W. ^ '.. % v.? * >«^v** ->< p> - ;#|^4 .C^v,v < >:v' ^ ;W;:"'r<^i •*» -...1. -w Z , \.t.*,*.-*. -,. •,.**• ^ rt „ * * * " „ -* *' :Sj?!' If iiiliiliT I Mr*. Wood*. She RINGWOOD intee gifti and ninty S "V1 Or lKn. Qaom 3hai*ard) Mr*. Cora Woods «n tfeasantiy WdW ' - » IMP 0# surprised Wednesday afternoon when ker fritixit CUM in tad lived man? May cards, two beauti- -the «m Mrved. Mrs. Woods is^enjoy 'toy good health. 5ha> is her home with. bar Pfta* Sebastian. pat on. tf- h£- i day. oukq wwaaas £•>'. .awarded to Mrs. i* - jt*f h--e't r e. iJg htieth IWId, wttH Wolf Shad! birthprises > son of Spring Shadle and The W. S. C. S. met at the home •i •-; ' 5.*. fA 'V-s-Y £ l#R. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 514 Mailp fit., West McHenry SteffanV Jewelry Store ? «V' \ K I"' K ! fe (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 7"7£ :..?<•>'v. ^»y4v- ,'L EyasJSxaarfned .-- Glaasaa IMM Ylaaal Traiaiag -- Vlsaal MaMttaflni Caaiplete Tiaaal Aaalyaia Dafly: I to llaai 1 ta 5--Satarday Bvaaiage: I ta tJt pja. PHONE McHENRY 45S 7:30 jp. m. f<' ' £ i rj, of Mm. ILoais Winn Thutsfey. A! Slhehvygan, Wis., are visiting har pot-luek dinner was served atnoon father,J>r. Wm. Hephtarn. an? J the.: usu,ml Iwefaeea »eeti*: Frank Pay attended the Tyrrelland devotionals held in the after- Schmitt wedding Saturday. n°?T' ' _ ' Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler enter- spent Saturday afternoon and evetained their five-hundred club at ning in the Alan Ainger home at their home Thursday evening. Prises , Hebron. An!iU»«a Wh f MrS'hj ?*if0n ! Fred Wiedrich, Jr^ left * Monday Ed'whitinl ™n°nn * ^ t0 A,bJ Community night will be held at!f_Jj* ^jL^SuSa?0at^St^Wnn the Methodist church Saturday night ifi™ y ^ Sunday at Stockton, April 24, Instead of Sunday night. < 1. „ . Please, keep this date in mind. _ Mrs- Walter. Wilcox of Spring Mrs. John Blackman spent Satur- Groye spent Mondav *lth her day and Sunday in the home of her mother- Mrs- V,ola Lowson and family at Antioch. ! Mrs. Rose Jepson, with her son, ! Miss Marjorie Whiting of Crystal Harold, and family spent Sunday in j Lake Peggy, Sandra and Nancy the Ansel Dewey home at Armi Whiting spent Sunday with Mr. and , strtfng, III. Mrs. E. E. Whiting. j Mr. and Mra. George Shepard I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of spent Sunday * in the Wm. Heine IChicago spent Saturday in the Louis home in Chicago and called in the and Andrew Hawley homes. ; George Haberline home., | Mr. anfl Mrs. William % Pagne 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr, and . visiCed relatives in Chicago/ Satur- family spent Sunday with her day. | mother at Hartland. j Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stanford | Mrs. Catherine Vogel and | of Minneapolis were recant guests ' daughters and son. Bob, of Elkhorn I of the former's sister, Mrs. P. N. j spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred called on ; Muzzy, and family. . .. • jwiedrich, Jr., home. 1 pju-^-u-u-uu i S. W. Brown visited in the home Mrs. Collins spent the weekend! jof his son, Leonard, and wife and in the hone of hea* son,-Wm, at i also Mrs. Cropley at Oak Park, Tues- i Beloit. ~ (day. % Fred Wiedrkh, J*., Mrs. Jack Mrs. W. R. Boies of Hopkins, i Lenard and children took Mrs. Fred Minn., visited her neice, Mrs. P. N. Wiedrich, Jr.. to Sycamore Sunday, Muzzy, and family, Wednesday. (where she will apend the week with Mrs. John iBlackman and Mrs.!her daughter, Mrs. Phelps Saunders, and'huaband. Face Imi Miss Gen Harfeood of Ckieago, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bentlaji of Virginia spent Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. Willaim Pagni. Mr. and Mra. Mitchell Kane and! daughter, Nancy, spent Sunday afternoon in the Harvey (Bauer home at Mundelien. Mr. and" Mrs. Alfred Kattner of Solon Mills spent Sunday evening' with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May and family of Johnsburg and^Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams ana son,* Eddie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Herbert of Burlington spent Monday with Mrs. Emily Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sebastian and Mrs. Woods spent Sunday with relatives at Moline. Mrs. WV>oda remained for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son, Dick, of Chicago visited 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Sunday. In the afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. S. W. Smith and A, W. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Benoy and family. ^ 4 Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy visited his parents at Marengd this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and sons, Charles, Frank and Sammie and Miss Katie Freund spent Sunday in the Wilbyr Benoy home at Elkhorn. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Long Lake. Frank Muzzy completed his course in welding at. the Woodstock evening school last week which he has been attending the past winter. PCBCBASS'PLAJPf In a move at major slgullfeante to Huntly and McHenry county, the Union Special Machine Co. of Chicago has purchased the entire Pencil Co. plant in Huntley as a permanent home for its rapidly-expanding inbusiness, as soon as condustrial sewing machine Operation will begin version to the new work is Subscribe fcr The Plafndealer ii. Complete line of Lee's . .nj remedies at Wattles Drug Stora, lit* Henry. gjfg | . Read the Want Ada ^ R»m where I sit iy Joe Marsh V and Mrs. Porter and Homer Does Soma "back-Seat Sewing!" cM3:. • •* . "i . * GAULRE'S SALE BARN ROUTS 47 WOODSTOCK, OOOD SKLKCTtOR or 0L08K 8PKIHt}BK3 nSSH OOWS STOCK BOLLS OALVKS HOESKS SHKIP RSDKR PIOS STSKE8 " , f ^ ' Get Your Stock in Early 4 * Call 572 or 499 if yon want truck to pick np Terms: 25% down, bal. in 12JIIO8. at of 1% int. ~ »i ..ii 1 " " >*• Best Calf Blarket in Northern BUnoii Brinf Tour Oahrte Her# for Top Prices YOUXJAN BUY^ YOU CAN SSUi WOODSTOCK COMM. 8AI4S8 00. « WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Cora Flanders visited with Mrs. Flander's sister, Mrs. Gilbert, at Oak Park, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman, Jr. and son of Antioch spfnt Wednesday Misses Eleanor Peterson and Clara Godson of Chicago spent Thursady with Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mrs. Paul Norman and family of evening with his parentaf Mr. and J Evanston spent Satarday with her Mrs. John Blackman. mother, Mrs. Rosa Jepson. Among those from here to attend ; Mr. and Mra. Andrew Hawley and funeral services at Hinckley, 111., for j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley helped Wayne Ziegler, three-months-old son their uncle, A. E. Hawley, of Elgin of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ziegler, j celebrate his birthday Sunday. He Thursday ware, Mr. and Mrs. Alan was eighty years old. Wagner and daughter, Mrs. John : Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cornelia of Hogan, Mra. Clayton Bruce and' Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred daughter, Phyllis, and Mrs. Alberta | Nottoli of Fox Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman. John Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mrs. Frank Block and children of !Marchi, Mr. and Mrs. George Pardi, ^CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn, taidd parch swings, pt«r and pSHc benches, pionte tables, vdfedow. boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. , ; Full Una of lekther belts, sqppeftders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Tel. McHcray 883-J-l Jotaabtug, HI. ' % t 'j, m 0"; -;s ' ,, :.y^ . *.-• * iih • -ir V" . ',5 VALUABLE AWARDS! 4MWW1 ««• '--S 1 ' * -i. S I Lightning Protection Protect your wiring and appliances with The Green Guard Lightning Arrester. Your present lightning rod system is not complete without one. $14.85 installed. Also complete lightning rod service. Old systems repaired. ~*{ Tel. McHenry 175 > eftrtiw way of doing i? The IMS 1 frinds about |wpr 1 twrtliMi will. -MtMtjr ie asagr to eater. Whaayou complote , ^ «||| year projMt, Jaat write wte*.jmi hsvrdsne had what -HM-M bettor sietbud yo« have oaed. Then, eubsnit the Activity feport with your project book. Bntriee will be judged u^oe the oripaeiity, time, work* and moneyeeving qualitiee and eflftctiveoees of theBetter Mkhod. All 4-H Chb membeie in conntiea listed bdow are eHglhle Contact yonr Wum --d Home Advieor or 4-H Club leader Cor doefaif deles...he will aleo give you Hn en^hry fcrm and al the inflbrmetion youH need. bhtt today and etart your project now! Hie 1948 ie conducted by the Extension tik Apkdbne and Home Economics, College of Agriculture, Unfrenity of BUnoie. ICOworn PAKIK9AVHG • • • • - Mercer Staffc AWAKDS PKOVIDfD BY TMl or northim ntmon i'r Hosier Bentley's mlssas was worUag on her aew sewing SMIchine, when Homer cones ia, draws «p a chair, aad starts talldag: "Don't yon thiak yoa*re rnaniag too fsst?" he says. "Slaw down! Watch oat 1 Be earefaH" When the missus Anally tarns with nurder in her eyas, Homer says goodnaturedly: "I thought: you might like a little help, dearlike you help me drive the car." Ike adssas cant help bat haiat eat laeghtag-aad they settle what Might have beea a qaarrel «w a friendly glass of beer. The agrees ta give ap hack --at driving and aaggiag Homer abeat aahea ea the rag. HOSMT agrees ta fait «ri- v tldsiag Sarah's taste far gaassj hata aad parsley salad. From where I sit, the key to getting on together is meeting every issue half way--and overlooking any petty differences in tastes-- whether theee taftes apply to bast . or flowery-looking hats I ?*r "Jm'\ '»* v:-- '•KM-*-.: Copyright. 1948, Umttd StaUs Brewers FimMm mat m. Mr ANN PAM POODS AND MT SMMHWUTT IT VOMIT MCB TAStY, tOStOM tmi. TOMATO SAUCt. yCSCTAIUAM BEANS. . . JUST MAT AMD SBtVt. ANN PAM r PREPARED SPAGHETTI. . . "**L AMN MH WU. RAVOMD: HACH Ot am PLUM PRESERVE ... . . . .,4S S5« woun ADO ZBT TO TOUR MIALS 'Ml ANN PAGE KETCHUP. ... .T Sle MAKE CHIU TONISHTI ANN PAGE RED Oft RED KIDNEY BEANS . . , . .2 '^Sl« " HOTS A VALUEI ANN PAGE (MB PURE GRAPE JELLY . .... .'^S3< QOOO V/ITH PANCAKES! TRY SOME TOOAY Ann Page Syrup a a . a ITL 43' ASSORTED FLAVORS, SPARKLE Gelatin Desserts 3 PKGS. SO* •ABIES LOVE THE CREAMY-RICH FLAVOR WHITE HOUSE EvapraM NHt 3CtaANllS PICNIC HAMS «, RXGULAIl HAMS ...... • SLAB BACOHTH - SKOKED BUTTS _ BANQUET CHICKEN lb. 45e . lb. 63e % lb. • lb. 79e S lb. can $1 .# AP filtOClRY VIUKS SSSSmS WtlMt **** Jn J®® UMM T0M« -- "i4S« oeirreuw*-----M* FiESM FIHHTJ. VE8ETMLES NEW CALIFORNIA WHITE P0TAT0tt^^4J*L forlAi FLORIDA ' *iy.M CUCUMBERS CUBAN FINAPPLE 29c CAUF. NAVEL ORANGES _ % FLORIDA JU1GS ORANQES Slix btf . 45c wgai MIL Byplp 1 RARE AT HOME WITH I SWIFTNING ! 3 a « | , s FOR REFRESHING BATHSI IVORY SOAP JSE 12® FOR DAINTY THINGS! W8RY FUJIES . ^"37* CLEANS DISHES THOROUGHLY SWERL UMIM, ' * *KG. £7 NEW LOW MICE ARMOUR'S TREET I2-OZ. JH* TIN HEAT AND SERVE HCINZ TSIUTR SBUP FOR LOVELY SRIN CAMAY " Toiksrr aoa* J REGULAR * . V 1 ¥%. • • •'v.? J.. .w.di .ii.,