im m»>i 111 mmm t i n ttftte By V! MMJ 1 hu been set u the date to » to the schoq) to elect • director. Troxell, who has been senrthe unexpired tine from Myron TJiat television set at the Rolaine Grill really "sent" Pat Sal- I Iwy tell me that, a wrestling match. liven whHe Pat grabbed Sirs. Repan and to applr one of the hold* shown by the KiilMdag participants in the match being shown. had worked on the infantile paralysis "March of Dimes" campaign. Josephine Marie Kucera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kneera, was christened on Sunday, 'April 18, at Christ the King church, with Fir. Vanderpool officia served as and Doris mother. sting. Tony Grosso godfather for the baby Stash of Joliet, as go<£ Jade Plvlik leaves this week for California, whet* he plans to spend who moved to Denver last!On he resigned the first of the week, not expect to run again at 8a may to hear thai Phfl Voafather of Ray Von Bampus, grandfather of Diek and-Bob Bamous and, of Mrs. Virginia had passed away in a long vacation. Un the way ne i plana to atop off in Norman, Okla. to visit Us sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Possler, and his small niece, Cheryl, whom he has never seen. Dqaae Is attending the University at Oklahoma, taking a course in architecture. Ww girls from Harrison sdool ftfcipatod in a panel discussion Argentine before the AaMrfean Auxiliary in McHenry last qr night. Piggy fMadorf, Kesheske, Barbara Sellek, 3male and Mary BoUt were Bad Schau and Gil orgaatfiag a baseball team and vontf Hke any of the local talent who enjoy this sport to contact them and sijgi up for the season. Practice mnon soon, so be sure and call either *! or 246. I On Monday evening, E. E. Murphy : attended a banquet held in Fox River i Grove for all local chairmen who Bud McMahon is back on his feet •gain after having battled a bout of pneumonia. He says that one thing that helped his recovery was having Joan Renter, 4, come bearing a basket of fruit and earnestly urging him to get well. "Chuckle" Carman, < sbtt of Mr. and Mrs. Jade Carman, is nursing a very sore left arm which is badly bruised from having through the wringer. while his another was hanging out clothes, Cbuckie thrust his fingers into the wringer and when she came far found the wringer grinding away at his shoulder. X-rays showed no bones broken, but the little fellow has had trouble sleeping. Sand . ji* Limestone * - - v 'ViVERN THELElSf . . : . -ft O TRUCKING : ; #ttAVSL * _ BLACK SOtt (• v-0 Trade For Hire % TW. lfcBnrjr S88-W-1- Boz 11* Bt. 1, MoHtaiy The Dog Patch and Skunk Mow bowling teams tried out theirtalenta. at the lanee in Woodeteck last week and the gamea now stand S to 2 in MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained I ELMER P. ADAMS •Certified Tax tionnhant "s"',, Om Kile North of Tox Ut on Rt. U. Si tl Phone Fox Lak»«01 , FOX LASS, ILL. favor of the-Dog Patch boys. \ Hollow won this weak with a of 9069 pins against 20S8 for the vW JTMCimv* . utt Mode was high guy with a seriea of UQ» 101 for high game; Jack Pavlik second with 48S pins, 178 high game. These boys are members ef the winning team. The Dog Patchers had Bud 8dbau in high place with 482 series, 176 single; Ronnie Wilhelm, second with 401 high, 158 for individual game. William Warak of Wooded Shores (WickHne) purchased, on April 5, the service station on route 47 and East Judd St, Woodstock, known as the Schmits Service Station. Young Mr. and Mrs. Warak moved to this community a year ago as bride and groom. nest containing several biter rabbits. He stack them in his pocket and brought them home and prt them in a box with the new kittens, which were about the same siae. The mama cat began to clean them up and at the last check-up, they were all busy dining side by side with the kittens at the same cafeteria. Speaking of cata, one held up the curtain at the Opera House in Woodstock for about a half hour on Saturday night. This particular cat, called "Puidde," had an important part in the play and * she chose to have kittens, promptly at curtain time! There was a taad scramble out to a farm to secure another cat to act as underatady. Mrs. Kraa Kesheske, Joanne and Mrs. Resheske's brother were present at the play, "Years Ago,* as were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berry. Mr. am} Mrs. Richard L. Ruzicka of Wonder Center are the proud parents of a bay, bom April 16, at the Woodstock hoapttal. Mrs. Ruzicka and her son are bath fine, and father is bearing up well. The baby lias been named Richard L. Ruzicka, Jr., and will anawar to the name of -Ricky." Another newcomer# Patricia Jay Hansen, who joined the Marius Hansen family on April 10, weighed 8 lb. 8 oa., and hh blue eyes and bkrthde hair. She has two little sisters, Mickey ami Jackie, and is theflfWnth frrandAild of Mr. and Mrs. William Lew try, summer residents of Wonder Center. She is the eighth grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen, also of Wonder Center, and the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Morris TL nese on a Sunday afternoon in April, 1945. Since then the work has gradually developed into a pretty full schedule of services, including midweek prayer meetings, Sunday morning worship services and Sunday evening gospel meetings (twice a month) monthly Fellowshipr meetings, etc. So oh the coming Sunday, April 25, we observe our third anniversary with Sunday Bible School at 10 a. m. and morning worship service at 11 o'clock, when the "Pioneers'*- will be present and have part in the service and the pastor will preach the anniversary sermon. In the evening at 7:45, a special Evangelistic meeting will be held, when a group of talented college students of Wheaton college will present an unusual program of Gopsel music and singing. Brief messages by members of the student delegation! and the pastor. We extend a cordial j invitation to friends and neighbors to these anniversary services. Our program is now, in the beginning of this ministry, to teach l and to preach the word of God and to ^present the Lord Jesus Christ the One and Only Saviour and Mediator between God and man. Our wprk is strictly nonsectarian. There * exists no . The doors of the Gospel Center, fat the center of our edanaunity, as* open to all. We welcome you. --k. Read the Want Ads See T. P. on the Lake Shore for Real Estate and Insvrmoee ; T. P. MATHEWS 0BAJ, ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKE* Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, HL, P. 0. Ringwood Phone ^fonder Lake 306 CHEVROLET 77 Trucks s? m - * •>< ... , John Loddnger of Deep Spring Woods waa installed as vice-governor of the Moose Lodge in Woodstck at a aolemn ceremony last Thursday evening. A card froVn Alyce and Bill Hoeft | was mailed at Claremore, Okla., .which is the first leg on their lei- | surely trip to California. They | plan, according to the card, to make their next stop'at the Grand Canyon in Arisona. Alyce said the temperature in Oklahoma was 88 degrees and added "Bet it's nice at Wonder Lake, too!" All you have to do to appreciate this place is to get away for a Httle who*--you start right out missing it. Mr. and Mrs. Al Kolar art calling around' that pkeae they waited for such a long time was installed last week. Their new number is 551-- give them a ring. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kolar aren't calling around yet--but they are doing plently of riding around--that is a new Chevrolet sitting in front at their door. J M I S S I O N , to be conducted at t Christ the King Catholic Church ; WONDER LAKE, ILL. rtve Dtjrs -- l|ediiasday, April \ through Sunday, April 25 r'i& --BY-- Mm. Francis Mass and Sermon daily, 6 a. m.| Children's 4 p. m.; Evening Devotion and Sermon, 8 p.m. 8. J, Janet Grill, Sandi Sells, Shirley Saranec, Etta Reinhard, Martha Boldt and Sharon Grace Sells were among the 4-H'ers who gathered at the county 4-H Rally in .Woodstock last Saturday night. 4-H opens in Wonder Lake this month, and all girls between the ages of 10 and 20 are invited to join one*of the two clubs in this area. The Busy Mumble Bees, a club open to girls past 13 years old will meet at the Sells home on Friday afternoon at 4:30 p. m. and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 'will meet, also on Friday, at the home of Shirley Saranec at 7:80 p. m. Any girl interested is invited. VS-DAYDANCE Sponsored by Fox River Pert, ^ -V. F. W., No. 4600 ^ ' * . «• " >' NELL'S BALLROOM ,>)>#' ^^•Joteslwrg >• WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1948* AdmksiQA fifty cents, induding tax Happy birthday to Mrs. Betty Selsdorf and to her son, Dick, who share the same natal day, April 18. Diekie was 7. Also a happy birthday tp Mrs. Leah Cormier, who observed a milestone on April 21. The by-laws committee of the Rod and Gun Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Louise Scott on Monday evening to work, for the second evening, on the revision and modernisation of the by-laws. Their recommendations will be reported at the next general meeting of the club. Members of the committee are: Mrs. Lillian Druml, Mrs. Betty Pavlik and Mrs. Betty Selsdorf. Troop of the Junior Forest Patrol ; a group of toys interested in active conservation, who organised last Tuesday at-the home ok their leader, E. E. Murphy, is composed of Donald Jones, patrol captain, Jerome Rheinhard, Bobbie Biggers, Wayne Tronsen, (Leslie , Bergpahl, Rxndy Sellek, Billy Merritt, Albert Horn and Gerald Olsen. Three mpre troops will be organized in the district in the very near future.' thTtroopi will go on hikes, makeJtlii trips and will learn many things about £he wild life of this Don't forget the big barn dance that will be held on April 25. Two orchestras, barn dancing, games, lots of Am. The three dubs held a three-way committee meeting on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Pauline Grill and the seventh and eighth grade mothers met on Wednesday night to formulate their part in the firat all-community affair ever held by Wonder Lakers. Christ the King Church Masaes each Sunday at 10 a. m., with confessions heard before mass. Catechism training each Wednesday at 4 p. m. and after mass on Sunday. Starting May 2, there will be two masses each Sunday, one at la. a and the other at 11 a. m. The mission continues through £fcinday of this week. Gospel Center v It will be three years next Sunday since the doors of the Gospel Center opened and the first Sunday School session waa held * in the home of Mmi only ffweks with oil Hmm •xtra* KAVY-MTY pftwftselM* EMrtty m«, CtwwnM-emaparf TNI "CAS THAT •••ATHtt" IN PlIXI-MOWNTia CAB IS . -X V. Ow.fM-t mm mmm rsai axu * 5 nun attachnunt wkmi imb* flWf MUl I*-N IVj l»m WH n|l» § Advance-OeftQ* tracks* Uni-luiH for uwiforwlty, dura bllity and ecoeoeiy. 107 modeh on 8 wfcedbaiei, indudei All-round cab vW- ,0 1 dow>* • UniweM, alMtael cab construction • Super springs • Soil'beating stoer hg • Wide bote vrhssb • Standard cab-lo^xle length • 12 cetor and niw imp«ovio mm poo^ontArai lUVMMMO MSMI MRHM SBAKI OwMHtaf* pawwfui truck Providing iww. elMp daar arM and gr--Mjf rwwhsl for Mi aiM, It now mMy and aWOancy i| mara dmahla wmw sUMa* modals with... J -J»aa« f.ow*sf-Pr/cecf Ttvda in ffti VWimim CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 MoHENRT, ILLINOIS " •'J i NEW LIFE-TIME GALVANIZED -r; There axe the bad of sbpm Walter Troxell strange babies In •f*-the eats at the nt mama it week, tip some fw Gay, BriHiant 7*C £**mc( KtraktHS ond BATHkOOMS UOVMHO BRVSFCMOFK»...DRI>|L; to a hord, Inritliofil g^y| finish,. . Dili dnd Art Wflt on lli« lustrovs til«4ikc Imish...Us* it oh wolts oitd1 woodwork. It's sontfory^canb* •osity dsantd willt soap qnd wator. N#w Colors...ond you can uso Sopor C^OSfAST on oxtorior sUrfa<oos. too. ™. "r%. THE WORLD'S MOST MODERN PIER 4-* 9MV DRYING - ONLY cfcaugur STORE PHONE 40 , ILL. " if: lir il -"i ' ' ^ ^ ^ ' FEATl|RES OF STEEL PIER---^ Safe, Strong, Rust-Resistant, Durable, Attractive, Aligning to Size, Easily Installed " * lhal old prt-wir pier and IbsUU Ike Uri-TIMJB " • - Cottage Owners, Camps, Resorts It you aied * nat, outstanding t Snpwsti uctuie, Quaranteed PIER . A Waterfront Comfort '¥ • »- . «• Heeded Convenience • See Dealer ^ ^ HENNING'S RESORT STANDARD -- Movie Bar -- On Pistakee Bay, near McHenry, DL PHONE PISTAKEE 346 ""J;" 'I o WE dSftfSlblf - BUILD -- INSTALL -- REMOVE THBM "7-:' •• •.' ' e •„ v- * . • -n"-. ••• ,yk{\ - nl " J -4-^ '