' \ ;v >v /r ^ - SSslY •?;'* ?* < % * O* r-^ • - ^ ; v^." Xi'^? 3^£"^. ' *'-Pr-*?*'W :^F"i «•, * „' *,<"> '» v.^-. "•»' -*>*^ - , » J-/1 AtJ.i <rf? *>'*» j«-rr® | (o the members of h« club at her SPRTNP PROVE .home on Thursday afternoon. Two * ; | tables of cards MJere played and | prizes went to Mrj^. William Brits, (by Mrs. Charles Freund) < Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Charles Gillespie was hostess i Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. Math Ninis- WANTED; ELECTRICAL WORK Anything from an extra outlet to complete re-wiring. Young Chicago electrician moving to this area. Work by contract or by* hour plus materials. Work guaranteed to meet Underwriters' standards. Available ntff. Leave word at 651-R-2. v NAVY CLUB .ANNUAL BANQUET V TURKEY DINNER AND ENTERTAINMENT NAVY CLUB, WOODSTOCK ^ 29, 1948 6:30 P. Donation $2.50 ^ gern. ' A lovely lunch was served following' cards. The Christian Mothers and- Blessed Virgin Sodality held the regular meeting at the parish hall on Thursday night. A party was planned, which will be held on Sunday night, April 25. Cards and bunco followed the meeting and prize winners were Mrs. Fred May, Mrs. Ray May, Mrs, George A. May, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Miss Clarice May, and Miss Jeanette Lennon. Lunch was served by committee in charge. The committee appointed for the next meeting were Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Lillian Heraty, Mrs. Mary Nimsgern, Miss Luanne Bauer, Mrs. Christina Hanford, Mrs. Dolores May and Mrs. Cordelia Fiersching. Miss Edith Stewart was pleasantly surprised at a shower given for her at t{i§ home of Mrs. Bob Lent on Sunday afternoon. Sixteen guests were present and the guest of honor presented many lovely gifts. Pinochle and five hundred were played and prize winners were Mrs. Alice Fierce and Mrs. Eva Freund. CHOICE flOMESITES 51 ACRES--WILL SUBDIVIDE INTO X TO%5 ACRE HOMESIfTES. 1 mile east of McHenry on Hwy 120,. % mile west of Lily Lake. $50 down, bed. mo. Sign on .property. v FRANK ty. KLIMEK 410 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. --Bittersweet 7200, Apt. 417. FAREWELL PARTY Tavern, I will have a farewell party at the tavern on Saturday Evenijig, April 24 •very body welcome. *j •*. JOS. J. MILLER. ' Thewee hospital, Waukegan on Monday night. Complete Um of Lee'i pqoljgrf remedies at wattles Henry. Slum Place Of The Middle West LAKE GENEVA, WISCONSIN P Mm* • ftSHADrf fito .Mtottk'J KMlMlH , The serving of refreshments pie ted the party. t Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kattner and | son, Billy, visited the John Doetsch'i ; in Wilmette on Sunday. * I Mrs. Lucille Nelson and Bobby of Sftarorf spent the weekend with her ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nims- ! gern. The Andy Straub family of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz. ' Many of his friends attended the : funeral or Henry Newhaus at the ] Ehorn funeral home in Richmond on Friday afternoon. The deceased passed *away at his home here on ! Tuesday morning, April 13, after an ! illness of several years duration. Our I heartfelt sympathy is .extended the I bereaved family. | A daughter was born to Mr. and | Mrs. Daniel Miller at Woodstock hosoital on W\sdnesday, April 14. j Mr. * and Mrs. Stanley Freund of ' Johhsburg were dinner guests in*the [home of her Barents, Mr. an4 Mrs. i Frank May. on Sunday. | Charles Freund and George A. I May visited Anton Widhalm at St. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Through April A M«y ' / 5 - £;/ «« w&Z LOURENE - 1 ^ ...... -.1%!^ #; and his Orchestra* 1 i * '* H T *«.' ^ ' • " J • - f t f f i • • NSXT SATURDAY, MAY; I; DON RAGON >; an4 Ms Great Show Baiuj \ This is tlje Orchestra that you iff liked so much three weeks ago. He is 1-eturning for this One Night Only. .. , .•* / : JOHN J. VYCITAL HDWE. GrcenSt -£ Phone 9&-M -- McHenry CONCRETE PRODUCTS :ri PHONE 245-Bt WEST McEENRY, ILL. I Report of Condition of McHENRY STATE BANK of McHenry, Illinofis, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on April 12th, 1948, published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank cf this district pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. ASSETS X Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection $ 2. United States Government obligations, direct and ' guaranteed : 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions '4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 6. Corporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) •• Loans and discounts (including $1,326.13 overdrafts) -Bank premises owned 113,52o.50, furniture and fixtures $4*833.00 . -TTOTAL ASSETS NATIONAL BABY WEEK April 25 to May ! i M" .. . .rtfctv - | LIABILITIES -18. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and * corporations 626,178.18 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and' * corporations - 2,333,418.15 If. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 146,418.62 16. 'Deposits of Statep and political subivisions 201,989.21. 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 42,245.68 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $5,350,249.84 28.n Other liabilities 18,118.98 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital* • r .,.f. 26. Surplus -- --.--._ r 100,000.00 27. Undivided profits 104,768.82 1 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 102,500.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS * 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $5,7^5,^37.64 • *This bank's capital consists of common stock with total par. value of $50,000.00. MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes .... -- .........J 359,800.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ROBERT L. WEBER. Correct--Attest: GERALD CAREY, -- r, . WILLIAM M. CARROfcisr •J • C. J. REIHANSPERGER, : '.V . Directors. 'J1""-1. 'I -itm .in 1.1 _ OFFICERS .Chafrssaa of loard Vice-president .President Cebhier A^st. Cashier Wat. M. 'Carroll & J. Reihansperger Qerald J. Carey . Robert L. Weber James E. Larkin Cfl. DIRECTORS Wm. M. Carroll Joseph W. Freuad Gerald J. Carey MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ^r_rger Wa. A. Nye, ft. D. mbmber" [PEOBRAL RESERVE^ ^SYSTEM Post hjft, 460Q, MeHearjr, )|}. .^2 ^ THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED JB? CENTRAL MARKET McHENRY, ILL. m4 COUTI SIMILAC »» 776,575^0 2^39,972.00 302,698.00 276,318.56 lilitP 4,501.00 2,107^16.38 18,356.50 $5,725,637.64 ^Comfort Ceateur" 45368^68^2 m 50,000.00 yoathfal 2* Lies iat for dtif 3 - CmIow cat titT MEAQS OLEUM Phot "Comfort Gomkmr"--greatest improvement in collar styling r If. a new low-setting collar that looks more youthful-- 4', '• ftays neater--feeb better. It's on all Van Heusen Shirts--in every v tollsr model--along with Van Heusen's many other quality features. Sanforised--a new shirt free if your Van Heusen ihriiflp .""'Out of sisel i ffflw 54 C0TWN APPUCMTORS •3» e 117 S. eREENM^- r* .4,; '®L'., , «; T* SH M Z.BJT. McHENRV WOSTERflt 4H OIL ^ MEADS OOP LTM OtL ' *}((B /Sy £S+ MCNMBN JOHNSON S 43 OHNSON'S ! ; r,: • fa j uuil •5 4.9 k. 5: - -a Trjfc? , . i ."i