert Knox in euchre; and Doris Ann Justen in knuckles Other prizes were awarded' Carol Miller, Henry J. Stilling and George Kane. • • • Honored H On Birthday i Mrs. Catharina Yi I McHENRY STATE BANK & j - -Member Federal Reserve System : . Cj: I > '• jiiwber Federal Oevosit Insuracee Corporatiea ^ MATTER! . French Dry Cleaning "French" dry cleaning, like . . . ... ^ "Troy" laundry, is an amazing ves- Prise neighbors on March 19 in - - - - honor of her sixty-eighth birthday brances were all greatly appreciated. 45 MA') I EAT SHQ& CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank the many friends who sent me flowers, cards and gifts and who visited me on my birthday anniversary last Monday, i These kindnesses were very much • appreciated. •45 ALMA THOMAS. ~ C A R D O F T H A N K S Ik this manner I wish to thank each member of the McHenry fire department for the fine work in extinguishing the fire in my barn last week. R. E. STOLLER, 606 S. 4th St. *45 fc or SHEER HYIOH HOSIERY 1.79 pr. 51 guage Du Pont Nylon stunningly sheer, full fashioned beauties for Easter in Spring shade of Glace Mocha individually wrapped, sizes 8'/j to It'/]. RJLL-FASHK)N0> RAYON HOSE 1.10. long-wearing . . . roiitforced feed Chafm tan and Beige ... jtoM 9- 10Va. --^ • . THANK YOU, FRIENDS _ For all the pretty cards and darling gifts from our many friends. Again a very hearty "thank you." MR. ft MRS. PAUL- R. MARKE AND BABY MARILYN. 46 CARD OF THANKS In this way we wish to exprew our heartfelt thanks for floral offer* ings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially gratelful to Fr. Neidert, Msgr. Nix, Fr. M. B. Krug, Fr. Henry Schreyer and Fr. Daleiden. MRS. CHRISTINA SCHMITT, _ MR. A MRS. GERALD SCHMITT, SISTERS ft BROTHERS. *45 Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me* Henry. &-tf tige from industrial history. It seems that the French actually did discover the action of various hydrocarbons in dissolving gravy spots on garments, although the process was improved and applied by Germans, British and Americans. The business got its start about 100 years ago. A young Frenchman is said to have opened the first American dry cleaning establishment in Philadelphia. ^ Railroad Ticket Sellers Wsw mechanical ticket sellers have simplified the issuance of tickets. The ticket seller presses several .buttons on the machine, which produces a ticket imprinted with the destination and origin points, the railroad fare, government tax and other data. At the same time the machine accounts for the money and records by whom the sale was made, so that at the end of a day a push on a button records the total sales by each ticket- seller and the total sales for the entire office. Uncle Sam Says Regardless of prove the new leek ery one of my nieees mad nei certainly is in the style wir tWlook in security^ How can^you There , SINGLES "I'M A LONELY LITTLE PETUNIA IN AN ONION PATCH" "Two-Ton"' Baker. •«ENTIMENTAIJ JOURNEY" Ken -Griffen "NOW IS THE HOUR" Eddy Howard "I WISH I DIDIN'T LOVB YOU SO" Vaughn Monroe "TIRED TEDDY BEAR" Raymond Scott NVW rWA U1 1 acquire this kind of are two great automatic plans, both sure and convenient: I. O you work for wages or salary--Join the Pay- Roll Savings Plan for buying United States Savings Bonds regularly. This is the only installment bondbuying plan. 2. If you're in business, or a profession, or living on an income-- sign up at your bank for the Bond-A-Month Plan. C. S. Treasury Department annjvfraary. Mrs. Yung, the mother °r „ .Yung of Johnsburg, came to the United States from Germany to make her home a year ago *nd has been living with her son and family. _ Thoae present at the gathering last Friday were Mrs. Mary Miller of McHenry, Mrs. Katharina Engels, Mrs. Frances Schmitt, Mrs. Frances Widhalm, Mrs. Rose Kattner and Mrs. Emma Freund, all of Spring Grove; Mrfe. Susan Hiller, Mrs. Barbara Freund and Mrs. Mayme Schmitt of Johnsburg/ I m A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Anna K. Yung. •- . * * * » C. D. of A. Ends v Card Tournament • Court Joyce Kilmer, W#,' Catholic Daughter? of America, met | in the K. of C. hall on Thursday eve- ! ning for the last party in the card j tournament. High scores for the evening were held' by Mrs. Eliza- ' beth Thompson and Mrs. Elizabeth! Pich in auction bridge; Mrs. Betty Gende and Miss Marie Powers in contract bridge; Mrs. Maries Vales, Mrs. Ann Thennes, Mrs. Olive May, Mrs. Helen Young and Mrs. Lena Bohr in pinochle. Winners in the tournament, which included five evenings of play during the winter months, were Miss Rose Huemann, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Miss Gertrude R. Weber and Mrs. Elizabeth Pich in auction bridge; Miss Marie Powers, Mrs. Ella Buss, Miss May Justen and Miss Lorrayne Thennes in contract bridge; Miss Frances Bauer, Mrs. Lena Bohr, Mrs. Olive May, Mrs. Irene Guffey, Miss Laura Wteber and Miss Bertilla Freund in pinochle. Refreshments were served by the committee, including Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer, chairman; Mrs. Kathryn L. Freund, Mrs. Leona Rauen and Mrs. Rose Staines. pie next business meeting will be held Thursday, April 1. ® CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to express ay sincere thanks to all who sent fts and cards, to those who visited me and who offered prayers and especially to blood donors during my recent illness. They were all greatly appreciated. *45 MRS. LEO FREUND. AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Marguerite Schmidtke has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. James, 14, twin son of Mrs. Frances Patzke, suffered painful inijurie's last (Saturday aftemodn when he fell from his bicycle while riding over the creek bridge on Elgin Road, south of McHenry The pedal became lodged in his leg, causing a deep wound. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. x ANNOUNCEMENT . v| I desire to announce that I am a candidate for re-election as Republican precinct committeeman from i the second precinct of McHenry i township at the primary election to •be held Tuesday, April 13. Your I support will be appreciated, j 44-4 GERALD P. NEWMAlC. ? | Open Sunday mornings, starting ! Sunday, April 4. Vycital's Hardware, McHenry. 46-2 p^ A few days still remain in which to selfct your Easter hat. Choose yours today from a wide selection. Elisabeth Pich, Green St., McHenry. 45*4 CARD OF THANKS I desire to express thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for visits and cards during my recent illness. I am also grateful for the kindness of the Christian Mothers and Altar Society. *45 |CES. JOHN P. SCHAEFBR. MILLER Woodstock. Ill*- Phone S2 FRIDAY - SATURDAY RED RYDER "WYOMING" Co-Hit .TWO BLONDES AND A REDHEAD" Bags Bunny Color Cartoon SAT. MORNING AT 10 Bugs Bunny Easter Shew "TWO THOROBRED8" Bugs Bunny Daffy Dock ^Donald Duck Children 20c Adults 44c STARTS. SUNDAY Jolui Wayne Lorraine Oar •TYCOON" By Technicolor Bugs Bonny "A Father In His Hare" - News NEXT WED. ft THUip. Double Horror Show Alan Ladd "BLACK OAT" Bela Lagoei - Boris Karloff "BLACK FRIDAY" Colony McHtfirj, minois fri. - sat. Deanna Dnrfcb John Dal "SOMETHING IN THE WINIT Also Musical, Cartoon ft News SUK. - HON, MAR. 28-21 la Technicolor Rita Hay worth Larry Parka "DOWN TO EARTH" ASM - Cartoon ft World News T CLOSED ON TUESDAY •:W' WEa - THURS. Lana Tamer Van Heffia "GRE^N DOLPHIN 8TREEF* Read the Vvant Ads "THE SECRETARY Tony Pastor SONG" JUBILEE" Ray Thompson ALBUMS 'HISTORY OF JAZZ" "MUSIC FOR DREAMING" Paul Wisten . "INK SPOTS" ^ Commencing Sunday, April 4, this stora w$| be open 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Complete classical •election of popular, •d children's albums. ACCESSORIES CHILDREN'S RECORDS This well known name stands for highest quality in ^ TIRES '•W' •: TUBES .. - BATTERIES ' In tires, for instance, we are selling. 6.00x16 Passenger Tim 112.85 plus tax 6.50x16 Passenger Tires $15.90 plus tax All other passenger tires are priced proportionately lam Special prices on all Truck tires mm The Friendly Stors OIO. COLLETTE, Owner AUTHORIZED * DEAL^I PHONE McHENRY 459 i §21 MAIN STREET N WEST McHENRY, ILL. "BOOMER THE BASS DRUM" "Two-Ton" Baker "GENIE, THE MAGIC RECORD" "BARBAR" tpKO-TON" BAKER SINGS A SILLY SONG" Trade in your old battery for a n^w We allow $2 to 4 for the old one. ER J. FRF.CND -- Tubes --Batteries -- Accessories Tire and Tube Vulcanising ** All Work Guaranteed §14 W. Main Street, McHenry Tel. McHenry 123-j Phone 294 West McHoary f>PEN EVENINGS AND SUN»ATS mvia flowers Telegraphed to any Part of the Country Florist hi tiie Heart of MeHenr^ / McHenry, I1L